Quatrains of Omar Khayyam (tr. Whinfield, 1883)/Quatrains 101-200

2311022Quatrains of Omar Khayyám — Quatrains 101-200Edward Henry WhinfieldOmar Khayyám

[124] [125]


When Allah mixed my clay, He knew full well
My future acts, and could each one foretell;
   Without His will no act of mine was wrought;
Is it then just to punish me in hell?


(Persian characters)

100.   C. L. N. A. I.   Of the Moslem theory of predestination, Khayyam might truly say, "Ten thousand mortals drowned in endless woe, For doing what they were compelled to do."

[124] [125]


Ye, who cease not to drink on common days,
Do not on Friday quit your drinking ways;
   Adopt my creed, and count all days the same,
Be worshippers of God, and not of days.


(Persian characters)

101.   L. N.   In line 3 scan yăkīst.

[126] [127]


If grace be grace, and Allah gracious be,
Adam from Paradise why banished He?
    Grace to poor sinners shown is grace indeed;
In grace hard earned by works no grace I see.


(Persian characters)

102.   N. The tashdíd of rabb is dropped.   Bl., Prosody, p. iv.

[126] [127]


Dame Fortune's smiles are full of guile, beware!
Her scimitar is sharp to smite, take care!
    If e'er she drop a sweetmeat in thy mouth,
'Tis poisonous,—to swallow it forbear!


(Persian characters)

103.   C. L. A. B. I.   Hŭsh contracted from hósh.

[126] [127]


Where'er you see a rose or tulip bed.
Know that a mighty monarch's blood was shed;
    And where the violet rears her purple tuft.
Be sure a black-moled girl hath laid her head.


(Persian characters)

104.   B. L.   The MSS. have a variation of this, beginning Har khist ki.

[128] [129]


Wine is a melting ruby, cup its mine;
Cup is the body, and the soul is wine;
    These crystal goblets smile with ruddy wine
Like tears, that blood of wounded hearts enshrine.


(Persian characters)

105.   L. B.

[128] [129]


Drink wine! 'tis life etern, and travail's meed,
Fruitage of youth, and balm of age's need;
    'Tis the glad time of roses, wine and friends;
Rejoice thy spirit—that is life indeed.


(Persian characters)

106.   L. B. There being no izáfat after yárán, sar i mast must agree with hangám.

[128] [129]


Drink wine! long must you sleep within the tomb,
Without a friend, or wife to cheer your gloom;
    Hear what I say, and tell it not again,
Never again can withered tulips bloom.


(Persian characters)

107.   C. A. B. I. J.   This recalls the chorus in the Oedipus Coloneus.

[130] [131]


They preach how sweet those Houri brides will he,
But I say wine is sweeter—taste and see!
    Hold fast this cash, and let that credit go.
And shun the din of empty drums like me.


(Persian characters)

108.   C. L. A. B. I. J.   Súr, 'nuptials.'

[130] [131]


Once and again my soul did me implore,
To teach her, if I might, the heavenly lore;
    I bade her learn the Alif well by heart.
Who knows that letter well need learn no more.


(Persian characters)

109.   B.   Alif kafat, the One (God) is enough.   Probably a quotation. Hafiz (Ode 416) uses the same expression: 'He who knows the One knows all.'

[130] [131]


I came not hither of my own freewill.
And go against my wish, a puppet still;
    Cupbearer! gird thy loins, and fetch some wine;
To purge the world's despite, my goblet fill.


(Persian characters)

110.   C. L. A. B. I. J.   'azmé, yá i tankír, or tans ifi?   See note to No. 373.

[132] [133]


How long must I make bricks upon the sea?
Beshrew this yain task of idolatry;
    Call not Khayyám a denizen of hell;
One while in heaven, and one in hell is he.


(Persian characters)

111.   C. L. A. B. I. J.   Andar-ba, Bl., Prosody 12.

[132] [133]


Sweet is the breath of Spring to rose's face,
And thy sweet face adds charm to this fair place;
    To-day is sweet, but yesterday is sad,
And sad all mention of its parted grace.


(Persian characters)

112.   C. L. A. B. I. J. Khúsh is pronounced khăsh or khŭsh.   Bl., Prosody, p. 12.   Gúyí is generally written with hamza and ya, but in some MSS. fatha is substituted for the hamza [?].

[132] [133]


To-night pour wine, and sing a dulcet air,
And I upon thy lips will hang, O fair;
    Yea, pour some wine as rosy as thy cheeks.
My mind is troubled like thy ruffled hair.


(Persian characters)

113.   B.   Rōzīyyĭ.   See note to No. 28.

[134] [135]


Pen, tablet, heaven and hell I looked to see
Above the skies, from all eternity;
    At last the master sage instructed me,
"Pen, tablet, heaven and hell are all in thee."


(Persian characters)

114.   Allah writes his decrees with the "pen" on the "tablet."   Koran, lxviii. 1.   See Gulshan i Ráz, 1, n.

[134] [135]


The fruit of certitude he cannot pluck,
The path that leads thereto who never struck,
    Nor ever shook the bough with strenuous hand;
To-day is lost; hope for to-morrow's luck.


(Persian characters)

115.   L. B.   Lit. "Consider to-morrow your first day."

[134] [135]


Now spring-tide showers its foison on the land,
And lively hearts wend forth, a joyous band,
    For 'Isa's breath wakes the dead earth to life,
And trees gleam white with flowers, like Musa's


(Persian characters)

116.   B.   Alluding to the life-giving breath of Jesus, and the white hand of Moses. (Exodus, iv. 6).   Bahkŭshí dastrase (yá, i tankír), "an aid to joy," i.e. Spring.

[136] [137]


Alas for that cold heart, which never glows
With love, nor e'er that charming madness knows;
    The days misspent with no redeeming love;—
No days are wasted half as much as those!


(Persian characters)

117.   Bl. L. B.   Note wa omitted in line 2, Bl.

[136] [137]


The zephyrs waft thy fragrance, and it takes
My heart, and me, his master, he forsakes;
    Careless of me he pants and leaps to thee,
And thee his pattern and ensample makes!


(Persian characters)

118.   Bl. C. L. A. I. J.   Also ascribed to Abu Sa'id bin Abul Khair.   C. writes buyí with two yás, and hamza on the first.   The second seems to be ya i batní or tausífí, though that is usual only before adjectives.   Bl., Prosody, P. 11.

[136] [137]


Drink wine! and then as Mahmud thou wilt reign,
And hear a music passing David's strain:
    Think not of past or future, seize to-day,
Then all thy life will not be lived in vain.


(Persian characters)

119.   Bl. C. L. A. I. J.

[138] [139]


Ten Powers, and nine spheres, eight heavens made He,
And planets seven, of six sides, as we see,
    Five senses, and four elements, three souls,
Two worlds, but only one, O man, like thee.


(Persian characters)

120.   L.   A summary of the Muhammadan doctrine of "Emanations."   See Gulshan i Ráz, p. 21.   Three souls, i.e. vegetive, animal and human, as in Aristotle's De Anima.   Akhtaram (?) also in Cambridge MS.

[138] [139]


Jewry hath seen a thousand prophets die,
Sinai a thousand Musas mount the sky;
    How many Caesars Rome's proud forum crossed!
'Neath Kasra's dome how many monarchs lie!


(Persian characters)

121.   L. J.   Time is long and life short.

[138] [139]


Gold breeds not wit, but to wit lacking bread
Earth's flowery carpet seems a dungeon bed;
    'Tis his full purse that makes the rose to smile,
While empty-handed violets hang the head.


(Persian characters)

122.   L.   Alluding to the golden stamens of the rose.   I supply tihi from the Cambridge MS.

[140] [141]


Heaven's wheel has made full many a heart to moan,
And many a budding rose to earth has thrown;
    Plume thee not on thy youth and lusty strength,
Full many a bud is blasted ere 'tis blown.


(Persian characters)

123.   L.   In line 3 scan jawánǐyāy.

[140] [141]


What lord is fit to rule but "Truth?" not one.
What beings disobey His rule? not one.
    All things that are are such as He decrees,
And naught is there beside beneath the sun.


(Persian characters)

124.   C. L. A. I.   "The Truth" is the Sufi name for the Deity. Note tashdíd on Hakk dropped.

[140] [141]


That azure coloured vault, and golden tray
Have turned, and will turn yet for many a day;
    And just so we, impelled by turns of fate,—
We come here for a while, then pass away.


(Persian characters)

125.   Bl. L.   Guzasht, "It is all over with us."   Bl., "Golden tray," the Sun.   In line 1 scan lájăwardǐyō.   Bl., Prosody, p. 11.

[142] [143]


The Master did himself these vessels frame,
Why should he cast them out to scorn and shame?
    If he has made them well, why should he break them?
Yea, though he marred them, they are not to blame.


(Persian characters)

126.   C. L. A. I. J.   In line 4 suwar is an Arabic plural used as a singular.   Bl., Prosody, p. 5.

[142] [143]


Kindness to friends and foes 'tis well to show,
No kindly heart can prove unkind, I trow:
    Harshness will alienate a bosom friend,
And kindness reconcile a deadly foe.


(Persian characters)

127.   L.   In line 2 scan nēykĭyāsh.

[142] [143]


To lover true, what matters dark or fair?
Or if the loved one silk, or sackcloth wear,
    Or lie on down or dust, or rise to heaven?
Yea, though she sink to hell, he'll seek her there.


(Persian characters)

128.   L.   Probably mystical.

[144] [145]


Full many a hill and vale I journeyed o'er;
Journeyed through the world's wide quarters four,
    But never heard of pilgrim who returned;
When once they go, they go to come no more.


(Persian characters)

129.   C. L. N. (in part) A. I. J.

[144] [145]


Wine-houses flourish through this thirst of mine,
Loads of remorse weigh down this back of mine;
    Yet, if I sinned not, what would mercy do?
Mercy depends upon these sins of mine.


(Persian characters)

130.   C. Bl. L. A. I. J.   Bl. quotes similar sentiments from Nizámi and Háfiz.   Mercy is God's highest attribute, and sin is required to call it forth.

[144] [145]


Thy being is the being of Another,
Thy passion is the passion of Another.
    Cover thy head, and think, and thou wilt see,
Thy hand is but the cover of Another.


(Persian characters)

131.   Bl.   Meaning, God is the Fá'il i kakíkí, the only real agent.   Hastí digár—another being—hast, with yá i batni.

[146] [147]


From learning to the cup your bridle turn;
All lore of world to come, save Kausar, spurn;
    Your turban pawn for wine, or keep a shred
To bind your brow, and all the remnant burn.


(Persian characters)

132.   N.   The metre shows we must pronounce tarafe "a portion," not tarfe, " a girdle."   Kausar, the river of wine in Paradise.

[146] [147]


See! from the world what profit have I gained?
What fruitage of my life in hand retained?
    What use is Jamshed's goblet, once 'tis crushed?
What pleasure's torch, when once its light has waned?


(Persian characters)

133.   L. N.   Tarf bar bastan, "to reap advantage."

[146] [147]


When life is spent, what's Balkh or Nishapore?
What sweet or bitter, when the cup runs o'er?
    Come drink! full many a moon will wax and wane
In times to come, when we are here no more.


(Persian characters)

134.   C. L. N. A. B. I. J.

[148] [149]


O fair! whose cheeks checkmate red eglantine,
And draw the game with those fair maids of Chín;
    You played one glance against the king of Babil
And took his pawns, and knights, and rooks, and queen.


(Persian characters)

135.   L. B.   For Bábil L. reads Máil.

[148] [149]


Life's caravan is hastening on its way;
Brood not on troubles of the coming day,
    But fill the wine-cup, ere sweet night be gone,
And snatch a pleasant moment, while you may.


(Persian characters)

136.   C. L. N. A. B. I. J.   The "rinds" loved a dark night. Bl.

[148] [149]


He, who the world's foundations erst did lay.
Doth bruise full many a bosom day by day,
    And many a ruby lip and musky tress
Doth coffin in the earth, and shroud with clay.


(Persian characters)

137.   C. L. N. A. I. J.   So Job, "Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest oppress, that thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands?"

[150] [151]


Be not beguiled by world's insidious wiles;
foolish ones, ye know her tricks and guiles;
    Your precious lifetime cast not to the winds;
Haste to seek wine, and court a sweetheart's smiles.


(Persian characters)

138.   N.

[150] [151]


Comrades! I pray you, physic me with wine,
Make this wan amber face like rubies shine,
    And, if I die, use wine to wash my corpse,
And frame my coffin out of planks of vine!


(Persian characters)

139.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   Kahrbá, "amber," literally "attractor of straw."   Rúy ĭ—izáfat before the epithet.   Lumsden, ii. 259.

[150] [151]


When Allah yoked the coursers of the sun,
And launched the Pleiades their race to run,
    My lot was fixed in fate's high chancery;
Then why blame me for wrong that fate has done?


(Persian characters)

[152] [153]


Ah! seasoned wine oft falls to rawest fools,
And clumsiest workmen own the finest tools;
    And Turki maids, fit to delight men's hearts,
Lavish their smiles on beardless boys in schools!


(Persian characters)

141.   N.   So Hafiz, 'If that Turki maid of Shiraz,' etc.

[152] [153]


Whilom, ere youth's conceit had waned, methought
Answers to all life's problems I had wrought;
    But now, grown old and wise, too late I see
My life is spent, and all my lore is naught.


(Persian characters)

142.   N. [C. A. and I. give another version of this.]

[152] [153]


They, who of prayer-mats make such great display,
Are fools to bear hypocrisy's hard sway;
    Strange! under cover of this saintly show
They live like heathen, and their faith betray.


(Persian characters)

143.   C. L. N. A. I.   In line 2, note the arrangement of the prepositions ba . . . . dar, Bl., Prosody 13.   There is a proverb, "The Devil lives in Mecca and Medinah."

[154] [155]


To him, who would his sins extenuate,
Let pious men this verse reiterate,
    "To call God's prescience the cause of sin
In wisdom's purview is but folly's prate."


(Persian characters)

144.   L. N.   Sahl, "of no account."

[154] [155]


He brought me hither, and I felt surprise,
From life I gather but a dark surmise,
    I go against my will;—thus, why I come,
Why live, why go, are all dark mysteries.


(Persian characters)

145.   C. L. N. A.

[154] [155]


When I recall my grievous sins to mind,
Fire burns my breast, and tears my vision blind;
    Yet, when a slave repents, is it not meet
His lord should pardon, and again be kind?


(Persian characters)

146.   L. N.   In line 2, az sar guzarad means "drops from the eyes," and in line 4, "remits the penalty."   This change of meaning is called Tajnis.

[156] [157]


They at whose lore the whole world stands amazed,
Whose high thoughts, like Borák, to heaven are raised,
    Strive to know Thee in vain, and like heaven's wheel
Their heads are turning, and their brains are dazed.


(Persian characters)

147.   C. L. N. A.   Borák, the steed on which Muhammad made his famous nocturnal ascent to heaven.

[156] [157]


Allah hath promised wine in Paradise,
Why then should wine on earth be deemed a vice?
    An Arab in his cups cut Hamzah's girths,—
For that sole cause was drink declared a vice.


(Persian characters)

148.   L. N.   Nicolas says this refers to an event which occured to Hamzah, a relation of Muhammad.

[156] [157]


Now of old joys naught but the name is left,
Of all old friends but wine we are bereft,
    And that wine new, but still cleave to the cup,
For save the cup, what single joy is left?


(Persian characters)

149.   L. N. B.   In line 2 scan măyī.

[158] [159]


The world will last long after Khayyam's fame
Has passed away, yea, and his very name;
    Aforetime we were not, and none did heed.
When we are dead and gone, 'twill be the same.


(Persian characters)

150.   N.   The contraction bŭd for búd is archaic, Bl., Prosody 13.

[158] [159]


The sages who have compassed sea and land,
Their secret to search out, and understand,—
    My mind misgives me if they ever solve
The scheme on which this universe is planned.


(Persian characters)

151.   C. L. N. A. I.

[158] [159]


Ah! wealth takes wings, and leaves our hands all bare,
And death's rough hands delight our hearts to tear;
    And from the nether world let none escape,
To bring us news of the poor pilgrims there.


(Persian characters)

152.   C. L. N. A. I.   In line 3 the Alif in az wé is not treated as an Alif i wasl, hence sam, the syllable preceding it, is long.

[160] [161]


'Tis passing strange, those titled noblemen
Find their own lives a burden sore, but when
    They meet with poorer men, not slaves to sense,
They scarcely deign to reckon them as men.


(Persian characters)

153.   C. L. N .A. I.   In line 4 scan Ádămēshă.   See Bl., Prosody, p. xii. Section xxix.

[160] [161]


The wheel on high, still busied with despite,
Will ne'er unloose a wretch from his sad plight;
    But when it lights upon a smitten heart,
Straightway essays another blow to smite.


(Persian characters)

154.   C. L. N. A. I.—Note ra separated from its noun by intervening genitives.   Vullers, Section 207.

[160] [161]


Now is the volume of my youth outworn,
And all my spring-tide blossoms rent and torn.
    Ah, bird of youth! I marked not when you came.
Nor when you fled, and left me thus forlorn.


(Persian characters)

155.   C. L. N. A. I.   In line 4 scan kăyámad, dissolving the diphthong.

[162] [163]


These fools, by dint of ignorance most crass,
Think they in wisdom all mankind surpass;
    And glibly do they damn as infidel,
Whoever is not, like themselves, an ass.


(Persian characters)

156.   N.   So Job, "Ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you."   Probably addressed to the 'Ulama.

[162] [163]


Still be the wine-house thronged with its glad choir,
And Pharisaic skirts burnt up with fire;
    Still be those tattered frocks, and azure robes
Trod under feet of revellers in the mire.


(Persian characters)

157.   C. L. N. A. J.   Hafiz (Ode V.) speaks of the blue robes of certain Darvishes, as a mark of hypocrisy.

[162] [163]


Why toil ye to ensue illusions vain,
And good or evil of the world attain?
    Ye rise like Zamzam, or the fount of life,
And, like them, in earth's bosom sink again.


(Persian characters)

158.   C. L. N. A. I.

[164] [165]


Till the Friend pours his wine to glad my heart,
No kisses to my face will heaven impart:
    They say, "Repent in time;" but how repent,
Ere Allah's grace hath softened my hard heart?


(Persian characters)

159.   C. L. N. A. I.   Meaning, man is powerless to mend his ways without Divine grace.

[164] [165]


When I am dead, take me and grind me small,
So that I be a caution unto all,
    And knead me into clay with wine, and then
Use me to stop the wine-jar’s mouth withal.


(Persian characters)

160.   C. L. N. A. I. J.

[164] [165]


What though the sky with its blue canopy
Doth close us in so that we cannot see,
    In the etern Cupbearer’s Wine, methinks,
There float a myriad bubbles like to me.


(Persian characters)

161.   N.   For the tashdíd on sákīyyĭ in line 4, see Bl. Prosody, p. 11, and Lumsden, Grammar, vol. ii., p 247.

[166] [167]


Take heart! Long in the weary tomb you'll lie,
While stars keep countless watches in the sky,
    And see your ashes moulded into bricks,
To build another's house and turrets high.


(Persian characters)

162.   L. N.   C. A. and I. split this into two.   In line 1 note izáfat dropped after silent he.

[166] [167]


Glad hearts, who seek not notoriety,
Nor flaunt in gold and silken bravery,
    Haunt not this ruined earth like gloomy owls,
But wing their way, Simurgh-like, to the sky.


(Persian characters)

163.   C. L. N. A. I.

[166] [167]


Wine's power is known to wine-bibbers alone.
To narrow heads and hearts 'tis never shown;
    I blame not them who never felt its force,
For, till they feel it, how can it be known?


(Persian characters)

164.   C. N. A. I. J.

[168] [169]


Needs must the tavern-haunter bathe in wine,
Por none can make a tarnished name to shine;
    Go! bring me wine, for none can now restore
Its pristine sheen to this soiled veil of mine.


(Persian characters)

165.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   In line 3 scan mastúrĭyĭ dissolving the letter of prolongation .

[168] [169]


I wasted life in hope, yet gathered not
In all my life of happiness one jot;
    Now my fear is that life may not endure,
Till I have taken vengeance on my lot!


(Persian characters)

166.   C. L. N. A. I.   Rozgáré, "some time."   In line 3, note the madd of Án dropped.   Bl., Prosody, p. 11.

[168] [169]


Be very wary in the soul's domain,
And on the world's affairs your lips refrain;
    Be, as it were, sans tongue, sans ear, sans eye,
While tongue, and ears, and eyes you still retain.


(Persian characters)

167.   L. N.

[170] [171]


Let him rejoice who has a loaf of bread,
A little nest wherein to lay his head,
    Is slave to none, and no man slaves for him,—
In truth his lot is wondrous well bested.


(Persian characters)

168.   C. L. N. A. I.   Note wa omitted.

[170] [171]


What adds my service to Thy majesty?
Or how can sin of mine dishonour Thee?
    pardon, then, and punish not, I know
Thou'rt slow to wrath, and prone to clemency.


(Persian characters)

169.   C. L. N. A. I.

[170] [171]


Hands, such as mine, that handle bowls of wine,
'Twere shame to book and pulpit to confine;
    Zealot! thou'rt dry, and I am moist with drink,
Yea, far too moist to catch that fire of thine!


(Persian characters)

170.   L. N.   I follow Nicolas in taking mani as a possessive pronoun, "mine," though such a word is not mentioned in any grammar or dictionary.   It occurs again in No. 478.

[172] [173]


Whoso aspires to gain a rose-cheeked fair,
Sharp pricks from fortune's thorns must learn to bear.
    See! till this comb was cleft by cruel cuts,
It never dared to touch my lady's hair.


(Persian characters)

171.   C. L. N. A. I.   Lyttleton expresses a similar sentiment.

[172] [173]


For ever may my hands on wine be stayed,
And my heart pant for some fair Houri maid!
    They say, "May Allah aid thee to repent!"
Repent I could not, e'en with Allah's aid!


(Persian characters)

172.   C. L. N. A. B. I. J.   Note the conjunctive pronoun am separated from its noun, Bl., Prosody, p. xiii.

[172] [173]


Soon shall I go, by time and fate deplored,
Of all my precious pearls not one is bored;
    Alas! there die with me a thousand truths
To which these fools fit audience ne'er accord.


(Persian characters)

173.   C. L. N. A. I.   For the tashdíds on maniyyi and bekhiradiyyi, see Bl., Prosody, p. 11.

[174] [175]


To-day how sweetly breathes the temperate air,
The rains have newly laved the parched parterre;
    And Bulbuls cry in notes of ecstacy,
"Thou too, O pallid rose, our wine must share!"


(Persian characters)

174.    L. N. B.   Note khward rhyming with gard.   Bl., Prosody, p. 12.   The waw, of course, does not count.

[174] [175]


Ere you succumb to shocks of mortal pain,
The rosy grape-juice from your wine-cup drain.
    You are not gold, that, hidden in the earth.
Your friends should care to dig you up again!


(Persian characters)

175.   C. L. N. A. B. 1. J.   Note the old form of the imperative, farmáy.   Bl., Prosody, p. 13.

[174] [175]


My coming brought no profit to the sky,
Nor does my going swell its majesty;
    Coming and going put me to a stand,
Ear never heard their wherefore nor their why.


(Persian characters)

176.   C. L. N. A. B. I. J.   In line 4 read ámadan for ámadanam, which will not scan.   Voltaire has some similar lines in his poem on the Lisbon earthquake.

[176] [177]


The heavenly Sage, whose wit exceeds compare,
Counteth each vein, and numbereth every hair;
    Men you may cheat by hypocritc arts,
But how cheat Him to whom all hearts are bare?

177.   C. L. N. A. I. J.

[176] [177]


Ah! wine lends wings to many a weary wight,
And beauty spots to ladies' faces bright;
    All Ramazan I have not drunk a drop,
Thrice welcome then, O Bairam's blessed night!

178.   C. L. N. A. I.   Bairam, the feast on the 1st Shawwal, after Ramazan.   In line 2, khirad seems wrong, the rhyme would suggest khar o?

[176] [177]


All night in deep bewilderment I fret,
With tear-drops big as pearls my breast is wet;
    I cannot fill my cranium with wine,
How can it hold wine, when 'tis thus upset?

179.   C. L. N. A. I.   Note tashdíd of durr dropped.

[178] [179]


To prayer and fasting when my heart inclined,
All my desire I surely hoped to find;
    Alas! my purity is stained with wine,
My prayers are wasted like a breath of wind.


(Persian characters)

180.   C. L. N. A. I.   In line 2, scan kullĭyam.   In line 4, note izáfat dropped after silent he.

[178] [179]


I worship rose-red cheeks with heart and soul,
I suffer not my hand to quit the bowl,
    I make each part of me his function do,
Or e'er my parts be swallowed in the Whole.


(Persian characters)

181.   C. L. N. A. I.   Line 4 alludes to reabsorption in the Divine essence.   Note juzwĭyam, and tashdíd of kull dropped.

[178] [179]


This worldly love of yours is counterfeit,
And, like a half-spent blaze, lacks light and heat;
    True love is his, who for days, months and years,
Rests not, nor sleeps, nor craves for drink or meat.


(Persian characters)

182.   L. N. B.   Line 3 is in metre 17.

[180] [181]


Why spend life in vainglorious essay
All Being and Not-being to survey?
    Since Death is ever pressing at your heels,
'Tis best to drink or dream your life away.


(Persian characters)

183.   C. L. N. A. I. J.   In line 2, scan păyĭ.   Being, i.e. the Deity, the only real existence, and Not-being, the nonentity in which His attributes are reflected.   See Gulshan i Ráz, p. 14.

[180] [181]


Some hanker after that vain phantasy
Of Houris, feigned in Paradise to be;
    But, when the veil is lifted, they will find
How far they are from Thee, how far from Thee!


(Persian characters)

184.   C. L. N. A. I.

[180] [181]


In Paradise, they tell us, Houris dwell.
And fountains run with wine and oxymel:
    If these be lawful in the world to come.
Surely 'tis right to love them here as well.


(Persian characters)

185.   C. L. N. A. I. J.

[182] [183]


A draught of wine would make a mountain dance,
Base is the churl who looks at wine askance;
    Wine is a soul our bodies to inspire,
A truce to this vain talk of temperance!


(Persian characters)

186.   C. L. N. A. I.

[182] [183]

187 ..

Oft doth my soul her prisoned state bemoan,
Her earth-born comate she would fain disown,
    And quit, did not the stirrup of the law
Upbear her foot from dashing on the stone.


(Persian characters)

187.   N.   Meaning, 'I would make away with myself, were it not for "the Almighty's canon 'gainst self-slaughter."

[182] [183]


The moon of Ramazan is risen, see!
Alas, our wine must henceforth banished be;
    Well! on Sha'bán's last day I'll drink enough
To keep me drunk till Bairam's jubilee.


(Persian characters)

188.   C. L, N. A. I.   Note wa omitted in line 2.   Also ascribed to Jalal 'Asad Bardi.

[184] [185]


From life we draw now wine, now dregs to drink,
Now flaunt in silk, and now in tatters shrink;
    Such changes wisdom holds of slight account
To those who stand on death's appalling brink!


(Persian characters)

189.   N.

[184] [185]


What sage the eternal tangle e'er unravelled,
Or one short step beyond his nature travelled?
    From pupils to the masters turn your eyes,
And see, each mother's son alike is gravelled.


(Persian characters)

190.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   In line 1, note put after the genitive following its noun.   'Ijz.... "impotence is in the hand of each"   "Beyond his nature," i.e. beyond the limits of his own thought.

[184] [185]


Crave not of worldly sweets to take your fill,
Nor wait on turns of fortune, good or ill;
    Be of light heart, as are the skies above,
They roll a round or two, and then lie still.


(Persian characters)

191.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   The skies have their allotted term like you, yet do not distress themselves.

[186] [187]


What eye can pierce the veil of God's decrees,
Or read the riddle of earth's destinies?
    Pondered have I for years threescore and ten,
But still am baffled by these mysteries.


(Persian characters)

192.   C. L. N. A. I.   So Job, "The thunder of his power who can understand?"

[186] [187]


They say, when the last trump shall sound its knell,
Our Friend will sternly judge, and doom to hell.
    Can aught but good from perfect goodness come?
Compose your trembling hearts, 't will all be well.


(Persian characters)

193.   C. L. N. A. I. J.   Juzi, (?) juz az.

[186] [187]


Drink wine to root up metaphysic weeds,
And tangle of the two-and-seventy creeds;
    Do not forswear that wondrous alchemy,
'Twill turn to gold, and cure a thousand needs.


(Persian characters)

194.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   Muhammad said, "My people shall be divided into seventy-three sects, all of which, save one, shall have their portion in the fire." Pocock, Specimen 210.

[188] [189]


Though drink is wrong, take care with whom you drink,
And who you are that drink, and what you drink;
    And drink at will, for, these three points observed,
Who but the very wise can ever drink?


(Persian characters)

195.   C. L. N. A. B. I.   A hit at the casuistry on the subject of wine.

[188] [189]


To drain a gallon beaker I design,
Yea, two great beakers, brimmed with richest wine;
    Old faith and reason thrice will I divorce,
Then take to wife the daughter of the vine.


(Persian characters)

196.   C. N. A. I.   A triple divorce is irrevocable. Koran, ii. 230.

[188] [189]


True I drink wine, like every man of sense,
For I know Allah will not take offence;
    Before time was, He knew that I should drink,
And who am I to thwart His prescience?


(Persian characters)

197.   C. L. N. A. B. I.

[190] [191]


Rich men, who take to drink, the world defy
With shameless riot, and as heggars die;
    Place in my ruby pipe some emerald hemp,
'Twill do as well to blind care's serpent eye.


میخواره اگر غنی بود عُور شود
وز عُربده‌اش جهان پر از شُور شود
درحقّهٔ لعل زان زمرّد ریزم
تا دیدهٔ افْعیِ غمم کُور شود

198.   C. L. N. A. I.   Scan af'ăyī.   The emerald is supposed to have the virtue of blinding serpents.

[190] [191]


These fools have never burnt the midnight oil
In deep research, nor do they ever toil
    To step beyond themselves, but dress them fine,
And plot of credit others to despoil.


(Persian characters)

199.   C. L. N. A. I.   Shámé chand: Vullers (p. 253) takes this ya to be yá i tankír; and Lumsden (ii. 269) says the presence of this letter, between a noun and its attribute, dispenses with the izáfat (?).   But why not add the izáfat, and scan Shamĭyĭ?

[190] [191]


When false dawn streaks the east with cold grey line.
Pour in your cups the pure blood of the vine;
    The truth, they say, tastes bitter in the mouth,
This is a token that the "Truth" is wine.


(Persian characters)

200.   C. L. N. A. I. J.   False dawn, the faint light before sunrise.