United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/Lists and Tables/23rd Congress

United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4, Lists and Tables
United States Congress
Acts of the Twenty-Third Congress of the United States
3283271United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4, Lists and Tables — Acts of the Twenty-Third Congress of the United StatesUnited States Congress

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1834.



Appropriations for the Naval Service. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)Jan. 24, 1834.
Appropriations in part for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations in part for the support of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)Feb. 11, 1834.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. An act further to continue in force “An act to authorize the extension, construction, and use of a lateral branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad into and within the District of Columbia.” Feb. 26, 1834.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.) Feb. 27, 1834.
Courts of the United States in Delaware. An act to change the times for commencing the sessions of the courts of the United States in the district of Delaware.March 24, 1834.
Appropriations for the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)May 14, 1834.
Insolvent Debtors of the United States. An act to revive and amend “An act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States,” passed on the second day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and an act in addition thereto, passed the fourteenth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. (Expired.)June 7, 1834.
Election of Representatives in certain Counties in Florida, &c. An act to equalize representation in the territory of Florida, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)June 18, 1834.
Appropriations for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the Indian department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 18, 1834.
Pre-emptions to Settlers on the Public Lands. An act to revive the act, entitled “An act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on the public lands,” approved May twenty-nine, one thousand eight hundred and thirty.June 19, 1834.
Pensions. An act further to extend the term of certain pensions chargeable on the privateer pension fund. (Expired.)June 19, 1834.
Lands granted for Schools in Ohio. An act to grant to the state of Ohio certain lands for the support of schools in the Connecticut Western Reserve.June 19, 1834.
Commission for carrying into Effect the Convention with France. An act to extend the time allowed for the discharge of the duties of the commission for carrying into effect the convention with France. (Expired.)June 19, 1834.
Convention between the United States and Naples. An act supplementary to the act, entitled “An act to carry into effect the convention between the United States and his majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, concluded at Naples, on the fourteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.” (Obsolete.)June 19, 1834.
Appropriations for the Payment of the Georgia Militia. An act for the re-appropriation of an unexpended balance of a former appropriation for the payment of the Georgia militia claims, for the years one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, and one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. (Obsolete.)June 19, 1834.
Armory at Harper’s Ferry. An act making additional appropriations for the armory at Harper’s Ferry, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 19, 1834.
Cumberland Road. An act for the continuation and repair of the Cumberland road.June 21, 1834.
Value of Foreign Silver Coins in the United States. An act regulating the value of certain foreign silver coins within the United States.June 25, 1834.
Land Districts in Michigan. An act to change the boundary between the south-eastern and western land district in the territory of Michigan, and for other purposes.June 25, 1834.
Appropriations for Indian Annuities. An act making appropriations for Indian annuities and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 26, 1834.
School Lands and Land for a Courthouse in Fayetteville. An act for the relief of the town of Fayetteville, in the territory of Arkansas.June 26, 1834.
Land Districts in Illinois, Missouri, &c. An act to create additional land districts in the states of Illinois and Missouri, and in the territory north of the state of Illinois.June 26, 1834.
Land Office in Arkansas. An act to establish an additional land office in Arkansas.June 26, 1834.
Land Claims in Alabama. An act confirming certain land claims in the district of St. Stephen’s, in Alabama.June 26, 1834.
Pension Agency and Payment of Pensioners in Alabama. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to establish a pension agency in the town of Decatur, in the state of Alabama, and to provide for the paying of certain pensioners in said town of Decatur.June 27, 1834.
Appropriations for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 27, 1834.
Standard Weight of the Gold Coins of the United States, &c. An act concerning the gold coins of the United States, and for other purposes.June 28, 1834.
Value of Foreign Gold Coins. An act regulating the value of certain foreign gold coins within the United States.June 28, 1834.
Removal of the Custom-house from Magnolia to St. Mark’s, Florida. An act to authorize the removal of the custom-house from Magnolia to St. Mark’s, in Florida.June 28, 1834.
Territory West of the Mississippi River and North of Missouri attached to Michigan. An act to attach the territory of the United States west of the Mississippi river and north of the state of Missouri to the territory of Michigan.June 28, 1834.
Payment of Interest on Part of the Public Debt of the City of Washington. An act for the benefit of the city of Washington. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
French Seamen killed at Toulon. An act to enable the President of the United Stats to make an arrangement with the government of France in relation to certain French seamen killed or wounded at Toulon, and their families.June 28, 1834.
Correction of Erroneous Selections of Land in Indiana. An act to authorize the correction of erroneous selections of land granted to the state of Indiana for the purpose of constructing the Michigan road.June 28, 1834.
Advertisement of Sales of Public Lands. An act limiting the times of advertising the sales of the public lands.June 28, 1834.
Improvement of Harbours and Rivers. An act making additional appropriations for certain harbours and removing obstructions in the months of certain rivers, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Military Academy. An act making appropriations for the military academy, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Indian Treaties, &c. An act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)June 28, 1834.
Repeal of the Proviso in the Act to extend the Time for Locating certain Donation Lands in Arkansas. An act further to provide for the location of certain land in the territory of Arkansas.June 28, 1834.
Pre-emption Rights in Louisiana. An act in reference to pre-emption rights in the south-eastern district of Louisiana.June 28, 1834.
Consent of Congress to a Compact of Boundary between New York and New Jersey. An act giving the consent of Congress to an agreement or compact entered into between the state of New York and the state of New Jersey respecting the territorial limits and jurisdiction of said states.June 28, 1834.
Collection Districts. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act to annex a part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York; to remove the office of collector of Niagara to Lewistown; to make Cape St. Vincent, in the district of Sackett’s Harbour, a part of delivery; and out of the districts of Miami and Mississippi, to make two new districts, to be called the districts of Sandusky and Teche, and for other purposes.”June 30, 1834.
Purchase of the Books and Papers of General Washington. An act to enable the Secretary of State to purchase the papers and books of General Washington.June 30, 1834.
Roads in Arkansas. An act authorizing the President of the United States to cause certain roads to be opened in Arkansas.June 30, 1834.
Duties on Imports. An act to suspend the operations of certain provisoes of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)June 30, 1834.
Marine Corps. An act for the better organization of the United States “Marine Corps.”June 30, 1834.
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Army. An act to increase and regulate the pay of the surgeons and assistant surgeons of the army.June 30, 1834.
Naval Pensions. An act concerning naval pensions and the navy pension fund.June 30, 1834.
Ports of Entry and Delivery. An act to establish a port of entry at Natchez, in Mississippi, and creating certain ports of delivery, and for other purposes.June 30, 1834.
Repair of the Mars Hill Military Road. An act for the repair of the Mars Hill military road, in the state of Maine.June 30, 1834.
Wabash and Erie Canal Lands. An act authorizing the selection of certain Wabash and Erie canal lands, in the state of Ohio.June 30, 1834.
Bust of Chief Justice Ellsworth. An act to procure a bust in marble of the late Chief Justice Ellsworth.June 30, 1834.
Duty on Lead. An act concerning duty on lead. (Obsolete.)June 30, 1834.
Roads in Michigan. An act to aid in the construction of certain roads in the territory of Michigan.June 30, 1834.
Road from opposite Memphis to Little Rock. An act for the completion of the road from a point opposite to Memphis, in the state of Tennessee, to Little Rock, in the territory of Arkansas.June 30, 1834.
Arrearages to the Officers of the Marine Corps. An act making certain allowances and granting certain arrearages to the captains and subalterns of the United States corps of marines.June 30, 1834.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.June 30, 1834.
Lighthouses, &c. An act making appropriations for building lighthouses, lightboats, beacons, and monuments, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.June 30, 1834.
Claims of Citizens of Georgia on the Creek Indians. An act to carry into full effect the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, with the Creek nation of Indians, so far as relates to the claims of citizens of Georgia against said Indians, prior to eighteen hundred and two.June 30, 1834.
Appropriations for the Public Buildings and Grounds in Washington. An act making appropriations for the public buildings and grounds, and for other purposes.June 30, 1834.
Improvement on Pennsylvania Avenue. An act to complete the improvements on Pennsylvania Avenue.June 30, 1834.
Road in Florida. An act authorizing a road to be cut out from the northern boundary of the territory of Florida, by Marianna, to the town of Appalachicola, within the said territory.June 30, 1834.
Road from Columbia to Little Rock, Arkansas. An act to mark and open a road from Columbia to Little Rock, in the territory of Arkansas.June 30, 1834.
Improvement of the Navigation of the Hudson River. An act making an appropriation for the improvement of the navigation of the Hudson river, in the state of New York.June 30, 1834.
An Extra Session of the Legislative Council of Michigan authorized. An act to authorize an extra session of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan.June 30, 1834.
Purchase of Live Oak for the Navy. An act authorizing the purchase of live oak frames for a frigate and sloop of war, and for other naval purposes.June 30, 1834.
Claims for Property lost or destroyed in the Service of the United States in the Indian War in Illinois and Michigan. An act to provide for the claims for property lost, captured, or destroyed by the enemy, while in the military service of the United States during the late war with the Indians on the frontiers of Illinois and Michigan territory.June 30, 1834.
Bridge across the Potomac. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Potomac, and repealing all acts already passed in relation thereto. June 30, 1834.
Sale of Lots in the Town of St. Mark’s. An act to authorize the sale of lots in the town of St. Mark’s, in Florida.June 30, 1834.
Copyrights. An act supplementary to the act to amend the several acts respecting copyrights.June 30, 1834.
Rebuilding the Frigate Congress. An act to provide for rebuilding the frigate Congress.June 30, 1834.
Experiments for the Safety of the Steam Engine. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to make experiments for the safety of the steam engine.June 30, 1834.
Regulation of Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes. An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers.June 30, 1834.
Organization of a Department of Indian Affairs. An act to provide for the organization of the department of Indian affairs.June 30, 1834.
Treatment of Persons convicted of Criminal Offences against the United States. An act in addition to the “Act more effectually to provide for the punishment of certain criminals against the United States, and for other purposes,” approved March third, eighteen hundred and twenty-five.June 30, 1834.
Salaries of the Judges of the Territories of Michigan, Arkansas, and Florida. An act increasing the salaries of the judges of the United States for the territories of Michigan, Arkansas, and Florida.June 30, 1834.
Diplomatic Services and Expenses. An act making compensation for certain diplomatic services, and for other purposes.June 30, 1834.
Repeal of Acts of the Legislature of Florida laying a Tax on Slaves of Non-residents—Additional Members of the Council. An act repealing certain acts of the legislative council of the territory of Florida.June 30, 1834.
Relinquishment of the Reversionary Interest of the United States in certain Indian Reservations. An act to relinquish the reversionary interest of the United States in a certain Indian reservation lying between the rivers Mississippi and Desmoins.June 30, 1834.
The Governors of States authorized to transmit State Papers Free of Postage. An act authorizing the governors of the several states to transmit by mail certain books and documents. (Obsolete.)June 30, 1834.
Tonnage Duty on Spanish Vessels. An act concerning tonnage duty on Spanish vessels.June 30, 1834.
Transfers of Appropriations for the Navy. An act to authorize the President of the United States to direct transfers of appropriations in the naval service, under certain circumstances.June 30, 1834.
District Court in Louisiana. An act for changing the term of the district court for the western district of Louisiana.June 30, 1834.
Prohibition of the Issue of Bills of Less than Ten Dollars by Corporations in the District of Columbia. An act to prohibit the corporations of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, from issuing promissory notes or bills of any denomination less than ten dollars, after the period therein mentioned, and for the gradual withdrawal from circulation of all such notes or bills.June 30, 1834.
Land granted to Exiles from Poland. An act granting land to certain exiles from Poland.June 30, 1834.


1. Resolution providing for the distribution of the diplomatic correspondence of the United States from the peace of seventeen hundred and eighty-three to the fourth of March, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine.June 19, 1834.
2. Resolution for distributing returns of the last census.June 19, 1834.
3. Resolution giving the right of way through property of the United States at Harper’s Ferry to the Winchester and Potomac Railroad Company.June 25, 1834.
4. Resolution manifesting the sensibility of the two houses of Congress and of the nation on the occasion of the decease of General La Fayette.June 26, 1834.




Appropriation for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)Jan. 27, 1835.
Appropriation for the Military Barracks at New Orleans. An act making an appropriation for the completion of the military barracks at New Orleans. (Obsolete.)Jan. 27, 1835.
Appropriations for the Support of the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)Jan. 27, 1835.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)Jan. 27, 1835.
Military Land Warrants. An act to allow further time to complete the issuing and locating of military land warrants during the late war. (Expired.)Jan. 27, 1835.
Military Land Warrants to the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. An act to extend the time of issuing military land warrants to the officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army.Jan. 27, 1835.
Land Claims in Louisiana. An act for the final adjustment of claims to lands in the state of Louisiana.Feb. 6, 1835.
Appropriations for the Naval Service. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)Feb. 13, 1835.
A Harbour in the Territory of Michigan. An act for improving the harbour at the mouth of the river Raisin, in the territory of Michigan.Feb. 24, 1835.
Improvements in Florida. An act for the completion of certain improvements in Florida.Feb. 24, 1835.
Marshal of the District of Delaware. An act to provide for the further compensation of the marshal of the district of Delaware.Feb. 24, 1835.
Entry of the Back Lands in Louisiana. An act supplementary to an act, entitled “An act to authorize the inhabitants of the state of Louisiana to enter the back lands.”Feb. 24, 1835.
Roads in the Territory of Arkansas. An act to complete certain roads in the territory of Arkansas.Feb. 24, 1835.
Appropriation for the Delaware Breakwater for the Improvement of Harbours and Rivers. An act making additional appropriations for the Delaware breakwater, and for certain harbours, and removing obstructions in and at the mouths of certain rivers, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1835.
Regulation of the Pay of the Navy. An act to regulate the pay of the navy of the United States.March 3, 1835.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in the District of Columbia. An act supplementary to an act, entitled “An act to authorize the extension, construction, and use of a lateral branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad into and within the District of Columbia,” passed December, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.March 3, 1835.
Lighthouses, Lightboats, &c. An act making appropriations for building lightboats, beacons, and monuments, and placing buoys, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1835.
Appropriations for Support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1835.
Cumberland Road. An act for the continuation and repair of the Cumberland road in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.March 3, 1835.
Cumberland Road between Springfield, Ohio, and Richmond, Indiana. An act amendatory of the act for the continuation of the Cumberland road.March 3, 1835.
Punishment of Consuls and Commercial Agents. An act to prescribe the punishment of consuls, commercial agents, and others, in certain cases.March 3, 1835.
District Court of the United States in Mississippi. An act to change the place of holding the district court of the United States for the district of Mississippi.March 3, 1835.
Bridge across the Potomac. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Potomac, and repealing all acts already passed in relation thereto.”March 3, 1835.
District Court of the United States for Western Virginia. An act to change the times of holding the district courts of the United States for the western district of Virginia, held at Clarksburg.March 3, 1835.
Land Office in Ohio. An act to authorize the removal of the land office at Wapaughkoneta to Lima, in the state of Ohio.March 3, 1835.
Establishment of Branch Mints. An act to establish branches of the mint of the United States.March 3, 1835.
Punishment of Revolt on Board of Ships, &c. An act in amendment of the acts for the punishment of offences against the United States.March 3, 1835.
Appropriations for Roads and Surveys. An act making appropriations for certain roads, and for examinations and surveys, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1835.
Convention with France. An act further to extend the time allowed for the execution of the duties of the commission for carrying into effect the convention with France.March 3, 1835.
Duties on Imports. An act further to suspend the operation of certain provisoes of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.March 3, 1835.
Railroad over the Public Lands in Florida. An act to authorize the construction of a railroad upon the public lands, from Tallahassee to St. Mark’s, in Florida.March 3, 1835.
Office of the Commissioner of Pensions. An act to continue the office of commissioner of pensions.March 3, 1835.
Construction of a Dry Dock in the Harbour of New York. An act authorizing the construction of a dry dock for the naval service.March 3, 1835.
Land Claims in the South-eastern District of Louisiana. An act supplementary to the act of the fourth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, entitled “An act for the final adjustment of the claims of lands in the south-eastern district of Louisiana.”March 3, 1835.
Supplies to the Army, &c. An act to render permanent the present mode of supplying the army of the United States, and fixing the salary of certain clerks therein named.March 3, 1835.
Appropriations for Indian Annuities. An act making appropriations for Indian annuities and other similar objects, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-five. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1835.
Pension Agency established at Jackson, in Tennessee. An act to provide for paying certain pensioners at Jackson in the state of Tennessee.March 3, 1835.


1. Resolution relating to the Winchester and Potomac railroad.Jan. 27, 1835.
2. Resolution presenting a gold medal to George Croghan, and a sword to each of the officers under his command, for their gallantry and good conduct in the defence of fort Stephenson, in eighteen hundred and thirteen.Feb. 13, 1835.
3. Resolution for the disposition of a lion and two horses, received as a present, by the consul of the United States at Tangier, from the Emperor of Morocco.Feb. 13, 1835.