Chapter 1
1 Apocalips of Jhesu Crist, which God yaf to hym to make open to hise seruauntis, whiche thingis it bihoueth to be maad soone. And he signyfiede, sending bi his aungel to his seruaunt Joon,
2 whiche bar witnessing to the word of God, and witnessing of Jhesu Crist, in these thingis, what euer thingis he say.
3 Blessid is he that redith, and he that herith the wordis of this prophecie, and kepith tho thingis that ben writun in it; for the tyme is niy.
4 Joon to seuene chirchis, that ben in Asie, grace and pees to you, of him that is, and that was, and that is to comynge; and of the seuene spiritis, that ben in the siyt of his trone; and of Jhesu Crist,
5 that is a feithful witnesse, the firste bigetun of deed men, and prince of kingis of the erthe; which louyde vs, and waischide vs fro oure synnes in his blood,
6 and made vs a kyngdom, and preestis to God and to his fader; to hym be glorie and empire in to worldis of worldis.
7 Amen. Lo! he cometh with clowdis, and ech iye schal se hym, and thei that prickiden hym; and alle the kynredis of the erthe schulen beweile hem silf on hym.
8 Yhe, Amen! Y am alpha and oo, the bigynnyng and the ende, seith the Lord God, that is, and that was, and that is to comynge, almyyti.
9 I, Joon, youre brothir, and partener in tribulacioun, and kingdom, and pacience in Crist Jhesu, was in an ile, that is clepid Pathmos, for the word of God, and for the witnessyng of Jhesu.
10 Y was in spirit in the Lordis dai, and Y herde bihynde me a greet vois, as of a trumpe,
11 seiynge to me, Write thou in a book that thing that thou seest, and sende to the seuene chirchis that ben in Asie; to Ephesus, to Smyrma, and to Pergamus, and to Tiatira, and to Sardis, and to Filadelfia, and to Loadicia.
12 And Y turnede, that Y schulde se the vois that spak with me; and Y turnede, and Y say seuene candelstikis of gold,
13 and in the myddil of the seuene goldun candelstikis oon lijk to the sone of man, clothid with a long garnement, and gird at the tetis with a goldun girdil.
14 And the heed of hym and his heeris weren whijt, as whijt wolle, and as snow; and the iyen of hym as flawme of fier,
15 and hise feet lijk to latoun, as in a brennynge chymney; and the vois of hym as the vois of many watris.
16 And he hadde in his riyt hoond seuene sterris, and a swerd scharp on euer ethir side wente out of his mouth; and his face as the sunne schyneth in his virtu.
17 And whanne Y hadde seyn hym, Y felde doun at hise feet, as deed. And he puttide his riyt hond on me, and seide, Nyle thou drede; Y am the firste and the laste; and Y am alyue, and Y was deed;
18 and lo! Y am lyuynge in to worldis of worldis, and Y haue the keyes of deth and of helle.
19 Therfor write thou whiche thingis thou hast seyn, and whiche ben, and whiche it bihoueth to be don aftir these thingis.
20 The sacrament of the seuene sterris, which thou seiyest in my riyt hond, and the seuene goldun candelstikis; the seuene sterris ben aungels of the seuene chirchis, and the seuene candelstikis ben seuene chirchis.
Chapter 2
1 And to the aungel of the chirche of Efesus write thou, These thingis seith he, that holdith the seuene sterris in his riyt hond, which walkith in the middil of the seuene goldun candilstikis.
2 Y woot thi werkis, and trauel, and thi pacience, and that thou maist not suffre yuele men; and thou hast asaied hem that seien that thei ben apostlis, and ben not, and thou hast foundun hem lieris;
3 and thou hast pacience, and thou hast suffrid for my name, and failidist not.
4 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis, that thou hast left thi firste charite.
5 Therfor be thou myndeful fro whennus thou hast falle, and do penaunce, and do the firste werkis; ether ellis, Y come soone to thee, and Y schal moue thi candilstike fro his place, but `thou do penaunce.
6 But thou hast this good thing, that thou hatidist the dedis of Nycholaitis, the whiche also Y hate.
7 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. To hym that ouercometh Y schal yyue to ete of the tre of lijf, that is in the paradis of my God.
8 And to the aungel of the chirche of Smyrma write thou, These thingis seith the firste and the laste, that was deed, and lyueth.
9 Y woot thi tribulacioun, and thi pouert, but thou art riche; and thou art blasfemyd of hem, that seien, that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but ben the synagoge of Sathanas.
10 Drede thou no thing of these thingis, whiche thou schalt suffre. Lo! the deuel schal sende summe of you in to prisoun, that ye be temptid; and ye schulen haue tribulacioun ten daies. Be thou feithful to the deth, and Y schal yyue to thee a coroun of lijf.
11 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. He that ouercometh, schal not be hirt of the secounde deth.
12 And to the aungel of the chirche of Pergamus write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the swerd scharp on ech side.
13 Y woot where thou dwellist, where the seete of Sathanas is; and thou holdist my name, and denyedist not my feith. And in tho daies was Antifas, my feithful witnesse, that was slayn at you, where Sathanas dwellith.
14 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis; for thou hast `there men holdinge the teching of Balaam, which tauyte Balaac for to sende sclaundre bifor the sones of Israel, to ete of sacrificis of ydols, and to do fornicacioun;
15 so also thou hast men holdinge the teching of Nycholaitis.
16 Also do thou penaunce; `yif ony thing lesse, Y schal come soone to thee, and Y schal fiyte with hem with the swerd of my mouth.
17 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirches. To him that ouercometh Y schal yyue aungel mete hid; and Y schal yyue to hym a whiit stoon, and in the stoon a newe name writun, which no man knowith, but he that takith.
18 And to the aungel of the chirche of Tiatira write thou, These thingis seith the sone of God, that hath iyen as flawme of fier, and hise feet lijk latoun.
19 Y knowe thi werkis, and feith, and charite, and thi seruyce, and thi pacience, and thi laste werkis mo than the formere.
20 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis; for thou suffrist the womman Jesabel, which seith that sche is a prophetesse, to teche and disseyue my seruauntis, to do letcherie, and to ete of thingis offrid to idols.
21 And Y yaf to hir time, that sche schulde do penaunce, and sche wolde not do penaunce of hir fornycacioun.
22 And lo! Y sende hir in to a bed, and thei that doen letcherie with hir schulen be in moost tribulacioun, but thei don penaunce of hir werkis.
23 And Y schal slee hir sones in to deth, and alle chirchis schulen wite, that Y am serchinge reynes and hertis; and Y schal yyue to ech man of you after hise werkis.
24 And Y seie to you, and to othere that ben at Tiatire, who euer han not this teching, and that knewen not the hiynesse of Sathanas, hou thei seien, Y schal not sende on you another charge; netheles holde ye that that ye han,
25 til Y come.
26 And to hym that schal ouercome, and that schal kepe til in to the ende my werkis, Y schal yyue power on folkis,
27 and he schal gouerne hem in an yrun yerde; and thei schulen be brokun to gidre,
28 as a vessel of a pottere, as also Y resseyuede of my fadir; and Y schal yyue to hym a morewe sterre.
29 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
Chapter 3
1 And to the aungel of the chirche of Sardis write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the seuene spiritis of God, and the seuene sterris. Y woot thi werkis, for thou hast a name, that thou lyuest, and thou art deed.
2 Be thou wakynge, and conferme thou othere thingis, that weren to diynge; for Y fynde not thi werkis fulle bifore my God.
3 Therfor haue thou in mynde, hou thou resseyuedist, and herdist; and kepe, and do penaunce. Therfor if thou wake not, Y schal come as a nyyt theef to thee, and thou schalt not wite in what our Y schal come to thee.
4 But thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, whiche han not defoulid her clothis; and thei schulen walke with me in whijt clothis, for thei ben worthi.
5 He that ouercometh, schal be clothid thus with whijt clothis; and Y schal not do awei his name fro the book of lijf, and Y schal knoueleche his name bifore my fadir, and bifore hise aungels.
6 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
7 And to the aungel of the chirche of Filadelfie write thou, These thingis seith the hooli and trewe, that hath the keie of Dauid; which openeth, and no man closith, he closith, and no man openith.
8 I woot thi werkis, and lo! Y yaf bifore thee a dore opened, which no man may close; for thou hast a litil vertu, and hast kept my word, and denyest not my name.
9 Lo! Y schal yyue to thee of the synagoge of Sathanas, whiche seien that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but lyen. Lo! Y schal make hem, that thei come, and worschipe byfor thi feet; and thei schulen wite,
10 that Y louyde thee, for thou keptist the word of my pacience. And Y schal kepe thee fro the our of temptacioun, that is to comynge in to al the world, to tempte men that dwellen in erthe.
11 Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun.
12 And hym that schal ouercome, Y schal make a pilere in the temple of my God, and he schal no more go out; and Y schal write on hym the name of my God, and the name of the citee of my God, of the newe Jerusalem, that cometh doun fro heuene of my God, and my newe name.
13 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
14 And to the aungel of the chirche of Laodice write thou, These thingis seith Amen, the feithful witnesse and trewe, which is bigynnyng of Goddis creature.
15 I woot thi werkis, for nether thou art cold, nether thou art hoot; Y wolde that thou were could, ethir hoot;
16 but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth.
17 For thou seist, That Y am riche, and ful of goodis, and Y haue nede of no thing; and thou wost not, that thou art a wretche, and wretcheful, `and pore, and blynde, and nakid.
18 Y counsele thee to bie of me brent gold, and preued, that thou be maad riche, and be clothid with whijt clothis, that the confusioun of thi nakidnesse be not seen; and anoynte thin iyen with a collerie, that thou se.
19 Y repreue, and chastise whom Y loue; therfor sue thou goode men, and do penaunce.
20 Lo! Y stonde at the dore, and knocke; if ony man herith my voys, and openith the yate to me, Y shal entre to hym, and soupe with hym, and he with me.
21 And Y schal yyue to hym that schal ouercome, to sitte with me in my trone, as also Y ouercam, and sat with my fadir in his trone.
22 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
Chapter 4
1 Aftir these thingis Y say, and lo! a dore was openyd in heuene. And the firste vois that Y herde, was as of a trumpe spekinge with me, and seide, Stye thou vp hidur, and Y shal schewe to thee whiche thingis it bihoueth to be don soone aftir these thingus.
2 Anoon Y was in spirit, and lo! a seete was sett in heuene, and vpon the seete oon sittynge.
3 And he that sat, was lijk the siyt of a stoon iaspis, and to sardyn; and a reynbowe was in cumpas of the seete, lijk the siyt of smaragdyn.
4 And in the cumpas of the seete weren foure and twenti smale seetis; and aboue the troones foure and twenti eldre men sittinge, hilid aboute with whijt clothis, and in the heedis of hem goldun corouns.
5 And leitis, and voices, and thundringis camen out of the trone; and seuene laumpis brennynge bifore the trone, whiche ben the seuene spiritis of God.
6 And bifor the seete as a see of glas, lijk a crystal, and in the myddil of the seete, and in the cumpas of the seete, foure beestis ful of iyen bifore and bihynde.
7 And the firste beeste lijk a lyoun; and the secounde beeste lijk a calf; and the thridde beeste hauynge a face as of a man; and the fourthe beeste lijk an egle fleynge.
8 And the foure beestis hadden euery of hem sixe wyngis; and al aboute and with ynne thei weren ful of iyen; and thei hadden not reste dai and nyyt, seiynge, Hooli, hooli, hooli, the Lord God almyyti, that was, and that is, and that is to comynge.
9 And whanne tho foure beestis yauen glorie, and honour, and blessing to hym that sat on the trone, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis,
10 the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun bifor hym that sat on the trone, and worschipiden hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis. And thei casten her corouns bifor the trone,
11 and seiden, Thou, Lord `oure God, art worthi to take glorie, and onour, and vertu; for thou madist of nouyt alle thingis, and for thi wille tho weren, and ben maad of nouyt.
Chapter 5
1 And Y say in the riythond of the sittere on the trone, a book writun with ynne and with out, and seelid with seuene seelis.
2 And Y say a strong aungel, prechynge with a greet vois, Who is worthi to opene the book, and to vndon the seelis of it?
3 And noon in heuene, nether in erthe, nether vnder erthe, myyte opene the book, nether biholde it.
4 And Y wepte myche, for noon was founde worthi to opene the book, nethir to se it.
5 And oon of the eldre men seide to me, Wepe thou not; lo! a lioun of the lynage of Juda, the roote of Dauid, hath ouercomun to opene the book, and to vndon the seuene seelis of it.
6 And Y say, and lo! in the myddil of the trone, and of the foure beestis, and in the myddil of the eldre men, a lombe stondynge as slayn, that hadde seuene hornes, and seuene iyen, whiche ben seuene spiritis of God, sent in to al the erthe.
7 And he cam, and took of the riythond of the sittere in the trone the book.
8 And whanne he hadde opened the book, the foure beestis and the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun bifore the lomb; and hadden ech of hem harpis, and goldun violis ful of odours, whiche ben the preyeris of seyntis.
9 And thei sungun a newe song, and seiden, Lord oure God, thou art worthi to take the book, and to opene the seelis of it; for thou were slayn, and ayenbouytist vs to God in thi blood, of ech lynage, `and tunge, and puple, and nacioun;
10 and madist vs a kyngdom, and prestis to oure God; and we schulen regne on erthe.
11 And Y say, and herde the vois of many aungels al aboute the trone, and of the beestis, and of the eldre men. And the noumbre of hem was thousyndis of thousyndis, seiynge with a greet vois,
12 The lomb that was slayn, is worthi to take vertu, and godhed, and wisdom, and strengthe, and onour, and glorie, and blessing.
13 And ech creature that is in heuene, and that is on erthe, and vndur erthe, and the see, and whiche thingis ben in it, Y herde alle seiynge, To hym that sat in the trone, and to the lomb, blessyng, and onour, and glorie, and power, in to worldis of worldis.
14 And the foure beestis seiden, Amen. And the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun on her faces, and worschipiden hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis.
Chapter 6
1 And Y sai, that the lomb hadde openyd oon of the seuene seelis. And Y herde oon of the foure beestis seiynge, as a vois of thundur, Come, and se.
2 And Y sai, and lo! a white hors; and he that sat on hym hadde a bouwe, and a coroun was youun to hym. And he wente out ouercomynge, that he schulde ouercome.
3 And whanne he hadde openyd the secounde seel, I herde the secounde beest seiynge, Come `thou, and se.
4 And another reed hors wente out; and it was youun to hym that sat on hym, that he schulde take pees fro the erthe, and that thei sle to gidere hem silf; and a greet swerd was youun to hym.
5 And whanne he hadde openyd the thridde seel, Y herde the thridde beest seiynge, Come thou, and se. And lo! a blak hors; and he that sat on hym hadde a balaunce in his hond.
6 And Y herde `as a vois in the myddil of the foure beestis, seiynge, A bilibre of wheete for a peny, and thre bilibris of barli for a peny; and hirte thou not wyn, ne oile.
7 And whanne he hadde openyd the fourthe seel, Y herde a vois of the `foure beestis, seiynge, Come thou, and se.
8 And lo! a pale hors; and the name was Deth to hym that sat on hym, and helle suede hym. And power was youun to hym on foure partis of the erthe, for to sle with swerd, and with hungur, and with deth, and with beestis of the erthe.
9 And whanne he hadde opened the fyuethe seel, Y say vndur the auter the soulis of men slayn for the word of God, and for the witnessing that thei hadden.
10 And thei crieden with a geet vois, and seiden, Hou long thou, Lord, that art hooli and trewe, demest not, and vengest not oure blood of these that dwellen in the erthe?
11 And white stoolis, for ech soule a stoole, weren youun to hem; and it was seide to hem, that thei schulden reste yit a litil tyme, til the noumbre of her felowis and of her britheren ben fulfillid, that ben to be slayn, as also thei.
12 And Y say, whanne he hadde openyd the sixte seel, and lo! a greet erthe mouyng was maad; and the sunne was maad blak, as a sak of heire, and al the moone was maad as blood.
13 And the sterris of heuene felden doun on the erthe, as a fige tre sendith his vnripe figis, whanne it is mouyd of a greet wynd.
14 And heuene wente awei, as a book wlappid in; and alle munteyns and ilis weren mouyd fro her placis.
15 And kingis of the erthe, and princis, and tribunes, and riche, and stronge, and ech bonde man, and freman, hidden hem in dennys and stoonys of hillis.
16 And thei seien to hillis and to stoonys, Falle ye on vs, and hide ye vs fro the face of hym that sittith on the trone, and fro the wrath of the lomb;
17 for the greet dai of her wraththe cometh, and who schal mowe stonde?
Chapter 7
1 Aftir these thingis Y sai foure aungels stondinge on the foure corneris of the erthe, holdinge foure wyndis of the erthe, that thei blewen not on the erthe, nether on the see, nether on ony tre.
2 And Y sawy anothir aungel stiynge fro the risynge of the sunne, that hadde a signe of the lyuynge God. And he criede with a greet vois to the foure aungels, to whiche it was youun to noye the erthe, and the see,
3 and seide, Nyle ye noye the erthe, and see, nether trees, til we marken the seruauntis of oure God in the forhedis of hem.
4 And I herde the noumbre of men that weren markid, an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde markid, of euery lynage of the sones of Israel;
5 of the lynage of Juda, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Ruben, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Gad, twelue thousynde markid;
6 of the lynage of Aser, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Neptalym, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Manasse, twelue thousynde markid;
7 of the lynage of Symeon, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Leuy, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Isachar, twelue thousynde markid;
8 of the lynage of Zabulon, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Joseph, twelue thousynde markid; of the lynage of Beniamyn, twelue thousynde markid.
9 Aftir these thingis Y sai a greet puple, whom no man myyte noumbre, of alle folkis, and lynagis, and puplis, and langagis, stondinge bifore the trone, in the siyt of the lomb; and thei weren clothid with white stoolis, and palmes weren in the hondis of hem.
10 And thei crieden with greet vois, and seiden, Heelthe to oure God, that sittith on the troone, and to the lombe.
11 And alle aungels `stoden al aboute the trone, and the eldre men, and the foure beestis. And thei fellen doun in the siyt of the trone, on her faces, and worschipiden God, and seiden, Amen!
12 blessyng, and clerenesse, and wisdom, and doynge of thankingis, and honour, and vertu, and strengthe to oure God, in to worldis of worldis.
13 Amen. And oon of the senyours answerde, and seide to me, Who ben these, that ben clothid with white stoolis? and fro whennus came thei?
14 And Y seide to hym, My lord, thou woost. And he seide to me, These ben thei, that camen fro greet tribulacioun, and waischiden her stoolis, and maden hem white in the blood of the lomb.
15 Therfor thei ben bifor the trone of God, and seruen to hym dai and niyt, in his temple. And he that sittith in the trone, dwellith on hem.
16 Thei schulen no more hungur, nether thirste, nether sunne schal falle on hem, ne ony heete.
17 For the lomb, that is in the myddil of the trone, schal gouerne hem, and schal lede forth hem to the wellis of watris of lijf; and God schal wipe awei ech teer fro the iyen of hem.
Chapter 8
1 And whanne he hadde openyd the seuenthe seel, a silence was maad in heuene, as half an our.
2 And Y say seuene aungels stondinge in the siyt of God, and seuene trumpis weren youun to hem.
3 And another aungel cam, and stood bifor the auter, and hadde a goldun censer; and many encencis weren youun to hym, that he schulde yyue of the preiers of alle seyntis on the goldun auter, that is bifor the trone of God.
4 And the smoke of encencis of the preiers of the hooli men stiede vp fro the aungels hoond bifor God.
5 And the aungel took the censere, and fillide it of the fier of the auter, and castide in to the erthe. And thundris, and voices, and leityngis weren maad, and a greet erthe mouyng.
6 And the seuene aungels, that hadden seuene trumpis, maden hem redi, that thei schulden trumpe.
7 And the firste aungel trumpide; and hail was maad, and fier meynd togidere in blood; and it was sent in to the erthe. And the thridde part of the erthe was brent, and the thridde part of trees was brent, and al the green gras was brent.
8 And the secunde aungel trumpide; and as a greet hil brennynge with fier was cast in to the see;
9 and the thridde part of the see was maad blood, and the thridde part of creature was deed, that hadde lyues in the see, and the thridde part of schippis perischide.
10 And the thridde aungel trumpide; and a greet sterre brennynge as a litil brond, felle fro heuene; and it felle in to the thridde part of floodis, and in to the wellis of watris.
11 And the name of the sterre is seid Wormod. And the thridde part of watris was maad in to wormod; and many men weren deed of the watris, for tho weren maad bittere.
12 And the fourthe aungel trumpide; and the thridde part of the sunne was smytun, and the thridde part of the moone, and the thridde part of sterris, so that the thridde part of hem was derkid, and the thridde part of the dai schynede not, and also of the nyyt.
13 And Y say, and herde the vois of an egle fleynge bi the myddil of heuene, and seiynge with a greet vois, Wo! wo! wo! to men that dwellen in erthe, of the othir voices of thre aungels, that schulen trumpe aftir.
Chapter 9
1 And the fyuethe aungel trumpide; and Y say, that a sterre hadde falle doun fro heuene in to erthe; and the keye of the pit of depnesse was youun to it.
2 And it openede the pit of depnesse, and a smoke of the pit stiede vp, as the smoke of a greet furneis; and the sunne was derkid, and the eir, of the smoke of the pit.
3 And locustis wenten out of the smoke of the pit in to erthe; and power was youun to hem, as scorpiouns of the erthe han power.
4 And it was comaundid to hem, that thei schulden not hirte the gras of erthe, nether ony grene thing, nether ony tre, but oneli men, that han not the signe of God in her forhedis.
5 And it was youun to hem, that thei schulden not sle hem, but that thei schulden `be turmentid fyue monethis; and the turmentyng of hem, as the turmentyng of a scorpioun, whanne he smytith a man.
6 And in tho daies men schulen seke deth, and thei schulen not fynde it; and thei schulen desire to die, and deth schal fle fro hem.
7 And the licnesse of locustis ben lijk horsis maad redi `in to batel; and on the heedis of hem as corouns lijk gold, and the facis of hem as the faces of men.
8 And thei hadden heeris, as heeris of wymmen; and the teeth of hem weren as teeth of liouns.
9 And thei hadden haburiouns, as yren haburiouns, and the vois of her wengis as the vois of charis of many horsis rennynge `in to batel.
10 And thei hadden tailis lijk scorpiouns, and prickis weren in the tailis of hem; and the myyt of hem was to noye men fyue monethis.
11 And thei hadden on hem a kyng, the aungel of depnesse, to whom the name bi Ebrew is Laabadon, but bi Greek Appollion, and bi Latyn `he hath a name `Extermynans, that is, a distriere.
12 O wo is passid, and lo! yit comen twei woes.
13 Aftir these thingis also the sixte aungel trumpide; and Y herde a vois fro foure corneris of the goldun auter, that is bifore the iyen of God,
14 and seide to the sixte aungel that hadde a trumpe, Vnbynde thou foure aungels, that ben boundun in the greet flood Eufrates.
15 And the foure aungels weren vnboundun, whiche weren redi in to our, and dai, and monethe, and yeer, to sle the thridde part of men.
16 And the noumbre of the oost of horse men was twenti thousynde sithis ten thousynde. Y herde the noumbre of hem.
17 And so Y say horsis in visioun; and thei that saten on hem hadden firy haburiouns, and of iacynt, and of brymstoon. And the heedis of the horsis weren as heedis of liouns; and fier, and smoke, and brymston, cometh forth of the mouth of hem.
18 Of these thre plagis the thridde part of men was slayn, of the fier, and of the smoke, and of the brymston, that camen out of the mouth of hem.
19 For the power of the horsis is in the mouth of hem, and in the tailis of hem; for the tailis of hem ben lyk to serpentis, hauynge heedis, and in hem thei noyen.
20 And the tothir men, that weren not slayn in these plagis, nether dyden penaunce of the werkis of her hondis, that thei worschipeden not deuelis, and simylacris of gold, and of siluer, and of bras, and of stoon, and of tre, whiche nethir mown se, nether heere, nether wandre;
21 and diden not penaunce of her mansleyngis, nether of her witchecraftis, nethir of her fornicacioun, nethir of her theftis, weren slayn.
Chapter 10
1 And Y say another stronge aungel comynge doun fro heuene, clothid with a cloude, and the reynbowe on his heed; and the face of him was as the sunne, and the feet of hym as a piler of fier.
2 And he hadde in his hoond a litil book openyd; and he sette his riyt foot on the see, and the left foot on the erthe.
3 And he criede with a greet vois, as a lioun whanne he roreth; and whanne he hadde cried, the seuene thundris spaken her voicis.
4 And whanne the seuene thundris hadden spoken her voicis, Y was to writynge. And Y herde a vois fro heuene, seiynge, Marke thou what thingis the seuene thundris spaken, and nyle thou write hem.
5 And the aungel whom Y say stondinge aboue the see, and aboue the erthe, lifte vp his hond to heuene,
6 and swoor bi hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis, that maad of nouyt heuene, and tho thingis whiche ben in it, and the erthe, and tho thingis that ben in it, and the see, and tho thingis that ben in it, that time schal no more be.
7 But in the daies of the vois of the seuenethe aungel, whanne he schal bigynne to trumpe, the mysterie of God schal be endid, as he prechide bi hise seruauntis prophetis.
8 And Y herde a vois fro heuene eftsoone spekynge with me, and seiynge, Go thou, and take the book, that is openyd, fro the hoond of the aungel, that stondith aboue the see, and on the lond.
9 And Y wente to the aungel, and seide to hym, that he schulde yyue me the book. And he seide to me, Take the book, and deuoure it; and it schal make thi wombe to be bittir, but in thi mouth it schal be swete as hony.
10 And Y took the book of the aungels hond, and deuouride it, and it was in my mouth as swete hony; and whanne Y hadde deuourid it, my wombe was bittere. And he seide to me, It bihoueth thee eftsoone to prophesie to hethene men, and to puplis, and langagis, and to many kingis.
Chapter 11
1 And a reed lijk a yerde was youun to me, and it was seid to me, Rise thou, and meete the temple of God, and the auter, and men that worschipen in it.
2 But caste thou out the foryerd, that is with out the temple, and mete not it; for it is youun to hethene men, and thei schulen defoule the hooli citee bi fourti monethis and tweyne.
3 And Y schal yyue `to my twey witnessis, and thei schulen prophesie a thousynde daies two hundrid and sixti, and schulen be clothid with sackis.
4 These ben tweyne olyues, and twei candilstikis, and thei stonden in the siyt of the Lord of the erthe.
5 And if ony man wole anoye hem, fier schal go out of the mouth of hem, and schal deuoure her enemyes. And if ony wole hirte hem, thus it bihoueth hym to be slayn.
6 These han power to close heuene, that it reyne not in the daies of her prophesie; and thei han power on watris, to turne hem in to blood; and to smyte the erthe with euery plage, and as ofte as thei wolen.
7 And whanne thei schulen ende her witnessing, the beeste that stieth vp fro depnesse, schal make batel ayens hem, and schal ouercome hem, and schal sle hem.
8 And the bodies of hem schulen ligge in the stretis of the greet citee, that is clepid goostli Sodom, and Egipt, where the Lord of hem was crucified.
9 And summe of lynagis, and of puplis, and of langagis, and of hethene men, schulen se the bodies of hem bi thre daies and an half; and thei schulen not suffre the bodies of hem to be put in biriels.
10 And men enhabitynge the erthe schulen haue ioye on hem; and thei schulen make myrie, and schulen sende yiftis togidere, for these twei prophetis turmentiden hem that dwellen on the erthe.
11 And aftir thre daies and an half, the spirit of lijf of God entride in to hem; and thei stoden on her feet, and greet dreed felle on hem that sayn hem.
12 And thei herden a greet vois fro heuene, seiynge to hem, Come vp hidir. And thei stieden in to heuene in a cloude, and the enemyes of hem sayn hem.
13 And in that our a greet erthe mouyng was maad, and the tenthe part of the citee felle doun; and the names of men seuene thousynde weren slayn in the erthe mouyng; and the tother weren sent in to drede, and yauen glorie to God of heuene.
14 The secounde wo is gon, and lo! the thridde wo schal come soone.
15 And the seuenthe aungel trumpide, and grete voicis weren maad in heuene, and seiden, The rewme of this world is maad `oure Lordis, and of Crist, his sone; and he schal regne in to worldis of worldis.
16 Amen. And the foure and twenti eldre men, that saten in her seetis in the siyt of the Lord, fellen on her faces, and worschipiden God,
17 and seiden, We don thankyngis to thee, Lord God almyyti, which art, and which were, and which art to comynge; which hast takun thi greet vertu, and hast regned.
18 And folkis ben wrooth, and thi wraththe cam, and tyme of dede men to be demyd, and to yelde mede to thi seruauntis, and prophetis, and halewis, and dredynge thi name, to smale and to grete, and to distrie hem that corrumpiden the erthe.
19 And the temple of God in heuene was openyd, and the arke of his testament was seyn in his temple; and leityngis weren maad, and voices, and thondris, and `erthe mouyng, and greet hail.
Chapter 12
1 And a greet signe apperide in heuene; a womman clothid with the sunne, and the moone vndur hir feet, and in the heed of hir a coroun of twelue sterris.
2 And sche hadde in wombe, and sche crieth, trauelynge of child, and is turmentid, that sche bere child.
3 And another signe was seyn in heuene; and lo! a greet reede dragoun, that hadde seuene heedis, and ten hornes, and in the heedis of hym seuene diademes.
4 And the tail of hym drow the thridde part of sterris of heuene, and sente hem in to the erthe. And the dragoun stood bifore the womman, that was to berynge child, that whanne sche hadde borun child, he schulde deuoure hir sone.
5 And sche bar a knaue child, that was to reulinge alle folkis in an yrun yerde; and hir sone was rauyschid to God, and to his trone.
6 And the womman flei in to wildirnesse, where sche hath a place maad redi of God, that he fede hir there a thousynde daies two hundrid and sixti.
7 And a greet batel was maad in heuene, and Myyhel and hise aungels fouyten with the dragoun. And the dragoun fauyt, and hise aungels;
8 and thei hadden not myyt, nether the place of hem was foundun more in heuene.
9 And thilke dragoun was cast doun, the greet elde serpent, that is clepid the Deuel, and Sathanas, that disseyueth al the world; he was cast doun in to the erthe, and hise aungels weren sent with hym.
10 And Y herde a greet vois in heuene, seiynge, Now is maad helthe, and vertu, and kyngdom of oure God, and the power of his Crist; for the accuser of oure britheren is cast doun, which accuside hem bifor the siyte of oure God dai and nyyt.
11 And thei ouercamen hym for the blood of the lomb, and for the word of his witnessing; and thei louyden not her lyues til to deth.
12 Therfor, ye heuenes, be ye glad, and ye that dwellen in hem. Wo to the erthe, and to the see; for the fend is come doun to you, and hath greet wraththe, witynge that he hath litil tyme.
13 And after that the dragoun sai, that he was cast doun to the erthe, he pursuede the womman, that bare the knaue child.
14 And twei wengis of a greet egle weren youun to the womman, that sche schulde flee in to deseert, in to hir place, where sche is fed by tyme, and tymes, and half a tyme, fro the face of the serpent.
15 And the serpent sente out of his mouth aftir the womman watir as a flood, that he schulde make hir to be drawun of the flood.
16 And the erthe helpide the womman, and the erthe openyde his mouth, and soop up the flood, that the dragoun sente of his mouth.
17 And the dragoun was wrooth ayens the womman, and he wente to make batel with othere of hir seed, that kepen the maundementis of God, and han the witnessing of Jhesu Crist.
18 And he stood on the grauel of the see.
Chapter 13
1 And Y sai a beeste stiynge vp of the see, hauynge seuene heedis, and ten hornes; and on hise hornes ten diademes, and on hise heedis the names of blasfemye.
2 And the beeste, whom Y sai, was lijk a pard, and hise feet as the feet of a beere, and his mouth as the mouth of a lioun; and the dragoun yaf his vertu and greet power to hym.
3 And Y sai oon of hise heedis, as slayn in to deth; and the wounde of his deth was curid. And al erthe wondride after the beeste.
4 And thei worschipiden the dragoun, that yaf power to the beeste; and thei worschipeden the beeste, and seiden, Who is lijk the beeste, and who schal mowe fiyte with it?
5 And a mouth spekynge grete thingis, and blasfemyes, was youun `to it; and power was youun to it, to do two and fourti monethis.
6 And it openyde his mouth in to blasfemyes to God, to blasfeme his name, and his tabernacle, and hem that dwellen in heuene.
7 And it was youun to hym to make batel with seyntis, and to ouercome hem; and power was youun to hym in to ech lynage, and puple, and langage, and folk.
8 And alle men worschipiden it, that dwellen in erthe, whos names ben not writun in the book of lijf of the lomb, that was slayn fro the bigynnyng of the world.
9 If ony man hath eeris, here he.
10 He that ledith in to caitifte, schal go in to caitifte; he that sleeth with swerd, it bihoueth hym to be slayn with swerd. This is the pacience and the feith of seyntis.
11 And Y sai another beeste stiynge vp fro the erthe, and it hadde two hornes, lijk the lomb; and it spak as the dragoun,
12 and dide al the power of the formere beeste, in his siyt. And it made the erthe, and men dwellinge in it, to worschipe the firste beeste, whos wounde of deth was curid.
13 And it dide grete signes, that also it made fier to come doun fro heuene in to the erthe, in the siyt of alle men.
14 And it disseyueth men, that dwellen in erthe, for signes whiche ben youun `to it to do in the siyt of the beeste; seiynge to men dwellinge in erthe, that thei make an ymage of the beeste, that hath the wounde of swerd, and lyuede.
15 And it was youun to hym, that he schulde yyue spirit to the ymage of the beeste, and that the ymage of the beeste speke. And he schal make, that who euere honouren not the ymage of the beeste, be slayn.
16 And he schal make alle, smale and grete, and riche and pore, and fre men and bonde men, to haue a carecter in her riythoond, ethir in her forheedis; that no man may bie,
17 ethir sille, but thei han the caracter, ether the name of the beeste, ethir the noumbre of his name.
18 Here is wisdom; he that hath vndurstonding, acounte the noumbre of the beeste; for it is the noumbre of man, and his noumbre is sixe hundrid sixti and sixe.
Chapter 14
1 And Y sai, and lo! lomb stood on the mount of Sion, and with hym an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, hauynge his name, and the name of his fadir writun in her forhedis.
2 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, as the vois of many watris, and as the vois of a greet thundur; and the vois which is herd, was as of many harperis harpinge in her harpis.
3 And thei sungun as a newe song bifor the seete of God, and bifore the foure beestis, and senyouris. And no man miyte seie the song, but thei an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, that ben bouyt fro the erthe.
4 These it ben, that ben not defoulid with wymmen; for thei ben virgyns. These suen the lomb, whidir euer he schal go; these ben bouyt of alle men, the firste fruytis to God, and to the lomb;
5 and in the mouth of hem lesyng is not foundun; for thei ben with out wem bifor the trone of God.
6 And Y say another aungel, fliynge bi the myddil of heuene, hauynge an euerlastinge gospel, that he schulde preche to men sittynge on erthe, and on ech folk, and lynage, and langage, and puple;
7 and seide with a greet vois, Drede ye the Lord, and yyue ye to hym onour, for the our of his dom cometh; and worschipe ye hym, that made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in hem, and the wellis of watris.
8 And anothir aungel suede, seiynge, Thilke greet Babiloyne fel doun, fel doun, which yaf drinke to alle folkis of the wyn of wraththe of her fornycacioun.
9 And the thridde aungel suede hem, and seide with a greet vois, If ony man worschipe the beeste, and the ymage of it, and takith the carecter in his forheed, ether in his hoond,
10 this schal drynke of the wyn of Goddis wraththe, that is meynd with clere wyn in the cuppe of his wraththe, and schal be turmentid with fier and brymston, in the siyt of hooli aungels, and bifore the siyt of the lomb.
11 And the smoke of her turmentis schal stie vp in to the worldis of worldis; nether thei han reste dai and niyt, whiche worschipiden the beeste and his ymage, and yf ony man take the carect of his name.
12 Here is the pacience of seyntis, whiche kepen the maundementis of God, and the feith of Jhesu.
13 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, seiynge to me, Write thou, Blessid ben deed men, that dien in the Lord; fro hennus forth now the spirit seith, that thei reste of her traueilis; for the werkis of hem suen hem.
14 And Y say, and lo! a white cloude, and aboue the cloude a sittere, lijk the sone of man, hauynge in his heed a goldun coroun, and in his hond a scharp sikil.
15 And another aungel wente out of the temple, and criede with greet vois to hym that sat on the cloude, Sende thi sikil, and repe, for the our cometh, that it be ropun; for the corn of the erthe is ripe.
16 And he that sat on the cloude, sente his sikil in to the erthe, and rap the erthe.
17 And another aungel wente out of the temple, that is in heuene, and he also hadde a scharp sikile.
18 And another aungel wente out fro the auter, that hadde power on fier and water; and he criede with a greet vois to hym that hadde the scharp sikil, and seide, Sende thi scharp sikil, and kitte awei the clustris of the vynyerd of the erthe, for the grapis of it ben ripe.
19 And the aungel sente his sikil in to the erthe, and gaderide grapis of the vynyerd of the erthe, and sente into the greet lake of Goddis wraththe.
20 And the lake was troddun without the citee, and the blood wente out of the lake til to the `bridels of horsis, bi furlongis a thousynd and six hundrid.
Chapter 15
1 And Y say another signe in heuene, greet and wondurful; seuene aungels hauynge `seuene the laste veniauncis, for the wraththe of God is endid in hem.
2 And Y say as a glasun see meynd with fier, and hem that ouercamen the beeste, and his ymage, and the noumbre of his name, stondynge aboue the glasun see, hauynge the harpis of God;
3 and syngynge the song of Moises, the seruaunt of God, and the song of the lomb, and seiden, Grete and wondurful ben thi werkis, Lord God almyyti; thi weies ben iust and trewe, Lord, kyng of worldis.
4 Lord, who schal not drede thee, and magnyfie thi name? for thou aloone art merciful; for alle folkis schulen come, and worschipe in thi siyt, for thi domes ben open.
5 And aftir these thingis Y say, and lo! the temple of the tabernacle of witnessyng was opened in heuene;
6 and seuene aungels hauynge seuene plagis, wenten out of the temple, and weren clothid with a stoon clene and white, and weren bifor gird with goldun girdlis about the brestis.
7 And oon of the foure beestis yaf to the seuene aungels seuene goldun viols, ful of the wraththe of God, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis.
8 And the temple was fillid with smooke of the majestee of God, and of the vertu of hym; and no man myyte entre in to the temple, til the seuene plagis of seuene angels weren endid.
Chapter 16
1 And Y herde a greet vois fro heuene, seiynge to the seuene aungels, Go ye, and schede out the seuene viols of Goddis wraththe in to erthe.
2 And the firste aungel wente, and schedde out his viol in to the erthe; and a wounde fers and werst was maad on alle that hadden the carect of the beeste, and on hem that worschipiden the beeste, and his ymage.
3 And the secounde aungel schedde out his viol in to the see, and the blood was maad, as of a deed thing; and ech man lyuynge was deed in the see.
4 And the thridde aungel schedde out his viol on the floodis, and on the wellis of watris, and seide,
5 Just art thou, Lord, that art, and that were hooli, that demest these thingis;
6 for thei schedden out the blood of halewis and prophetis, and thou hast youun to hem blood to drinke; for thei ben worthi.
7 And I herde anothir seiynge, Yhe! Lord God almiyti, trewe and iust ben thi domes.
8 And the fourthe aungel schedde out his viol in to the sunne, and it was youun to hym to turmente men with heete and fier.
9 And men swaliden with greet heete, and blasfemyden the name of God hauynge power on these plagis, nether thei diden penaunce, that thei schulden yyue glorie to hym.
10 And the fifte aungel schedde out his viol on the seete of the beeste, and his kyngdom was maad derk; and thei eten togidere her tungis for sorewe,
11 and thei blasfemyden God of heuene, for sorewis of her woundis; and thei diden not penaunce of her werkis.
12 And the sixte aungel schedde out his viol in `that ilke greet flood Eufratis, and driede the watir of it, that weie were maad redi to kingis fro the sunne rysyng.
13 And Y say thre vnclene spiritis bi the manner of froggis go out of the mouth of the dragoun, and of the mouth of the beeste, and of the mouth of the fals prophete.
14 For thei ben spiritis of deuels, makynge signes, and thei gon forth to kingis of al erthe, to gadere hem in to batel, to the greet dai of almiyti God.
15 Lo! Y come, as a niyt theefe. Blessid is he that wakith, and kepith hise clothis, that he wandre not nakid, and that thei se not the filthhed of hym.
16 And he schal gadre hem in to a place, that is clepid in Ebreu Hermagedon.
17 And the seuenthe aungel schedde out his viol in to the eyr, and a greet vois wente out of heuene fro the trone, and seide, It is don.
18 And leityngis weren maad, and voices, and thundris; and a greet erthe mouyng was maad, which manere neuere was, sithen men weren on erthe, siche `erthe mouyng so greet.
19 And the greet citee was maad in to thre parties, and the citees of hethene men felden doun; and greet Babiloyne cam in to mynde byfor God, to yyue to it the cuppe of wyn of the indignacyoun of his wraththe.
20 And ech ile flei awei, and hillis ben not foundun.
21 And greet hail as a talent cam doun fro heuene in to men; and men blasfemyden God, for the plage of hail, for it was maad ful greet.
Chapter 17
1 And oon of the seuene aungels cam, that hadde seuene viols, and spak with me, and seide, Come thou, Y schal schewe to thee the dampnacioun of the greet hoore, that sittith on many watris, with which kyngis of erthe diden fornicacioun;
2 and thei that dwellen in the erthe ben maad drunkun of the wyn of her letcherie.
3 And he took me in to desert in spirit. And Y say a womman sittynge on a reed beeste, ful of names of blasfemye, hauynge seuene heedis, and ten hornes.
4 And the womman was enuyround with purpur, and reed, and ouergild with gold, and preciouse stoon, and peerls, hauynge a goldun cuppe in hir hoond, ful of abhomynaciouns and vnclennesse of her fornycacioun.
5 And a name writun in the forheed of hir, Mysterie, Babiloyn the greet, modir of fornycaciouns, and of abhomynaciouns of erthe.
6 And Y say a womman drunkun of the blood of seyntis, and of the blood of martris of Jhesu. And whanne Y say hir, Y wondride with greet wondryng.
7 And the aungel seide to me, Whi wondrist thou? I schal seie to thee the sacrament yf the womman, and of the beeste that berith hir, that hath seuene heedis and ten hornes.
8 The beeste which thou seist, was, and is not; and sche schal stie fro depnesse, and sche schal go `in to perisching. And men dwellinge in erthe schulen wondre, whos names ben not writun in the book of lijf fro the makinge of the world, seynge the beeste, that was, and is not.
9 And this is the witt, who that hath wisdom. The seuene heedis ben seuene hillis, on whiche the womman sittith, and kyngis seuene ben.
10 Fyue han feld doun, oon is, and anothir cometh not yit. And whanne he schal come, it bihoueth hym to dwelle a schort tyme.
11 And the beeste that was, and is not, and sche is the eiytthe, and is of the seuene, and schal go in to perischyng.
12 And the ten hornes whiche thou hast seyn, ben ten kyngis, that yit han not take kyngdom; but thei schulen take power as kingis, oon our after the beeste.
13 These han a counsel, and schulen bitake her vertu and power to the beeste.
14 These schulen fiyte with the lomb, and the lomb schal ouercome hem; for he is Lord of lordis, and kyng of kyngis; and thei that ben with hym, ben clepid, chosun, and feithful.
15 And he seide to me, The watris whiche thou hast seyn, where the hoore sittith, ben puplis, and folkis, and langagis.
16 And the ten hornes that thou hast seyn in the beeste, these schulen make hir desolat and nakid, and schulen ete the fleischis of hir, and schulen brenne togidere hir with fier.
17 For God yaf in to the hertis of hem, that thei do that that is pleasaunt to hym, that thei yyue her kyngdom to the beeste, til the wordis of God ben endid.
18 And the womman whom thou hast seyn, is the greet citee, that hath kingdom on kyngis of the erthe.
Chapter 18
1 And aftir these thingis Y siy another aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge greet power; and the erthe was liytned of his glorie.
2 `And he criede with strong vois, `and seide, Greet Babiloyn felde doun, felde doun, and is maad the habitacioun of deuelis, and the keping of ech vnclene spirit, and `the keping of ech vnclene foul, and hateful.
3 For alle folkis drunkun of the wraththe of fornycacioun of hir, and kingis of the erthe, and marchauntis of the erthe, diden fornycacioun with hir; and thei ben maad riche of the vertu of delices of hir.
4 And Y herde another vois of heuene, seiynge, My puple, go ye out of it, and be ye not parceneris of the trespassis of it, and ye schulen not resseyue of the woundis of it.
5 For the synnes of it camen `til to heuene, and the Lord hadde mynde of the wickidnesse of it.
6 Yelde ye to it, as sche yeldide to you; and double ye double thingis, aftir her werkis; in the drynke that she meddlid to you, mynge ye double to hir.
7 As myche as sche glorifiede hir silf, and was in delicis, so myche turment yyue to hir, and weilyng; for in hir herte sche seith, Y sitte a queen, and Y am not a widewe, and Y schal not se weiling.
8 And therfor in o day hir woundis schulen come, deth, and mornyng, and hungur; and sche schal be brent in fier, for God is strong, that schal deme hir.
9 And the kingis of the erthe schulen biwepe, and biweile hem silf on hir, whiche diden fornicacioun with hir, and lyueden in delicis, whanne thei schulen se the smoke of the brennyng of it;
10 stondynge fer, for drede of the turmentis of it, and seiynge, Wo! wo! wo! thilke greet citee Babiloyn, and thilke stronge citee; for in oon our thi dom cometh.
11 And marchauntis of the erthe schulen wepe on it, and morne, for no man schal bie more the marchaundise of hem;
12 the marchaundies of gold, and of siluer, and of preciouse stoon, and of peerl, and of bies, and of purpur, and of silk, and coctyn, and ech tre tymus, and alle vessels of yuer, and alle vessels of preciouse stoon, and of bras, and of yrun, and of marbil,
13 and canel, and amonye, and of swete smellinge thingis, and oynementis, and encense, and of wyn, and of oyle, and of flour, and of whete, and of werk beestis, and of scheep, and of horsis, and of cartis, and of seruauntis, and other lyues of men.
14 And thin applis of the desire of thi lijf wenten awei fro thee, and alle fatte thingis, and ful clere perischiden fro thee.
15 And marchaundis of these thingis schulen no more fynde tho thingis. Thei that ben maad riche of it, schulen stonde fer, for drede of turmentis of it, wepynge, and mornynge, and seiynge, Wo!
16 wo! thilke greet citee, that was clothid with bijs, and purpur, and reed scarlet, and was ouergild with gold, and preciouse stoon, and margaritis,
17 for in oon our so many richessis ben destitute. And ech gouernour, and alle that saylen bi schip in to place, and maryneris, and that worchen in the see, stoden fer,
18 and crieden, seynge the place of the brennyng of it, seiynge, What is lijk this greet citee?
19 And thei casten poudre on her heedis, and crieden, wepynge, and mornynge, and seiynge, Wo! wo! thilke greet citee, in which alle that han schippis in the see ben maad riche of pricis of it; for in oon our it is desolat.
20 Heuene, and hooli apostlis, and prophetis, make ye ful out ioye on it, for God hath demed youre dom of it.
21 And o stronge aungel took vp a stoon, as a greet mylne stoon, and keste in to the see, and seide, In this bire thilke greet citee Babiloyn schal be sent, and now it schal no more be foundun.
22 And the vois of harpis, and of men of musik, and syngynge with pipe and trumpe, schal no more be herd in it. And ech crafti man, and ech craft, schal no more be foundun in it. And the vois of mylne stoon schal no more be herde in thee,
23 and the liyt of lanterne schal no more schyne to thee, and the vois of the hosebonde and of the wijf schal no more yit be herd in thee; for thi marchauntis weren princis of the erthe. For in thi witchecraftis alle folkis erriden.
24 And the blood of prophetis and seyntis is foundun in it, and of alle men that ben slayn in erthe.
Chapter 19
1 Aftir these thingis Y herde as a greet vois of many trumpis in heuene, seiynge, Alleluya; heriynge, and glorie, and vertu is to oure God;
2 for trewe and iust ben the domes of hym, whiche demede of the greet hoore, that defoulide the erthe in her letcherye, and vengide the blood of hise seruauntis, of the hondis of hir.
3 And eft thei seiden, Alleluya. And the smoke of it stieth vp, in to worldis of worldis.
4 And the foure and twenti senyouris and foure beestis felden doun, and worschipiden God sittynge on the trone, and seiden, Amen, Alleluya.
5 And a vois wente out of the trone, and seide, Alle the seruauntis of oure God, seie ye heriyngus to oure God, and ye that dreden God, smale and grete.
6 And Y herde a vois of a grete trumpe, as the vois of many watris, and as the vois of grete thundris, seiynge, Alleluya; for oure Lord God almyyti hath regned.
7 Ioye we, and make we myrthe, and yyue glorie to hym; for the weddingis of the lomb camen, and the wijf of hym made redy hir silf.
8 And it is youun to hir, that sche kyuere hir with white bissyn schynynge; for whi bissyn is iustifiyngis of seyntis.
9 And he seide to me, Write thou, Blessid ben thei that ben clepid to the soper of weddyngis of the lomb. And he seide to me, These wordis of God ben trewe.
10 And Y felde doun bifore hise feet, to worschipe hym. And he seide to me, Se thou, that thou do not; Y am a seruaunt with thee, and of thi britheren, hauynge the witnessyng of Jhesu; worschipe thou God. For the witnessing of Jhesu is spirit of profesie.
11 And Y say heuene openyd, and lo! a whit hors, and he that sat on hym was clepid Feithful and sothefast; and with riytwisnesse he demeth, and fiytith.
12 And `the iyen of hym weren as flawme of fier, and in his heed many diademys; and he hadde a name writun, which no man knew, but he.
13 And he was clothid in a cloth spreynt with blood; and the name of hym was clepid The sone of God.
14 And the oostis that ben in heuene, sueden hym on white horsis, clothid with bissyn, white and clene.
15 And a swerd scharp on ech side cam forth of his mouth, that with it he smyte folkis; and he shal reule hem with an yren yerde. And he tredith the pressour of wyn of stronge veniaunce of the wraththe of almyyti God.
16 And he hath writun in his cloth, and in the hemme, Kyng of kyngis and Lord of lordis.
17 And Y say an aungel, stondynge in the sunne; and he criede with greet vois, and seide to alle briddis that flowen bi the myddil of heuene, Come ye, and be ye gaderid to the greet soper of God,
18 that ye ete the fleisch of kingis, and fleisch of tribunes, and fleisch of stronge men, and fleisch of horsis, and of tho that sitten on hem, and the fleisch of alle fre men and bonde men, and of smale and of grete.
19 And Y sai the beeste, and the kyngis of the erthe, and the oostis of hem gaderid, to make batel with hym, that sat on the hors, and with his oost.
20 And the beeste was cauyt, and with hir the false prophete, that made signes bifor hir; in whiche he disseyuede hem that token the carect of the beeste, and that worschipiden the ymage of it. These tweyne weren sent quyke in to the pool of fier, brennynge with brymstoon.
21 And the othere weren slayn of swerd of hym that sat on the hors, that cometh forth of the mouth of hym; and alle briddis weren fillid with the fleisch of hem.
Chapter 20
1 And Y say an aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge the keie of depnesse, and a greet chayne in his hoond.
2 And he cauyte the dragoun, the elde serpent, that is the deuel and Sathanas; and he boonde hym bi a thousynde yeeris.
3 And he sente hym `in to depnesse, and closide on hym, that he disseyue no more the folkis, til a thousynde yeeris be fillid. Aftir these thingis it bihoueth hym to be vnboundun a litil tyme.
4 And Y say seetis, and thei saten on hem, and doom was youun to hem. And the soulis of men biheedid for the witnessyng of Jhesu, and for the word of God, and hem that worschipiden not the beeste, nether the ymage of it, nethir token the carect of it in her forheedis, nethir in her hoondis. And thei lyueden, and regneden with Crist a thousynde yeeris.
5 Othere of deed men lyueden not, til a thousynde yeeris ben endid. This is the first ayen risynge.
6 Blessid and hooli is he, that hath part in the firste ayenrysyng. In these men the secunde deth hath not power; but thei schulen be prestis of God, and of Crist, and thei schulen regne with hym a thousynde yeeris.
7 And whanne a thousynde yeeris schulen be endid, Sathanas schal be vnboundun of his prisoun; and he schal go out, and schal disseyue folkis, that ben on foure corners of the erthe, Gog and Magog. And he schal gadere hem in to batel, whos noumbre is as the grauel of the see.
8 And thei stieden vp on the broodnesse of erthe, and enuyrounede the castels of seyntis, and the louyd citee.
9 And fier cam doun `of God fro heuene, and deuourede hem. And the deuel, that disseyuede hem, was sent in to the pool of fier and of brymston,
10 where bothe the beeste and fals prophetis schulen be turmentid dai and niyt, in to worldis of worldis.
11 Amen. And Y say a greet white trone, and oon sittynge on it, fro whos siyt erthe fled and heuene; and the place is not foundun `of hem.
12 And Y sai deed men, grete and smale, stondynge in the siyt of the trone; and bookis weren opened, and deed men weren demed of these thingis that weren writun in the bookis, aftir the werkis of hem.
13 And the see yaf his deed men, that weren in it; and deth and helle yauen her deed men, that weren in hem. And it was demed of ech, aftir the werkis of hem.
14 And helle and deth weren sent in to a poole of fier. `This is the secunde deth.
15 And he that was not foundun writun in the book of lijf, was sent in to the pool of fier.
Chapter 21
1 And Y sai newe heuene and newe erthe; for the firste heuene and the firste erthe wenten awei, and the see is not now.
2 And Y Joon say the hooli citee Jerusalem, newe, comynge doun fro heuene, maad redi of God, as a wijf ourned to hir hosebonde.
3 And Y herde a greet vois fro the trone, seiynge, Lo! the tabernacle of God is with men, and he schal dwelle with hem; and thei schulen be his puple, and he God with hem schal be her God.
4 And God schal wipe awei ech teer fro the iyen of hem; and deth schal no more be, nether mornyng, nether criyng, nether sorewe schal be ouer; whiche `firste thingis wenten awei.
5 And he seide, that sat in the trone, Lo! Y make alle thingis newe. And he seide to me, Write thou, for these wordis ben moost feithful and trewe.
6 And he seide to me, It is don; I am alpha and oo, the bigynnyng and ende. Y schal yyue freli of the welle of quic watir to hym that thirsteth.
7 He that schal ouercome, schal welde these things; and Y schal be God to hym, and he schal be sone to me.
8 But to ferdful men, and vnbileueful, and cursid, and manquelleris, and fornycatouris, and to witchis, and worschiperis of idols, and to alle lieris, the part of hem shal be in the pool brennynge with fier and brymstoon, that is the secounde deth.
9 And oon cam of the seuene aungels, hauynge violis fulle of `seuene the laste veniauncis. And he spak with me, and seide, Come thou, and Y schal schewe to thee the spousesse, the wijf of the lomb.
10 And he took me vp in spirit in to a greet hille and hiy; and he schewide to me the hooli citee Jerusalem, comynge doun fro heuene of God,
11 hauynge the clerete of God; and the liyt of it lijk a preciouse stoon, as the stoon iaspis, as cristal.
12 And it hadde a walle greet and hiy, hauynge twelue yatis, and in the yatis of it twelue aungels, and names writun in, that ben the names of twelue lynagis of the sones of Israel; fro the east thre yatis,
13 and fro the north thre yatis, and fro the south thre yatis, and fro the west thre yatis.
14 And the wal of the citee hadde twelue foundementis, and in hem the twelue names of twelue apostlis, and of the lomb.
15 And he that spak with me, hadde a goldun mesure of a rehed, that he schulde mete the citee, and the yatis of it, and the wal.
16 And the citee was set in square; and the lengthe of it is so miche, `as miche as is the breede. And he mat the citee with the rehed, bi furlongis twelue thousyndis. And the heiythe, and the lengthe and breede of it, ben euene.
17 And he mat the wallis of it, of an hundrid and `foure and fourti cubitis, bi mesure of man, that is, of an aungel.
18 And the bildyng of the wal therof was of the stoon iaspis. And the citee it silf was clene gold, lijk clene glas.
19 And the foundementis of the wal of the citee weren ourned with al preciouse stoon. The firste foundement, iaspis; the secounde, safiris; the thridde, calcedonyus; the fourthe, smaragdus;
20 the fyuethe, sardony; the sixte, sardius; the seuenthe, crisolitus; the eiytthe, berillus; the nynthe, topacius; the tenthe, crisopassus; the eleuenthe, iacinctus; the tweluethe, ametistus.
21 And twelue yatis ben twelue margaritis, bi ech; `and ech yate was of ech margarete. And the stretis of the citee weren clene gold, as of glas ful schynynge.
22 And Y say no temple in it, for the Lord God almyyti and the lomb, is temple of it.
23 And the citee hath no nede of sunne, nethir moone, that thei schyne in it; for the clerete of God schal liytne it; and the lomb is the lanterne of it.
24 And folkis schulen walke in liyt of it; and the kyngis of the erthe schulen brynge her glorie and onour in to it.
25 And the yatis of it schulen not be closid bi dai; and niyt schal not be there.
26 And thei schulen brynge the glorie and onour of folkis in to it.
27 Nether ony man defoulid, and doynge abhominacioun and leesyng, schal entre in to it; but thei that ben writun in the book of lijf and of the lomb.
Chapter 22
1 And he schewide to me a flood of quic watir, schinynge as cristal, comynge forth of the seete of God, and of the lomb,
2 in the myddil of the street of it. And on ech side of the flood, the tree of lijf, bryngynge forth twelue fruytis, yeldinge his fruit bi ech monethe; and the leeues of the tree ben to heelthe of folkis.
3 And ech cursid thing schal no more be; but the seetis of God and of the lomb schulen be in it. And the seruauntis of hym schulen serue to hym.
4 And thei schulen see his face, and his name in her forheedis.
5 And niyt schal no more be, and thei schulen not haue nede to the liyt of lanterne, nethir to liyt of sunne; for the Lord God schal lyytne hem, and thei schulen regne in to worldis of worldis.
6 And he seide to me, These wordis ben moost feithful and trewe. And the Lord God of spiritis of prophetis sente his aungel, to schewe his seruauntis, what thingis it bihoueth to be don soone.
7 `And lo! Y come swiftli. Blessid is he, that kepith the wordis of prophesie of this book.
8 And Y am Joon, that herde and say these thingis. And aftirward that Y hadde `herd and seyn, Y felde doun, to worschipe bifor the feet of the aungel, that schewide to me these thingis.
9 And he seide to me, Se thou, that thou do not; for Y am seruaunt `with thee, and of thi britheren, prophetis, and of hem that kepen the wordis of prophesie of this book; worschipe thou God.
10 And he seide to me, `Signe, ether seele, thou not the wordis of prophesie of this book; for the tyme is niy.
11 He that noyeth, noye he yit; and he that is in filthis, wexe foul yit; and a iust man, be iustified yit, and the hooli, be halewid yit.
12 Lo! Y come soone, and my mede with me, to yelde to ech man aftir hise werkis.
13 Y am alpha and oo, the firste and the laste, bigynnyng and ende.
14 Blessid be thei, that waischen her stoolis, that the power of hem be in the tree of lijf, and entre bi the yatis in to the citee.
15 For with outen forth houndis, and witchis, and unchast men, and manquelleris, and seruynge to idols, and ech that loueth and makith leesyng.
16 I Jhesus sente myn aungel, to witnesse to you these thingis in chirchis. Y am the roote and kyn of Dauid, and the schynynge morewe sterre.
17 And the spirit and the spousesse seien, Come thou. And he that herith, seie, Come thou; and he that thirstith, come; and he that wole, take he freli the watir of lijf.
18 And I witnesse to ech man herynge the wordis of prophesie of this book, if ony man schal putte to these thingis, God schal putte on hym the veniauncis writun in this book.
19 And if ony man do awei of the wordis of the book of this prophesie, God schal take awei the part of hym fro the book of lijf, and fro the hooli citee, and fro these thingis that ben writun in this book.
20 He seith, that berith witnessyng of these thingis, Yhe, amen. I come soone. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jhesu.
21 The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you alle. Amen.
Old Testament
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 3 Kings
- 4 Kings
- 1 Paralipomenon
- 2 Paralipomenon
- 1 Esdras
- 2 Esdras
- 3 Esdras
- Tobit
- Judith
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Songes of Songes
- Wisdom
- Syrach
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Preier of Jeremye
- Baruk
- Ezechiel
- Daniel
- Osee
- Joel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Mychee
- Naum
- Abacuk
- Sofonye
- Aggey
- Sacarie
- Malachie
- 1 Machabeis
- 2 Machabeis
New Testament