The Best Hundred Books/Alphabetical List of Books Recommended

The Best Hundred Books
by various authors
Alphabetical List of Books Recommended, with Prices and Editions
4161147The Best Hundred Books — Alphabetical List of Books Recommended, with Prices and EditionsVarious


THE following list, in which we have included all the principal books recommended in the foregoing pages, has been revised throughout for the present edition. The prices given are those of the best and cheapest editions, our rule being to mention the cheapest that are at the same time fairly complete and correct. Such considerations as large paper and good binding have not been taken into account. Where, however, a slightly dearer edition is greatly superior to a cheaper, we have generally mentioned the dearer. In many cases where the complete works of the author mentioned are beyond the means of the general public we have added some selection or abridgment. In many cases where the books mentioned are out of print, a second-hand price has been given: these prices represent, however, not so much the lowest sum for which a lucky purchaser may hope to pick up the books as the highest price which he should reasonably be charged. In most other cases the full published prices are given, but it is now usual for booksellers to allow a discount of 2d. (or, in London and a few other large towns, of 3d.) in the shilling off new books. In the case of the classics, we have generally, with the exception of Teubner's Leipzig series, given particulars of English editions; classical scholars would hardly require such hints as could be given in our space. With regard to the Classics, the best information is to be found in J. B. Mayor's "Guide to the Choice of Classical Books" (Bell, 4s. 6d.).

S.H. placed after the price of a book signifies "second-hand."

Addison: "Spectator"—Ed. by Prof. Morley, 3s. 6d.

Aeschylus—Gr., with Eng. notes, by Paley, 18s. Verse tr. by Miss Swanwick, 5s. Prose tr. by Paley, 7s. 6d.; by Buckley, 5s. (Bohn). The "Agamemnon" only—Greek and English, by Conington, 7s. 6d.; verse tr. and notes by Kennedy, 6s.; verse tr. by Browning, 5s.; and an excellent paraphrase by Fitzgerald (Quaritch). The "House of Atreus" Trilogy—verse tr. by Morshead, 7s. 6d.

Aesop's Fables—Gr. (Tauchnitz), 1s. Eng., 2s. 6d.

African Explorations: e.g., Johnston's "Africa"—18s. 6d. (See also Boteler, Barthe, Cameron, Livingstone, Stanley.)

Andersen, Hans: "Fairy Tales"—5s. Also "Chandos Classics," 2s.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle—(Bohn), 5s.

Anselm: "Cur Deus Homo "—2s.

Ansted: "Geology"—12s.

Anthology, the Greek—Gr., 3 vols., Leipzig, 20s.; 2 vols., Teubner, 3s. 6d. Eng., Bohn, 5s.

Apostolic Fathers: Wake's Collection—2s. 6d. (S. H.).

Aquinas, St. Thomas—Eng., "Homilies," 4s. 6d. (S. H.). "Sacrament of the Altar," 3s. (S. H.), "Catena Aurea," 6 vols., 42s.

Arabian Nights—Trans. by Lane, 3 vols., 21s. (Chatto and Windus). Routledge's edition, 3s. 6d.

Arctic Voyages—See Travellers' Library, 2s. (S. H.).

Ariosto: "Orlando Furioso"—Ital., 3 vols. (Lefevre), 7s. 6d. Eng. (Bohn), 2 vols., 10s.

Aristophanes: "Knights," Clouds," "Birds," and "Frogs"—Teubner's Greek Text, 1s. each. Gr. with Eng. notes by W. C. Green, 3s. 6d. each. Eng. by J. H. Frere, in his "Works," 2 vols., 24s. "Birds"—Tr. and notes by Kennedy, 6s. "Frogs"—Gr. with Eng. notes by Paley, 4s. 6d.

Aristotle: Ethics—Gr., 2s. 6d. (Teubner). With Eng. notes by Grant. 2 vols., 32s. Trans. (Bohn), 5s. Poetics—Gr., 10d. (Teubner). With Eng. notes, by Moore, 1s. 6d. Eng. by Wharton, 2s. Politics—Gr. with Eng. notes by Congreve, 18s. Engl. by Jowett, 2 vols., 28s.; by Welldon, 10s. 6d. Rhetoric—Eng. by Welldon, 10s. 6d.

Arnold, Dr.: "History of Rome"—3 vols., new, 36s.; 5 vols., S. H., 24s. 6d. (pub. 60s.)

Arnold, Edwin: "Light of Asia"—7s. 6d. and 35s. 6d.

Arnold, Matthew: "Poems"—3 vols., 22s. 6d.

Auerbach: "Village Stories," &c.—2s. a volume in German or in English.

Augier: "Théâtre"—6 vols., 18s.

Augustine, St.: Confessions—6s. and 1s. "De Civitate Dei"—5s. (S. H.) "The City of God"—ed. by Dods, 2 vols., 21s.

Aurelius, Marcus: "Meditations"—Gr., Tauchnitz, 1s.; Eng., by Long, 3s. 6d. (Bohn). Renan's "Marc Auréle," 6s. 6d.

Austen, Miss: "Emma," "Pride and Prejudice," or "Mansfield Park"—6s. each (Bentley); 2s. each (Chapman and Hall).

Bacon: "Essays"—by Whately¸ 10s. 6d.; by Chambers, 1s. 4d.; Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.; "Golden Treasury" edition, 4s. 6d. "Novum Organum," Latin, with English Notes, by Fowler, 14s.; Eng., by Kitchin, 3s. 6d. "New Atlantis," Ward and Lock, 1s.

Ballads of North of England and Scotland—Scott, 7s.; Motherwell, and other Selections, 12s. 6d.; Aytoun, 6s. 6d. (All S. H.) Percy's "Reliques," 2 vols. (Bohn) 7s.; (Warne), 2s.

Balzac: Œuvres—55 vols., 1s. 3d. each. "La Recherche de l'Absolu," "Eugénie Grandet," "Peau de Chagrin," "Le Père Goriot"—1s. 3d. each. Eng. (S. H.): "Daddy Goriot," 2s.; "Cæsar Birotteau," 4s. 6d.; Cat and Battledore," 3 vols., 6s.

Bancroft: "America"—Last and best edition, £3 3s.

Barthe: "Central Africa "—5 vols., 45s. (S. H.).

Bates: "Travels," Amazon "—3rd ed., 7s. 6d. (S. H.).

Baxter: "Saints' Rest"—1s. 6d. (Religious Tract Soc.)

Beaumarchais: Œuvres complètes—1873—8s. Théâtre, 2s. 6d.

Beaumont and Fletcher—2 vols., 21s.

Benvenuto Cellini: Autobiography of—Eng. (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Bernard, St.: Opera (Latin)—18s. (S. H.). Life by Morison, 5s.

Beowulf—Eng., by T. Arnold, 12s.; by Lumsden, 5s

Berkeley, Bp. G.: Works—by Fraser, 4 vols., £2 18s. Selections, 7s. 6d. Life and Letters, 16s.

Bible—Pub. by H. Frowde, from 9d. to £2.

Biogr. Britannica—The best is undoubtedly Leslie Stephen's "Dictionary of National Biography," now in course of publication. 12s. 6d. per vol.

Biographie Universelle—52 vols., £7 (S.H.).

Bion. (See Theocritus.)

Blake, W.: Poetical Works—Rossetti, 5s. "Canterbury Classics," 1s.

Boccaccio: "Decameron"—Italian, 5s.; English, by Wright, 5s.; (Bohn), 12s. Condensed in Rouledge's Universal Library, 1s.

Bodin: "Republic"—French, 1586; Latin, 1641, 9s.

Boethius—Latin, Jena, 2s.; English, King Alfred's Version (Bohn), 5s.

Bolingbroke: Works—8 vols., 1809, £2 25. (S.H.). On History—5s. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)

Border Ballads: Danish, Scotch, and English. By Maidment, 2 vols., 21s.

Borrow, George: "Lavengro"—5s. "Romany Rye," 5s. (Murray).

Bossuet: Œuvres, Versailles, 1821—23 vols., 1£ 1s. Œuvres Choisis, 7 vols., 2s. 6d. each, sold separately. "Funeral Orations"—Fr., 5s.; Eng., 1801, 5s. (S. H.).

Boswell: "Johnson "—by Napier, 5 vols., 8vo, 60s.; 6 vols., £1 1s.; 3s. 6d. (Routledge).

Botany: "General Elements of British "—by Oliver, 4s. 6d.; Balfour, 5s.; Sach's "Text-book," £1 11s. 6d.

Boteler: "West Coast of Africa—2 vols., 18s. (S.H.).

Bouddha et sa Religion—by St. Hilaire, 3s. 6d.

Bourrienne: "Life of Napoleon"—3 vols., 5s. (S. H.).

Brontë, Charlotte and Sisters: Life and Works ("Jane Eyre," &c.)—7 vols., 5s. and 2s. 6d. per vol.

Browne, Sir Thomas: Works—3 vols., Bohn, 10s. 6d.

Browning, Mrs.: "Poems"—5 vols., 30s. Selections, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Browning, R.: "Poetical Works"—6 vols., 5s. each. Selections, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Bruce: "Abyssinia"—7 vols., £1 12s. (S. H.)

Bryant, W.C.: Poems—7s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. (Kegan Paul).

Bryce: History of the Holy Roman Empire—7s. 6d.

Buckle: Miscellanies—New edition, 2 vols., £1 1s.

Bunsen, Baron: Life of—2 vols., 16s. (S. H.) New edition, 7s. 6d.

Bunyan: "Pilgrim's Progress"—By Southey, 10s. 6d.; by Venables, 5s. (Warne), 2s.

Burckhardt: "Travels"—5 vols., 4to, 210s. (S. H.)

Burke: Select Works (Payne)—Clarendon Press, 3 vols., 14s. 6d.

Burnet: "History of his own Time." Imp. 8vo, 6s. 6d. (pub. at 25s.) "History of the Reformation of the Church of England"—7 vols. (Clarendon Press), £4 4s.

Burns, R.: Poetical Works—Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Butler, Bp.: "Sermons on Human Nature "—Longmans, 2s. 6d. "Analogy"—Ward and Lock, 1s. 6d.

Butler, S.: "Hudibras"—Aldine Edition, 2 vols., 3s. " Remains," 2 vols., 4s. 6d.

Byron: Poetical Works—Rossetti, 3s. 6d. Works (containing the Letters), by Moore, 17 vols., £1 10s. (S. H.) Poems separately, 2s. 6d. each vol.

Cæsar: Commentaries—Lat. (Teubner), 2s.; Eng. (Bohn), 5s. (See Froude.)

Calvin: Works, 52 vols., £3 17s. (S. H.) The "Institutes," translated by Beveridge, 8vo, 2 vols., 14s.

Camoens—Eng., "Lusiad"—by Aubertin, 2 vols., 12s.; 3s. 6d. (Bohn).

Campbell, T. : Poems—3s. 6d.

Carlyle: Works—People's edition, 37 vols., 2s. each (sold separately).

Catullus—Lat., (Teubner) 8d. Lat. by Robinson Ellis, Select Works, ditto, 3s. 6d. Select Works, Lat. with Eng. Notes, by Simpson, 5s. Eng. translations. by Theodore Martin, 7s. 6d., and R. Ellis (in the metres of the originals), 5s.

Cervantes: "Don Quixote"—Eng. by Duffield, 3 vols., 12s. (S. H.); by Ormsby, 4 vols., £2 2s.; 2 vols., 7s. (Bohn); 2 vols., 2s. (Routledge's Universal Library).

Chambers, Robert: "The Stuart Rising of 1745"—7s. 6d. (Chambers).

Chamfort, Maximo: "Œuvres"—3s. 6d.

Charlemagne, Life of—Fr., Eginhard (Guizot Coll.), 10s.; Eng., by Card, 7s. 6d.

Chaucer: Aldine Edition, 6 vols., 1s. 6d. each. "Canterbury Tales"—3s. 6d. (Routledge); with Notes, &c. (Clarendon Press), 1s. each part.

Charnock: "Existence and Attributes of God," 4s.(S. H.)

Cicero: "Dialogues" ("De Officiis," "De Amicitiâ," "De Senectute")—Lat. (Teubner), 1s. each. Lat., with Eng. Notes: "De Offciis," by Holden, 9s.; "De Amicitiâ" and "De Senectute," by Reid, 3s. 6d. each. Eng. (Bohn), 1 vol., 5s.—"Orations" ("Pro Archiâ," "Pro Murena," "Pro Cluentio"), Lat., 4 vols. (Teubner), 6s.; Lat., with Eng. Notes: "Pro Archiâ," by Reid, 2s.; "Pro Murena," by Heitland, 3s.; "Pro Cluentio," by Ramsat, 3s. 6d. Eng. (Bohn), 4 vols., £1.—"Letters," Lat. with Eng. Notes by Watson, 18s.; Eng., by Jeans, 10s. 6d.

Clarendon: "Rebellion"—7 vols., 1849, 50s.

Classics: "Ancient Classics for English Readers"—by Collins, 28 vols., 2s. 6d. each.

Coleridge: Works—(Bohn), 5 vols., 17s. 6d.; Poems and Dramas (Macmillan), 4 vols., 31s. 6d.

Collins: Poems—1s. 6d. (Aldine Edition).

De Commines: Memoirs—2 vols. (Bohn), 7s.

Common Prayer, Book of—Published by H. Frowde, from 9d. to £2 4s.

Comte: "Catechism of Positive Philosophy"—By Congreve—3s. 6d. (S. H.)

Confucius: "Analects"—Chinese and Eng., by Legge, 42s.

Congreve, Wycherly, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, in 1 vol. (Routledge), 10s. 6d.

Cook: "Voyages"—(Routledge) 2s.; Cassell, 5s.

Cooper, Fennimore: Novels. 1s. each.

Corneille: Œuvres complètes—Paris, 1872. 7 vols., 12mo, 7s.

Cousin, Victor: Œuvres—Paris, 1850. 6 vols., 12mo, 18s. Trans. "Lectures on the True," &c. 7s. 6'd.

Cowper: Poetical Works—Aldine Edition, 3 vols. 1s. 6d. each; Globe Edition, 3s. 6d. Translation of Homer—2 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Crabbe: Poems—7s. (Murray); 1s. (Chambers).

Craik: "History of English Literature"—2 vols., 25s.

Crashaw (J. R. Smith)—5s. (S.H.)

Craven, Mrs.: "Le Récit d'une Seur "—2 vols., 7s.

Creasy: "Decisive Battles"—1 vol., 6s.

Cuvier: "Animal Kingdom"—1 vol., 7s. (S. H.).

Dante: "Divina Commedia"—Ital. ed., Fraticelli, 5s.; Eng., by Longfellow, 5s. Also in Routledge's Universal Library, 1s. By Carey, 2s. (Warne). "The Inferno": tr. by J. A. Carlyle (in prose), 55. The "Vita Nuova." in D. G. Rossetti's "Dante and his Circle," 12s.

Darwin: "Origin of Species," 7s. 6d.; "Naturalist on the Beagle," 5s. (S. H.)

Daudet: Novels—16 vols., 3s. 6d. per vol.

Dawson: "A Chain of Life," 6s. 6d.; "Fossil Men," 7s. 6d.

Defoe: Works, 7 vols.—3s. 6d. each (Bohn); "Robinson Crusoe,” Globe ed., 3s. 6d.; Illus., 5s.

Dekker: Dramas—4 vols., 18s. (S. H.)

Demosthenes: "De Coronâ"—Gk. (Teubner), 2s. Gr. with Eng. notes, &c., by Simpson, 5s. Eng., by Kennedy (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

De Quincey: Works—16 vols., 4s. 6d. each, sold separately.

Descartes: "Discours sur la Méthode"—Paris, 1876, 2s. 6d.

Deschanel: "Nat. Philosophy"—(translation), 18s.

Dickens:—"Charles Dickens" Edit., 21 vols., 76s. (4s. and 3s. 6d. each), A new "Cabinet Edition" is now publishing, 1s. 6d. per vol.

Diderot: Œuvres complétes—20 vols. 8vo, £6 6s.; Œuvres Choisies, 2 vols., 1874, 5s.

Dodd: History of Scottish Covenanters—3s. (S. H.)

Donne—by Grosart—2 vols., 10s. (S. H.)

DramatistsCharles Lamb's "Specimens of the English Dramatic Poets" (Bohn) 3s. 6d. Dicks's British Dramatists, 12 vols., 1s. each.

Drayton: Poems—J.R. Smith. 3 vols., 15s.

Dryden: Poetical Works—Aldine Edition, 5 vols., 1s. 6d. each; Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Dumas: "Monte Cristo"—Fr., 6 vols., 6s. Eng., 1 vol., 2s. (Routledge).

Duncker, Von: "History of Antiquity" (translation)—6 vols., £4 (S. H.); full price, £6 6s.

Early English Metrical Romances—By Ellis and [[Maximilian Wolfgang Duncker Author:James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips|Halliwell]], 5s. (Bohn),

Edda, the (including some of the other early old Norse romantic genealogical poems)—by Anderson, Chicago—10s. 6d.

Edwards, Jonathan: "On the Freedom of the Will"—2s. 6d. (S. H.)

"Eliot, George": "Adam Bede"—3s. 6d.; "Mill on the Floss," 3s. 6d.; "Romola," 3s. 6d.; "Scenes of Clerical Life," 3s.; "Silas Marner," 2s. 6d.; "Middlemarch," 7s. 6d. "Romola" may also be had for 2s. 6d. (Smith and Elder),

Emerson: Works. Edited by John Morley, M.P. 6 vols., 5s. each (Macmillan); Bohn's Edition, 3 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

English BalladsEllis and Ritson, 3 vols., 18s. (S. H.)

Epictetus—Latin, 25. (Teubner); Eng. (Bohn), 5s.

Erasmus—Latin: "Colloquia" and "Encomium Moriæ," 2 vols. (Tauchnitz), 2s. 6d. "Familiar Colloquies," by Bayley, 2 vols., 8vo, 7s.

Etherege: Works—6s. (S. H.)

Euripides: "Alcestis," "Medea," "Hecuba"—Gr. (Teubner), 6d. each. "Alcestis," with Eng. Notes Verrall, 1s. 6d. "Medea," with Eng. Notes by Verrall, 7s. 6d. and (smaller ed.) 3s. 6d. "Hecuba," with Eng. Notes by Paley, 1s. 6d. There is a "transcript" of the "Alcestis" in Browning's "Balaustion," 5s. Works—Eng. (Bohn), 2 vols., 10s.

Evelyn: Diary—(Bohn), 4 vols, 3s. 6d. each. Warne, 2s.

Ewald: "History of Israel"—7 vols. £4.

Fawcett: "Political Economy"—12s.

Fergusson: "History of Architecture"—4 vols., £6 16s. 6d.

Fielding: "Tom Jones"—Bohn, 2 vols., 7s. "Joseph Andrews"—1 vol., 3s. 6d.

Firdusi: "Shahnameh"—By Champion, 10s. (S. H.)

Fontaine, La: "Fables"—ed, par Jannet, French, 2 vols., 4s. 6d. Eng., Bohn, 3s. 6d.

Forbes: "The Alps"—Royal 8vo, £2 15s. (S. H.)

Ford and Massinger—In one vol., Routledge, 10s. 6d.

Forster, John: "Statesmen of the Commonwealth"—5 vols., 13s. (S. H.)

Foster, John: Essays—4 yols., Bohn, 3s. 6d. each.

Francois de Sales, St,: Œuvres—French, 10 vols., £2 5s. "Traité de l'Amour de Dieu," 2s. 6d. Eng. "Devout Life," 1s. 6d. "Manual of Practical Piety," 3s. 6d.

Freeman: "Norman Conquest"—6 vols., £5 9s. 6d. Short History of do., 2s. 6d.

Froissart: "Chroniques"—par S. Lucey, 5 vols., 36s.; Eng. by Johnes, 2 vols., 16s. (S. H.)

Froude: "Cæsar"—16s. "History of England"—12 vols. post 8vo, 3s. 6d. each.

Fuller: "Works"—8 vols, £4 (S. H.) "Good Thoughts in Bad Times, &c.," 6s, (Pickering), 5, H. "Holy and Profane State," 6s. (Pickering), 5. H.

Gardiner, S. R.: "History of England"—10 vols. post 8vo, £3.

Gaskell, Mrs.: Works—7 vols., 3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. each.

Gibbon: "Autobiography"—3s. 6d. (Murray). "Decline and Fall"—7 vols. (Bohn), 24s. 6d. "Chandos" edition, 3 vols., 10s. 6d.

Goethe: "Werke"—German, 36 vols., large 8vo, 90s.; 12 vols. 8vo, 35s. Separate works from 1s. upwards. In Eng.: Works edited by F. H. Hedge, 10 vols., crown 8vo, Boston, U.S., 1883, 60s. (The best English edition of Goethe's principal works.) Do. 12 vols. (Bohn), 3s. 6d. each. "Faust"—1 vol., by Taylor, 2s. By Auster (Routledge), 3d. "Wilhelm Meister" (Tauchnitz), 2 vols., 4s. Carlyle, 3 vols., 6s, Eckerman's "Conversations" (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Goldsmith; "Vicar of Wakefield"—2s. 6d.; and Miscellaneous Works, Globe edition, 3s. 6d. Poems, 1s. 6d. (Aldine edition).

Gray—Aldine Ed,, 1s. 6d.

Green: "Short History of England"—8s. 6d. " History of the English People"—4 vols., £3 4s.

Grimm: "Teutonic Mythology"—3 vols., £2 5s. "Folk and Fairy Tales"—Bohn, 2 vols., 7s.; Routledge (abridged), 5s. Illustrated by Walter Crane (Macmillan), 5s. With Preface by Ruskin (Chatto), 6s. 6d.

Grote: "Greece"—12 vols, post 8vo, full price, £3 12s. (S. H. £1 17s.)

Guizot: "Civilization"—French, 4 vols., 20s.; English (Bohn), 3 vols., 10s. Gd.

Gustavus Adolphus: "Life of"—by Chapman, 5s. (S. H.)

Hall, Basil: "Voyages and Travels"—1 vol., 6s, (S. H.)

Hall, Bishop: "Meditations"—4s. 6d. (S. H.)

Hallam: "Introduction to the Literature of Europe"—4 vols., 16s. 1 vol. (Ward and Lock), 7s. 6d.; "Constitutional History," 3 vols., 12s., and 1 vol. (Murray), 7s. 6d.; "Europe during the Middle Ages," 3 vols, 12s., and Students' Ed., 7s. 6d. Also 3s. 6d. (Ward, Lock, and Co.).

Hawthorne: Works—2s. each. (Paterson),

Heber: "India"—3 vols., 15s. (5. H.)

Hegel: "Philosophy of History"—German, 7s.; (Bohn), 5s.

Heimskringla ("The Tales of the Norse Kings") of Snorro Sturleson, trans, by Laing—5 vols., £3 10s. (scarce).

Heine: Werke—10s.; Eng., "Songs," tr. by Wallis, 5s.; "Poems," by Bowring, 6s.; "Pictures of Travel," by Leland, 6s.

Helps: "Friends in Council"—two series, 2 yols., 15s. "Companions of my Solitude," Essays, &c., and Organization in Daily Life," in one vol., 7s. 6d. (S. H.) ("Organization in Daily Life" was published anonymously in 1862—Parker, 5s.)

Herbert, George: Poems, Aldine Edition 5s.; "Canterbury Classics," 1s.

Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury: Autobiography—5s. (S. H.)

Herodotus—Greek, ed. Bähr, 4 vols., 1856, £2 5s. Teubner, 2 vols, 3s. 6d. English, by Rawlinson, 4 vols., 36s. (S. H.); Bohn, 5s.

Herrick: Poems—Walford, 6s. (S. H.): Golden Treasury Edition, 4s. 6d.; "Hesperides," Routledge's Universal Library, 3d.

Hesiod—Gr., 5s; Gr, with Eng. Notes by Paley, 12s.; Eng., Bohn, 5s.

Hillern, Von—German, 11 vols, 45s.; Eng., "The Vulture Maiden," 1 yol., "The Hour will Come," 2 vols.; (Tauchnitz), 2s. per vol,

Hobbes: "Leviathan"—12s.; Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.

Homer—Gr., ed, Bothe, 12 yols., 27s. Gr. with Eng. notes by Paley, 2 vols., 26s.; Iliad, Eng. translation (verse) by Lord Derby, 2 vols., 8vo, £1 4s.; 2 vols, 12mo, 10s.; by Chapman, in Routledge's Universal Library, 1s.; (prose), by Lang, Leaf, and E. Myers, 10s. 6d.; Odyssey, Gr., with Eng, notes by Merry, 2 vols., 18s.; Eng, translation (prose) by Butcher and Lang, 10s. 6d.; (verse) by Chapman, ed. by Shepherd, 6s. (A verse translation by W. Morris is about to be published.)

Hooker: "Ecclesiastical Polity"—6s.; Keble's Edition, 15 vols., 1872, 20s. Also, 2 vols. 8vo, 11s.

Hooper: "Waterloo"—5s. (S H.)

Horace—Latin, ed. Orelli, 6s.; Teubner, 1s. 4d.; Lat. with Eng. Notes; "Odes," by Wickham, 12s., and (smaller edition) 5s. 6d.; "Satires," by Palmer, 6s.; "Epistles," by Wilkins, 6s. Engl. (prose) Globe edition, 3s. 6d., "Odes" and "Satires and Epistles," by Conington, 2 vols, 14s.

Huc: "Travels in Tartary, China, and Thibet"—2 vols., 6's. (S. H.)

Hugo, Victor: "Notre Dame de Paris"—2 vols., 7s., 12mo. "Les Trayailleurs de la Mer," 2 vols., 12mo, 7s. "Odes et Ballades," 1 vol, "Légende des Siécles," 4 vols., 3s. each, "Les Misérables," 5 vols. 12mo. 15s.; Eng., "Les Misérables" (abridged), 5s.; “Ninety-three," 6s.; "Toilers of the Sea," 2s.; "Poems, Ballads, &c. (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Humboldt: "Cosmos, 5 vols., 19s.; "Travels," 3 vols., 10s. 6d. (Bohn).

Hume: "History of England," 18 vols., 4s. each; 8 vols., Cadell's Ed., 8s. to 10s. (S. H.); Essays, 3s. Gd. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)

Hunt, Leigh: Poetical Works (Routledge), 3s. 6d.

Hutchinson: Memoirs—(Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Icelandic Sagas: "Njal's Saga." (See Saga.) "Grettir's Saga," by Magnusson and Morris, 7s. 6d. See also "Heimskringla."

Inchbald, Mrs,: "Simple Story"—2s. (S. H.)

Irving, Washington: Works—Bohn, 15 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Janin, Jules—20 vols., 3s. 6d. each.

Jeffrey: Contributions to Edinburgh Review—10s. (S. H.)

Johnson: "Lives of the Poets"—3 vols, 8vo., 9s. (S. H.) The chief Lives, edited by Matthew Arnold 4s. 6d. (See also Boswell.)

Jonson, Ben—Routledge, 10s. 6d.

Josephus—Greek, ed. Bekker, 6 vols., 11s. Eng., by Traill, 2 vols., 15s. (S. H.). (Nimmo), 5s.

Juvenal—Latin, ed. Siebold (Germ. notes), 5s. 6d. Teubner, 8d. Latin, with Eng, notes, by Mayor, 2 vols., 18s.; by Lewis (with literal translation), 6s. Eng. translation in verse by Dryden, 5s.; by Strong and Leeper, 3s. 6d.

Kalevala: in German, by Kastren and Schiefner—10s.

Kane: "Arctic Explorations"—2 vols. 19s. 1 vol., 5s. (Nelson).

Kant: "Kritik der reinen Vernunft"—2s.; Eng., 5s.

Keats: Poems—Chandos, 2s.; Rossetti, 5s.; Golden Treasury Edition, 4s. 6d. Aldine Edition, 5s, "Canterbury Poets," 1s.

Keble: "Christian Year," 2s. 6d. "Canterbury Poets," 1s.

Kempis, Thomas à: "Imitation"—2s. 6d.

Kinglake: "Eöthen"—small edition, 6s. "History of the Crimean War"—7 vols. post 8vo, £2 2s.

Kingsley: "Westward Ho!" "Hypatia," "Alton Locke," "Hereward the Wake"—6s. each.

Krishna: "The Hitopadesa" and "Dialogues"—Sanskrit—31s. 6d.; English, by Johnson, 10s. 6d.

Kugler: "Italian, Flemish, and Spanish Painters"—2 vols. 16s. (S. H.) (Full price, £1 10s.)

La Bruyere: "Les Caractères"—French, 2s. 6d. English, 3s.

La Rochefoucauld—2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1868, 15s. "Maximes," 2s. 6d.

Laing: "Travels in Norway"—4s. (S. H.)

Lamartine, A.: "Œuvres Complètes"—6 vols., 8vo, £1 16s. Biographies and Contes, 17 vols. 1s. or 1s. 4d. each.

Lamb, Charles: "Essays"—by Ainger, 5s.

Lander: "The Niger"—3 vols., 5s. (S. H.)

Landor: Works—2 vols., royal 8vo, £1 1s.; Golden Treasury Selection, 4s. 6d.

Laveleye, E, de: Œuvres—French, 9 vols., at 3s. 6d. each. Eng,, "Political Economy," 6s. "Primitive Property," 12s.

Lecky: "History of the Eighteenth Century"—4 vols., £3 12s.

Leconte de Lisle: "Poésies"—4 vols. 6s. and 7s. 6d. each.

Leibnitz: "Œuvres complètes"—7 vols. 8vo. £2 10s.

Leopardi: "Opere"—Ital., 3 vols., 18s.

Lessing: "Laoköon"—4s. Eng. by Beesly, 3s. 6d.

Lewes: "History of Philosophy"—2 vols., £1 12s.

Livingstone: "South Africa"—6s.

Livy: Latin (Teubner), 8s,; English (Bohn), 4 vols. 20s.; Books XXI.–XXV., by Church and Brodribb, 7s. 6d.; Book I., Lat., with Eng. notes by J. R. Seeley, 6s.: Books II. and III. with Eng. notes by Stephenson, 5s.; XXI. and XXII, by Capes, 6s.; XXIII. and XXIV., by Macaulay, 5s.

Locke: "Conduct of the Understanding"—5s. By Fowler, 2s. 6d. Works, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Life and Letters, 3s. 6d. (Bohn).

Lockhart: "Life of Scott"—10 vols., 30s. Abridgment, 6s. "Chandos" Classics, 2s.

Longfellow: Poems—5s. (Bell). Prose Works, 5s. (See also Dante.)

Loyola, Life of, by Isaac Taylor—6s. 6d.

Lubbock: Works—8 vols., from 3s. to 18s. each.

Lübke: "History of Art"—2 vols., £2 2s. "History of Sculpture," 2 vols., £2 2s.

Lucretius—Latin (Teubner), 2s.; text by Munro, 2s. 6d. Lat., with Eng. notes, &c., by Munro, £1 2s.; English, by Munro, 6s. (Munro's well-known ed. is, however, out of print, but a new one is preparing, 5s., Bohn).

Luther: Principal Works—7 vols., £1 1s. Life of, by Michelet, 3s. 6d. Life, by Koestlin (Germ.), 12s. 6d.; Eng., 16s. (Longmans); 2s. (Cassell's).

Lyell: "Principles of Geology"—2 vols, £1 5s.; "Elements of Geology," 9s.

Lytton, Bulwer: "Rienzi," "Last of the Barons," "Last Days of Pompeii," "Harold," "The Caxtons"—3s. 6d. each.

Mabinogion, The—Welsh and English, by Lady Guest, 3 vols., £3; translated by Lady Guest, 2 vol., 15s.

MacCulloch: "Illustrations of the Attributes of God from Physical Nature"—3 vols., 9s. (S. H.)

McCarthy, J.: "History of Our Own Times"—4 vols., crown 8vo, 24s. Abridged, 6s.

Macaulay: "Essays," 6s.; "History of England," 2 vols., post 8vo, 12s.; 8 vols., post 8vo, £2 8s.

Machiavelli: "The Prince"—Italian, 3s. 6d.; English (Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Macleod, Dr. Norman: Life of—2 vols., 12s. 6d. (S. H.)

Mahabharata and Ramayana—in Wheeler's "History of India"—Vol. I., Mahabharata (scarce), £2 10s.; Vol. II., Ramayana, £1.

Mahommed: "Koran"—Eng., by Rodwell, 6s.

Mahon, Lord: England—7 vols., post 8vo, £2 5s.

Malory: "Morte d'Arthur"—Globe edition, 3s. 6d.; 3 vols, (J. R. Smith), 15s.; "Camelot Classics," 1s.

Mandeville, Sir John: Travels—7s. (S. H.)

Manual of Scientific Inquiry—(J. Murray) 3s. 6d.

Marivaux: "La Vie de Marianne"—2 vols., 5s.

Marlitt: Werke—10 or 12 vols., from 3s. each; Eng., "The Princess of the Moor," 2 vols. (Tauchnitz), 2s. each.

Marlowe—Routledge, 6s.

Marryat, Captain: Novels—1s. each.

Marston (J. R. Smith)—3 vols., 15s. (S. H.)

Massinger. (See Ford.)

Maurice, F. D.: "Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy"—2 vols., £1 3s. (S. H.)

Max Müller: "Science of Language"—2 vols., 16s.

Meinhold: "Die Bernsteinhexe"—German, 6s.; English (Amberwitch), 3s.

Melville, George: "The Lena Delta"—12s. 6d.

Melville, Whyte: "The Gladiators"—2s. 6d.

Menander—Ed. Meineke, 4s. (S.H.)

Menzel: "History of the Germans"—3 vols., 10s. 6d. (Bohn),

Merivale: "History of Rome"—8 vols., crown 8vo, £2 8s. "A Short History of Rome," 7s. 6d.

Meyrick: "The Necessity of Dogma"—6s. 6d.

Michelet: "History of France"—Fr., 19 vols., £3 6s. 6d.; Eng., Vols. I., II. only done, 6s. 6d.

Middleton—by Bullen, 8 vols. (just published), £1 per vol; by Dyce, 5 vols., £7 7s. (S. H.)

Mill: On Liberty—1s. 4d.; Logic, 5s.; Political Economy, 5s.; Autobiography, 7s. 6d.

Miller, Hugh: "Old Red Sandstone," "The Testimony of the Rocks," and "Sketchbook of Popular Geology," 5s. each.

Milman: "History of Latin Christianity"—9 vols,, post 8vo, £4 10s.

Milton: Poetical Works, ed. Masson—3 vols., 15s.; Aldine ed., 3 vols., 4s. 6d.; Globe ed., 3s. 6d. Prose Works (Bohn), 5 vols., 17s. 6d.

Molière—Fr. (Lefevre), 4 vols., 12s. Eng. (Bohn), 3 vols., 3s. 6d. each,

Mommsen: "History of Rome"—English, 5 vols., post 8vo, £1 15s.

Montaigne: Essays—ed. by Hazlitt, 18s. (S. H.). Abridged, 2s. 6d. (Low).

Montesquieu: "Considérations sur la Grandeur et la Décadence des Romains," 2s. 6d.; "Esprit des Lois," Œuvres complètes, 7 vols., 8vo, 52s. Gd.; Œuvres choisis, 2 vols., 5s.

Moore: Poetical Works—1 vol., 7s. 6d.; 10 vols., £1 1s.; "Irish Melodies," 2s. 6d.; "Life of Byron," 6s. (S. H.)

More, Sir T.: "Utopia"—Arber, 2s.

Motley: "Dutch Republic"—3 vols., post 8vo, 7s. 6d., 1 vol., 7s. 6d. (The 3 vol. ed. was pub. at £1 5s., but has been sold off by the publisher, and is now being retailed at 6s. 6d. and 7s.); American ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 30s.

Mozley: On "Miracles"—7s.

Muir, Sir W.: "Life of Mohammed"—1 vol., 10s.

Musset, Alfred de—10 vols, 3s. 6d. each.

Napier: "Peninsular War"—post 8vo, 6 vols., £1 5s.; 3 vols. (Routledge), 10s. 6d.

Newman: "Parochial Sermons"—8 vols., £1 10s.; "The Grammar of Assent," 6s. 6d. "Lectures on Catholicism in England," 6s. Complete works (Burns), 22 vols., £6 (S. H.)

Niebelungenlied—6s. 6d. in English by Lettsom (S.H.) By Birch, 7s.; German, Simrock's version, 4s. 6d.

Niebuhr: Works—9 vols., Eng., £4 (S. H.)

Norie: "Navigation"—5s. (S. H.)

Omar Khayyam: "Rubáiyát"—Fitzgerald, 12s. (Quaritch); Whinfield, 5s. (Trübner).

Orme: "History of Hindostan"—4 vols, 4to, 18s. (S. H.)

Ouseley: "Persia"—3 vols. 4to, £1 4s. (S. H.)

Ovid: "Opera"—3 vols. (Teubner), 3s. 6d. Eng, (Bohn), 3 vols., 15s. Selections, Latin, with English Notes, &c., by Ramsay, 5s. 6d,

Palgrave: "Arabia"—6s.

Park, Mungo: "Upper Niger"—2 vols. 8s. (S. H.) Travels, &c., Chambers, 1s. 6d.; 1 vol., 7s. 6d.

Pascal: "Pensées—Paris, 12mo, 2s. 6d.; "Lettres Provinciales," 2s. 6d. In "Foreign Classics for English Readers" Series, 2s. 6d.

Pater, W. H.: "Marius the Epicurean"—2 vols., 1886, 12s.

Paul, St.—Conybeare and Howson, 2 vols,, 21s.

Pepys: "Diary"—Bohn, 4 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Also 1 vol., 2s. (Warne).

Petrarch—Italian, 3s. 6d.; Eng. (Bohn), 5s.

Piers Plowman—by Skeat, 4s. 6d.

Pindar—Gr., Teubner, 1s. 4d. "Olympian and Pythian Odes"—Gr., with Eng. notes, by Gildersleeve, 7s. 6d.; by Fennell, 9s. English translation (prose), by E. Myers, 7s. 6d.; Bohn, 5s.

Plato—Greek, Stallbaum, 50s.; Teubner, 12s. 6d.; English translation by Jowett, 5 vols., £3 10s. The "Republic" only: Greek (Teubner), 25.; Eng, by Jowett, 12s. 6d.; by Davies and Vaughan, 4s. 6d. The "Phædo" only: Gr., with Eng. Notes by Hind, 8s. 6d.; tr. by Cope, 5s.

Pliny: "Epistolæ"—1s. 6d. English (Bohn), 5s.

Plutarch—"Lives," Greek (Teubner), 5 vols., 10s. English, by Dryden and Clough, 5 vols., £2 10s. In 1 vol., royal 8vo, 18s. Also by Langhorne, 3s. 6d. (Ward, Lock, and Co,}; "Morals," 5 vols., £2 10s.; "The Theosophical Essays," 5s. (Bohn).

Poe, E. A.: Complete Works—by Ingram, 4 vols., 14s.

Polo, Marco—Bohn, 5s. Ed. by Yule, 30s.

Pope: Poetical Works—Aldine Edition, 3 vols., 1s. 6d. each. Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Prescott: "History of the Conquest of Mexico," 9s.; "Peru," 9s. "Ferdinand and Isabella," 3s. 6d.

Prior—Aldine Edition, 2 vols., 3s.

Propertius—Latin (Teubner), 1s. English (Bohn), 5s. Selections, Lat., with Eng. notes by Postgate, 6s.

Pythagoras: Fragments—Greek (Didot), 15s. English, by Taylor, 17s. (Few readers, however, will probably care to spend so many shillings over such scanty fragments. Ritter and Preller's collection (9s.) contains illustrative extracts of all the chief Greek and Roman philosophers.)

Rabelais—French, ed. by Jannet, 7 vols., 4s. Eng. 7s. 6d. (Chatto).

Racine, J.: Œuvres—Paris 1869–77, 8 vols., £2 10s. 2 vols., 8s. By Jacob, 3s. 6d.

Ramsay: Geology—7s. 6.7.

Randolph: Plays—2 vols., 10s. (S, H.)

Ranke: History of the Popes—Eng. by Foster, 3 vols, 3s. 6d. each (Bohn),

Reade, Charles—20 vols., £3 10s. (Sold separately).

Renan: "Origines du Christianisme"—8 vols., 7s. 6d. each. See also "Aurelius."

Renard the Fox—By Arber, from Caxton's ed., 1s. 6d.

Richardson: "Clarissa Harlowe"—2s. 6d. (Routledge).

Ripa, Father; Peking, 2s. 6d. (Traveller's Library).

Robertson: Historical Works—Bohn, 12s.

Robertson, F. W.: Sermons and Lectures—4 vols., 14s.; "Epistle to the Corinthians"—5s.

Roscoe: German, Italian, and Spanish Novelists—11 vols., £3 (S. H.); or 3 vols. (Warne), 2s. each.

Rossetti, D. G.: Poems—2 vols,, 12s. each.

Rousseau: "Confessions"—French, 2s. 6d.; English,

Ruskin—The original editions of all Ruskin's works are very scarce and dear. Of "Modern Painters" there is a cheap new edition of vol. ii. only, 15s.; also of some selections there from ("Frondes Agrestes"), 3s. Of "Stones of Venice" there is a "Traveller's edition" (selections), 10s.; and a new edition of the complete work is about to appear, £4 4s. Of "Modern Painters," there is a new edition of the original second volume, 2 vols. 10s. "″Seven Lamps," 21s. "Unto this Last," 3s. "Ethics of the Dust," 5s. "Sesame and Lilies" 5s. "Crown of Wild Olive," 13s. The current edts. are published by Mr. George Allen, Orpington.

Saga of Burnt Njal—ed. Dasent, 2 vols, 16s.

Sage, Le: "Gil Blas—2s. 6d. Eng., 3 vols., 7s. 6d. each.

Sainte-Beuve: "Prem. Lundis," 3 vols; "Causeries du Lundi," 16 vols; "Nouv. Lundis," 13 vols; "Portraits Contemporains," 5 vols; "Portraits Littéraires," 2 vols.; "Correspondance," 2 vols. Port Royal, 7 vols., 3s. each; "Poésies," 2 vols., 10s.

Sardou: "Théâtre"—3s. 6d. each play.

Schiller: Werke (Goedeke)—16 vols., 7s. 6d. each: 12 vols., 2s. each; and in 16mo compl., 10s. Plays—German (Leipzig), 2s. 6d.; Eng. (Bohn), 2 vols. 3s. 6d. each. "Thirty Years' War" (Bohn), 3s. 6.

Scott: Poetical Works—Globe ed., 3s. 6d. Novels: Centenary ed,, 25 vols, £3 10s. 3 pocket ed., 1s. 6d. per vol. See also Lockhart.

Seneca—Latin (Teubner), 9s. 6d.; English, 5s.

Sevigné, Mdme. de; Letters—14 vols. 8vo, Paris, £4 19s.; 6 vols. 12mo, Paris, 18s. In "Foreign Classics for English Readers" Series, 2s. 6d. Lettres Choisies, 2s. 6d.

Shakspeare: Complete Works—Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Sheking: Chinese Odes—by Legge, 12s.

Shelley: Poetical Works—Rossetti's edition, 3s. 6d. Forman's, 2 vols., 15s. (S. H.) Prose Works: Forman's edition, 4 vols., with 4 vols. verse, £5.

Sheridan: Works—(Bohn), 3s. 6d.

Shirley: Dramatic Works—by Dyce, 6 vols. £5 (S. H.)

Sidney, Sir Philip: Miscellaneous Works—Gray, 14s. "Arcadia," 6s. (Low).

Sismondi: "History of the Italian Republics"—Fr., 10 vols, 1840, £3; Eng. only 1 vol, in Lardner's Cyclopædia, 1s. 6d. (S. H.)

Smith, Adam: "Wealth of Nations"—3s. 6d. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)

Smith, Goldwin: "Rational Religion"—6s. (S. H.)

Smith, Sydney: Essays—3s. 6d.

Smollett: "Humphrey Clinker"—Routledge, 3s. 6d. Works (Bickers), 6 vols. £1 4s. (S. H.)

Sophocles—Gr. (Teubner), 9s. Gr. with Eng. notes, &c., by Campbell, 2 vols., 10s. 6d. Eng. translation by Plumtre, 7s. 6d. The "Œdipus Rex," only: Gr., with Eng. Notes by Jebb, 4s. 6d.; " Electra," by Jebb, 3s. 6d.; "Ajax, by Jebb," 3s. Gd.

Southey: Poetical Works—7s. (S, H.); Commonplace Book, 4. vols, £1 1s.; (Elzevir Series), 3s. Life of Nelson, 3s. 6d. (Routledge’s Universal Library), 1s.

Spalding: "Italy"—3 vols, 7s. 6d. (S. H-)

Spencer, Herbert: "First Principles," 16s.; "Essays," 3 vols. 24s.; "Study of Sociology" (International Scientific Series), 5s.; Complete Works, 15 vols. 8vo, and 8 parts folio, £14.

Spenser: Complete Works—5 vols. (Aldine Edition) 1s. 6d. each; Globe Edition, 3s. 6d.

Spielhagen: "Problematische Naturen"—2 vols., 9s.

Spinoza: "Tractatus Theologico-Politicus"—Amst. 1862, 7s. 6d.; English Works, 2 vols. (Bell); 10s.

Staël, Mdme.: "L'Allemagne"—2s. 6d.

Stanhope: "Life of Pitt"—4 vols, 18s.; "Reign of Queen Anne," 2 vols,, 10s. (S. H.).

Stanley: "Life of Dr, Arnold"—2 vols., 12s.; "Jewish Church," 3 vols., post 8vo, 38s.; "Eastern Church," 12s.

Steele: Works—5s. (S. H.).

Stendhal: Œuvres—17 vols., 1s. each.

Sterne: "Tristram Shandy—1 vol., 2s.; "Sentimental Journey," 2s. (Tauchnitz).

Strickland: "Queens of England," 6 vols. (Bohn), £1 10s.

St. Simon: "Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XIV."—4 vols., £1 1s. (S. H.)

Stubbs: "Constitutional History"—3 vols., £1 16s.

Suckling: Works—by Hazlitt, 2 vols., 7s. (S. H.).

Suetonius—Teubner, 2s.; Eng. (Bohn), 5s.

Swift: Complete Works—by Roscoe, £1; "Gulliver's Travels, ed. by Southey, 9s.; "Tale of a Tub," 4s. (All S. H.).

Tacitus—Latin, 2 vols. (Teubner), 2s. 6d. The "Annals" only: Lat., with Eng. Notes by Holbrooke, 16s.; by Furneaux, 18s.; Eng., by Church and Brodribb, 3 vols. (sold separately), 18s.

Taine: "Les Origines"—3 vols., 20s. "History of English Literature," English translation, 2 vols, post 8vo, 15s.

Talmud, The: Selections—2s. (Warne).

Tasso—Translated by Smith, 6s. (Blackwood) (S. H.), (Bohn).

Taylor, Jeremy: "Holy Living and Dying"—2 vols. 8vo, 21s.; Bohn, 3s. 6d.

Taylor, Isaac: "Words and Places"—6s.

Taylor, —: "Fine Art in Great Britain"—2 vols., 7s. (S. H.).

Tennyson: "Poetical Works"—Author's ed., 7 vols., cr. 8vo, 43s. 6d., 9 vols. 1s. each, and 1 vol. 7s. 6d.

Thackeray: "Esmond," 3s. 6d.; "Pendennis," 2 vols., 7s.; "Vanity Fair," 2 vols., 7s.; "Roundabout Papers," 3s. 6d.

Theocritus—Greek, 1s. Eng. translation (verse), by Calverley, 7s. 6d.; Greek, with Eng. Notes, &c., by Kynaston, 4s. 6d.; Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, Eng. tr. (prose), by Lang, 6s.

Thierry: (English tr.) "Tales of the Merovingian Era" (Whittaker), 6s. (S. H.); "Norman Conquest" (Bohn), 2 vols., 7s.

Thiers: "Consulat et l'Empire"—20 vols., 48s. (Leipzig).

Thirlwall: "History of Greece"—8 vols. 12mo, 12s. (S. H.)

Thomson: "Seasons"—2 vols., Aldine ed., 3s.

Thring: "Theory and Practice of Teaching"—2s. 6d.

Thucydides—Greek, Bekker, 2 vols., 10s.; Teubner, 3s. English translation, with Notes, &c., by Jowett, 2 vols., 32s.; Bohn, 2 vols., 7s.

Tocqueville: (English) "Democracy in America," 2 vols., 10s. (S. H.)

Tourneur—by Collins, 2 vols., 5s. 6d. (S. H.)

Tylor, E. B.: "Early History of Mankind," 12s. "Primitive Culture," 2 vols., 24s. "Anthropology," 7s. 6d.

Tyndale, William: Works—Parker Society, 3 vols., 8s. (S. H.).

Vanbrugh: Plays, with those of Congreve, 10s. 6d.

Vasari: "Lives of the Painters"—Engl. tr. (Bohn), 5 vols., 17s. 6d.

Villon: "Œuvres" (1885 ed.), 5s.

Virgil—Teubner, 1s. 8d. Lat., with Eng. Notes, &c., by Conington, 3 vols., 14s. each, abridged ed. 11s. English translations, Globe edition, 3s. 6d. The "Æneid," by Dryden, 5s.; by Conington (verse), 8s. 6d.; by William Morris, 14s.; by Conington (prose), 9s.; by Mackail (prose), 7s. 6d.

Voltaire: Complete Works—French, 50s. Œuvres choisies, 2s. 6d. "Charles XII.," Fr., 2s. 6d.; Eng., 2s. 6d. "Zadig," Fr., 3s. 6d.; "Candide," Fr., 3s. 6d.; "Romans," 2s. 6d.

Volsungs and Niblungs, Story of the, by W. Morris, 12s. "Niebelungenlied," tr. by Lettsom, 6s. (S. H.).

Wallace: "Amazon," 12s. "Malay Archipelago," 2 vols., 21s. (Both S. H.)

Walton: Lives—3s. 6d. (Bell).

Ward, T. H.: "Selections from English Poets"—4 vols., £1 10s.

Warton: "History of English Poetry"—5s. (Ward, Lock, and Co.).

Waterton: "South America"—6s.

Webster, Daniel: Speeches—14s. (Whipple).

Webster, John: Dramatic Works—7s. 6d. (Routledge).

Wellington, Duke of: "Peninsular Campaign," by Napier, 30s.; Napier's "English Battles and Sieges of the Peninsular War," 9s.; Despatches, Gurwood's Selections, 10s. (Both S. H.).

Wesley: Works—14 vols., 12mo, 35s. (S.H.).

Whately: "Cautions for the Times"—6s. (S. H.).

Whewell: "Platonic Dialogues"—3 vols., 12s. (S.H.).

White: "Natural History of Selborne"—(Macmillan), 6s.; (Warne) 2s.

Wilkinson: "Ancient Egyptians"—New edition, by Birch—3 vols., 84s.; 2 vols., abridged, 10s. (Murray).

William of Malmesbury—Latin, 12s. (Historical Society); English, §s. (Bohn).

Wilson, John: "Essays"—4 vols., 16s. Noctes, 4 vols., 16s. Recreations, 2 vols., 8s.

Wither: "Poems"—3s. 6d. (S. H.).

Wood, J. G.: "Natural History"—Complete, 5 vols., 14s. each. In 1 vol. (condensed), 15s.

Wordsworth: "Poetical Works"—Rossetti, 3s. 6d.; Matthew Arnold's selections, 4s. 6d.

Xenophon: "Memorabilia" (Socrates), Teubner, 8d. Lat., with Eng. Notes by Frost, 4s. 6d.; English, 5s. (Bohn), "Anabasis," Teubner, 1s. Greek, with Eng. Notes, &a, by Hailstone, 2s. 6d. (Camb.) "Hellenica:" Teubner, 1s. 2d.; "Œconomicus" (with "De Rep. Athen.," &c.), Teubner, 1s. 2d.; Gr., with Eng. Notes, by Holden, 6s.; English (Bohn), 5s. There is also an English Translation, with preface by Ruskin, in Ruskin's "Bibhotheca Pastorum," 7s. 6d. (George Allen, Orpington),

Young: "Night Thoughts"—3d. 6d.

Zoroaster: "Zendavesta"—tr. by Bleek, 3 vols., 21s. (S. H.)

Printed and Published by Richard Lambert, at 2, Northumberland-street, Strand, in the Parish of St. Martin's-in-the- Fields.