100%: complete.
75%: complete, proofread by one user, and standard.
50%: not proofread or standardised.
25%: incomplete, not proofread, or nonstandard.
Missing, please add
Copyright problems - beware

The following are the public-domain members of various lists of important books, along with their current status on Wikisource. If you can add or improve any of these, that would be a big help! If a book is included in one list, it isn't included in subsequent lists.

Modern Library's list of the 100 best non-fiction works of the 20th century

From http://www.randomhouse.com/modernlibrary/100bestnonfiction.html


  1. I'm not sure which autobiography is referred to here. Gutenberg lists Chapters from My Autobiography by Mark Twain (no date given, edited by "N. A. R."), Mark Twain's burlesque autobiography -- First romance. (1871), and Mark Twain's Autobiography, Volume 1 (1924, fragmentary, with an introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine). None of these are the same. Amazon offers The Autobiography of Mark Twain (Perennial Classics) which it claims is under copyright. This needs an expert.
  2. Many of the essays here were also included in The Sacred Wood, published in 1920. These include Tradition and the Individual Talent (1917), “Rhetoric” and Poetic Drama (1919), Euripides and Professor Murray (1918), Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe (1918), Hamlet and His Problems (1919), Ben Jonson (1919), Philip Massinger (1920), William Blake (1920), and Swinburne as Poet (1920). Other essays in this collection known to be in the public domain are The Metaphysical Poets (1921), Andrew Marvell (1921), and John Dryden (1922), but I can't find any online sources for these. All other essays in Selected Essays were first published after 1922, and are thus still under copyright.

Modern Library's list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century

From http://www.randomhouse.com/modernlibrary/100bestnovels.html

Radcliffe's list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century

From http://www.randomhouse.com/modernlibrary/100rivallist.html

Literary Review of Canada's list of Canada's Most Important Books

From http://lrc.reviewcanada.ca/index.php?page=1---10

The Hundred Most Important Science Books of the Second Millennium

From https://www.oocities.org/millscibooks/

The following is the complete list in descending chronological order, with works thought to be still in copyright hidden. A number are originally in Latin, French or German; an English version of the title is given first. The original list incorrectly attributes 'Zoonomia' to Robert Waring Darwin (the father of Charles Darwin), when it is by Erasmus Darwin (the grandfather of Charles Darwin).

20th Century

19th Century

18th Century

17th Century

Pre 17th Century

Other lists
