Standard and Popular Library Books



A Club of One. An Anonymous Volume, $1.25.
Brooks Adams. The Emancipation of Massachusetts, crown 8vo, $1.50.
John Adams and Abigail Adams. Familiar Letters of, during the Revolution, 12mo, $2.00.
Oscar Fay Adams. Handbook of English Authors, 16mo, 75 cents; Handbook of American Authors, 16mo, 75 cents.
Louis Agassiz. Methods of Study in Natural History, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; Geological Sketches, Series I. and II., 12mo, each, $1.50; A Journey in Brazil, Illustrated, 12mo, $2.50; Life and Letters, edited by his wife, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00; Life and Works, 6 vols. $10.00.
Anne A. Agge and Mary M. Brooks. Marblehead Sketches. 4to, $3.00.
Elizabeth Akers. The Silver Bridge and other Poems, 16mo, $1.25.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Story of a Bad Boy, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; Marjorie Daw and Other People, 12mo, $1.50; Prudence Palfrey, 12mo, $1.50; The Queen of Sheba, 12mo, $1.50; The Stillwater Tragedy, 12mo, $1.50; Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; full gilt, $2.25; The above six vols. 12mo, uniform, $9.00; From Ponkapog to Pesth, 16mo, $1.25; Poems, Complete, Illustrated, 8vo, $3.50; Mercedes, and Later Lyrics, cr. 8vo, $1.25.
Rev. A. V. G. Allen. Continuity of Christian Thought, 12mo, $2.00.

American Commonwealths. Per volume, 16mo, $1.25.
Virginia. By John Esten Cooke.
Oregon. By William Barrows.
Maryland. By Wm. Hand Browne.
Kentucky. By N. S. Shaler.
Michigan. By Hon. T. M. Cooley.
Kansas. By Leverett W. Spring.
California. By Josiah Royce.
New York. By Ellis H. Roberts. 2 vols.
Connecticut. By Alexander Johnston.

(In Preparation.)

Tennessee. By James Phelan.
Pennsylvania. By Hon. Wayne MacVeagh.
Missouri. By Lucien Carr.
Ohio. By Rufus King.
New Jersey. By Austin Scott.

American Men of Letters. Per vol., with Portrait, 16mo, $1.25.
Washington Irving. By Charles Dudley Warner.
Noah Webster. By Horace E. Scudder.
Henry D. Thoreau. By Frank B. Sanborn.
George Ripley. By O. B. Frothingham.
J. Fenimore Cooper. By Prof. T. R. Lounsbury.
Margaret Fuller Ossoli. By T. W. Higginson.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Edgar Allan Poe. By George E. Woodberry.
Nathaniel Parker Willis. By H. A. Beers.

(In Preparation.)

Benjamin Franklin. By John Bach McMaster.
Nathaniel Hawthorne. By James Russell Lowell.
William Cullen Bryant. By John Bigelow.
Bayard Taylor. By J. R. G. Hassard.
William Gilmore Simms. By George W. Cable.

American Statesmen. Per vol., 16mo, $1.25.
John Quincy Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr.
Alexander Hamilton. By Henry Cabot Lodge.
John C. Calhoun. By Dr. H. von Hoist.
Andrew Jackson. By Prof. W. G. Sumner.
John Randolph. By Henry Adams.
James Monroe. By Pres. D. C. Gilman.
Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr.
Daniel Webster. By Henry Cabot Lodge.
Albert Gallatin. By John Austin Stevens.
James Madison. By Sydney Howard Gay.
John Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr.
John Marshall. By Allan B. Magruder.
Samuel Adams. By J. K. Hosmer.
Thomas H. Benton. By Theodore Roosevelt.
Henry Clay. By Hon. Carl Schurz. 2 vols.

(In Preparation.)

Martin Van Buren. By Edward M. Shepard.
George Washington. By Henry Cabot Lodge. 2 vols.
Patrick Henry. By Moses Coit Tyler.

Martha Babcock Amory. Life of Copley, 8vo, $3.00.
Hans Christian Andersen. Complete Works, 10 vols. 12mo, each $1.00. New Edition, 10 vols. 12mo, $10.00.
Francis, Lord Bacon. Works, 15 vols. cr. 8vo, $33.75; Popular Edition, with Portraits, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $5.00; Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, 8vo, $5.00; Life and Times of Bacon, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $5.00.
L. H. Bailey, Jr. Talks Afield, Illustrated, 16mo, $1.00.
M. M. Ballou. Due West, cr. 8vo, $1.50; Due South, $1.50.
Henry A. Beers. The Thankless Muse. Poems. 16mo, $1.25.
E. D. R. Bianaciardi. At Home in Italy, 16mo, $1.25.
William Henry Bishop. The House of a Merchant Prince, a Novel, 12mo, $1.50; Detmold, a Novel, 18mo, $1.25; Choy Susan and other Stories, 16mo, $1.25; The Golden Justice, 16mo, $1.25.
Bjornstjerne Bjornson. Complete Works. New Edition, 3 vols. 12mo, the set, $4.50; Synnove Solbakken, Bridal March, Captain Mansana, Magnhild, 16mo, each $1.00.
Anne C. Lynch Botta. Handbook of Universal Literature, New Edition, 12mo, $2.00.
British Poets. Riverside Edition, cr. 8vo, each $1.50; the set, 68 vols. $100.00.
John Brown, A. B. John Bunyan. Illustrated. 8vo, $4.50.
John Brown, M. D. Spare Hours, 3 vols. 16mo, each $1.50.
Robert Browning. Poems and Dramas, etc., 15 vols. 16mo, $22.00; Works, 8 vols. cr. 8vo, $13.00; Ferishtah’s Fancies, cr. 8vo, $1.00; Jocoseria, 16mo, $1.00; cr. 8vo, $1.00; Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in their Day, 16mo or cr. 8vo, $1.25. Works, New Edition, 6 vols. cr. 8vo. $10.00.

William Cullen Bryant. Translation of Homer, The Iliad cr. 8vo, $2.50; 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00; cr. 8vo, $4.00. The Odyssey, cr. 8vo, $2.50; 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00; cr. 8vo, $4.00.

Sara C. Bull. Life of Ole Bull. Popular Edition. 12mo, $1.50.
John Burroughs. Works, 7 vols. 16mo, each $1.50.
Thomas Carlyle. Essays, with Portrait and Index, 4 vols, I2mo, $7.50; Popular Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, $3.50.
Alice and Phœbe Cary. Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Library Edition, including Memorial by Mary Clemmer, Portraits and 24 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50.
Wm. Ellery Channing. Selections from His Note-Books, $1.00.
Francis J. Child (Editor). English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Eight Parts. (Parts I.-IV. now ready). 4to, each $5.00. Poems of Religious Sorrow, Comfort, Counsel, and Aspiration. 16mo, $1.25.
Lydia Maria Child. Looking Toward Sunset, 12mo, $2.50; Letters, with Biography by Whittier, 16mo, $1.50.
James Freeman Clarke. Ten Great Religions, Parts I. and II., 12mo, each $2.00; Common Sense in Religion, 12mo, $2.00; Memorial and Biographical Sketches, 12mo, $2.00.
John Esten Cooke. My Lady Pokahontas, 16mo, $1.25.
James Fenimore Cooper. Works, new Household Edition, Illustrated, 32 vols. 16mo, each $1.00; the set, $32.00; Fireside Edition, Illustrated, 16 vols. 12mo, $20.00.
Susan Fenimore Cooper. Rural Hours. 16mo, $1.25.
Charles Egbert Craddock. In the Tennessee Mountains, 16mo, $1.25; Down the Ravine, Illustrated, $1.00; The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, 16mo, $1.25; In The Clouds, 16mo, $1.25.
C. P. Cranch. Ariel and Caliban. 16mo, $1.25; The Æneid of Virgil. Translated by Cranch. 8vo, $2.50.
T. F. Crane. Italian Popular Tales, 8vo, $2.50.
F. Marion Crawford. To Leeward, 16mo, $1.25; A Roman Singer, 16mo, $1.25; An American Politician, 16mo, $1.25.
M. Creighton. The Papacy during the Reformation, 4 vols. 8vo, $17.50.
Richard H. Dana. To Cuba and Back, 16mo, $1.25; Two Years Before the Mast, 12mo, $1.00.
G. W. and Emma De Long. Voyage of the Jeannette. 2 vols. 8vo, $7.50; New One-Volume Edition, 8vo, $4.50.
Thomas De Quincey. Works, 12 vols. 12mo, each $1.50; the set, $18.00.
Madame De Stael. Germany, 12mo, 2.50.
Charles Dickens. Works, Illustrated Library Edition, with Dickens Dictionary, 30 vols. 12mo, each $1.50; the set, $45.00.
J. Lewis Diman. The Theistic Argument, etc., cr. 8vo, $2.00; Orations and Essays, cr. 8vo, $2.50.
Theodore A. Dodge. Patroclus and Penelope, Illustrated, 8vo, $3.00. The Same. Outline Illustrations. Cr. 8vo, $1.25.
E. P. Dole. Talks about Law. Cr. 8vo, $2.00; sheep, $2.50.
Eight Studies of the Lord's Day. 12mo, $1.50.
George Eliot. The Spanish Gypsy, a Poem, 16mo, $1.00.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. Works, Riverside Edition, 11 vols. each $1.75; the set, $19.25; "Little Classic" Edition, 11 vols. 18mo, each, $1.50; Parnassus, Household Edition, 12mo, $1.75; Library Edition, 8vo, $4.00; Poems, Household Edition, Portrait, 12mo, $1.75; Memoir, by J. Elliot Cabot, 2 vols. $3.50.
English Dramatists. Vols. 1-3, Marlowe's Works; Vols. 4-11, Middleton's Works; Vols. 12-14, Marston's Works; each vol. $3.00; Large-Paper Edition, each vol. $4.00.
Edgar Fawcett. A Hopeless Case, 18mo, $1.25; A Gentleman of Leisure, i8mo, $1.00; An Ambitious Woman, 12mo, $1.50.
Fénelon. Adventures of Telemachus, 12mo, $2.25.
James T. Fields. Yesterdays with Authors, 12mo, $2.00; 8vo, Illustrated, $3.00; Underbrush, 18mo, $1.25; Ballads and other Verses, 16mo, $1.00; The Family Library of British Poetry, royal 8vo, $5.00; Memoirs and Correspondence, cr. 8vo, $2.00.
John Fiske. Myths and Mythmakers, 12mo, $2.00; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00; The Unseen World, and other Essays, 12mo, $2.00; Excursions of an Evolutionist, 12mo, $2.00; The Destiny of Man, 16mo, $1.00; The Idea of God, 16mo, $1.00; Darwinism, and Other Essays, New Edition, enlarged, 12mo, $2.00.
Edward Fitzgerald. Works. 2 vols. 8vo, $10.00.
O. B. Frothingham. Life of W. H. Channing. Cr. 8vo, $2.00.
William H. Furness. Verses, 16mo, vellum, $1.25.
Gentleman's Magazine Library. 14 vols. 8vo, each $2,50; Roxburgh, $3.50; Large-Paper Edition, $6.00. I. Manners and Customs. II. Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-Lore. III. Popular Superstitions and Traditions. IV. English Traditions and Foreign Customs. V., VI. Archæology. VII. Romano-British Remains: Part I. (Last two styles sold only in sets.)
John F. Genung. Tennyson's In Memoriam, cr. 8vo, $1.25.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Faust, Part First, Translated by C. T. Brooks, 16mo, $1.25; Faust, Translated by Bayard Taylor, cr. 8vo, $2.50; 2 vols. royal 8vo, $9.00; 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00; Correspondence with a Child, 12mo, $1.50; Wilhelm Meister, Translated by Carlyle, 2 vols. 12mo, $3.00. Life, by Lewes, together with the above five 12mo vols., the set, $9.00.
Oliver Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield, 32mo, $1.00.
Charles George Gordon. Diaries and Letters, 8vo, $2.00.
George H. Gordon. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, 1861-2. 8vo, $3.00. Campaign of Army of Virginia, 1862. 8vo, $4.00. A War Diary, 1863-5. 8vo, $3.00.
George Zabriskie Gray. The Children's Crusade, 12mo, $1.50; Husband and Wife, 16mo, $1.00.
F. W. Gunsaulus. The Transfiguration of Christ. 16mo, $1.25.
Anna Davis Hallowell. James and Lucretia Mott, $2.00.
R. P. Hallowell. Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts, revised, $1.25. The Pioneer Quakers, 16mo, $1.00.
Arthur Sherburne Hardy. But Yet a Woman, 16mo, $1.25; The Wind of Destiny, 16mo, $1.25.
Bret Harte. Works, 6 vols. cr. 8vo, each $2.00; Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Red-Line Edition, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; In the Carquinez Woods, 18mo, $1.00; Flip, and Found at Blazing Star, 18mo, $1.00; On the Frontier, 18mo, $1.00; By Shore and Sedge, 18mo, $1.00; Maruja, 18mo, $1.00; Snow-Bound at Eagle's, 18mo, $1.00; The Queen of the Pirate Isle, Illustrated, small 4to, $1.50; A Millionaire, etc., 18mo, $1.00; The Crusade of the Excelsior, 16mo, $1.25.

Nathaniel Hawthorne. Works, "Little Classic" Edition, Illustrated, 25 vols. 18mo, each $1.00; the set $25.00; New Riverside Edition, Introductions by G. P. Lathrop, 11 Etchings and Portrait, 12 vols. cr. 8vo, each $2.00; Wayside Edition, with Introductions, Etchings, etc., 24 vols. 12mo, $36.00; Fireside Edition, 6 vols. 12mo, $10.00; The Scarlet Letter, 12mo, $1.00.

John Hay. Pike County Ballads, 12mo, $1.50; Castilian Days, 16mo, $2.00.
Caroline Hazard. Memoir of J. L. Diman Cr. 8vo, $2.00.
Franklin H. Head. Shakespeare's Insomnia. 16mo, parchment paper, 75 cents.
The Heart of the Weed. Anonymous Poems. 16mo, parchment paper, $1.00.
S. E. Herrick. Some Heretics of Yesterday. Cr. 8vo, $1.50.
George S. Hillard. Six Months in Italy. 12mo, $2.00.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1 75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Illustrated Library Edition, 8vo, $3.50; Handy-Volume Edition, 2 vols. 32mo, $2.50; The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Handy-Volume Edition, 32mo, $1.25; The Professor at the Breakfast-Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; The Poet at the Breakfast-Table, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Elsie Venner, cr. 8vo, $2.00; The Guardian Angel, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Medical Essays, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Pages from an Old Volume of Life, cr. 8vo, $2.00; John Lothrop Motley, A Memoir, 16mo, $1.50; Illustrated Poems, 8vo, $4.00; A Mortal Antipathy, cr. 8vo, $1.50; The Last Leaf, Illustrated, 4to, $10.00.
Nathaniel Holmes. The Authorship of Shakespeare. New Edition. 2 vols. $4.00.
Blanche Willis Howard. One Summer, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.25; One Year Abroad, 18mo, $1.25.
William D. Howells. Venetian Life, 12mo, $1.50; Italian Journeys, 12mo, $1.50; Their Wedding Journey, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25; Suburban Sketches, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; A Chance Acquaintance, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25; A Foregone Conclusion, 12mo, $1.50; The Lady of the Aroostook, 12mo, $1.50; The Undiscovered Country, 12mo, $1.50.
Thomas Hughes. Tom Brown's School-Days at Rugby, 16mo, $1.00; Tom Brown at Oxford, 16mo, $1.25; The Manliness of Christ, 16mo, $1.00; paper, 25 cents.
William Morris Hunt. Talks on Art, 2 Series, each $1.00.
Henry James. A Passionate Pilgrim and other Tales, 12mo, $2.00; Transatlantic Sketches, 12mo, $2.00; Roderick Hudson, 12mo, $2.00; The American, 12mo, $2.00; Watch and Ward, 18mo, $1.25; The Europeans, 12mo, $1.50; Confidence, 12mo, $1.50; The Portrait of a Lady, 12mo, $2.00.
Anna Jameson. Writings upon Art Subjects. New Edition, 10 vols. 16mo, the set, $12.50.
Sarah Orne Jewett. Deephaven, 18mo, $1.25; Old Friends and New, 18mo, $1.25; Country By-Ways, 18mo, $1.25; Play-Days, Stories for Children, square 16mo, $1.50; The Mate of the Daylight, 18mo, $1.25; A Country Doctor, 16mo, $1.25; A Marsh Island, 16mo, $1.25; A White Heron, 18mo, $1.25.
Rossiter Johnson. Little Classics, 18 vols. 18mo, each $1.00; the set, $18.00.
Samuel Johnson. Oriental Religions: India, 8vo, $5.00; China, 8vo, $5.00; Persia, 8vo, $5.00; Lectures, Essays, and Sermons, cr. 8vo, $1.75.
Charles C. Jones, Jr. History of Georgia, 2 vols. 8vo, $10.00. Malcolm Kerr. The Far Interior. 2 vols. 8vo, $9.00.
Omar Khayyám. Rubáiyát, Red-Line Edition, square 16mo., $1.00; the same, with 56 Illustrations by Vedder, folio, $25.00; The Same, Phototype Edition, 4to, $12.50.
T. Starr King. Christianity and Humanity, with Portrait, 12mo, $1.50; Substance and Show, 16mo, $2.00.
Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. Handy-Volume Edition. 32mo, $1.00.
Henry Lansdell. Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. $10.00.
Lucy Larcom. Poems, 16mo, $1.25; An Idyl of Work, 16mo, $1.25; Wild Roses of Cape Ann and other Poems, 16mo, $1.25; Breathings of the Better Life, 18mo, $1.25; Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; full gilt, $2.25; Beckonings for Every Day, 16mo, $1.00.
George Parsons Lathrop. A Study of Hawthorne 18mo, $1.25.
Henry C. Lea. Sacerdotal Celibacy, 8vo, $4.50.
Sophia and Harriet Lee. Canterbury Tales. New Edition. 3 vols. 12mo, $3.75.
Charles G. Leland. The Gypsies, cr. 8vo, $2.00; Algonquin Legends of New England, cr. 8vo, $2.00.
George Henry Lewes. The Story of Goethe's Life, Portrait, 12mo, $1.50; Problems of Life and Mind, 5 vols. 8vo, $14.00.
A. Parlett Lloyd. The Law of Divorce, cloth, $2.00; sheep, $2.50.
J. G. Lockhart. Life of Sir W. Scott, 3 vols. I2mo, $4.50.
Henry Cabot Lodge. Studies in History, cr. 8vo, $1.50.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Complete Poetical and Prose Works, Riverside Edition, 11 vols. cr. 8vo, $16.50; Poetical Works, Riverside Edition, 6 vols. cr. 8vo, $9.00; Cambridge Edition, 4 vols. 12mo, $7.00; Poems, Octavo Edition, Portrait and 300 Illustrations, $7.50; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Red-Line Edition, Portrait and 12 Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Christus, Household Edition, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Prose Works, Riverside Edition, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $3.00; Hyperion, 16mo, $1.50; Kavanagh, 16mo, $1.50; Outre-Mer, 16mo, $1.50; In the Harbor, 16mo, $1.00; Michael Angelo: a Drama, Illustrated, folio, $5.00; Twenty Poems, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Translation of the Divina Commedia of Dante, Riverside Edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo, $4.50; 1 vol. cr. 8vo, $2.50; 3 vols. royal 8vo, $13.50; cr. 8vo, $4.50; Poets and Poetry of Europe, royal 8vo, $5.00; Poems of Places, 31 vols. each $1.00; the set, $25.00.
James Russell Lowell. Poems, Red-Line Edition, Portrait, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Fire side Travels, 12mo, $1.50; Among my Books, Series I. and II. 12mo, each $2.00; My Study Windows, 12mo, $2.00; Democracy and other Addresses, 16mo, $1.25; Uncollected Poems.
Thomas Babington Macaulay. Works, 16 vols. 12mo, $20.00.
Mrs. Madison. Memoirs and Letters of Dolly Madison, 16mo, $1.25.
Harriet Martineau. Autobiography, New Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00; Household Education, 18mo, $1.25.
H. B. McClellan. The Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. With Portrait and Maps, 8vo, $3.00.
G. W. Melville. In the Lena Delta, Maps and Illustrations, 8vo, $2.50.
T. C. Mendenhall. A Century of Electricity. 16mo, $1.25.
Owen Meredith. Poems, Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Lucile, Red-Line Edition, 8 Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, 8 Illustrations, $1.00.
Olive Thorne Miller. Bird-Ways, 16mo, $1.25.
John Milton. Paradise Lost. Handy-Volume Edition. 32mo, $1.00. Riverside Classic Edition, 16mo, Illustrated, $1.00.
S. Weir Mitchell. In War Time, 16mo, $1.25; Roland Blake, 16mo, $1.25.
J. W. Mollett. Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archæology, small 4to, $5.00.
Montaigne. Complete Works, Portrait, 4 vols. 12mo, $7.50.
William Mountford. Euthanasy, 12mo, $2.00.
T. Mozley. Reminiscences of Oriel College, etc., 2 vols. 16mo, $3.00.
Elisha Mulford. The Nation, 8vo, $2.50; The Republic of God, 8vo, $2.00.
T. T. Munger. On the Threshold, 16mo, $1.00; The Freedom of Faith, 16mo, $1.50; Lamps and Paths, 16mo, $1.00; The Appeal to Life, 16mo, $1.50.
J. A. W. Neander. History of the Christian Religion and Church, with Index volume, 6 vols. 8vo, $20.00; Index, $3.00.
Joseph Neilson. Memories of Rufus Choate, 8vo, $5.00.
Charles Eliot Norton. Notes of Travel in Italy, 16mo, $1.25; Translation of Dante's New Life, royal 8vo, $3.00.
Wm. D. O'Connor. Hamlet's Note-Book, 16mo, $1.00.
G. H. Palmer. Trans, of Homer's Odyssey, 1-12, 8vo, $2.50.
Leighton Parks. His Star in the East. Cr. 8vo, $1.50.
James Parton. Life of Benjamin Franklin, 2 vols. 8vo, $5.00; Life of Thomas Jefferson, 8vo, $2.50; Life of Aaron Burr, 2 vols. 8vo, $5.00; Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 vols. 8vo, $7.50; Life of Horace Greeley, 8vo, $2.50; General Butler in New Orleans, 8vo, $2.50; Humorous Poetry of the English Language, 12mo, $1.75; full gilt, $2.25; Famous Americans of Recent Times, Svo, $2.50; Life of Voltaire, 2 vols. 8vo, $6.00 The French Parnassus, 12mo, $1.75; crown 8vo, $3.50; Captains of Industry, 16mo, $1.25.
Blaise Pascal. Thoughts, 12mo, $2.25; Letters, 12mo, $7.25.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. The Gates Ajar, 16mo, $1.50; Beyond the Gates, 16mo, $1.25; Men, Women, and Ghosts, l6mo, $1.50; Hedged In, 16mo, $1.50; The Silent Partner, l6mo, $1.50; The Story of Avis, 16mo, $1.50; Sealed Orders, and other Stories, 16mo, $1.50; Friends: A Duet, 16mo, $1.25; Doctor Zay, 16mo, $1.25; Songs of the Silent World, l6mo, gilt top, $1.25; An Old Maid's Paradise, 16mo, paper, 50 cents; Burglars in Paradise, 16mo, paper, 50 cents; Madonna of the Tubs, cr. 8vo, Illustrated, $1.50.
Phillips Exeter Lectures: Delivered before the Students of Phillips Exeter Academy, 1885-6. By E. E. Hale, Phillips Brooks, Presidents McCosh, Porter, and others. 12mo, $1.50.
Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Selected Poems, 16mo, $1.50.
Carl Ploetz. Epitome of Universal History, 12mo, $3.00.
Antonin Lefevre Pontalis. The Life of John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, 2 vols. 8vo, $9.00.
Margaret J. Preston. Colonial Ballads, 16mo, $1.25.
Adelaide A. Procter. Poems, Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Red-Line Edition, small 4to, $2.50.
Progressive Orthodoxy. 16mo, $1.00.
Sampson Reed. Growth of the Mind, 16mo, $1.00.
C. F. Richardson. Primer of American Literature, 18mo, $ .30.
Riverside Aldine Series. Each volume, 16mo, $1.00. First edition, $1.50. i. Marjorie Daw, etc., by T. B. Aldrich; 2. My Summer in a Garden, by C. D. Warner; 3. Fireside Travels, by J. R. Lowell; 4. The Luck of Roaring Camp, etc., by Bret Harte; 5, 6. Venetian Life, 2 vols., by W. D. Howells; 7. Wake Robin, by John Burroughs; 8, 9. The Biglow Papers, 2 vols., by J. R. Lowell; 10. Backlog Studies, by C. D. Warner.
Henry Crabb Robinson. Diary, Reminiscences, etc. cr. 8vo, $2.50.
John C. Ropes. The First Napoleon, with Maps, cr. 8vo, $2.00.

Josiah Royce. Religious Aspect of Philosophy, 12mo, $2.00.

Edgar Evertson Saltus. Balzac, cr. 8vo, $1.25; The Philosophy of Disenchantment, cr. 8vo, $1.25.

John Godfrey Saxe. Poems, Red-Line Edition, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; full gilt, cr. 8vo, $2.25.

Sir Walter Scott. Waverley Novels, Illustrated Library Edition, 25 vols. 12mo, each $1.00; the set, $25.00; Tales of a Grandfather, 3 vols. 12mo, $4.50; Poems, Red-Line Edition Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00.
W. H. Seward. Works, 5 vols. 8vo, $15.00; Diplomatic History of the War, 8vo, $3.00.
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M. C. D. Silsbee. A Half Century in Salem. 16mo, $1.00.
Dr. William Smith. Bible Dictionary, American Edition, 4 vols. 8vo, $20.00.
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Jonathan Swift. Works, Edition de Luxe, 19 vols. 8vo, the set, $76.00.
T. P. Taswell-Langmead. English Constitutional History. New Edition, revised, 8vo, $7.50.

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Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. H. H. Richardson and his Works.
Jones Very. Essays and Poems, cr. 8vo, $2.00.
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J. A. Wilstach. Translation of Virgil's Works, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $5.00.
Justin Winsor. Reader's Handbook of American Revolution, 16mo, $1.25.
W. B. Wright. Ancient Cities from the Dawn to the Daylight, 16mo, $1.25.