Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/8

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An Ingenious Rain Alarm 65
Illuminating the American Flag 72
What One Penny Will Buy in Electrical Service 73
A Small Backyard Searchlight 121
Thawing Frozen Water-Pipes Electrically 145
An Electric Alarm Signal for the Fisherman 149
Estimating the Windings of the Electromagnet Coils 50
A Means of Indicating the Location of a Bell Call 151
Combining the Telephone Receiver and Transmitter in One Instrument 187
Next Summer's Ice. They Are Cutting It Now with Electricity 197
A Flashlight to Show the Position of Talking-Machine Needles 200
Why Are Abandoned Flour Mills Not Utilized as Lighting Stations? 201
Remember Electrically 212
Illuminating the Statue of Liberty 213
An Electric Headlight for the Up-to-Date Horse 242
Making a Bungalow Unpopular with Night Prowlers 250
What a Circuit-Breaker Really Is 250
Locating Buried Objects with a "Telepipe" 262
Utilizing Tin Cans to Make Containers for Dry Batteries 283
Easily-Constructed Step-Down Transformer 307
One Telephone Used on Two Lines 307
An Electric Lamp-Socket Lock Clamp and Seal 308
Remover for Insulation on Electric Wires 308
An Easily Made Adjustable Telephone Condenser 313
How to Keep the Telephones from Humming 313
An Electric Gas Lighter Operated with a Push-Button 314
An Electric Circuit for a Freezing Alarm 315
Makeshift Motor Starting Box for Burned-Out Rheostat 315
Making a Miniature Light to Attach to a Book 316
What the First Telegram Said 343
Helping the Deaf to Hear with a New Electrical Ear 53
A Frictionless Contact Generator of Static Electricity 372
This Electric Coal-Bagging Machine Saves Labor 436
Electric Steel from Electric Furnaces 438
Magnetic Base for a Machinist's Electric Light 442
Electricity Used to Start a Balky Horse 448
How to Make an Electric Heater 469
Cutting Holes in Plaster for Switch-Boxes 473
An Electric Comb for Drying the Hair After the Shampoo 573
A New Gun Flash Light 583
Dynamo Lighting System for a Motorcycle 601
Power Measurement Method Without a Watt-Meter 633
An Emergency Electric Plug Made of Broken Lamp 634
An Inexpensive Tester for an Electric Lamp 634
Electromagnetic Rotation of an Electrolyte 640
Toledo Plants a Baby Moon in the Sky 665
Determining the Best Lighting Conditions for the Eye 726
The Automatic Furnace-Watchman 734
A Portable Electric Welding Apparatus 734
To Cure a Balky Horse Just Press a Button 753
Experiments with Static Electricity from Belts 787
Making a Hot Wire Ammeter for Electric Currents 788
Interesting and Instructive Electrical Experiments 789
Laying Telegraph Cables Under Fire 803
The Simplified Turbine for Small Electric Plants 919
The Construction of a Fifty-volt Storage-battery 947
A Light Signal to Designate a Blown Fuse 950
Changing a Direct Current Bell into an Alternating One 951
How to Make a Solderless Joint on Wire 951
Testing Bell Circuits with Dividers 951
Putting the Sun at Work in the House 4
Household Appliances 38–39
A Miniature Power-Plant for the Home 71
A Heat Regulating Device for the Furnace 122
The Tea-Table Idea Applied to the Kitchen 141
A Water-Heating Garbage Burner Is Both Useful and Sanitary 187
A Ladder Which Can't Slip or Fall Over 191
Drying the Family Washing Around the Stove 202
A Machine Which Takes the Backache out of Carpet-Beating 202
Household Appliances 210–211
Beating Yolks and Whites Simultaneously 224
A Double-Decked Serving Tray 224
Dachshund Charlie. He Eats 'Em Alive 230
A Simple Teakettle Attachment 236
Is Your Closet-Room Scarce? Try this Type of Wardrobe 237
Install a Motor-Driven Bootblack in Your Home 239
A Soap That Blues the Clothes 242
You Can't Find Your Brushes or Your Razor in Your Bag? Then Try This 255
Ensnaring the Ashes of a Cigar as You Smoke 280
You Don't Need to Dig in This Bag to Find What You Want 345
Housekeeping Made Easy 358–359
How the Bath-Tub May Be Transplanted 361
A Novel Foot Radiator 374
A Fan on the Sewing Machine Flywheel 413
An Overhead Trolley System for the Hot Iron 413
Make a Hanging Window Garden of Discarded Sponges 428
Ironing a Four-in-hand Tie to Prevent Glossy Streaks 443
Keeping Your Plants Watered While You Are Away 452
How to Remove Stains from Various Kinds of Cloth 462
A Clever Woman Discovers Handy Location for the Kitchen Towel 464
Making Parallel Bars for the Home Gymnasium 465
Household Appliances 558–559
A New Use for Rhubarb. You Can Clean Pots with It 564
A Crib, Baby Carriage and Bassinet All in One 582
Disappearing Beds of the Cozy Apartments 589
Tea Kettle with Whistle in Spout for a Signal 604
A Coffee Percolator that Never Runs Dry 685
The Ceiling Bed 697
Housekeeping Made Easy 718–719
Steam-Heat the Wallpaper to Tear It Off 748
Vacuum Cleaning by Foot Pressure 750
Household Water-Still of Easy Construction 775
To Prevent the Corners of a Rug from Curling 777
Making a Substitute Wood Handle for the Dustpan 780
A Fountain Shoe-shining Outfit 851
Household Helps 872–873
A Pipe-Cleaning Wire Which Worms Its Way Around Bends 888
A Concrete Cooler Which Chills by the Action of Evaporating Water 911
Serving Individual Portions of Butter by Machinery 912
This Type of Bottle-Stopper Is a Fraud Detector 915
Painting Piping by Machine 5
Efficiency Methods in Hauling and Scouring as Employed on the Water 18–19
A Self-Starting Typewriter 48
Doing Away with the Pick and Shovel in Excavations 54
It Bites Its Way Through the Thickest Ice 69
A Mechanical Telephone Operator 73
A Mechanical Rock-Worm 78
Saving Natural Gas with Muddy Water 94
Filling in Trenches by Machinery 96
The Popularity of Liquid-Measuring Pumps 184
The Origin of the Locomotive Whistle 187
Digging War Trenches with a Powerful Tractor 191
Keeping Track of Piece Work 199
Finishing a Collar by Machinery 218
Mechanical Helps 278–279
Doe-Power for Scissors Sharpener 325
A Trip to Sugar Loaf Mountain 334
New York's Street Sweeper and Flusher 374
Measuring Sloping Roofs Without Breaking Your Neck 391
Improvising a Compressed Air Tank 393
Feeding a Fire with Hot Air to Save Coal 396
Mechanical Helps 383–391
New Concrete Mixer Efficient for Small Jobs 427
Building a Street Car Line Without Stopping Work or Cars 435
A Meter for Registering Amounts of Coal Used 435
Making Cigars by Machinery 504
Fighting in the Dark with Night Lights 534
Pulling the Trigger with the Thumb 534
Shooting the Gasoline Gun 534