The Zoologist/4th series, vol 4 (1900)

2676309The Zoologist — 4th series, vol. 41900












With the December issue 'The Zoologist' has reached the end of the nineteenth century, and has completed its fifty-eighth volume. It is interesting to glance at the status of Zoology when this Journal was founded by Edward Newman in 1843, and its progress since.

The Zoological Society had been founded in 1826, and was thus in only the seventeenth year of its existence; the Entomological Society was but ten years old. The Ray Society was not started till the following year (1844), and is therefore one year younger than 'The Zoologist.' In the year that 'The Zoologist' first appeared there was published the concluding volume on the Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle,' the vessel in which Darwin made his celebrated voyage. Lyell was steadily preparing his 'Travels in North America,' which was published in the early part of 1845. May, 1843, is the published date of the eighteenth and last part of Agassiz' monumental work, 'Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles.' In the same year the Rev. W. Kirby was still alive, and a sixth edition (vols. i. and ii.) of his immortal 'Introduction,' with the addition of one hundred MS. pages of new matter, was published. Frank Buckland was at Winchester College with heart set on becoming a surgeon. Huxley was a student winning prizes. Eight months of this year were occupied by Audubon in his Missouri River journey in the interest of the 'Quadrupeds of North America.' The British Museum was under the influence of Panizzi, who this year inaugurated his extensive reforms in the Printed Library. In the epochs of this institution we can pass, according to our purview, from the acquisition of the Mantell Fossils in 1839 to that of the Croizet Fossil-Mammals in 1848. Bloomsbury was then the home of literature. In 1843 Catesby also completed his 'Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands,' a pioneer work, now seldom consulted amidst the ever increasing literature of North American biology. The voyages of the 'Erebus' and 'Terror,' rich in zoological results, terminated this year; John Gould was publishing his magnificent ornithological publications, and in 1843 Lovell Reeve commenced to issue his 'Conchologia Iconica.' In this year was also finished the Second Series of Jardine and Selby's 'Illustrations of Ornithology,' while Macgillivray and Yarrell were publishing their works, which will be remembered and consulted as long as naturalists feel an interest in British Birds.

How much has transpired since then, which now almost reads as ancient history! In 1847 Hooker started for India on his memorable journey, which ultimately produced the well-read 'Himalayan Journals.' In 1848 Bates left England for Para, and the narrative of 'The Naturalist on the Amazons' may be said to have commenced. 1854 found Wallace at Singapore, and from that day the biological story of 'The Malay Archipelago' has been told, followed, and imitated. In 1843 South Africa was little known, and its Mammalia to be found in vast herds by those who could penetrate the country. To-day the country is open, but the Mammalia a vanishing quantity. Délegorgue completed his journey—known to all naturalists—in 1844; the conclusion of the zoological results of Sir Andrew Smith's expedition appeared in 1849; Gordon Cumming did not tell his wonderful tale of the wild life of the veld till 1850, before Mauch and Holub inaugurated the new era. Central Africa was marked "desert," at least on school maps; to-day we tabulate its fauna, and read Emin Pasha. And, last of all, with national pride, we may refer to the Voyage of the 'Challenger,' and the volumes devoted to its zoological results.

But, greater than all, is the difference in our philosophical conception of the teachings of Biology. In 1859 Darwin published his 'Origin of Species,' and from that date modern biology will recognise the commencement of a new period. As in San Francisco, it is said, everything dates back to 1849, so our present zoological conceptions take birth from 1859.

Of the contributors to our first number probably J.W. Douglas is now the only survivor. The aims and scope of the publication are precisely the same as in 1843—bionomic primarily. In philosophy there is great change, but no new creed. It is undoubtedly the case that a naturalist may exist without being an evolutionist; it is equally true that evolutionists can be found who are neither Lamarckians nor Darwinists; and it is certain that Darwinists are to be found in plenty who are quite outside the school of neo-Darwinism, and who have no desire to risk wrecking a great conception on speculative side issues. Hence 'The Zoologist' welcomes all phases of thought, but stipulates for facts rather than theories, argument more than advocacy. All contributors may at least speculate on what our Journal may be made for the cause of Zoology during the next century. The summing up will then be in other hands.

Contents of Issues

Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 4 (1900)
Issue 703 (January, 1900)
Fox, William Storrs The Ring-Ouzel in Derbyshire 1
Aplin, Oliver Vernon Notes on the Ornithology of Oxfordshire (concluded from vol. 3) 11
Bonhote, J. Lewis On the Moult and Colour Changes of the Corncrake (Crex pratensis) 29
Witchell, Charles Adolphus Stray Notes on Mimicry 32
Notes and Queries 37
Notices of New Books 42
Editorial Gleanings 46
Issue 704 (February, 1900)
le Souëf, D. "How does the new-born Kangaroo get into the Mothers Pouch?" 49
Jones, K. Hurlstone Land Birds at Sea 51
Ticehurst, N.F. Some Remarks on the Birds seen in the South-east Part of the Mainland of Orkney in October, 1899 54
Southwell, Thomas Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery, 1899 65
Butler, Arthur G. On Sexual Differences in the Wing of the House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus) 74
Salter, J.H. Ornithological Notes from Mid-Wales 76
H.E.D. Obituary for Dr. Elliott Coues 80
A.G.B. Obituary for Dr. Karl Russ 81
Notes and Queries 82
Notices of New Books 87
Editorial Gleanings 93
Issue 705 (March, 1900)
Gurney, J.H. Ornithological Record from Norfolk for 1899 97
Distant, W.L. Biological Suggestions. Mimicry (Part V) 116
Forrest, H.E. The Movements of Starlings 131
Notes and Queries 142
Notices of New Books 146
Editorial Gleanings 152
Issue 706 (April, 1900)
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (first part) 153
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (first part) 173
Notes and Queries 186
Notices of New Books 190
Editorial Gleanings 198
Issue 707 (May, 1900)
Haigh, G.H. Caton Bird notes from North-East Lincolnshire during the Autumn Migration of 1899 201
Patten, Charles J.
and Williams, W.J.
On the Distribution of Some Birds Observed in Ireland and in Switzerland 213
Grabham, Oxley Natural History Notes from Yorkshire for 1899 229
Notes and Queries 237
Notices of New Books 242
Editorial Gleanings 247
Issue 708 (June, 1900)
Degen, Ed. On Sexual Differences in the Feathering of the Wing 249
Robert Vaughan Land Birds at Sea 256
Meiklejohn, A.H. How does the Cuckoo Carry her Egg? 262
Arrigoni Degli Oddi, Ettore Notes upon the Zoological Meeting of Pavia 265
Benson, Charles W. Birds on the Rigi 268
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (continued) 270
Notes and Queries 278
Notices of New Books 283
Editorial Gleanings 286
Issue 709 (July, 1900)
Kew, H. Wallis Spinning Molluscs 289
Notes and Queries 321
Notices of New Books 335
Editorial Gleanings 340
Issue 710 (August, 1900)
Stead, David G. Zoological Notes from Sydney 344
Gurney, J.H. A Short History of the Bearded Titmouse 358
Blathwayt, F.L. A Visit to Lundy 375
Notes and Queries 381
Notices of New Books 384
Editorial Gleanings 389
Issue 711 (September, 1900)
Leighton, Gerald The Adder-swallowing Theory from an Anatomical Point of View 393
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 397
Thomas Carter Notes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia 416
Notes and Queries 421
Notices of New Books 435
Editorial Gleanings 438
Issue 712 (October, 1900)
Robert Hall Sea-Elephants on Kerguelen’s Land 441
Jones, K. Hurlstone Ornithological Notes from South-Western Europe 448
Selous, Edmund An Observational Diary of the Habits of the Great Plover (Oedicnemus crepitans) during September and October (continued) 458
Notes and Queries 477
Notices of New Books 486
Issue 713 (November, 1900)
O.V. Aplin The Birds of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire 489
Forrest, H.E. Breeding of the Tufted Duck (‘’Fuligula cristata’’) in Shropshire 506
Meiklejohn, A.H. The origin and meaning of the Names of British Birds 511
Notes and Queries 517
Notices of New Books 522
Editorial Gleanings 527
Issue 714 (December, 1900)
Patterson, Arthur The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the Neighbourhood (cont.) 529
Marshall, Guy A.K. Conscious Protective Resemblance 536
Poulton, Edward B. Remarks on the Preceding Paper 550
Notes and Queries 555



Aplin, O.V., F.L.S., M.B.O.U.

Notes on the Ornithology of Oxfordshire (1896-1898), 11; Nesting habits of the Great Tit, 143; The Birds of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, 489; The Sardinian Warbler, 518; The origin and meaning of the names of British Birds, 558

Arnold, E.C.

Pectoral Sandpiper at Aldeburgh, 521

Bankes, A.

Number of eggs in nest of Swift, 556

Baring, A.H.

Black Rat in Forfarshire, 517

Barrett-Hamilton, G.E.H.

Birds singing during a thunderstorm, 188

Benson, Rev. Charles W., LL.D.

Birds on the Rigi, 268

Blathwayt, F.L.

Pied Flycatcher in Somersetshire, 237; A visit to Lundy, 375

Bonhote, J.L.

On the moult and colour changes of the Corncrake (Crex pratensis), 29

Brockholes, W. Fitzherbert

Curious partnership of Hedge-Sparrow and Blackbird in a nest, 237

Brown, J.A. Harvie-

Albatross near Faroe, 324; Wild Cat, 477

Bryant, Charles H.

Black Redstart at Brighton, 37

Bucknill, John A.

Mammalia of Surrey, 559

Burr, Malcolm

Land Birds at sea, 144

Butler, A.G., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

On sexual differences in the wing of the House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus), 74

Butler, E.A., Lieut.-Col.

Black-game in Suffolk, 39

Butterfield, E.P.

Ornithological notes from the Wilsden District (Yorkshire), 432

Butterfield, W. Ruskin

Occurrence of the Melodious Warbler in Sussex, 518; Great Skua (Megalestris catarrhactes) in Kent, 521

Carter, Thomas

Notes from Point Cloates, Northwest Australia, 416

Clarke, W.J.

Levantine Shearwaters at Scarborough, 521

Cooper, T. Terry

Marsh-Harrier in Berkshire, 143

Corbin, G.B.

The Pike and its prey, 282; Early appearance of Swift, 321; Hoopoe in Hants and Dorset, 322; Hybrid Pheasant, 323

Coward, T.A.

Hoopoe in Anglesea, 82

Crawshay, Richard

Curlew at sea, 483

Davenport, H.S.

Nesting habits of the SparrowHawk, 426

Day, Rev. A.F., S.J.

Tameness of unmolested birds, 280

Degen, Ed.

On sexual differences in the feathering of the wing, 249

Delves, William, Jun.

Early appearance of Chiffchaff, 143

Distant, W.L.

Serrated claws of the Common Heron, 38; Biological Suggestions—Mimicry, 116, 554; Molluscs eaten by Wood-Pigeons, 484

Dobie, W. Henry

The Little Owl in North Wales (?), 556

Elliott, J. Steele-

Lesser Shrew in Worcestershire, 142; Nesting of the Great Tit (Parus major), 423; Nesting of the Common Sparrow (Passer domesticus), 424; Nesting habits of the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), 425; Some notes on the Swift (Cypselus apus), 479

Farman, Last

Winter notes from Haddiscoe, 83

Fitch, Edward A., F.L.S., F.E.S.

The Lesser Rorqual in the Essex Blackwater, 517

Forrest, H.E.

The movements of Starlings, 131, 479; Curious variety of the Mole, 142; Great Tit nesting in active Bee-hive, 143; Nesting of the Hobby in Shropshire, 143, 382; Sea-Lamprey at Shrewsbury, 144; Lesser Shrew in Shropshire, 186; Little Crake in Shropshire, 280; The Little Owl in Flintshire?, 482; Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales, 485; Breeding of the Tutted Duck (Fuligula cristata) in Shropshire, 506

Fowler, W. Warde, M.A.

Lateness in appearance of the summer migrants, 238

Fox, W. Storrs, M.A., F.Z.S.

The Ring-Ouzel in Derbyshire, 1

Frohawk, F.W.

Little Gull (Larus minutus) on the Thames, 83

Gaythorpe, Harper

Strange hibernating quarters for Vanessa io and V. urticæ, 559 Grabham, Oxley, M.A., M.B.O.U. Varieties of the Mole, 186; Water Shrews, 186; Natural History notes from Yorkshire for 1899, 229; Number of eggs in nest of Swift, 520

Grant, C.H.B.

Water Shrews taken three miles from water, 142

Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Ornithological Notes from Norfolk for 1899, 97; A short history of the Bearded Titmouse, 358

Haigh, G.H. Caton

Bird notes from North-east Lincolnshire during the autumn migration of 1899, 201

Hall, H.S.

Nesting of the Marsh-Warbler in Wiltshire, 555

Hall, Robert

Sea-Elephants on Kerguelen's Land, 441

Horsbrugh, Charles B.

Mistle-Thrush laying twice in the same nest. 422; Gannet in Somersetshire, 557

Howard, H.E.

Unusual numbers of Green Plover in Worcestershire, 187; Variations in the notes and songs of birds in different districts, 382

Howard, R.J.

Wild Cat, 555

Jones, Surgeon K. Hurlstone, M.B., R.N.,F.L.S

Land birds at sea, 51; Ornithological notes from South-Western Europe, 448

Jourdain, Francis C.R.

Rough notes on Derbyshire Ornithology (1899-1900), 428

Kew, Wallis H.

Spinning Molluscs, 289

Langdale, H. Marmaduke

Molluscs eaten by Wood-Pigeons, 484

Leighton, Gerald, M.B.

The Adder-swallowing theory from an anatomical point of view, 393; British Snakes, 560

Lewis, Stanley

Serrated claws of the Common Heron, 38; Mistle-Thrush attacking Squirrel, 321

Lydekker, R., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S.

Specimens of Harvest-Mouse and British Bats wanted for the National Museum, 321

Macpherson, Rev. H.A., M.A.

The Bearded Tit—a correction corrected, 478; Is the Siskin an autumn and winter songster?, 555; The names of British Birds, 558

Marchant, Spencer H. Le

Curlew nesting in Surrey, 382

Marshall, Guy A.K., F.Z.S.

"Assimilative Colouration," 327; Conscious Protective Resemblance, 536

Martin, Basil W.

Red-billed Chough near Hendon, 82; Cuckoo breeding in London District, 481

Meade-Waldo, E.G.B.

The Little Owl, 556

Meiklejohn, A.H.

How does the Cuckoo carry her egg?, 262; Note on the nesting habits of the Sparrow-Hawk, 381; The origin and meaning of the names of British Birds, 511; The mode of progression of the Phalacrocoracidæ under water, 557

Morley, John

Bittern near Scarborough, 83

Murray, H.W., F.Z.S.

Mammalia of Surrey, 559

Nelson, H.T.

Red-crested Pochard in Yorkshire, 483; Stone Curlew in Cleveland in winter, 483; Marten in Cleveland, 517

New, Oliver H.

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus major), 278

Noble, Heatley

"Chiffchaff building on the top of small yew and box trees"—correction, 37; Black-game in Suffolk, 39; Lesser Shrew and Bank Vole in Berks, 421; The Bearded Titmouse and other birds in Norfolk, 422

Oddi, Count Ettore Arrigoni degli

Notes upon the Zoological Meeting of Pavia, 265

Oldham, Charles

Lesser Shrew in Cambridgeshire, 421; Insectivorous habits of the Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 421; Quail in Cheshire, 428

Patten, Charles J., B.A., M.D., &c.

On the distribution of some birds observed in Ireland and in Switzerland, 213

Patterson, Arthur

The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the neighbourhood, 153, 397, 529; Cormorant in captivity, 240; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 241; Spoonbill at Great Yarmouth, 323; Migration notes from Great Yarmouth, 324; Sunfish in the Yarmouth Roads, 483; Meristic Variation in the Edible Crab, 484

Playne, Herbert C.

Blackcap in March, 187

Pocock, R.I.

Rare English Ticks, 326; Hybrid Dog and Fox, 477; Marine Centipede in Somerset, 484

Poulton, Edward B., M.A.,F.R.S., &c.

Conscious Protective Resemblance, 550

Ramsbotham, R.H.

Flycatcher feeding on worms, 278; Crossbills at Shrewsbury, 321

Read, Robert H.

Nesting of the Common Sparrow (Passer domesticus), 519; Cuckoo's egg in Song-Thrush's nest, 520

Renshaw, Graham

Equus quagga, L., 186; Hard-sat eggs—a suggestion, 189

Ridsdale, E.L.J.

The Bearded Titmouse—a correction, 422

Rope, G.T.

Remarks relating to mimicry, 85; Oared Shrew in Suffolk, 477

Russell, Harold

The Great Spotted Woodpecker in Surrey, 322; Rooks in London, 519

Salter, J.H., D.Sc.

Ornithological notes from Mid-Wales, 76

Saunders, Howard

Serrated claws of the Common Heron, 85

Saxby, T. Edmondston

Ornithological notes from Shetland, 281; Cuckoo in the Shetlands, 426; Opah at the Shetlands, 434

Selous, Edmund

An observational diary of the habits of the Great Plover (Œdicnemus crepitans) during September and October, 173, 270, 458

Service, Robert

Hybrid Doves, 281

Souef, D. le, C.M.Z.S., &c.

"How does the new-born Kangaroo get into the mother's pouch?, 49

Southwell, Thomas, F.Z.S.

Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery (1899), 65; Notes from Norfolk, 239

Stares, John

Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa belgica) in Hants, 428

Stead, David G.

Zoological notes from Sydney, 345

Terry, F.W.

Rana temporaria in the Scilly Islands, 383

Ticehurst, N.F., M.A., F.Z.S., &c.

Some remarks on the birds seen in the south-east part of the mainland of Orkney in October, 1899, 54; Occurrence of the Water Pipit (Anthus spipoletta) in Sussex, 278; Breeding of the Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) in Kent, 279; Breeding of the Garganey (Querquedula circia) in Kent, 279

Tuck, Rev. Julian G., M.A.

Nesting habits of Great Tit, 82; Great Grey Shrike in Suffolk, 82; Peregrine in Suffolk, 83; Nesting notes, 239; Pectoral Sandpiper in Suffolk, 557

Vaughan, Lieut. Robert E., R.N.

Land birds at sea, 256

Warner, W.H.

Lesser Shrew and Bank Vole in Berks, 381

Warren, Robert

Rose-coloured Starling in Co. Mayo, 37; Bewick's Swan in Moy Estuary, 39; Golden Plover and Lapwings in Moy Estuary, 40, 144; Fox Shark (incorrectly Blue Shark, p. 40) in Killala Bay, Co. Mayo, 188; Wild Swans in North Ireland, 187

Westell, W. Percivall

Common Buzzard (Buteo vulgaris) shot in Hertfordshire, 426; Quail in Hertfordshire, 428

Whitaker, J.

Albino Stoat in Lincolnshire, 517; Partridges in Nottinghamshire, 521; Early Jack Snipe, 557

Williams, W.J.

Early appearance of Chiffchaff, 82; On the distribution of some birds observed in Ireland and in Switzerland, 213

Wilson, William

The Rook (Corvus frugilegus) in Scotland, 37; Bleater Snipes (Gallinago cœlestis) near Aberdeen, 187; Observations on birds during the exceptional severe spring in Aberdeen, 238; Observations on the Cuckoo in Aberdeen, 481

Witchell, Charles A.

Stray notes on mimicry, 32, 145

Yerbury, Col. J.W.

Enemies of the Cicadidæ, 559


Aberdeen, birds during the severe spring, 238

Acanthis cannabina, 405; flavirostris, 405; linaria, 405; rufescens, 405

Acanthiza pyrrhopygia, 419

Accentor collaris, 400; modularis, 204, 237, 400, 451

Accipenser latirostris, 241; sturio, 288

Accipiter major, 215; nisus, 209, 215, 381, 412, 426

Acredula caudata, 220, 400

Acrocephalus phragmitis, 204, 399, 450; palustris, 555; streperus, 399

Adder-swallowing theory from an anatomical point of view, 393; fig., 395

Ægialitis hiaticula, 61; melanops, 418; ruficapilla, 419

Ægotheles novæ-hollandiæ, 419

Æpyornis maximus, egg, 48

Ageronia feronica, 547, 554

Alaba picta, 315

Alauda arborea, 408; arvensis, 56, 144, 208, 221, 249, 408, 453; brachydactyla, 408, 453

Albatross near Faroe, 324

Albino Stoat, 517

Alca torda, 377, 457, 546

Alcedo ispida, 208, 225, 409, 454

Alopecias vulpes, 188

Alycæus, 305

Ampelis garrula, 403

Amphipeplea (Limnæa) glutinosa, 296, 297

Anas boscas, 58, 209, 455, 530; strepera, 530

Ancylus, 297, 298; fluviatilis, 297; lacustris, 298, 320

Anguilla australis, 348

Annelida, 349

Anous stolidus, 256

Anser albifrons, 415; brachyrhynchus, 415; cinereus, 415; segetum, 415

Ant and larval Grasshopper, 354

Antarctic Expedition, Scottish National, 344

Anthropologists' Congress, German, 528

Anthus australis, 417; campestris, 402; obscurus, 55, 206, 402; pratensis, 52, 55, 205, 402, 451; richardi, 402; rupestris, 402; sp., 52; spipoletta, 278; trivialis, 205, 402

Anser brachyrhynchus, 209

Apes and Man, relation between, 528

Aplysia, 354

Ardea cinerea, 38, 58, 85, 209, 413, 455; pacifica, 419; purpurea, 413; ralloides, 414; russata, 124

Ardeidæ, 85

Ardetta minuta, 414

Arionidæ, 289

Ascaris megalocephala, 341

Asilidæ, 559

Asio accipitrinus, 208, 216, 410; otus, 208, 410, 434

Aspidobranchiata, 303

Astur palumbarius, 412

Athene noctua, 410

Auk, Great, sale of eggs, 343

Balænoptera rostrata, 517

Balea perversa, 292

Barleeia rubra, 309

Barringtonia cupania, 350, 351

Belostomatidæ, egg-carrying habits of certain, 93

Bernicla brenta, 58, 529; leucopsis, 529; ruficollis, 167, 415

Biological Suggestions—Mimicry, 38, 85, 116, 145, 287, 327, 536

Birds, land, at sea, 51, 144, 256; of South-east Orkney mainland, 54; Humming, 93; Wild, Protection Acts, order under, 94; of Great Yarmouth and neighbourhood, 153, 397, 529; of Horsey, sale prices of, 168; singing during thunderstorm, 188; notes from N.E. Lincolnshire, 201; observed in Ireland and in Switzerland, 213; in Aberdeen during the severe spring, 238; why do they settle on ships?, 260; on the Rigi, 268; tameness of unmolested, 280; great, of the Southern Seas, 287; of Lundy, 375; variations in notes and songs of, 382; of Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, 416; changed feeding habits in, 438; of Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, 489; British, origin and meaning of names of, 511, 558

Bittern near Scarborough, 83

Bittium (Cerithram) reticulatum, 317

Blackbird on the Rigi, 268; breeding in Shetland, 281

Blackbird and Hedge-Sparrow, curious partnership of, in a nest, 237

Blackcap in March, 187

Black-game in Suffolk and Norfolk, 39

Bombinator igneus, 86, 145

Books Noticed:—

An Account of the Deep-Sea Brachyura, and a Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-Sea Fishes collected by the Royal Indian Marine Ship 'Investigator,' by A. Alcock, 42
The Rainbow Trout, by Charles Edward Walker and Charles S. Patterson, 43
Our Rarer British Breeding Birds, by R. Kearton, 44
Die Fledermäuse des Berliner Museums fur Naturkunde: 1 Lieferüng, Die Megachiroptera, by Paul Matschie, 45
A First Book in Organic Evolution, by D. Kerfoot Shute, 87
Fifteen Years' Sport and Life in the Hunting Grounds of Western America and British Columbia, by W.A. Baillie-Grohman, 88
British Dragonflies (Odonata), by W.J. Lucas, 89
Recent Foraminifera, a Descriptive Catalogue of Specimens dredged by the U.S. Fish Com. Steamer 'Albatross,' by James N. Flint, 90
The Mycetozoa, and some Questions which they Suggest, by Sir Edward and Agnes Fry, 91
Biologia Animale (Zoologia Generale e Speciale) per Naturalisti, Medici, e Veterinari, Del Dott. Gedeone Collamarini, 92
Faune de France—Les Oiseaux, par A. Acloque, 92
The Races of Man, an Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography, by J. Deniker, 146
A Book of Whales, by F. E. Beddard, 147
British Birds, with some Notes in reference to their Plumage, by Claude W. Wyatt, 148
A Manual of Zoology, by the late T. Jeffery Parker and William A. Haswell, 149
The Caroline Islands, by F.W. Christian, 150
The Vertebrate Fauna of Bedfordshire, by J. Steele Elliott, 152 Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club, 1 52
A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), by Charles W. Andrews, &c, 190
The Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice Group—its Zoology, Botany, Ethnology, and General Structure, 191
The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896, edited by Fridtjof Nansen, 192
Text-Book on Palaeontology, by Karl A von Zittel, 194
An Elementary Course of Practical Zoology, by the late T. Jeffery Parker and W. N. Parker, 195
General Index to Miss Ormerod's Reports on Injurious Insects, 196
Report of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the year 1899, with Methods of Prevention and Remedy, by Eleanor A. Ormerod, 196
Ghizeh Zoological Gardens Report for 1899, by Stanley S. Flower, 198
A Key to the Birds of Australia and Tasmania, by Robert Hall, 199
Animal Behaviour, by C.O. Whitman, 199
List of the Birds of Aberystwyth and Neighbourhood, by J.H. Salter, 200
Naturalists' Directory, 200
A Treatise on Zoology, edited by E. Ray Lankester, Part III., the Echinoderma, by F.A. Bather, assisted by J.W. Gregory and E.S. Goodrich, 242
Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom, a Theory of the Evolution of 'Secondary' Sexual Characters, by J.T. Cunningham, 243
Evolution, by Frank B. Jevons, 244
The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands, by Charles Dixon, 246
An Introduction to Science, by A. Hill, 247
Ethnology, by Michael Haberlandt, 247
Illustrated Annual of Microscopy, 247
The Birds of South Africa, by Arthur C. Stark, 283
Catalogue of the Arctiadæ (Nolinæ, Lithosianæ) in the Collection of the British Museum, by Sir George F. Hampson, 284
Descriptive Guide to the Collection of Corals on view at the South London Art Gallery, 285
The Birds of Surrey, by John A. Bucknill, 335
The Birds of Cheshire, by T.A. Coward and Charles Oldham, 336
Nature in Downland, by W.H. Hudson, 337
Recollections of my Life, by Surgeon-General Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart., 338
Text-Book of Zoology, treated from a Biological Standpoint, by Dr. Otto Schmeil, 384
Introduction to Zoology, by Charles Benedict Davenport and Gertrude Crotty Davenport, 385
In Bird-land with Field-glass and Camera, by Oliver G. Pike, 386
Bird Gods, by Charles de Kay, 387
Year-Book of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1899, 435
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 436
The Birds of Ireland, by Richard J. Ussher and Robert Warren, 486
Fancy Waterfowl, by Frank Finn, 487
Church Stretton, by E.S. Corbold, F.B. Newnham, and R.A. Buddicom, edited by C.W. Campbell-Hyslop, 488
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley, by his Son, Leonard Huxley, 522
A Treatise on Zoology, edited by E. Ray Lankester, Part II., by E.A. Minchin, Herbert Fowler, and Gilbert C. Bourne, with an Introduction by E. Ray Lankester, 524
Origin and Character of the British People, by Nottidge Charles Macnamara, 525

Bombyxinus, 311; melanostoma, 311; uva, 311

Botaurus stellaris, 83, 414

Breeding of Jay in Oxfordshire, 19; haunts of Kite in Mid-Wales, 76, 79; of Black-headed Gull in Yorkshire, 231; of Shoveler in Kent, 279; of Garganey in Kent, 279; of Blackbird in Shetland, 281; of Cuckoo in London, 438, 439, 481; of Tufted Duck in Shropshire, 506

British Association (Zoology), 527

Bryozoa, 350

Bulla (Philine) aperta, 301

Bullfinch on the Rigi, 268

Buphaga erythrorhyncha, 438

Bustard, Great, re-introduction in Norfolk, 439; Little, correction respecting, 115

Buteo lagopus, 209; vulgaris, 209, 216, 378, 411, 426, 454

Buzzard, Common, shot in Hertfordshire, 426

Bythinia, 310; tentaculata, 310

Bythiniæ, 310

Caccabis rufa, 534

Calcarius lapponicus, 406

Calidris arenaria, 211

Callianassa, 348

Callionymus curvicornis, 354

Cancer pagurus, 287, 484

Canis lateralis, 543

Caprimulgus europæus, 409

Carduelis elegans, 206, 222, 404, 432, 452

Carine noctua, 482, 556

Cat, Wild, 477, 555

Cattle, White, 286

Centipede, marine, in Somerset, 484

Cerithidea decollata, 318; obtusa (Cerithium truncatum, C. obtusion), 317, 320

Cerithiidæ, 316

Cerithiopsis tubercularis, 305, 317

Certhia familiaris, 219, 401

Cestoda, 340

Chaffinch on the Rigi, 268

Charadrius pluvialis, 40, 60, 210

Charcarias glaucus (see Alopecias vulpes, 188)

Charybis cruciatus, 354

Chasmagnathus lævis, 348

Chelidon urbica, 206, 224, 258, 403, 452

Chiffchaff, building of, 37; early appearance, 82, 143; on the Rigi, 268

Chondropoma (Cyclostoma), 307, 308; dentatum, 307, 320; plicatulum, 307

Chough, Alpine, on the Rigi, 269; Red-billed, near Hendon, 82

Chromodoris (Doris) amabilis, 302

Chrysolopus spectabilis, 347

Chrysomitris spinus, 222, 404, 555

Cicada, 345; angularis, 347

Cicadidæ, 547; enemies of, 559

Ciconia alba, 226, 414; nigra, 414

Cincloramphus cruralis, 417; rufescens, 417

Cinclus aquaticus, 217, 400; melanogaster, 400

Circus æruginosus, 105, 143, 411, 423; assimilis, 417; cinerascens, 411; cyaneus, 411

Cistula (Adamsiella) aripensis, 306; lineolata, 306

Clangula albeola, 532; glaucion, 532

Clausilia, 292; laminata, 291; rolphii, 291; rugosa var. dubia, 292 Clausiliæ, 292

Claws, serrated, of Common Heron, 38, 85

Cnidoglanis megastoma, 356

Coccothraustes vulgaris, 404, 432

Coccystes glandarius, 410

Cochlicopa lubrica, 291

Colouration, Assimilative, 327

Columba ænas, 210, 534; livia, 59, 455; palumbus, 225, 455, 533

Colymbidæ, 557

Colymbus glacialis, 30

Coracias garrulus, 409

Cormorant in Oxfordshire, 25; in captivity, 240

Corncrake, moult and colour-changes of, 29

Corvus australis, 417; corax, 378, 407, 453; cornix, 52, 57, 207, 379, 407; corone, 207, 379, 407, 453; frugilegus, 37, 57, 208, 379, 408, 519; monecula, 56; monedula, 207, 379, 407

Cotile riparia, 52, 258, 403; rupestris, 452

Coturnix communis, 258, 428, 535

County Records:

Berkshire—Marsh-Harrier, 143; Lesser Shrew, 381, 421; Bank Vole, 381, 421
Cambridgeshire—Lesser Shrew, 421
Cheshire—Great Tit, 143; Longtailed Field-Mouse, 421; Quail, 428
Derbyshire—Ring-Ouzel, 1; Ornithological notes, 428; Dotterel, 429
Dorsetshire—Hoopoe, 322
Devonshire—A visit to Lundy, 375
Essex—Lesser Rorqual, 517
Gloucestershire—Blackcap, 187
Hampshire—The Pike and its prey, 282; Swift, 321; Hoopoe, 322; Pheasant, 323; Black-tailed Godwit, 428
Hertfordshire—Common Buzzard, 426; Quail, 428
Kent—Cuckoo, 262; Shoveler, 279; Garganey, 279; Great Skua, 521
Lancashire—Hedge-Sparrow and Blackbird in a nest, 237; Doves, 281
Leicestershire—Sparrow-Hawk, 426
Lincolnshire—Bird-notes, 201; Stoat, 517
Middlesex—Chiffchaff, 37; Red-billed Chough, 82; Cuckoo, 481; Rooks, 519
Norfolk—Black-game, 39; notes, 83, 97, 239, 241, 324; Wild-fowl in Yarmouth market, 99, 100, 165-167; Iceland Gull, 101; Spoonbill, 104, 323; Nutcracker, 106; Icterine Warbler, 109; Purple Heron, 112; Night Heron, 113; Birds of Yarmouth, 153, 397, 529; Cormorant, 240; Bearded Titmouse, 358, 422, 478; Sun-fish, 483; Edible Crab, 484
Nottinghamshire—Partridge, 521
Oxfordshire—Ornithology of, 11; Great Crested Grebe, 11; Jay, 15, 19; Marsh-Warbler, 15, 20; Great Tit, 19, 143; Cormorant, 25; Barred Warbler, 26; Kite, 27; Raven, 27; summer migrants, 238
Scotland—Rook, 37; Capercaillie, 39; Bleater Snipe near Aberdeen, 187; Birds during severe spring in Aberdeen, 238; Cuckoo in Aberdeen, 481; Black Rat in Forfarshire, 517; Siskin, 555
Shropshire—Starlings, 131, 479; Mole, 142; Great Tit, 143; Hobby, 143, 382; Sea-Lamprey, 144; Lesser Shrew, 186; Flycatcher, 278; Little Crake, 280; Crossbill, 321; Tufted Duck, 506
Somersetshire—Common Heron, 38; Pied Flycatcher, 237; Mistle-Thrush, 321, 422; Marine Centipede, 484; Marten, 517; Gannet, 557
Suffolk—Black-game, 39; Great Tit, 82; Great Grey Shrike, 82; Peregrine Falcon, 83; Purple Heron, 84; notes, 239; Oared Shrew, 477; Pectoral Sandpiper, 521, 557
Surrey—Water Shrew, 142; Great Spotted Woodpecker, 322; Curlew, 382; Cuckoo's egg in Song Thrush's nest, 520; Mammalia, 559
Sussex—Black Redstart, 37; Chiffchaff, 143; Water-Pipit, 278; Melodious Warbler, 518
Wales—Notes 76; Kite, 76, 79; Nuthatch, 78; Hoopoe, 82; Great Plover, 173, 270, 458; tameness of unmolested birds, 280; Little Owl, 482, 556; Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales, 485; Birds of Lleyn, 489; Jack Snipe 557
Wiltshire—Marsh Warbler, 555
Worcestershire—Lesser Shrew, 142; Great Tit, 423; Sea-Lamprey, 144; Green Plover, 187; Common Sparrow, 424; Starling, 425; Swift, 479; Great Spotted Woodpecker, 278
Yorkshire—Bittern, 83; Water Shrew, 186; notes, 229, 432; Black-headed Gull, 231; Lesser Tern, 232; Red-crested Pochard, 483; Stone Curlew, 483; Levantine Shearwater, 521

Crab, Edible, meristic variation in, 484

Crabs, mimicry and other habits of, 287

Crake, Little, in Shropshire, 280

Crambessa, 346

Crateropus bicolor, 122

Creeper, Wall, on the Rigi, 269

Crex pratensis, 29, 210, 535

Crossbill, Common, in confinement, 114; at Shrewsbury, 321

Crow, Carrion, on the Rigi, 268

Cuckoo in Redstart's nest, 13; in Robin's, 13; with egg in its mouth, 105, 106; how does she carry the egg?, 262,—fig., 264; breeding in London district, 438, 439, 481; in the Shetlands, 426; in Aberdeen, 481

Cuculus canorus, 13, 20, 105, 106, 208, 262, 231, 410, 426, 433, 438, 439, 454, 481

Curculionidæ, 347

Curlew nesting in Surrey, 382; at sea, 483; Stone, in Cleveland in winter, 483

Cyanecula suecica, 203, 398

Cyclochila australasiæ, 347

Cyclograpsus lavauxi, 348

Cyclophoridæ, 305

Cyclostoma, 306, 307, 308; articulatum, 37; voltzianum, 305

Cyclostomatidæ, 306

Cygnus bewicki, 39, 529; commutabilis, 530; musicus, 529

Cypræa europæa, 316

Cypræidæ, 316

Cypridina, 356

Cypris, 357

Cypselus apus, 52, 208, 224, 269, 321, 408, 453, 479, 520, 556; melba, 224, 409, 453

Dafila acuta, 531

Darwin's 'Origin of Species,' cheap edition, 390

Daulias luscinia, 53, 398, 450

Decoy, agreement for hiring a, 160

Dendrocopus major, 278, 322, 409, 433; minor, 322, 409, 433

Dendrocycna eytoni, 419

Derbyshire Ornithology, rough notes on, 428

Dermacentor reticulatus, 326

Diary, Observational, of habits of Great Plover, 173, 270, 458

Diatomaceæ, 350

Diomedea exulans, 288; melanophrys, 324

Discomedusæ, 346

Discophoræ, 354

Dismorphia, 553

Dog and Fox hybrid, 477

Dorididæ, 302

Dotterel in Derbyshire, 429

Doves, hybrid, 281

Dreissensia polymorpha, 343

Drilus, 305

Duck, Tufted, breeding in Shropshire, 506

Echinus, 342; esculentus, 342

Ecuador, a naturalist's notes in, 93

Eel, an extinct, in the English Chalk, 198

Egg of Cuckoo in Marsh-Warbler's nest, 20,—in Hedge-Sparrow's, 231,—in Song-Thrush's, 520; of Æpyornis maximus, 48; of Aylesbury Duck, unusually large, 107

Eggs, hard-set, a suggestion, 189; of Great Auk, sale, 343; number of, in nest of Swift, 520, 556

Elephant, African, large tusks of, 47; Sea, on Kergueeln's Land, 441,— disturbed rest, fig., 444

Elvers, Eels, and Smolts, 343

Elysia (Aplysiopterus), 302; viridis, 302

Elysiidæ, 302

Emberiza cirlus, 406, 453; citrinella, 207, 221, 406; hortulana, 406, 453; miliaria, 406, 453; schoeniclus, 207, 406

Engraulis encrasicholus, 241

Eolis, 302

Eolididæ, 302

Ephthianura albifrons, 417; tricolor, 417

Equus quagga, 186

Erithacus rubecula, 203, 218, 398, 450

Eristalis, 546

Erythrogonys cinctus, 418

Eudromias morinellus, 434

Eulima intermedia, 319

Eulimidæ, 319

Europe, South-Western, ornithological notes from, 448

Exeirus sp.?, 347

Facelina (Eolis) coronata, 302

Falco æsalon, 57, 209, 412, 434; cenchris, 455; melanogenys, 418; peregrinus, 57, 83, 209, 378, 412, 454; subbuteo, 143, 382, 412; tinnunculus, 53, 57, 209, 412, 454; vespertinus, 412

Falcon, Kestrel, on the Rigi, 268; Peregrine, in Suffolk, 83

Fauna, Vertebrate, of North Wales, 485

Filaria equina (papillosa), 342

Fish-culture in trains, 390

Fish, sociable, 392

"Fishes from Linne's private collection," 46; of the Firth of Forth and its tributaries, 47; heavy weight of some, 288

Flower, the late Sir William, proposed memorial to, 440

Flycatcher, feeding on worms, 278; Pied, in Somersetshire, 237; Spotted, on the Rigi, 268

Formaldehyde as an aid in collecting ornithological specimens, 389

Formalin as a preservative, 48

Fox and Dog hybrid, 477

Francolinus subtorquatus, 543

Fratercula arctica, 377, 456

Fregata minor, 418

Fringilla coelebs, 206, 221, 404, 453; montifringilla, 206, 404

Fulica atra, 60, 456

Fuligula cristata, 58, 506, 532; ferina, 58, 531; marila, 58, 532; nyroca, 169, 532; rufina, 483, 531

Gallinago cœlestis, 61, 187, 211, 456; gallinula, 61, 211, 557; major, 211

Gallinula chloropus, 60, 535

Gallirex, 332

Gannet in Somersetshire, 557

Garganey breeding in Kent, 279

Garrulus glandarius, 207, 223, 407, 453

Gasterosteus leiurus, 35

Gastrophilus equi, 340; haemorrhoidalis, 340; nasalis, 340

Gecinus viridis, 225, 322, 409

Generic names, new, in 'Zoological Record,' Index-volume to, 560

Geophilus submarinus, 484

Geronticus spinicollis, 419

Glareola orientalis, 418, 419

Godwit, Black-tailed, in confinement, 114; in Hants, 428

Goldcrest on the Rigi, 268

Grebe, Great Crested, in Oxfordshire, 11

Gull, Black-headed, breeding in Yorkshire, 231; Iceland, in Norfolk, 101; Little, on the Thames, 83

Gyps fulvus, 454

Habits, nesting, of Great Tit, 19, 82, 143, 423,—Sparrow-Hawk, 381, 426; of Great Plover, 173, 270, 458; of Crabs, 287; insectivorous, of Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 421; changed feeding in birds, 438

Haddiscoe, winter notes from, 83

Hæmaphysalis punctata, 326

Hæmatopinus macrocephalus, 340

Hæmatopoda pluvialis, 340

Hæmatopus ostralegus, 61, 210, 538

Halcyon pyrrhopygius, 419; sanctus, 419

Haliaëtus albicilla, 411

Haliastur girrenera, 419; sphenurus, 123

Halias prasinana, 554

Harelda glacialis, 532

Harrier, Marsh, nest, in Norfolk, 105; in Berkshire, 143

Hawk, Sparrow, nesting habits, 381, 426

Hawkesbury Sandstone tunnelled by Termites, fig., 352

Helicidæ, 291

Helicina, 303

Helix, 292, 308; aspersa, 291; nemoralis (hortensis), 291

Helœcius cordiformis, 349

Heron, Common, serrated claws of, 38, 85; Night, in Norfolk, 113; Purple, in Suffolk, 84,—in Norfolk, 112

Heteractitis brevipes, 418

Heteropygia acuminata, 419

Hieracidea occidentalis, 417

Hippobosca equina, 340

Hirundinidæ, 258, 260

Hirundo rustica, 52, 206, 224, 258, 260, 403, 452

Hobby nesting in Shropshire, 143, 382

Hoopoe in Anglesea, 82; in Hants and Dorset, 322

Hyalomma affine, 327

Hybrid between Goldfinch and Linnet, 109; Doves, 281; Pheasant, 323; Dog and Fox, 477

Hydatina physis, 353

Hydrobia ventrosa, 310; ulvæ, 310

Hydrobiidæ, 310

Hydrochelidon hybrida, 419

Hyæna crocuta, 546

Hymenosoma varium, 348

Hypoderma silenus, 340

Hypolais icterina, 109; polyglotta, 518

Hypolimnas, 553; bolina, 553

Index-volume to new generic names in 'Zoological Record,' 560

Ireland.—Rose-coloured Starling, 37; Bewick's Swan, 39; Golden Plover, 40; Lapwing, 40, 144; Fox Shark (incorrectly Blue Shark, p. 40), 188; Wild Swans, 187; some Birds observed, 213

Isodidæ, 326

Iynx torquilla, 225, 409

Jay breeding in Oxfordshire, 19

Jays, plague of, 15

Jeffreysia diaphana, 310

Jeffreysiidæ, 310

Julus, 353

Kallima, 539, 551

Kangaroo, the new-born, how does it get into the mother's pouch?, 49 (Plate I.)

Kite in Oxfordshire, fragment of history of, 27; breeding haunts in Mid-Wales, 76, 79

Labrus maculatus, 241

Lacerta vivipara, 36

Lacuna, 308

Lagopus scoticus, 60

Lalage tricolor, 418

Lamarck, new work on, by Dr. Alphaeus S. Packard, 390

Lamna cornubica, 241

Lamprey, Sea, at Shrewsbury, 144

Lampris luna, 434

Land birds at sea, 51, 144, 256

Lanius collurio, 216, 402; excubitor, 82, 402, 432; minor, 402; pomeranus, 403, 451

Lapwings in Moy Estuary, 40, 144

Laridæ, 256

Larinæ, 62

Larus argentatus, 226, 377; cachinnans, 456; fuscus, 377; marinus, 377; melanocephalus, 456; minutus, 83; novæ hollandiæ, 418; ridibundus, 456

Lasiocampa quercifolia, 547

Lepas pectinata?, 350

Lestis æratus, 353

Ligurinus aurantiiventris, 258; chloris, 206, 257, 403, 452

Limacidæ, 289

Limapontia, 303

Limapontiidæ, 303

Limax, 293, 294, 299, 301, 304; arborum, 308; filans of authors, a myth, 289

Limnæa, 295; auricularia, 296, 320; glabra, 300; palustris, 296; peregra, 296; stagnalis, 295, 296; truncatula, 296

Limnææ, 295

Limnæidæ, 292, 298

Limnæus, 301

Limosa belgica, 428

Lincolnshire, North-east, Bird-notes during autumn migration of 1899, 201

Linota cannabina, 206, 379, 433, 453; flavirostris, 56, 206, 433, 482

Litiopa, 304, 312, 313, 314; bombex, 311; maculata, 311; melanostoma, 310, 311

Litiopidæ, 310

Littorina, 308

Littorinidæ, 308

Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, Birds of, 489

Locustella luscinoides, 399; nævia, 204, 399, 432

Lopholatilus chamæleonticeps, 437

Loxia bifasciata, 405; curvirostra, 223, 321, 405, 433

Lundy, a visit to, 375

Lycaon pictus, 546

Lygosoma æquale, 353

Machetes pugnax, 211

Macra stultorum, 533

Macronyx capensis, 543

Macrophthalmus setosus, 349

Macropus giganteus, 49

Macrorhinus angustirostris, 441; elephantinus, 441; leoninus, 441

Malurus lamberti, 419

Mammalia of Surrey, 559

Man and Apes, relation between, 528

Mangilia (Pleurotoma) nebula, 319

Mantidæ, 559

Mareca penelope, 58, 210, 531

Marten in Cleveland, 517

Martin, Crag, on the Rigi, 269

Megalestris catarrhactes, 521

Megalomastoma antillarum, 306; guildingianum, 306; suspensum, 305, 306, 317, 320

Melizophilus melanocephala, 518

Melopsittacus undulatus, 417

Mergus albellus, 533; cucullatus, 533; merganser, 533; serrator, 59, 533

Merops apiaster, 409

Microstylium apicale, 559

Microtribonyx ventralis, 417

Microtus glareolus, 381, 421

Migrants, summer, lateness of, 238

Migration notes from Great Yarmouth, 324

Millport Marine Biological Station, 342

Milvus ictinus, 215. 412, 454

Mimicry, 32, 85, 116, 145, 287, 327, 536

Misocalius osculans, 419

Mitra saltata, 319

Mitridæ, 319

Mole, variety, 142, 186

Molluscs, Spinning, 289 (Plate III.)

Motacilla alba, 220, 401, 451; flava, 401, 451; lugubris, 55, 205, 220, 401, 451; melanope, 205, 401; raii, 205, 221, 401; sulphurea, 220

Mouse, Long-tailed Field, insectivorous habits, 421

Mugil, 356

Mullus surmuletus, 288

Mus minutus, 321; rattus, 517; sylvaticus, 421

Muscicapa atricapilla, 206, 237, 278, 403, 432; grisola, 206, 217, 403, 452; parva, 403

Mustela erminea, 517; martes, 517

Mycteris longicarpus, 348

Names of British Birds, their origin and meaning, 511, 558

Nautilograpsus minutus, 350

Nectocarcinus integrifrons, 349, 354

Nematoda, 340

Neomys fodiens, 142

Neophron percnopterus, 258, 454

Neptunus pelagicus, 354, 357; sanguinolentus, 354

Neritina fluviatilis, 303

Nest of Missel-Thrush at low elevation, 12; of Redstart and Robin with young of Cuckoo, 13; of Hawfinch emptied by Cuckoo, Rook, and Jackdaw, 13; of Marsh-Warbler with egg of Cuckoo in Oxfordshire, 20,—in Norfolk, 105; of Marsh Harrier in Norfolk, 105,—in Berkshire, 143; of Great Tit in active beehive, 143; of Bearded Titmouse with eight eggs, 107, 367

Nest and young, care of, 247

Nesting of Barn and Long-eared Owls in Oxfordshire, 11; of Great Tit, 19, 82, 143,—in Worcestershire, 423; of Hobby in Shropshire, 143, 382; notes, 239; of Curlew in Surrey, 382; of Common Sparrow, 424, 519; of Starling, 425; of Marsh-Warbler in Wiltshire, 555

Nettion castaneum, 419; crecca, 209

Nisætus morphnoides, 419

Noctiluca miliaris, 356

Noctilucæ, 356

Norfolk, ornithological notes from, for 1899, 97 (Plate II.); notes from, 239

Notes and songs of Birds, variations in, 382

Nucifraga caryocatactes, 407

Numenius arquata, 62, 212, 382, 456; phaeopus, 212

Nutcracker in Norfolk, 106; on the Rigi, 268

Nuthatch at Aberystwyth, 78

Nyctala tengmalmi, 410

Nyctea scandica, 410

Nycticorax griseus, 414


Anderson, Dr. John, M.D., F.R.S., 440
Atkinson, Canon, 200
Coues, Dr. Elliott, 80
Cross, William, 248
Edwards, M. Milne, 248
Layard, E.L., 47
Mivart, Dr. St. George, 200
Paget, Sir James, 48
Russ, Dr. Carl, 81

Ocypoda cardimana, 348

Odostomia, 318; acicula, 319; warreni, 318

Œdemia fusca, 59, 533; nigra, 59, 533

Œdicnemus crepitans, 173, 270, 458; scolopax, 483

Opah at the Shetlands, 434

Ophideres, 553

Opisthobranchiata, 301

Oriolus galbula, 257, 402

Orkney, mainland, Birds seen in south-east, 54

Orthagoriscus mola, 483

Ossifraga gigantea, 418

Otis tarda, 456

Otocorys alpestris, 408

Otolithus æquidens, 288

Ouzel, Ring, in Derbyshire, 1; on the Rigi, 268

Owl, Barn, and Long-eared, nesting in Oxfordshire, 11; Little, in Flintshire?, 482, 556,—in Anglesea, 556,—introduced into various parts of the kingdom, 556

Oxfordshire, notes on ornithology of (1896-98), 11

Oxyuris curvula, 341; mastigodes, 341

Palæontology, position in Biology, 527

Pandion haliaëtus, 413

Panurus biarmicus, 358, 440, 422, 478

Pardalotus rubricatus, 419

Partnership, curious, of Hedge-Sparrow and Blackbird in a nest, 237

Partridge, chestnut-coloured, 14, 23, 25, 26, 101, 111

Partridges in Nottinghamshire, 521

Parus ater, 220, 268, 451; britannicus, 400; cæruleus, 205, 220, 401, 451; cristatus, 401; major, 19, 82, 143, 204, 219, 400, 423, 451; palustris, 205, 220, 401, 451; sylvaticus, 479

Passer domesticus, 56, 74, 144, 206, 222, 249, 404, 424, 452, 519; hispaniolensis, 453; montanus, 221, 404

Pastor roseus, 37, 407

Patella vulgata, 342

Pavia Zoological Meeting, 265

Pearl on Fresh-water Mussel, 343

Pectinibranchiata, 304

Penæus canaliculatus, 354; esculentus, 354

Penguins on an antarctic island, 527

Pentaroge marmorata, 354

Perdix cinerea, 455, 521, 534; montana, 111

Pernis apivorus, 412

Pestis bubonica, 357

Petromyzon branchialis, 241; marinus, 144

Phaëthon rubricauda, 260

Phalacrocoracidæ, mode of progression under water, 557

Phalacrocorax carbo, 57, 413, 455; graculus, 57, 413, 455, 557; stictocephalus, 419; varius, 417

Phalaropus hyperboreus, 211

Phaps chalcoptera, 355

Phasianus colchicus, 534

Pheasant, hybrid, 323

Philinidæ, 301

Philomycidæ, 289

Phylloscopus collybita, 219; rufus, 82, 143, 204, 399, 432, 450; sibilatrix, 204, 450; superciliosus, 144; trochilus, 204, 219, 258, 399, 432

Physa (Bulla), 299, 300, 301; fontinalis, 298, 299, 300; hypnorum, 299, 300, 320

Physidæ, 298

Pica rustica, 223, 407

Pieris brassicæ, 24

Pigeon, Wood, eating molluscs, 484

Pike and its prey, 282

Pilumnopeus serratifrons, 348, 349

Pipit, Water, in Sussex, 278

Pipits (Meadow, Tree, and Water) on the Rigi, 268, 269

Planaxis, 318

Planaxidæ, 318

Planaria variegata, 303

Planorbis, 295, 297; carinatus, 297; complanatus, 297; contortus, 297; spirorbis, 297

Platalea leucorodia, 323, 414

Platycephalus fuscus, 355

Plectrophenax nivalis, 56, 207, 238, 406

Plegadis falcinellus, 414

Pleuronectes platessa, 241

Pleurotomatidæ, 319

Plover, Great, habits of, 173, 270, 458; Golden, in Moy Estuary, 40, 144; Green, in unusual numbers, 187

Pochard, Red-crested, in Yorkshire, 483

Podiceps auritus, 64; cristatus, 423; fluviatilis, 64, 212, 456; nestor, 419

Pœcilopsaltria horizontalis, 549

Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, notes from, 416

Polycera lessonii, 302; quadrilineata (var. non-lineata), 302

Polyceridæ, 302

Pomatorhinus rubeculus, 419

Porcellana dispar, 348

Porzana bailloni, 535; maruetta, 210, 536; parva, 280, 535

Pratincola rubetra, 203, 398, 449; rubicola, 203, 398, 432

Procellaria pelagica, 380, 457, 483

Promachus, 559

Proteles cristatus, 543

Psaltoda mœrens, 347

Pseudacræ, 553

Psoroptes communis var. equi, 340

Pteropus polioceplialus, 349

Ptilotis keartlandi, 417; leilavalensis, 416; sonora, 417; tricolor, 417

Puffinus anglorum, 379; yelkouanus, 521

Pulmonata, 291

Pupidæ, 291, 292

Pyramidellidæ, 318

Pyrrhocorax alpinus, 453; graculus, 82, 379

Pyrrhula enucleator, 405; europæa, 223, 405, 453; major, 405

Quail in Cheshire, 428; in Hertfordshire, 428

Querquedula circia, 279, 531; crecca, 531

Rallus aquaticus, 123, 210, 535

Rana temporaria in Scilly Islands, 383

Rat, Black, in Forfarshire, 517

Raven in Oxfordshire, fragment of history, 27

Redpoll, Lesser, on the Rigi, 268

Redstart, Black, at Brighton, 37

Redstarts (Black and Common) on the Rigi, 268

Regulus cristatus, 204, 219, 399; ignicapillus, 399

Resemblance, conscious protective, 536, 550

Rigi, Birds on the, 268

Rissa tridactyla, 377, 456

Rissoa, 304, 309; abyssicola, 309; cancellata, 309; carinata (striatula), 309; fulgida, 309; membranacea, 309; parva, 308, 309; pulcherrima, 309; striatula, 309; vitrea, 309

Rissoæ, 310

Rissoidæ, 308

Robin on the Rigi, 268

Rook in Scotland, 37

Rooks in London, 519

Rorqual, Lesser, in Essex Blackwater, 517

Ruticilla phœnicurus, 203, 218, 259, 398, 449; titys, 37, 218, 394, 450

Scolopax rusticola, 211

Scops giu, 411

Seal and Whale Fishery (1899), 65

Segmentina, 297; lineata (Planorbis lineatus), 297

Serinus hortulanus, 222, 404, 452

Sesarma erythrodactyla, 348

Shark, Fox (incorrectly "Blue" at p. 40) in Killala Bay, Co. Mayo, 188

Shearwater, Levantine, at Scarborough, 521

Shetland, ornithological notes from, 281

Shoveler breeding in Kent, 279

Shrew, Lesser, in Worcestershire, 142,—in Shropshire, 186,—in Berks, 381, 421,—in Cambridgeshire, 421; Oared, in Suffolk, 477; Water, taken three miles from water, 142, 186

Shrike, Great Grey, in Suffolk, 82

Singing of birds during thunderstorm, 188

Siskin on the Rigi, 268; is it an autumn and winter songster?, 555

Sitta cæsia, 401

Sittella pileata, 419

Skenea planorbis, 310

Skeneidæ, 310

Skua, Buffon's, in Shetland, 281; Great, in Kent, 521

Snakes, British, 560

Snipe, Bleater, near Aberdeen, 187; Jack, early, 557

Snowfinch on the Rigi, 269

Societies—Hampstead Astronomical and Scientific Society, 47; Italian Zoological Union, 265

Solariidæ, 318

Solea lascaris, 241; vulgaris, 241

Somateria mollissima, 59, 532; stelleri, 532

Songs and notes of birds, variations, in, 382

Sorex fodiens var. ramifer, 477; pygmseus, 186; minutus, 142, 381, 421

Sparrow, Hedge, and Blackbird, curious partnership of, in a nest, 237; House, sexual differences in wing-feathering, 74, 249,—nesting of, 424, 519

Spatula clypeata, 209, 279, 423, 530

Sphæroma, 348

Spiroptera megastoma, 342; microstoma, 242

Spoonbill in Norfolk, 104; not speechless, 104; at Great Yarmouth, 323

Squatarola helvetica, 210

Squilla lævis, 354

Starling, Rose-coloured, in Co. Mayo, 37; nesting, 425

Starlings, movements of, 131, 472

Stauropus alternus, drawings of caterpillar, 198

Stenogyridæ, 291

Stercorarius crepidatus, 63; parasiticus, 281

Sterna macrura, 212

Stipiturus ruficeps, 416

Stoat, albino, in Lincolnshire, 517

Strepsilas interpres, 61, 216, 538

Strix flammea, 208, 410

Sturnus vulgaris, 53, 56, 131, 144, 207, 406, 425, 433, 453

Sula bassana, 376, 413, 455, 557

Sunfish in Yarmouth Roads, 483

Swan, Bewick's, in Moy Estuary, 39

Swans, Wild, in North Ireland, 187

Swift on the Rigi, 269; early appearance, 321; some notes on, 479; number of eggs in nest, 520, 556

Switzerland, distribution of some birds observed in, 213

Sydney, Zoological notes from, 345 (Plate IV.)

Sylvia atricapilla, 187, 219, 399, 450; cinerea, 203, 399, 450; curruca, 203, 432; hortensis, 203, 399, 450; melanocephala, 518; nisoria, 26, 204; rufa, 219; sarda, 450, 518; undata, 399

Symbiotes communis var. equi, 340

Syrnium aluco, 410

Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 534

Tabanus autumnalis, 340; bovinus, 340

Tadorna casarca, 530; cornuta, 530

Tænia mamillana, 340; perfoliata, 340, 341; plicata, 340

Talorchestia quadrimana, 348

Talpa europæa, 142, 186

Tameness of unmolested birds, 280

Tephrocorys cinerea, 543

Termites, rocks honeycombed by, 352

Tern, Lesser, destruction, in Yorkshire, 232

Testacella scutulum, 291

Testacellidæ, 291

Tetrao tetrix, 93

Thalamita sima, 354

Thalassogeron chlororhynchus, 418

Thopha saccata, 346, 347

Thrush, Missel, nests at low elevations, 12; attacking Squirrel, 321; laying twice in same nest, 422

Thrushes (Missel, Rock, and Song) on the Rigi, 268, 269

Tibicen curvicosta, 347; nubifurca, 559

Ticks, rare English, 326

Tinnunculus cenchroïdes, 417

Titmouse, Bearded, short history of (Plate V.), 358—nest, fig., 367—feeding young, fig., 368,—cleaning out nest, fig., 369,—general distribution, fig., 374,—corrections, 422, 478,—and other birds in Norfolk, 422; Coal, on the Rigi, 268; Great, nesting habits, 19, 82, 143, 423

Torinia, 318

Totanus calidris, 62; canescens, 212; fuscus, 212; glareola, 212; hypoleucus, 211, 456; ochropus, 212

Trematoda, 340

Trichodectes pilosus, 340; pubescens, 340

Trigonorhina fasciata, 357

Tringa acuminata, 558; alpina, 211; canutus, 211; maculata, 521, 557; minuta, 167, 201; subarcuata, 211

Trochonanina, 291; conula (Microcystis conula), 291, 292

Troglodytes parvulus, 205, 401, 451

Tropidonotus berus, 33; natrix, 33, 36

Tryngites rufescens, 110

Tubicinella trachealis, 286

Tudora, 307, 308; megacheila, 307

Turacus, 332

Turdus communis, 260; iliacus, 55, 202, 206, 397; merula, 55, 202, 217, 237, 281, 398, 449; musicus, 202, 217, 259, 397; pilaris, 55, 202, 397; torquatus, 1, 398; varius, 398; viscivorous, 202, 217, 321, 398, 422

Turkeys, Wild, from Canada, 94

Turtur communis, 52, 146, 210, 225, 257, 455, 534; risorius, 257

Upupa epops, 53, 82, 257, 322, 409, 454

Urenchelys anglicus, 198

Uria grylle, 63; troile, 63, 377, 457

Valvata, 304; piscinalis, 315

Valvatidæ, 315

Vanellus vulgaris, 40, 61, 187, 210

Vanessa atalanta, 33; io, 33,—and urticæ, strange hybernating quarters for, 559

Variety of Partridge, 14, 23, 25, 26, 101, 111; Hooded Crow, 101; Black-throated Diver, 101; Brambling, 103; Hedge-Sparrow, 108; Green Woodpecker, 109; Mole, 186; Sparrow-Hawk, 215, Jackdaw, 233; Fox-cub, 233; Weasel, 235; Sole, 241; Stoat, 517

Vipera berus, 393

Vitrina pellucida, 291

Vitrinidæ, 291

Vole, Bank, in Berks, 381, 421

Wagtail, White, on the Rigi, 269

Wales, Mid, ornithological notes from, 76; North Wales, Vertebrate Fauna, 414

Warbler, Barred, in Oxfordshire, 26; Blackcap, on the Rigi, 268; Icterine, in Norfolk, 109; Marsh, in Oxfordshire, 15,—nest, containing egg of Cuckoo, fig., 20,—in Wiltshire, 555; Melodious, in Sussex, 518; Sardinian, 518

Whale and Seal Fishery (1899), 65

White, Gilbert, and his recent Editors, Prof. Newton on, 391

Whitethroat, 259

Wildfowl at Breydon, 157, 159,—at Fritton Decoy, 160, 239; and other birds, at Great Yarmouth market, 99, 100, 165, 166, 167

Wilsden District (Yorkshire), ornithological notes from, 432

Wing-feathering of House-Sparrow, sexual differences in, 74, 249

Woodpecker, Great Spotted, 278,—in Surrey, 322; Green, with beak like Crossbill's, 109,—and sp.?, on the Rigi, 268

Worms, Horse, 340

Wren on the Rigi, 268

Yarmouth, Great, and neighbourhood, Birds of, 153, 397, 529,—area of distribution, fig., 154,—principal works relating to, 177; notes from, 241

Yorkshire, Natural History notes from, for 1899, 229, 432

Young and nest, care of, 247

Zonotidæ, 291

Zoological Meeting of Pavia, 265

Zoology, teachings of, brought to the aid of practical warfare, 152; at British Association, 527

Zosterops lutea, 418


Plate I. Macropus giganteus
to face 49
II.Perdix cinerea var. montana, Briss.
III. Spinning Molluscs
IV. Neptunus pelagicus, M.-Edw.
V. (Map). Former Breeding Range in England of Panurus biarmicus
Nest of Marsh Warbler
Map showing area of distribution of Birds of Great Yarmouth and Neighbourhood
Sketch showing distended throat of Cuckoo
"Hawkesbury Sandstone" tunnelled by Termites
Nest of Bearded Titmouse (after Pike)
Bearded Titmouse feeding young (after Pike)
cleaning out nest
map showing general distribution
Dilated œsophagus of Adder (Vipera berus)
Sea-Elephants: disturbed rest
Nest of Tufted Duck (Fuligula cristata)