Chapter 1


1 The wordis of Amos ben these, that was in the schepherdis thingis of Thecue, whiche he siy on Israel, in the daies of Osie, king of Juda, and in the daies of Jeroboam, sone of Joas, kyng of Israel, bifor twei yeeris of the erthe mouynge.

2 And he seide, The Lord schal rore fro Sion, and schal yyue his vois fro Jerusalem; and the faire thingis of schepherdis mourenyden, and the cop of Carmele was maad drie.

3 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Damask, and on foure, I shal not conuerte it, for it threischide Galaad in irun waynes.

4 And Y schal sende fier in to the hous of Asael, and it schal deuoure the housis of Benadab.

5 And Y schal al to-breke the barre of Damask, and Y schal leese a dwellere fro the feeld of idol, and hym that holdith the ceptre fro the hous of lust and of letcherie; and the puple of Sirie schal be translatid to Sirenen, seith the Lord.

6 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Gasa, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for it translatide perfit caitifte, to close that togidere in Idumee.

7 And Y schal sende fier in to the wal of Gasa, and it schal deuoure the housis therof.

8 And Y schal leese the dwelleris of Azotus, and hym that holdith the ceptre of Ascalon; and Y schal turne myn hond on Accaron, and the remenauntis of Filisteis schulen perische, seith the Lord God.

9 The Lord God seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Tire, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for thei closiden togidere perfit caitifte in Idumee, and hadde not mynde on the boond of pees of britheren.

10 And Y schal sende fier in to the wal of Tire, and it schal deuoure the housis therof.

11 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Edom, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for it pursuede bi swerd his brother, and defoulide the merci of hym, and helde ferthere his woodnesse, and kepte his indignacioun `til in to the ende.

12 Y schal sende fier in to Theman, and it schal deuoure the housis of Bosra.

13 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of the sones of Amon, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte hym, for he karf the wymmen with childe of Galaad, for to alarge his terme.

14 And Y schal kyndle fier in the wal of Rabbe, and it schal deuoure the housis therof, in yellyng in the dai of batel, and in whirlwynd in the dai of mouyng togidere.

15 And Melchon schal go in to caitifte, he and hise princes togidere, seith the Lord.

Chapter 2


1 The Lord God seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Moab, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte it, for it brente the boonys of the kyng of Idumee til to aische.

2 And Y schal sende fier in to Moab, and it schal deuoure the housis of Carioth; and Moab schal die in sown, in the noise of a trumpe.

3 And Y schal leese a iuge of the myddis therof, and Y schal sle with it alle the princes therof, seith the Lord.

4 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Juda, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte hym, for he hath caste awei the lawe of the Lord, and kepte not the comaundementis of hym; for her idols, after whiche the fadris of hem yeden, disseyueden hem.

5 And Y schal sende fier in to Juda, and it schal deuoure the housis of Jerusalem.

6 The Lord seith these thingis, On thre grete trespassis of Israel, and on foure, Y schal not conuerte hym, for that that he seelde a iust man for siluer, and a pore man for schoon.

7 Whiche al to-foulen the heedis of pore men on the dust of erthe, and bowen awei the weie of meke men; and the sone and his fadir yeden to a damesele, that thei schulden defoule myn hooli name.

8 And thei eeten on clothis leid to wedde bisidis ech auter, and drunken the wyn of dampned men in the hous of her God.

9 Forsothe Y distriede Ammorrei fro the face of hem, whos hiynesse was the hiynesse of cedris, and he was strong as an ook; and Y al to-brak the fruyt of hym aboue, and the rootis of hym bynethe.

10 Y am, that made you to stie fro the lond of Egipt, and ledde you out in desert bi fourti yeer, that ye schulden welde the lond of Ammorrei.

11 And Y reiside of youre sones in to profetis, and Nayareis of youre yonge men. Whether it is not so, ye sones of Israel? seith the Lord.

12 And ye birliden wyn to Nayareis, and comaundiden to profetis, and seiden, Profecie ye not.

13 Lo! Y schal charke vndur you, as a wayn chargid with hei charkith.

14 And fliyt schal perische fro a swift man, and a strong man schal not holde his vertu, and a stalworthe man schal not saue his lijf;

15 and he that holdith a bowe schal not stonde, and a swift man schal not be sauyd by hise feet; and the stiere of an hors schal not saue his lijf,

16 and a stronge man of herte schal fle nakid among stronge men in that dai, seith the Lord.

Chapter 3


1 Sones of Israel, here ye the word which the Lord spak on you, and on al the kynrede, which Y ledde out of the lond of Egipt,

2 and seide, Oneli Y knewe you of alle the kynredis of erthe; therfor Y schal visite on you alle youre wickidnessis.

3 Whether tweyne schulen go togidere, no but it acorde to hem?

4 Whether a lioun schal rore in a forest, no but he haue prey? Whether the whelp of a lioun schal yyue vois fro his denne, no but he take ony thing?

5 Whether a brid schal falle in to a snare of erthe, with outen a foulere? Whether a snare schal be takun awei fro erthe, bifor that it tak sum thing?

6 Whether a trumpe schal sowne in a citee, and the puple schal not drede? Whether yuel schal be in a citee, which yuel the Lord schal not make?

7 For the Lord God schal not make a word, no but he schewe his priuyte to hise seruauntis profetis.

8 A lioun schal rore, who schal not drede? the Lord God spak, who schal not profesie?

9 Make ye herd in the housis of Azotus, and in the housis of the lond of Egipt; and seie ye, Be ye gaderid togidere on the hillis of Samarye, and se ye many woodnessis in the myddis therof, and hem that suffren fals calenge in the priuy places therof.

10 And thei kouden not do riytful thing, seith the Lord, and tresouriden wickidnesse and raueyn in her housis.

11 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, The lond schal be troblid, and be cumpassid; and thi strengthe schal be drawun doun of thee, and thin housis schulen be rauyschid.

12 The Lord God seith these thingis, As if a schepherd rauyschith fro the mouth of a lioun tweyne hipis, ether the laste thing of the eere, so the children of Israel schulen be rauyschid, that dwellen in Samarie, in the cuntrei of bed, and in the bed of Damask.

13 Here ye, and witnesse ye in the hous of Jacob, seith the Lord God of oostis.

14 For in the dai, whanne Y schal bigynne to visite the trespassyngis of Israel on hym, Y schal visite also on the auteris of Bethel; and the hornes of the auter schulen be kit awei, and schulen falle doun in to erthe.

15 And Y schal smyte the wynter hous with the somer hous, and the housis of yuer schulen perische, and many housis schulen be distried, seith the Lord.

Chapter 4


1 Ye fatte kien, that ben in the hil of Samarie, here this word; whiche maken fals caleng to nedi men, and breken pore men; which seien to youre lordis, Bringe ye, and we schulen drynke.

2 The Lord God swoor in his hooli, for lo! daies schulen come on you; and thei schulen reise you in schaftis, and youre remenauntis in buylynge pottis.

3 And ye schulen go out bi the openyngis, oon ayens another, and ye schulen be cast forth in to Armon, seith the Lord.

4 Come ye to Bethel, and do ye wickidli; to Galgala, and multiplie ye trespassyng; and offre ye eerli youre sacrifices, in thre daies youre tithis.

5 And sacrifice ye heriyng of breed maad sour, and clepe ye wilful offryngis, and telle ye; for ye, sones of Israel, wolden so, seith the Lord God.

6 Wherfor and Y yaf to you astonying of teeth in alle youre citees, and nedinesse of looues in alle youre places; and ye turneden not ayen to me, seith the Lord.

7 Also Y forbeed reyn fro you, whanne thre monethis weren yit `to comyng, til to ripe corn; and Y reynede on o citee, and on another citee Y reynede not; o part was bireyned, and the part driede vp on which Y reynede not.

8 And tweyne and thre citees camen to o citee, to drynke watir, and tho weren not fillid; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.

9 Y smoot you with brennynge wynd, and with rust, the multitude of youre orcherdis, and of youre vyneris; and a wort worm eet youre olyue places, and youre fige places; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.

10 Y sente in to you deth in the weie of Egipt, Y smoot with swerd youre yonge men, `til to the caitifte of youre horsis, and Y made the stynk of youre oostis to stie in to youre nose thirlis; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.

11 Y distriede you, as God distriede Sodom and Gomorre, and ye ben maad as a brond rauyschid of brennyng; and ye turneden not ayen to me, seith the Lord.

12 Wherfor, thou Israel, Y schal do these thingis to thee; but aftir that Y schal do to thee these thingis, Israel, be maad redi in to ayen comyng of thi God.

13 For lo! he fourmeth hillis, and makith wynd, and tellith to man his speche; and he makith a `morew myist, and goith on hiy thingis of erthe; the Lord God of oostis is the name of hym.

Chapter 5


1 Here ye this word, for Y reise on you a weilyng.

2 The hous of Israel felle doun, he schal not put to, that it rise ayen; the virgyn of Israel is cast doun in to hir lond, noon is that schal reise hir.

3 For the Lord God seith these thingis, The citee of which a thousynde wenten out, an hundrid schulen be left ther ynne; and of which an hundrid wenten out, ten schulen be left ther ynne, in the hous of Israel.

4 For the Lord seith these thingis to the hous of Israel, Seke ye me, and ye schulen lyue;

5 and nyle ye seke Bethel, and nyle ye entre in to Galgala, and ye schulen not passe to Bersabee; for whi Galgal schal be led caitif, and Bethel schal be vnprofitable.

6 Seke ye the Lord, and lyue ye, lest perauenture the hous of Joseph be brent as fier; and it schal deuoure Bethel, and there schal not be, that schal quenche.

7 Whiche conuerten doom in to wermod, and forsaken riytwisnesse in the lond,

8 and forsaken hym that makith Arture and Orion, and hym that turneth derknessis in to the morewtid, and him that chaungith dai in to niyt; which clepith watris of the see, and heldith out hem on the face of erthe; the Lord is name of hym.

9 Which scorneth distriyng on the stronge, and bringith robbyng on the myyti.

10 Thei hatiden a man repreuynge in the yate, and thei wlatiden a man spekynge perfitli.

11 Therfor for that that ye robbiden a pore man, and token fro hym the chosun prey, ye schulen bilde housis with square stoon, and ye schulen not dwelle in hem; ye schulen plaunte moost louyd vyneyerdis, and ye schulen not drynke the wyn of hem.

12 For Y knew youre grete trespassis many, and youre stronge synnes; enemyes of `the riytwis man, takynge yifte, and berynge doun pore men in the yate.

13 Therfor a prudent man schal be stille in that time, for the time is yuel.

14 Seke ye good, and not yuel, that ye lyue, and the Lord God of oostis schal be with you, as ye seiden.

15 Hate ye yuel, and loue ye good, and ordeyne ye in the gate doom; if perauenture the Lord God of oostis haue merci on the remenauntis of Joseph.

16 Therfor the Lord God of oostis, hauynge lordschipe, seith these thingis, Weilyng schal be in alle stretis, and in alle thingis that ben withoutforth it schal be seid, Wo! wo! and thei schulen clepe an erthe tilier to mourenyng, and hem that kunnen weile, to weilyng.

17 And weilyng schal be in alle weies, for Y schal passe forth in the myddil of `the see, seith the Lord.

18 Wo to hem that desiren the dai of the Lord; wher to desiren ye it to you? This dai of the Lord schal be derknessis, and not liyt.

19 As if a man renne fro the face of a lioun, and a bere renne to hym; and he entre in to the hous, and lene with his hond on the wal, and a serpent dwellynge in schadewe bite hym.

20 Whether the dai of the Lord schal not be derknessis, and not liyt; and myist, and not schynyng ther ynne?

21 Y hatide and castide awei youre feeste daies, and Y schal not take the odour of youre cumpenyes.

22 That if ye offren to me youre brent sacrifices, and yiftis, Y schal not resseyue, and Y schal not biholde avowis of youre fatte thingis.

23 Do thou awei fro me the noise of thi songis, and Y schal not here the songis of thin harpe.

24 And doom schal be schewid as watir, and riytfulnesse as a strong streem.

25 Whether ye, the hous of Israel, offriden to me sacrifices for enemyes to be ouercomun, and sacrifice in desert fourti yeeris?

26 And ye han bore tabernaclis to Moloch, youre god, and ymage of youre idols, the sterre of youre god, which ye maden to you.

27 And Y schal make you for to passe ouer Damask, seide the Lord; God of oostis is the name of him.

Chapter 6


1 Wo to you, that ben ful of richessis in Sion, and tristen in the hil of Samarie, ye principal men, the heedis of puplis, that goen proudli in to the hous of Israel.

2 Go ye in to Calamye, and se ye, and go ye fro thennus in to Emath the greet; and go ye doun in to Geth of Palestyns, and to alle the beste rewmes of hem, if her terme be broddere than youre terme.

3 And ye ben departid in to yuel dai, and neiyen to the seete of wickidnesse;

4 and ye slepen in beddis of yuer, and doen letcherie in youre beddis; and ye eten a lomb of the flok, and calues of the myddil of droue;

5 and ye syngen at vois of sautree. As Dauid thei gessiden hem for to haue instrumentis of song, and drynken wyn in viols;

6 and with beste oynement thei weren anoynted; and in no thing thei hadden compassioun on the sorewe, ether defoulyng, of Joseph.

7 Wherfor now thei schulen passe in the heed of men passynge ouer, and the doyng of men doynge letcherie schal be don awei.

8 The Lord God swoor in his soule, seith the Lord God of oostis, Y wlate the pride of Jacob, and Y hate the housis of hym, and Y schal bitake the citee with hise dwelleris;

9 that if ten men ben left in oon hous, and thei schulen die.

10 And his neiybore schal take hym, and schal brenne hym, that he bere out boonys of the hous. And he schal seie to hym, that is in the priuy places of the hous,

11 Whether ther is yit anentis thee? And he schal answer, An ende is. And he schal seie to hym, Be thou stille, and thenke thou not on the name of the Lord.

12 For lo! the Lord schal comaunde, and schal smyte the grettere hous with fallyngis, and the lesse hous with brekyngis.

13 Whether horsis moun renne in stoonys, ether it mai be eerid with wielde oxun? For ye turneden doom in to bitternesse, and the fruyt of riytfulnesse in to wermod.

14 And ye ben glad in nouyt, and ye seien, Whether not in oure strengthe we token to vs hornes?

15 Lo! Y schal reise on you, the hous of Israel, seith the Lord God of oostis, a folc; and it schal al to-breke you fro entre of Emath `til to the streem of desert.

Chapter 7


1 The Lord God schewide these thingis to me; and lo! a makere of locust in bigynnyng of buriownynge thingis of euentid reyn, and lo! euentid reyn after the clippere of the kyng.

2 And it was don, whanne he hadde endid for to ete the erbe of erthe, Y seide, Lord God, Y biseche, be thou merciful; who schal reise Jacob, for he is litil?

3 The Lord hadde merci on this thing; It schal not be, seide the Lord God.

4 The Lord God schewide to me these thingis; and lo! the Lord God schal clepe doom to fier, and it schal deuoure myche depthe of watir, and it eet togidere a part.

5 And Y seide, Lord God, Y biseche, reste thou; who schal reise Jacob, for he is litil?

6 The Lord hadde merci on this thing; But and this thing schal not be, seide the Lord God.

7 The Lord God schewide to me these thingis; and lo! the Lord stondinge on a wal plastrid, and in the hond of hym was a trulle of a masoun.

8 And the Lord seide to me, What seest thou, Amos? And Y seide, A trulle of a masoun. And the Lord seide, Lo! I schal putte a trulle in the myddil of my puple Israel; Y schal no more putte to, for to ouerlede it;

9 and the hiy thingis of idol schulen be distried, and the halewyngis of Israel schulen be desolat; and Y schal rise on the hous of Jeroboam bi swerd.

10 And Amasie, prest of Bethel, sente to Jeroboam, kyng of Israel, and seide, Amos rebellide ayens thee, in the myddil of the hous of Israel; the lond mai not susteyne alle hise wordis.

11 For Amos seith these thingis, Jeroboam schal die bi swerd, and Israel caitif schal passe fro his lond.

12 And Amasie seide to Amos, Thou that seest, go; fle thou in to the lond of Juda, and ete thou there thi breed; and there thou schalt profesie.

13 And thou schalt no more put to, that thou profesie in Bethel, for it is the halewyng of the king, and is the hous of the rewme.

14 And Amos answeride, and seide to Amasie, Y am not a profete, and Y am not sone of profete; but an herde of neet Y am, drawyng vp sicomoris.

15 And the Lord took me, whanne Y suede the floc; and the Lord seide to me, Go, and profesie thou to my puple Israel.

16 And now here thou the word of the Lord. Thou seist, Thou schalt not profesie on Israel, and thou schal not droppe on the hous of idol.

17 For this thing the Lord seith these thingis, Thi wijf schal do fornicacioun in the citee, and thi sones and thi douytris schal falle bi swerd, and thi lond schal be motun with a litil coord; and thou schalt die in a pollutid lond, and Israel caitif schal passe fro his lond.

Chapter 8


1 The Lord God schewide to me these thingis; and lo! an hook of applis.

2 And the Lord seide, What seist thou, Amos? And Y seide, An hook of applis. And the Lord seide to me, The ende is comun on my puple Israel; Y schal no more putte to, that Y passe bi hym.

3 And the herris, ether twistis, of the temple schulen greetli sowne in that dai, seith the Lord God. Many men schulen die, silence schal be cast forth in ech place.

4 Here ye this thing, whiche al to-breken a pore man, and maken nedi men of the lond for to faile;

5 and ye seien, Whanne schal heruest passe, and we schulen sille marchaundises? and the sabat, and we schulen opene wheete? that we make lesse the mesure, and encreesse the cicle, and `vndur put gileful balauncis;

6 that we welde bi siluer nedi men and pore men for schoon, and we sille outcastyngis of wheete?

7 The Lord swoor ayens the pride of Jacob, Y schal not foryete til to the ende alle the werkis of hem.

8 Whether on this thing the erthe schal not be mouyd togidere, and eche dwellere therof schal mourene? And it schal stie vp as al the flood, and schal be cast out, and schal flete awei as the stronde of Egipt.

9 And it schal be, seith the Lord, in that dai the sunne schal go doun in myddai, and Y schal make the erthe for to be derk in the dai of liyt.

10 And Y schal conuerte youre feeste daies in to mourenyng, and alle youre songis in to weilyng; and Y schal brynge yn on ech bac of you a sak, and on ech heed of you ballidnesse; and Y schal put it as the mourenyng of oon bigetun sone, and the laste thingis therof as a bittir dai.

11 Lo! the daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal sende out hungur in to erthe; not hungur of breed, nether thirst of watir, but of herynge the word of God.

12 And thei schulen be mouyd to gidere fro the see til to the see, and fro the north til to the eest thei schulen cumpasse, sekynge the word of the Lord, and thei schulen not fynde.

13 In that dai faire maidens schulen faile, and yonge men in thirst, whiche sweren in trespas of Samarie,

14 and seien, Dan, thi god lyueth, and the weie of Bersabee lyueth; and thei schulen falle, and thei schulen no more rise ayen.

Chapter 9


1 I siy the Lord stondynge on the auter, and he seide, Smyte thou the herre, and the ouer threshfoldis be mouyd togidere; for aueryce is in the heed of alle, and Y schal sle bi swerd the laste of hem; ther schal no fliyt be to hem, and he that schal fle of hem, schal not be sauyd.

2 If thei schulen go doun til to helle, fro thennus myn hond schal lede out hem; and if thei schulen `stie til in to heuene, fro thennus Y schal drawe hem doun.

3 And if thei schulen be hid in the cop of Carmele, fro thennus Y sekynge schal do awei hem; and if thei schulen hide hem silf fro myn iyen in the depnesse of the see, there Y shal comaunde to a serpente, and it schal bite hem.

4 And if thei schulen go awei in to caitifte bifore her enemyes, there Y schal comaunde to swerd, and it schal sle hem. And Y schal putte myn iyen on hem in to yuel, and not in to good.

5 And the Lord God of oostis schal do these thingis, that touchith erthe, and it schal faile, and alle men dwellynge ther ynne schulen mourene; and it schal stie vp as ech stronde, and it schal flete awei as flood of Egipt.

6 He that bildith his stiyng vp in heuene, schal do these thingis, and foundide his birthun on erthe; which clepith watris of the see, and heldith out hem on the face of erthe; the Lord is name of hym.

7 Whether not as sones of Ethiopiens ye ben to me, the sones of Israel? seith the Lord God. Whether Y made not Israel for to stie vp fro the lond of Egipt, and Palestines fro Capodosie, and Siriens fro Cirenen?

8 Lo! the iyen of the Lord God ben on the rewme synnynge, and Y schal al to-breke it fro the face of erthe; netheles Y al to-brekynge schal not al to-breke the hous of Jacob, seith the Lord.

9 For lo! Y schal comaunde, and schal schake the hous of Israel in alle folkis, as wheete is in a riddil, and a litil stoon schal not falle on erthe.

10 Alle synneris of my puple schulen die bi swerd, whiche seien, Yuel schal not neiy, and schal not come on vs.

11 In that dai Y schal reise the tabernacle of Dauith, that felle doun, and Y schal ayen bilde openyngis of wallis therof, and Y schal restore the thingis that fellen doun; and Y schal ayen bilde it,

12 as in olde daies, that thei welde the remenauntis of Idume, and alle naciouns; for that my name is clepun to help on hem, seith the Lord doynge these thingis.

13 Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and the erere schal take the repere, and `the stampere of grape schal take the man sowynge seed; and mounteyns schulen droppe swetnesse, and alle smale hillis schulen be tilid.

14 And Y schal conuerte the caitifte of my puple Israel, and thei schulen bilde forsakun citees, and schulen dwelle; and schulen plaunte vyneyerdis, and thei schulen drynke wyn of hem; and schulen make gardyns, and schulen ete fruitis of hem.

15 And Y schal plaunte hem on her lond, and Y schal no more drawe out hem of her lond, which Y yaf to hem, seith the Lord thi God.