Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918

For other versions of this work, see Oxford Book of English Verse.
Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918 (1940)
edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch
587446Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-19181940Arthur Quiller-Couch


Oxford Book

Of English Verse


Oxford University Press
Amen House, E C 4
London Edinburgh Glasgow New York
Toronto Melbourne Capetown Bombay
Calcutta Madras

Humphrey Milford
Publisher to the


Oxford Book

Of English Verse


Chosen and Edited by

Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

New Edition

Oxford University Press

New YorkToronto



REPRINTED 1901, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908
1910, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1921
1925, 1927, 1930












FOR this Anthology I have tried to range over the whole field of English Verse from the beginning, or from the Thirteenth Century to this closing year of the Nineteenth, and to choose the best. Nor have I sought in these Islands only, but wheresoever the Muse has followed the tongue which among living tongues she most delights to honour. To bring home and render so great a spoil compendiously has been my capital difficulty. It is for the reader to judge if I have so managed it as to serve those who already love poetry and to implant that love in some young minds not yet initiated.

My scheme is simple. I have arranged the poets as nearly as possible in order of birth, with such groupings of anonymous pieces as seemed convenient. For convenience, too, as well as to avoid a dispute-royal, I have gathered the most of the Ballads into the middle of the Seventeenth Century; where they fill a languid interval between two winds of inspiration—the Italian dying down with Milton and the French following at the heels of the restored Royalists. For convenience, again, I have set myself certain rules of spelling. In the very earliest poems inflection and spelling are structural, and to modernize is to destroy. But as old inflections fade into modern the old spelling becomes less and less vital, and has been brought (not, I hope, too abruptly) into line with that sanctioned by use and familiar. To do this seemed wiser than to discourage many readers for the sake of diverting others by a scent of antiquity which—to be essential—should breathe of something rarer than an odd arrangement of type. But there are scholars whom I cannot expect to agree with me; and to conciliate them I have excepted Spenser and Milton from the rule.

Glosses of archaic and otherwise difficult words are given at the foot of the page: but the text has not been disfigured with reference-marks. And rather than make the book unwieldy I have eschewed notes—reluctantly when some obscure passage or allusion seemed to ask for a timely word; with more equanimity when the temptation was to criticize or 'appreciate'. For the function of the anthologist includes criticizing in silence.

Care has been taken with the texts. But I have sometimes thought it consistent with the aim of the book to prefer the more beautiful to the better attested reading. I have often excised weak or superfluous stanzas when sure that excision would improve; and have not hesitated to extract a few stanzas from a long poem when persuaded that they could stand alone as a lyric. The apology for such experiments can only lie in their success: but the risk is one which, in my judgement, the anthologist ought to take. A few small corrections have been made, but only when they were quite obvious.

The numbers chosen are either lyrical or epigrammatic. Indeed I am mistaken if a single epigram included fails to preserve at least some faint thrill of the emotion through which it had to pass before the Muse's lips let it fall, with however exquisite deliberation. But the lyrical spirit is volatile and notoriously hard to bind with definitions; and seems to grow wilder with the years. With the anthologist—as with the fisherman who knows the fish at the end of his sea-line—the gift, if he have it, comes by sense, improved by practice. The definition, if he be clever enough to frame one, comes by after-thought. I don't know that it helps, and am sure that it may easily mislead.

Having set my heart on choosing the best, I resolved not to be dissuaded by common objections against anthologies—that they repeat one another until the proverb δὶς ἢ τρὶς τὰ καλά loses all application—or perturbed if my judgement should often agree with that of good critics. The best is the best, though a hundred judges have declared it so; nor had it been any feat to search out and insert the second-rate merely because it happened to be recondite. To be sure, a man must come to such a task as mine haunted by his youth and the favourites he loved in days when he had much enthusiasm but little reading.

A deeper import
Lurks in the legend told my infant years
Than lies upon that truth we live to learn.

Few of my contemporaries can erase—or would wish to erase—the dye their minds took from the late Mr. Palgrave’s Golden Treasury: and he who has returned to it again and again with an affection born of companionship on many journeys must remember not only what the Golden Treasury includes, but the moment when this or that poem appealed to him, and even how it lies on the page. To Mr. Bullen’s Lyrics from the Elizabethan Song Books and his other treasuries I own a more advised debt. Nor am I free of obligation to anthologies even more recent—to Archbishop Trench’s Household Book of Poetry, Mr. Locker-Lampson’s Lyra Elegantiarum, Mr. Miles’ Poets and Poetry of the Century, Mr. Beeching’s Paradise of English Poetry, Mr. Henley’s English Lyrics, Mrs. Sharp’s Lyra Celtica, Mr. Yeats’ Book of Irish Verse, and Mr. Churton Collins’ Treasury of Minor British Poetry: though my rule has been to consult these after making my own choice. Yet I can claim that the help derived from them—though gratefully owned—bears but a trifling proportion to the labour, special and desultory, which has gone to the making of my book.

For the anthologist’s is not quite the dilettante business for which it is too often and ignorantly derided. I say this, and immediately repent; since my wish is that the reader should in his own pleasure quite forget the editor’s labour, which too has been pleasant: that, standing aside, I may believe this book has made the Muses’ access easier when, in the right hour, they come to him to uplift or to console—

ἄκλητος μὲν ἔγωγε μένοιμί κεν· ἐς δὲ καλεύντων
Θαρσήσας Μοίσαισι σὺν ἁμετέραισιν ἱκοίμαν.

October, 1900


BY favour of the Public, The Oxford Book of English Verse has held its own in request for close upon forty years. The editor would stand convicted of dullness indeed if in these years he had not learnt, revising his judgement, to regret some inclusions and omissions; of indolence, moreover, the industry of scholars having rescued to light meanwhile many gems long hidden away in libraries, miscellanies, even scrap-books. In this new edition, therefore, I have risked repairing the old structure with a stone here, a tile there, and hope to have left it as weather-proof as when it as first built.

I have added a hundred-odd pages, and close upon Armistice Day 1918, admitting a few later numbers by poets who, whether consciously or not, had indicated before that date the trend of their genius. I shrank, of course, from making the book unwieldy; but in fact also I felt my judgement insecure amid post-War poetry. Although I cannot dispute against Time, this is not to admit a charge of crabbed age: since it has been my good fortune to spend the most part of these later years with the young and to share—even in some measure to encourage—their zest for experiment. The Muses’ house has many mansions: their hospitality has outlived many policies of State, more than a few religions, countless heresies—tamen usque recurret Apollo—and it were profane to misdoubt the Nine as having forsaken these so long favoured islands. Of experiment I still hold myself fairly competent to judge. But, writing in 1939, I am at a loss what to do with a fashion of morose disparagement; of sneering at things long by catholic consent accounted beautiful; of scorning at ‘Man’s unconquerable mind’ and hanging up (without benefit of laundry) our common humanity as a rag on a clothes-line. Be it allowed that these present times are dark. Yet what are our poets of use—what are they for—if they cannot hearten the crew with auspices of daylight? In a time no less perilous Wordsworth could write

  In our halls is hung
Armoury of the invincible knights of old.

—‘armoury’, not museum-pieces, still less tear-bottles. ‘Agincourt, Agincourt, know ye not Agincourt?’.

The reader, turning the pages of this book, will find this note of valiancy—of the old Roman ‘virtue’ mated with cheerfulness—dominant throughout, if in many curious moods. He may trace it back, if he care, far behind Chaucer to the rudest beginnings of English Song. It is indigenous, proper to our native spirit, and it will endure.

A. Q.-C.

Whitsun, 1939


GRATEFUL acknowledgement is here made for permission given during their lifetime to include poems by the following authors now deceased H. C. Beeching (for two poems of his own and for his redaction of Quia Amore Langueo); A. C. Benson; Robert Bridges; John Davidson, Aubrey de Vere; Austin Dobson; Sir Edmund Gosse, Bret Harte, W. E. Henley, Katharine Tynan Hinkson; W. D. Howells, Andrew Lang; George Meredith; Alice Meynell, Sir Henry Newbolt; Sir Gilbert Parker; T. W. Rolleston; G. W. Russell ('Æ'), Mrs. Clement Shorter (Dora Sigerson), A. C. Swinburne; Francis Thompson; Sir William Watson, W. B. Yeats.

My thanks are also due to publishers and others for kind permission to include copyright poems by the following:


001–10. Anonymous. XIII–XIV Century 001–13
011. Robert Mannyng of Brunne. b. 1288, d. 1338 013
012. William Langland. b ?1332, d. ?1400 013–14
019. King James I of Scotland, b. 1394, d. 1437 019
047–49. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey b. 1516, d. 1547 070–72
056. Alexander Montgomerie, b ?1540, d. ?1610 080–82
106. Fulke Gieville, Lord Brooke, b. 1554, d. 1628 145
107–110. Thomas Lodge. b. ?1556, d. 1625 146–149
111–113. George Peele. b. ?1558, d. 1597 150–151
421-422. Sir Charles Sedley. b. 1639, d 1701 488-490
423. Aphra Behn. b. 1640, d. 1689 490
424-427. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. b 1647, d. 1680 490-493
428-429. John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire b. 1648, d 1721 494-495
430. Thomas Otway. b. 1652, d. 1685 495
431. John Oldham. b 1653, d 1683 496
432-439. Matthew Prior b. 1664, d 1721 496-505
440. William Walsh. b 1663, d 1708 506
441. Lady Grisel Baillie. b 1665, d 1746 506-508
442-443 William Congreve. b. 1670, d 1729 508-509
444. Joseph Addison b. 1672, d 1719 509-510
445-446 Isaac Watts. b 1674, d 1748 510-513
447. Thomas Parnell. b 1679, d. 1718 513-514
448. Allan Ramsay. b 1686, d. 1758 514-515
449 William Oldys b 1687, d 1761 515-516
450 John Gay. b 1685, d 1732 516
451-453. Alexander Pope. b. 1688, d. 1744 517-520
454 Anonymous 521
455-456. Henry Carey. b. ?1693, d. 1743 521-524
457. William Broome. b 1689, d 1745 524
458. James Thomson b. 1700, d 1748 524-525
459. Charles Wesley b 1707, d 1788 525-526
460-461. Samuel Johnson b 1709, d. 1784 527-529
462. Richard Jago. b 1715, d. 1781 529
463. Anonymous 530
464. William Shenstone. b. 1714, d 1763 530-531
465-468. Thomas Gray. b 1716, d. 1771 531-543
469-472. William Collins. b. 1721, d. 1759 543-548
473-475. Mark Akenside. b. 1721, d 1770 548-552
476. Thomas Osbert Mordaunt. b. 1730, d 1809 552
477. John Scott of Amwell. b 1730, d. 1783 553
478 Tobias George Smollett. b. 1721, d. 1771 553-554
479. Christopher Smart. b. 1722, d. 1770 554-557
480. Jane Elliot. b 1727, d 1805 558
481-482. Oliver Goldsmith. b. 1728, d. 1774 559 CONTENTS


483. Robert Cunninghame-Graham of Gartmore. b. 1735, d. 1797 484-485. William Cowper. b. 1731, d. 1800 486. James Beattie. b 1735, d. 1803 487. Isobel Pagan. b. 1740, d. 1821 488. Anna Lætitia Barbauld. b. 1743, d. 1825 489. Fanny Greville. 18th century 490. Michael Bruce. b. 1740, d. 1767 491. Lady Anne Lindsay b 1750, d. 1825 492. Sir William Jones. b 1746, d. 1794 493. Thomas Chatterton. b 1752, d. 1770 494-496. George Crabbe. b. 1754, d. 1832 497-506. William Blake. b. 1757, d. 1827 507-520. Robert Burns. b 1759, d. 1796 521-522. Henry Rowe. b 1754, d. 1819 523. William Lisle Bowles. b. 1762, d. 1850 524. Joanna Baillie. b. 1762, d. 1851. 525. Mary Lamb b. 1765, d. 1847 526. Carolina, Lady Nairne. b. 1766, d. 1845 527-528. James Hogg. b. 1770, d 1835 529-555. William Wordsworth. b. 1770, d 1850 556-561. Sir Walter Scott. b. 1771, d. 1832 562-568. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. b. 1772, d. 1834 569. Robert Southey. b. 1774, d. 1843 570-584. Walter Savage Landor. b. 1775, d. 1864 585. Joseph Blanco White. b 1775, d. 1841 586. Samuel Rogers. b. 1763, d. 1855 587-589. Charles Lamb. b. 1775, d 1834 590-591. Thomas Campbell. b 1774, d. 1844 592-594. Thomas Moore. b. 1779, d. 1852 595. Edward Thurlow, Lord Thurlow. b. 1781, d 1829 596. Ebenezer Elliott. b. 1781, d. 1849 597. Allan Cunningham. b. 1784, d. 1842 598-600. Leigh Hunt. b. 1784, d. 1859 601. John Kenyon. b. 1784, d. 1856 602-603 Thomas Love Peacock. b. 1785, d. 1866 604. Bryan Waller Procter. b. 1787, d. 1874

559-560 561-563 563 563-564 565-566 566 566-567 567-569 569 569-571 571-572 573-581 581-593 593-594 595 595-596 596 597-598 598-610 611-635 636-645 645-676 676-677 677-685 685 686 686-690 690-693 694-696 696-697 697-698 698 699-701 701-702 702-705 705 xxiii CONTENTS NUMBER 605-608. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron. b. 1788, d. 1824 705-711 609. Sir Aubrey de Vere. b. 1788, d. 1846 711 610-611. Charles Wolfe. b. 1791, d. 1823 612-625. Percy Bysshe Shelley. b. 1792, d. 1822 John Keble. b. 1792, d. 1866 John Clare. b. 1793, d. 1864 Felicia Dorothea Hemans. b. 1793, d. 1835 John Gibson Lockhart. b. 1794, d. 1854 John Keats. b. 1795, d. 1821 William Cullen Bryant. b. 1794, d. 1878 Jeremiah Joseph Callanan. b. 1795, d. 1829 626. 627. 628. 629. 630-644. 645. 646. 647. William Sidney Walker. b. 1795, d. 1846 648-651. George Darley. b. 1795, d. 1846 652-654. Hartley Coleridge. b. 1796, d. 1849 655-662. Thomas Hood. b. 1798, d. 1845 663. 664. 665. 666. 667-669. 670. 681. 682. 683. 684. Anonymous William Thom. b. 1798, d. 1848 Sir Henry Taylor. b. 1800, d 1886 Thomas Babington Macaulay, Lord Macaulay. b. 1800, d. 1859 William Barnes. b 1801, d. 1886 Winthrop Mackworth Praed. b. 1802, xxiv d. 1839 Gerald Griffin. b. 1803, d. 1840 693. 694-697. Henry Wadsworth 1807, d. 1882 PAGE 712-714 714-733 734 735 735-736 736-737 737-760 761-763 788-791 671. 791-792 672-674. James Clarence Mangan. b. 1803, d. 1849 792-797 675-676. Thomas Lovell Beddoes. b. 1803, d. 1849 677-680. Ralph Waldo Emerson. b. 1803, d. 1882 Richard Henry Horne. b. 1803, d. 1884 Charles Whitehead. b. 1804, d. 1862 Robert Stephen Hawker. b. 1804, d. 1875 Francis Mahony. b. 1805, d. 1866 685-692. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. b. 1806, d. 1861 Frederick Tennyson. b. 1807, d. 1898 Longfellow. b. 764 764 765-768 768-769 769-780 780-781 781-783 783 784 784-787 797-799 799-805 805 806 806-807 807-809 810-816 816-817 817-822 CONTENTS NUMBER PAGE

698. John Greenleaf Whittier. b. 1807, d. 1892 822-823

699. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton. b. 1808, d. 1876 823-824

700. Charles Tennyson Turner. b. 1808, d. 1879 824 701-703. Edgar Allan Poe. b. 1809, d. 1849 825-829 704-705. Edward FitzGerald. b. 1809, d 1883 830-834 706. Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton. b. 1809, d. 1885 834-836

707-719. Alfred Tennyson, Loid Tennyson. b. 1809, d. 1892 836-858 720-721. Sır Samuel Ferguson. b. 1810, d. 1886 858-860 722. Sir Francis Hastings Doyle. b. 1810, d. 1888 860-861 723–724. William Makepeace Thackeray. b. 1811, d. 1863 861-865 725-740. Robert Browning. b. 1812, d. 1889 865-885 741. William Bell Scott. b. 1812, d 1890 885-890 742. Aubrey de Vere. b. 1814, d 1902 891 743. George Fox. b. 1815, d. (?) 892 744-747. Emily Bronte. b. 1818, d. 1848 893-896 748. Charles Kingsley. b. 1819, d 1875 896 749-750. Arthur Hugh Clough. b. 1819, d. 1861 896-898 751-752. Walt Whitman. b. 1819, d. 1892 898-900

753. John Ruskin b. 1819, d. 1900 900 754. Ebenezer Jones. b. 1820, d 1860 900-901 755. Anonymous 901 756-764. Matthew Arnold. b. 1822, d. 1888 902-930 765. William Brighty Rands. b. 1823, d. 1880 930-931 766. William Philpot. b. 1823, d. 1889 931-932 767-768 William (Johnson) Cory. b 1823, d. 1892 933-934 769-773. Coventry Patmore. b. 1823, d 1896 934-938 774-775. Sydney Dobell. b. 1824, d 1874· 939-941 776. William Allingham. b 1824, d. 1889 942-944 777. George Macdonald. b 1824, d. 1905 944 778. Walter Chalmers Smith. b. 1824, d.1908 944-946 779-782. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. b. 1828, d. 1882 946-952 783-787. George Meredith. b. 1828, d. 1909 953-961 CONTENTS


789-796. Christina Georgma Rossetti. b. 1830,

798-800. Thomas Edward Brown, b. 1830, d.

801. Richaid Watson Dixon. b. 1833, d.

805. George Louis Palmella Busson Du

810-811. John Leicester Warren, Lord de Tab- 812815. Algernon Charles Swinburne, b. 1837,

817. William Dean Howells. b. 1837, d.

823-826. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt b. 1840, d 831 Henry Claience Kendall b. 1841, d.

832833. Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy.

834-837. Geraid Manley Hopkins, b. 1844, d


�� � NUMBER 863. 864. 865. 866. d. 1920 867. Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux. b. 1857 868-869. John Davidson. b 1857, d. 1909 870-871. Sir William Watson b 1858, d. 1935 872-873. Francis Thompson b. 1859, d. 1907 874. Ernest Rhys. b. 1859 875-876. Henry Chailes Becching. b. 1859, d. 1919 877-879. Alfred Edward Housman. b. 1860, d. 1936 Bliss Carman. b 1861, d. 1929 Douglas Hyde b. 1861 882-886. Mary Elizabeth Coleridge. b. 1861, 880. 881. 887. 888. 889 890-891. 892. 893. 894. 895 896. 897. CONTENTS Francis William Bourdillon. b. 1852, d. 1921 Dora Sigerson. d 1918 Margaret L Woods. b. 1856 Thomas William Rolleston. b. 1857, 908. 909. d. 1907 May Piobyn Su Gilbert Paiker. b 1862, d. 1932 Henry Cust. b. 1861, d. 1917 Sir Henry Newbolt b 1862, d. 1938 Eden Phillpotts b. 1862 Katharine Tynan Hinkson. b. 1861, d. 1931 Arthur Christopher Benson. b. 1862, d. 1925 Norman Gale b 1862 PAGE 1036 1036-1037 1037 1038 1039-1040 1040-1043 1044-1046 1046-1049 1050 1050-1052 1052 1054 1054-1057 1058 1059-1061 1062-1063 1063 1063-1064 1064-1067 1067-1068 1068-1069 1069 1069-1070

Frances Bannerman 1070-1071 Stephen Phillips b. 1864, d 1915 1071 898-900. Rudyard Kipling. b 1865, d. 1936 1071-1077 901-905 William Butler Yeats. b 1865, d. 1939 1077–1079 906-907. Herbert Trench. b. 1865, d 1923 1079-1080 Richard Le Gallienne b. 1866 1080-1081 Lionel Johnson. b 1867, d. 1902 1081-1083 910-912. George William Russell ('Æ'). b. 1867, d. 19351 083-1085

913-914. Ernest Dowson. b. 1867, d. 1900 1086-1087

915–918. Laurence Binyon.  b. 1869 1087–1091
919–921. Lord Alfred Douglas.  b. 1870 1091–1092
922–923. Thomas Sturge Moore.  b. 1870 1093–1098
924–925. Hilaire Belloc.  b. 1870 1099–1098
926–928. William Henry Dawes.  b. 1871 1099–1100
929. John Swinnerton Phillimore.  b. 1873, d. 1926 1102–1104
930–931. Gilbert Keith Chesterton.  b. 1872, d. 1936 1104–1102
932. Ralph Hodgson.  b. 1872 1106
933–935. Walter de la Mare.  b. 1873 1106–1109
936. Gordon Bottomley.  b. 1874 1109–1110
937. John Alexander Chapman.  b. 1875 1110–1111
938–940. John Masefield.  b. 1876 1111–1115
941–942. Oliver St. John Gogarty.  b. 1878 1116–1117
943. Wilfrid Thorley.  b 1878 1118
944–945. Edward Thomas.  b. 1878, d. 1917 1119–1120
946. Alfred Noyes.  b. 1880 1120–1122
947–948. Herbert Edward Palmer.  b. 1880 1122–1124
949. Lascelles Abercrombie.  b. 1881, d. 1938 1124–1125
950. Padraic Colum.  b. 1881 1126
951. James Joyce.  b. 1882 1127
952–953. James Stephens.  b. 1882 1127–1129
954–955. James Elroy Flecker.  b. 1884, d. 1919 1129–1130
956–957. Charles Williams.  b. 1886 1130–1133
958–959. Siegfried Sassoon  b. 1886 1133–1134
960–961. Rupert Brooke.  b. 1887, d. 1915 1134–1135
962. Julian Grenfell.  b. 1888, d. 1915 1135–1137
963. Wilfrid Owen.  b. 1893, d. 1918 1137
964. Charles Hamilton Sorley.  b. 1895, d. 1915 1137–1138
965. Edmund Blunden.  b. 1896 1138–1140
966. Richard Doddridge Blackmore.  b. 1825, d. 1909 1141

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