Index of Authors: | |
edit- Waals, Johannes Diderik van der (1837–1923)
- Wace, Henry (1836–1924)
- Wächter, Leonhard (1762–1837)
- Waddell, Lawrence Austine (1854–1938)
- Waddington, George (1793–1869)
- Waddington, John (1810–1880)
- Waddington, Mary Alsop King (1833–1923)
- Waddington, Samuel Ferrand (1759–1829)
- Wade, Claude (1794–1861)
- Wade, George Woosung (1858–1941)
- Wade, Herbert Treadwell (b. 1872)
- Wade, John Francis (1711–1786)
- Wade, Thomas Francis (1818–1895)
- Wadleigh, Bainbridge (1831–1891)
- Wadlin, Horace G. (1851–1925)
- Wadsworth, Alice (1880–?)
- Wadsworth, Eliot (1876–1959)
- Wadsworth, Samuel (1860–?)
- Wagenaar, Jan (1709–1773)
- Wager, Harold (1862–1929)
- Wagner, Richard (1813–1883)
- Wahab, Robert Alexander (1855–1921)
- Wahl, William Henry (1848–1909)
- Wahlenberg, Göran (1780–1851)
- Wainewright, Thomas Griffiths (1794–1847)
- Wait, Daniel Guilford (1789–1860)
- Waite, Morrison Remick (1745–1807)
- Waite, Arthur Edward (1857–1942)
- Wake, William (1657–1737)
- Wake, William (1823–1865)
- Wakefield, Nancy Amelia Woodbury Priest (1836–1870)
- Walcott, Charles Doolittle (1850–1927)
- Walcott, Sidney Stevens (1892–1977)
- Walcott, Earle Ashley (1859–1931)
- Walcott, Mackenzie (1821–1880)
- Waldstein, Charles (1856–1927)
- Waley, Arthur (1889–1966)
- Wales, Jimmy (b. 1966)
- Walford, Cornelius (1827–1885)
- Walford, Edward (1823–1897)
- Walford, Henry (1824–1893)
- Waliszewski, Kazimierz (1849–1935)
- Walker, Caroline (fl. 1914)
- Walker, Edward Mewburn (1857–1941)
- Walker, Emery (1851–1933)
- Walker, Felix (1753–1828)
- Walker, Francis (1809–1874)
- Walker, Francis Amasa (1840–1897)
- Walker, Isabel
- Walker, James (1857–?)
- Walker, James (1863–1935)
- Walker, James John (1851–1939)
- Walker, Josiah (1761–1831)
- Walker, Josiah (1805–1882)
- Walker, Richard Johnson (1868–1934)
- Walker, Robert John (1801–1869)
- Walker, Williston (1860–1922)
- Walkley, Arthur Bingham (1855–1926)
- Wall, Debra Steidel
- Wall, Frederick Joseph (1858–1944)
- Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823–1913)
- Wallace, David Duncan (1874–1951)
- Wallace, Dillon (1863–1939)
- Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie (1841–1919)
- Wallace, Edgar (1875–1932)
- Wallace, James Albert (1810–1880)
- Wallace, Lew (1827–1905)
- Wallace, Nathaniel Clarke (1844–1901)
- Wallace, Robert (1853–1939)
- Wallace, William (1844–1897)
- Wallace, William Ross (1819–1881)
- Wallace-Johnson, Isaac Theophilus Akunna (1895–1965)
- Wallas, Graham (1858–1932)
- Waller, Edmund (1606–1687)
- Wallis Myers, Arthur (1878–1939)
- Wallis, Charles Glenn (1914–1944)
- Wallis, John (1616–1703)
- Wallis, John Edward Power (1861–1946)
- Wallis, Robert Ernest (1820–1900)
- Wallis, William Francis (1856–1930)
- Walpole, Horace (1717–1797)
- Walpole, Sir Hugh Seymour (1884–1941)
- Walpole, Robert 1st Earl of Orford (1676–1745)
- Walpole, Spencer (1830–1907)
- Walrond, Theodore (1824–1887)
- Walsh, Charles Francis (1877–1912)
- Walsh, James Joseph (1865–1942)
- Walsh, John Henry Tull (fl. 1884–1903)
- Walsh, Rodolfo (1927–1977)
- Walsh, William Shepard (1854–1919)
- Walshe, Walter Hayle (1812–1892)
- Walter, Frank Keller (1874–1945)
- Waltermire, Arthur Beecher (1888–1938)
- Walters, Henry Beauchamp (1867–1944)
- Walton, Izaak (1593–1683)
- Wandrei, Howard (1909–1956)
- Wang Shifu (1250–1307)
- Wang Xizhi (303–361)
- Warburton, Eliot Bartholomew George (1810–1852)
- Warburton, Henry (1784–1858)
- Ward, Adolphus William (1837–1924)
- Ward, Harry Marshall (1854–1906)
- Ward, J. B. (–)
- Ward, James (1843–1925)
- Ward, Joseph George (1856–1930)
- Ward, Lester Frank (1841–1913)
- Ward, Mary Augusta (1851–1920)
- Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw (1791–1868)
- Ward, Nathaniel (1578–1652)
- Ward, Ned (1660/1667–1731)
- Ward, Robert De Courcy (1867–1931)
- Ward, Thomas Humphry (1845–1926)
- Ward, Wilfrid (1856–1916)
- Ward, William Humble (1867–1932)
- Wardle, Harriet Newell (1875–1964)
- Ware, Sir James (1594–1666)
- Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge (1851–1921)
- Waring, Anna Laetitia (1823–1910)
- Waring, Edward John (1819–1891)
- Waring, Eleanor Emma (1838–1909)
- Waring, Elijah ((c.1788–1857)
- Waring, Henry Franks (c. 1806–1862)
- Waring, James, a pseudonym for Ellen Marriage (1865–1946)
- Wark, David (1804–1905)
- Van de Warker, Ely (1841–1910)
- Warming, Eugenius (1841–1924)
- Warne, Frederick (1825–1901)
- Warner, Charles Dudley (1829–1900)
- Warner, Francis (1847–1926)
- Warner, Sir Frank (1862–1930)
- Warner, Sir George Frederic (1845–1936)
- Warner, James Franklin (1802–1864)
- Warner, John (b. 1927)
- Warner, Richard (1763–1857)
- Warnock, Amelia Beers (1878–1956)
- Warre, Edmond (1837–1920)
- Warren, Earl (1891–1974)
- Warren, Frederick Edward (1842–1930)
- Warren, Henry White (1813–1912)
- Warren, Maude Radford (1875–1934)
- Warren, Mercy Otis (1728–1814)
- Warren, Robert (1829–1915)
- Warren, William Whipple (1825–1853)
- Warter, John Wood (1806–1878)
- Warton, Joseph (1722–1800)
- Washbourn, John Addison Russell (1841–1893)
- Washington, Booker T. (1856–1915)
- Washington, Bushrod (1762–1829)
- Washington, Martha (1731–1802)
- Washington, George (1732–1799)
- Wasson, David (1823–1887)
- Waterhouse, George Robert (1810–1888)
- Waterhouse, Gilbert (1893–1916)
- Waterhouse, James (1842–1922)
- Waterhouse, Paul (1861–1924)
- Waterland, Daniel (1683–1740)
- Waterloo, Stanley (1846–1913)
- Waterworth, James (1806–1876)
- Watkins, Frances Ellen (1825–1911)
- Watkins, Morgan George (1836–1911)
- Watkins, Samuel Rush (1839–1901)
- Watson, Alfred Edward Thomas (1849–1922)
- Watson, Arthur (1863–1954)
- Watson, Charles Moore (1844–1916)
- Watson, Edward William (1859–1936)
- Watson, Edwin Martin (1883–1945)
- Watson, Foster (1860–1929)
- Watson, John (1847–1939)
- Watson, Richard (1737–1816)
- Watson, Robert Grant (d. 1892)
- Watson, Thomas (1616–1686)
- Watson, William (1858–1925)
- Watson, Sir William (1858–1935)
- Watson, William (1868–1919)
- Watson-Wentworth, Charles (1730–1782)
- Watt, Francis (1849–1927)
- Watt, Sir George (1851–1930)
- Watt, Hugh Boyd (1858–1941)
- Watteville, Hermann Gaston de (1875–1963)
- Wattles, Wallace D. (1860–1911)
- Watts, Henry Edward (1826–1904)
- Watts, Isaac (1674–1748)
- Watts, Philip (1846–1926)
- Watts-Dunton, Walter Theodore (1832–1914)
- Waugh, Arthur (1866–1943)
- Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell, Archibald Percival (1883–1950)
- Waxman, Samuel Montefiore (1885–1980)
- Wayland, Francis (1796–1865)
- Wayne, James Moore (1790–1867)
edit- Weatherly, Cecil (1869–?)
- Weatherly, Frederick Edward (1848–1929)
- Weathers, John (1867–1928)
- Webb, Alfred (1834–1908)
- Webb, Clement Charles Julian (1865–1954)
- Webb, William Wilfrid (1858–1911)
- Webb, Stephen (1849–1933)
- Webber, Charles Edmund (1838–1905)
- Webber, Thomas Wingfield (1836-1914)
- Weber, Carl Maria von (1786–1826)
- Weber, Max (1864–1920)
- Weber, Wilhelm Eduard (1804–1891)
- Webster, Charles Kingsley (1886–1961)
- Webster, Daniel (1782–1852)
- Webster, Herman Armour (1878–1970)
- Webster, Hugh Alexander (1849–1926)
- Webster, James Claude (1841–1908)
- Webster, Jean (1876–1916)
- Webster, John (1580–1634)
- Webster, Nesta Helen (1876–1960)
- Webster, Noah (1758–1843)
- Webster, Richard (1878–1965)
- Webster, Thomas (1773–1844)
- Wenckstern, Friedrich von (1859–1914)
- Webster, Wentworth (1829–1907)
- Weckherlin, Georg Rudolf (1584–1653)
- Wecksell, Josef Julius (1838–1907)
- Wedd, Charles Bertie (1868–1945)
- Wedmore, Edmund Tolson (1847–1920)
- Wedmore, Frederick (1844–1921)
- Weever, John (1576–1632)
- Wegener, Alfred (1880–1930)
- Wehle, Theodore (1838–1921)
- Weidemeyer, John William (1819–1896)
- Weidenreich, Franz (1873–1948)
- Weir, Harrison (1824–1906)
- Weir, Robert Stanley (1856–1926)
- Weisflog, Carl (1770–1828)
- Weiss, George Henry (1898–1946)
- Weiss, John (1818–1879)
- Weissenborn, Hermann (1830–1896)
- Welch, Charles (1848–1924)
- Weld, Charles Richard (1813–1869)
- Weldon, John Wesley (1809–1885)
- Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael (1860–1906)
- Wellcome, Henry Solomon (1853–1936)
- Weller, Stuart (1870–1927)
- Welles, Sumner (1892–1961)
- Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769–1852)
- Wellhausen, Julius (1844–1918)
- Welling, James Clarke (1825–1894)
- Wells, Benjamin Willis (1856–1923)
- Wells, Charles Jeremiah (1798–1879)
- Wells, Daniel H. (1814–1891)
- Wells, David Ames (1828–1898)
- Wells, H. G. (1866–1946)
- Wells, Horace Lemuel (1855–1924)
- Welsh, Charles (1850–1914)
- Welsh, Herbert (1851–1941)
- Wemyss, Thomas (1773–1841)
- Wenceslas Koranda (14th century – 1453)
- Wenceslaus II of Bohemia (1271–1305)
- Wendell, Barrett (1855–1921)
- Wenig,Adolf (1874–1940)
- Wenley, Robert Mark (1861–1929)
- Weppner, Margaretha
- Wentworth, William Charles (1790–1872)
- Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, Thomas (1593–1641)
- Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, Thomas (1672–1739)
- Wentworth-Sheilds, Wentworth Francis (1867–1944)
- van der Werff, Pieter Adriaanszoon (1529–1604)
- Wernicke, Carl (1845–1905)
- Wernicke, Christian (1661–1725)
- Wertenbaker, Green Peyton (1907–1968)
- Wertheimer, Eduard von (1848–1930)
- Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943)
- Wesley, Charles (1707–1788)
- Wesley, John (1703–1791)
- Wesley, Samuel (1662–1735)
- Wesley, Samuel (1691–1739)
- Wesley, Susanna (1669–1742)
- Wesley, William Henry (1841–1922)
- Wessel, Horst (1907–1930)
- West, Edward William (1824–1905)
- West, George Stephen (1876–1919)
- West, Gilbert (1703–1756)
- West, James E. (1876–1948)
- West, Mae (1893–1980)
- West, Nathanael (1903–1940)
- West, M. B. (1879–1953)
- West, Paul (1871–1918)
- West, Wallace (1900-1980)
- Westall, William (1781–1850)
- Westell, William Percival (1874–1943)
- Westlake, John (1828–1913)
- Westly, William King (1796–1875)
- Weston, Jessie Laidlay (1850–1928)
- Weston, Robert Patrick (1878–1936)
- Weston, Walter (1860–1940)
- Westergaard, Harald Ludvig (1853–1936)
- Westwood, John Obadiah (1805–1893)
- Wetherald, Agnes Ethelwyn (1857–1940)
- Wetzel, George T. (1921–1983)
- Weyl, Walter Edward (1873–1919)
- Weyman, Charles S. (1828–1893)
- Weyman, Stanley John (1855–1928)
edit- Wharton, Edith (1862–1937)
- Wharton, George Frederick (1820–1899)
- Wharton, Joseph (1826–1909)
- Wharton, Philip (1698–1731)
- Whately, Richard (1787–1863)
- Whates, Harry Richard (d. 1923)
- Wheatley, Henry Benjamin (1838–1917)
- Wheatley, Phillis (1753?–1784)
- Wheatstone, Charles (1802–1875)
- Wheeler, Charles Gardner (1855–1946)
- Wheeler, Claire (?—)
- Wheeler, Emmanuel
- Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell (1840–1925)
- Wheeler, Joseph Mazzini (1850–1898)
- Wheeler, R. Mortimer (1856–1936)
- Wheeler, Stephen Edward (1854–1937)
- Wheeler, William Morton (1865–1937)
- Wheelwright, C. A. (?–1858)
- Whelpley, Samuel (1766–1817)
- Wherry, Elwood Morris (1843–1927)
- Whetham, William Cecil Dampier (1867–1952)
- Whewell, William (1794–1866)
- Whibley, Charles (1859–1930)
- Whichcote, Benjamin (1609–1683)
- Whinery, Charles Crawford (1878–?)
- Whinfield, Edward Henry (1836–1922)
- Whipple, Edwin Percy (1819–1886)
- Whipple, Henry Benjamin (1822–1901)
- Whiston, Robert (1808–1895)
- Whitaker, Edgar (1832–1905)
- Whitcomb, George Faunce (1893–1969)
- White, Adam (1817–1879)
- White, Andrew Dickson (1832–1918)
- White, Byron Raymond (1916–2002)
- White, Charles (1845–1922)
- White, Charles Abiathar (1826–1910)
- White, Charles Harold Evelyn (1851–1938)
- White, Jr., Edward Douglass (1845–1921)
- White, Edward Lucas (1866–1934)
- White, Ellen G. (1827–1915)
- White, Eustace Evans (1870–1922)
- White, Frances Emily (1832–1903)
- White, Francis (1812–)
- White, Francis Buchanan (1842–1894)
- White, George (1872–1953)
- White, Gilbert (1720–1793)
- White, Henry Kirke (1785–1806)
- White, Sir Herbert Thirkell (1855–1931)
- White, Horace (1834–1916)
- White, James Dugald (1889–1976)
- White, John Forbes (1831–1904)
- White, John Stuart (1847–1922)
- White, Joseph Blanco (1775–1841)
- White, Laura Amanda (1882–1948)
- White, Richard Grant (1822–1885)
- White, Ryan (1971–1990)
- White, Stewart Edward (1873–1946)
- White, Thomas Willis (1788–1843)
- White, William Alanson (1870–1937)
- White, William Allen (1868–1944)
- Whitefield, George (1714–1770)
- Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947)
- Whitehead, William (1715–1785)
- Whitehouse, Frederick Cope (1842–1911)
- Whitehouse, Owen Charles (1849–1916)
- Whitelaw, Alexander (1803–1846)
- Whiteway, Martha
- Whitfeld, William Henry (1856–1915)
- Whitfield, Joseph Louis (1876–1961)
- Whiting, Richard A. (1891–1938)
- Whiting, Sydney (1820–1875)
- Whiting, William (1825–1878)
- Whitling, Lilian (1866–1923)
- Whitman, Sarah Helen (1803–1878)
- Whitman, Walt (1819–1892)
- Whitmer, David (1805–1888)
- Whitmer, John (1802–1878)
- Whitney, Anne (1821–1915)
- Whitney, Helen Hay (1876–1944)
- Whitney, Josiah Dwight (1819–1896)
- Whitney, Rich (1955–present)
- Whitney, William Dwight (1827–1894)
- Whiton, James Maurice
- Whittaker, Charles Evans (1901–1973)
- Whittaker, Sir Edmund Taylor (1873–1956)
- Whittaker, Thomas (1856–1935)
- Whittier, Charles H. (1930–1991)
- Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807–1892)
- Whittle, Daniel Webster (1840–1901)
- Whitworth, Joseph (1803–1887)
- Whymper, Edward (1840–1911)
- Whymper, Frederick Hayes (1827–1893)
- Whymper, Josiah Wood (1813–1903)
- Whyte, Frederic William (1867–1941)
- Whyte-Melville, George John (1821–1878)
edit- Wichard of Lyons (?–1112)
- Wickham, John Clements (1798–1864)
- Widdemer, Margaret (1884–1978)
- Widlok, Thomas (1965—)
- Wiedemann, Gustav Heinrich (1826–1899)
- Wiener, Leo (1862–1939)
- Wiener, Norbert (1894–1964)
- Wier, Albert Ernest (1879–1945)
- Wier, Jeanne Elizabeth (1870–1950)
- Wieser, Friedrich von (1851–1926)
- Wiesner, Ljubo (1885–1951)
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas (1856–1923)
- Wightwick, George (1802–1872)
- Wilberforce, Edward (1834–1914)
- Wilberforce, William (1759–1833)
- Wilbur, Ray Lyman (1875–1949)
- Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus (1824–1890)
- Wilcox, Carlos (1794–1827)
- Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (1850–1919)
- Wilcox, Marrion (1858–1926)
- Wilcox, Walter Dwight (1869–1949)
- Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900)
- Wilde, Percival (1887–1953)
- Wilde, William Robert Wills (1815–1876)
- Wilder, Burt Green (1841–1925)
- Wildmann, A. (fl. 1906)
- Wiley, Edwin (1872–1924)
- Wiley, George M. (1875–1968)
- Wiley, Harvey Washington (1844–1930)
- Wilhelm, Richard (1873–1930)
- Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (1880–1962)
- Wilkes, John (1727–1797)
- Wilkin, Martin Hood (1832–1904)
- Wilkins, Augustus Samuel (1843–1905)
- Wilkins, Harriet Annie (1829–1888)
- Wilkins, John (1614–1672)
- Wilkinson, Eleanor (?—)
- Wilkinson, (Henry) Spenser (1853–1937)
- Wilkinson, James (1757–1825)
- Wilkinson, James John Garth (1812–1899)
- Wilkinson, John Gardiner (1797–1875)
- Wilkinson, Norman (1878–1971)
- Wilkinson, Walter Lightowler (?–1917)
- Wilks, Samuel (1824–1911)
- Willcocks, Mary Patricia (1869–c. 1950)
- Willdenow, Carl Ludwig (1765–1812)
- Willement, Thomas (1786–1871)
- Willey, Arthur (1867–1942)
- William II of Orange (1626–1650)
- William I of England, Duke of Normandy (c.1028–1087)
- William the Silent (1533–1584)
- William, C. P. (fl. 1859–1860)
- Williams & Son (ca. 1860–ca. 1940)
- Williams, Aneurin (1859–1924)
- Williams, Archibald (1871–1934)
- Williams, Charles (1886–1945)
- Williams, Charles Henry (c. 1822–?)
- Williams, Edward (1747–1826)
- Williams, Edward Higginson (1849–1933)
- Williams, Edward Leader (1828–1910)
- Williams, George (1814–1878)
- Williams, George Valentine (1883–1946)
- Williams, Helen Maria (1762–1827)
- Williams, Henry Herbert (1872–1961)
- Williams, Henry Smith (1863–1943)
- Williams, James (1851–1911)
- Williams, Jesse Lynch (1871–1929)
- Williams, John Sharp (1854–1932)
- Williams, Leonard Llewelyn Bulkeley (1861–1939)
- Williams, Margery (1881–1944)
- Williams, Richard (1835–1906)
- Williams, Robert (1863–1938)
- Williams, Sam (b. 1969)
- Williams, Samuel Baker (1889–1969)
- Williams, Sarah (1837–1868)
- Williams, Spencer (1889–1965)
- Williams, Stanley Thomas (1888–1956)
- Williams, Tennessee (1911–1983)
- Williams, Thomas (1815–1891)
- Williams, Thomas (1847–1913)
- Williams, Thomas Hudson (1873–1961)
- Williams, William Carlos (1883–1963)
- Williams, William Mattieu (1820–1892)
- Williams, William Retlaw Jefferson (1863–1944)
- Williams, William Robert Worthington (fl. early 20th century)
- Williamson, Benjamin (1827–1916)
- Williamson, Charles Norris (1859–1920)
- Williamson, George Charles (1858–1942)
- Williamson, William Crawford (1819–1895)
- Willich, Anthony Florian Madinger (?–1804)
- Willink, Henry George (1851–1938)
- Willis, Edward (1835–1891)
- Willis, Henry Parker (1874–1937)
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806–1867)
- Willis, Robert (1800–1875)
- Willis, Robert (1799–1878)
- Willison, John Stephen (1856–1927)
- Willmann, Otto Philipp Gustav (1839–1920)
- Willoughby, Barrett (1901–1959)
- Willoughby, Edward Francis (1840–1906)
- Wills, Albert P. (1873–1937)
- Wills, James (1790–1868)
- Willson, Henry Beckles (1869–1942)
- Wilmot, John (1647–1680)
- Wilson, Alexander (1766–1813)
- Wilson, Alexander (1714–1786)
- Wilson, Alice (1881–1964)
- Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans (1835–1909)
- Wilson, Charles H. (1917–1984)
- Wilson, Charles William (1836–1897)
- Wilson, Daniel (1816–1892)
- Wilson, Edmund Beecher (1856–1939)
- Wilson, Edward Adrian (1872–1912)
- Wilson, Edward Daniel Joseph (1844–1913)
- Wilson, Edward E. (1867–1952)
- Wilson, Frank J. (1887–1970)
- Wilson, Frederick Richard (1827–1894)
- Wilson, Harriet E. (1825–1900)
- Wilson, Harold (1916–1995)
- Wilson, Harry Leon (1867–1939)
- Wilson, Herbert Wrigley (1866–1940)
- Wilson, Horace Hayman (1786–1860)
- Wilson, Horace John (1882–1972)
- Wilson, James (1742–1798)
- Wilson, James Grant (1832–1914)
- Wilson, James Vernon (?–1980)
- Wilson, John (1626–1696)
- Wilson, John (1785–1854)
- Wilson, Robert McNair (1882–1963)
- Wilson, Sarah (1828–1915)
- Wilson, Thomas (1663–1755)
- Wilson, Thomas (1773–1858)
- Wilson, Thomas Braidwood (1792–1843)
- Willson, Thomas Edgar (1846–1901)
- Wilson, William (1801–1860)
- Wilson, William (1806–1888)
- Wilson, William (b. 1853)
- Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924)
- Wimmer, Christian Friedrich Heinrich (1803–1868)
- Winch, Nathaniel John (1768–1839)
- Winchell, Alexander (1824–1891)
- Winchell, Newton Horace (1839–1914)
- Winchester, Caleb Thomas (1847–1920)
- Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (1717–1768)
- Winckler, Hugo (1863–1913)
- Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan (1858–1929)
- Wilhelm Windelband (1848–1915)
- Winfield, Percy Henry (1878–1953)
- Winkworth, Catherine (1827–1878)
- Winlock, William Crawford (1859–1896)
- Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky (1871–1963)
- Winn, Ross (1871–1912)
- Winner, Septimus (1827–1902)
- Winship, George Parker (1872–1952)
- Winslow, Edward (1595–1655)
- Winslow, Erving (1839–1922)
- Winslow, Francis (1818–1862)
- Winslow, Helen Maria (1851–1938)
- Winslow, John Bradley (1851–1920)
- Winslow, Octavius (1808–1878)
- Winter, William (1836–1917)
- Winterblossom, Henry T. (fl. 1875)
- Winterbotham, William (1763–1829)
- Winthrop, John (1587/8–1649)
- Winthrop, John (1714–1779)
- Winthrop, Robert Charles (1809–1894)
- Winthrop, Robert Charles, Jr. (1834–1905)
- Winthrop, Theodore (1828–1861)
- Wintle, Ernest Douglas (1852–1917)
- de Winton, William Edward (1856–1922)
- Wirgman, Theodor Blake (1848–1925)
- Wirgman, Thomas (17xx–18xx)
- Wiriath, Paul
- Wirth, Zdeněk (1878–1961)
- Wisden, John (1826–1884)
- Wise, Stephen Samuel (1875–1959)
- Wise, Thomas Alexander (1801/2–1889)
- Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen (1802–1865)
- Wister, Owen (1860–1938)
- Witchell, Charles Adolphus (1862–1907)
- Witham, Henry (1779–1844)
- Wither, George (1588–1667)
- Withering, William (1741–1799)
- Withers, Hartley (1867–1950)
- Withers, Henry Livingston (1864–1902)
- Witherspoon, John Knox (1723–1794)
- Withington, Charles Francis (1852–1917)
- Withrow, William Henry (1839–1908)
- Witt, John George (1836–1906)
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951)
- Witzleben, Karl August von (1773–1839)
edit- Wodehouse, Ernest Armine (1879–1936)
- Wodehouse, P. G. (1881–1975)
- Woepcke, Franz (1826–1864)
- Wogan, Charles
- Wohlers, Johann Friedrich Heinrich (1811-1885)
- Wojcik, Jonathan
- Wolcot, John (1738–1819)
- Wolf, Christian (1679–1754)
- Wolf, Emma (1865–1932)
- Wolf, Johann Wilhelm (1817–1855)
- Wolf, Lucien (1857–1930)
- Wolfe, Charles (1757–1827)
- Wolfe, James (1727–1759)
- Wolff, Henry Drummond (1830–1908)
- Wolff, Joseph (1795–1862)
- Wolker, Jiří (1900–1924)
- Woll, Fritz Wilhelm (1865–1922)
- Wollaston, Sir Arthur Naylor (1842–1922)
- Wollaston, John Thomas Burton (1841–1911)
- Wollaston, William Hyde (1766–1828)
- Wolleb, Johannes (1589–1629)
- Wollheim, Donald Allen (1914–1990)
- Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759–1797)
- Wolowski, Louis-François-Michel-Reymond (1810–1876)
- Wolrige, Ellen Gertrude (1855–1939)
- Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, Garnet Joseph (1833–1913)
- Woltmann, Karoline von (1782–1847)
- Wolzogen, Caroline von (1763–1847)
- Wood, Catherine Jane (1841–1930)
- Wood, Ellen (1814–1887)
- Wood, Erskine
- Wood, Eugene (1860–1923)
- Wood, Field-Marshal Sir Evelyn (1838–1919)
- Wood, George Bacon (1797–1879)
- Wood, Henry Edward (1841–1910)
- Wood, Sir Henry Trueman Wright (1845–1929)
- Wood, John George (1827–1899)
- Wood, Katharine Bontecou (?–1913)
- Wood, Leonard (1860–1927)
- Wood, William Charles Henry (1864–1947)
- Wood, William Martin (1828–1907)
- Woodberry, George Edward (1855–1930)
- Woodburn, James Albert (1856–1943)
- Woodbury, Levi (1789–1851)
- Woodcock, Harold Mellor (1879–1951)
- Woodhead, German Sims (1855–1921)
- Woodhouse, Samuel Washington (1821–1904)
- Woodhouse, Thomas (1862–1933)
- Woodhouse, William John (1866–1937)
- Woodley, George (1786–1846)
- Woodrow, Nancy Mann Waddel (1870–1935)
- Woodruff, Wilford (1807–1898)
- Woods, Matthew (1848–1916)
- Woods, William Burnham (1824–1887)
- Woodville, Anthony (c. 1442 – 1483)
- Woodward, Alice Bolingbroke (1862–1951)
- Woodward, Arthur Smith (1864–1944)
- Woodward, Bernard Barham (1853–1930)
- Woodward, Horace Bolingbroke (1848–1914)
- Woodward, Joseph Janvier (1833–1884)
- Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson (1745–1820)
- Woolf, Edgar Allan (1881–1948)
- Woolf, Leonard Sidney (1880–1969)
- Woolf, Philip (1848–1903)
- Woolf, Virginia (1882–1941)
- Woolhouse, Wesley Stoker Barker (1809–1893)
- Woolley, Mary Emma (1863–1947)
- Woolson, Constance Fenimore (1840–1894)
- Woolsey, Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905)
- Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury (1852–1929)
- Worcester, Dean Conant (1866–1924)
- Worcester, Joseph Emerson (1784–1865)
- Wordsworth, Christopher (1807–1855)
- Wordsworth, Dorothy (1771–1855)
- Wordsworth, John (1843–1911)
- Wordsworth, William (1770–1850)
- Work, Henry Clay (1832–1884)
- Works, George Alan (1877–1957)
- Worman, James Henry (1835–1930)
- Wormeley, Katherine Prescott (1830–1908)
- Wornum, Ralph Nicholson (1812–1877)
- Worringer, Wilhelm (1881–1965)
- Worsley, Frances
- Worsley, Philip Stanhope (1835–1866)
- Worthen, Amos Henry (1813–1888)
- Worthington, Arthur Mason (1852–1916)
- Wotton, Henry (1568–1639)
edit- Wraxall, Lascelles (1828–1865)
- Wray, Fitzwater (1867–1938)
- Wren, Christopher Michael (1632–1723)
- Wren, Percival Christopher (1875–1941)
- Wright, Arnold (1858–1941)
- Wright, Arthur Robinson (1862–1932)
- Wright, Charles Theodore Hagberg (1862–1940)
- Wright, Daniel (1833–1902)
- Wright, Daniel Fleming (1816–1895)
- Wright, Edward (c. 1561–1615)
- Wright, Elizur (1804–1885)
- Wright, Frances (1795–1852)
- Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867–1959)
- Wright, Harold Bell (1872–1944)
- Wright, Jacob William (1871–1950)
- Wright, Louise Wigfall (1846–1915)
- Wright, Mabel Osgood (1859–1934)
- Wright, Orville (1871–1948)
- Wright, Thomas (1810–1877)
- Wright, Ernest Vincent (1871–1939)
- Wright, William (1829–1898)
- Wright, William Aldis (1831–1914)
- Wright, Willard (1888–1939)
- Wroblewski, Tanya Morgan (fl. 2022)
- Wrong, George MacKinnon (1860–1948)
- Wroth, Lady Mary (1587–1652)
- Wroth, Lawrence Counselman (1884–1970)
- Wroth, Warwick William (1858–1911)
edit- Wundt, Wilhelm (1832–1920)
- Wünsch, Josef (1842–1907)
edit- Wyatt, Claude Wilmot (1842–1900)
- Wyatt, Matthew Digby (1820–1877)
- Wyatt, Thomas (1503–1542)
- Wycherley, William (1640–1716)
- Wyden, Ron (1949–)
- Wyeth, John A. (?–)
- Wyke-Smith, Edward (1871–1935)
- Wylie, Elinor (1885–1928)
- Wylie, Henry (1844–1918)
- Wylie, Ida Alexa Ross (1885–1959)
- Wylie, Walker Gill (1848–1923)
- Wyndham, Henry Penruddocke (1736–1819)
- Wynkoop, Edward Wanshear (1836–1891)
- Wynter, Andrew (1819–1876)
- Wyss, Johann David (1743–1818)
- Wyss, Johann Rudolf (1782–1830)