Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/7

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Introduction Page I
Grammar. Page 1
LESSON I. Pronouns. Page 5
LESSON II. Short Sentences Page 6
LESSON III. Short Sentences. Page 7
LESSON IV. Declension of Pronouns. Page 8
LESSON V. Sentences. Page 9
LESSON VI. Other Pronominal Words. Page 10
LESSON VII. Substantive Verb. Page 11
LESSON VIII. Possessive Verb. Page 13
LESSON IX. Interrogatives. Page 15
LESSON X. Time. Page 18
LESSON XI. Place, Direction, &c. Page 20
LESSON XII. Quantity. Page 23
LESSON XIII. The Article. Page 25
LESSON XIV. Prepositions and equivalents. Page 27
LESSON XV. Conjunctions. Page 29
LESSON XVI. Adverbs. Page 31
LESSON XVII. Interjections. Page 33
LESSON XVIII. Adjectives. Page 36
LESSON XIX. Resemblance. Page 46
LESSON XX. Difference. Page 47
LESSON XXI. Nouns. Page 50
LESSON XXII. Gender. Page 56
LESSON XXIII. Number. Page 59
LESSON XXIV. Verbs. Page 51
LESSON XXV. Conjugational Equivalents of Phah, to strike. Page 67
LESSON XXVI. Examples in the Active Voice. Page 72
LESSON XXVII. Various Passive Forms. Page 73
LESSON XXVIII. Mood Equivalents. Page 75
LESSON XXIX. Tense Equivalents. Page 82
LESSON XXX. Some Usages of Syntax. Page 88
LESSON XXXI. Growth of Sentences. Page 91
LESSON XXXII. Bits of Description. Page 98
LESSON XXXIII. Abbreviations. Page 102
LESSON XXXIV. Slang. Page 104
LESSON XXXV. Various Questions. Page 107
LESSON XXXVI. Words used in Teaching and Arguing. Page 111
List of syllables representing the sounds used in pronouncing the Tie Chiu dialect. Page 125