
This user contributes to translated Bengali literature.

This user contributes to English works of Bengali authors.

This user contributes to works on Bengali language, Kolkata, Bengal, India.

This user is a medical professional.

This user has an advanced knowledge of Indian history.

This user can help with Bengali and Devanagari scripts, also with matters relating to India and medical science.

Babel user information
bn-N এ ব্যবহারকারীর বাংলা ভাষার উপরে মাতৃভাষার মতন ধারণা রয়েছে।
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
hi-3 इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का उच्च स्तर का ज्ञान है।
sa-1 एषः सदस्यः सरल-संस्कृतेन लेखितुं शक्नोति ।
Users by language Popular tales of Bengal

Kalpadrum 1880

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Interesting pages




Can the user site assume GODL?

Lots of files, including images and books, have been uploaded here under the GODL-India template. Current trend seems to be that, editors can assume the existence of GODL if the item is sourced from a Govt website and the file matches, in the uploader's opinion, criteria suitable for GODL. But can a user site like Wikimedia Commons assume the existence of GODL when the Govt source site did not expressly license the item under GODL?

Let's take a closer look at the rules.

1. Paragraph 3 of the GODL notification specifies that the license is for data sets published under NDSAP and through the OGD Platform. This means that the data needs to be published in website, which is the OGD platform, for this license to be applicable.

2. Section 2(b) of the GODL notification expressly provides for a license by the Govt data provider: "Data Provider(s)" means person(s) publishing and providing the data under this license.

3. As per Section 6(b), this license is not applicable for Data that the data provider(s) is not authorized to license, that is data that is non-shareable and/or sensitive.

Sl. Nos. 2 and 3 rules out any assumption of this license by the user site when not expressly given by the data provider; there is no supercession clause that the nature of data (i.e., that fits in with Section 3) can override this requirement of license from the data provider.

4. Section 5 provides that attribution must specify Published under [Name of License]. So, how are we assuming GODL for files which were not published under this license?

5. Section 12(h) of the NDSAP notification provides that data and metadata under this license will be uploaded in website. So, how are we assuming this license for files from other sites?

6. Files under this license are available in the catalog (; where is the documentation for applicability of this license for files not present in those catalogs?

7. Some states have published their data policies; their data are also uploaded in their respective subdomains of the site. As per Section 12(a) of the Odisha State Data Policy 2015, All State Government Departments will store their datasets at State Data Centre as a backup storage. This is the state's subdomain:

8. NDSAP does apply to all data generated with public funds as per Section 5 of the NDSAP. But those data are needed to be classified first into Open Access, Registered Access and Restricted Access as per Section 8, by taking into consideration the various laws of the country as per Section 10. This classification is done by respective departments under overall monitoring of the national oversight committee, as per Section 7. Data of state governments are also classified in this way, under monitoring of state level steering commitees (see, for example, Section 12(k) of the Odisha state data policy: The SDSC will be the final authority to decide the classification of data into open, registered and restricted categories, apart from declaration of any non-sharable (negative) data.)

This is an elaborate exercise, only after which, the GODL license is assigned for the Open Access category.

Therefore, we need to decide whether Wikimedia Commons is a competent entity to assign GODL license to files not expressly published under this license; or we should use it only for files published under it.

Incremental bulk moving of pages


This is required when missing pages are added to an existing index and pages in the Page: namespace are already created. Admin privilege is required for using the script. The script is for use in Linux. Below is described the process with Windows 7.

  1. Install Python 2.7. (
  2. Install Notepad++. (
  3. Go to GitHub ( and download from the green coloured clone or download button; then extract it; Delete all folders except move-pages-bn-wikisource from the extracted folder. Now move the tools-for-wiki-master folder to C:\Windows\System32.
  4. Right click on the config.ini file and choose Edit with Notepad++. Change like this:
    1. wiki_username = Your user name
    2. wiki_password = Your password
    3. wikisource_language = en or as appropriate.
  5. Also change the book settings:
    1. book_name = Page:bookname.pdf (or djvu)
    2. start_page_number = --
    3. end_page_number = --
    4. increment_order = --
    5. Along with that, remove the GitHub copyright line in the footer (Don't edit with regular Notepad; that will insert Byte Order Mark at the start of the file)
  6. Start button -- search box -- search for sysdm.cpl -- right click -- Run as Administrator -- Advanced -- Environment Variables -- System variables -- Path -- Insert Python27 and Python\Scripts folders with correct address.
  7. Start button -- search box -- search for cmd.exe -- right click -- Run as Administrator -- Give commands: pip install wikitools and pip install poster.
  8. Add bot user to your user group in the concerned Wikisource.
  9. Now put successive commands in cmd.exe: cd tools-for-wiki-master -- cd move-pages-bn-wikisource -- python
  10. At a time only that portion of the book can be moved where there is no gap in Page: namespace (i.e., no absent/uncreated pages).
  11. Change book settings in config.ini before every bulk move of pages.

Downloading from DLI


The Digital Library of India is managed by multiple institutes under the Government of India. It is a member of the Universal Digital Library. Books are collected from source libraries all over India and scanned at the designated scanning center for that region (usually the local branch of the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing). The site is hosted at two places (mirror sites): hosted by the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, and hosted by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

The DLI contains scans of a huge number of books, but the site is not at all user friendly. One can go to the DLI homepage and search for a title or author. That search result is not displayed under a separate webpage address; so the search cannot be saved or bookmarked by the user. DLI does not have a standard spelling system; so search requires a bit of brain. If you search for Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, you will get his Bengali works. For the English works, the search string should be Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. If you search for Bankim Chandra, you will get both varieties. If you remove the space and search for Bankimchandra, you will get another list of Bengali works, because, in Bengali, space is not used between first and middle names. Once you get the list, suppose you want The Poison Tree. If you follow the link, you will see that the webpage address is highly cumbersome:,%20allahabad&slocation1=NONE&sourcelib1=Bharti%20Bhawan%20Library%20Allahabad&scannerno1=8388607&digitalrepublisher1=Digital%20Library%20Of%20India&digitalpublicationdate1=&numberedpages1=&unnumberedpages1=&rights1=null&copyrightowner1=&copyrightexpirydate1=&format1=TIFF%20&url=/data58/upload/0097/362

Obviously, such an address cannot be cited anywhere. So you need to edit it. You can remove the unnecessary details and change it to -- this will work just fine. But this kind of address will vary from work to work, so you cannot make it a formula. For formula-type address, you can use, where only the barcode needs to be changed. But this formula-address may sometimes be defective, the link to the actual address may not lead anywhere. But the edited address shown first will work always.

Now, the actual work. It is in TIF format. You need a plug-in (see here for Windows) to see the pages. Now you can view the work page-by-page and save the pages as TIF images. This is of course very time consuming. How to download the whole work in PDF? Download DLI Downloader 0.24 Lite from this site and you are on. Just enter the barcode and download the book. If the downloader says that scan does not exist (may happen because of the presence or absence of "new" or "new1" at the start of the web address), then go to the Collection option and toggle between IISc and IUCAA. If your connection is slow, use safe mode. Experts can use more complicated tools found here.

Indexes created by me












Sanskrit Literature


Indian History


Indian Sciences




Bengali Literature


Bengali Language


Asiatic Society


Royal Society


J. C. Bose




Constitution of India


Law of India
