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This Portal lists texts written primarily about the subject of the Physics.

edit- Physics by Aristotle, translated by Wikisource
- Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638) by Galileo Galilei, translated by Henry Crew and Alfonso De Salvio
- Discourse Concerning the Natation of Bodies (1612) by Galileo Galilei, translated by Thomas Salusbury
- The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1729) by Isaac Newton
- The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1846) by Isaac Newton
- Derivation of the laws of motion and equilibrium from a metaphysical principle (1746) by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, translated by Wikisource
- Additamentum II: Concerning the motion of particles in a non-resistant medium, determined by a method of maxima and minima by Leonhard Euler, translated by Wikisource from Translation:Methodus inveniendi
- On the Conservation of Force (1862-3) by Hermann von Helmholtz, translated by Edmund Atkinson
- The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science I as it appeared in the October 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science II as it appeared in the November 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science III as it appeared in the December 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- The Primary Concepts of Modern Physical Science IV as it appeared in the January 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Stallo's Concepts of Modern Physics as it appeared in the May 1882 Popular Science Monthly
Subject matter of Natural Philosophy informed by science of Physics
edit- The Measure of Time (1898) by Henri Poincaré, translated by George Bruce Halsted
Philosophy of Physics (procedural)
edit- Novum Organum (1620) passim by Francis Bacon
- Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638) passim by Galileo Galilei, translated by Henry Crew and Alfonso De Salvio
- The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1726) passim by Isaac Newton
- Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics/Second Part (1783) by Immanuel Kant, translated by Paul Carus
- Science and Hypothesis (1902) by Henri Poincaré, translated by William John Greenstreet
- Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics (1915) by Max Planck, translated by Albert P. Wills
- Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy (1914) by Bertrand Russell
- Relativity: The Special and General Theory (1916) by Albert Einstein
- The Meaning of Relativity (1922) by Albert Einstein
Weights and measures
edit- An Essay on Quantity by Thomas Reid, 1748.
- Dyne as it appears in The New Student's Reference Work
- The Metric System as it appears in The New Student's Reference Work
- Dynamometer as it appears in The New Student's Reference Work
- Lactometer as it appears in The New Student's Reference Work
- Metronome as it appears in The New Student's Reference Work
Descriptive and experimental mechanics
edit- The Ball-Paradox as it appeared in the April 1877 Popular Science Monthly
- The Constancy of Motion as it appeared in the December 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Heat and Motion, and Political Economy as it appeared in the July 1877 Popular Science Monthly
- The Origins of Statics by Pierre Duhem as it appeared in the October 1903 Revue des Questions Scientifiques translated by ResidentScholar.
- On Governors (1868) by James Clerk Maxwell
Atomic physics
edit- The Constitution of Matter as it appeared in the September 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- The Theory of Molecules as it appeared in the January 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- "Atom," by James Clerk Maxwell in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (v. 3) (1878)
- Are the Elements Elementary? as it appeared in the February 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Molecular Magnitudes as it appeared in the October 1877 Popular Science Monthly
- Molecular Dynamics as it appeared in the January 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- The Molecular Theory as it appeared in the August 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- What Is a Molecule? as it appeared in the September 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Speculations on the Nature of Matter as it appeared in the April 1883 Popular Science Monthly
- The Relations of Physics of Electrons to Other Branches of Science (1904) by Paul Langevin
- Matter (1911) by Joseph John Thomson
editQuantum theory
edit- On a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Conversion of Light (1905) by Albert Einstein
- Quantum noise at the nonlinear mapping of phase space (1997) by Dmitrii Kouznetsov and Daniel Rohrlich as it appeared in Оптика и Спектроскопия (Optics and Spectroscopy)
edit- The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1729) by Isaac Newton
- The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1846) by Isaac Newton
- The Field Equations of Gravitation
- Time, Space, and Gravitation
Kinetic Theories of Gravitation
edit- The Le Sage Theory of Gravitation (1782/1898) by Georges-Louis Le Sage
- Notice de la Vie et des Ecrits de George Louis Le Sage (English) (1807) by John Playfair
- The Atomic Theory of Lucretius (1868) by Fleeming Jenkin
- On the Ultramundane Corpuscles of Le Sage (1872) by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
- The Mathematical and Philosophical State of the Physical Sciences (1874) by Joseph Lovering
- "Atom," by James Clerk Maxwell in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (v. 3) (1878)
- "Attraction," by James Clerk Maxwell in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (v. 3) (1878)
- Kinetic Theories of Gravitation (1876) by William Bower Taylor
- On some Dynamical Conditions applicable to Le Sage's Theory of Gravitation (1877/1878) by Samuel Tolver Preston
- Le Sage's Theory of Gravitation (1878) by James Croll
- Mutual Action of Vortex Atoms and Ultramundane Corpuscles (1879) by George Forbes
- A Suggestion in regard to Crystallization, on the Hypothesis that Molecules are not infinitely Hard (1880) by Samuel Tolver Preston
- On Action at a Distance (Browne) (1881) by Walter Raleigh Browne
- On Action at a Distance (Preston) (1881) by Samuel Tolver Preston
- On the Importance of Experiments in relation to the Mechanical Theory of Gravitation (1881) by Samuel Tolver Preston
- Physical Theories of Gravitation (1895) by Thomas Proctor Hall
- Comparative Review of some Dynamical Theories of Gravitation (1895) by Samuel Tolver Preston
- Considerations on Gravitation (1900) by Hendrik Lorentz
- The Corpuscular Theories of Gravitation (1903) by J. W. Peck
- The Theory of Lesage (1908) by Henri Poincaré
- Matter (1911) by Joseph John Thomson
- Earlier Theories of Gravity (1913) by Hereward Carrington
Sound and acoustics
edit- On the Production of Sound by Light as it appeared in the October 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- Production of Sound by Radiant Energy II as it appeared in the June 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Production of Sound by Radiant Energy I as it appeared in the June 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Acoustics as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Echo as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
Heat and thermodynamics
edit- "Memoir on the Motive Power of Heat" by Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron as it appeared in volume 1 of Taylor's Scientific Memoirs
- Action of Dark Radiations by John Tyndall as it appeared in the June 1872 Popular Science Monthly
- History of the Dynamical Theory of Heat I as it appeared in the December 1877 Popular Science Monthly
- History of the Dynamical Theory of Heat II as it appeared in the January 1878 Popular Science Monthly
- Possible Efficiency of Heat-Engines as it appeared in the October 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- Examination of Thermometers at the Yale Observatory as it appeared in the August 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Action of Radiant Heat on Gaseous Matter as it appeared in the May 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Specific Heat as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- The Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs, Volume I (Thermodynamics) (1906) by Josiah Willard Gibbs.
Light and optics
edit- Opticks (2nd Ed) (1704) by Isaac Newton
- Opticks (4th Ed) (1730) by Isaac Newton
- Accord between different laws of Nature that seemed incompatible (1744) by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, translated by Wikisource
- Visual Images in Darkness as it appeared in the October 1872 Popular Science Monthly
- Modern Optics and Painting I as it appeared in the February 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Modern Optics and Painting II as it appeared in the March 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Images and Shadows as it appeared in the April 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- The Crooked Courses of Light as it appeared in the May 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Hints on the Stereoscope as it appeared in the July 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- On the Correctness of Photographs as it appeared in the April 1875 Popular Science Monthly
- The Microscope and its Misinterpretations as it appeared in the June 1875 Popular Science Monthly
- The Cause of the Light of Flames as it appeared in the October 1875 Popular Science Monthly
- The Mechanical Action of Light as it appeared in the October 1875 Popular Science Monthly
- The Nature of Fluorescence as it appeared in the February 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- The Mechanical Action of Light as it appeared in the July 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- The Constants of Color as it appeared in the October 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Simple Experiments in Optics as it appeared in the October 1877 Popular Science Monthly
- The Contrast of Colors as it appeared in the November 1878 Popular Science Monthly
- The Most Powerful Telescope in Existence as it appeared in the January 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- Goethe's Farbenlehre: Theory of Colors I as it appeared in the June 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- Goethe's Farbenlehre: Theory of Colors II as it appeared in the July 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- Optical Illusions of Motion as it appeared in the February 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- The Stereoscope: Its History I as it appeared in the May 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- The Stereoscope: Its Theory II as it appeared in the June 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- Lengthening the Visible Spectrum as it appeared in the May 1883 Popular Science Monthly
- The Colors of Flowers as it appeared in the October 1883 Popular Science Monthly
- Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light (1878) by Albert Abraham Michelson
- Interference Phenomena in a new form of Refractometer (1882) by Albert Abraham Michelson
- On Rainbows as it appeared in the March 1884 Popular Science Monthly
- Influence of Motion of the Medium on the Velocity of Light (1886) by Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward W. Morley
- Elementary Color by Milton Bradley (1895) (transcription project)
- On a method for making the wave length of sodium light the actual and practical standard of length (1888) by Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward W. Morley
- Color Problems by Emily Noyes Vanderpoel (1901) (start transcription)
- Color Standards and Color Nomenclature by Robert Ridgway (1912) (transcription project)
- Effect of Reflection from a Moving Mirror on the Velocity of Light (1913) by Albert Abraham Michelson
- A proof of the constancy of the velocity of light (1913) by Willem de Sitter
- On the constancy of the velocity of light (1913) by Willem de Sitter
- Experimental Demonstration of the Constancy of Velocity of the Light reflected from a Moving Mirror (1918) by Quirino Majorana
- Experimental Demonstration of the Constancy of Velocity of the Light emitted by a Moving Source (1919) by Quirino Majorana
- "History of the Munsell Color System and Its Scientific Applications" by Dorothy Nickerson, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 December 1940)
- "An Analysis of the Munsell Color System Based on Measurements Made in 1919 and 1926" by Kasson S. Gibson and Dorothy Nickerson, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 December 1940)
- "Trichromatic Analysis of the Munsell Book of Color" by James J. Glenn and James T. Killian, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 December 1940)
- "Analysis of the Original Munsell Color System" by John E. Tyler and Arthur C. Hardy, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 December 1940)
- "Preliminary Report of the O. S. A. Subcommittee on the Spacing of the Munsell Colors" by Sidney M. Newhall, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 December 1940)
- "Final Report of the OSA Subcommittee on the Spacing of the Munsell Colors*" by Sidney M. Newhall, Dorothy Nickerson and Deane B. Judd, in Journal of the Optical Society of America (1 July 1943)
- The ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors and a Dictionary of Color Names by Inter-Society Color Council, Deane B. Judd and Kenneth Low Kelly (1 November 1955)
- Solar Microscope as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Spectacles as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Spectrum as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Spectrum Analysis as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Telescope as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
edit- Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition/Ether (1875)
- The Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether (1881)
- On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether (1887)
- The Ether and the Earth's Atmosphere (1889)
- Translation:The Relative Motion of the Earth and the Aether (1892)
- Dynamical Theory of the Electric and Luminiferous Medium III (1897)
- The relative Motion of the Earth and the Ether (1897)
- Aether and Matter (1900)
- Does Motion through the Aether cause Double Refraction? (1902)
- The Forces Acting on a Charged Condenser moving through Space (1903)
- Relative Motion of Earth and Aether (1904)
- Absence of Effects of Motion through the Aether (1904)
- Letter to Lord Kelvin (1904)
- The Ether and moving Matter (1904)
- On Double Refraction in Matter moving through the Aether (1904)
- Negative Results of Second and Third Order Tests of the Aether Drift (1905)
- On the Theory of Experiments to detect Aberrations of the Second Degree (1905)
- Report of an experiment to detect the Fitzgerald-Lorentz Effect (1905)
- Final Report on Ether-drift Experiments (1907)
- The Structure of the Æther (1907)
- Translation:On the Proof of the Reality of the Luminiferous Aether (1913)
- Ether and the Theory of Relativity (1920)
- Translation:The Demonstration of the Luminiferous Aether
- Ether as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
edit- Evolution and the Spectroscope as it appeared in the January 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- A Home-Made Spectroscope as it appeared in the October 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- The Teachings of Modern Spectroscopy as it appeared in the August 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Spectroscopy as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
Radiation physics
edit- On Radiant Matter I as it appeared in the November 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- On Radiant Matter II as it appeared in the December 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- On Radiation as it appeared in the August 1883 Popular Science Monthly
edit- Electricity and Life as it appeared in the March 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- Lessons in Electricity III as it appeared in the June 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Lessons in Electricity IV as it appeared in the July 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- The Electric Light as it appeared in the March 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- The Modern Development of Faraday's Conception of Electricity as it appeared in the June 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- The Electric Storage of Energy as it appeared in the August 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Rays of Positive Electricity and Their Application to Chemical Analyses (1913) by Joseph John Thomson
- Ampère as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Commutator as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Dynamo-Electric Machine as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
Electromagnetic theory
edit- On Physical Lines of Force (1861) by James Clerk Maxwell
- A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field (1865) by James Clerk Maxwell
- Magneto-Electric Illumination as it appeared in the September 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873) by James Clerk Maxwell
- On the Electric and Magnetic Effects produced by the Motion of Electrified Bodies (1881) by Joseph John Thomson
- Electromagnetic waves, the propagation of potential, and the electromagnetic effects of a moving charge (1888) by Oliver Heaviside
- On the Electromagnetic Effects due to the Motion of Electrification through a Dielectric (1889) by Oliver Heaviside
- Translation:Attempt of a Theory of Electrical and Optical Phenomena in Moving Bodies (1895) by Hendrik Lorentz
- Notes on the Electro-magnetic Theory of Moving Charges (1896) by William Blair Morton
- On the Steady Motion of an Electrified Ellipsoid (1897) by George Frederick Charles Searle
- On a Dynamical Theory of the Electric and Luminiferous Medium, Part 3, Relations with material media (1897) by Joseph Larmor
- Simplified Theory of Electrical and Optical Phenomena in Moving Systems (1899) by Hendrik Lorentz
- Aether and Matter (1900) by Joseph Larmor
- Electromagnetic phenomena in a system moving with any velocity smaller than that of light (1904) by Hendrik Lorentz
Radio waves
editElectric discharge
edit- "An Account of the Effects of Lightening at South Weald, in Essex" by William Heberden in Philosophical Transactions, volume 54 (1764)
- "Observations upon the Effects of Lightning, with an Account of the Apparatus proposed to prevent its Mischiefs to Buildings, more particularly to Powder Magazines" by William Watson in Philosophical Transactions, volume 54 (1764)
- An Account of the Effects of Lightning in St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street, on the 18th of June 1764 by Edward Delaval in Philosophical Transactions, volume 54 (1764).
- A Letter from Thomas Lawrence, M. D. to William Heberden, M. D. and F. R. S. concerning the Effects of Lightning, in Essex-street, on the 18th of June, 1764 in Philosophical Transactions, volume 54 (1764)
- "The Inventor of the Lightning-Rod" by in Popular Science Monthly, 42 (January 1893)
Plasma physics
edit- On the Magnet (1900) by William Gilbert
- On the Magnetizing Power of the More Refrangible Solar Rays by Mary Fairfax Somerville in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1826)
- "Magnetism," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
Nuclear and particle physics
editAtomic energy
edit- The Radiometer as it appeared in the November 1878 Popular Science Monthly
Radioactive substances
edit- Radio-active substances (1904) by Marie Skłodowska Curie, Thesis presented to the Faculte des Sciences de Paris, Reprinted from the Chemical News. Second edition. (transcription project)
- The Discovery of Radium (1921) by Marie Skłodowska Curie
Elementary particle physics
editGeophysics and cosmic physics
edit- Note relating to M. Foucault's new mechanical proof of the Rotation of the Earth, 1851
- The Recent Progress of Solar Physics as it appeared in the November 1879 Popular Science Monthly
- A New Theory of the Sun as it appeared in the June 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- Tropical Cyclone Report: 2009/Tropical Depression One-E
edit- "Magnetism, Terrestrial," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
edit- Amagat, Emile Hilaire as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Sketch of Heinrich Hertz as it appeared in the July 1894 Popular Science Monthly
edit- The Dissipation of Energy as it appeared in the April 1878 Popular Science Monthly
- The Radical Fallacy of Materialism as it appeared in the July 1878 Popular Science Monthly
- Water as Fuel as it appeared in the March 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- The Availability of Energy as it appeared in the June 1880 Popular Science Monthly
- How the Earth Is Weighed as it appeared in the October 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Great Fires and Rain-Storms as it appeared in the December 1872 Popular Science Monthly
- Light and Life as it appeared in the January 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- Velocity of the Will as it appeared in the January 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- Studies of Vortex-Rings as it appeared in the December 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- A Glimpse Through the Corridors of Time as it appeared in the February 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- A Little Matter as it appeared in the February 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- What Is Transcendental Physics? as it appeared in the January 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- Sound and Radiant Heat as it appeared in the March 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- The Available Energy of Nature as it appeared in the November 1881 Popular Science Monthly
- Speculative Science as it appeared in the June 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- On the Diffusion of Odors as it appeared in the May 1882 Popular Science Monthly
- Machines Driven by Solar Rays as it appeared in the July 1883 Popular Science Monthly
- The Aim of Thermo-Chemical Investigations as it appeared in the October 1883 Popular Science Monthly
- Professor Dvorak's Sound-Mills as it appeared in the June 1884 Popular Science Monthly
- Du Motay's Process of Ice-Making as it appeared in the October 1884 Popular Science Monthly
- Sun-Kinks as it appeared in the September 1884 Popular Science Monthly
- Wave-Action in Nature as it appeared in the May 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- Sympathetic Vibrations in Machinery as it appeared in the October 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- Correlation of Vital with Chemical and Physical Forces as it appeared in the December 1873 Popular Science Monthly
- The Dissipation of Energy as it appeared in the February 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Quicker Than Lightning as it appeared in the January 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- The Physics of Ice as it appeared in the August 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Action of Sunlight on Glass as it appeared in the May 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- The Crooked Courses of Light as it appeared in the May 1874 Popular Science Monthly
- Address Before the American Association II as it appeared in the January 1875 Popular Science Monthly
- Crystalline and Molecular Forces as it appeared in the January 1875Popular Science Monthly
- The Apotheosis of Steam as it appeared in the August 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Soap-Bubbles as it appeared in the September 1876 Popular Science Monthly
- Dynamics as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Poles as it appeared in The New Student's Reference Work
- Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs, Volume 2
See also
editExternal links
edit- Subclass QC on Project Gutenberg
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