Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/334

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Those in Gothic are in the original Caxton.

Page. Line.
6 11 Teeth / Theune, teeth / Thenne.
22 4 auducyte, audacyte.
29 12 gunnes, gynnes.
35 7 nygt, nyȝt.
47 12 conenaunces, conuenaunces.
54 20 double, doubte.
58 9 rygte, ryȝte
74 1 Seventh, vj.
92 8 grede, grete.
102 17 eyylle, euylle.
103 10 folowith, foloweth.
105 18 beaulte, beaute.
111 No heading.
112 20 enhauced, enhaunced.
115 16 aſo, alſo.
21 mone,
116 17 ypocytes, ypoerytes.
117 13 vysyded, vysyted.
119 2 eyylle, euyelle.
120 3 behodeth, behoueth.
120 12 thyn conuenynt, thynconuenyent.
128 22 uf, yf.
138 1 knygtt, knyght.
25 fend, and.
145 5 raynfull, raynfall.
198 7 thexcaſacions, thexcuſacions.
204 15 eyylle. euylle.
215 15 than dyd. then hyt dyd.
221 3 he he, he.
232 4 sommen of a, som men of a.
234 12 and byldeth, omit and.
238 24 ppssessour, poſſeſſour.
241 21 ond, and.
246 17 And And, And.
22 lasse, lesse.
247 22 inhance, enhaūce.
248 16 sacryfyed, ſacryfyſed.
251 13 Arabe, a Rabe.
266 5 the, thre.
276 3 wgiche, whiche.
277 2 sechynge, seckynge.
286 9 euyelle, euylle.
313 8 parfȝly, parfiȝtly.
23 wrongth, wrought.