United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/Lists and Tables/22nd Congress

3111339United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4, Lists and Tables — Acts of the Twenty-Second Congress of the United StatesUnited States Congress

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1832.



Sale of Saline Lands in Illinois. An act to authorize the state of Illinois to sell twenty thousand acres of the saline lands in said State.Jan. 19, 1832.
Pre-emption Rights to Settlers on Public Lands. An act supplementary to an act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on public lands.Jan. 23, 1832.
Land Claims in Florida. An act to direct the manner of issuing patents on confirmed land claims in the territory of Florida.Jan. 23, 1832.
Circuit Court in Southern District of New York. An act to alter the time of holding the spring term of the Circuit Court of the United States for the southern district of New York.Feb. 10, 1832.
Arrearages in the Naval Service. An act to provide for the payment of arrearages in the naval service, chargeable to the enumerated contingent, prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)Feb. 24, 1832.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)Feb. 24, 1832.
Fortifications. An act making appropriations for fortifications, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)Feb. 24, 1832.
Naval Service. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)Feb. 24, 1832.
Claims of the State of South Carolina. An act for the adjustment and settlement of the claims of the state of South Carolina against the United States.March 22, 1832.
Legislative Council of Florida. An act to amend the several acts establishing a territorial government in Florida.March 22, 1832.
Virginia Military Land Warrants. An act explanatory of the act, entitled “An act for the relief of officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and navy, and of the continental army during the revolutionary war,” approved thirtieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty. (Expired.)March 31, 1832.
Districts of Alabama. An act to add a part of the southern to the northern district of Alabama.March 31, 1832.
Appropriations for the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)April 5, 1832.
Public Lands. An act supplementary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands.April 5, 1832.
The Judges of the Courts of the United States authorized to take Bail, in Vacation, for Property seized, &c. An act to authorize the judges of the courts of the United States to take bail of the claimants of property seized, and perform other acts, in vacation.April 5, 1832.
Ordnance Department. An act providing for the organization of the ordnance department.April 5, 1832.
District Court in the Western District of Virginia. An act to change the time of holding the United States district court, at Staunton, in the western district of Virginia.April 20, 1832.
Salt Springs in Arkansas. An act authorizing the governor of the territory of Arkansas to lease the salt springs in said territory, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)April 20, 1832.
Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations in conformity with the stipulations of certain Indian treaties. (Obsolete.) April 20, 1832.
Lands in Arkansas. An act providing for the postponement of the trial of certain cases now pending in the superior courts of Arkansas territory, and for withholding from sale or entry certain lands in said territory. April 20, 1832.
Appropriations for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations for the support of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.) May 5, 1832.
Vaccination. An act to provide the means of extending the benefits of vaccination, as a preventive of small-pox, to the Indian tribes, and thereby, as far as possible, to save them from the destructive ravages of that disease. May 5, 1832.
District Court in Indiana. An act for altering the time of holding the district court of the United States for the district of Indiana. May 19, 1832.
The United States and the Republic of Colombia. An act for giving effect to a commercial arrangement between the United States and the Republic of Colombia.May 19, 1832.
Rules and Regulations of the Naval Service. An act authorizing the revision and extension of the rules and regulations of the naval service.May 19, 1832.
Apportionment of Representatives among the several States, according to the Fifth Census. An act for the apportionment of representatives among the several states, according to the fifth census.May 22, 1832.
District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. An act to alter the time of holding the district court of the United States for the western district of Louisiana.May 22, 1832.
Land Offices in Mississippi and Missouri. An act to authorize the removal of the land office for Mount Salus, in the state of Mississippi, and to remove the land office from Franklin to Fayette, in the state of Missouri. May 22, 1832.
Duties on Vessels of Portugal. An act to exempt the vessels of Portugal from payment of duties on tonnage.May 25, 1832.
Georgetown, in the District of Columbia. An act to extend the limits of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia.May 25, 1832.
Pennsylvania Avenue, &c. An act for improving Pennsylvania Avenue, supplying the public buildings with water, and for paving the walk from the western gate to the Capitol with flagging.May 25, 1832.
Corporations in the District of Columbia. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act to enlarge the powers of the several corporations of the District of Columbia.”May 25, 1832.
Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the Indian department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)May 31, 1832.
Congressional Burial Ground. An act to aid the vestry of Washington parish in the erection of a keeper’s house, and the improvement and security of the ground alotted for the interment of members of Congress and other public officers.May 31, 1832.
Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. An act in relation to the penitentiary in the District of Columbia. (Obsolete.)May 31, 1832.
Enrolling Conveyances, &c. in the District of Columbia. An act for quieting possessions, enrolling conveyances, and securing the estates of purchasers within the District of Columbia.May 31, 1832.
Rights of the Washington Canal Company vested in the City of Washington. An act vesting in the corporation of the city of Washington, all the rights of the Washington Canal Company, and for other purposes.May 31, 1832.
Courts in the District of Columbia. An act changing the times of holding the courts in the District of Columbia.May 31, 1832.
Qualifications of Voters in Arkansas. An act defining the qualifications of voters in the territory of Arkansas.May 31, 1832.
Indian Annuities, &c. An act making appropriations for Indian annuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)June 4, 1832.
Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations in conformity with the stipulations of certain treaties with the Creeks, Shawnees, Ottaways, Senecas, Wyandots, Cherokees, and Choctaws.June 4, 1832.
Pensions. An act supplementary to the “Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution.”June 4, 1832.
Wharf near the Lighthouse on Stratford Point, Connecticut. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to permit a wharf to be built near the site of the lighthouse on Stratford Point, in the state of Connecticut.June 15, 1832.
Surveyor-General of Arkansas. An act to create the office of surveyor of public lands for the territory of Arkansas.June 15, 1832.
Land granted to Arkansas for a Courthouse and Jail at Little Rock. An act granting to the territory of Arkansas one thousand acres of land for the erection of a courthouse and jail at Little Rock.June 15, 1832.
Re-appropriations—Relief of Friendly Indians. An act for the re-appropriation of certain unexpended balances of former appropriations, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)June 15, 1832.
Mounted Volunteers. An act to authorize the President to raise mounted volunteers for the defence of the frontier.June 15, 1832.
Authority to Inhabitants of Louisiana to enter Back Lands. An act to authorize the inhabitants of the state of Louisiana to enter the back lands.June 15, 1832.
Post-roads. An act to establish certain post-roads, and to alter and discontinue others, and for other purposes.June 15, 1832.
Land Districts in Arkansas. An act establishing land districts in the territory of Arkansas.June 25, 1832.
Surgeons, &c., in the Army. An act to increase the number of surgeons and assistant surgeons in the army of the United States.June 28, 1832.
Pensions. An act further to extend the pension heretofore granted to the widows of persons killed, or who died in the naval service. (Expired.)June 28, 1832.
Public Grounds in St. Augustine and Pensacola—Public Buildings. An act making provision for the sale and disposition of the public grounds in the cities of St. Augustine and Pensacola, and to reserve certain lots and buildings for public purposes, and to provide for their repair and preservation.June 28, 1832.
Internal Improvements. An act making appropriations for certain internal improvements, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)July 3, 1832.
Transfer of Naval Appropriations. An act to authorize the President of the United States to direct transfers of appropriations in the naval service, under certain circumstances. (Expired.)July 3, 1832.
Sale of Lands in Indiana. An act to authorize the legislature of the state of Indiana to sell and convey certain lands granted to said state for the use of the people thereof. (Obsolete.)July 3, 1832.
Treaty with Mexico. An act to provide for carrying into effect the treaty of limits between the United States of America and the United Mexican States.July 3, 1832.
Patents for Useful Inventions. An act concerning patents for useful inventions.July 3, 1832.
Sale of Unlocated Lots in the United States’ Military District, Ohio. An act for the sale of the unlocated lots in the fifty quarter townships in the United States’ military district, in the state of Ohio, reserved to satisfy warrants granted to individuals for their military services.July 3, 1832.
Road from Detroit—Canal in Florida. An act to authorize the surveying and laying out a road from Detroit to the mouth of Grand river of Lake Michigan, in the Michigan territory, and for the survey of canal routes in the territory of Florida.July 4, 1832.
Road in Michigan. An act to authorize the surveying and making of a road from La Plaisance Bay, in the territory of Michigan, to intersect the Chicago road.July 4, 1832.
Land Claims in Louisiana. An act for the final adjustment of the claims to land in the south-eastern land district of the state of Louisiana.July 4, 1832.
Land granted for Legislative House in Arkansas. An act to authorize the governor of the territory of Arkansas to select ten sections of land granted to said territory, for the purpose of building a legislative house for said territory, and for other purposes.July 4, 1832.
Claims of the State of Virginia. An act to provide for liquidating and paying certain claims of the state of Virginia.July 5, 1832.
Appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs. An act to provide for the appointment of a commissioner of Indian affairs, and for other purposes.July 9, 1832.
Extinguishment of Indian Titles in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. An act to enable the President to extinguish Indian title within the state of Indiana, Illinois, and territory of Michigan.July 9, 1832.
Private Land Claims in Missouri. An act for the final adjustment of private land claims in Missouri.July 9, 1832.
Purchasers of the Public Lands. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act for the relief of purchasers of the public lands that have reverted for non-payment of the purchase money, passed twenty-third day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight.”July 9, 1832.
District Court of the District of Illinois. An act to alter the times of holding the district court of the United States for the state of Illinois.July 9, 1832.
Claim of the United States on the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Indiana. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to compromise the claim of the United States on the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Indiana.July 9, 1832.
Frigate Macedonian. An act to finish the rebuilding of the frigate Macedonian.July 10, 1832.
Surveys made by Naval Officers, &c. An act to provide for paying certain arrearages for surveys made by naval officers, and for other purposes.July 10, 1832.
Frigate Java and Sloop Cyane. An act to provide for rebuilding the frigate Java and the sloop Cyane.July 10, 1832.
Navy Hospital at Norfolk, and Naval Asylum at Philadelphia. An act to provide for completing the navy hospital at Norfolk, and the navy asylum at Philadelphia, and to furnish them in part. (Obsolete.)July 10, 1832.
Navy Hospitals. An act authorizing the construction of navy hospitals at the navy yards at Charleston, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New York, and Pensacola.July 10, 1832.
Survey of the Coast of the United States. An act to carry into effect the act to provide for a survey of the coast of the United States.July 10, 1832.
Tanks for the Navy. An act to provide iron tanks for the use of the navy of the United States.July 10, 1832.
Land Districts in Alabama. An act to establish additional land districts in the state of Alabama, and for other purposes.July 10, 1832.
Navy and Privateer Pension Fund and Navy Hospital Fund. An act for the regulation of the navy and privateer pension and navy hospital funds.July 10, 1832.
Discriminating Duties. An act to extend the provisions of the act, entitled “An act regulating commercial intercourse with the islands of Martinique and Guadaloupe,” approved the ninth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and to refund the tonnage duties on the French ship Victorine.July 13, 1832.
Assent of Congress to Acts of North Carolina. An act giving the assent of Congress to an act of the legislature of North Carolina, entitled “An act to incorporate a company, entitled The Roanoke Inlet Company, and for other purposes;” and also, to an act amendatory thereof, which passed in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight.July 13, 1832.
Custom-house in New York. An act making appropriations for a custom-house in the city of New York, and for other purposes.July 13, 1832.
Convention with France. An act to carry into effect the convention between the United States and his majesty the King of the French, concluded at Paris, on the fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. (Obsolete.)July 13, 1832.
Indian Treaties. An act to carry into effect certain Indian treaties.July 13, 1832.
Right of Debenture extended to Key West, &c. An act extending further the right of debenture to the port of Key West, and altering the limits of the district of Key West.July 13, 1832.
Ports of Entry. An act authorizing the entry of vessels and merchandise, arriving from the Cape of Good Hope or beyond the same, at the port of Edgartown, in Massachusetts.July 13, 1832.
Patents to Aliens for Useful Inventions. An act concerning the issuing of patents to aliens for useful discoveries and inventions.July 13, 1832.
Quarantine Regulations. An act to enforce quarantine regulations. (Expired.)July 13, 1832.
Military Land Warrants. An act to extend the time of issuing military land warrants to officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army.July 13, 1832.
Seneca Indians. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to pay to the Seneca tribe of Indians the balance of an annuity of six thousand dollars, usually paid to said Indians, and remaining unpaid, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one.July 13, 1832.
Discriminating Duties. An act concerning tonnage duty on Spanish vessels.July 13, 1832.
Law Department of the Library of Congress. An act to increase and improve the law department of the library of Congress.July 14, 1832.
Removal of the Naval Monument. An act to provide for completing the removal and erection of the naval monument. (Obsolete.)July 14, 1832.
Officers of the Marine Corps. An act concerning certain officers of the marine corps.July 14, 1832.
Appropriations for the Civil and Military Service. An act supplementary to the several acts making appropriation for the civil and military service, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)July 14, 1832.
Bridge over the Potomac. An act providing for the purchase by the United States of the rights of the Washington Bridge Company, in the District of Columbia, and for the erection of a public bridge on the site thereof.July 14, 1832.
Duties on Imports. An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports.July 14, 1832.
Extinguishment of the Indian Title to Lands in Missouri and Illinois, &c. An act to provide for the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands lying in the states of Missouri and Illinois, and for other purposes.July 14, 1832.
Barracks, &c., at New Orleans. An act for the erection or barracks, quarters, and storehouses, and the purchase of a site, in the vicinity of New Orleans.July 14, 1832.
Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the United States. An act in addition to the act, entitled “An act for the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States.”July 14, 1832.
Commissioners to treat with the Indians. An act to provide for the appointment of three commissioners to treat with the Indians, and for other purposes. (Expired.)July 14, 1832.
Northern Boundary Line of the State of Ohio. An act to provide for the taking of certain observations preparatory to the adjustment of the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio. (Obsolete.)July 14, 1832.
Remission of Forfeitures and Penalties. An act to amend the act, entitled “An act to provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures, penalties, and disabilities accruing, in certain cases therein mentioned.”July 14, 1832.
American Seamen. An act further to provide for the relief of distressed American seamen in foreign countries.July 14, 1832.
Pensions. An act for the relief of the invalid pensioners of the United States.July 14, 1832.
Pensions. An act to amend the act, entitled “An act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution.”July 14, 1832.
Ports of Delivery. An act repealing a part of the fifth section of an act, entitled “An act to establish ports of delivery at port Pontchartrain and Delaware City, and for other purposes.”July 14, 1832.
Territorial Government of Florida. An act to amend the several acts for the establishment of a territorial government in Florida.July 14, 1832.
Sale of certain Public Lands in Ohio. An act to authorize the sale of certain public lands in the state of Ohio.July 14, 1832.
Lands reserved for Schools in Florida. An act to authorize the disposition of the fund arising from the sale of a quarter section of land, reserved for the use of schools in Florida.July 14, 1832.
Assent of congress to an Act of Maryland relating to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. An act giving the assent of the United States to an act of the general assembly of Maryland, passed at their December session, in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, entitled “An act further to amend the act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.”July 14, 1832.
Road in Mississippi. An act making appropriation towards the expense of laying out and opening a military road from fort Howard, at Green Bay, to fort Crawford, on the Mississippi.July 14, 1832.
Payment of certain Certificates of Public Debt. An act to revive and continue in force “An act authorizing the payment of certain certificates,” approved seventh May, eighteen hundred and thirty.July 14, 1832.
Pre-emption to Settlers on Public Lands. An act supplemental to the act “granting the right of pre-emption to settlers on the public lands,” approved the twenty-ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty.July 14, 1832.
Sales of Public Lands in Alabama. An act to authorize the sale of lands reserved from sale at fort Jackson, in the state of Alabama.July 14, 1832.
Columbian College. An act granting certain city lots to the corporation of the Columbian College, for the purposes therein mentioned.July 14, 1832.
Release of Duty on Railroad Iron. An act to release from duty iron prepared for and actually laid on railways or inclined planes.July 14, 1832.
Improvement of the Tennessee, Coosa, and other Rivers. An act supplemental to the act “granting certain relinquished and unappropriated lands to the state of Alabama, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Tennessee, Coosa, Cahawba, and Black Warrior rivers,” approved the twenty-third day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight.July 16, 1832.


1. Resolution empowering the Secretary of the Navy to settle certain contracts, and to relinquish certain forfeitures.Feb. 10, 1832.
2. Resolution concerning the recording of patents for useful inventions.March 7, 1832.
3. Resolution respecting the pay of the marines.May 25, 1832.
4. Resolution transferring certain duties relating to pensions from the Treasury to the War Department.June 28, 1832.
5. Resolution for the distribution of the returns of the fifth census.July 3, 1832.
6. Resolution directing the distribution of a compilation of congressional documents, and for other purposes.July 10, 1832.
7. Resolution for binding the several copies of the returns of the fifth census, printed by authority of the act of the twenty-third of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty.July 13, 1832.
8. Resolution to repeal a resolution, approved the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, authorizing the President of the United States to employ a skilful assistant in the corps of engineers.July 14, 1832.
9. Resolution in relation to the execution of an act, supplementary to the act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution.July 14, 1832.
10. Resolution directing the transmission of the fifth census by mail.July 14, 1832.
11. Resolution respecting the Biennial Register.July 14, 1832.




Appropriations in part for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations in part for the support of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and for certain expenditures of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)Jan. 14, 1833.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)Jan. 14, 1833.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for carrying on fortifications of the United States, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)Jan. 14, 1833.
Land Office in Michigan. An act to establish a land office in the territory of Michigan.Jan. 30, 1833.
Ports of Delivery in Maine. An act for making Calais and Pembroke, in the state of Maine, ports of delivery.Feb. 5, 1833.
Duties on Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. An act to explain an act, entitled “An act to reduce the duties on coffee, tea, and cocoa,” passed the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty.Feb. 9, 1833.
Lands for the Cultivation of the Vine and Olive. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act to alter and amend an act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragement of the vine and olive,” approved nineteenth February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one.Feb. 19, 1833.
Pensions. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act supplementary to the act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution.”Feb. 19, 1833.
Improvement of Pennsylvania Avenue. An act for the further improvement of Pennsylvania Avenue.Feb. 19, 1833.
Payment for Horses, &c., lost or destroyed in the Military service of the United States. An act for the payment of horses and arms lost in the military service of the United States against the Indians on the frontiers of Illinois and Michigan territory.Feb. 19, 1833.
Watterston and Van Zandt’s Statistical Tables. An act for the purchase of certain copies of Watterston and Van Zandt’s Statistical Tables, and to authorize a subscription for a continuation of the same.Feb. 19, 1833.
Appropriations for the Naval Service. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)Feb. 20, 1833.
Appropriations for Indian Annuities, &c. An act making appropriations for Indian annuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)Feb. 20, 1833.
Road in Alabama and Georgia. An act to authorize the laying out and constructing a road from Line Creek to the Chatahooche, and for repairing the road on which the mail is now transported.Feb. 20, 1833.
Sale of Lands in Ohio. An act to authorize the legislature of the state of Ohio to sell the land reserved for the support of religion in the Ohio Company’s and John Cleeves Symmes’ purchases. (Obsolete.)Feb. 20, 1833.
Donation Lands in Arkansas. An act further to extend the time for entering certain donation claims to land in the territory of Arkansas. (Expired.)Feb. 20, 1833.
Appropriations for the Support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Duties on Imports—“The Compromise Act.” An act to modify the act of the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and all other acts imposing duties on imports. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Appropriations for the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the Indian department, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Collection of Duties on Imports. An act further to provide for the collection of duties on imports.March 2, 1833.
Duties on Imports. An act to explain and amend the eighteenth section of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.March 2, 1833.
Appropriations for Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, and for other purposes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Appropriation for the Engineer and Ordnance Departments. An act making appropriations for the engineer and ordnance departments. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Appropriations for the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Duties on Imports. An act to explain and amend the act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports, passed July fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, so far as relates to hardware, and certain manufactures of copper and brass, and other articles. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Appropriations for Fortifications. An act making appropriations for the erection of certain fortifications. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Improvement of Rivers in Florida and Michigan—Surveys, &c. An act for improving the navigation of certain rivers in the territories of Florida and Michigan, and for surveys, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Potomac Bridge. An act in relation to the Potomac bridge.March 2, 1833.
Improvement of the Navigation of the Potomac River. An act to improve the navigation of the Potomac river between Georgetown and Alexandria, and for other purposes.March 2, 1833.
Gradual Improvement of the Navy. An act in addition to the act for the gradual improvement of the navy of the United States.March 2, 1833.
Improvement of the Condition of the Non-commissioned Officers and Privates in the Army and Marine Corps. An act to improve the condition of the non-commissioned officers and privates of the army and marine corps of the United States, and to prevent desertion.March 2, 1833.
Improvement of Harbours and Rivers—Cumberland Road. An act making appropriations for carrying on certain works heretofore commenced for the improvement of harbours and rivers, and also for continuing and repairing the Cumberland road, and certain territorial roads. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Appropriations for the Penitentiary, the Capitol, &c., in Washington. An act making appropriation for the public buildings, and for other purposes.March 2, 1833.
Road from the Mississippi River to the Territory of Arkansas. An act for the construction of a road from the Mississippi river to William Strong’s, on the St. Francis river, in the territory of Arkansas.March 2, 1833.
Legislative Council of Michigan. An act prolonging the second session of the fifth legislative council of the territory of Michigan. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Washington Canal. An act in addition to and in alteration of an act, entitled “An act vesting in the corporation of the city of Washington all the rights of the Washington Canal Company,” and for other purposes.March 2, 1833.
Port of Entry at Fall River—Post-office at Dighton. An act establishing a port of entry and delivery at the village of Fall River, in Massachusetts, and discontinuing the office at Dighton.March 2, 1833.
Navy Yard at Brooklyn. An act to authorize the President of the United States to exchange certain lands belonging to the navy yard at Brooklyn for other lands contiguous thereto.March 2, 1833.
Regiment of Dragoons to be raised. An act for the more perfect defence of the frontiers.March 2, 1833.
Land Offices. An act to create sundry new land offices, and to alter the boundaries of other land offices of the United States.March 2, 1833.
Publication of the Documentary History of the United States. An act making provision for the publication of the documentary history of the American revolution.March 2, 1833.
Assent of Congress to an Act of the Legislature of the State of Virginia relative to the Cumberland Road. An act declaring the assent of Congress to an act of the general assembly of the state of Virginia, hereinafter recited.March 2, 1833.
Liens of Mechanics and Others on Buildings in the District of Columbia. An act to secure to mechanics and others payment for labour done and materials furnished in the erection of buildings in the District of Columbia.March 2, 1833.
Election Districts in the Territory of Michigan. An act authorizing an alteration in the election districts for members of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Sale of Lands granted for Public Buildings in Arkansas. An act supplementary to an act, entitled “An act concerning a seminary of learning in the territory of Arkansas,” approved the second of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.March 2, 1833.
Land Claims in Missouri. An act supplemental to the act, entitled “An act for the final adjustment of land claims in Missouri.”March 2, 1833.
Removal of the Office of the Surveyor-General of Public Lands South of Tennessee. An act authorizing the removal of the office of the surveyor-general of public lands south of Tennessee.March 2, 1833.
Canals in Illinois and Ohio. An act to amend an act, entitled “An act to grant a quantity of land to the state of Illinois for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of Illinois river with those of Lake Michigan,” and to allow a further time to the state of Ohio for commencing the Miami Canal from Dayton to Lake Erie.March 2, 1833.
The Public Surveys of Lands to be connected with the Line between Illinois and Indiana. An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the public surveys to be connected with the line of demarcation between the states of Indiana and Illinois.March 2, 1833.
Improvement of the Tennessee River in Alabama. An act further to extend the powers of the board of canal commissioners for the improvement of the Tennessee river, in the state of Alabama.March 2, 1833.
Appointment of a Secretary to sign Patents for Public Lands. An act prescribing the mode by which patents for public lands shall be signed and executed.March 2, 1833.
Pre-emption of Public Lands. An act to revive the act, entitled “An act supplementary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands.”March 2, 1833.
St. Marks, Florida. An act to establish a town at St. Marks, in Florida.March 2, 1833.
Revolutionary Bounty Lane Warrants. An act granting an additional quantity of land for the location of revolutionary bounty land warrants.March 2, 1833.
Prevention of Settlements on the Public Lands. An act to extend the provisions of the act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and seven, entitled “An act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States, until authorized by law.”March 2, 1833.
Convention between the United States and Naples. An act to carry into effect the convention between the United States and his majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, concluded at Naples, on the fourteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1833.
Lands in Arkansas granted for a Courthouse. An act to authorize the governor of the territory of Arkansas to sell the land granted to said territory, by an act of Congress, approved the fifteenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and for other purposes.March 2, 1833.


1. A Resolution authorizing the delivery of certain papers in the Department of State to the commissioners for settling claims under the treaty with France, of the second of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.Feb. 19, 1833.
2. A Resolution in relation to the execution of the act supplementary to the “Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution.”March 2, 1833.
4. A Resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to correct certain mistakes.March 2, 1833.
5. A Resolution providing for the continuation of Gales and Seaton’s compilation of State Papers.March 2, 1833.
6. A Resolution to place thirty copies of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution at the disposition of the Secretary of State.March 2, 1833.