Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/380

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Hatti-Humayoun of 1856, the, 246, 329.

Hatti-Scheriff of Galhané, 323.

Herzegovina, see Bosnia.

Holy Alliance, the, 1, 4.

Holy Places, the, 307.


Ibraila, 314.

Indemnity, payable by Greece to Porte, 14, 19, 38.
— — by Porte to Russia, 343, 345, 349, 350.

Independence and Integrity of the Ottoman Empire, the, 90, 242, 245.

Ionian Islands, cession of to Greece, 22, 41, 47, 52, 59.
— debt of, 56.
— neutralisation of, 47, 50.
— Treaties of, 48, 54, 56.

Iron Gates, the, 231, 274, 303, 304.

Isaktcha, 230, 248, 263.

Ismail Pasha, deposition of, 106.


Kara George, 236.

Kars, 244, 304, 344, 354, 356.

Khedive, the title, 101.

Khotour, 306.

Kilia branch of the Danube, 232, 233, 312, 314.

Kischeneff, Act of, 250 n.

Klek, 241.

Kossovo, battle of, 238.

Kuci-Kraina, 295 n.


Laws for European provinces of Turkey, 291, 292.

Lebanon, the, 206.
— Règlements for, 209, 213.

Leopold, Prince, 12, 70.

Lighthouses for Danube, 262, 263, 304, 310.

Light vessels of war in the Black Sea, 247, 276.
— in the Danube, 250, 267, 303.
— in the Straits, 100.

Liquidation, the Law of, in Egypt, , 107 169.

Loans, see Debt.


Mangalia, 280, 302.

Maronites, 206.

Mediation, 25, 245, 246 n.

Mehemet Ali, 72, 89, 91, 97, 206.

Milosch Obrenovitch, 236.

Moldavia, see Wallachia.
— Bessarabia added to, 251.

Montenegro, 237, 293, 336.
— agents of, 296.
— coast waters of, 241 n, 296.
— to have no flag of war, 296.
— railway in, 296.
— share of Ottoman debt of, 297.

Moukabalah, Law of, 104, 152, 155, 189.

Multiple Control, 109.


Nationality, choice of, 30, 65, 345, 349

Naval demonstration, the, 295 n.

Navarino, battle of, 11.

Neutralisation, of Black Sea, 226, 247.
— of Corfu and Paxo, 24, 41 n, 51, 54.
— of Danubian Commission, 231, 271, 275, 311.
— of Ionian Islands, 24, 47.
— of Montenegrin waters, 296.
— proposed, of Delta of Danube, 229.
— — of lower Danube, 231.
— — of Egypt, 109 n.
— — of Greece, 20.
— — of the Suez Canal, 109 n.

Northbrook, Lord, 108.

Novi-Bazar, 292, 293 n, 357.

Nubar Pasha, 103, 105.


Organic law for Bulgaria, 282.
— for Crete, 77, 83, 291.
— for Eastern Roumelia, 390.
— for European Provinces, 291.
— for Samos, 76.

Otho, King, 12, 21, 34.

Ottoman Codes, 329 n, 332.