- Ice Cream and Ices, Directions for Freezing, 120
- Icings for Cakes, 113-114
- Irish Stew, 40
- Lemon Butter Sauce, 33
- Lemon Jelly, 97
- Lemon Pie, 89
- Lemon Sauce, 101
- Liver and Bacon, Broiled, 46
- "Lukewarm," Definition of, 10
- Macaroni, Baked, 128
- Macaroni, Baked with Cheese, 128
- Macaroni, Boiled, 127
- Mayonnaise, 83
- Measuring, Directions for, 6-7
- Meat Croquettes, 48
- Meat, Roast, 34
- MEATS, 34-50
- Meringue for Pies or Puddings, 90
- Milk Toast, 141
- "Mincing," Definition of, 10
- "Mixing," Definition of, 10
- "Moderate Oven," Definition of, 8
- Muffins, Blueberry, 137
- Muffins, Corn, 138
- Muffins, Oatmeal, 136
- Muffins, Plain, 136
- Muffins, Rice, 136
- Oatmeal Muffins, 136
- Oats, Prepared, 125, 126
- Omelet, 133
- Onions, 64
- Orange Jelly, 97
- Oyster Plant, 65
- Oyster Stew, 18
- Oyster Stuffing, 59
- Oysters, Fried, 28
- Oysters, Scalloped, 29
- "Parboiling," Definition of, 10
- Parsnips, 65
- PASTRY, 85-90
- Pastry, Plain, for Pies, 85
- Peas, 65
- Peppers, Stuffed, 76
- Pies, 85-90
- Pies, Dried or Canned Fruit, 87
- Pies, Fresh Fruit or Berry, 87
- Plain Ice Cream, 115
- Plain Muffins, 136
- Plain Stuffing, 58
- Popovers, 139
- Potato Cakes, 73
- Potato Souffle, 73
- Potato Stuffing, 59
- Potatoes, Baked, 69
- Potatoes, Boiled, 66
- Potatoes, Fried, 70
- Potatoes, Hashed Brown, 71
- Potatoes, Mashed, 68
- Potatoes, Scalloped, 72
- Potatoes, Stuffed, 69
- POULTRY, 51-59
- Poultry, Roast, 51
- Pound Cake, 104
- PUDDINGS, 91-102
- Pumpkin Pie, 88
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