Author:William Howard Taft/Executive orders

Executive orders
Administration of William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
  • 698 Total Executive Orders Issued [1]
  • Range: Executive Order 1051 thru Executive Order 1743
Signature of William Howard Taft


  1051 Mar 16 Renamed La Salle National Forest, Utah and Colorado, to La Sal National Forest
  1052 Mar 23 Amending Civil Service Rules in Relation to Proposed Employee Transfers
  1053 Mar 24 Authorizing Reinstatement of F. B. Simons as Clerk in Internal Revenue Office
  1054 Mar 30 Lands in Minnesota previously reserved at headwaters of Mississippi River restored to public domain
  1055 Mar 30 Enlarging Parang Military Reservation, Mindanao, Philippine Islands
  1056 Mar 30 Lands in Arkansas reserved for operation of Lock and Dam No. 3, Upper White River
  1057 Apr 02 Enlarging Mosquito Inlet Reservation, Florida
  1058 Apr 06 Authorizing Reinstatement of Leonard J. Garver to Position in Classified Service
  1059 Apr 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of Nannie M. Wayland to Position in Classified Service in Treasury Department
  1060 Apr 07 Admission of Deaf-Mutes to Examinations for Civil Service
  1061 Apr 08 Ordering Solicitor General to Report to President on Branding Requirements for Whisky
  1062 Apr 14 Directing Heads of Departments to Comply with Congressional Resolutions Requesting Information When in the Public Interest
  1063 Apr 16 Authorizing Appointment of Archibald S. Pinkett as Clerk in State Department Without Examination
  1064 Apr 16 Authorizing Appointment of Frances M. Marsh as Clerk in State Department Without Examination
  1065 Apr 21 Allowing Incidental Assignment of Laborers to Classified Work
  1066 Apr 23 San Miguel Island, California, reserved for lighthouse purposes
  1067 Apr 23 Redefining Reservation Boundaries of Fort William H. Seward, Chilkat Inlet, Alaska
  1068 Apr 26 Holy Cross National Forest, Colorado, diminished
  1069 Apr 26 Establishing Sopris National Forest, Colorado, from Portion of Holy Cross National Forest
  1070 May 12 Reducing Military Reservation on Shaw Island in Washington
  1071 May 13 General Supply Committee created, to systematize purchases of common supplies for Departments
  1072 May 14 Modifying Civil Service Restrictions on Political Activity in Navy Yards
  1073 May 17 Authorizing Appointment of Nina L. Carrington to Clerk in Classified Service Without Examination
  1074 May 21 Revoking Executive Order of January 19, 1909, Which Appointed the Council of Fine Arts
  1075 May 21 Reserving Lands Near Sparta, Wisconsin, for Military Target Range
  1076 May 22 Closing Government Offices on Mondays When Certain Holidays Fall on the Preceding Sunday
  1077 May 25 Communications and Reports Relative to Certain Territories and Possessions to be Transmitted through the Interior Department
  1078 May 25 Authorizing Reinstatement of F. B. Simons as Analytical Chemist in Treasury Department
  1079 May 28 Authorizing Appointment of Carl G. Barth as Expert in Shop Management at Watertown Arsenal
  1080 May 28 Reducing Portion of Crow Creek Forest Reserve Transferred to War Department for Military Purposes
  1081 Jun 02 Communications and Reports Relative to Indian Territory
  1082 Jun 03 lands in Arizona reserved for Coast and Geodetic Survey for magnetic observatory
  1083 Jun 07 Tariff of Consular Fees amended
  1084 Jun 08 Providing that Four Hours on Saturdays During July through September Constitutes a Day's Work for Federal Employees
  1085 Jun 11 Amending Executive Order Providing that Railroad Cars in Canal Zone Be Equipped with Safety Appliances
  1086 Jun 15 Reserving Lands in Rampart, Alaska, for Operation of Military Telegraph Lines
  1087 Jun 15 Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Miller as Classified Laborer in Patent Office
  1088 Jun 16 EO 1071 amended to exclude District of Columbia government from General Supply Committee
  1089 Jun 17 Reemployment of Repairmen for Interior Department Buildings
  1090 Jun 17 Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Arizona Which Were Reserved for Papago Indians
  1091 Jun 19 Authorizing Reinstatement of George M. Wrattan as Interpreter
  1092 Jun 19 Assistant Attorney General for Interior Dept. designated to act as Interior Secretary during absence of Secretary and First Secretary
  1093 Jun 21 Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Miller as Skilled Laborer in Patent Office
  1094 Jun 23 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except War Department Cable Electricians from Examination
  1095 Jun 25 Authorizing Appointment of Arthur F. Statter as Special Employee of Treasury Department
  1096 Jun 25 Superseding Executive Order of June 8, 1909, as to Hours of Labor on Saturdays During July-Sept
  1097 Jun 26 Amending Executive Order of May 12, 1909 Regarding Military Reservation on Shaw Island in Washington
  1098 Jun 28 Authorizing Appointment of LeClaire Hoover as Special Agent in Corporations Bureau
  1099 Jun 28 Authorizing Appointment of James M. Alexander as Cashier for Sixth Internal-Revenue District of California
  1100 Jun 28 Permanent Appointment of Temporary Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service in New York
  1101 Jun 29 Authorizing Appointment of John R. Bowie as Publicity Agent in Soils Bureau
  1102 Jun 29 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions for Temporary Acting Assistant Surgeons
  1103 Jun 29 Authorizing Classification of Certain Unclassified Watchmen in the Customs Service
  1104 Jun 29 Authorizing Appointment of Edward S. Hoskins as Indexer in Agriculture Department
  1105 Jul 01 Enlarging Military Reservation on Batan and Cacraray Islands, Philippine Islands
  1106 Jul 01 Transferring Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation in Oahu to Government of Territory of Hawaii for Reservoir Site
  1107 Jul 03 Surgeon General of Marine Hospital Service directed to inspect sanitary conditions in government buildings
  1108 Jul 03 Regulations Governing Employment of Unskilled Laborers Outside Washington, D.C.
  1109 Jul 09 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Superintendent of Construction, Corregidor, Philippine Island, from Examination
  1110 Jul 15 Placing Government of Porto Rico Under the War Department
  1111 Jul 16 Ordering that Executive Orders No. 1084 of June 8 and 1096 of June 25, 1909, are Not Applicable on the Isthmus of Panama
  1112 Jul 19 Authorizing Appointment of C. O. Kerr as Confidential Clerk to Land Defense Board at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y.
  1113 Jul 20 paragraphs 114, 115, 120, and 129 of Consular Regulations of 1896, regarding communications, amended
  1114 Jul 28 Transferring Oilers in Quartermaster's Department to Competitive Classified Service
  1115 Jul 30 Amending Sec. 149 of the Laws of the Canal Zone, Concerning Penalties for Murder in the First Degree
  1116 Jul 30 Providing for Diminution of Time from Sentences of Certain Convicts in the Canal Zone
  1117 Jul 30 Authorizing Leave for Grand Army of the Republic Members Employed by Government to Attend National Encampment in Salt Lake City
  1118 Aug 04 Permitting State and County Officials to Accept Appointments to Census Bureau as Special Agents for Collection of Cotton Statistics
  1119 Aug 05 Authorizing Classification of Certain Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service
  1120 Aug 06 Time limit for completion of work of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission extended to March 2, 1910.
  1121 Aug 06 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except More General Land Office Special Agents from Examination
  1122 Aug 27 Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day
  1123 Aug 27 Lands in Minnesota reserved by Proclamation 957 in 1892, restored to public domain subject to overflow rights
  1124 Aug 27 Enlarging Target Range at Fort Russell, Wyoming
  1125 Aug 27 Crook National Forest, Arizona, diminished
  1126 Sep 08 Amending Sec 454 of Act 14 of the Laws of the Canal Zone, Concerning Hunting in the Canal Zone
  1127 Sep 18 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Appointment of Messenger Boys Without Charge to Apportionment
  1128 Sep 24 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Employees at Leprosy Investigation Station, Molokai, Hawaii, from Examination
  1129 Sep 27 Reducing Hot Springs Military Reservation in Alaska
  1130 Oct 02 Amending the Laws of the Canal Zone Concerning Cruelty to Children and Animals
  1131 Oct 02 Ordering the Isthmian Canal Commission to Appoint a Board of Local Inspectors
  1132 Oct 03 Ordering expenses for Tariff Board paid from appropriation from Urgent Deficiency Act
  1133 Oct 19 Biorka Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska, reserved as naval wireless telegraph station
  1134 Oct 19 Transferring Military Reservation in Sangley Point, Luzon, Philippine Islands, to Navy Department
  1135 Nov 11 Transferring Certain Lands in Chehalis Indian Reservation to Perry Yukton
  1136 Nov 13 Lands in Arizona reserved as rifle range for Organized Militia of Territory of Arizona
  1137 Nov 15 Redefining Boundaries of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation in Hawaii
  1138 Nov 22 Authorizing Reinstatement of Fred V. Murphy as Architectural Draftsman in Office of Supervising Architect of the Treasury
  1139 Nov 22 Enlarging Camp Jossman Military Reservation, Guimaras, Philippine Islands
  1140 Nov 23 Limiting Hours of Service of All Telegraph or Telephone Employees of the Panama Railroad
  1141 Nov 23 Providing that Any Person Who Shall Induce Workmen of the Canal Zone to Break Contracts Shall Be Fined or Imprisoned
  1142 Nov 26 Influencing Legislation by Employees of the United States or Military Officers Stationed in Washington
  1143 Nov 26 Regulations Governing Appointments and Promotions in Diplomatic Service
  1144 Dec 06 Authorizing Appointment of James B. Davies as Clerk in State Department
  1145 Dec 08 Amending Regulations Governing Promotions in Consular Service Regarding Composition of Board of Examiners
  1146 Dec 10 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Chief Law Officer in the Reclamation Service from Examination
  1147 Dec 15 Additionally Reserving Wichita National Forest Lands for Protection of Water Supply of Fort Sill, Oklahoma
  1148 Dec 21 Permanent Appointment of Two Temporary Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service in New York
  1149 Dec 29 Permitting Temporary Employment of Machinists, Tool Makers, Electricians, and Apprentice Boys by the Census Bureau Without Examination
  1150 Dec 29 Permitting Certain Immigration Commission Employees to be Temporarily Employed by the Census Bureau


  1151 Jan 04 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Chief Post-Office Inspector from Examination
  1152 Jan 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Hodes in Government Printing Office
  1153 Jan 12 Procedure in Submitting Recommendations Relative to Appointment in Classified Service
  1154 Jan 13 Military Reservations Restored to Government of the Philippine Islands
  1155 Jan 13 Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry S. Graves in Forest Service
  1156 Jan 20 Authorizing Reinstatement of Lillie Pratt in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1157 Jan 27 Authorizing Reinstatement of John N. Parsons as Letter Carrier in Postal Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1158 Jan 26 Authorizing Canal Commission to Construct Sanitary Improvements and to Charge Proportion of Cost to Owners of Adjacent Property
  1159 Jan 27 Authorizing Reinstatement of Nannie M. Wayland as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1160 Jan 31 Authorizing Appointment of J. F. Boepple as Shell Expert in Bureau of Fisheries Without Examination
  1161 Feb 03 Consular regulations of 1896, paragraph 35, regarding penalty bonds, amended
  1162 Feb 04 Authorizing Reinstatement of John H. Dickinson as Inspector in Quartermaster's Department of the Army Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1163 Feb 08 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Statutory Places of Secretary in National Military Parks from Examination
  1164 Feb 08 Lands in Standing Rock Indian Reservation, South Dakota, transferred to Lemmon Land District
  1165 Feb 08 Lands in Standing Rock and Cheyenne Indian Reservations, South Dakota, transferred to Aberdeen Land District
  1166 Feb 08 Lands in Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, transferred from Bismarck Land District to Lemmon Land District
  1167 Feb 09 Time limit for completion of work of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission extended to May 2, 1910
  1168 Feb 15 Authorizing Reinstatement of John G. Curran in Assistant Custodian and Janitor Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1169 Feb 15 Lands in Arizona reserved as rifle range for National Guard of Arizona
  1170 Feb 21 Lands in Bismarck Land District, North Dakota, transferred to Fargo Land District; revoked by EO 1182
  1171 Feb 25 Lands in Missoula Land District, Montana, transferred to Kalispell Land District
  1172 Mar 01 Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation
  1173 Mar 03 Amendment of Executive Order No. 980 of November 25, 1908, Establishing Limits of Punishment for Enlisted Men of the Army
  1174 Mar 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry Bartalot as Marine Engineer in Quartermaster's Department at Large Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1175 Mar 12 Enlarging Kaakuakukui Reef Military Reservation, Hawaii, by transferring land from adjoining naval reservation
  1176 Mar 12 Amending Civil Service Rules to Permit Wife of Competitive Employee at Indian School to take Noncompetitive Examination
  1177 Mar 15 Authorizing Reinstatement of James A. Compton, William E. Dulin, and George P. Meyer in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1178 Mar 23 Lands in Oregon, reserved for War Dept. for improvement of Coos Bay and harbor, restored to public domain
  1179 Mar 23 Amending Civil Service Rules To Except Temporary Histopathologist from Examination
  1180 Mar 23 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations
  1181 Mar 25 Naval reservation at Punchbowl slope, Honolulu, Hawaii, transferred to Agriculture Dept.
  1182 Mar 25 EO 1170 revoked
  1182½ Mar 25 Authority of unnumbered EO of Feb. 2, 1904 for Commerce and Labor Sec'y to reserve Alaska lands for propagation of foxes, extended to allow reservation for propagation of other fur-bearing animals
  1183 Mar 30 El Reno Land Office, Okla., abolished; transferred to Guthrie Land Office
  1184 Apr 02 Providing that Moneys Paid for Liquor Licenses in Canal Zone be Collected by Collector of Revenues
  1185 Apr 04 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department
  1186 Apr 08 Reserving Lands in Alaska for War Department for Defensive Purposes
  1187 Apr 09 Lands in Arizona reserved for target range for National Guard of Arizona
  1188 Apr 12 Appointing Maurice H. Thatcher as Member of Isthmian Canal Commission
  1189 Apr 12 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Assistant Secretary at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission from Examination
  1190 Apr 16 Defining Duties of Counsel and Chief Attorney for the Isthmian Canal Commission
  1191 Apr 18 Authorizing Appointment of Collinson Lewis Warwick as Nautical Expert in Coast and Geodetic Survey Without Examination
  1192 Apr 19 Portion of Former Crow Creek Forest Reserve Fully Transferred to War Department for Target and Maneuver Purposes
  1193 Apr 26 Reserving Land in Beaver Dam, Alaska, for Use by Army Signal Corps in Operation of Telegraph Lines
  1194 Apr 26 Six tracts of land in Alaska reserved for educational purposes
  1195 Apr 28 Authorizing Appointment of 25 Clerks in Post Office Department for Employees Previously Transferred from Bureau of Printing and Engraving
  1196 Apr 28 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Method of Certification
  1197 Apr 28 Reserving Land in Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, for Military Purposes
  1198 Apr 30 Appointing Board to Study and Make Recommendations Regarding System of Telegraphy in Philippine Islands
  1199 May 05 Lester M. Spier, executive sec'y of Tariff Board, authorized to approve payment vouchers in absence of Chairman or Acting Chairman
  1200 May 05 Tariff Board members, travelling on official business, allowed $15 per diem expenses
  1201 May 05 Henry C. Emery, James B. Reynolds, Alvin H. Sanders appointed Tariff Board special disbursing agents
  1202 May 06 Authorizing Appointment of French Government Engineers in Engineer Department at Large Without Examination
  1203 May 11 Authorizing Appointment of Helen M. Bullis as Special Inspectress in Immigration Service Without Examination
  1204 May 12 Authorizing Appointment of Henry Suberkrup as Guard and Musical Instructor in United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, Without Examination
  1205 May 13 Amending Executive Order of April 26, 1910, Reserving Land in Beaver Dam, Alaska, for Use by Army Signal Corps in Operation of Telegraph Lines
  1206 May 27 Defining Boundaries of Gasparilla Island and Cayo Costa Military Reservations in Florida
  1207 May 27 Lands in Columbia River, Wash., reserved for use by War Dept. for improvement of river
  1208 Jun 07 Directing Officials in all Branches of Government to Provide Tariff Board Access to Needed Information
  1209 Jun 08 Santa Barbara National Forest, California, enlarged by adding all lands of San Luis National Forest
  1210 Jun 13 EO 9 waived to allow state and local officials to accept appointments at Census Bureau for collection of statistics data
  1211 Jun 13 Lands of Yakima Indian Reservation, formerly part of Walla Walla and Vancouver Land Districts, transferred to North Yakima Land District
  1212 Jun 22 Unsurveyed island in Columbia River, Oregon, reserved for War Dept. as site for marine ways for improvement of Upper Columbia River
  1213 Jun 22 Additionally Reserving Portion of Gila National Forest for Protection of Water Supply of Fort Bayard in New Mexico
  1214 Jun 22 Authorizing Reinstatement of Louise M. Foster as Laborer in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1215 Jun 17 Transferring Naval Reservations in Cebu and Isabela de Basilan and Polloc, Philippine Islands, to War Department
  1216 Jun 23 Reserving Lands in Montana for Military Purposes to Protect Big Hole Battlefield Monument
  1217 Jul 01 Amending Paragraph 684 of Consular Regulations Regarding Samples of Goods
  1218 Jul 01 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Specialist in Bureau of Education from Examination
  1219 Jul 01 Authorizing Appointment of Editor in Bureau of Education Without Examination
  1220 Jul 01 Adding Lands to Duck Valley Indian Reservation
  1221 Jul 01 Reserving Lands in New Mexico as Reservation for Pueblo Indians Belonging to Pueblo Laguna
  1222 Jul 01 Agricultural experiment station in Arizona enlarged to enable completion of experiments
  1223 Jul 02 Authorizing Reinstatement of Capt. J. W. Powell as Clerk in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1224 Jul 07 Partially Revoking Executive Order of August 25, 1877 which Reserved Lands in California for Indian Use
  1225 Jul 12 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Certain Laborers in Customs Service, District of Hawaii, from Examination
  1226 Jul 12 Authorizing Retention of Certain Recently-Employed Agents in Interior Department in Classified Service
  1227 Jul 12 Rescinding Executive Order No. 310-C of March 22, 1905, Reserving Lands for Flowage Purposes in Maintenance of Reservoirs at Headwaters of Mississippi River
  1228 Jul 13 Public lands within Siletz Indian Reservation, Oregon, temporarily withdrawn for classification and pending legislation
  1229 Jul 15 Transferring Portion of Cordova Bay Military Reservation in Alaska to Navy Department
  1230 Jul 25 Authorizing Isthmian Canal Commission to Establish Rules and Regulations to Protect Works of Excavation, Dredging, and Other Canal Construction
  1231 Jul 28 Concerning Civil Actions in Courts of the Canal Zone in Cases which Parties are Alien Nonresidents
  1232 Jul 28 Lands withdrawn pending legislation to grant tract to City of Tillamock for waterway purposes
  1233 Jul 28 Authorizing Appointment of Charles W. Fowle as Clerk in Department of State Without Examination
  1234 Aug 04 Boundaries of Lincoln Land District, New Mexico, redefined
  1235 Aug 08 Authorizing Reinstatement of Robert T. Frazier in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1236 Aug 08 Authorizing Placement of John J. Scully as Classified Laborer in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1237 Aug 15 Lands on Cordova Point, Prince William Sound, Alaska, reserved for naval purposes
  1238 Aug 20 Lands in Arizona reserved as rifle range for National Guard of Arizona
  1239 Aug 20 Conveyance of Real Estate by Married Women in the Canal Zone
  1240 Aug 20 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department
  1241 Aug 23 Lands in Colorado withdrawn pending legislation to grant tract to National Lincoln Douglas Sanatorium and Consumptives' Hospital Association
  1242 Aug 23 Enlarging Schofield Barracks Military Reservation in Hawaii
  1243 Aug 24 Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day
  1244 Sep 02 EO 1234 revoked; new boundaries for Lincoln Land District established
  1245 Sep 14 Authorizing Placement of Twenty-Nine Laborers on Classified List in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1246 Sep 16 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers from Isthmus of Panama
  1247 Sep 24 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Forest Service
  1248 Sep 26 Transferring Hawkins Island Naval Reservation in Alaska to War Department
  1249 Sep 30 Making Certain Positions in First and Second Class Post Offices Subject to Civil Service Examination
  1250 Oct 04 Abolishing the Position of Tax Collector, Creating the Position of Deputy Collector of Revenues, and Amending the Laws Governing Taxes, etc., in the Canal Zone
  1251 Oct 04 Portion of Lemmon Land District, North Dakota, transferred to Bismarck Land District
  1252 Oct 04 Portion of Lemmon Land District, North Dakota, transferred to Dickinson Land District
  1253 Oct 07 To Prescribe the Manner of Leasing Public Lands in the Canal Zone
  1254 Oct 10 Lands at Baguio, Benguet, Luzon, Philippine Islands, reserved for naval hospital and other naval purposes
  1255 Oct 13 Lands in Arizona reserved for use of National Guard of Arizona
  1256 Oct 20 Adding Lands to the Salt River Indian Reservation
  1257 Oct 22 Further Reserving Lands in Gila National Forest, New Mexico, to Protect Water Supply of Fort Bayard
  1258 Oct 25 Authorizing Appointment of W. E. S. Griswold as Secretary of Investigative Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1259 Oct 25 Ordering that All Public Buildings to be Erected in District of Columbia Be Submitted to Commission of Fine Arts for Advice
  1260 Oct 28 Restoring Portion of Chugach National Forest, Alaska, to the Public Domain
  1261 Oct 31 Transferring Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation in Hawaii to the Commerce and Labor Department for Lighthouse Purposes
  1262 Nov 02 Lands in New Mexico further reserved as rifle range for National Guard of New Mexico
  1263 Nov 04 Authorizing Permanent Appointment of William J. Meyers as Statistician in Interstate Commerce Commission Without Examination
  1264 Nov 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of Mary A. Wells as Clerk in Bureau of the Census Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1265 Nov 25 Transferring Lands from Mono National Forest, Nevada to Toiyabe National Forest
  1265½ Nov 25 Constituting the Internal Revenue District of Oklahoma
  1266 Dec 01 Authorizing Civil Service Commission to Except Certain Unusual Positions from Examination
  1267 Dec 01 Fort Mojave Indian Reservation
  1268 Dec 02 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Navy Department
  1269 Dec 06 Members of certain organizations employed by Government in District of Columbia excused from duty on Dec. 7, 1910, for unveiling of statue of Baron Frederick von Steuben
  1270 Dec 12 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles M. Irelan as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1271 Dec 13 Adding Lands to Coeur d'Alene Reservation
  1272 Dec 12 Thomas W. Brahany, executive sec'y of Tariff Board, authorized to approve fund requisitions in absence of chairman or acting chairman
  1273 Dec 16 Authorizing Reinstatement of Edward K. Ketchum as Letter Carrier in Philadelphia Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1274 Dec 20 Communications and Reports Relative to Guam and Samoa to be Transmitted through the Secretary of the Navy
  1275 Dec 20 Authorizing Transfer of Furloughed Lighthouse Service Employees Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1276 Dec 23 Lands in New Mexico, Idaho, and Colorado, previously reserved as administrative sites for Lincoln, Pocatello, Las Animas, and San Isabel National Forests, restored to settlement and entry
  1277 Dec 23 Prohibiting Government Employees from Instructing Persons for Examinations for Diplomatic Services


  1278 Jan 04 Authorizing Appointment of Florence G. Miller as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1279 Jan 04 Abolishing Fort Ringgold Military Reservation, Texas
  1280 Jan 06 Transfering New Orleans, Louisiana, Land Office to Baton Rouge
  1281 Jan 06 Natchitoches Land District, Louisiana, Abolished and Land, Business and Archives Pertaining Thereto, Transferred to Baton Rouge Land District
  1282 Jan 10 Restoring Biliran Island Military Reservation to Government of Philippine Islands
  1283 Jan 11 Prescribing schedule for Army rations
  1284 Jan 16 Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Navajo Indian Reservation
  1285 Jan 16 Authorizing Use of French Dump Cars in Canal Zone Without Safety Appliances
  1286 Jan 19 To Create a Land Office for the Canal Zone and for Other Purposes
  1287 Jan 24 Restoring to Public Domain Certain Described Lands in Minnesota
  1288 Jan 26 Authorizing Appointment of George T. Weitzel and Willing Spencer as Clerks in Department of State Without Examination
  1289 Jan 26 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Navy Positions on Guam from Examination
  1290 Jan 30 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations of Miners
  1291 Jan 30 Lands in Minnesota reserved for proposed improvement of Zippel Bay
  1292 Jan 30 Richardson Rock, island off of California, reserved for lighthouse purposes
  1293 Jan 30 Authorizing Reinstatement of Archibald Edmonstone as Assistant Weigher in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1294 Jan 30 Authorizing Appointment of Edith F. Spofford as Clerk in Bureau of Mines Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1295 Feb 02 To Provide a Method of Executing and Recording Deeds, and to Repeal the Executive Order Dated March 12, 1907, Effective April 15, 1907, Relating to the Same Subject
  1296 Feb 02 Fort Mojave Indian Reservation
  1297 Feb 13 Reserving lands in Idaho for Protection of Water Supply of Boise Barracks, Fort Boise
  1298 Feb 13 Reservations of Lands in the Philippine Islands
  1299 Feb 16 Ordering Lands Ceded by Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians No Longer Held as Indian Land
  1300 Feb 16 Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indians
  1301 Feb 16 Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior
  1302 Feb 16 Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Minnesota Lands Ceded by Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands of Sioux Indians
  1303 Feb 18 Appointment of Commander Richard H. Jackson to Wireless Telegraphy Board
  1304 Feb 18 Certain lands in Florida, reserved for lighthouse purposes, restored to public domain
  1305 Feb 18 Land office for Aberdeen Land District, South Dakota, transferred to Timber Lake
  1306 Feb 20 Portion of Waterville Land District, Washington, transferred to North Yakima Land District
  1307 Feb 21 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Navy Positions on Samoa from Examination
  1308 Feb 21 Fox Administrative Site established for Ozark National Forest, Arizona
  1309 Feb 25 Authorizing Reinstatement of William E. Lewis in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1310 Feb 27 Authorizing Reinstatement of Nathan C. Grover as Chief Engineer in United States Geological Survey Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1311 Mar 01 Certain lands in Florida, reserved for lighthouse purposes, restored to public domain; Executive Order 1304 superseded
  1312 Mar 04 Tariff Board created, members named, and duties prescribed
  1313 Mar 04 Designating Martin A. Knapp as chairman of Interstate Commerce Commission
  1314 Mar 08 Portion of Humboldt National Forest, Nevada, restored to public domain
  1315 Mar 14 Certain lands in Arizona reserved as target range for use by National Guard
  1316 Mar 14 Certain lands in Juneau, Alaska, reserved as site for mansion and museum building
  1317 Mar 14 Land office for San Francisco Land District, California, transferred from Oakland to San Francisco
  1318 Mar 14 Lands in Minnesota, reserved for flowage purposes regarding reservoir construction at Mississippi River headwaters, restored to public domain
  1319 Mar 16 Appointing Walter W. Warwick Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone
  1320 Mar 16 Appointing Thomas E. Brown, Jr., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone
  1321 Mar 20 Authorizing Retention of Five Panama Railroad Employees in Classified Service
  1322 Mar 22 Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation
  1323 Mar 24 Big Pine Administrative Site, California, created for Inyo National Forest
  1324 Mar 24 Long Pine Administrative Site, California, created for Kern National Forest
  1324½ Mar 28 Reserving All Public Lands in Alaska Containing Hot Springs for Public Purposes
  1325 Mar 29 Stony Ford Administrative Site, California, created for California National Forest
  1326 Mar 29 Hornbrook Administrative Site, California, created for Klamath National Forest
  1327 Apr 03 Apex Administrative Site, California, created for Lassen National Forest
  1328 Apr 03 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Certain Marine Corps Clerks from Examination
  1329 Apr 04 Authorizing Reinstatement of W. E. Shields in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1330 Apr 10 Abolishing Powder House Lot Military Reservation, Florida
  1331 Apr 11 Certain lands at Juneau, Alaska, reserved as site for mansion and museum building; EO 445 and EO 1316 amended
  1332 Apr 11 Establishing Clear Lake Reservation, California, as preserve and breeding ground for birds
  1333 Apr 14 Amending Army Limits of Punishment Regarding Loaning Money at Usurious Rates of Interest
  1334 Apr 15 Authorizing Reinstatement of Mary E. Gunion in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1335 Apr 17 Authorizing Appointment of Six Agents to Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1336 Apr 19 Mokelumne (E) Administrative Site, California, created for Stanislaus National Forest
  1337 Apr 19 Round Valley Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Apache National Forest
  1338 Apr 20 Reserving Lands in Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, for Military Purposes
  1339 Apr 21 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Retransfers to Former Positions
  1340 Apr 21 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Assistant to Secretary of the Interior from Examination
  1341 Apr 24 Lands in New Mexico, within Gila National Forest, reserved to protect water supply of Fort Bayard
  1342 Apr 24 Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph R. Mulcare as Letter Carrier Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1343 Apr 28 Bloomfield Administrative Site, California, created for Tahoe National Forest
  1344 Apr 29 Authorizing Reinstatement of Leroy T. Steward as Superintendent at Chicago Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1345 May 02 Prohibiting Deported Persons from Returning to the Canal Zone
  1346 May 02 Lands in Montana, formerly part of Fort Shaw Indian School, reserved for use by Reclamation Service
  1347 May 06 Reserving Lands in Valdez, Alaska, for Operation of Military Telegraph Lines
  1348 May 06 Relating to the Arrest and Discharge of Deserting Seamen in the Canal Zone
  1349 May 08 Gila River Reservation
  1350 May 10 Authorizing Appointment of John Roche and Patrick McKeefrey as Watchmen in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1351 May 10 Government of the Insane Asylum for the Canal Zone
  1352 May 10 Prohibiting Evasion of Fare on Railway Trains in Canal Zone
  1353 May 13 To Provide for the Collection of a Distillation Tax
  1354 May 16 Baker Administrative Site, Near Nevada National Forest, Nevada
  1355 May 16 Box Springs Administrative Site, California, created for Angeles National Forest
  1356 May 16 Lands in Idaho reserved as rifle range for National Guard
  1357 May 22 Mokelumne (W) Administrative Site, California, created for Stanislaus National Forest
  1358 May 22 Authorizing Transfer of John E. Wilkie to Supervisor in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1359 May 24 Reserving Land in New Mexico for Indian Purposes
  1360 May 25 Authorizing Appointment of Mary E. Gunion to Clerical Grade Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1361 May 26 Restoring Certain Lands in Valdez, Alaska, to Public Domain
  1362 May 26 Enlarging Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Kaakaukukui Reef, Honolulu, Hawaii
  1363 May 26 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Post Office Positions
  1364 May 29 Enlarging Torrey Barracks Military Reservation, Malabang, Mindanao, Philippine Islands
  1365 May 29 Authorizing Retention of James B. Horigan in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1366 May 31 Authorizing Appointment of George E. Pickett as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1367 May 31 Fort Wingate Military Reservation, New Mexico, made part of Zuni National Forest
  1368 Jun 02 Reserving Land in Arizona for Use of Walapai Indians
  1369 Jun 02 Silver Creek Administrative Site, South Dakota, created for Black Hills National Forest
  1370 Jun 09 Authorizing Reinstatement of I. C. Faulk as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1371 Jun 12 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Treasury Department Examination Exceptions
  1372 Jun 12 Amending Effective Date of Collection of Distillation Tax
  1373 Jun 16 Mad River Administrative Site, California, created for Trinity National Forest
  1374 Jun 16 Reserving Lands for Benefit of Papago Indians
  1375 Jun 26 Indian Administrative Site, Utah, created for Fillmore National Forest
  1376 Jun 26 Authorizing Appointment of Five Deputy Auditors to Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1377 Jun 26 Reserving Certain Described Lands in Hawaii for Military Purposes; Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Diamond Head, Oahu, T.H.
  1378 Jun 28 Bennett Administrative Site, California, created for California National Forest
  1379 Jun 28 Reserving Lands in Southern Florida as Reservation for Seminole Indians
  1380 Jun 28 Authorizing Chairman and Chief Engineer of Canal Zone to Issue Revocable Licenses for Townsite Lots
  1381 Jun 28 Authorizing William T. Thompson, Treasury solicitor, to temporarily act in place of Fletcher Maddox, Internal Revenue solicitor
  1382 Jul 07 State Dept. employees forbidden to furnish information regarding moneys related to Section 291 of Revised Statues except to authorized officials
  1383 Jul 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry M. Camp Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1384 Jul 10 Austin Administrative Site, Nevada, created for Toiyabe National Forest
  1385 Jul 14 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles L. Dooley Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1386 Jul 21 Providing for the Inspection of Steam Vessels
  1387 Jul 31 Gila River Indian Reservation
  1388 Jul 31 Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Richardson Without Examination
  1389 Aug 01 Abolishing Fort Niobrara Military Reservation
  1390 Aug 02 Authorizing Sylvester P. Bartlett to Hold Position in Illinois State Fish Commission Without Regard to Executive Order of January 17, 1873
  1391 Aug 02 Authorizing Transfer of Charles B. Bateman to Mechanical Position in Classified Service
  1392 Aug 04 Against the Promotion of Fights between Bulls, Dogs, or Cocks
  1393 Aug 04 Lincoln Rock, Clarence Strait, Alaska, reserved for lighthouse purposes
  1394 Aug 09 Authorizing Appointment of Interstate Commerce Commission Secretary Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1395 Aug 09 Authorizing Reinstatement of Lilly Dent Rogers as Clerk in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1396 Aug 09 Authorizing Reinstatement of Randolph Fortune as Messenger in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1397 Aug 10 Abolishing Fort Grant Military Reservation
  1398 Aug 15 Nogales Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Coranado National Forest
  1399 Aug 17 Lawton Land District, Oklahoma, abolished; transferred to Guthrie Land District
  1400 Aug 17 Hole-In-The-Rock Administrative Site, Utah, created for Ashley National Forest
  1401 Aug 18 Emma Administrative Site, Colorado, created for Sopris National Forest
  1402 Aug 21 Authorizing Transfer of Norris R. Welsh to Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1403 Aug 22 Authorizing Appointment of Edwin L. Williams as Clerk in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1404 Aug 25 Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day
  1405 Aug 25 Sapinero Administrative Site, Colorado, created for Gunnison National Forest
  1406 Sep 01 Amending Executive Order Reserving Lands in New Mexico for use by Indians of Jemez Pueblo
  1407 Sep 01 Amending EO 574, Regarding Rules and Regulations for Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas
  1408 Sep 04 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination for Commercial Agents
  1409 Sep 08 Establishing the Postal Savings System in the Canal Zone
  1410 Sep 08 To Prohibit the Placing of Signs on Lands and Property of the United States and the Panama Railroad Company
  1411 Sep 13 Pasay Barracks Reservation Restored to Control of Government of Philippine Islands
  1412 Sep 14 Removal of Packing or Waste from Journal Boxes of Railroad Equipment
  1413 Sep 21 Appointing William H. Jackson Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone
  1414 Sep 26 To Amend Sections 51, 62, and 526, and to Repeal Sections 63 and 529 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Canal Zone
  1415 Sep 26 Lands in South Dakota reserved for dry land agricultural experiments by Agriculture Department
  1416 Sep 28 Reserving Additional Land for Use of Pima and Maricopa Indians
  1417 Oct 02 EO 1337 revoked, different site reserved for Round Valley Admistrative Site for Apache National Forest
  1418 Oct 02 Authorizing Appointment of Edwin M. Hamilton as Lumberman in Indian Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1419 Oct 14 Amending Section 10 of Act No. 9 of the Sanitary Rules and Regulations for the Canal Zone
  1420 Oct 14 To Prohibit the Practise of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Midwifery Without a License
  1421 Oct 14 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination
  1422 Oct 14 Abolishing Fort Brown Military Reservation, Texas
  1423 Oct 24 Enlarging Military Reservation at Nulato, Alaska
  1424 Oct 24 Burk Administrative Site, Montana, created for Bitterroot National Forest
  1425 Oct 24 Weeping Child Administrative Site, Montana, created for Bitterroot National Forest
  1426 Oct 23 Reserving Additional Land in Arizona for Use of Pima and Maricopa Indians
  1427 Oct 28 Authorizing Reinstatement of Edwin H. Peery as Clerk in Office of the Judge Advocate General Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1428 Nov 01 Ear Mountain Administrative Site, Montana, created for Lewis and Clark National Forest
  1429 Nov 03 Reducing Santa Rosa National Forest, Nevada; lands returned to public domain
  1430 Nov 06 Authorizing Employment of Alumni of National School of Engineering of Mexico Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1431 Nov 13 Apache Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Chiracahua National Forest
  1432 Nov 13 Valley Administrative Site, South Dakota, created for Sioux National Forest
  1433 Nov 15 To Prevent the Unauthorized Purchase of Supplies and Equipment from Persons in the Army or Navy [in the Canal Zone]
  1434 Nov 17 Authorizing Reinstatement of Richard W. Barkley as Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules]
  1435 Nov 18 To Amend Sections 1 and 2, of Act No. 2, of the Canal Zone Laws, Relating To Notaries Public
  1436 Nov 20 Abolishing Fort Assinniboine Military Reservation, Montana
  1437 Nov 23 Lands near Albay Province, Luzon, Philippine Islands, reserved as target range for Regan Barracks Military Reservation
  1438 Nov 23 Restoring Certain Lands Between Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon, Alaska, to Public Domain
  1439 Nov 25 Enlarging Cold Springs Bird Refuge, Oregon
  1440 Dec 04 Prescribing Salaries for American Section of International Joint Commission on United States-Canada boundary waters
  1441 Dec 04 Bell Mountain Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Lemhi National Forest
  1442 Dec 05 Authorizing Classification of Charles W. Carson Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1443 Dec 09 Amending Civil Service Rule VII, Section 1(c), Regarding Probationary Period
  1444 Dec 09 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Removals
  1445 Dec 14 Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Dawson as Watchman in Lighthouse Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1446 Dec 16 Portion of Salt Lake City Land District, Utah, transferred to Vernal Land District
  1447 Dec 16 Withdrawing Lands Near Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, From Settlement
  1448 Dec 26 To Amend Executive Order Prohibiting the Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Midwifery Within the Canal Zone Without a License
  1449 Dec 29 Prescribing Compensation for Members of Commission Investigating Issuance of Stocks and Bonds by Railroad Corporations
  1450 Dec 29 Lands in New Mexico reserved as target range for Fort Bliss Military Reservation, Texas
  1451 Dec 30 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Rural Carriers in Post Office Department


  1452 Jan 02 Drew Administrative Site, South Dakota, created for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Harney National Forest
  1453 Jan 04 Diamond Administrative Site, Montana, created for Helena National Forest
  1454 Jan 06 Geyser Springs Administrative Site, Wyoming, created for Bonneville National Forest
  1455 Jan 06 Riverview Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Nezperce (sic) National Forest
  1456 Jan 06 Lands in Alaska reserved for use by Navt Dept. as wireless telegraph station
  1457 Jan 09 Authorizing Reinstatement of Paul Brosig as Draftsman in Isthmian Canal Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1458 Jan 11 Establishing Forrester Island Reservation in Alaska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds
  1459 Jan 11 Establishing Hazy Islands Reservation in Alaska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds
  1460 Jan 11 Authorizing Reinstatement and Transfer of Charles S. Heinline to Clerk in Indian Field Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1461 Jan 11 Establishing Niobrara Reservation in Nebraska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds
  1462 Jan 12 Authorizing Appointment of Florence E. Mole as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1463 Jan 12 Providing that a Census of the Canal Zone Be Taken Not Later than April 30, 1912
  1464 Jan 13 Reducing Clear Lake Reservation in California
  1465 Jan 17 Reserving Land in Utah for School, Agency, and Other Uses for Benefit of Indians
  1466 Jan 24 Authorizing Reinstatement of Pembrook B. Banton as Clerk in Isthmian Canal Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1467 Feb 01 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers of Letter Carriers
  1468 Feb 05 To Provide an Inexpensive Method for the Administration of Estates of Deceased and Insane Persons in Certain Cases
  1469 Feb 07 Authorizing Reinstatement of John La Fon, Jr., as Lumberman in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1470 Feb 08 Amending Civil Service Rule VII Regarding Probationary Period
  1471 Feb 08 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Removals
  1472 Feb 14 Authorizing Government Employees Residing Near District of Columbia to Hold Municipal Office
  1473 Feb 16 Authorizing Appointment of John Lewis Donovan to Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1474 Feb 16 Malachite Administrative Site, Colorado, created for San Isabel National Forest
  1475 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to White Mountain and San Carlos Reservation
  1476 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation
  1477 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation
  1478 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to Tule River Indian Reservation
  1479 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation
  1480 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
  1481 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation
  1482 Feb 17 Restoring Lands to Zuni and Navajo Indian Reservations
  1483 Feb 17 Restoring Lands in New Mexico to Navajo Reservation
  1484 Feb 19 Authorizing Appointment of Embree E. Hoss, Jr., as Inspector in Post Office Without Examination
  1485 Feb 20 Restoring to Public Domain Lands in California Which Were Reserved for Indian Purposes
  1486 Feb 21 Enlarging Minidoka Reservation, Idaho
  1487 Feb 21 Establishing Green Bay Reservation in Wisconsin as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds
  1488 Feb 23 Authorizing Reinstatement of Edward W. Cady as Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1489 Feb 28 To Provide a Maximum Speed for Motor Vehicles in the Canal Zone and Establish a Rule of the Road
  1490 Feb 29 Authorizing Appointment of William Langley as Clerk in Census Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1491 Mar 01 Portion of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, transferred from Black Hills Land District to Chamberlain Land District
  1492 Mar 01 Compensation for members of commission to investigate second-class mail costs prescribed
  1493 Mar 01 Compensation for Daniel L. Cease, member of commission to investigate employers' liability, prescribed
  1494 Mar 11 Compensation for members of commission to investigate second-class mail costs amended
  1495 Mar 11 Reserving Hunter's Rock or Prince Island in Pacific Ocean for use of Smith River Indians
  1496 Mar 11 Reserving Land in California for Indian Use
  1497 Mar 15 Government employees in District of Columbia granted half holiday, March 23, to attend USS Maine memorial services
  1498 Mar 15 Sanitary Inspection Of Government Buildings
  1499 Mar 16 Disposal of Useless Papers
  1500 Mar 20 Rock Creek Administrative Site, Montana, created for Cabinet National Forest
  1501 Mar 23 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles W. Rider in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1502 Mar 23 Alder Administrative Site, Montana, created for Jefferson National Forest
  1503 Mar 23 Carney Administrative Site, Montana, created for Madison National Forest
  1504 Mar 25 Weeping Child Administrative Site, Montana, re-established for Bitterroot National Forest
  1505 Mar 26 Portion of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota, transferred to Minot Land District
  1506 Mar 26 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles W. Rider as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1507 Mar 27 Portion of Barracks Lot Military Reservaion, Oahu, Hawaii, restored to Government of Territory of Hawaii for use by militia
  1508 Mar 30 Authorizing Appointment of Y. Tsenshan Wang as Field Assistant in Geological Survey Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1509 Mar 30 Authorizing Appointment of Andrew M. Latham as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1510 Apr 01 Reducing Lincoln National Forest and Reserving Lands for Military Purposes
  1511 Apr 01 Katka Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Pend Oreille National Forest
  1512 Apr 01 Lands on Near Island, near Kodiak Island, Alaska, reserved for use by Agriculture Dept. as experiment station
  1513 Apr 01 Lands on Kodiak Island, Alaska, on Kalsin Bay, reserved for use by Agriculture Dept. as experiment station
  1514 Apr 08 Communications to Congress by Employees of the United States
  1515 Apr 09 Authorizing Appointment of Margaret C. Leonard as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1516 Apr 10 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination for Inspectors in Interior Department
  1517 Apr 13 Reserving Land in California for Indian Use
  1518 Apr 13 Withdrawing Lands from Flathead or Jocko Reservation for Examination and Classification
  1519 Apr 17 To Prevent Trespassing Upon Reservations [in the Canal Zone]
  1520 Apr 20 Land neer Ketchikan, Tongass Narrows, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, reserved for lighthouse purposes
  1521 Apr 22 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles H. Quackenbush in Railway Mail Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1522 Apr 24 Reserving Land in California for Indian Use
  1523 Apr 29 Harney National Forest, South Dakota, diminished
  1524 Apr 30 Authorizing Appointment of Homer C. Poundstone in Civil Service Commission Without Examination
  1525 Apr 30 Requiring Purchases to Conform to the United States Government Specification for Portland Cement
  1526 May 03 Lands in New Mexico reserved for use by Agriculture Dept as experiment station for native pastures and breeding of horses'
  1527 May 03 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Probationary Periods
  1528 May 09 Grey Bull Administrative Site, Wyoming, created for Shoshone National Forest
  1529 May 09 Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use
  1530 May 10 Authorizing Appointment of Louise Lester as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1531 May 11 Portion of Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, Oahu, restored to Government of Territory of Hawaii for park purposes
  1532 May 21 To Amend the Executive Order Providing for the Collection of a Distillation Tax
  1533 May 27 Authorizing Reinstatement of Walter L. Barnum as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1534 May 28 Authorizing Reinstatement of Wesley M. Featherly in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1535 May 28 Coldspring Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Targhee National Forest
  1536 May 28 Taylor Creek Administrative Site, Oregon, created for Siskiyou National Forest
  1537 May 28 Roosevelt Annex Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Coronado National Forest
  1538 May 28 Lands in Pinal County, Arizona, Reserved for use of the Papago and other Indians
  1539 May 29 Deep Creek Band - Reserving Lands in Tooele County, Utah, for Use by Indians on Public Domain
  1540 May 29 Reserving Land in Arizona for use by Walapai Indians
  1541 May 29 Civil and Spanish-American War veterans given preference in Decoration Day holiday granted Government employees
  1542 Jun 05 Authorizing Reinstatement of Arthur S. Blum as Photographer in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1543 Jun 06 Authorizing Appointment of Margaret A. Hampton as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1544 Jun 11 Authorizing Appointment of May Stanley in Classified Service Without Examination
  1545 Jun 12 Brownsville, Texas, Plant Introduction-Garden
  1546 Jun 15 Authorizing Reinstatement of Oscar Wenderoth as Supervising Architect in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1547 Jun 19 Waiving Provisions of Eight-Hour Contract Act for Canal Zone Contracts Until January 1, 1915
  1548 Jun 19 Authorizing Appointment of John G. Lerch as Private Secretary Without Examination
  1549 Jun 19 Authorizing Transfer of M. M. Dodge to Naturalization Examiner Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1550 Jun 19 Sevier National Forest, Utah, diminished
  1551 Jun 19 Divide Administrative Site, Montana, created for Deerlodge National Forest
  1552 Jun 19 Whitetail Administrative Site, Montana, created for Deerlodge National Forest
  1553 Jun 19 Rebel Creek Administrative Site, Nevada, created for Santa Rosa National Forest
  1554 Jun 19 Charles W Cobb, Assistant Atty General, designated to act as Interior Secretary during absence of said Sec'y
  1555 Jun 19 Reserving Lands Near Hydaburg, Alaska, for use of the Hydah Tribe of Indians
  1556 Jun 24 Authorizing Proportions of All National Flags and Union Jacks for Departments of Government
  1557 Jul 03 Reserving Land on Left Bank of Tanana River, Alaska, for Military Purposes
  1558 Jul 06 Reserving Land in South Dakota for Indian School and Administrative Purposes
  1559 Jul 06 Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Kaakaukukui Reef, Honolulu, Hawaii, enlarged
  1560 Jul 10 Rico Sarco Administrative Site, New Mexico, created for Pecos National Forest
  1561 Jul 10 Authorizing Reinstatement of Leroy A. McGee as Post Office Inspector Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1562 Jul 12 Authorizing Retention of Fourteen Tariff Board Employees Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1563 Jul 18 Redding Land Office, California, abolished and transferred to Sacramento Land Office
  1564 Jul 19 Nine Mile Administrative Site, Montana, created for Lolo National Forest
  1565 Jul 19 Butterfly Administrative Site, Montana, created for Bitterroot National Forest
  1566 Jul 19 Authorizing Appointment of Dorsey E. Phillips as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1567 Jul 19 Ordering Executive Department Heads to Send Information on Office Archives to Librarian of Congress
  1568 Jul 23 Baker Administrative Site, Utah, enlarged for La Sal National Forest
  1569 Jul 23 Authorizing Reinstatement of Isaac D. Laferty in Bureau of Pensions Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1570 Jul 25 Authorizing Reinstatement of James D. Goldsby in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1571 Jul 27 Authorizing Promotion of Richard T. Underwood to Clerk in Post Office Department Without Examination
  1572 Jul 30 Three Forks Administrative Site, Colorado, created for Rio Grande National Forest
  1573 Jul 31 Authorizing Appointment of Mingo Sanders as Messenger in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1574 Aug 01 Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day
  1575 Aug 10 Authorizing Reinstatement of George H. Getz as to Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1576 Aug 13 Lands in Oregon reserved for classification and pending legislation
  1577 Aug 13 Aliso Administrative Site, California, created for Cleveland National Forest
  1578 Aug 13 Lands in Oregon reserved pending legislation for inclusion in national forest
  1579 Aug 19 Transferring Certain Lands from Fort Duschesne Military Reservation to Interior Department
  1580 Aug 21 Permitting Temporary Employment of Machinists, Tool Makers, Electricians, and Apprentice Boys by the Census Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1581 Aug 23 Authorizing Appointment of Sadie A. Wright as Charwoman Without Regard to Civil Service Commission Regulations
  1582 Aug 24 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding State Department Positions
  1583 Aug 24 Allowing Federal Employees to Serve as Moderators of Town Meetings
  1584 Aug 24 Unnumbered EO of December 5, 1911, creating Alaskan Withdrawal No. 1, modified
  1585 Aug 24 View Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Crook National Forest
  1586 Aug 24 Directing Commissioner of Pensions to Employ 30 Former Post Office Clerks
  1587 Aug 24 Authorizing Appointment of D. K. Tuttle, Joseph W. Milson, and E. B. Leach as Mint Superintendents Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1588 Aug 24 Position of Special Employee in Internal Revenue Service Regarded as Classified under Civil Service Rules
  1589 Aug 24 Rainy Creek Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Palisade National Forest
  1590 Aug 24 Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Chief of Staff, designated to act as Secretary of War during absence of Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y of War
  1591 Aug 26 Authorizing Retention of William W. Dyar in Forest Service With Alternate Appropriation
  1592 Aug 26 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination
  1593 Aug 26 Authorizing Classification of Up to 115 Experts and Agents in Agriculture Department
  1594 Aug 31 Authorizing Reinstatement of Lillian E. Clark as Clerk in Office of Indian Affairs Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1595 Aug 31 Enlargement of Camp Overton Military Reservation, Province of Morano, Mindanao, P.I.
  1596 Sep 02 Authorizing Reinstatement of G. M. Davison as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1597 Sep 02 Fitzhugh Springs Addition Administrative Site, California, created for Modoc National Forest
  1598 Sep 02 Eliminating Certain Lands from Reservation of Papago Indians
  1599 Sep 07 Lands in Colorado reserved pending legislation (to grant to Denver for park purposes)
  1600 Sep 07 Trail Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Caribou National Forest
  1601 Sep 07 Authorizing Appointment of James B. Brunemer as Watchman in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1602 Sep 07 Authorizing Appointment of Mabel Hiatt as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1603 Sep 07 Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use
  1604 Sep 12 Authorizing Promotion of George E. Long to Clerk in Bureau of Insular Affairs Without Examination
  1605 Sep 12 Consolidating the Administrative District of Gorgona with that of Empire, and for other purposes
  1606 Sep 16 Reserving Land in Nevada for Indian Allotment Purposes
  1607 Sep 16 Internal Revenue District of South Carolina consolidated with 4th District of North Carolina
  1608 Sep 17 Fourth Internal Revenue District of California consolidated with 1st District
  1609 Sep 17 Authorizing Reinstatement of George S. Livingston in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1610 Sep 17 Camp John Hay Military Reservation, Baguio, Luzon, Philippine Islands, modified
  1611 Sep 19 Liberty Administrative Site, Washington, created for Wenatchee National Forest
  1612 Sep 21 Authorizing Appointment of R. A. Kirk as Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1613 Sep 23 Harbors Not Subject to Entry
  1614 Sep 23 Additional pay for gun captains in Marine Corps prescribed
  1615 Sep 23 Fourth Internal Revenue District of Texas consolidated with 3rd District
  1616 Sep 30 Authorizing Promotion of George E. Long to Clerk in Bureau of Insular Affairs Without Examination
  1617 Sep 30 Camp Jossman and Camp Wilhelm Military Reservations, Philippine Islands, abolished
  1618 Sep 30 12th Internal Revenue District of Pennsylvania consolidated with 9th district
  1619 Oct 02 Sublunary Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Pend Oreille National Forest
  1620 Oct 04 Authorizing Reinstatement of John K. Robinson as Printer in Weather Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1621 Oct 08 Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians
  1622 Oct 11 Oregon National Forest diminished
  1623 Oct 11 Dome Mountain Administrative Site, Montana, created for Absaroka National Forest
  1624 Oct 15 Amending Civil Service Rules to Limit Exceptions from Examination for Certain Postmasters
  1625 Oct 17 Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles A. Bronson as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1626 Oct 17 Station B Administrative Site of Palisade National Forest, Idaho, modified
  1627 Oct 18 Authorizing Appointment of Ulysses S. Price as Deputy Shipping Commissioner Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1628 Oct 19 Fort Pikit and Fort Reina Regente Military Reservations, Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, created
  1629 Oct 19 Siassi Military Reservation, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, enlarged
  1630 Oct 28 Authorizing Appointment of Louis R. Krumm as Chief Inspector in Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1631 Oct 28 Authorizing Appointment of De Lorma A. Morrow as Special Agent in Bureau of Corporations Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1632 Oct 28 Adding Lands in Nevada to the Moapa River Indian Reservation
  1633 Oct 28 Lands in Arizona reserved as rifle range for National Guard
  1634 Oct 28 Sawyer Administrative Site, Utah, created for Dixie National Forest
  1635 Oct 28 Authorizing Appointment of Guy Emerson as Special Agent in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1636 Oct 29 Authorizing Appointment of E. O. Merchant as Special Agent in Bureau of Corporations Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1637 Oct 29 Revoking Executive Order No. 1556 of June 24, 1912 so as to Prescribe More Exact Proportions for All Flags and Union Jacks for Departments of Government
  1638 Nov 01 Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. Robert L. Bowman as Matron in Indian Service Without Examination
  1639 Nov 08 Penal sum of bond of receiver of public moneys at Great Falls, Montana, fixed at $30,000
  1640 Nov 08 Deep Creek Administrative Site, Montana, created for Helena National Forest
  1641 Nov 08 Deer Lick Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Payette National Forest
  1642 Nov 14 Niobrara Reservation, Nebraska, re-established as preserve and breeding ground for birds
  1643 Nov 14 American Fork Administrative Site, Montana, created for Absaroka National Forest
  1644 Nov 15 Exception of Employees at the Neopit Lumber Mills
  1645 Nov 22 County of Miami transferred from 10th Internal Revenue Collection District of Ohio to 1st District
  1646 Nov 23 Little Walnut Administrative Site, Arizona, created for Tonto National Forest
  1647 Nov 23 Ashland Administrative Site, Montana, created for Custer National Forest
  1648 Nov 23 Vernal Land Office, Utah, abolished; transferred to Salt Lake City Land Office; revoked by EO 1706
  1649 Nov 26 Altering Lands Composing the Moapa River Indian Reservation
  1650 Nov 27 Authorizing Appointment of William R. Carpenter as Clerk in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1651 Nov 27 Authorizing Transfer of George W. Baptist to Classified Position in Custom House Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1652 Nov 29 Authorizing Appointment of George H. Hamilton as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1653 Dec 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of W. B. Johnson in General Land Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1654 Dec 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of Louis H. Eberlein in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1655 Dec 05 Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians
  1656 Dec 05 Directing the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission to take possession of all land and land under water within the Canal Zone
  1657 Dec 07 Authorizing Appointment of Dorsey E. Phillips as Clerk or Immigrant Inspector Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1658 Dec 07 Chemisso Island Reservation, Alaska, created as preserve and breeding ground for birds
  1659 Dec 07 Revoking Civil Service Rule 3, Sec. 3, to Include Navy Department Artisan and Supervisory Artisan Positions in Competitive Classified Service
  1660 Dec 10 Alta Administrative Site at Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, enlarged
  1661 Dec 12 Reserving Certain Lands at Port Angeles, Washington for the Treasury Department, the Forest Service, and the Weather Bureau
  1662 Dec 14 Authorizing Appointment of Alice Engle as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1663 Dec 16   Full text not located   Authorizing Appointment of Guy Emerson to Classified Position in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1664 Dec 17 Pishkun Reservation, Montana, created as preserve and breeding ground for native birds
  1665 Dec 17 Authorizing Appointment of Charles R. Pickard in Competitive Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1666 Dec 19 Authorizing Reinstatement of William C. Boutelle in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1667 Dec 19 Authorizing Promotion of Thomas E. Price to Clerk in Post Office Department Without Examination
  1668 Dec 19 Authorizing Transfer of Horace P. De Hart to Position in Interior Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1669 Dec 19 Establishing Desecheo Island Reservation as a Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds
  1670 Dec 30 Authorizing Reinstatement of Samuel E. Fouts as Assistant Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1671 Dec 31 Authorizing Appointment of W. D. Lundy as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1672 Dec 31 Petersburg Administrative Site, Alaska, created for Tongass National Forest
  1673 Dec 31 Comanche Administrative Site, Utah, created for use as a ranger station in the administration of the Dixie National Forest


  1674 Jan 01 Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph D. Converse as Immigrant Inspector in Department of Commerce and Labor Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1675 Jan 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of James E. Taylor in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1676 Jan 08 Authorizing Reinstatement of William B. Kilpatrick to Competitive Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1677 Jan 08 Gallinas Administrative Site, New Mexico, created for Lincoln National Forest
  1678 Jan 09 Gravel Island Reservation, Lake Michigan, created as preserve and breeding ground for birts
  1679 Jan 09 Authorizing Transfer of John J. Donahue in Bureau of Pensions Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1680 Jan 13 To Amend the Executive Order Providing for the Inspection of Steam Vessels
  1681 Jan 14 Reserving Lands in Nevada for the Paiute and Shoshoni Indians
  1682 Jan 14 Setting Aside Lands in Montana for Administrative Purposes in Connection with Flathead Indians
  1683 Jan 16 Dog Canyon Administrative Site, New Mexico, created for Lincoln National Forest
  1684 Jan 17 Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. Ollie M. Croghan as Clerk in Department of Justice Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1685 Jan 21 Authorizing Appointment of Monico Lopez as Messenger in Office of the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1686 Jan 21 Amending Schedule For Army Rations Regarding Lard and Ration for Troops on Transports
  1687 Jan 24 Authorizing Reinstatement of George J. Bunce to Subclerical Position in Mint and Assay Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1688 Jan 24 Authorizing Reemployment of John Moynihan as Laborer in Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1689 Jan 24 Authorizing Transfer of John Garcin in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1690 Jan 24 Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. C. E. Jones as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1691 Jan 24 Authorizing Promotion of Gertrude Printz to Clerk Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1692 Jan 27 Authorizing Placement of Mrs. Mabel P. LeRoy in Classified Service in Interior Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1693 Jan 27 Authorizing Appointment of Laura A. Thompson as Clerk in Children's Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1694 Jan 27 Sum of penal bond of receiver of public moneys at Guthrie, Oklahoma, fixed at $15,000
  1695 Jan 29 Amending Consular Regulations, Paragraph 35, regarding bonding of interpreters promoted from student corps
  1696 Feb 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of Will S. Cox as Railway Mail Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1697 Feb 04 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Navy Department
  1698 Feb 07 Authorizing Appointment of Cyrus F. Adams to Competitive Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1699 Feb 10 Reserving Lands in Arizona for Use of Navajo Indians
  1700 Feb 10 Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of Navajo Indians
  1701 Feb 10 Kansas National Forest enlarged
  1702 Feb 12 Certain Government employees granted leave to attend U.S.S. Maine memorial services on Feb. 15, 1913
  1703 Feb 14 Augur Barracks Military Reservation, Jolo, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, enlarged
  1704 Feb 18 Providing that Las Sabanas be Excepted from the Provisions of Executive Order of Dec. 5, 1912
  1705 Feb 18 Providing that United States Citizens Employed for 1 Year on Isthmus of Panama May Be Transferred to Corresponding Positions in Classified Service in Executive Departments
  1706 Feb 20 Revoking EO 1648, which had abolished Vernal Land Office, Utah
  1707 Feb 20 Authorizing Promotion and Appointment of John Fitzgerald as Merchandise Sampler in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1708 Feb 20 Authorizing Promotion and Transfer of Martin J. Murphy to Clerk in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1709 Feb 20 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department
  1710 Feb 20 Authorizing Reinstatement of David C. Hanawalt in Bureau of Animal Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1711 Feb 21 Authorizing Reinstatement of John S. Beach in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1712 Feb 24 Passports Issued to Laborers from Foreign Countries
  1713 Feb 24 Five islands in West Sound, Washington (including Sheep, Double, Victim, and Freeman) reserved for public purposes
  1714 Feb 25 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Former Private Secretaries in Post Office Department
  1715 Feb 25 Authorizing Appointment of John J. Farrell as Letter Carrier in Brooklyn, New York, Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1716 Feb 25 Approved findings and conclusions of commissioners Francis M. Corkrell and Sam R. Scott regarding boundary line between New Mexico and Texas
  1717 Feb 26 Chamberlain Land District, South Dakota, abolished; transferred to Gregory Land District
  1718 Feb 26 Office for Gregory Land District, South Dakota, moved from Gregory to Carter
  1719 Feb 26 Certain lands transferred from Chamberlain Land District, South Dakota, to Pierre Land District
  1720 Feb 26 Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph Hoagland as Laboratory Inspector in Bureau of Animal Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1721 Feb 26 Authorizing Appointment of Matthew A. Henson to Any Suitable Position in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1722 Feb 26 Authorizing Appointment of Charles A. Gibson in Bureau of Plant Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1722½ Feb 26 Providing a Method of Compensation for Personal Injuries to, or for the Death of, Employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Company
  1723 Feb 27 Authorizing Reinstatement of Frank P. Caviezel in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1724 Feb 27 Authorizing Appointment of Seward Charles in Office of the Supervising Architect in the Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1725 Feb 28 Authorizing Transfer of Alexander J. Stormont to Clerk in Classified Service Without Examination
  1726 Feb 28 Authorizing Transfer of Aaron Burnett in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1727 Feb 28 Authorizing Transfer of William F. Smith to Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1728 Feb 28 Federal per diem employees and day laborers excused from work on Inauguration Day, March 4, 1913
  1729 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Louise F. Bradley as Charwoman in State, War, and Navy Department Building Without Regard to Labor Regulations
  1730 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Col. Heber M. Creel as Supervisor of Indian Schools Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1731 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Katharine T. Gerald in Bureau of Pensions Without Examination
  1732 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Alice E. Gibbs to Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1733 Mar 03 Establishing Aleutian Islands Reservation as Preserve for Native Birds, Animals, and Fish
  1734 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Jesse L. Suter as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1735 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Butler as Laborer in Classified Service Without Examination
  1736 Mar 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of Joab P. Foster as Veterinary Inspector in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1737 Mar 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of Fred Roege as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1738 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Charles H. Shaw in New York Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1739 Mar 03 Authorizing Reinstatement of H. Norman Fleming as Clerk in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1740 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Catherine Branan as Charwoman in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1741 Mar 03 Authorizing Appointment of Edward Hawkins as Laborer in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
  1742 Mar 03 Cottonwood Administrative Site, Utah, created for La Sal National Forest
  1743 Mar 03 Nebo National Forest, Utah, diminished and the excluded lands withdrawn for classification and eventual restoration to settlement and entry


  1. NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 9577-A, 9616-A, etc.