User:Мишоко/Hyphenation inconsistency

This is from the 20231201 dump and is about words appearing with and without hyphen on validated pages of the same book, such as "grand-son" on Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 5.djvu/23 and "grandson" on Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 5.djvu/146 or "over-stressed" and "overstressed" on Page:California Highways and Public Works Journal Vols 8-9.djvu/15.

010 Once a week Volume X Dec 1863 to Jun 64.pdf

  • 00001 p. 368 my work-box put?” /// p. 471 the workbox; but

020413 DOJ White Paper.pdf

  • 00002 p. 4 [overseas counter-terrorist] operations”); /// p. 5 transnational counterterrorist combat


  • 00003 p. 1 Afghanistan reaffirms its /// p. 2 States re-affirms its
  • 00004 p. 1 furthermore reaffirms its /// p. 2 States re-affirms its
  • 00005 p. 2 Afghanistan reaffirms its /// p. 3 States re-affirms its


  • 00006 p. 48 and co-operative associations. /// p. 48 and cooperative associations

10 Rules for Radicals.djvu

  • 00007 p. 21 tapes on-line. At /// p. 25 more online views
  • 00008 p. 34 for over-reaching, something /// p. 38 for overreaching, things

116th United States Congress H. Res.0109 (1st session) - Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.pdf

  • 00009 p. 3 in greenhouse gas /// p. 7 and green-house gas

116th United States Congress H. Res.4663 (1st session) - Freedom from Price Gouging Act.pdf

  • 00010 p. 2 in subparagraph (A)(i) /// p. 3 in sub-paragraph (A)
  • 00011 p. 2 in subparagraph (A)(ii) /// p. 3 in sub-paragraph (D)
  • 00012 p. 3 in subparagraph (H) /// p. 4 this sub-paragraph that

15 decisive battles of the world (New York).djvu

  • 00013 p. 31 {{hwe|ural|natural}} van-guard of /// p. 70 his vanguard to
  • 00014 p. 54 more wide-spread and /// p. 175 the widespread meadows;
  • 00015 p. 62 and bowmen. The /// p. 69 of bow-men, javelin-men,
  • 00016 p. 71 to re-form their /// p. 131 to reform the
  • 00017 p. 83 in warlike spirit /// p. 265 and war-like provisions,
  • 00018 p. 88 his head-quarters, he /// p. 118 his headquarters near
  • 00019 p. 124 huge broad-swords and /// p. 142 unwieldy broadswords and
  • 00020 p. 226 a drawbridge. The /// p. 238 the draw-bridge that

15 decisive battles of the world Vol 1 (London).djvu

  • 00021 p. 116 with un-paralleled gallantry; /// p. 219 remains unparalleled, save

1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf

  • 00022 p. 28 setting sun-beams dance. /// p. 89 {{smallcaps|The}} sunbeams glitter
  • 00023 p. 39 the wood-lark soars /// p. 101 The woodlark soars
  • 00024 p. 39 the wood-land, or /// p. 76 the woodland scene,
  • 00025 p. 46 Yet sunshine in /// p. 60 the sun-shine hope
  • 00026 p. 46 a sun-beam sheds /// p. 92 the sunbeam for

1861 vs 1882. "Co. Aytch," Maury grays, First Tennessee regiment; or, A side show of the show (IA 1861vs1882coaytc00watk).pdf

  • 00027 p. 17 and battle-fields with /// p. 40 of battlefields, seen
  • 00028 p. 33 the battlefield to /// p. 61 the battle-field a
  • 00029 p. 35 the battlefield, and /// p. 61 the battle-field of
  • 00030 p. 38 right, halt, forward, /// p. 40 letters, h-a-l-t, O,
  • 00031 p. 39 the battlefield, we /// p. 73 bloody battle-field of
  • 00032 p. 42 the battlefield of /// p. 75 the battle-field, but
  • 00033 p. 66 the battlefield. They /// p. 75 the battle-field, I
  • 00034 p. 73 and reformed. General /// p. 74 had re-formed, and

1862 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.pdf

  • 00035 p. 45 or subdivisions in /// p. 47 preceding sub-divisions of
  • 00036 p. 74 river, water-course, or /// p. 187 other watercourse, bordering
  • 00037 p. 74 a non-resident of /// p. 93 a nonresident of

1880. A Tramp Abroad.djvu

  • 00038 p. 34 the sidewalk a /// p. 203 "The side-walk is
  • 00039 p. 35 the sidewalk, and /// p. 203 the side-walk alongside
  • 00040 p. 36 and bareheaded, placed /// p. 36 gloved, bare-headed, and
  • 00041 p. 61 the easy-going pleasure-seeking /// p. 214 signs,—airy, easygoing references
  • 00042 p. 65 were bare-headed; their /// p. 184 brown, bareheaded and
  • 00043 p. 83 meeting; to-morrow morning /// p. 282 early tomorrow morning,—as
  • 00044 p. 95 memory alongside the /// p. 448 right along-side the
  • 00045 p. 114 a guide-book case /// p. 298 the guidebook had
  • 00046 p. 114 an alpen-stock in /// p. 132 an alpenstock, then
  • 00047 p. 131 most painstaking care /// p. 599 a pains-taking and
  • 00048 p. 138 were over-hung with /// p. 350 mountain overhung the
  • 00049 p. 158 the bygone ages /// p. 461 of by-gone joys
  • 00050 p. 182 Germany, shopkeepers who /// p. 212 These shop-keepers detest
  • 00051 p. 203 a brim-full reservoir /// p. 217 and brimfull of
  • 00052 p. 210 simple straight-forward commercial /// p. 637 plain straightforward tale,
  • 00053 p. 212 these shop-keepers, Dont /// p. 561 The shopkeepers of
  • 00054 p. 228 of zig-zag country, /// p. 376 ruffled zigzag milky
  • 00055 p. 242 the guide-book and /// p. 384 the guidebook every
  • 00056 p. 280 said horse-back riding /// p. 298 or horseback, or
  • 00057 p. 284 the bed-rock, formed /// p. 486 the bedrock was
  • 00058 p. 287 and overshadowed our /// p. 302 dirt over-shadowed by
  • 00059 p. 310 wind bare-headed. We /// p. 342 and bareheaded, and
  • 00060 p. 332 the daylight was /// p. 543 good day-light. The
  • 00061 p. 397 giant snow-peaks only /// p. 431 The snowpeaks did
  • 00062 p. 607 the draw-bridge and /// p. 607 the drawbridge to

1882. The Prince and The Pauper. A Tale for Young People of All Ages.djvu

  • 00063 p. 65 the antechamber, resolved /// p. 379 the ante-chamber, you
  • 00064 p. 82 old play-fellows bear /// p. 317 little playfellows together,
  • 00065 p. 202 and bareheaded; next /// p. 204 entered, bare-headed, clothed
  • 00066 p. 380 the newcomer. Tom /// p. 382 the new-comer, who

1903 Lhasa and Central Tibet by G. Ts. Tsybikoff.pdf

  • 00067 p. 8 of yellowhat teachings, /// p. 24 (the yellow-hat sect

1909. Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven.djvu

  • 00068 p. 55 The shoe-maker on /// p. 98 a shoemaker named

1917 Dubliners by James Joyce.djvu

  • 00069 p. 43 the halldoor. I /// p. 76 the hall-door was
  • 00070 p. 43 his overcoat. I /// p. 145 reefer over-coat. On
  • 00071 p. 75 the lamppost and /// p. 76 his lamp-post tried
  • 00072 p. 83 the pier-glass. The /// p. 243 the pierglass. She
  • 00073 p. 131 Downess cake-shop but /// p. 143 little cakeshop near
  • 00074 p. 140 house tonight! Its /// p. 200 with to-night, Id

1930 QLD Royal Commission into Racing Report.djvu

  • 00075 p. 39 the above-mentioned drain /// p. 62 the abovementioned days,
  • 00076 p. 50 and outbuildings. These /// p. 72 buildings out-buildings fences


  • 00077 p. 9 Rathmines radiosonde showed /// p. 16 the radio-sonde station
  • 00078 p. 9 Rathmines radiosonde still /// p. 17 actual radio-sonde flight
  • 00079 p. 10 the seabreeze. Temperatures /// p. 10 north-east sea-breeze would
  • 00080 p. 10 Rathmines radiosonde. As /// p. 17 normal radio-sonde flights

1965 Moynihan Report.pdf

  • 00081 p. 3 general post-war trend /// p. 7 the postwar period

2019-07-09 - Complaint regarding Wikipedia Page.pdf

  • 00082 p. 2 promoting inter-faith dialogue /// p. 2 promoting interfaith dialogue

20th annual meet- League of American Wheelmen, Aug. 14th to 19th '99, Boston, Massachusetts.djvu

  • 00083 p. 21 stands to-day second /// p. 29 headquarters today of

29357 2016 1 1501 44512 Judgement 11-May-2023.pdf

  • 00084 p. 5 is co-extensive with /// p. 22 is coextensive with

9-11 Joint Inquiry Report - Part Four.pdf

  • 00085 p. 9 to non-profit organizations /// p. 22 a nonprofit organization

Aaron's Rod, Lawrence, New York 1922.djvu

  • 00086 p. 13 brown side-board on /// p. 76 the sideboard. He
  • 00087 p. 13 open fire-place a /// p. 184 huge fireplace, like
  • 00088 p. 19 Coming downstairs after /// p. 70 slowly down-stairs into
  • 00089 p. 34 the highroad, up /// p. 56 the high-road. He
  • 00090 p. 36 the mantel-piece, to /// p. 125 the mantelpiece and
  • 00091 p. 50 sloped down-hill, and /// p. 242 slither downhill, still
  • 00092 p. 72 a belly-ache for /// p. 142 the bellyache, that
  • 00093 p. 90 village post-office. Telegrams /// p. 96 the postoffice. They
  • 00094 p. 100 physically preoccupied, there /// p. 250 utterly pre-occupied with
  • 00095 p. 160 Italian manservant in /// p. 266 A man-servant opened
  • 00096 p. 244 the tea-party. The /// p. 261 the teaparty. It
  • 00097 p. 250 table halfway down /// p. 304 caught half-way. And
  • 00098 p. 289 the shopkeepers, these /// p. 327 the shop-keepers shut

AASHO USRN 1973-06-26.pdf

  • 00099 p. 1 and north-westerly to /// p. 2 a northwesterly direction

AASHTO USRN 1974-06-25.pdf

  • 00100 p. 1 thence overlapping I-29 /// p. 3 thence over-lapping U.S.
  • 00101 p. 1 a northeasterly direction /// p. 4 a north-easterly direction
  • 00102 p. 3 thence south-westerly to /// p. 4 a southwesterly direction

AASHTO USRN 1975-11-15.pdf

  • 00103 p. 1 northerly overlapping I-74 /// p. 2 easterly over-lapping I-69
  • 00104 p. 2 southeasterly over-lapping U.S. /// p. 2 southerly overlapping present

A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources.pdf

  • 00105 p. 11 facilitates reuse, and /// p. 19 through re-use and
  • 00106 p. 11 or e-learning, although /// p. 51 The elearning action
  • 00107 p. 14 restricting reuse of /// p. 49 to re-use old
  • 00108 p. 16 commercial resale value /// p. 49 commercial re-sale value
  • 00109 p. 29 for non-commercial purposes. /// p. 57 is noncommercial. If
  • 00110 p. 29 and decision-makers need /// p. 45 and decisionmakers on
  • 00111 p. 37 importance worldwide. Indeed, /// p. 112 networks world-wide in
  • 00112 p. 50 help over-stretched educators /// p. 131 on overstretched academics.
  • 00113 p. 53 for nonsoftware material /// p. 53 for non-software materials.

A Bayard from Bengal.djvu

  • 00114 p. 31 her blood-thirsty antagonist. /// p. 70 you bloodthirsty little
  • 00115 p. 40 ordinary common-sense must /// p. 98 to commonsense and
  • 00116 p. 45 of tiptop London /// p. 101 his tip-top position
  • 00117 p. 45 dainty nosehandkerchief deliciously /// p. 72 the nose-handkerchief which
  • 00118 p. 46 a tiptop admirer. /// p. 123 a tip-top education;
  • 00119 p. 67 his lady-love, the /// p. 96 his ladylove, since
  • 00120 p. 81 a four-wheeled cab /// p. 94 a fourwheeled cab.
  • 00121 p. 86 his gift-horse, and /// p. 89 cantankerous gifthorse. The

A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 1.djvu

  • 00122 p. 47 the copyright of /// p. 105 the copy-right of
  • 00123 p. 69 Greyfriars churchyard, Edinburgh. /// p. 149 the church-yard of
  • 00124 p. 114 his lifetime (1637) /// p. 174 Dows life-time to
  • 00125 p. 166 of gunpowder made /// p. 189 the gun-powder plot,
  • 00126 p. 190 the ground-work of /// p. 190 the groundwork of

A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu

  • 00127 p. 20 the grand-daughter of /// p. 808 was granddaughter of
  • 00128 p. 77 to reestablish the /// p. 138 to re-establish one
  • 00129 p. 77 on horseback, and /// p. 208 on horse-back, when
  • 00130 p. 107 to re-instate him /// p. 257 to reinstate in
  • 00131 p. 112 the bedchamber to /// p. 167 the bed-chamber, also
  • 00132 p. 138 fully re-established at /// p. 447 and reestablished the
  • 00133 p. 242 the bed-chamber, in /// p. 494 kings bedchamber, by
  • 00134 p. 393 away bare-footed, and /// p. 809 walking barefooted through
  • 00135 p. 406 her needle-work, to /// p. 506 of needlework, was
  • 00136 p. 410 Lyons, co-temporary with /// p. 734 Courtezan, cotemporary with
  • 00137 p. 437 princess re-established that /// p. 568 illness, reestablished friendship
  • 00138 p. 442 the anti-chamber of /// p. 458 wifes antichamber; and
  • 00139 p. 446 the mal-contents affirmed /// p. 447 The malcontents preferred
  • 00140 p. 468 greatly out-numbered the /// p. 554 much outnumbered, his
  • 00141 p. 476 long lawsuit during /// p. 517 a law-suit, and
  • 00142 p. 531 her non-conformity to /// p. 533 her nonconformity, and
  • 00143 p. 644 of needlework, and /// p. 819 at needle-work. In
  • 00144 p. 686 an almshouse at /// p. 693 an alms-house at
  • 00145 p. 687 upon horse-flesh, and /// p. 833 that horseflesh, which

A Biographical Sketch (of B. S. Barton) - William P. C. Barton.djvu

  • 00146 p. 29 the rattlesnake and /// p. 31 or rattle-snake. Philo.
  • 00147 p. 30 the rattlesnake and /// p. 32 the rattle-snake and

A Bit of Sunshine.djvu

  • 00148 p. 10 soaked af-ter all /// p. 22 Then, after they
  • 00149 p. 10 said mam-ma. "I /// p. 46 when mamma came
  • 00150 p. 10 to pa-pa, and /// p. 26 said papa. "That
  • 00151 p. 12 wind, looking like /// p. 48 all look-ing fresh
  • 00152 p. 14 be very wild, /// p. 28 get ve-ry wet,"
  • 00153 p. 18 said mam-ma. "It /// p. 46 laughed mamma softly,

A Bit of Unpublished Correspondence Between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Hecker.djvu

  • 00154 p. 6 I cannot so /// p. 7 the can-not. To

Abolition of the Vice-Royalty of Ireland.djvu

  • 00155 p. 8 have overrated their /// p. 27 be over-rated. It

A Book of Dartmoor.djvu

  • 00156 p. 16 of prehistoric archæology, /// p. 53 the pre-historic period,
  • 00157 p. 28 a beeline for /// p. 33 a bee-line. Happily,
  • 00158 p. 40 old lakebed. Taw /// p. 193 the lake-bed with
  • 00159 p. 107 the pack-horse track, /// p. 312 old packhorse bridge.

A book of folk-lore (1913).djvu

  • 00160 p. 8 of folk-lore (1913).djvu/10|7]]}} /// p. 13 of folklore is
  • 00161 p. 8 of folk-lore (1913).djvu/23|20]]}} /// p. 13 of folklore came.
  • 00162 p. 8 of folk-lore (1913).djvu/45|42]]}} /// p. 22 the folklore of
  • 00163 p. 10 was bed-ridden. His /// p. 42 was bedridden when
  • 00164 p. 23 to new-born children /// p. 172 a newborn child.
  • 00165 p. 29 a farmhouse. Unable /// p. 189 the farm-house hard
  • 00166 p. 51 Greek folktales, also /// p. 60 are folk-tales. And
  • 00167 p. 255 the door-step of /// p. 259 the doorstep just

A book of myths.djvu

  • 00168 p. 101 a new-born flower. /// p. 103 the newborn child.
  • 00169 p. 120 the goat-herds in /// p. 180 the goatherds on
  • 00170 p. 193 dripped sea-water; in /// p. 193 of seawater on
  • 00171 p. 193 wet footprints nor /// p. 255 his foot-prints by
  • 00172 p. 350 their step-mother, kept /// p. 351 their stepmother. When

A book of the Cevennes (-1907-).djvu

  • 00173 p. 19 The superincumbent beds /// p. 49 these super-incumbent beds,
  • 00174 p. 27 branches southeast the /// p. 113 the south-east of
  • 00175 p. 160 bullied to-day, if /// p. 289 is today spread
  • 00176 p. 161 the meeting-house happened /// p. 343 large meetinghouse contains
  • 00177 p. 162 into farmhouses. They /// p. 359 the farm-houses. Why
  • 00178 p. 188 great superincumbent weight /// p. 246 by super-incumbent beds
  • 00179 p. 265 Chayla, archpriest and /// p. 274 the arch-priest Du

A book of the Pyrenees.djvu

  • 00180 p. 68 a semi-lunar bay, /// p. 108 the semilunar range
  • 00181 p. 80 annual merry-making. But /// p. 352 much merrymaking with
  • 00182 p. 84 the custom-house officers /// p. 283 the customhouse. "It

A book of the west; being an introduction to Devon and Cornwall.djvu

  • 00183 p. 15 supersede guidebooks, but /// p. 16 in guide-books, but
  • 00184 p. 26 the substratum of /// p. 84 a sub-stratum for
  • 00185 p. 134 of screen-work. There /// p. 154 carved screenwork to

Aboriginal welfare 1937.djvu

  • 00186 p. 5 here today following /// p. 10 position to-day that
  • 00187 p. 6 more co-operation and /// p. 25 the cooperation of
  • 00188 p. 6 their able-bodied hunters /// p. 7 their ablebodied young
  • 00189 p. 8 superior crossbreeds has /// p. 19 between cross-breeds of
  • 00190 p. 8 home background to /// p. 20 home back-ground. The
  • 00191 p. 12 Australia today is /// p. 15 Australia to-day and
  • 00192 p. 28 condition today. We /// p. 33 is to-day a


  • 00193 p. 44 the freshwater unio. /// p. 523 there fresh-water seals
  • 00194 p. 60 the stringy-bark tree /// p. 65 the stringybark is
  • 00195 p. 92 prominent, over-hanging deep-set /// p. 99 and overhanging brows.
  • 00196 p. 186 stout blackfellow takes /// p. 197 A black-fellow with

About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu

  • 00197 p. 25 the backbone of /// p. 240 mountainous back-bone of
  • 00198 p. 30 this table-land. On /// p. 42 great tableland of
  • 00199 p. 33 The silkworm also /// p. 280 native silk-worm and
  • 00200 p. 34 the table-land yielded /// p. 42 the tableland of
  • 00201 p. 37 of today. Tools /// p. 52 seen to-day in
  • 00202 p. 47 of waterbirds found /// p. 47 of water-birds, there
  • 00203 p. 69 pouch corn-cake baked /// p. 124 a corncake near
  • 00204 p. 71 the tableland. They /// p. 137 the table-land, from
  • 00205 p. 80 these bloodstained shrines. /// p. 214 and blood-stained shrines
  • 00206 p. 84 His snakeskin boat /// p. 88 huge snake-skin drum,
  • 00207 p. 89 stone, woodwork carved, /// p. 411 sacred wood-work of
  • 00208 p. 133 the courtyard with /// p. 412 the court-yard of
  • 00209 p. 175 the longcherished hope /// p. 382 Rankins long-cherished desire
  • 00210 p. 225 the drawbridge back /// p. 283 the draw-bridge was
  • 00211 p. 243 magnificent summerhouses and /// p. 336 old summer-houses of
  • 00212 p. 318 pretty home-made basket /// p. 356 generally homemade. {{FI

Above the battle.djvu

  • 00213 p. 25 respect masterpieces. They /// p. 26 mutilates master-pieces and

Abraham Lincoln, A Story and a Play.djvu

  • 00214 p. 16 small school-house not /// p. 20 small schoolhouse not
  • 00215 p. 16 his flatboat up /// p. 31 another flat-boat expedition
  • 00216 p. 37 hand, rail-splitter, carpenter, /// p. 46 The railsplitter standing

A Brief History of Modern Philosophy.djvu

  • 00217 p. 7 mere viewpoint of /// p. 150 the view-point of
  • 00218 p. 13 the viewpoint of /// p. 299 economico-biological view-point. Viewed
  • 00219 p. 15 religious viewpoints were /// p. 141 the view-points which
  • 00220 p. 24 The sub-lunar world, /// p. 27 the sublunar sphere;
  • 00221 p. 32 was two-fold, its /// p. 109 This twofold gift
  • 00222 p. 46 new worldview and /// p. 296 our world-view must
  • 00223 p. 56 a psycho-physical basis /// p. 77 mere psychophysical theory.
  • 00224 p. 58 the psycho-physical problem /// p. 270 the psychophysical reality
  • 00225 p. 80 a thoroughgoing application /// p. 123 a thorough-going materialism
  • 00226 p. 134 a one-sided development /// p. 279 the onesided attitude
  • 00227 p. 175 the non-ego, as /// p. 182 the nonego was

A Brief History of South Dakota.djvu

  • 00228 p. 39 the north-west hills /// p. 111 him northwest from
  • 00229 p. 40 and speech-making, and /// p. 56 and speechmaking, Pryor

A brief summary, in plain language, of the most important laws concerning women, together with a few observations thereon.pdf

  • 00230 p. 7 the life-time of /// p. 10 his lifetime, and

Abstract of the bloody massacre in Ireland.pdf

  • 00231 p. 16 about mid-night, a /// p. 17 about midnight were
  • 00232 p. 16 his schoolmaster, who /// p. 18 Sturkey, school-master at

A campaign in Mexico.djvu

  • 00233 p. 22 treat to-day for /// p. 41 of today will
  • 00234 p. 34 at daylight by /// p. 61 Before day-light we
  • 00235 p. 40 twenty-first birth-day. My /// p. 47 the birthday of
  • 00236 p. 41 strong north-wester, so /// p. 44 the northwester. I

Accidents and disasters on land.pdf

  • 00237 p. 7 of gun-powder, which, /// p. 13 of gunpowder, in

Account of some imaginary apparitions (NLS104186561).pdf

  • 00238 p. 11 the bed-ſide, it /// p. 14 the bedſide, but

Account of the dreadful accident and great loss of lives which occurred at Kirkcaldy, on Sunday the 15th June, 1828.pdf

  • 00239 p. 2 a staircase, and /// p. 11 fatal stair-case, we

A chambermaid's diary.djvu

  • 00240 p. 19 whose two-fold expression /// p. 96 a twofold expression
  • 00241 p. 54 the woodhouse, and /// p. 101 the wood-house, where
  • 00242 p. 113 the lighthouse. Everything /// p. 113 the light-house, the

A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu

  • 00243 p. 27 the mantel-piece, and /// p. 98 the mantelpiece; and
  • 00244 p. 42 the shop-keeper drove /// p. 94 the shopkeeper which
  • 00245 p. 56 Gullens backyard; gnawing /// p. 108 the back-yard, crawled
  • 00246 p. 56 Gullens backyard. /// p. 108 the back-yard quietly,
  • 00247 p. 63 fathers home-coming. In /// p. 324 a homecoming he
  • 00248 p. 71 toward midday, but /// p. 74 and mid-day wore
  • 00249 p. 72 Walkers cook-shop, up /// p. 299 Walkers cookshop in
  • 00250 p. 81 and cook-shops with /// p. 93 of cookshops knew
  • 00251 p. 90 the look-out, an /// p. 92 the lookout for
  • 00252 p. 90 though businesslike. "Now /// p. 150 and business-like. And
  • 00253 p. 101 the swe-e-et by /// p. 101 the swe-e-e-t by
  • 00254 p. 103 at three-pence, made /// p. 106 owing threepence half-penny.
  • 00255 p. 106 three half-pence, remained /// p. 345 three halfpence: though
  • 00256 p. 123 one door-post was /// p. 275 the doorpost, looking
  • 00257 p. 125 convenient door-step; for /// p. 125 its doorstep one
  • 00258 p. 191 a breastpin, or /// p. 293 A breast-pin brought
  • 00259 p. 198 the look-out for /// p. 283 the lookout for
  • 00260 p. 208 the tailboard. "Yus—put /// p. 209 the tail-board was
  • 00261 p. 232 the oilman but /// p. 242 the oil-man swallowed
  • 00262 p. 234 the saucepans, painted /// p. 245 of sauce-pans and
  • 00263 p. 234 swung doormats at /// p. 240 "Nor door-mats at
  • 00264 p. 235 the saucepans and /// p. 258 of sauce-pans, he
  • 00265 p. 267 a singsong at /// p. 270 the sing-song began,
  • 00266 p. 287 He tiptoed along /// p. 373 moment, tip-toed along
  • 00267 p. 312 and match-boxes, an /// p. 320 for matchboxes. Mrs.
  • 00268 p. 336 the sandbag fake, /// p. 336 the sand-bag be
  • 00269 p. 381 were newcomers; why /// p. 386 by new-comers, all

A Christmas Carol (1916, Rackham).djvu

  • 00270 p. 22 nothing wonderful can /// p. 185 unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!
  • 00271 p. 34 day to-morrow, I /// p. 54 first tomorrow when
  • 00272 p. 43 The fire-place was /// p. 46 the fireplace, as
  • 00273 p. 78 were mincepies, and /// p. 101 sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings,
  • 00274 p. 131 young housekeepers. What /// p. 182 young house-keepers are
  • 00275 p. 172 a bed-post. {{nop}} /// p. 175 the bedpost was

A Christmas Carol.djvu

  • 00276 p. 26 nothing wonderful can /// p. 192 unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!
  • 00277 p. 45 Marleys pigtail sticking /// p. 51 his pig-tail, usual
  • 00278 p. 46 room, bed-room, lumber-room. /// p. 99 own bedroom. He
  • 00279 p. 47 his night-cap; and /// p. 72 and nightcap; and
  • 00280 p. 118 his thread-bare clothes /// p. 163 a threadbare place.

A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu

  • 00281 p. 178 that standpoint, he /// p. 303 the stand-point of
  • 00282 p. 179 the standpoint of /// p. 303 very stand-point. The
  • 00283 p. 254 to reappear on /// p. 282 can re-appear after
  • 00284 p. 282 Hindu standpoint, the /// p. 308 own stand-point though
  • 00285 p. 284 the standpoint of /// p. 322 the stand-point of

A colonial autocracy, New South Wales under Governor Macquarie, 1810-1821.djvu

  • 00286 p. 38 included shopkeepers and /// p. 132 retail shop-keepers and
  • 00287 p. 39 of freedmen or /// p. 290 remaining freed-men. Indeed
  • 00288 p. 44 the headquarters of /// p. 231 at head-quarters …
  • 00289 p. 46 the pickpockets had /// p. 325 by pick-pockets, larcenists
  • 00290 p. 62 far outbalanced by /// p. 124 far out-balanced the
  • 00291 p. 110 had reissued an /// p. 235 had re-issued those
  • 00292 p. 190 create turn-pikes and /// p. 261 erected turnpikes and
  • 00293 p. 205 such malpractices did /// p. 245 the mal-practices of
  • 00294 p. 208 the court-room, I /// p. 247 the courtroom, Bent

A Colonial Wooing.djvu

  • 00295 p. 67 exchange common-places. "Is /// p. 77 the commonplaces of
  • 00296 p. 75 were new-comers found /// p. 88 brings newcomers, and

A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland.djvu

  • 00297 p. 24 and six-pence for /// p. 201 for sixpence; and
  • 00298 p. 25 and six-pence, for /// p. 379 for sixpence. The
  • 00299 p. 29 Disley churchyard you /// p. 333 the church-yard a
  • 00300 p. 33 fine water-fall, and /// p. 38 curious waterfall. In
  • 00301 p. 35 About midway between /// p. 91 the mid-way of
  • 00302 p. 44 the churchyard, and /// p. 333 and church-yard are
  • 00303 p. 47 has zig-zag walks /// p. 93 the zigzag road
  • 00304 p. 51 Halifax innkeepers follow /// p. 79 the inn-keepers some
  • 00305 p. 63 the half-way house, /// p. 100 hut, halfway thither,
  • 00306 p. 87 the south-west of /// p. 288 then southwest, to
  • 00307 p. 89 the north-east, and /// p. 234 the northeast end
  • 00308 p. 89 the south-west. In /// p. 297 the southwest, above
  • 00309 p. 98 other innkeeper I /// p. 351 the inn-keeper; and
  • 00310 p. 101 the half-way hut, /// p. 104 about halfway from
  • 00311 p. 125 the churchyard. Curiosity /// p. 343 the church-yard is
  • 00312 p. 144 its namesake; and /// p. 186 a name-sake, close
  • 00313 p. 146 and drawbridge. The /// p. 237 a draw-bridge and
  • 00314 p. 179 a grass-plat of /// p. 334 the grassplat: before
  • 00315 p. 240 sounding draw-bridge cleared /// p. 269 thundering drawbridge, and
  • 00316 p. 264 the whirl-pools boil /// p. 329 and whirlpools, which,

A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu

  • 00317 p. 80 very infirm, and /// p. 90 in in-firm health

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu

  • 00318 p. 31 the slave-holding States /// p. 71 the slaveholding States
  • 00319 p. 71 enumeration hereinbefore directed /// p. 133 Territories herein-before named:
  • 00320 p. 77 reasons therefor. (4) /// p. 609 reasons there-for, 155.
  • 00321 p. 87 than slave-holding States /// p. 105 the slaveholding States
  • 00322 p. 96 Southern slave-holding States /// p. 383 these slaveholding States

A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf

  • 00323 p. 13 dainty handmade blouses /// p. 16 dainty hand-made batiste
  • 00324 p. 16 a one-piece dress. /// p. 50 a onepiece dress
  • 00325 p. 16 say in-between hat—that /// p. 34 happy inbetween age
  • 00326 p. 40 dainty hand-made blouses. /// p. 53 Draped handmade hats
  • 00327 p. 43 wear over-blouse styles, /// p. 50 silk overblouse of

A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 2, Aprons and House Dresses) (IA completecoursein02cono).pdf

  • 00328 p. 28 the waistband. (See /// p. 34 the waist-band by
  • 00329 p. 34 the waistband to /// p. 34 the waist-band along
  • 00330 p. 41 the neck-line of /// p. 43 unbecoming neckline as

A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf

  • 00331 p. 21 the armhole as /// p. 36 the arm-hole, then
  • 00332 p. 27 the centerback section /// p. 28 the center-back edge
  • 00333 p. 40 the center-back line /// p. 51 new centerback line.

A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 4, Blouses) (IA completecoursein04cono).pdf

  • 00334 p. 6 normal waistline. These /// p. 90 the waist-line. Another
  • 00335 p. 13 it lengthwise through /// p. 76 center length-wise and
  • 00336 p. 40 the underarm seams /// p. 41 the under-arm joining;
  • 00337 p. 80 the underarm. {{FIS|float=left|file=A /// p. 91 the under-arm seam.

A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf

  • 00338 p. 11 normal waistline and /// p. 38 the waist-line from
  • 00339 p. 11 normal waistline. If /// p. 62 the waist-line, regulates

A Complete Guide to Heraldry.djvu

  • 00340 p. 12 a textbook of /// p. 12 a text-book of

A Concise History of the U.S. Air Force.djvu

  • 00341 p. 7 an aircraft in /// p. 25 units, air-craft, pilots,
  • 00342 p. 18 of inflight refueling. /// p. 86 its in-flight refueling
  • 00343 p. 23 of anti-aircraft gun /// p. 52 escape antiaircraft artillery
  • 00344 p. 52 a ceasefire, substituting /// p. 73 a cease-fire in

Across the Stream.djvu

  • 00345 p. 13 clear sunlit peaks /// p. 269 the sun-lit water
  • 00346 p. 14 the night-nursery and /// p. 30 the nightnursery to
  • 00347 p. 15 say good-night to /// p. 19 say goodnight, so
  • 00348 p. 22 her bathroom next /// p. 23 ladys bath-room unless
  • 00349 p. 31 the bed-clothes of /// p. 39 the bedclothes without
  • 00350 p. 31 different bed-clothes, thicker /// p. 41 the bedclothes to
  • 00351 p. 32 vague, dream-like imaginings, /// p. 86 rather dreamlike; his
  • 00352 p. 33 splayed starfish of /// p. 137 spread star-fish fashion,
  • 00353 p. 36 "A clock-work train," /// p. 53 a clockwork train,
  • 00354 p. 41 his bedclothes. He /// p. 53 the bed-clothes up
  • 00355 p. 49 the hearth-rug with /// p. 71 thick hearthrug of
  • 00356 p. 52 my tortoise-shell robes." /// p. 66 a tortoiseshell and
  • 00357 p. 54 sisters school-room, breakfasting /// p. 54 the schoolroom. She
  • 00358 p. 61 dreary copy-book maxims /// p. 76 his copybook. "Never
  • 00359 p. 66 small bread-pills, in /// p. 66 after breadpills, but,
  • 00360 p. 71 the mantelpiece. He /// p. 208 the mantel-piece, and
  • 00361 p. 72 same hearthrug. There /// p. 85 mothers hearth-rug, and
  • 00362 p. 72 the hearthrug. The /// p. 221 mothers hearth-rug, had
  • 00363 p. 72 the fireplace and /// p. 110 open fire-place in
  • 00364 p. 87 Williams shirtfront. And /// p. 287 his shirt-front creak
  • 00365 p. 98 towed up-hill through /// p. 99 pulled uphill to
  • 00366 p. 105 dim, child-like manner, /// p. 146 and childlike faith
  • 00367 p. 108 he tip-toed downstairs /// p. 284 had tiptoed with
  • 00368 p. 110 but to-night there /// p. 319 come tonight, but
  • 00369 p. 111 the pine-tree, and /// p. 112 the pinetree, but
  • 00370 p. 127 his sun-tanned face /// p. 137 his suntanned legs
  • 00371 p. 148 the subconscious self, /// p. 249 or sub-conscious reflections,
  • 00372 p. 178 and childlike. For /// p. 190 enthusiastic child-like enjoyment
  • 00373 p. 184 expectant foxtrotters and /// p. 187 the fox-trotters ceased
  • 00374 p. 192 so childlike in /// p. 202 of child-like smiles,
  • 00375 p. 226 a cocktail or /// p. 227 a cock-tail, father,"
  • 00376 p. 4 and reused. The /// p. 69 not re-used or
  • 00377 p. 4 and reuse policies, /// p. 76 for re-use "[a]ny
  • 00378 p. 4 and reuse policies /// p. 76 where re-use would
  • 00379 p. 4 to reuse the /// p. 76 for re-use at
  • 00380 p. 5 to reuse for /// p. 79 to re-use our
  • 00381 p. 15 a reusable form. /// p. 75 and re-usable for
  • 00382 p. 25 for non-commercial /// p. 71 considers noncommercial use
  • 00383 p. 66 for re-using content, /// p. 98 and reusing collections
  • 00384 p. 68 personal, non-commercial transitory /// p. 80 for noncommercial research,
  • 00385 p. 88 and under-representation. As /// p. 103 exacerbate underrepresentation and

A cyclopaedia of female biography.djvu

  • 00386 p. 21 most important particulars /// p. 551 an import-ant, rather
  • 00387 p. 29 were child-like; she /// p. 226 almost childlike utterance
  • 00388 p. 34 Archidamia, grandmother of /// p. 272 her grand-mother, by
  • 00389 p. 44 or needle-work. At /// p. 316 drawing, needlework, and
  • 00390 p. 48 the autobiography of /// p. 750 an auto-biography sadly
  • 00391 p. 48 of childbirth, she /// p. 306 in child-birth, she
  • 00392 p. 49 his death-bed, his /// p. 189 her deathbed, she
  • 00393 p. 56 and granddaughter by /// p. 89 Brentano, grand-daughter of
  • 00394 p. 59 a grandmother too, /// p. 626 the grand-mother. Notwithstanding
  • 00395 p. 71 the death-bed of /// p. 441 her deathbed, to
  • 00396 p. 77 an unfruitful union /// p. 702 and un-fruitful plains.
  • 00397 p. 95 and reprinted in /// p. 202 been re-printed in
  • 00398 p. 99 her bed-side, and /// p. 605 the bedside of
  • 00399 p. 99 was republished in /// p. 202 was re-published in
  • 00400 p. 100 her grand-children, and /// p. 188 her grandchildren. Her
  • 00401 p. 101 the offspring of /// p. 775 her off-spring might
  • 00402 p. 101 her grand-daughter Julia /// p. 295 her granddaughter, Eadburga,
  • 00403 p. 110 the arch-duke Charles /// p. 789 the archduke heard
  • 00404 p. 113 more commonplace than /// p. 200 but common-place man
  • 00405 p. 114 in water-colours. She /// p. 684 nor watercolours in
  • 00406 p. 117 a church-yard; and /// p. 151 the churchyard mould,"
  • 00407 p. 124 laud, ftom the /// p. 778 and, ft-om her
  • 00408 p. 124 and grand-daughter of /// p. 482 the granddaughter of
  • 00409 p. 125 she, woman-like, forgave /// p. 548 loving, womanlike John;
  • 00410 p. 130 folio copper-plates, after /// p. 366 the copperplates of
  • 00411 p. 133 size, lady-like In /// p. 730 graceful ladylike demeanour
  • 00412 p. 136 the lifetime of /// p. 759 her life-time, she
  • 00413 p. 145 several law-suits, pleading /// p. 782 many lawsuits. She
  • 00414 p. 151 green churchyard near /// p. 468 Edmonton church-yard. <section
  • 00415 p. 152 a pre-disposition to /// p. 759 a predisposition to
  • 00416 p. 156 her eyesight when /// p. 459 her eye-sight, in
  • 00417 p. 159 hard-working countrywoman, and /// p. 162 her country-woman, Vandela
  • 00418 p. 161 the out-houses of /// p. 787 and outhouses, laid
  • 00419 p. 164 be republished in /// p. 224 soon re-published in
  • 00420 p. 172 of house-keeping, and, /// p. 238 her housekeeping supplies,
  • 00421 p. 175 Her tombstone has /// p. 287 her tomb-stone tell
  • 00422 p. 178 in needle-work, music, /// p. 490 of needlework, well
  • 00423 p. 193 in childbed in /// p. 358 in child-bed a
  • 00424 p. 218 her birth-right as /// p. 507 the birthright and
  • 00425 p. 223 the masterpieces of /// p. 260 esteemed master-pieces of
  • 00426 p. 229 an antechamber, where /// p. 533 an ante-chamber through
  • 00427 p. 264 more lady-like than /// p. 787 are ladylike and
  • 00428 p. 274 the grand-daughter of /// p. 537 her granddaughter. Sarah
  • 00429 p. 277 been re-printed as /// p. 352 have reprinted, at
  • 00430 p. 280 his school-fellows in /// p. 653 her schoolfellows, to
  • 00431 p. 280 in needle-work, and /// p. 556 in needlework. On
  • 00432 p. 309 she re-assumed the /// p. 431 Jagiello reassumed female
  • 00433 p. 314 and grand-daughter of /// p. 576 and granddaughter of
  • 00434 p. 316 been re-printed in /// p. 476 never reprinted it,
  • 00435 p. 333 of overcrowded rooms. /// p. 630 was over-crowded, she
  • 00436 p. 345 the every-day life /// p. 700 the everyday world,
  • 00437 p. 356 her needle-work, executing /// p. 567 for needlework, and
  • 00438 p. 362 are commonplace, while /// p. 485 to common-place people,
  • 00439 p. 365 and re-printed an /// p. 573 were reprinted in
  • 00440 p. 365 a shoe-maker, and /// p. 540 a shoemaker and
  • 00441 p. 383 was re-printed in /// p. 689 was reprinted in
  • 00442 p. 383 been re-printed in /// p. 700 been reprinted and
  • 00443 p. 462 the back-ground of /// p. 744 the background, have
  • 00444 p. 473 tedious lawsuit, which /// p. 761 a law-suit. While
  • 00445 p. 482 Her step-father, who /// p. 499 and stepfather, Hugh
  • 00446 p. 497 of bygone times. /// p. 502 in by-gone days.
  • 00447 p. 500 her stepfather, Hugh /// p. 788 her step-father, Teichman,
  • 00448 p. 500 his stepdaughter to /// p. 734 his step-daughter is
  • 00449 p. 517 her re-appearance at /// p. 730 her reappearance. She
  • 00450 p. 537 of dressmaking, and /// p. 538 of dress-making. Her
  • 00451 p. 543 mere schoolmistress, but /// p. 726 a school-mistress, which
  • 00452 p. 547 simple, child-like question, /// p. 729 with childlike faith
  • 00453 p. 547 was heavenward in /// p. 649 eyes heaven-ward, she
  • 00454 p. 592 fathers birthday. The /// p. 721 her birth-day. She

Adams - A Child of the Age.djvu

  • 00455 p. 15 school to-morrow, and /// p. 15 away tomorrow, to
  • 00456 p. 18 low doorway. The /// p. 217 />the door-way curtains,
  • 00457 p. 25 the sea-side, leaving /// p. 27 the seaside, as
  • 00458 p. 217 one out-stretched arm /// p. 217 the outstretched arm
  • 00459 p. 217 with up-held fingers /// p. 217 the upheld fingers

Adams - Essays in Modernity.djvu

  • 00460 p. 71 the balance. All /// p. 204 the bal-ance of
  • 00461 p. 97 an ever-growing curiosity /// p. 125 but evergrowing section
  • 00462 p. 105 raw-recruited regiment step /// p. 204 His reg-i-ment and,
  • 00463 p. 160 current claptrap culture /// p. 219 of clap-trap sentiment.
  • 00464 p. 201 the postprandial smoke-concert, /// p. 237 and post-prandial humours,

A Daughter of the Samurai.pdf

  • 00465 p. 33 the zigzag porch /// p. 75 dangling zig-zag papers.
  • 00466 p. 35 school to-morrow you /// p. 72 school tomorrow. Hana
  • 00467 p. 37 was widespread, and /// p. 47 like wide-spread umbrellas.
  • 00468 p. 47 do every-thing for /// p. 50 stories everything was
  • 00469 p. 60 with up-lifted tail /// p. 311 the uplifted head
  • 00470 p. 71 of chopsticks and, /// p. 195 the chop-sticks were
  • 00471 p. 88 was widespread, in /// p. 316 two wide-spread hands
  • 00472 p. 145 crooked, up-hill streets /// p. 239 an uphill path
  • 00473 p. 147 my life-long habits, /// p. 172 a lifelong sorrow.
  • 00474 p. 253 puzzling heartache, for /// p. 318 of heart-ache for
  • 00475 p. 305 The blood-stained room /// p. 334 own bloodstained coat,

Addams - 1902 - Democracy and Social Ethics.djvu

  • 00476 p. 20 of maladjustment, and /// p. 89 and mal-adjustment brought
  • 00477 p. 40 and kindheartedness, but /// p. 83 ill-regulated kind-heartedness, and
  • 00478 p. 46 were kind-hearted, what /// p. 267 and kindhearted friend,
  • 00479 p. 55 the workingman. In /// p. 56 genuine working-man. He
  • 00480 p. 82 the pseudoscientific parent, /// p. 83 this pseudo-scientific and
  • 00481 p. 109 of to-day there /// p. 188 of today, and
  • 00482 p. 143 social mal-adjustment. She /// p. 237 ethical maladjustment in
  • 00483 p. 216 in contra-distinction to /// p. 273 In contradistinction was
  • 00484 p. 222 produced over-specialization in /// p. 295 to overspecialization, 211;


  • 00485 p. 11 just half-way between /// p. 16 the halfway house.

Address as the ABA president.pdf

  • 00486 p. 3 the noteworthy changes /// p. 6 general note-worthy interest

Addresses in Memory of Carl Schurz.pdf

  • 00487 p. 38 exists to-day, it /// p. 51 am today. If

Address of the Hon. L.J. Papineau to the electors of the West Ward of Montreal.djvu

  • 00488 p. 8 disgusted today with /// p. 11 wished to-day, as

A Desk-Book of Errors in English.djvu

  • 00489 p. 149 A slipshod colloquialism /// p. 232 such slip-shod expressions."

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 1.djvu

  • 00490 p. 40 his lifetime was /// p. 226 his life-time, undertook
  • 00491 p. 50 afterwards choirmaster at /// p. 50 Paris, choir-master of
  • 00492 p. 50 time choirmaster at /// p. 223 appointed choir-master at
  • 00493 p. 83 the plainsong in /// p. 339 the plain-song the
  • 00494 p. 118 Avison re-published his /// p. 721 lately republished a
  • 00495 p. 226 ordinary household bellows, /// p. 226 the house-hold kind—were

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu

  • 00496 p. 13 the pianoforte with /// p. 714 the piano-forte. The
  • 00497 p. 506 and pianoforte makers, /// p. 714 his piano-forte works.
  • 00498 p. 506 a pianoforte. He /// p. 757 a piano-forte quartet
  • 00499 p. 506 the pianoforte at /// p. 773 orchestra, piano-forte, cello,
  • 00500 p. 516 solo-singing increased in /// p. 550 since in-creased so
  • 00501 p. 523 than counter-balanced by /// p. 681 than counterbalanced. More
  • 00502 p. 532 his birthplace, Carpentrasso. /// p. 677 (the birth-place of
  • 00503 p. 546 is pre-eminently a /// p. 587 a preeminently modern
  • 00504 p. 568 but non-existent till /// p. 584 be nonexistent in
  • 00505 p. 568 familiar landmarks in /// p. 752 old land-marks, retained,
  • 00506 p. 584 disproportionate preeminence, and /// p. 639 Schuberts pre-eminence, it
  • 00507 p. 591 11 reappear later /// p. 765 to re-appear, after
  • 00508 p. 639 the supernatural splendour /// p. 688 a super-natural story
  • 00509 p. 644 Sonnleithner, choir-master of /// p. 700 and choirmaster of
  • 00510 p. 651 the wrest-plank and /// p. 695 the wrestplank is
  • 00511 p. 654 no sound-post. It /// p. 654 The soundpost has
  • 00512 p. 654 treble sound-hole, and /// p. 738 the soundhole is
  • 00513 p. 681 now reappeared. The /// p. 729 She re-appeared in
  • 00514 p. 699 German fiddlemaking is /// p. 744 Though fiddle-making is
  • 00515 p. 738 the soundholes, giving /// p. 738 the sound-holes relatively

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu

  • 00516 p. 17 peculiar counterpoint of /// p. 330 of counter-point, canon
  • 00517 p. 24 his life-time was /// p. 44 Beethovens lifetime, that
  • 00518 p. 24 eminent violon-cellist, born /// p. 93 Seligmann, violoncellist, and
  • 00519 p. 42 and light-heartedness in /// p. 52 unmixed lightheartedness becomes
  • 00520 p. 43 the coordination of /// p. 176 the co-ordination of
  • 00521 p. 49 their reiteration with /// p. 276 apparent re-iteration. In
  • 00522 p. 61 and grandfather occupied /// p. 232 Beethovens grand-father. [See
  • 00523 p. 62 and chorus-master to /// p. 368 Dietsch (chorusmaster and
  • 00524 p. 67 quickly reappeared with /// p. 274 She re-appeared in
  • 00525 p. 67 and chorus-master at /// p. 369 the chorusmaster, and
  • 00526 p. 72 is well-nigh obsolete, /// p. 248 musically, wellnigh barren,
  • 00527 p. 73 sympathetic reinforcement. In /// p. 276 and re-inforcement of
  • 00528 p. 81 his head-quarters. In /// p. 311 its headquarters. Founded
  • 00529 p. 85 His shortcomings are /// p. 379 sundry short-comings on
  • 00530 p. 90 intensified nowadays, and /// p. 258 proceed now-a-days, and
  • 00531 p. 90 followed nowadays. The /// p. 265 themselves, now-a-days, to
  • 00532 p. 93 in quartet-playing. Chords /// p. 313 of quartetplaying. As
  • 00533 p. 103 the plainsong, the /// p. 357 of plain-song and
  • 00534 p. 111 an eyewitness states, /// p. 259 an eye-witness, that
  • 00535 p. 112 daughter (granddaughter of /// p. 274 and grand-daughter of
  • 00536 p. 124 a thoroughbass appears /// p. 345 and thorough-bass, and
  • 00537 p. 133 and soundpost, all /// p. 302 The sound-post is
  • 00538 p. 147 she reappeared in /// p. 369 he re-appeared to
  • 00539 p. 167 by overwork, he /// p. 251 production), over-work, or
  • 00540 p. 173 as choirmaster, conductor, /// p. 331 appointed choir-master of
  • 00541 p. 176 a semitone, whole /// p. 231 a semi-tone for
  • 00542 p. 225 was chapel-master of /// p. 274 was chapelmaster in
  • 00543 p. 252 was reengaged for /// p. 375 was re-engaged by
  • 00544 p. 254 building, rearranged by /// p. 302 so re-arranged as
  • 00545 p. 258 the good-will of /// p. 367 or goodwill. In
  • 00546 p. 268 can now-a-days only /// p. 315 soloists, nowadays the
  • 00547 p. 286 the soundholes. The /// p. 286 and sound-holes are
  • 00548 p. 287 the soundpost. The /// p. 302 and sound-post must
  • 00549 p. 302 The pegholes are /// p. 302 The peg-holes, enlarged
  • 00550 p. 310 from one-sidedness, and /// p. 312 avoided onesidedness not
  • 00551 p. 311 Europe spell-bound. His /// p. 371 people spellbound) was
  • 00552 p. 319 but cat-gut strings. /// p. 392 a catgut from
  • 00553 p. 337 bellows, wind-chest, etc. /// p. 344 the windchest, and
  • 00554 p. 364 of chorus-master with /// p. 377 quondam chorusmaster and

A dictionary of the Book of Mormon.pdf

  • 00555 p. 21 Atlantic seaboard of /// p. 259 that sea-board, and
  • 00556 p. 29 his fellow-men. Almas /// p. 373 their fellowmen, and
  • 00557 p. 33 placed task-masters over /// p. 66 Lamanitish taskmasters, which
  • 00558 p. 38 he before-time had /// p. 45 that beforetime had
  • 00559 p. 107 Pacific seaboard of /// p. 319 Atlantic sea-board, passing
  • 00560 p. 242 the headwaters of /// p. 368 the head-waters of
  • 00561 p. 265 great lawgiver to /// p. 277 their law-giver, but
  • 00562 p. 306 the table-lands or /// p. 306 and tablelands would

A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu

  • 00563 p. 11 sĕu-ĕur, ho-ok, ju-uh, /// p. 60 a hook, a
  • 00564 p. 12 prounced ngang-ah, and /// p. 12 not ngan-gah. The
  • 00565 p. 13 Jélĕma paih, a /// p. 298 Méh pa-ih ,
  • 00566 p. 16 have throughout the /// p. 253 jagat, through-out the
  • 00567 p. 19 India, especially before /// p. 165 work, espe-cially Dudukuis
  • 00568 p. 20 throws himself upon /// p. 152 than him-self. If
  • 00569 p. 30 Alamat paih a /// p. 302 Mĕurĕun pa-ih lamun
  • 00570 p. 33 tweezers, toothpick &c, /// p. 527 a tooth-pick. [[wikt:tujah|Tujah]],
  • 00571 p. 34 three heirloom guns /// p. 156 or heir-loom guns
  • 00572 p. 35 the offspring of /// p. 253 its off-spring helpless.
  • 00573 p. 42 [[wikt:aram|Aram]], brushwood used /// p. 98 cuttiug brush-wood: when
  • 00574 p. 44 fragrant, sweet-scented. [[wikt:asa|Asa]], /// p. 465 [[wikt:sĕungit|Sĕungit]], sweetscented, of
  • 00575 p. 45 particularly firewood or /// p. 481 Suluh, fire-wood. Sula,
  • 00576 p. 46 for boat-hooks. Bambusa /// p. 47 for boathooks or
  • 00577 p. 56 expenses, pocket-money, wages, /// p. 425 have pocketmoney. [[wikt:rěuněuh|Rěuněuh]],
  • 00578 p. 57 about cocoanut trees.{{nop}} /// p. 481 the cocoa-nut fastened
  • 00579 p. 63 a nobleman. Baris /// p. 554 a noble-man. Warga,
  • 00580 p. 66 a touchstone; Batu /// p. 538 a touch-stone, always
  • 00581 p. 70 [[wikt:bělang|Bělang]], pie-bald, party-coloured, /// p. 553 45, piebald, streaked
  • 00582 p. 74 as firewood, Paddy, /// p. 495 of fire-wood, cut
  • 00583 p. 82 the backbone; to /// p. 523 the back-bone. [[wikt:tongkeng|Tongkeng]],
  • 00584 p. 85 with sundry additions /// p. 527 [[wikt:tuhurěun|Tuhurěun]], sun-dry, dried
  • 00585 p. 87 upah béas, taking /// p. 546 Wadah bé-as, a
  • 00586 p. 97 a teacup, any /// p. 439 a tea-cup, and
  • 00587 p. 104 the forefinger. </li><li> /// p. 118 the fore-finger; any
  • 00588 p. 113 struck endways with /// p. 524 driven end-ways on.
  • 00589 p. 114 small firewood. [[wikt:chokrom|Chokrom]], /// p. 510 chopping fire-wood, Iyo
  • 00590 p. 116 a cock-roach, a /// p. 204 a cockroach, when
  • 00591 p. 116 the cock-roach insect. /// p. 465 small cockroach. Blatta
  • 00592 p. 117 king, cleanbreasted with /// p. 434 king, clean-breasted to
  • 00593 p. 118 a water-fall, a /// p. 456 a waterfall. Séah
  • 00594 p. 119 the cocoanut, that /// p. 494 the cocoa-nut- tree.
  • 00595 p. 120 a currycomb after /// p. 239 to curry-comb, to
  • 00596 p. 124 upland grasslands rather /// p. 493 open grass-lands. Gras-slands
  • 00597 p. 133 young cocoanut in /// p. 506 a cocoa-nut, so
  • 00598 p. 136 the ram-rod of /// p. 427 the ramrod. Aya
  • 00599 p. 139 a boathook. /// p. 512 or boat-hook. To
  • 00600 p. 142 in childbirth. {{sp|Ganesa}}, /// p. 255 in child-birth, or
  • 00601 p. 147 and cocoanut is /// p. 519 small cocoa-nut growing
  • 00602 p. 172 one cocoanut. Bonteng /// p. 531 a cocoa-nut from
  • 00603 p. 179 arabic, eventide, when /// p. 472 at even-tide and
  • 00604 p. 195 before daybreak. [[wikt:jĕnat|Jĕnat]], /// p. 502 before day-break. This
  • 00605 p. 212 a bloodred fruit, /// p. 465 plentiful blood-red saliva,
  • 00606 p. 232 grown kawungpalm which /// p. 543 the kawung-palm into
  • 00607 p. 237 a water-pot, Earthenware /// p. 257 a waterpot; a
  • 00608 p. 241 si-ya, si-ra he /// p. 334 ing; sira, Kawi,
  • 00609 p. 253 the cocoanuts, when /// p. 519 these cocoa-nuts. Tinun,
  • 00610 p. 256 [[wikt:kurabu|Kurabu]], ear-rings. (See /// p. 519 for earrings. See
  • 00611 p. 272 Hoih lĕu-lĕus, the /// p. 274 Hoih lĕulĕus, one
  • 00612 p. 282 threads lengthwise in /// p. 432 easily length-wise. {{rule}}
  • 00613 p. 331 the northwest monsoon, /// p. 545 the north-west monsoon
  • 00614 p. 394 night, night-time. The /// p. 505 at nighttime, during
  • 00615 p. 403 excellence, pre-eminence; Gama, /// p. 440 862, preeminence; final
  • 00616 p. 418 bambu framework of /// p. 487 of frame-work made
  • 00617 p. 421 tilu réal, gold /// p. 421 the ré-al is
  • 00618 p. 426 all woodwork, which /// p. 509 as wood-work. To
  • 00619 p. 446 a riverfish in /// p. 538 small river-fish about
  • 00620 p. 449 paint whitewash or /// p. 539 as white-wash, paint,
  • 00621 p. 460 a spy-glass, a /// p. 524 a spyglass, a
  • 00622 p. 461 a grass-hopper, thus /// p. 470 a grasshopper. Chisimĕut
  • 00623 p. 476 a hillside or /// p. 543 a hill-side, stones
  • 00624 p. 490 monovalve shellfish common /// p. 536 turbinated shell-fish scarcely
  • 00625 p. 508 a shellfish in /// p. 539 a shell-fish, a
  • 00626 p. 516 about woodwork or /// p. 540 under wood-work. Compounded
  • 00627 p. 516 instrument endways into /// p. 534 set end-ways by

A Discourse upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America - John Morgan.djvu

  • 00628 p. 13 to support a /// p. 65 and sup-port from

A discovery that the moon has a vast population of human beings.djvu

  • 00629 p. 21 mechanical frame-work for /// p. 23 wooden framework; so

Admiral Phillip.djvu

  • 00630 p. 52 modern warships which, /// p. 328 three war-ships, the
  • 00631 p. 57 the ring-leaders were /// p. 228 the ringleaders, should
  • 00632 p. 127 the lookout to /// p. 165 the look-out was,
  • 00633 p. 144 modern warships which /// p. 345 the war-ships of
  • 00634 p. 173 four hundred-weight of /// p. 174 three hundredweight of
  • 00635 p. 306 the warship Belem. /// p. 306 the war-ship Belem.
  • 00636 p. 307 the war-ship Belem /// p. 349 the warship Santo

Advanced Australia.djvu

  • 00637 p. 13 guilty, nowadays, of /// p. 17 travelling, now-a-days; but

Adventures of Roderick Random.pdf

  • 00638 p. 5 the schoolmaster, who, /// p. 6 the school-master and
  • 00639 p. 22 London tomorrow of /// p. 29 entrance to-morrow at
  • 00640 p. 36 order tomorrow about /// p. 68 by to-morrow. We

Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu

  • 00641 p. 54 the housekeeper. What /// p. 174 mere house-keeper and

A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field.pdf

  • 00642 p. 14 the counter-current. (36) /// p. 53 total countercurrent would

Aerial Flight - Volume 1 - Aerodynamics - Frederick Lanchester - 1906.djvu

  • 00643 p. 83 low co-efficient for /// p. 268 the coefficient of

Æsop's fables- (IA aesopfables00aesoiala).pdf

  • 00644 p. 291 way downstream in /// p. 297 carried down-stream they

A Few Hours in a Far Off Age.djvu

  • 00645 p. 9 very apelike in /// p. 52 our ape-like ancestors,
  • 00646 p. 37 faces tomorrow, when /// p. 80 until to-morrow morning.
  • 00647 p. 44 to recommence the /// p. 89 to re-commence all.
  • 00648 p. 75 a bathroom into /// p. 76 the bath-room, admits

Affecting history of an inn-keeper in Normandy.pdf

  • 00649 p. 1 an inn-keeper in /// p. 5 An innkeeper at
  • 00650 p. 1 an inn-keeper in /// p. 7 The innkeeper told
  • 00651 p. 2 an inn-keeper in /// p. 8 the innkeeper with
  • 00652 p. 7 the innholder ſecretly /// p. 11 the inn-holder was
  • 00653 p. 10 the innkeeper dropped /// p. 12 an inn-keeper in


  • 00654 p. 28 a water-line. Up /// p. 92 still waterline, hard

A forgotten small nationality.djvu

  • 00655 p. 17 by court-martial for /// p. 32 The courtmartial was
  • 00656 p. 25 military court-martial held /// p. 32 the courtmartial: "Never
  • 00657 p. 27 was bloodstained and /// p. 31 the blood-stained bricks,

Against profane dealing with holy matrimony.djvu

  • 00658 p. 18 or step-mother, in /// p. 23 the stepmother of
  • 00659 p. 18 a granddaughter, v. /// p. 19 or grand-daughter, v.

A Garland for Girls (1893).djvu

  • 00660 p. 26 mine to-morrow if /// p. 167 day tomorrow. Jenny
  • 00661 p. 27 After to-day we /// p. 82 figures today. See!
  • 00662 p. 51 room upstairs, too /// p. 87 flew up-stairs, knowing
  • 00663 p. 115 my state-room after /// p. 161 the stateroom a
  • 00664 p. 152 from hayfields far /// p. 253 with hay-fields on
  • 00665 p. 187 two wayside nosegays /// p. 283 the way-side bank
  • 00666 p. 266 the hill-side, down /// p. 290 bleak hillside, careless

Agatha Christie-The Murder on the Links.djvu

  • 00667 p. 24 of finger-prints and /// p. 46 of fingerprints on
  • 00668 p. 43 A businesslike writing /// p. 151 a business-like manner.
  • 00669 p. 44 a crestfallen air, /// p. 95 somewhat crest-fallen. Meanwhile
  • 00670 p. 52 somewhat crestfallen. “Indeed, /// p. 114 rather crest-fallen. “No,”
  • 00671 p. 57 evidently crestfallen. “So /// p. 201 His crest-fallen manner
  • 00672 p. 64 within ear-shot of /// p. 178 of earshot from
  • 00673 p. 98 sailing tonight Buenos /// p. 188 there to-night? Is

Agatha Christie - The Secret Adversary (1922).djvu

  • 00674 p. 29 green notebook, and /// p. 77 a note-book and
  • 00675 p. 31 was half-way across /// p. 215 go halfway, and
  • 00676 p. 82 aristocratic byways he /// p. 217 these by-ways he
  • 00677 p. 88 the doorkeeper, then /// p. 94 the door-keeper would
  • 00678 p. 91 the newcomer entered /// p. 93 The new-comer knocked
  • 00679 p. 126 that armchair, and /// p. 270 an arm-chair, and
  • 00680 p. 153 somewhat unsportsman-like triumph. /// p. 305 these unsportsmanlike tactics
  • 00681 p. 160 of anticlimax. Clearly /// p. 169 of anti-climax to
  • 00682 p. 212 a peephole somewhere /// p. 214 a peep-hole into
  • 00683 p. 226 the highbrow Sir /// p. 291 some high-brow doctors


  • 00684 p. 25 said good-night to /// p. 43 her goodnight, and
  • 00685 p. 56 that to-morrow after /// p. 116 back tomorrow morning
  • 00686 p. 87 six to-day, if /// p. 88 six today, Hooray,

A general history for colleges and high schools (Myers, 1890).djvu

  • 00687 p. 18 represented to-day by /// p. 63 held today by
  • 00688 p. 26 that to-day Buddhism /// p. 133 of today. Many
  • 00689 p. 62 their towertemples. These /// p. 62 these tower-temples have
  • 00690 p. 89 a seafaring life. /// p. 107 a sea-faring life.

Age of Innocence (Appleton 1920).djvu

  • 00691 p. 12 black-walnut bookcases and /// p. 34 glazed book-cases of
  • 00692 p. 15 projected honey-moon with /// p. 79 European honeymoon (perhaps
  • 00693 p. 25 the horse-shoe curve /// p. 333 the horseshoe where
  • 00694 p. 27 heavy brown-stone palace, /// p. 79 the brownstone of
  • 00695 p. 28 hot canvas-back ducks /// p. 64 little canvasback shooting
  • 00696 p. 35 capacious armchair, with /// p. 97 an arm-chair forward,
  • 00697 p. 38 yellow armchair; now /// p. 172 her arm-chair, opening
  • 00698 p. 48 Janeys grown-up. They /// p. 198 a grownup person,
  • 00699 p. 48 delicate eye-brows in /// p. 84 black eyebrows. "Is
  • 00700 p. 49 an armchair near /// p. 307 an arm-chair to
  • 00701 p. 49 the armchair with /// p. 309 his arm-chair. She
  • 00702 p. 50 the mantelpiece and /// p. 306 the mantel-piece. As
  • 00703 p. 50 singularly home-like and /// p. 336 the homelike hush,
  • 00704 p. 50 his armchair near /// p. 311 throne-like arm-chair near
  • 00705 p. 57 by pre-revolutionary marriages /// p. 358 the prerevolutionary buildings
  • 00706 p. 57 the granddaughter of /// p. 101 Her grand-daughter the
  • 00707 p. 59 though non-committal by /// p. 273 something noncommittal. "Ah,
  • 00708 p. 59 brocaded armchairs so /// p. 142 Rush-bottomed arm-chairs faced
  • 00709 p. 59 gilt armchair before /// p. 362 favourite arm-chair by
  • 00710 p. 61 a life-time, and /// p. 370 inarticulate lifetime. After
  • 00711 p. 61 brocade armchairs with /// p. 216 "sincere" arm-chairs and
  • 00712 p. 75 Small dress-makers, bird-stuffers /// p. 193 of dressmakers and
  • 00713 p. 76 reproachful eye-brows and /// p. 107 enquiring eyebrows, and
  • 00714 p. 76 tribal doorstep to /// p. 241 the door-step hesitating;
  • 00715 p. 77 low firelit drawing-room. /// p. 226 little fire-lit drawing-room
  • 00716 p. 116 straight eyebrows a /// p. 290 his eye-brows with
  • 00717 p. 127 in mid-winter; and /// p. 357 in midwinter, had
  • 00718 p. 138 the bath-room of /// p. 240 the bathroom. Archer
  • 00719 p. 167 the hearth-rug, their /// p. 182 the hearthrug, and
  • 00720 p. 216 dwarf armchairs, and /// p. 346 and arm-chairs of
  • 00721 p. 233 a run-about and /// p. 233 a runabout with
  • 00722 p. 245 the steamboat down /// p. 257 white steam-boat at

A Girl of the Limberlost.djvu

  • 00723 p. 39 back tomorrow! I /// p. 43 back to-morrow, the
  • 00724 p. 42 so bull-dog stubborn, /// p. 168 a bulldog, but

A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu

  • 00725 p. 28 || holubi (-ové) /// p. 28 || holub-i (-ové)
  • 00726 p. 28 || holuby |- /// p. 28 || holub-y |-

Agricultural Holdings Act.djvu

  • 00727 p. 20 of watercourses, ponds, /// p. 73 of water-courses, ponds,

Agricultural labour.djvu

  • 00728 p. 7 and readjustment in /// p. 20 little re-adjustment of
  • 00729 p. 12 A co-operative farm /// p. 19 a cooperative store,

A hairdresser's experience in high life.djvu

  • 00730 p. 10 reigned everywhere upon /// p. 182 and every-where it
  • 00731 p. 16 to convey me /// p. 66 to con-vey the
  • 00732 p. 23 my bedroom, which /// p. 104 elegant bed-room, with
  • 00733 p. 25 beet hair-dressers in /// p. 239 you hairdressers in
  • 00734 p. 27 as chamber-maid; some /// p. 47 the chambermaid, who
  • 00735 p. 28 off to-morrow, when /// p. 207 would tomorrow. I
  • 00736 p. 32 watch-chain, earrings, and /// p. 71 and ear-rings of
  • 00737 p. 34 on horseback were /// p. 133 on horse-back to
  • 00738 p. 43 the ball-room and /// p. 132 the ballroom, but
  • 00739 p. 44 delicate, lady-like person. /// p. 199 was ladylike or
  • 00740 p. 46 had fire-works, and /// p. 89 illuminated, fireworks of
  • 00741 p. 47 a chamber-maid came /// p. 83 the chambermaid, and
  • 00742 p. 47 other chamber-maid, whom /// p. 83 The chambermaid cried,
  • 00743 p. 58 the sea-side, Newport /// p. 109 the seaside to
  • 00744 p. 58 the sea-side, Sara-toga, /// p. 111 the seaside. On
  • 00745 p. 65 pillmakers, dressmakers and /// p. 194 fashionable dress-makers in
  • 00746 p. 81 the barkeeper, when /// p. 81 the bar-keeper, who
  • 00747 p. 91 another; may-be a /// p. 160 as maybe I
  • 00748 p. 104 elegant bed-room occupied /// p. 160 and bedroom. She
  • 00749 p. 124 time, dressmakers, milliners, /// p. 194 private dress-makers and
  • 00750 p. 125 Her bed-room surpassed /// p. 160 the bedroom, unless
  • 00751 p. 151 The dress-maker retained /// p. 279 or dressmaker, about

A happy half-century and other essays.djvu

  • 00752 p. 21 the antislavery epistle, /// p. 44 by anti-slavery agitators),
  • 00753 p. 24 Evangelical bookshelves. Her /// p. 98 guarded book-shelves of

A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu

  • 00754 p. 12 The freemen, ſays /// p. 239 his free-men, but
  • 00755 p. 19 be outlawed or /// p. 253 nor out-lawed, nor
  • 00756 p. 49 their birthright, I /// p. 127 own birth-right for
  • 00757 p. 65 from henceforward, inviolably /// p. 321 “From hence-forward the
  • 00758 p. 111 the common-wealth, the /// p. 112 the commonwealth, but
  • 00759 p. 181 nobleſt commonwealth and /// p. 312 the common-wealth? If
  • 00760 p. 205 by feefarm, by /// p. 207 of fee-farm; nor
  • 00761 p. 207 nor outlawed, nor /// p. 255 perſons out-lawed, according

A history concerning the pension claim of Harriet Tubman.djvu

  • 00762 p. 6 a wash-house, in /// p. 6 this washhouse was

A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 1.djvu

  • 00763 p. 91 important watercourses threaded /// p. 92 successive water-courses. The

A History of Banking in the United States.djvu

  • 00764 p. 40 proposed re-charter of /// p. 247 the recharter by

A History of Freedom of Thought.djvu

  • 00765 p. 37 a super-human guide; /// p. 39 of superhuman moral

A History of Horncastle from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.djvu

  • 00766 p. 22 The headquarters of /// p. 137 at head-quarters to
  • 00767 p. 33 created widespread dissatisfaction /// p. 95 and wide-spread community,
  • 00768 p. 35 The granddaughter of /// p. 221 being grand-daughter of
  • 00769 p. 54 been re-built in /// p. 181 Being rebuilt, it
  • 00770 p. 56 their shoe-making tools.<ref>Harleian /// p. 161 the shoemaking business,
  • 00771 p. 66 his lifetime. (Carlisle /// p. 95 a life-time into
  • 00772 p. 82 the castoff clothing /// p. 176 Majestys cast-off dresses,
  • 00773 p. 88 He re-visited England /// p. 161 he revisited Horncnstle,
  • 00774 p. 100 the townsfolk, to /// p. 146 the towns-folk. At
  • 00775 p. 103 the water-mill pit,<ref>There /// p. 103 the watermill, but
  • 00776 p. 151 then re-formed, and /// p. 173 the reformed system.
  • 00777 p. 157 old roundhand style; /// p. 178 a round-hand bowler;
  • 00778 p. 167 the head-quarters staff /// p. 207 the headquarters of
  • 00779 p. 181 good-sized publichouse, which /// p. 194 a public-house and

A history of Japanese colour-prints by Woldemar von Seidlitz.djvu

  • 00780 p. 51 broad brushwork and /// p. 298 distinguished brush-work. His
  • 00781 p. 52 is ichimaiye. Three /// p. 180 prints (ichimai-ye) are
  • 00782 p. 121 pure brushwork. A /// p. 310 liquid brush-work. After
  • 00783 p. 143 True polychrome woodcuts /// p. 226 the poly-chrome print,
  • 00784 p. 235 the seashore, picking /// p. 299 the sea-shore. *

A History of Japanese Literature (Aston).djvu

  • 00785 p. 84 of good-will on /// p. 202 little goodwill might
  • 00786 p. 94 gathering shell-fish. Under /// p. 300 gathering shellfish on
  • 00787 p. 122 the fireflies cross /// p. 171 The fire-flies in
  • 00788 p. 124 Empresss ink-stone and /// p. 386 pens, inkstone, dinner-tray,
  • 00789 p. 152 hundred war-ships or /// p. 195 the warships of
  • 00790 p. 171 the daytime a /// p. 263 the day-time three
  • 00791 p. 375 of fairyland in /// p. 390 of fairy-land and

A history of Sanskrit literature (1900), Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.djvu

  • 00792 p. 15 Sanskrit law-books. To /// p. 440 post-Vedic lawbooks are
  • 00793 p. 26 coins, copper-plate grants, /// p. 378 a copperplate dated
  • 00794 p. 35 for every-day purposes. /// p. 270 of everyday life
  • 00795 p. 36 the north-west, they /// p. 420 extreme northwest became
  • 00796 p. 49 later law-books regard /// p. 442 the lawbooks of
  • 00797 p. 99 the widespread earth /// p. 399 a wide-spread belief
  • 00798 p. 107 two fire-sticks. These /// p. 259 the firesticks, and
  • 00799 p. 187 famous law-book of /// p. 258 the lawbook of
  • 00800 p. 214 ritual text-books, which, /// p. 256 the textbooks of
  • 00801 p. 217 dogmatic text-books, just /// p. 471 Dogmatic textbooks, {{TOC
  • 00802 p. 240 the law-book of /// p. 410 The lawbook of
  • 00803 p. 262 later law-book of /// p. 441 late lawbook is
  • 00804 p. 289 of demigods and /// p. 402 gods, demi-gods, and
  • 00805 p. 310 last reunited with /// p. 348 be re-united— :And
  • 00806 p. 370 happily reunited. Kālidāsas /// p. 379 be re-united with

A history of the gunpowder plot-The conspiracy and its agents (1904).djvu

  • 00807 p. 8 with gunpowder, on /// p. 62 the gun-powder. He
  • 00808 p. 10 unfortunate co-religionists merely /// p. 28 their coreligionists that
  • 00809 p. 13 the gunpowder plot/Preface|Preface]]}}|5}} /// p. 98 the gun-powder was
  • 00810 p. 91 his handwriting. I /// p. 194 his hand-writing these
  • 00811 p. 96 at head-quarters, as /// p. 168 new headquarters, before
  • 00812 p. 98 before midnight, Faukes /// p. 218 about mid-night unlocked
  • 00813 p. 130 was overheard to /// p. 196 he over-heard, while
  • 00814 p. 173 great down-fall, that /// p. 211 and downfall of
  • 00815 p. 204 own hand-writing, which /// p. 235 his handwriting. Mrs.
  • 00816 p. 210 Garnets hand-writing on /// p. 236 her handwriting, to
  • 00817 p. 249 project a-foot, now /// p. 262 now afoot in

A History of Wood-Engraving.djvu

  • 00818 p. 11 the fac-simile of /// p. 151 in facsimile, came
  • 00819 p. 22 nine woodcuts, illustrative /// p. 58 with wood-cuts of
  • 00820 p. 23 of woodcuts. Some /// p. 62 the wood-cuts: "Every
  • 00821 p. 23 engraved wood-blocks, but /// p. 131 from woodblocks, and
  • 00822 p. 27 a fac-simile. The /// p. 156 in facsimile is
  • 00823 p. 27 these woodcuts is /// p. 147 Titian.}}}} wood-cuts from
  • 00824 p. 89 in chiaroscuro, a /// p. 112 practise chiaro-scuro engraving
  • 00825 p. 98 on copper-plate. They /// p. 112 in copperplate were

A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems (1919).djvu

  • 00826 p. 56 At fourscore I /// p. 208four-score and
  • 00827 p. 67 single life-time Passes /// p. 72 a lifetime do

Aino folk-tales.djvu

  • 00828 p. 13 English folk-lore students, /// p. 18 Aino folklore in
  • 00829 p. 27 here to-morrow about /// p. 54 home tomorrow. So
  • 00830 p. 27 the midday meal. /// p. 69 by mid-day. On
  • 00831 p. 29 the seashore. When /// p. 37 and sea-shore. At
  • 00832 p. 39 the daytime, when /// p. 54 the day-time numbers
  • 00833 p. 55 straight ahead, will /// p. 58 light a-head. The
  • 00834 p. 58 the under-world. You /// p. 58 an underworld were

Aircraft Accident Report for 1972 Sacramento Canadair Sabre accident.pdf

  • 00835 p. 3 initial liftoff. He /// p. 5 initial lift-off. He
  • 00836 p. 3 subsequent liftoff and /// p. 7 and lift-off were
  • 00837 p. 5 subsequent liftoff and /// p. 15 |Nosewheel lift-off speed||110

Aircraft in Warfare (1916).djvu

  • 00838 p. 22 comparatively light-weight motor /// p. 22 a lightweight petrol
  • 00839 p. 38 an airship is /// p. 40 large air-ship has

Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu

  • 00840 p. 30 daring bird-men of /// p. 147 brilliant birdmen whose
  • 00841 p. 49 during wartime was /// p. 169 in war-time than
  • 00842 p. 91 the near-by water, /// p. 116 tenements nearby and
  • 00843 p. 105 human bee-hive, of /// p. 195 busy beehive where
  • 00844 p. 123 the snowcapped Pyrenees /// p. 128 the snow-capped Pyrenees

Air Service Boys Flying for Victory.djvu

  • 00845 p. 12 of battle-plane. Each /// p. 105 his battleplane, and
  • 00846 p. 14 the oncoming boys /// p. 66 the on-coming boys
  • 00847 p. 14 Six battle-planes all /// p. 65 Gotha battleplanes hovering
  • 00848 p. 16 Yet to-day they /// p. 57 comes today. Ive
  • 00849 p. 46 Jeanne tonight, you /// p. 57 meet to-night, which
  • 00850 p. 55 around tomorrow night, /// p. 106 till to-morrow what
  • 00851 p. 57 us to-day. Were /// p. 96 only today I
  • 00852 p. 92 his old-time skill, /// p. 197 several oldtime figures
  • 00853 p. 99 a half-way decent /// p. 205 body halfway over
  • 00854 p. 109 jumbo air-craft before /// p. 159 enemy aircraft, the

Air Service Boys Over Enemy's Lines.djvu

  • 00855 p. 45 talk halfway decent /// p. 148 now half-way down,

Air Service Boys over the Rhine.djvu

  • 00856 p. 17 their headquarters with /// p. 150 their head-quarters. In
  • 00857 p. 28 big bimotored Caudrons /// p. 162 photographing bi-motored machine.
  • 00858 p. 57 were heart-rending scenes, /// p. 67 began heartrending scenes.
  • 00859 p. 89 to with-stand the /// p. 98 it withstand the
  • 00860 p. 120 caught midway in /// p. 186 almost mid-way between

A Jewish State 1917.djvu

  • 00861 p. 14 in co-operation, it /// p. 38 of cooperation being

A Kentucky Cardinal.djvu

  • 00862 p. 44 in penny-royal, the /// p. 54 beloved pennyroyal and

A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853).djvu

  • 00863 p. 12 the courthouse door, /// p. 89 the court-house, and
  • 00864 p. 13 a police-man of /// p. 13 a policeman, to
  • 00865 p. 14 of slave-holding, it /// p. 83 the slaveholding states
  • 00866 p. 15 dollars apiece. The /// p. 216 violin a-piece; the
  • 00867 p. 15 his lifetime, when /// p. 43 my life-time, which
  • 00868 p. 17 the wash-tub are /// p. 44 the washtub, take
  • 00869 p. 22 At daylight we /// p. 105 broad day-light, compelled
  • 00870 p. 22 been retaken I /// p. 29 was re-taken; that
  • 00871 p. 26 as washer-woman she /// p. 175 poor washerwoman to
  • 00872 p. 27 were slave-holders. Others /// p. 73 as slaveholders, in
  • 00873 p. 31 docile, child-like and /// p. 36 the childlike earnestness,
  • 00874 p. 38 sense, slave-holders. It /// p. 75 are slaveholders who
  • 00875 p. 40 her chamber-maid, strangely /// p. 40 be chambermaid and
  • 00876 p. 47 to overwork their /// p. 48 must over-work his
  • 00877 p. 47 the slave-holders then /// p. 97 these slaveholders (the
  • 00878 p. 47 the over-working of /// p. 96 by overworking them?"
  • 00879 p. 51 a hand-mill after /// p. 115 the handmill they
  • 00880 p. 54 was hand-cuffed, and /// p. 68 some handcuffed. One
  • 00881 p. 57 but anti-slavery men. /// p. 104 any antislavery newspaper
  • 00882 p. 64 my fellow-men. But, /// p. 73 her fellowmen. {{dhr}}
  • 00883 p. 65 on slave-holders as /// p. 116 by slaveholders themselves,
  • 00884 p. 72 cruel task-masters. Do /// p. 155 cruel taskmasters. "He
  • 00885 p. 85 that straightforward determination /// p. 100 and straight-forward course,
  • 00886 p. 89 shall hereafter be /// p. 197 or here-after. We
  • 00887 p. 100 her slaveman Richard. /// p. 212 colored slave-man is
  • 00888 p. 150 and thumb-screws, and /// p. 154 iron thumbscrews and
  • 00889 p. 176 hard-working slaveman, of /// p. 212 no slave-man is
  • 00890 p. 219 less out-spoken and /// p. 219 frank, outspoken air
  • 00891 p. 219 nether millstone of /// p. 229 nether mill-stone. The

A La California.djvu

  • 00892 p. 19 away southward from /// p. 195 the south-ward, almost
  • 00893 p. 30 the hill-side and /// p. 30 the hillside opposite
  • 00894 p. 37 thick, overhanging forest /// p. 359 House, over-hanging the
  • 00895 p. 41 Andreas good-by, beneath /// p. 156 me goodby. She
  • 00896 p. 43 intervening hill-sides with /// p. 392 shelving hillsides, where
  • 00897 p. 55 favorite head-quarters of /// p. 95 their headquarters in
  • 00898 p. 67 a lifetime, or /// p. 358 a life-time of
  • 00899 p. 71 and long-horned, worthless, /// p. 173 wild, longhorned, Spanish
  • 00900 p. 78 the foothills of /// p. 126 the foot-hills, there
  • 00901 p. 81 At daybreak he /// p. 285 towards day-break. The
  • 00902 p. 104 the hill-side, enjoying /// p. 234 gently-sloping hillside we,
  • 00903 p. 112 the hill-side above /// p. 274 every hillside from
  • 00904 p. 124 the hill-side above /// p. 275 every hillside, the
  • 00905 p. 127 of spring-time, or /// p. 187 in springtime is
  • 00906 p. 127 every hill-side, gives /// p. 282 the hillside where
  • 00907 p. 128 in fashion-able society. /// p. 220 most fashionable boarding-house
  • 00908 p. 131 the sidewalk below. /// p. 305 the side-walk, he
  • 00909 p. 136 still unclouded and /// p. 249 the un-clouded, copper-hued
  • 00910 p. 136 on horseback, and /// p. 401 on horse-back like
  • 00911 p. 138 at midday. I /// p. 403 at mid-day that
  • 00912 p. 138 the foot-prints of /// p. 138 other footprints with
  • 00913 p. 144 my shot-gun after /// p. 192 trailed shotgun he
  • 00914 p. 144 before nightfall, heard, /// p. 433 at night-fall, when
  • 00915 p. 182 the pothunters in /// p. 199 the pot-hunters, fairly
  • 00916 p. 192 the mountainside. There /// p. 195 steep mountain-side, through
  • 00917 p. 215 The foot-hills and /// p. 390 the foothills, the
  • 00918 p. 216 trailing grape-vines, which /// p. 216 with grapevines, flowering
  • 00919 p. 224 early springtime, when /// p. 224 in spring-time breezes
  • 00920 p. 264 thar to-morrow on /// p. 346 papers tomorrow morning,
  • 00921 p. 269 a shot-gun, a /// p. 401 double-barreled shotgun as
  • 00922 p. 287 the greenhorn from /// p. 291 the green-horn, in
  • 00923 p. 295 the hillside above, /// p. 342 a hill-side, in
  • 00924 p. 344 unsophisticated greenhorns from /// p. 353 inebriated green-horns whom
  • 00925 p. 392 the noonday sun; /// p. 415 the noon-day meal

A Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-War.djvu

  • 00926 p. 16 picnic—A torchlight walk—Training-college /// p. 242 by torch-light on
  • 00927 p. 22 a return passage /// p. 383 and re-turn, in
  • 00928 p. 22 very homelike and /// p. 266 sweet home-like nest.
  • 00929 p. 26 exceedingly ladylike kind /// p. 366 very lady-like white
  • 00930 p. 31 as to-morrow will /// p. 361 Papeete tomorrow, and
  • 00931 p. 31 a semi-circle inside /// p. 242 wide semicircle, they
  • 00932 p. 34 the widespreading roots /// p. 362 with wide-spreading branches.
  • 00933 p. 37 their dogcart, but /// p. 210 high dog-cart, accompanied
  • 00934 p. 38 blue kingfishers, startled /// p. 330 herons, king-fishers, and
  • 00935 p. 38 transverse capstone, which /// p. 279 circular cap-stone, resembling
  • 00936 p. 47 hope tonight to /// p. 78 again to-night, and
  • 00937 p. 53 world out-spread below, /// p. 217 lay outspread the
  • 00938 p. 53 western arch-way, lighting /// p. 54 hollow archway by
  • 00939 p. 54 of dream-like loveliness. /// p. 190 the dreamlike loveliness
  • 00940 p. 70 needed wellnigh as /// p. 395 necessarily well-nigh a
  • 00941 p. 72 soft moonlight. We /// p. 307 pleasant moon-light expedition
  • 00942 p. 87 steep hill-side, so /// p. 171 chalk hillside) was
  • 00943 p. 92 the household. No /// p. 127 his house-hold, and
  • 00944 p. 97 and store-house for /// p. 296 as storehouse. However
  • 00945 p. 115 ovens; cray-fish, and /// p. 228 white crayfish, the
  • 00946 p. 122 more common-sense had /// p. 142 of commonsense which
  • 00947 p. 146 own seaside temple, /// p. 359 little sea-side chapel
  • 00948 p. 148 the new-comers learnt /// p. 363 the newcomers, and
  • 00949 p. 169 little demigods, about /// p. 315 their demi-gods, than
  • 00950 p. 208 our noon-day halt, /// p. 238 At noonday and
  • 00951 p. 208 beautiful sea-shore, in /// p. 333 the seashore, near
  • 00952 p. 239 wonderful starfish we /// p. 240 blue star-fish, and
  • 00953 p. 264 feels overcrowded with /// p. 363 in over-crowded Britain
  • 00954 p. 271 the tricolour has /// p. 371 and tri-colour ribbon.
  • 00955 p. 386 terribly overcrowded the /// p. 395 in over-crowded British

A Landscape Painter (1919).djvu

  • 00956 p. 22 a twelvemonth. And /// p. 257 little twelve-month to
  • 00957 p. 25 the seafaring sort, /// p. 33 a sea-faring English
  • 00958 p. 36 haunted-looking farmhouse. To /// p. 110 renovated farm-house which
  • 00959 p. 73 a tablecloth. I /// p. 134 crumpled table-cloth. The
  • 00960 p. 134 his mid-day meal. /// p. 254 dazzling midday sky,

Alaska days with John Muir.djvu

  • 00961 p. 56 were half-way up /// p. 167 struggled halfway up
  • 00962 p. 59 teetering gang-plank, feeling /// p. 152 the gangplank to
  • 00963 p. 72 a camp-fire in /// p. 242 a campfire. "You
  • 00964 p. 118 of ultramarine; here /// p. 171 peacock, ultra-marine, shading
  • 00965 p. 173 spray halfway up /// p. 179 were half-way up

Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu

  • 00966 p. 9 in smallpox hospitals /// p. 391 of small-pox, attended
  • 00967 p. 16 of textbooks on /// p. 25 for text-books caused
  • 00968 p. 18 the wide-spread belief /// p. 433 general widespread use
  • 00969 p. 26 The text-books endorsed /// p. 27 these textbooks, has
  • 00970 p. 33 whisky drug-store, the /// p. 335 any drugstore bearing
  • 00971 p. 43 wards to-day, and /// p. 390 more today than
  • 00972 p. 46 seventeen in-patients at /// p. 392 the inpatients, varied
  • 00973 p. 53 century standpoint. "I /// p. 433 physicians stand-point, than
  • 00974 p. 101 of over-indulgence in /// p. 187 of overindulgence in
  • 00975 p. 122 itself under-going oxidation /// p. 248 been undergoing debasement,
  • 00976 p. 133 even sub-acute gastric /// p. 267 or subacute rheumatism—the
  • 00977 p. 153 much out-door exercise. /// p. 249 by outdoor exercise
  • 00978 p. 181 boiled oatmeal gruel, /// p. 243 well-cooked oat-meal gruel,
  • 00979 p. 200 salol-phenacetine, anti-pyrine and /// p. 308 caffeine, antipyrine, acetanilid,
  • 00980 p. 215 a rattlesnake in /// p. 219 for rattle-snake poisoning
  • 00981 p. 327 or hydrochlorate of /// p. 361 of hydro-chlorate. It
  • 00982 p. 338 patent, trade-mark and /// p. 361 the trademark of
  • 00983 p. 348 from overdosing with /// p. 353 of over-dosing with

A Leaf in the Storm.djvu

  • 00984 p. 21 every wineshop or /// p. 40 the wine-shop where
  • 00985 p. 40 whispering, child-like, his /// p. 119 merciless, childlike, mocking
  • 00986 p. 40 man, bedridden in /// p. 215 old bed-ridden grandmother
  • 00987 p. 41 the mill-house. Little /// p. 57 the millhouse: he
  • 00988 p. 42 her indoors crying /// p. 229 stay in-doors and
  • 00989 p. 84 portable playhouse were /// p. 96 our play-house in
  • 00990 p. 85 the townspeople pitied /// p. 114 the towns-people, and
  • 00991 p. 86 a wineshop had /// p. 124 the wine-shop supper-tables,—these
  • 00992 p. 97 our play-house, with /// p. 149 the playhouse, and
  • 00993 p. 106 little play-house. The /// p. 161 the playhouse! The
  • 00994 p. 108 the play-house. But /// p. 166 a playhouse would
  • 00995 p. 114 came often-times to /// p. 259 him oftentimes, "in
  • 00996 p. 161 gold snuff-box of /// p. 235 the snuffbox. I
  • 00997 p. 200 the housework of /// p. 265 of house-work and
  • 00998 p. 202 that rainpipe the /// p. 228 the rain-pipe and

A Legend of Camelot, Pictures and Poems, etc. George du Maurier, 1898.djvu

  • 00999 p. 127 a sun-dial in /// p. 133 new sundial, designed,
  • 01000 p. 141 the highborn ladies /// p. 201 his high-born contempt


  • 01001 p. 59 Bombay postmark. I /// p. 83 and post-mark on
  • 01002 p. 75 near midday. I /// p. 235 refreshing mid-day meal,
  • 01003 p. 77 bright sunlight, were /// p. 239 of sun-light. In
  • 01004 p. 133 celestial picture-writing, not /// p. 136 The picturewriting was
  • 01005 p. 150 mostly dome-shaped, and /// p. 224 little domeshaped roof,

A letter on pauperism and crime.djvu

  • 01006 p. 9 observed, almsgiving is /// p. 10 direct alms-giving should

A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer.djvu

  • 01007 p. 16 my power; and /// p. 40 and pow-er, as
  • 01008 p. 37 childeren, countery, mon{{ls}}terous, /// p. 39 length,—dazzle-ed, counte-ry, {{ls}}ou-er,

Alice Miller (1917) Women are people (Internet Archive).djvu

  • 01009 p. 13 a scrub-woman: {{gap}}"Why /// p. 30 my scrubwoman is

A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury.pdf

  • 01010 p. 15 the seafaring classes /// p. 96 all sea-faring people.
  • 01011 p. 16 of today do /// p. 227 here to-day. It
  • 01012 p. 17 is today extending /// p. 227 lessons to-day. This
  • 01013 p. 17 is today the /// p. 237 letter to-day, of
  • 01014 p. 28 the lifelong friend /// p. 300 and life-long friend.
  • 01015 p. 30 the quarter-deck racks, /// p. 163 a quarterdeck, studying
  • 01016 p. 30 other textbook than /// p. 55 a text-book there.
  • 01017 p. 42 this to-morrow. Tell /// p. 145 up tomorrow and
  • 01018 p. 42 leisure today, and /// p. 237 dinner to-day soup
  • 01019 p. 49 planted ahead for /// p. 65 going a-head bravely.
  • 01020 p. 53 and hard-ships of /// p. 271 sorrows, hardships, and
  • 01021 p. 56 our countrymen through /// p. 76 his country-men. {|{{ts|wa|lh95|bc}}
  • 01022 p. 57 Atlantic seaboard. A /// p. 212 Southern sea-board.
  • 01023 p. 71 the co-operation of /// p. 75 the cooperation of
  • 01024 p. 73 to cooperate; an /// p. 86 and co-operate in
  • 01025 p. 73 American ship-masters, who /// p. 100 cases, shipmasters and
  • 01026 p. 86 their co-operation in /// p. 89 meteorological cooperation on
  • 01027 p. 88 Meteorological co-operation on /// p. 96 voluntary cooperation in
  • 01028 p. 90 to co-operate with /// p. 144 to cooperate with
  • 01029 p. 91 for co-operation, and /// p. 104 their cooperation so
  • 01030 p. 107 made today as /// p. 237 potatoes to-day for
  • 01031 p. 107 expect to-morrow, and /// p. 227 finished tomorrow, and
  • 01032 p. 111 And today, although /// p. 258 sailed to-day, for
  • 01033 p. 120 the cornerstone of /// p. 171 the corner-stone of
  • 01034 p. 143 Atlantic seaboard. It /// p. 220 our sea-board country
  • 01035 p. 183 their water-shed, of /// p. 183 their watershed, over
  • 01036 p. 189 the corner-stone of /// p. 327 the cornerstone of
  • 01037 p. 208 Colonels head-quarters, and /// p. 314 Grants headquarters while
  • 01038 p. 338 diamond breast-pin presented /// p. 339 a breastpin of

A Little Country Girl - Coolidge (1887).djvu

  • 01039 p. 22 wooded, walllike bank /// p. 198 the wall-like sides
  • 01040 p. 43 yellow farm-house on /// p. 43 a farmhouse could
  • 01041 p. 51 Russia-leather armchair, sat /// p. 228 old arm-chair in
  • 01042 p. 188 white tablecloth; but /// p. 208 snow-white table-cloth and

A Little Princess.djvu

  • 01043 p. 25 very armchairs seemed /// p. 167 comfortable arm-chairs and
  • 01044 p. 125 red footstool. Sara /// p. 151 the foot-stool and
  • 01045 p. 234 the wash-stand, Becky. /// p. 249 the washstand was

Allan Dunn--Dead Man's Gold.djvu

  • 01046 p. 70 Rage, red-hot, had /// p. 78 a redhot blade
  • 01047 p. 71 American timekeeper as /// p. 76 the time-keeper. Like
  • 01048 p. 87 its headwaters at /// p. 90 the head-waters of
  • 01049 p. 87 these headwaters, declared /// p. 92 the head-waters of
  • 01050 p. 87 the cave-dwellings. Those /// p. 113 investigate cavedwellings. The
  • 01051 p. 88 the headwaters of /// p. 114 the head-waters, and
  • 01052 p. 117 the head-waters of /// p. 201 the headwaters of
  • 01053 p. 149 the cloud-burst wiped /// p. 174 the cloudburst and
  • 01054 p. 207 the headwaters, for /// p. 258 the head-waters of

Allan the freebooter, or, The witch of Glenross (2).pdf

  • 01055 p. 7 the birthday of /// p. 8 The birth-day of

All Over Oregon and Washington.djvu

  • 01056 p. 52 the main-land by /// p. 151 the mainland. Here,

Alloway Kirk or Tam o Shanter a tale and man was made to mourn a poem with a sketch of burnss life.pdf

  • 01057 p. 15 the keystane, That /// p. 20 the key-stane o’

All the Year Round - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu

  • 01058 p. 12 the school-house at /// p. 15 the schoolhouse dirty,

Almayer's Folly.djvu

  • 01059 p. 23 wooden armchairs straggled /// p. 108 the arm-chairs and
  • 01060 p. 24 the armchair nearest /// p. 83 big arm-chair of
  • 01061 p. 40 an armchair in /// p. 84 the arm-chair, his
  • 01062 p. 75 the back-water in /// p. 106 narrow backwater, and
  • 01063 p. 83 inclined plank-way led /// p. 143 the plankway to
  • 01064 p. 87 sitting cross-legged, seemed /// p. 135 sitting crosslegged on

A London Life, The Patagonia, The Liar, Mrs Temperly.djvu

  • 01065 p. 17 the drawing-room, in /// p. 89 sisters drawingroom? I
  • 01066 p. 17 ever today was /// p. 23 who to-day had
  • 01067 p. 31 things to-day that /// p. 36 appeared today between
  • 01068 p. 49 things to-day that /// p. 84 much today; a
  • 01069 p. 52 the lamplight to-night /// p. 352 of lamp-light. Raymond
  • 01070 p. 124 me to-morrow I /// p. 200 be tomorrow, for

A lover's tale (Tennyson, 1879).djvu

  • 01071 p. 11 and half-way down /// p. 52 form halfway. She,
  • 01072 p. 13 the summerhouse aloft /// p. 68 the summer-house of

Alumni Oxoniensis (1715-1886) volume 1.djvu

  • 01073 p. 275 1778, archdeacon of /// p. 324 1823–4, arch-deacon 1824,

A Mainsail Haul - Masefield - 1913.djvu

  • 01074 p. 16 a light-house that /// p. 54 a lighthouse. It
  • 01075 p. 29 while awaiting trial. /// p. 65 queen a-waiting for
  • 01076 p. 44 the quarter-deck. "Good /// p. 109 his quarterdeck. The
  • 01077 p. 47 rat flag-ship, whose /// p. 87 his flagship. He
  • 01078 p. 90 a flagship, and /// p. 91 his flag-ship, Ward
  • 01079 p. 92 the flag-ship, and /// p. 118 the flagship of

Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 01.djvu

  • 01080 p. 5 lives today, and /// p. 83 be to-day no
  • 01081 p. 5 realization tomorrow. Many /// p. 14 a to-morrow; for
  • 01082 p. 8 her mast-head was /// p. 31 her masthead fluttered
  • 01083 p. 9 the side-work of /// p. 9 the sidework, laid
  • 01084 p. 9 veritable mountain; envious /// p. 86 mountain—the m-o-u-n-t-a-i-n. Oh,
  • 01085 p. 10 and pick-axes. Uncomfortable /// p. 47 and pickaxes was
  • 01086 p. 14 if to-morrow ever /// p. 48 and tomorrow we
  • 01087 p. 16 new coast-line. No /// p. 40 the coastline, the
  • 01088 p. 28 a supernatural rifting /// p. 70 no super-natural, at
  • 01089 p. 68 greater pinpoint would /// p. 85 the pin-point of
  • 01090 p. 70 miles upstream, Jandron /// p. 72 together, up-stream. The
  • 01091 p. 82 the cowman to /// p. 82 The cow-man must
  • 01092 p. 88 Sierras halfway between /// p. 88 point half-way between

Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 02.djvu

  • 01093 p. 4 to cooperate with /// p. 86 to co-operate with
  • 01094 p. 5 even today our /// p. 65 propose to-day to
  • 01095 p. 9 great armchair, I /// p. 10 his arm-chair, and
  • 01096 p. 11 his arm-chair. "Whats /// p. 58 an armchair, the
  • 01097 p. 12 clamps, crow-bars, alpenstocks, /// p. 17 two crowbars, a
  • 01098 p. 15 and good-will, "if /// p. 97 and goodwill. For
  • 01099 p. 17 ordinary gun-powder. Our /// p. 17 fine gunpowder, boxes
  • 01100 p. 29 but to-night this /// p. 43 successful tonight, he
  • 01101 p. 36 the day-time. He /// p. 39 the daytime or
  • 01102 p. 43 huge switch-board, studded /// p. 52 the switchboard! But
  • 01103 p. 46 to recapture that /// p. 49 cannot re-capture what
  • 01104 p. 51 a re-action in /// p. 82 adequate reaction to
  • 01105 p. 73 to reapproach the /// p. 81 would re-approach the
  • 01106 p. 73 come to-day to /// p. 97 coupon today for
  • 01107 p. 81 the chess-board. All /// p. 88 the chessboard. The

Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 03.djvu

  • 01108 p. 11 reflection re-assured me. /// p. 44 She reassured me

Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 04.djvu

  • 01109 p. 63 his wonderful electrical /// p. 63 Absolutely wonder-ful, Sparks.

Amazing Stories Volume 01 Number 12.djvu

  • 01110 p. 12 little note-book. “It /// p. 15 his notebook. As

Amazing Stories Volume 02 Number 06.pdf

  • 01111 p. 51 two motor-cars. A /// p. 51 soon motorcars, hansom

Amazing Stories Volume 10 Number 13.djvu

  • 01112 p. 76 take flatfishes, for /// p. 76 of flat-fishes and
  • 01113 p. 85 is sundown this /// p. 89 At sun-down the

Amazing Stories Volume 21 Number 06.djvu

  • 01114 p. 6 page make-up. They /// p. 6 the makeup, would
  • 01115 p. 6 the proofreaders who /// p. 129 the proof-readers? None
  • 01116 p. 12 the underworld. How /// p. 35 the under-world for
  • 01117 p. 14 the underworld were /// p. 45 vast under-world rule
  • 01118 p. 14 the underworld who /// p. 48 the under-world, were
  • 01119 p. 19 that truckload of /// p. 21 the truck-load of
  • 01120 p. 21 the set-up and /// p. 153 rigid setup, and
  • 01121 p. 21 The multihead effect /// p. 25 "The multi-head principle
  • 01122 p. 21 an air-tight sheath /// p. 121 Eemeeshees airtight living
  • 01123 p. 26 the worn-out machines /// p. 98 aged, wornout cars,
  • 01124 p. 29 utilizing exdisintegrance to /// p. 155 of ex-disintegrance in
  • 01125 p. 33 an anti-gravity device. /// p. 115 on antigravity devices.
  • 01126 p. 36 our footsteps above /// p. 130 "the foot-steps of
  • 01127 p. 47 in bygone times. /// p. 54 mighty by-gone teachers,
  • 01128 p. 57 the cross-hairs of /// p. 153 visible crosshairs plated
  • 01129 p. 58 a hayrack, but /// p. 58 the hay-rack was
  • 01130 p. 64 the witchmaid! This /// p. 64 the witch-maid who
  • 01131 p. 67 lb. bar-bell for /// p. 67 that barbell for
  • 01132 p. 72 refuse co-operation, we /// p. 168 your cooperation, Mr.
  • 01133 p. 72 criminal set-up in /// p. 153 that setup was
  • 01134 p. 94 any watchray upon /// p. 126 their watch-ray from
  • 01135 p. 116 other anti-grav units, /// p. 116 central antigrav is
  • 01136 p. 118 an anthill, the /// p. 149 an ant-hill under
  • 01137 p. 120 the set-up. Lane /// p. 153 expensive setup, since
  • 01138 p. 124 awful sub-conscious thought /// p. 167 the subconscious. It
  • 01139 p. 147 the north-west of /// p. 161 traveling northwest. Tubular

Amazonian Tortoise Myths.djvu

  • 01140 p. 14 is short-legged and /// p. 17 little, shortlegged fellow,

Ambarvalia - Clough (1849).djvu

  • 01141 p. 83 to re-appear, </poem><section /// p. 108 beauty reappear, A

Ambassador Morgenthau's Story.djvu

  • 01142 p. 139 the anteroom, I /// p. 287 My ante-room was
  • 01143 p. 168 then uppermost in /// p. 454 the upper-most topic
  • 01144 p. 169 the peacemaker; if /// p. 222 the peace-maker; indeed,
  • 01145 p. 181 it to-morrow. Now /// p. 275 early tomorrow morning,"
  • 01146 p. 261 his life-time learning /// p. 370 a lifetime, the
  • 01147 p. 275 oclock tomorrow morning," /// p. 295 down to-morrow morning."
  • 01148 p. 317 crosses northeastern Serbia, /// p. 345 the north-eastern part
  • 01149 p. 404 large tax-payers. What /// p. 454 largest taxpayers, their

Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu

  • 01150 p. 37 German shell-fire. They /// p. 85 under shellfire for
  • 01151 p. 76 with shellholes. Opposite /// p. 83 the shell-holes became

A memoir of Granville Sharp.djvu

  • 01152 p. 126 was undoubtedly just /// p. 156 for, un-doubtedly, the

A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States of America.djvu

  • 01153 p. 18 Lees headquarters, there /// p. 42 his head-quarters at
  • 01154 p. 25 the battle-field. From /// p. 116 the battlefield 1500
  • 01155 p. 25 field, notwithstanding his /// p. 137 States, not-withstanding the
  • 01156 p. 28 was covered by /// p. 36 which cove-red that
  • 01157 p. 32 Potomac railroad with /// p. 120 Ohio rail-road. At
  • 01158 p. 32 the railroad bridge /// p. 121 Ohio rail-road, and
  • 01159 p. 40 rising south-west of /// p. 128 County, southwest of
  • 01160 p. 46 until sunrise on /// p. 50 after sun-rise. At

A Memorial of John Boyle O'Reilly from the City of Boston.djvu

  • 01161 p. 24 assemblage to-night in /// p. 40 here tonight the

American Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt.djvu

  • 01162 p. 13 our warships and /// p. 141 our war-ships had
  • 01163 p. 14 fortune, football and /// p. 45 next foot-ball or
  • 01164 p. 14 and baseball champions, /// p. 45 or base-ball game,
  • 01165 p. 69 American warship afloat, /// p. 144 the war-ship began
  • 01166 p. 71 down waterfowl and /// p. 88 and water-fowl with
  • 01167 p. 162 Spanish war-ships were /// p. 228 the warships had
  • 01168 p. 165 powerful searchlights, rendering /// p. 191 powerful search-lights from
  • 01169 p. 177 pork, hardtack, and /// p. 200 of hard-tack, for
  • 01170 p. 189 Schleys flag-ship, the /// p. 189 Sampsons flagship, and
  • 01171 p. 213 said goodby. "It /// p. 239 be good-by to

American Boy's Life of William McKinley.djvu

  • 01172 p. 149 the handclapping was /// p. 310 the hand-clapping, stamping,
  • 01173 p. 172 convincing speech-maker. His /// p. 324 good speechmaker, and
  • 01174 p. 228 which re-nominated Harrison /// p. 364 ||{{hi|Unanimously renominated for
  • 01175 p. 261 Spanish warships were /// p. 289 his war-ships would
  • 01176 p. 262 afforded warships and /// p. 295 her war-ships at
  • 01177 p. 263 Spanish warships were /// p. 298 Deweys war-ships lay
  • 01178 p. 263 a warship had /// p. 291 first war-ship to
  • 01179 p. 264 the warships did, /// p. 298 the war-ships in
  • 01180 p. 264 Spanish warships was /// p. 306 and war-ships had
  • 01181 p. 265 big warships forming /// p. 314 as war-ships, belonging
  • 01182 p. 266 the warships lay /// p. 366 American war-ships under
  • 01183 p. 267 into warships of /// p. 366 American war-ships under
  • 01184 p. 273 their socalled army /// p. 300 the so-called Filipino
  • 01185 p. 274 every warship in /// p. 292 other war-ship around

American Jobs Plan Fact Sheet Rural.pdf

  • 01186 p. 2 rural co-operatives while /// p. 3 electric cooperatives that

American Poetry 1922.djvu

  • 01187 p. 40 standing outdoors, hungry, /// p. 48 get out-doors. Lets
  • 01188 p. 51 to hearth-stone flame. /// p. 85 the hearthstone of
  • 01189 p. 72 the outdoors the /// p. 84 sleep out-doors ourselves.
  • 01190 p. 145 a wine-cup reflecting /// p. 146 jade winecup, Or

Americans and others.djvu

  • 01191 p. 28 said good-bye, and /// p. 156 say goodbye to
  • 01192 p. 74 a tragi-comedy, a /// p. 75 the tragicomedy of

America's Highways 1776–1976.djvu

  • 01193 p. 3 Nation’s highways and /// p. 347 of high-ways to
  • 01194 p. 12 country, roadmaking and /// p. 197 of road-making, and
  • 01195 p. 18 Tresaguet roadbuilding method /// p. 197 of road-building on
  • 01196 p. 20 their horse-drawn cars /// p. 45 and horsedrawn trucks
  • 01197 p. 58 for horsedrawn steel-tired /// p. 126 from horse-drawn to
  • 01198 p. 62 have superelevated or /// p. 391 are super-elevated .
  • 01199 p. 62 when horsedrawn vehicles /// p. 126 for horse-drawn traffic.
  • 01200 p. 72 also cooperated in /// p. 74 also co-operated with
  • 01201 p. 74 a cooperative research /// p. 437 a co-operative undertaking
  • 01202 p. 82 newspapers co-operated by /// p. 337 States cooperated in
  • 01203 p. 94 and under-passes shall /// p. 439 at underpasses, with
  • 01204 p. 121 for by-passes. [[File:Americas /// p. 376 Proposed bypasses were
  • 01205 p. 154 diminished “non-essential” travel, /// p. 154 only nonessential travel,
  • 01206 p. 157 of postwar limited /// p. 162 3 post-war years
  • 01207 p. 177 barely offset the /// p. 468 for off-set lines
  • 01208 p. 197 a postgraduate school /// p. 241 a post-graduate national
  • 01209 p. 220 Washington headquarters level, /// p. 224 Washington head-quarters necessary.
  • 01210 p. 233 substantial lead-time to /// p. 368 of leadtime for
  • 01211 p. 334 of deicing agents, /// p. 469 a de-icing agent
  • 01212 p. 347 additional uphill or /// p. 348 for up-hill traffic,
  • 01213 p. 387 the righthand side /// p. 391 the right-hand side
  • 01214 p. 397 an on-coming car, /// p. 402 for oncoming traffic.
  • 01215 p. 468 and water-proof membranes, /// p. 469 and waterproof mastics

America's National Game (1911).djvu

  • 01216 p. 36 the short-stop and /// p. 134 Wright, shortstop and
  • 01217 p. 36 the back-stop is /// p. 288 a backstop. Afterwards
  • 01218 p. 40 anchorage to-day, somewhere /// p. 263 America today. An
  • 01219 p. 138 Barnes shortstop for /// p. 283 Wilhamson, short-stop; M.
  • 01220 p. 160 be forthcoming. These /// p. 564 his forth-coming article,
  • 01221 p. 215 many hardfought contests. /// p. 382 the hard-fought contests
  • 01222 p. 248 or co-operation in /// p. 321 the cooperation of
  • 01223 p. 258 was midwinter and /// p. 544 in mid-winter. Happily,
  • 01224 p. 306 in mid-summer, to /// p. 307 in midsummer, and
  • 01225 p. 322 embraced cooperation by /// p. 367 of co-operation between
  • 01226 p. 352 his coat-tails had /// p. 476 his coattails to
  • 01227 p. 383 a life-time could /// p. 421 a lifetime, I
  • 01228 p. 406 this faraway corner /// p. 500 in far-away left.
  • 01229 p. 566 the prize-fighter, no /// p. 571 The prizefighter is

America Today, Observations and Reflections.djvu

  • 01230 p. 63 the bathroom, turned /// p. 79 private bath-room attached,

A Motor-Flight Through France.djvu

  • 01231 p. 20 with hedge-rows high /// p. 168 meadows, hedgerows, village
  • 01232 p. 23 central market-place; others /// p. 143 the marketplace. Built
  • 01233 p. 26 and courtyard, of /// p. 237 sculptured court-yard, a
  • 01234 p. 41 wooded hillside, giving /// p. 311 its hill-side and
  • 01235 p. 70 the widespread roofs /// p. 100 and wide-spread forest—which
  • 01236 p. 71 the northwest low /// p. 290 the north-west of
  • 01237 p. 76 runs southeast through /// p. 206 Pushing south-east from
  • 01238 p. 76 vast wheatfields, past /// p. 113 vast wheat-fields about
  • 01239 p. 82 walled graveyard which /// p. 129 the grave-yard where
  • 01240 p. 96 and southwestern provinces /// p. 165 throughout south-western France
  • 01241 p. 104 our mid-day hunger, /// p. 193 a midday halt
  • 01242 p. 108 the sightseer, we /// p. 138 idle sight-seer, at
  • 01243 p. 124 the market-place in /// p. 165 arcaded marketplace, to
  • 01244 p. 158 proud riverfront of /// p. 158 This river-front of
  • 01245 p. 190 the northeast of /// p. 298 the north-east, is
  • 01246 p. 277 the northeast of /// p. 305 the north-east, the

Amulet 1832.pdf

  • 01247 p. 3 blue down-cast eye, /// p. 11 a downcast brow,

Amulet 1835.pdf

  • 01248 p. 9 eyes downcast and /// p. 9 A down-cast eye,

An account of a savage girl.djvu

  • 01249 p. 46 for god-father and /// p. 47 her godfather bore
  • 01250 p. 46 and god-mother, either /// p. 71 her godmother Damoiselle

An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu

  • 01251 p. 54 N.E. trade-wind, perfectly /// p. 56 E. tradewind continued
  • 01252 p. 115 rum, gunpowder, arms, /// p. 262 wetted gun-powder, are
  • 01253 p. 117 the small-pox. The /// p. 201 the smallpox, though
  • 01254 p. 186 the she-oak, which /// p. 219 the sheoak which
  • 01255 p. 186 in ship-building. From /// p. 252 of shipbuilding. Honeysuckle
  • 01256 p. 220 At day-light we /// p. 223 at daylight of

An Address on the Hæmatozoa of Malaria.pdf

  • 01257 p. 3 the intra-cellular pigmented /// p. 3 the intracellular pigmented

An address to the free people of color of the state of Maryland.djvu

  • 01258 p. 12 your house-hold effects, /// p. 12 not, household effects

An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language).djvu

  • 01259 p. 30 be over-come or /// p. 30 be overcome in
  • 01260 p. 571 word oyaketa, “elsewhere,” /// p. 571 Hence, o-ya-ke-ta, “at

Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu

  • 01261 p. 15 of to-day. If /// p. 34 meat today, why

An answer to a pamphlet, intitled, "Thoughts on the causes and consequences of the present high price of provisions" in a letter, addressed to the supposed author of that pamphlet.djvu

  • 01262 p. 14 every placeman and /// p. 28 or place-man extracting

An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans.djvu

  • 01263 p. 16 for twenty-five years /// p. 70 back twentyfive stripes
  • 01264 p. 21 thrown overboard fiftyfive. /// p. 27 it over-board, but
  • 01265 p. 31 the slave-owner; and /// p. 131 famous slaveowner and
  • 01266 p. 38 a runaway slave, /// p. 239 for run-away slaves,
  • 01267 p. 39 the cow-skin, and /// p. 63 horsewhip, cowskin, switch,
  • 01268 p. 41 being over-worked; weakened /// p. 145 they overworked the

An argosy of fables.djvu

  • 01269 p. 70 the road-side, a /// p. 124 the roadside bore
  • 01270 p. 73 the noontide sun, /// p. 449 the noon-tide sun,<br
  • 01271 p. 76 a laughingstock to /// p. 188 a laughing-stock to
  • 01272 p. 79 the sea-shore, when, /// p. 208 rocky seashore, and
  • 01273 p. 83 the look-out against /// p. 293 the lookout for
  • 01274 p. 98 a farm-yard, and /// p. 397 a farmyard Cock,
  • 01275 p. 102 the sea-shore for /// p. 280 the seashore there
  • 01276 p. 148 the spring-time you /// p. 292 early springtime, and
  • 01277 p. 157 big fourfooted beast!—that /// p. 403 were four-footed saints.<br
  • 01278 p. 162 reapers to-night, and /// p. 268 But tonight it
  • 01279 p. 174 the doorway: "If /// p. 495 the door-way with
  • 01280 p. 207 till day-break in /// p. 406 At daybreak, if
  • 01281 p. 268 Lions foot-prints leading /// p. 401 {{gap}}"The footprints on
  • 01282 p. 275 a nearby hole: /// p. 481 a near-by twig.
  • 01283 p. 283 weary wood-cutters passed /// p. 283 the woodcutters. In
  • 01284 p. 308 every passerby. When /// p. 479 every passer-by. "Were

A narrative of service with the Third Wisconsin Infantry.djvu

  • 01285 p. 49 his headquarters wagon /// p. 98 the head-quarters of

An attempt towards an international language.pdf

  • 01286 p. 18 the sole reason /// p. 36 ne sol-e ne
  • 01287 p. 25 the sole inconvenience /// p. 36 dev-as sol-e al-don-i
  • 01288 p. 28 real sin against /// p. 35 Di-o si-n port-is
  • 01289 p. 33 example, mi-a [[wikt:frato#Esperanto|frat-o]] /// p. 38 [[Translation:Ho, mia kor|HO,
  • 01290 p. 35 kaj nom-is Di-o /// p. 35 Di-o nomis la
  • 01291 p. 35 lum-o-n tago, kaj /// p. 35 maten-o–unu tag-o. Kaj
  • 01292 p. 36 kia lingv-o li /// p. 63 la ling-vo angl-a
  • 01293 p. 36 tiu lingv-o oni /// p. 64 La lingvo internacia
  • 01294 p. 63 lingv-o inter-naci-a (Esperant-a), /// p. 64 lingvo internacia als<br

An Australian Parsonage.djvu

  • 01295 p. 23 of out-door premises—Nature /// p. 275 for outdoor parochial
  • 01296 p. 28 on week-day and /// p. 379 the weekday. It
  • 01297 p. 38 and re-appeared to /// p. 188 She reappeared at
  • 01298 p. 44 a new-comer. In /// p. 87 the newcomer. We
  • 01299 p. 56 the headquarters and /// p. 419 from head-quarters. The
  • 01300 p. 70 a bush-fire; the /// p. 72 February bushfire. In
  • 01301 p. 89 a bed-room, will /// p. 89 our bedroom, and
  • 01302 p. 90 the mid-day heat. /// p. 310 by midday, when
  • 01303 p. 91 the store-keeper in /// p. 196 a storekeeper for
  • 01304 p. 96 an out-house that /// p. 424 an outhouse. Let
  • 01305 p. 106 or birthplace as /// p. 321 "patriarchs" birth-place. The
  • 01306 p. 111 a thunderstorm, with /// p. 178 a thunder-storm occurred
  • 01307 p. 119 open fireplace were /// p. 233 a fire-place in
  • 01308 p. 141 of roadside traffic /// p. 187 the road-side, and
  • 01309 p. 150 both bootmaker and /// p. 275 butcher, boot-maker, and
  • 01310 p. 169 the riverside, and /// p. 171 the river-side, soon
  • 01311 p. 171 our wheelbarrow to /// p. 287 a wheel-barrow, and,
  • 01312 p. 181 the sea-shore it /// p. 348 the seashore, in
  • 01313 p. 196 the storekeepers giving /// p. 422 the store-keepers as
  • 01314 p. 255 of freshwater turtles, /// p. 354 either fresh-water lakes
  • 01315 p. 276 the storekeeper and /// p. 428 the store-keeper who

A Naval Biographical Dictionary.djvu

  • 01316 p. 15 104, flag-ship at /// p. 20 74, flagship of
  • 01317 p. 15 on half-pay. He /// p. 21 on halfpay since
  • 01318 p. 19 Dilkes, flag-ship at /// p. 1144 74, flagship of

Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan.djvu

  • 01319 p. 41 the gray-haired sage<br/> /// p. 125 Blind, grayhaired, weak,
  • 01320 p. 56 The self-same thoughts /// p. 122 the selfsame state,

Ancient history of three bonnets (NLS104184532).pdf

  • 01321 p. 6 conquerd ae day /// p. 7 your a--e on,

Andrew Lockhart - At the Bars of Memory.pdf

  • 01322 p. 18 the heart-aches and /// p. 25 the heartaches most

Andrews--The perfect tribute.djvu

  • 01323 p. 25 the battle-field of /// p. 31 great battlefield of

Anecdotes of Great Musicians.djvu

  • 01324 p. 28 Paganinis pocket-book. He /// p. 86 Händels pocketbook heavier,
  • 01325 p. 34 the non-appearance of /// p. 217 the nonappearance of
  • 01326 p. 48 the woodwork of /// p. 186 The wood-work was
  • 01327 p. 72 his schoolboy hand, /// p. 214 playing school-boy tricks,
  • 01328 p. 89 royal washerwoman. Weber, /// p. 89 the washer-woman there.
  • 01329 p. 99 a re-arrangement of /// p. 232 the rearrangement he
  • 01330 p. 127 from every-day affairs /// p. 153 the everyday life
  • 01331 p. 128 seldom, now-a-days, that /// p. 145 fashion nowadays, by
  • 01332 p. 151 and blood-thirsty mob, /// p. 225 as bloodthirsty an
  • 01333 p. 220 his birthplace, and /// p. 292 the birth-place of

An epistle to the clergy of the southern states, Grimké, 1836.djvu

  • 01334 p. 5 the masterpiece of /// p. 5 the master-piece of
  • 01335 p. 11 the slave-holding spirit, /// p. 18 believe slaveholding to
  • 01336 p. 13 and tomorrow my /// p. 16 and to-morrow thou

An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathaean Agriculture.djvu

  • 01337 p. 90 fragments, remodelled in /// p. 106 or re-modelled by

An Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson.djvu

  • 01338 p. 71 Miltons grand-daughter. Dr. /// p. 71 the granddaughter of

An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798).djvu

  • 01339 p. 95 miserable alehouse, which /// p. 113 the ale-house. The

A New England Tale.djvu

  • 01340 p. 30 by moonlight wandering /// p. 283 clear moon-light, would
  • 01341 p. 32 on tiptoe, returned /// p. 228 Stood tip-toe on
  • 01342 p. 40 beautiful honey-suckle. The /// p. 72 beautiful honeysuckle, Jane,"
  • 01343 p. 41 Janes down-cast eye, /// p. 161 her downcast eye.
  • 01344 p. 56 more forehanded; but /// p. 113 more fore-handed than
  • 01345 p. 80 The moonbeams were /// p. 148 the moon-beams, and
  • 01346 p. 227 at day-light in /// p. 274 broad daylight, and

An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) vol 1.djvu

  • 01347 p. 15 to preeminence on /// p. 91 the pre-eminence. {{nop}}<section
  • 01348 p. 83 the birthright to /// p. 91 the birth-right was

An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) vol 3.djvu

  • 01349 p. 220 the over-ruling providence /// p. 231 The overruling providence
  • 01350 p. 236 his eyelids try, /// p. 236 his eye-lids try,

An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) vol 4.djvu

  • 01351 p. 21 of evil-doers, children /// p. 22 of evildoers; treachery

Angelic Life in the Spiritual World, as revealed by the Sacred Scriptures.djvu

  • 01352 p. 7 other re-united in /// p. 13 here, reunited in

Angkor from Siamese pov - Damrong - 1925.pdf

  • 01353 p. 1 you to-night, and /// p. 1 address tonight is
  • 01354 p. 1 you tonight. These /// p. 4 us to-night. The

An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London.djvu

  • 01355 p. 50 their cooperation, and /// p. 54 cordial co-operation of

An introduction to ethics.djvu

  • 01356 p. 78 a life-time. Of /// p. 97 the lifetime of
  • 01357 p. 80 in sub-ordination to /// p. 83 in subordination to
  • 01358 p. 85 saying good-bye to /// p. 86 saying goodbye to
  • 01359 p. 104 the typewriter; my /// p. 138 a type-writer. But

An introduction to Indonesian linguistics, being four essays.djvu

  • 01360 p. 5 Indonesian languages constitute /// p. 34 IN lan-guages and
  • 01361 p. 5 which extends over /// p. 5 and ex-tends from
  • 01362 p. 5 the languages of /// p. 110 IN lan-guages remains
  • 01363 p. 5 Indonesia (otherwise called /// p. 342 which other-wise do
  • 01364 p. 17 push away, to /// p. 106 forms a-way, "to
  • 01365 p. 18 the word-base; then /// p. 32 the wordbase ;
  • 01366 p. 19 to oneself ", /// p. 138 twist one-self about".
  • 01367 p. 20 and consonants respectively. /// p. 102 two con-sonants is
  • 01368 p. 20 has become g /// p. 111 instances be-come formatives:
  • 01369 p. 24 the penultimate syllable /// p. 110 the pen-ultimate contains
  • 01370 p. 24 never loan-words, can /// p. 254 treats loanwords in
  • 01371 p. 26 have established a /// p. 108 propositions estab-lished in
  • 01372 p. 27 in conformity with /// p. 107 in con-formity with
  • 01373 p. 35 genitive preposition. </ref> /// p. 111 the pre-position ka,
  • 01374 p. 40 the occurrence of /// p. 107 frequent occur-rence, so
  • 01375 p. 49 it pre-cedes the /// p. 55 i precedes. From
  • 01376 p. 51 the reduplicated root; /// p. 112 when redupli-cated aa,
  • 01377 p. 53 or mai, “father” /// p. 116 is ma-i, “
  • 01378 p. 53 the vocative, while /// p. 111 the voca-tive, yet
  • 01379 p. 55 : kapkap, “ /// p. 103 the kap-kap type
  • 01380 p. 59 be analysed, e.g. /// p. 112 being ana-lysed further.
  • 01381 p. 70 as anaka. Accordingly, /// p. 345 in anak-a, “the
  • 01382 p. 91 two etymologically distinct /// p. 108 is etymo-logically related
  • 01383 p. 94 Philippine text-books often /// p. 301 Malay textbooks one
  • 01384 p. 101 radical constituent of /// p. 106 a con-stituent embodied
  • 01385 p. 102 the conson-antal element /// p. 103 the consonantal finals
  • 01386 p. 119 says deq-sa, and /// p. 122 nae deqsa anu
  • 01387 p. 122 = kacarios nu /// p. 177 = ka-carios Raṅga
  • 01388 p. 132 but ma-gawe " /// p. 192 sira magawe. The
  • 01389 p. 137 Tontb.: ka-tělu — /// p. 137 Lampong: katělu
  • 01390 p. 169 Toba mar-somba there /// p. 169 Toba marsomba corresponding
  • 01391 p. 169 Tag. mag-simba, “to /// p. 169 Tag. magsimba, both
  • 01392 p. 176 Day.: ma-lelak, “to /// p. 176 in malelak, “
  • 01393 p. 186 || mam-paturi, "to /// p. 187 above mampaturi, "to
  • 01394 p. 195 = gumawayakĕna ṅ /// p. 199 = gumawa-yakĕna. 88.
  • 01395 p. 197 mě, ma-ma, ma-lah, /// p. 197 maqkana mama. 85.
  • 01396 p. 197 ma-ma, ma-lah, etc., /// p. 197 isoq malah santo.
  • 01397 p. 274 do dibahen lamun-na; /// p. 343 = di-bahen ro
  • 01398 p. 286 Toba latsoada < /// p. 326 in lat-soada, "not
  • 01399 p. 294 Mad. poqon, "tree" /// p. 329 either poq-on or

An introduction to physiological and systematical botany (1st edition).djvu

  • 01400 p. 56 of net-work, and /// p. 117 a network. This
  • 01401 p. 61 the abovementioned circular /// p. 201 acinaciforme above-mentioned. Dolabriforme,
  • 01402 p. 88 their footstalks are /// p. 223 their foot-stalks as
  • 01403 p. 97 as abovementioned, appears /// p. 535 the above-mentioned mode.
  • 01404 p. 138 Articiocco, sun-flower Artichoke, /// p. 403 a sunflower; Lithospermum,
  • 01405 p. 142 the flowerstalk of /// p. 159 radical flower-stalk, should
  • 01406 p. 161 clustered flower-stalks, when /// p. 254 the flowerstalks in
  • 01407 p. 166 the footstalk, which /// p. 206 common foot-stalk, as
  • 01408 p. 179 the footstalk is /// p. 206 one foot-stalk, and
  • 01409 p. 180 any footstalk, as /// p. 212 common foot-stalk, and
  • 01410 p. 190 or awlshaped point, /// p. 201 three-sided awl-shaped leaf,
  • 01411 p. 219 of honeydew, to /// p. 219 the honey-dew, and
  • 01412 p. 239 after sun-set to /// p. 363 at sunset fold

Anna Karenina.djvu

  • 01413 p. 11 dull commonplace Anna /// p. 20 entirely common-place, though

Anna Katharine Green - Leavenworth Case.djvu

  • 01414 p. 15 gone up-stairs to /// p. 29 the upstairs girl,
  • 01415 p. 25 a jury-man, observed /// p. 32 the juryman stopping
  • 01416 p. 38 his wine-glass at /// p. 41 the wineglass from

Anne Bradstreet and her time.djvu

  • 01417 p. 13 are to-day our /// p. 39 even today, indigestion
  • 01418 p. 20 too out-spoken, the /// p. 159 men, outspoken by
  • 01419 p. 34 Puritan bookshelf. But /// p. 166 every book-shelf, no
  • 01420 p. 37 the small-pox. When /// p. 188 "plague, smallpox, fevers,
  • 01421 p. 46 her needle-work and /// p. 65 in needlework and
  • 01422 p. 52 as common-place and /// p. 164 the commonplace. There
  • 01423 p. 64 every house-wife as /// p. 218 any housewife of
  • 01424 p. 95 the fire-places generally /// p. 208 the fireplaces being

Anne of Avonlea (1909).djvu

  • 01425 p. 24 oats to-day when /// p. 63 accomplished today is
  • 01426 p. 69 exactly ladylike. Gilbert /// p. 328 sensible, lady-like girl.”
  • 01427 p. 191 those pea-pods on /// p. 192 poke peapods into


  • 01428 p. 41 girl tip-toeing to /// p. 238 themselves tiptoeing shiveringly
  • 01429 p. 44 stainless southwest sky, /// p. 226 the south-west was
  • 01430 p. 75 She’s ladylike. It’s /// p. 242 very lady-like girl,
  • 01431 p. 92 into day-dreams in /// p. 103 of daydreams.
  • 01432 p. 93 be up-hill work, /// p. 196 is uphill work.
  • 01433 p. 143 a playhouse in /// p. 149 our play-house there.
  • 01434 p. 170 The schoolhouse was /// p. 384 the school-house from
  • 01435 p. 196 a rosebush by /// p. 440 a rose-bush on
  • 01436 p. 200 old homemade currant /// p. 235 tight-sleeved, home-made gray
  • 01437 p. 271 dull, faraway roar /// p. 310 those far-away days

Annie Besant Modern Socialism.djvu

  • 01438 p. 30 a lifetime what /// p. 38 his life-time. On
  • 01439 p. 36 of to-day pronounce /// p. 50 are today? Nor
  • 01440 p. 39 railway, tram-car, and /// p. 41 to tramcar employees

Annie Besant, The Law of Population.djvu

  • 01441 p. 15 an overcrowded plantation, /// p. 20 is over-crowded; for
  • 01442 p. 15 an overcrowded garden-bed, /// p. 23 in over-crowded districts,
  • 01443 p. 21 the overcrowding of /// p. 23 of over-crowding. What
  • 01444 p. 21 the overcrowded /// p. 25 an over-crowded land,
  • 01445 p. 22 the overcrowded poor /// p. 25 similarly over-crowded, as
  • 01446 p. 22 of overcrowding in /// p. 24 this over-crowding. For
  • 01447 p. 23 these overcrowded districts; /// p. 43 already over-crowded houses,
  • 01448 p. 23 by overcrowding, we /// p. 26 "Let over-crowding and
  • 01449 p. 24 by overcrowding at /// p. 27 the over-crowding of
  • 01450 p. 25 the workroom, the /// p. 41 of work-room. Prostitution

Annotated Edition of the Authorised Daily Prayer Book.djvu

  • 01451 p. 26 thy loving-kindness will /// p. 306 thy lovingkindness will
  • 01452 p. 171 his loving-kindness, for /// p. 306 thy lovingkindness will
  • 01453 p. 306 thy lovingkindness, answer /// p. 962 the loving-kindness of

Annual report of the superintendent of Negro Affairs in North Carolina, 1864.djvu

  • 01454 p. 9 the gun-boat "Underwriter" /// p. 37 Southfield (gunboat) was
  • 01455 p. 21 Quartermasters store-houses, a /// p. 58 build storehouses, relay
  • 01456 p. 25 repeatedly over-run by /// p. 60 were overrun by

An Old English Home and Its Dependencies.djvu

  • 01457 p. 70 a farm-house, the /// p. 172 any farmhouse or
  • 01458 p. 74 a farm-house I /// p. 221 Essex farmhouse (An
  • 01459 p. 172 true landlord, i.e. /// p. 182 termed land-lord. The

An Old Fashioned Girl.djvu

  • 01460 p. 12 {{gap|1em}}Mailed, postpaid, by /// p. 406 mailed, post-paid, on
  • 01461 p. 22 of peanuts, for /// p. 396 of pea-nuts, cut
  • 01462 p. 24 wear ear-rings, as /// p. 25 neck, earrings tinkling
  • 01463 p. 28 her arm-chair, saying, /// p. 215 fathers armchair, for
  • 01464 p. 30 next birthday, my /// p. 355 "Happy birth-day, Tom!"
  • 01465 p. 33 a goodnight kiss, /// p. 156 other good-night as
  • 01466 p. 55 went up-stairs, startled /// p. 104 out upstairs, and
  • 01467 p. 71 neglected nowadays. Small /// p. 129 mean now-a-days) was
  • 01468 p. 71 neat buttonholes, Fan; /// p. 230 gobbled button-holes with
  • 01469 p. 80 velocipede atop of /// p. 274 Get a-top of
  • 01470 p. 109 the door-step, feeling /// p. 224 the doorstep. Maud
  • 01471 p. 118 a breastpin in /// p. 121 absurd breast-pin and
  • 01472 p. 130 how b-e-a-utifully she /// p. 201 were beautifully answered.
  • 01473 p. 132 set now-a-days, and /// p. 215 college nowadays is
  • 01474 p. 169 begin house-keeping with. /// p. 178 my housekeeping arrangements
  • 01475 p. 178 of firelight. "These /// p. 201 the fire-light flickering
  • 01476 p. 298 own doorstep, as /// p. 339 the door-step, and

A Note on Pauperism.pdf

  • 01477 p. 6 not needle-work? It /// p. 6 that needlework, although

Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 2.djvu

  • 01478 p. 150 of foreknowledge, another /// p. 283 to fore-knowledge. Jacob
  • 01479 p. 154 the forementioned prophecies /// p. 304 these fore-mentioned elements;
  • 01480 p. 172 the super-celestial places, /// p. 183 all supercelestial matters,

Ante-Nicene Fathers volume 1.djvu

  • 01481 p. 30 and long-suffering. For /// p. 35 His longsuffering will.
  • 01482 p. 56 is long-suffering in /// p. 117 and longsuffering and
  • 01483 p. 87 the first-born of /// p. 182 "the firstborn of
  • 01484 p. 139 my first-born son."<ref>Gen. /// p. 254 "the firstborn of

Anthony Hope - The Kings Mirror.djvu

  • 01485 p. 379 the hearthrug. Struboff /// p. 380 the hearth-rug, and


  • 01486 p. 3 yards northwest. On /// p. 12 the north-west quarter
  • 01487 p. 4 the southwest quarter /// p. 27 miles south-west of
  • 01488 p. 4 the southwestern slope, /// p. 36 the south-western part
  • 01489 p. 6 the fresh-water clam /// p. 112 the freshwater clam
  • 01490 p. 13 two semicircular apertures, /// p. 114 and semi-circular. Their
  • 01491 p. 18 a redoak tree /// p. 18 two red-oak stumps
  • 01492 p. 21 numerous fire-places just /// p. 73 ancient fireplaces. They
  • 01493 p. 24 the prehistoric inhabitants. /// p. 49 the pre-historic dead
  • 01494 p. 24 an earthwork commanding /// p. 130 the earth-work as
  • 01495 p. 41 shaped spear-heads; but /// p. 132 and spearheads are
  • 01496 p. 46 with potsherds, flint /// p. 50 The pot-sherds seen
  • 01497 p. 47 of earthworks under /// p. 75 the earth-works of
  • 01498 p. 66 of earthworks, one /// p. 75 the earth-works near
  • 01499 p. 73 these fireplaces are /// p. 128 are fire-places on
  • 01500 p. 89 the mainland. But /// p. 150 the main-land. On
  • 01501 p. 95 lives to-day, and /// p. 121 of today? In
  • 01502 p. 127 copper spear-head, and /// p. 128 copper spearhead of
  • 01503 p. 130 an overestimate again. /// p. 145 an over-estimate, but

Antidote to superstition, or, A cure for those weak minds which are troubled with the fear of, ghosts and witches (NLS104184264).pdf

  • 01504 p. 10 for witchcraft? This /// p. 11 of witch-craft. Whenever

A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome.djvu

  • 01505 p. 22 and short-comings in /// p. 37 and shortcomings are

Aphorisms — an address delivered before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, November 11, 1887.djvu

  • 01506 p. 52 if selflove were /// p. 52 which self-love always
  • 01507 p. 35 The church-yard is /// p. 87 solitary churchyard. The
  • 01508 p. 47 the moonlight fell /// p. 89 the moon-light through
  • 01509 p. 53 empty throneroom, accompanied /// p. 55 the throne-room. They
  • 01510 p. 56 the steam-boat drove /// p. 145 the steamboat Eros,
  • 01511 p. 72 the back-ground towered /// p. 133 the background. There
  • 01512 p. 82 the roadside; some /// p. 152 the road-side; handsome
  • 01513 p. 99 the packthread, which /// p. 99 the pack-thread string,

A Picturesque Tour of the Island of Jamaica.djvu

  • 01514 p. 9 the sea-shore, the /// p. 65 the seashore, at

A pilgrimage to my motherland.djvu

  • 01515 p. 13 are intended to /// p. 117 we in-tended to
  • 01516 p. 14 its present dimensions, /// p. 76 acceptable pre-sent to
  • 01517 p. 14 him, whatever information /// p. 56 or what-ever else
  • 01518 p. 17 the roadside for /// p. 57 the road-side, and
  • 01519 p. 17 Soldiers, another Adventure—"Enough, /// p. 139 time an-other canoe
  • 01520 p. 19 the missionaries, comprise /// p. 43 the mission-aries; secondly,
  • 01521 p. 20 promising native boys, /// p. 63 (the na-tive razors
  • 01522 p. 21 The immediate site /// p. 153 into im-mediate operation
  • 01523 p. 21 the women procure /// p. 68 few wo-men would
  • 01524 p. 23 mails secured in /// p. 122 before se-cured, he
  • 01525 p. 24 watch carefully the /// p. 103 vessel care-fully covered
  • 01526 p. 25 a re-captured slave, /// p. 27 are recaptured, and
  • 01527 p. 28 well understood and /// p. 139 expression under-stood here
  • 01528 p. 28 his household sit /// p. 104 his house-hold, several
  • 01529 p. 29 much pleasure: so /// p. 115 much plea-sure, and
  • 01530 p. 29 he inquired whether /// p. 124 merely in-quired whence
  • 01531 p. 36 and hereafter will /// p. 51 made here-after. The
  • 01532 p. 41 superior building granite, /// p. 151 best build-ing granite.
  • 01533 p. 47 mission re-quiring the /// p. 153 matters requiring legal
  • 01534 p. 48 the foremost of /// p. 127 the fore-most of
  • 01535 p. 61 adi, excellent for /// p. 145 are excel-lent, but
  • 01536 p. 80 occasionally deposited. In /// p. 103 occasionally de-posited his
  • 01537 p. 82 the useful arts, /// p. 153 other use-ful vocations.
  • 01538 p. 89 above remarked, from /// p. 113 before re-marked, (see
  • 01539 p. 91 the roadside for /// p. 106 the road-side. Leaving
  • 01540 p. 93 feet becoming sore /// p. 118 were be-coming manifest,
  • 01541 p. 119 the ad-venture. They /// p. 122 this adventure. We
  • 01542 p. 149 of ex-port to /// p. 149 the export has

A Plea for the Middle Classes.djvu

  • 01543 p. 9 that tradespeople, as /// p. 9 his trades-people, and

Apocryphal Gospels and Other Documents Relating to the History of Christ.djvu

  • 01544 p. 61 but grand-children older /// p. 159 my grandchildren? Then
  • 01545 p. 128 the waterpot and /// p. 253 a water-pot. And
  • 01546 p. 129 the waterpot; and /// p. 253 the water-pot was
  • 01547 p. 265 the housetop from /// p. 265 the house-top, and
  • 01548 p. 278 certain house-top with /// p. 325 a housetop, one
  • 01549 p. 278 the house-top. And /// p. 325 the housetop. And

A political romance (IA politicalromance00sterrich).pdf

  • 01550 p. 21 the church-wardens. Incidentally /// p. 23 the churchwardens, and

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Huebsch 1916).djvu

  • 01551 p. 28 warm turf-coloured bogwater, /// p. 195 sluggish turfcoloured water.
  • 01552 p. 32 his granduncle had /// p. 75 his grand-uncle prayed
  • 01553 p. 37 his pandybat a /// p. 64 the pandy-bat over
  • 01554 p. 61 Dolans whitegrey not /// p. 64 his white-grey face
  • 01555 p. 75 flabby stubble-covered face, /// p. 78 flabby stubblecovered face
  • 01556 p. 76 many rosebushes: and /// p. 120 of rose-bushes on
  • 01557 p. 89 deep side-pockets. The /// p. 113 his sidepockets and
  • 01558 p. 102 his side-pockets. His /// p. 203 flapless sidepockets! It
  • 01559 p. 102 the gasjets and /// p. 170 burning gas-jets in
  • 01560 p. 149 those ill-gotten goods, /// p. 155 his illgotten wealth,
  • 01561 p. 204 a hawk-like man /// p. 272 the hawklike man

Appeal to the wealthy of the land.djvu

  • 01562 p. 11 labourers, hodmen, seamstresses, /// p. 15 labourers, hod-men, wood-pilers,
  • 01563 p. 14 and almshouses are /// p. 39 in alms-houses or
  • 01564 p. 34 augmented ten-fold: their /// p. 39 be tenfold. But

Appleton's Guide to Mexico.djvu

  • 01565 p. 29 the rail-roads. At /// p. 29 the railroads only

A Practical Treatise on Brewing (4th ed.).djvu

  • 01566 p. 12 of electro-chemical action /// p. 161 or electrochemical action,

A Practical Treatise on Olive Culture, Oil Making and Olive Pickling.djvu

  • 01567 p. 17 long taproot, which /// p. 17 said tap-root, which

A princess of Mars.djvu

  • 01568 p. 17 arms outstretched above /// p. 274 with out-stretched point
  • 01569 p. 72 a straightaway course, /// p. 304 a straight-away course
  • 01570 p. 204 the courtyard, where /// p. 344 inner court-yard of

A "Bawl" for American Cricket.djvu

  • 01571 p. 36 the outfielder to /// p. 66 an out-fielder, he
  • 01572 p. 45 being righthanded. 12th.—A /// p. 85 a right-handed batter
  • 01573 p. 77 play inside or /// p. 97 the in-side shall

Arabic Thought and Its Place in History.djvu

  • 01574 p. 15 oriental offshoot shows /// p. 172 other off-shoot shows
  • 01575 p. 25 monotheistic standpoint was /// p. 205 orthodox stand-point, represent
  • 01576 p. 34 the fore-front when /// p. 200 the forefront of
  • 01577 p. 46 to overestimate the /// p. 167 to over-estimate the
  • 01578 p. 163 its re-absorption in /// p. 270 the reabsorption of
  • 01579 p. 179 is re-absorption in /// p. 298 the reabsorption of
  • 01580 p. 208 a subdivision of /// p. 219 a sub-division of
  • 01581 p. 218 are re-absorbed in /// p. 270 be reabsorbed again
  • 01582 p. 305 any philo-pagan attitude /// p. 306 the philopagan element

Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu


Archaeologia volume 38 part 1.djvu

  • 01584 p. 34 a twofold meaning; /// p. 42 a two-fold meaning,

Archaeological Journal, Volume 1.djvu

  • 01585 p. 23 penny, halfpenny, and /// p. 26 the half-penny are
  • 01586 p. 29 or replaced with /// p. 145 probably re-placed one
  • 01587 p. 42 and door-ways we /// p. 253 two doorways of
  • 01588 p. 42 v<sup>o</sup>.}}}}}} door-way on /// p. 44 a doorway. One
  • 01589 p. 44 triangular-headed door-way. We /// p. 144 a doorway in
  • 01590 p. 45 as door-ways. We /// p. 373 the doorways, the
  • 01591 p. 45 a door-way of /// p. 195 good doorway, ascribed
  • 01592 p. 45 a door-way in /// p. 195 inner doorway of
  • 01593 p. 48 the door-way of /// p. 283 south doorway an
  • 01594 p. 56 the northwest. The /// p. 240 another north-west and
  • 01595 p. 75 earliest wood-cuts; as /// p. 195 with woodcuts, of
  • 01596 p. 75 early wood-cuts were /// p. 253 our woodcuts: it
  • 01597 p. 164 large cap-stones are /// p. 246 four capstones, the
  • 01598 p. 272 the superincumbent mound. /// p. 273 the super-incumbent earth.

A Review of the Open Educational Resources Movement.pdf

  • 01599 p. 8 or re-purposing by /// p. 10 radical repurposing of
  • 01600 p. 9 and reuse knowledge. /// p. 9 use, re-use, and

A Revision of the Families and Genera of the Stylonuracea (Eurypterida).djvu

  • 01601 p. 11 broadly subrectangular, slightly /// p. 26 broadly sub-rectangular, slightly
  • 01602 p. 13 and post-abdomen; metasoma /// p. 21 the postabdomen; metastoma
  • 01603 p. 19 eyes subrectangular, oblique, /// p. 26 broad sub-rectangular metastoma

Aristophanes (Collins).djvu

  • 01604 p. 26 of major-domo to /// p. 39 his majordomo has
  • 01605 p. 102 of game-cocks; but /// p. 109 two gamecocks were

Aristotelous peri psuxes.djvu

  • 01606 p. 12 material framework of /// p. 27 material frame-work of
  • 01607 p. 38 this two-fold <section /// p. 68 a twofold acceptation,
  • 01608 p. 41 those self-same spheres /// p. 247 the selfsame like
  • 01609 p. 64 parts coexist all /// p. 69 watching co-exist as
  • 01610 p. 69 the twofold signification, /// p. 94 a two-fold
  • 01611 p. 77 a twofold signification, /// p. 189 the two-fold sense
  • 01612 p. 78 a threefold signification, /// p. 100 a three-fold manner,
  • 01613 p. 88 a twofold signification, /// p. 272 a two-fold state—when
  • 01614 p. 92 a twofold signification, /// p. 273 self-same two-fold {{hw|condi|-
  • 01615 p. 104 possibly coexist in /// p. 166 necessity, co-exist in
  • 01616 p. 147 a twofold acceptation, /// p. 276 the two-fold acceptation
  • 01617 p. 165 the self-same matter /// p. 310 the selfsame fluid,

Aristotle (Grant).djvu

  • 01618 p. 12 and schoolmen in /// p. 74 and school-men have
  • 01619 p. 80 from im-mediate principles—i.e., /// p. 81 and immediate principles;”
  • 01620 p. 136 practical commonsense. The /// p. 176 the “common-sense” doctrine

Arminell, a social romance (1896).djvu

  • 01621 p. 10 open fireplace at /// p. 407 cold fire-place, send
  • 01622 p. 15 the school-room, drowning /// p. 115 the schoolroom, and
  • 01623 p. 16 proper school-room built. /// p. 291 the schoolroom, there
  • 01624 p. 33 and maiden-hair ferns /// p. 343 of maidenhair fern.
  • 01625 p. 33 the pre-historic earth, /// p. 517 a prehistoric period,
  • 01626 p. 34 that hum-drum which /// p. 37 of humdrum. The
  • 01627 p. 35 of hum-drum that /// p. 100 of humdrum to
  • 01628 p. 35 of hum-drum, set /// p. 431 and humdrum with
  • 01629 p. 35 the shortcomings of /// p. 418 blame short-comings, that
  • 01630 p. 43 and eye-brows; his /// p. 191 his eyebrows. "Nothing,
  • 01631 p. 46 to makeshift housing, /// p. 123 a make-shift through
  • 01632 p. 57 the bedroom floor-joists, /// p. 406 best bed-room presently,
  • 01633 p. 65 much now-a-days about /// p. 95 on nowadays. There
  • 01634 p. 76 a gamekeeper on /// p. 366 a game-keeper. "In
  • 01635 p. 82 a commonplace man. /// p. 285 the common-place fish
  • 01636 p. 84 a farm-house called /// p. 175 a farmhouse on
  • 01637 p. 84 a foot-bridge, but /// p. 297 a footbridge, and
  • 01638 p. 87 nearly over-balanced itself, /// p. 414 he overbalanced himself."
  • 01639 p. 88 uniform, commonplace, unsensational. /// p. 431 was common-place and
  • 01640 p. 103 its commonplace duties /// p. 431 of common-place obligations
  • 01641 p. 125 Girls nowadays are /// p. 406 characters now-a-days; ladies
  • 01642 p. 150 knowing nowadays where /// p. 473 girls now-a-days will
  • 01643 p. 196 about fox-hunting. She /// p. 438 when foxhunting. Whenever
  • 01644 p. 200 of hum-drum into /// p. 431 of humdrum duties,
  • 01645 p. 215 Arminells goodwill, but /// p. 418 hearty good-will for
  • 01646 p. 217 regard hum-drum life /// p. 458 of humdrum. Even
  • 01647 p. 227 his fox-hounds. "Matthews, /// p. 419 the foxhounds would
  • 01648 p. 245 the table-cloth, or /// p. 407 clean tablecloth for
  • 01649 p. 283 and shopgirls, took /// p. 396 and shop-girls who
  • 01650 p. 292 the saw-dust, the /// p. 292 little sawdust in
  • 01651 p. 299 the conquer-ing her-er-er-er-er-o /// p. 301 the conquering hero
  • 01652 p. 299 the trum-pets, Be-e-eat /// p. 338 and trumpets, and
  • 01653 p. 301 the trum-pets, Be-e-eat /// p. 353 our trumpets to
  • 01654 p. 348 like blancmange from /// p. 367 and blanc-mange, and
  • 01655 p. 354 almost overpowering desire /// p. 385 all-but over-powering sense
  • 01656 p. 379 the hill-side, dashed /// p. 383 further hillside together,
  • 01657 p. 391 in pre-historic times. /// p. 518 through prehistoric rude
  • 01658 p. 518 anything prehistoric, it /// p. 527 on pre-historic antiquities."
  • 01659 p. 520 the coastguard. She /// p. 527 a coast-guard man,

Armistice Day.djvu

  • 01660 p. 11 {{smaller|A.M.}}, to-day, firing /// p. 448 it today? (Eagerly.)
  • 01661 p. 57 the warworn thousands /// p. 103 and war-worn and
  • 01662 p. 115 all war-like and /// p. 181 from warlike travail
  • 01663 p. 149 first peace-makers have /// p. 369 the peacemakers, for
  • 01664 p. 152 One dough-boy, who /// p. 165 great doughboy who
  • 01665 p. 173 of gunfire, or /// p. 270 by gun-fire, up
  • 01666 p. 190 boy, halfway down /// p. 225 tickling half-way up
  • 01667 p. 234 the sunlit docks,<br /// p. 292 the sun-lit door,<br
  • 01668 p. 319 world re-born. {{nop}} /// p. 323 peace reborn. Fair
  • 01669 p. 346 his key-note was, /// p. 346 our keynote should
  • 01670 p. 383 of re-telling the /// p. 473 the retelling of

A Room with a View.djvu

  • 01671 p. 61 in awe-struck tone, /// p. 203 in awestruck tones.
  • 01672 p. 88 the hillside. The /// p. 118 the hill-side all
  • 01673 p. 202 the motorcars passed /// p. 211 of motor-cars and
  • 01674 p. 221 only catchwords, garments /// p. 280 by catch-words. The

Arrowsmith - Sinclair Lewis.pdf

  • 01675 p. 11 the beautiful name. /// p. 336 more beau-tiful than
  • 01676 p. 12 could ever make /// p. 226 hes ev-er tackled—when
  • 01677 p. 12 not very tall; /// p. 45 notes, ve-ry accurate
  • 01678 p. 13 not very frequent /// p. 150 in ve-ry small
  • 01679 p. 13 broken fishhook, an /// p. 140 a fish-hook, reaching
  • 01680 p. 15 the gallstones removed /// p. 199 from gall-stones to
  • 01681 p. 19 form, to-night. He /// p. 20 But tonight, in
  • 01682 p. 22 are very few!—they /// p. 289 of ver-y obscure
  • 01683 p. 40 but guess-work diagnosis, /// p. 187 much guesswork. Now
  • 01684 p. 45 a note-book, with /// p. 323 his notebook and
  • 01685 p. 47 in shirt-sleeves, filtering /// p. 177 in shirtsleeves, chewing
  • 01686 p. 51 illustrious shopkeeper. He /// p. 365 the shop-keeper guaranteed
  • 01687 p. 53 you to-morrow evening?" /// p. 108 2:43 tomorrow Wednesday
  • 01688 p. 57 a dandy new /// p. 215 a dan-dy actor!"
  • 01689 p. 72 lobby to-morrow, twelve-thirty /// p. 407 that tomorrow he
  • 01690 p. 90 sight upstairs, Ill /// p. 158 the up-stairs hall,
  • 01691 p. 95 the horsepower he /// p. 341 intellectual horse-power through
  • 01692 p. 113 Martin upstairs. He /// p. 171 the up-stairs window.
  • 01693 p. 147 dingy taxicab seemed /// p. 193 the taxi-cab he
  • 01694 p. 152 the cook-book, and /// p. 308 a cookbook bacteriologist,
  • 01695 p. 153 of sidetracks, of /// p. 204 railroad side-tracks, and
  • 01696 p. 164 in genuine Barcelona /// p. 207 a genu-ine vest-pocket
  • 01697 p. 192 Swedish singsong: "The /// p. 367 Swedish sing-song that
  • 01698 p. 215 skipped upstairs to /// p. 319 rushed up-stairs to
  • 01699 p. 247 more genu-ine trained /// p. 363 a genuine worker.
  • 01700 p. 260 an antivivisection lady, /// p. 261 The anti-vivisection lady
  • 01701 p. 321 fled uptown to /// p. 413 way up-town he
  • 01702 p. 353 the gang-plank at /// p. 365 the gangplank he
  • 01703 p. 378 into pesthouse. Hundred /// p. 389 a pest-house. He

Arthur B Reeve - The Dream Doctor.djvu

  • 01704 p. 18 hastened uptown to /// p. 124 it up-town. It
  • 01705 p. 18 you uptown so /// p. 128 cab up-town again
  • 01706 p. 25 door upstairs, and /// p. 89 library up-stairs after
  • 01707 p. 38 the typewritten note /// p. 46 that type-written note
  • 01708 p. 41 system, finger-prints, or /// p. 161 blood-crystals—the fingerprints, so
  • 01709 p. 75 the hairspring of /// p. 120 the hair-spring ring
  • 01710 p. 98 an up-turned end. /// p. 98 open upturned end.
  • 01711 p. 114 room up-stairs where /// p. 193 leaped upstairs and
  • 01712 p. 115 rushed up-stairs. There /// p. 319 us upstairs with
  • 01713 p. 117 from shoe-nails in /// p. 123 the shoenails were
  • 01714 p. 121 a near-by hotel, /// p. 240 the nearby laboratory
  • 01715 p. 124 was down-town in /// p. 169 summoned downtown and
  • 01716 p. 139 hurried uptown promising /// p. 289 brought up-town myself,
  • 01717 p. 162 enlarged micro-photographs. Some /// p. 186 taking microphotographs. Some
  • 01718 p. 170 starting downtown with /// p. 257 ride down-town in
  • 01719 p. 199 amateur shoplifter has /// p. 199 "the shop-lifter is
  • 01720 p. 208 an earpiece in /// p. 210 an ear-piece over
  • 01721 p. 289 of battle-ship construction, /// p. 291 the battleship plans
  • 01722 p. 344 the tooth-marks. "It /// p. 346 human toothmarks, however.

Arthur Machen - The Hill of Dreams.djvu

  • 01723 p. 12 quivering footbridge and /// p. 275 the foot-bridge and
  • 01724 p. 21 old farmhouses blaze /// p. 230 ancient farm-houses. And
  • 01725 p. 24 where fox-gloves and /// p. 268 the foxgloves in
  • 01726 p. 62 and rewriting, weighing /// p. 118 and re-writing till
  • 01727 p. 62 not commonplace. He /// p. 255 utterly common-place, entirely
  • 01728 p. 80 a farm-house window. /// p. 271 white farmhouse walls
  • 01729 p. 114 and recopied this /// p. 117 and re-copied the
  • 01730 p. 178 the moon-fire streaming /// p. 281 the moonfire streaming
  • 01731 p. 190 three notebooks scribbled /// p. 221 his note-books, and
  • 01732 p. 220 of fire-light shone /// p. 238 the firelight, he
  • 01733 p. 223 suburban by-ways, willing /// p. 305 the byways to
  • 01734 p. 268 grey farmhouses sending /// p. 288 old farm-houses, white
  • 01735 p. 291 poor flower-beds were /// p. 307 the flowerbeds. Dark

Arthur Machen, The Secret Glory, 1922.djvu

  • 01736 p. 64 a non-existent Wand /// p. 117 all nonexistent, some
  • 01737 p. 108 deep applegarths in /// p. 254 faery apple-garths in
  • 01738 p. 180 this dungheap I /// p. 285 the dung-heap that

Arthur Stranger--The Stranger.djvu

  • 01739 p. 7 brown pocketbook within /// p. 20 my pocket-book. Im

Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu

  • 01740 p. 13 polished desktop. "What /// p. 23 the desk-top. "Have
  • 01741 p. 45 for air-craft. Shes /// p. 74 for aircraft. The
  • 01742 p. 79 the taxicab with /// p. 160 waiting taxi-cab with
  • 01743 p. 79 the hand-bag that /// p. 95 her handbag with
  • 01744 p. 80 her hand-bag as /// p. 253 leather handbag had
  • 01745 p. 82 swinging hand-bag. "Yes, /// p. 254 yellow handbag. It
  • 01746 p. 100 that firearm and /// p. 336 her fire-arm. There
  • 01747 p. 108 flat house-top studded /// p. 313 a housetop clothes-line.
  • 01748 p. 109 voluminous bathrobe. In /// p. 110 the bath-robe, following
  • 01749 p. 111 empty taxicab and /// p. 254 the taxi-cab that
  • 01750 p. 115 a rain-coat! Then /// p. 363 a raincoat and
  • 01751 p. 121 right jaw-bone ran /// p. 156 the jawbone. The
  • 01752 p. 168 the upper-works, are /// p. 351 gilt-covered upperworks yuhll
  • 01753 p. 183 the predetermined key-relation, /// p. 308 and pre-determined movement
  • 01754 p. 215 brass candlestick at /// p. 219 the candle-stick. Then
  • 01755 p. 226 of hothouse violets /// p. 340 a hot-house. And
  • 01756 p. 268 your gum-shoe man /// p. 354 a gumshoe expert.

Arthur Stringer - The Shadow.djvu

  • 01757 p. 115 of houseboats. For /// p. 158 native house-boats swallowed
  • 01758 p. 183 unpainted upperworks and /// p. 198 the upper-works, the

Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu


Arts & Crafts Essays.djvu

  • 01760 p. 85 events, wall-paper makers /// p. 281 for wallpaper printing,
  • 01761 p. 120 reputable cabinetmaking firms /// p. 371 and cabinet-making. It
  • 01762 p. 169 in buttonhole stitch /// p. 424 in button-hole stitches
  • 01763 p. 205 a ground-work for /// p. 432 the groundwork of
  • 01764 p. 217 well-designed iron-work of /// p. 327 of ironwork. Another
  • 01765 p. 292 floors, chimneypieces, grates, /// p. 338 dressers, chimney-pieces, etc.,
  • 01766 p. 349 in undercutting the /// p. 350 (or under-cutting) them;

A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu

  • 01767 p. 28 our stateroom, to /// p. 66 my state-room and
  • 01768 p. 77 the sea-coast and /// p. 92 the seacoast, taking
  • 01769 p. 78 the sea-coast. "Captain /// p. 107 Pacific seacoast, had
  • 01770 p. 220 his pocket-book wid /// p. 266 Dans pocketbook and

A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (1st ed.).djvu

  • 01771 p. 51 hour agone was /// p. 58 years a-gone, I

A semi-centenary discourse.djvu

  • 01772 p. 13 and therefore upon /// p. 39 labors there-fore he
  • 01773 p. 21 however widespread it /// p. 120 the wide-spread circulation

A series of intercepted letters in Mexico.djvu

  • 01774 p. 14 scientific tete-de-pont, the /// p. 14 the tetede-pont and
  • 01775 p. 20 assembled today but /// p. 25 spectacle to-day has
  • 01776 p. 31 is to-day tranquil /// p. 57 affairs today. What
  • 01777 p. 54 At day-light this /// p. 57 at daylight, our

A Set of Rogues.djvu

  • 01778 p. 23 about midday, some /// p. 129 about mid-day to
  • 01779 p. 40 till night-fall. Presently /// p. 69 till nightfall. Many
  • 01780 p. 130 at daybreak; and /// p. 301 by day-break the
  • 01781 p. 158 most woebegone look /// p. 295 most woe-begone look
  • 01782 p. 206 his workroom, before /// p. 211 husbands work-room, where
  • 01783 p. 269 a tablecloth and /// p. 270 the table-cloth, and

A Set of Six.djvu

  • 01784 p. 119 their drawing-room she /// p. 194 the drawingroom of
  • 01785 p. 159 of ear-shot. "I /// p. 279 friends earshot, the
  • 01786 p. 237 his life-long adversary: /// p. 304 His lifelong, kindly
  • 01787 p. 296 his pocket-book. He /// p. 302 the pocketbook to

A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu

  • 01788 p. 10 among themselves, and /// p. 10 by them-selves, in

A short history of astronomy(1898).djvu

  • 01789 p. 14 a text-book. It /// p. 131 Sacroboscos textbook, from
  • 01790 p. 14 beautiful superstructure which /// p. 231 the super-structure which
  • 01791 p. 58 adopted henceforward in /// p. 399 lived hence-forward in
  • 01792 p. 80 or textbooks, written /// p. 230 Astronomical text-books still
  • 01793 p. 85 single lifetime. Finally, /// p. 225 Galileis life-time (1600)
  • 01794 p. 105 Several textbooks written /// p. 346 in text-books of
  • 01795 p. 138 standard textbooks used. /// p. 508 modern text-books of
  • 01796 p. 144 a textbook of /// p. 247 a text-book supplied
  • 01797 p. 149 the arrow-heads, in /// p. 340 the arrowheads, at
  • 01798 p. 218 the masthead of /// p. 219 the mast-head of
  • 01799 p. 244 an extraordinary but /// p. 409 the extra-ordinary varieties
  • 01800 p. 466 of wave-length, or /// p. 469 the wavelength of
  • 01801 p. 466 in wave-length shew /// p. 469 the wavelength of

A short history of social life in England.djvu

  • 01802 p. 15 still to-day claim /// p. 304 centres today: "The
  • 01803 p. 17 of to-day. Perhaps /// p. 323 of today were
  • 01804 p. 25 or home-made pottery. /// p. 363 muffins, homemade bread
  • 01805 p. 28 The new-comers had /// p. 35 the newcomers were
  • 01806 p. 42 no fireplace or /// p. 96 regular fire-place built
  • 01807 p. 54 the new-comers wrested /// p. 85 the newcomers renamed
  • 01808 p. 63 went barefoot in /// p. 73 walk bare-foot, nor
  • 01809 p. 84 English land-owners, 60,000 /// p. 126 large landowners and
  • 01810 p. 150 a framework like /// p. 281 whalebone frame-work under
  • 01811 p. 175 the seaside for /// p. 344 various sea-side resorts,
  • 01812 p. 186 and toothbrushes. If /// p. 244 necessaries, tooth-brushes were
  • 01813 p. 266 and small-pox carried /// p. 420 for smallpox, 1722.
  • 01814 p. 266 the small-pox. "When /// p. 421 for smallpox (free),

A Short History of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1909).djvu

  • 01815 p. 21 the corner-stone of /// p. 35 The cornerstone was
  • 01816 p. 35 a fire-proof building /// p. 52 a fireproof compartment

A simplified grammar of the Danish language.djvu

  • 01817 p. 33 formerly; i-dag, to-day; /// p. 71 of idag, to-day;

A sketch of the physical structure of Australia.djvu

  • 01818 p. 51 a fresh-water limestone. /// p. 70 recent freshwater spiral

Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu

  • 01819 p. 60 of re-birth, which /// p. 63 of rebirth, for
  • 01820 p. 72 mere folk-lore, and /// p. 265 is folklore. Compare
  • 01821 p. 80 great hemispherical stûpas, /// p. 113 nearly hemi-spherical mass
  • 01822 p. 109 by supernatural agency. /// p. 261 his super-natural powers
  • 01823 p. 128 Yûsufzai subdivision of /// p. 163 or sub-division of
  • 01824 p. 236 or vice-gerent. The /// p. 238 the vicegerent, his

A song of the English (1909).djvu

  • 01825 p. 15 the guardports of /// p. 55 the guard-ports of

As others saw Him.djvu


A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu

  • 01827 p. 17 partial flower-stalk. Flowers /// p. 49 smooth flowerstalk, with

Association Football and How to Play It (1908) by John Cameron.djvu

  • 01828 p. 11 the half-back makes /// p. 34 greatest halfback for
  • 01829 p. 11 the goalkeeper makes /// p. 77 a goal-keeper letting
  • 01830 p. 20 expert half-backs that /// p. 22 the halfbacks did
  • 01831 p. 35 and dumbbells may /// p. 36 or dumb-bells. The
  • 01832 p. 48 soon offside in /// p. 56 and off-side restrictions.
  • 01833 p. 56 the offside rule /// p. 74 be off-side with

Astonishing and delightful history of Jack and the giants.pdf

  • 01834 p. 4 coming across the /// p. 12 end a-cross the
  • 01835 p. 22 this to-morrow morning, /// p. 22 her tomorrow morning,

Astounding Science Fiction (1950-01).djvu

  • 01836 p. 4 or sub-critical masses /// p. 5 the subcritical masses
  • 01837 p. 6 sulfide photo-conductive cell /// p. 6 the photoconductive cell.
  • 01838 p. 10 of space-time or /// p. 23 in spacetime was

Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-05).djvu

  • 01839 p. 62 the blood-stream cleared /// p. 90 the bloodstream. {{di|T|fl="}}HIS,
  • 01840 p. 62 the on-coming brigand /// p. 84 the oncoming ship,
  • 01841 p. 68 open deck-space, with /// p. 78 the deckspace and

A study in scarlet.djvu

  • 01842 p. 24 noon tomorrow, and /// p. 78 Nevada to-morrow, and
  • 01843 p. 28 his forefinger /// p. 39 mans fore-finger dipped
  • 01844 p. 34 a notebook in /// p. 94 Lestrades note-book, in
  • 01845 p. 35 the door-way, and /// p. 53 the doorway laughing,
  • 01846 p. 43 amateur blood-hound carolled /// p. 91 human bloodhound, with
  • 01847 p. 47 being foot-sore. Presently /// p. 89 toiled footsore and
  • 01848 p. 53 made short-hand notes /// p. 100 his shorthand account.
  • 01849 p. 75 the doorway, and /// p. 80 the door-way, hardly
  • 01850 p. 91 after night-fall, and /// p. 95 after nightfall. During

A study of Ben Jonson (IA studyofbenjonson00swinrich).pdf

  • 01851 p. 117 had well-nigh written, /// p. 132 the wellnigh countless
  • 01852 p. 152 that oft-times the /// p. 159 weapon: ofttimes they

A Study of Fairy Tales.djvu

  • 01853 p. 15 Indian folk-tales would /// p. 90 old folktales, then,
  • 01854 p. 16 of to-day in /// p. 304 it today, opens
  • 01855 p. 22 mere recreation, the /// p. 138 of re-creation, of
  • 01856 p. 33 of fairy-tale art; /// p. 330 main fairytale, 256–58;
  • 01857 p. 40 a nosegay and /// p. 308 a nose-gay for
  • 01858 p. 45 a retelling of /// p. 90 and re-telling through
  • 01859 p. 48 a folk-lore convention—since /// p. 137 as folklore; by
  • 01860 p. 58 the springtime, but /// p. 307 the spring-time and
  • 01861 p. 61 classics rewritten from /// p. 125 be re-written to
  • 01862 p. 62 the folktale that /// p. 89 the folk-tale generally
  • 01863 p. 76 that folk-lore is /// p. 331 of folklore, 200;
  • 01864 p. 88 the hill-side to /// p. 89 the hillside to
  • 01865 p. 90 modern retelling. Many /// p. 94 wholesale re-telling of
  • 01866 p. 106 up to-night to /// p. 169 up tonight and
  • 01867 p. 126 individual retelling of /// p. 137 free re-telling of
  • 01868 p. 137 The re-creative method /// p. 333 the recreative, 113–17;
  • 01869 p. 153 a weathervane and /// p. 240 the weather-vane of
  • 01870 p. 153 hats, card-board doll-furniture, /// p. 161 gray cardboard, fastening
  • 01871 p. 158 been re-told by /// p. 248 tale retold by
  • 01872 p. 158 be re-told in /// p. 272 Family}} (retold in
  • 01873 p. 238 been re-told by /// p. 301 has retold the
  • 01874 p. 255 if rewritten in /// p. 290 been re-written and
  • 01875 p. 299 a match-making character /// p. 299 the matchmaking Jackal

A Study of Mexico.djvu

  • 01876 p. 15 to overcome the /// p. 52 to over-come the
  • 01877 p. 16 with railroad and /// p. 31 increased rail-road facilities,
  • 01878 p. 22 American railroad system /// p. 241 the rail-road had
  • 01879 p. 24 penetrated outside of /// p. 42 from out-side marauders.
  • 01880 p. 32 country throughout is /// p. 182 forms through-out the
  • 01881 p. 36 leather, raw-hide, or /// p. 136 with rawhide thongs
  • 01882 p. 41 or court-yard, the /// p. 42 the courtyard, which
  • 01883 p. 61 same arrowheads, the /// p. 61 the arrow-heads and
  • 01884 p. 62 is somewhat doubtful, /// p. 206 a some-what populous
  • 01885 p. 68 of un-questionably great /// p. 77 were unquestionably rulers
  • 01886 p. 81 by un-educated and /// p. 117 wholly uneducated, have
  • 01887 p. 122 their railroads. Of /// p. 241 vessels, rail-roads, or
  • 01888 p. 130 great drawback to /// p. 213 serious draw-back to
  • 01889 p. 156 cents; un-bleached cottons, /// p. 162 coarse, unbleached cotton

ASUCI Constitution.pdf

  • 01890 p. 3 officio, non-voting membership: /// p. 4 of nonvoting Legislative

As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu

  • 01891 p. 15 the first-born; but /// p. 123 the firstborn in
  • 01892 p. 123 current today in /// p. 136 know to-day, characters

Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu

  • 01893 p. 44 his lifetime he /// p. 46 their life-time they

Athletics and Manly Sport (1890).djvu

  • 01894 p. 19 need to-day for /// p. 433 of today stand
  • 01895 p. 32 was overtrained (see /// p. 133 are over-trained and
  • 01896 p. 59 about fourscore gladiators, /// p. 399 over four-score years
  • 01897 p. 66 and quarter-staff and /// p. 69 and quarterstaff, at
  • 01898 p. 80 the forenoon. In /// p. 141 in fore-noon |{{brace2|1|l}}
  • 01899 p. 107 or foot-ball. Putting /// p. 220 like football, wrestling,
  • 01900 p. 153 the mid-day meal. /// p. 253 till midday, until
  • 01901 p. 164 body recreation as /// p. 190 recreation (re-creation, or
  • 01902 p. 167 be overcrowded. Or, /// p. 215 Nor over-crowded with
  • 01903 p. 174 her bed-room window, /// p. 174 hermetically-sealed bedroom, she
  • 01904 p. 178 the overwork of /// p. 268 from over-work? All
  • 01905 p. 178 our forefathers; but /// p. 545 our fore-fathers to
  • 01906 p. 191 the over-hand stroke /// p. 334 the overhand stroke
  • 01907 p. 210 the gaebolga, or /// p. 245 or gae-bolga, (the
  • 01908 p. 221 great out-door game /// p. 463 and outdoor recreative
  • 01909 p. 275 with commonplace. Men /// p. 549 the common-place. Interspersed
  • 01910 p. 275 comfortable farm-house, where /// p. 355 a farmhouse for
  • 01911 p. 283 But sun-burn is /// p. 317 the sunburn had
  • 01912 p. 283 badly sun-burnt. Guiteras /// p. 314 dressed, sunburnt, and
  • 01913 p. 291 the overhanging boughs, /// p. 292 the over-hanging branches,
  • 01914 p. 297 the zigzag line /// p. 301 a zig-zag line
  • 01915 p. 314 a dug-out, just /// p. 471 open dugout of
  • 01916 p. 335 the tow-path, intending /// p. 425 the towpath, who
  • 01917 p. 335 the tow-path beside /// p. 426 the towpath, and
  • 01918 p. 336 the tow-path, and /// p. 426 the towpath. We
  • 01919 p. 336 the tow-path to /// p. 433 the towpath, a
  • 01920 p. 363 river, barefooted. "Bushmill /// p. 510 a bare-footed boy.
  • 01921 p. 373 twisting down-hill in /// p. 375 leaped downhill on
  • 01922 p. 383 little water-logged boat /// p. 399 of waterlogged forest
  • 01923 p. 389 for canalmen. But, /// p. 391 of canal-men, who
  • 01924 p. 399 the cane-brake of /// p. 406 and canebrake jungle,
  • 01925 p. 399 panther, wild-cat and /// p. 491 or wildcat; but
  • 01926 p. 405 decided water-shed. An /// p. 471 the watershed divides
  • 01927 p. 407 a saw-mill for /// p. 417 enormous sawmill and
  • 01928 p. 417 this saw-mill, leases /// p. 439 the sawmill. These
  • 01929 p. 422 poison oak-vine, with /// p. 507 poisonous oakvine, that

A Thousand-Mile Walk To The Gulf.djvu

  • 01930 p. 52 a railroad along /// p. 111 a rail-road train
  • 01931 p. 101 and cane-like and /// p. 144 new, canelike grass,
  • 01932 p. 115 is e-lec-tricity. I /// p. 115 word, electricity will
  • 01933 p. 124 a death-bed is, /// p. 224 beaten deathbed of

Atlantis Arisen.djvu

  • 01934 p. 25 western water-front, although /// p. 335 |file=Seattle waterfront from
  • 01935 p. 172 has water-works, and /// p. 322 of waterworks. Every

Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (1882).djvu

  • 01936 p. 27 was preeminent for /// p. 151 these pre-eminent traits
  • 01937 p. 62 some ground-work of /// p. 410 a groundwork of
  • 01938 p. 68 the land-locked ocean /// p. 190 a landlocked body
  • 01939 p. 90 remaineth, seedtime and /// p. 147 neither seed-time nor
  • 01940 p. 136 with thunderbolts. (Bancrofts /// p. 167 the thunder-bolts in
  • 01941 p. 138 the floodgates of /// p. 200 the flood-gates of
  • 01942 p. 140 "the floodgates of /// p. 380 channels, flood-gates, locks,
  • 01943 p. 148 pottery, glass-ware, the /// p. 368 bricks, glassware, and
  • 01944 p. 188 elaborate head-dress or /// p. 262 the headdress (apparently
  • 01945 p. 329 simply re-opened the /// p. 490 Columbus reopened communication

A topographical and historical sketch of the town of Andover, in the county of Hillsborough, and state of New Hampshire.djvu

  • 01946 p. 9 the south-westerly sides /// p. 10 the southwesterly part

A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu

  • 01947 p. 43 of free-stone. A /// p. 170 with freestone) of
  • 01948 p. 52 the semicircular arches /// p. 150 A semi-circular meadow
  • 01949 p. 53 of free-stone, surmounted /// p. 202 red freestone of
  • 01950 p. 54 beautiful free-stone tabernacle /// p. 204 of freestone, and
  • 01951 p. 61 the workman; now /// p. 61 a work-man called
  • 01952 p. 91 and coheiress of /// p. 312 and co-heiress of
  • 01953 p. 98 the bedchamber to /// p. 135 principal bed-chamber, are—
  • 01954 p. 109 a limestone hill, /// p. 112 of lime-stone; the
  • 01955 p. 112 admirable lime-stone, whose /// p. 115 valuable limestone below
  • 01956 p. 113 several lime-stone mines /// p. 153 of limestone rock,
  • 01957 p. 113 of lime-stone, left /// p. 159 through limestone, and
  • 01958 p. 114 The lime-stone, however, /// p. 168 innumerable limestone quarries;
  • 01959 p. 114 the lime-stone mining, /// p. 185 vast limestone rocks,
  • 01960 p. 115 has lime-stone upon /// p. 186 the limestone in
  • 01961 p. 115 the lime-stone is /// p. 186 of limestone; and
  • 01962 p. 115 great lime-stone work, /// p. 187 the limestone to
  • 01963 p. 116 the lime-stone had /// p. 187 The limestone mountain,
  • 01964 p. 124 some iron-works, busily /// p. 203 the ironworks. Here
  • 01965 p. 126 and sixpence, according /// p. 192 about six-pence per
  • 01966 p. 158 a bedchamber per /// p. 222 white bed-chamber is
  • 01967 p. 169 fine free-stone from /// p. 324 white freestone, here
  • 01968 p. 170 small semicircular windows /// p. 181 regular semi-circular arches
  • 01969 p. 171 narrow grit-stone passage, /// p. 187 room gritstone, and
  • 01970 p. 172 black lime-stone rock, /// p. 187 the limestone. It
  • 01971 p. 172 the lime-stone rock /// p. 189 the limestone stratum
  • 01972 p. 178 the lime-stone, which /// p. 189 the limestone. The
  • 01973 p. 186 The toadstone, which /// p. 189 the toad-stone, which
  • 01974 p. 203 common limestone to /// p. 260 the lime-stone rock
  • 01975 p. 227 own bedchamber. A /// p. 258 private bed-chamber and
  • 01976 p. 302 an archbishop made /// p. 303 protestant arch-bishop of

A Treasury of South African Poetry.djvu

  • 01977 p. 97 To ming-le in /// p. 266 to mingle with
  • 01978 p. 114 {{gap|1em}}Light teardrops on /// p. 279 eager tear-drops rolled
  • 01979 p. 119 flickering, sunlit leaves /// p. 277 the sun-lit shore,
  • 01980 p. 179 With freeborn pride /// p. 272 of free-born spirit,
  • 01981 p. 184 like hail-storm in /// p. 201 its hailstorm, rode

A treasury of war poetry, British and American poems of the world war, 1914-1919.djvu

  • 01982 p. 78 the bloodstained years. /// p. 101 {{gap}}Its blood-stained memories,<br
  • 01983 p. 84 In selfsame tombs /// p. 285 the self-same land,<br
  • 01984 p. 122 Of world-wide execration /// p. 183 Of worldwide pity,
  • 01985 p. 127 {{gap}}What noonday from /// p. 228 the noon-day bee
  • 01986 p. 145 yet world-wide survey /// p. 380 the worldwide battle
  • 01987 p. 149 the day-long labouring /// p. 293 Where daylong the
  • 01988 p. 190 with world-wide voice, /// p. 386 {{gap}}His worldwide task
  • 01989 p. 201 the day-long road,<br /// p. 293 and daylong the
  • 01990 p. 208 The schooldays shaped /// p. 392 glad school-days and
  • 01991 p. 209 arch adown the /// p. 251 lute a-down to
  • 01992 p. 294 the selfsame chain. /// p. 301 The self-same discord,
  • 01993 p. 321 the star-shells lightened,<br /// p. 373 initial|T}}HE starshells float

A treatise on diamonds and precious stones including their history Natural and commercial.djvu

  • 01994 p. 40 a necklace, an /// p. 54 same neck-lace was
  • 01995 p. 92 and aqua-marines, have /// p. 148 for aquamarines, from

A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu

  • 01996 p. 11 be related to /// p. 98 though re-lated to
  • 01997 p. 12 of electromagnetism, and /// p. 104 of electro-magnetism. Since,
  • 01998 p. 71 originally unelectrified, then /// p. 77 their un-electrified state,

A Treatise on Geology, volume 1.djvu

  • 01999 p. 10 of icebergs. The /// p. 311 the ice-bergs would
  • 02000 p. 70 Upper freshwater. | /// p. 93 and fresh-water shells
  • 02001 p. 70 Lower freshwater. | /// p. 93 the fresh-water tribes,
  • 02002 p. 72 of freshwater limestone. /// p. 93 and fresh-water shells
  • 02003 p. 73 blue subcrystalline limestonne. /// p. 152 concretionary sub-crystalline texture.
  • 02004 p. 79 the rock-salt mines /// p. 228 of rocksalt as
  • 02005 p. 93 presumed fresh-water shells /// p. 171 possibly freshwater shells,)
  • 02006 p. 111 their foot-prints appear /// p. 222 by footprints in
  • 02007 p. 126 slowly re-absorbed by /// p. 170 and reabsorbed into
  • 02008 p. 135 and southwest) in /// p. 135 and south-west) through
  • 02009 p. 139 partial re-conversion to /// p. 204 a reconversion of
  • 02010 p. 186 a freshwater origin. /// p. 229 of fresh-water streams
  • 02011 p. 189 of freshwater, or /// p. 238 plants—some fresh-water bivalves
  • 02012 p. 267 The subapennine "marls" /// p. 278 northern sub-apennine regions
  • 02013 p. 269 shelly sand-banks, comparable, /// p. 311 on sandbanks and
  • 02014 p. 310 of circum-polar regions. /// p. 312 northern circumpolar regions,

A Treatise on Geology, volume 2.djvu

  • 02015 p. 45 its fresh-water deposits. /// p. 54 have freshwater shells
  • 02016 p. 50 numerous fresh-water deposits, /// p. 54 lowest freshwater beds
  • 02017 p. 50 the fresh-water sediments /// p. 54 purely freshwater beds
  • 02018 p. 51 or fresh-water plants, /// p. 54 of freshwater beds
  • 02019 p. 54 of freshwater and /// p. 57 and fresh-water shells
  • 02020 p. 54 of freshwater strata /// p. 57 upper fresh-water beds
  • 02021 p. 55 tertiary freshwater strata /// p. 57 the fresh-water limestone
  • 02022 p. 55 {{anchor|}}The freshwater sediments /// p. 57 the fresh-water deposits
  • 02023 p. 112 the coal-field of /// p. 161 Durham coalfield from
  • 02024 p. 113 Durham coal-fields, twenty /// p. 167 Somersetshire coalfields. |
  • 02025 p. 137 three coordinate axes /// p. 137 three co-ordinate planes,
  • 02026 p. 153 instance—and rearranged into /// p. 370 of, re-arranged by

A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu

  • 02027 p. 48 until midnight; relieved /// p. 60 after mid-night; after

A Treatise on Painting.djvu

  • 02028 p. 184 quantity<ref>The eyeball moving /// p. 339 large eye-ball will

A Treatise upon the Small-Pox.pdf

  • 02029 p. 15 Sydenham]] abovementioned, who /// p. 38 Species above-mentioned, does
  • 02030 p. 76 being reunited and /// p. 78 be re-united so
  • 02031 p. 77 Intention abovementioned. And /// p. 91 Medicines above-mentioned, and

Atrocious Outrage on the Last Native Tasmanian (Grey River Argus reprint).djvu

  • 02032 p. 1 the deadhouse at /// p. 1 the dead-house where

At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu

  • 02033 p. 109 on hard-tack and /// p. 203 to hardtack an
  • 02034 p. 145 admirals flag-ship was /// p. 190 Togos flagship, and

Aucassin and Nicolette (Bourdillon).pdf

  • 02035 p. 21 stood godfather to /// p. 23 stood god-father to
  • 02036 p. 47 the herd-boys came /// p. 48 the herdboys, and
  • 02037 p. 47 the herd-boys, and /// p. 49 the herdboys went

Audubon and His Journals.djvu

  • 02038 p. 49 large air-hole that /// p. 49 another airhole, and
  • 02039 p. 53 a fortnight after /// p. 307 day fort-night past
  • 02040 p. 54 a sand-bar in /// p. 484 the sandbar at
  • 02041 p. 56 a flatboat, in /// p. 67 a flat-boat commanded
  • 02042 p. 58 large flatboat, my /// p. 133 a flat-boat, and
  • 02043 p. 60 our flatboats were /// p. 279 our flat-boats on
  • 02044 p. 66 a fac-simile of /// p. 269 a facsimile is
  • 02045 p. 77 his woodcutters, whose /// p. 550 his wood-cutters in
  • 02046 p. 86 felt to-day! how /// p. 229 much today. At
  • 02047 p. 120 with sea-sickness, which, /// p. 131 any seasickness I
  • 02048 p. 128 the seaweeds in /// p. 396 the sea-weeds, trousers
  • 02049 p. 145 the seashore, saw /// p. 315 the sea-shore, or,
  • 02050 p. 146 the doorkeeper, an /// p. 161 my door-keeper, examined
  • 02051 p. 157 till daylight again /// p. 478 at day-light it
  • 02052 p. 162 principal game-keeper of /// p. 179 Stanfords gamekeeper again
  • 02053 p. 191 black hair-cloth sofa /// p. 233 slippery haircloth seats.
  • 02054 p. 193 other shellfish. The /// p. 488 valuable shell-fish. The
  • 02055 p. 249 and neckcloth were /// p. 367 a neck-cloth, that
  • 02056 p. 253 white eyebrows struck /// p. 297 his eye-brows more
  • 02057 p. 258 the seashore, and /// p. 489 the sea-shore to
  • 02058 p. 299 a horse-shoe! About /// p. 357 in horseshoe form
  • 02059 p. 303 a stand-still; he /// p. 574 a standstill for
  • 02060 p. 316 about half-way here, /// p. 569 nearly halfway from
  • 02061 p. 326 dry brush-wood, sees /// p. 488 of brushwood,
  • 02062 p. 362 within gun-shot of /// p. 416 good gunshot of
  • 02063 p. 376 a sky-light, which /// p. 446 my skylight, and
  • 02064 p. 386 at day-break, and /// p. 424 at daybreak every
  • 02065 p. 388 usual seasickness, and /// p. 491 of sea-sickness, the
  • 02066 p. 406 degree landlocked by /// p. 447 completely land-locked all
  • 02067 p. 406 dry sand-bars, without /// p. 432 where sandbars are
  • 02068 p. 406 the northwest side /// p. 434 the north-west, with
  • 02069 p. 407 the look-out. Many /// p. 556 the lookout for
  • 02070 p. 414 with sea-weeds. The /// p. 484 of seaweeds, seemed
  • 02071 p. 545 the smallpox, was /// p. 558 the small-pox. According



Auld Robin Gray (2).pdf

  • 02073 p. 4 lang backgoing, and /// p. 5 a back-going fortune

Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 5.djvu

  • 02074 p. 20 at tomorrow, and /// p. 106 tins to-morrow, and
  • 02075 p. 64 the store-room, now /// p. 139 the storeroom; we

Aurora Australis.djvu

  • 02076 p. 119 and ice-cap. From /// p. 186 the icecap above.
  • 02077 p. 121 corduroyed gamekeeper could /// p. 123 please game-keeper, park-officer,

Austen - Emma, vol. I, 1816.djvu

  • 02078 p. 29 "A straight-forward, open-hearted /// p. 133 open, straightforward, and
  • 02079 p. 42 intelligent, gentlemanlike man, /// p. 206 tall, gentleman-like, and

Austen - Emma, vol. II, 1816.djvu

  • 02080 p. 16 Fairfaxs handwriting. "You /// p. 322 of hand-writing were
  • 02081 p. 40 provocations reappeared. The /// p. 232 he re-appeared, attending
  • 02082 p. 82 merest common-place had /// p. 333 inferior, commonplace situation,
  • 02083 p. 156 of gentlemanlike, sensible /// p. 282 very gentleman-like man."

Austen - Emma, vol. III, 1816.djvu

  • 02084 p. 32 how gentlemanlike a /// p. 292 unaffected, gentleman-like English,
  • 02085 p. 32 a ball-room better, /// p. 41 the ballroom again,
  • 02086 p. 38 Smith!—Very goodnatured, I /// p. 91 a good-natured woman
  • 02087 p. 91 unmanageable good-will of /// p. 165 her goodwill in
  • 02088 p. 128 most good-humoured dependence /// p. 271 friendly, goodhumoured playfulness,

Austen - Mansfield Park, vol. I, 1814.djvu

  • 02089 p. 33 the school-room, the /// p. 361 good schoolroom chairs,
  • 02090 p. 54 his sister-in-law to /// p. 366 fair sister-inlaw, could
  • 02091 p. 121 the super-added objects /// p. 321 the superadded dread
  • 02092 p. 220 an under-sized man /// p. 353 an undersized, little,
  • 02093 p. 232 the pianoforte, she /// p. 233 the piano-forte again,
  • 02094 p. 263 "An after-piece instead /// p. 266 shifting afterpiece, and

Austen - Mansfield Park, vol. II, 1814.djvu

  • 02095 p. 21 the house-keeper with /// p. 183 the housekeeper, and
  • 02096 p. 23 it to-morrow, Sir. /// p. 91 beyond tomorrow. These

Austen - Northanger Abbey. Persuasion, vol. I, 1818.djvu

  • 02097 p. 47 the cardroom, and /// p. 132 the card-room to
  • 02098 p. 58 very gentlemanlike young /// p. 248 a gentleman-like, good
  • 02099 p. 102 head tonight? I /// p. 315 it to-night to
  • 02100 p. 119 miles to-day; all /// p. 235 Tilney today? I
  • 02101 p. 119 Lansdown to-morrow; mind, /// p. 253 Clifton tomorrow, they

Austen - Northanger Abbey. Persuasion, vol. II, 1818.djvu

  • 02102 p. 83 different staircase, and /// p. 157 chief stair-case might
  • 02103 p. 95 broad staircase of /// p. 160 winding stair-case, believed

Austen - Northanger Abbey. Persuasion, vol. IV, 1818.djvu

  • 02104 p. 11 go to-morrow, fix /// p. 221 till tomorrow, when
  • 02105 p. 79 old school-fellow in /// p. 91 old schoolfellow was;
  • 02106 p. 83 dark bed-room behind, /// p. 197 my bedroom, and

Austen - Pride and Prejudice, third edition, 1817.djvu

  • 02107 p. 21 her house-keeping, when /// p. 355 her housekeeping, her
  • 02108 p. 22 and gentlemanlike; he /// p. 295 pleasant, gentleman-like man—he
  • 02109 p. 40 the good-will of /// p. 427 of goodwill which
  • 02110 p. 65 lives somewhere near /// p. 563 is some-where about
  • 02111 p. 71 his housekeeper directions /// p. 425 the house-keeper; and
  • 02112 p. 72 a house-maid, and /// p. 271 the housemaid in
  • 02113 p. 103 of thread-bare morality /// p. 128 most threadbare topic
  • 02114 p. 121 most gentlemanlike appearance, /// p. 319 more gentleman-like manner."
  • 02115 p. 127 the mantlepiece, the /// p. 315 the mantle-piece with
  • 02116 p. 127 creditable, gentlemanlike set, /// p. 383 very gentleman-like man,
  • 02117 p. 135 the godson, the /// p. 330 his god-son, his
  • 02118 p. 181 the stair-case, than /// p. 402 great staircase. "He
  • 02119 p. 226 sensible, gentlemanlike man, /// p. 589 more gentleman-like manner.
  • 02120 p. 394 the chambermaid whether /// p. 396 the chamber-maid had
  • 02121 p. 396 the housekeeper, had /// p. 525 old house-keeper, I
  • 02122 p. 458 by dinner-time the /// p. 504 by dinnertime. Their

Austen - Sense and Sensibility, vol. I, 1811.djvu

  • 02123 p. 32 Their house-keeping will /// p. 67 of housekeeping, and
  • 02124 p. 64 handsome pianoforte of /// p. 151 the piano-forte, and
  • 02125 p. 74 a bed-chamber and /// p. 98 spare bedchamber, she
  • 02126 p. 87 the pianoforté, for /// p. 203 the piano-forté alternately
  • 02127 p. 270 the good-natured old /// p. 270 thoroughly goodnatured, or

Austen - Sense and Sensibility, vol. II, 1811.djvu

  • 02128 p. 22 disappointment to-morrow, and /// p. 208 But tomorrow I
  • 02129 p. 92 in today, accidentally /// p. 144 came to-day finished
  • 02130 p. 219 Fanny’s greenhouse, and /// p. 219 the green-house to

Australia, from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay.djvu

  • 02131 p. 13 the north-eastern part /// p. 46 the northeastern coast
  • 02132 p. 38 and water-courses; the /// p. 50 gravelly watercourses, and
  • 02133 p. 39 rugged water-courses. A /// p. 110 small watercourses, until
  • 02134 p. 44 mangroves, teatree swamps, /// p. 75 grassy tea-tree flat.
  • 02135 p. 48 brushy water-course, a /// p. 107 first watercourse; I
  • 02136 p. 54 at night-fall on /// p. 74 at nightfall. We
  • 02137 p. 70 his forefeet, but /// p. 223 his fore-feet for

Australian and Other Poems.djvu

  • 02138 p. 25 his light-some glance, /// p. 45 and lightsome wing.

Australian Emigrant 1854.djvu

  • 02139 p. 20 gratified elsewhere. There /// p. 108 or else-where, will
  • 02140 p. 24 he underwent the /// p. 189 we under-went, poor
  • 02141 p. 24 the boat-men, by /// p. 25 the boatmen, as
  • 02142 p. 28 of wood-work, a /// p. 70 the woodwork, would
  • 02143 p. 58 more blood-thirsty that /// p. 97 leads bloodthirsty villains
  • 02144 p. 61 the back-ground of /// p. 176 the background, joined
  • 02145 p. 74 a shake-down, and /// p. 163 a shakedown, intending
  • 02146 p. 83 a blood-thirsty humour, /// p. 192 it—the bloodthirsty ogres."
  • 02147 p. 84 your sirname. "Did /// p. 215 his sir-name, but
  • 02148 p. 89 and bushrangers are /// p. 93 of bush-rangers and
  • 02149 p. 94 notorious bush-ranger of /// p. 158 a bushranger? I
  • 02150 p. 98 the bushman returned /// p. 184 indignant bush-man appeared
  • 02151 p. 100 the bush-ranger! "After /// p. 161 the bushranger, whose
  • 02152 p. 100 my hand-cuffs: I /// p. 160 of handcuffs and
  • 02153 p. 102 idea bushrangers were /// p. 145 of bush-rangers and
  • 02154 p. 102 ten bushrangers were /// p. 171 the bush-rangers. I
  • 02155 p. 137 the bush-ranger, who /// p. 161 the bushranger was
  • 02156 p. 142 within gunshot, when /// p. 142 within gun-shot, he
  • 02157 p. 183 fell headlong to /// p. 217 tumbled head-long into

Australian enquiry book of household and general information.djvu

  • 02158 p. 13 favour, therefore, she /// p. 189 and there-fore I
  • 02159 p. 14 her fire-place and /// p. 120 the fireplace, the
  • 02160 p. 15 together bread-crumbs, chopped /// p. 16 onion, breadcrumbs, dripping,
  • 02161 p. 16 of bread-crumbs for /// p. 51 in breadcrumbs, and
  • 02162 p. 17 be returned to /// p. 23 and re-turned. Get
  • 02163 p. 17 little corn-flour and /// p. 27 of cornflour. Add
  • 02164 p. 17 own housework to /// p. 54 the house-work. I
  • 02165 p. 21 into stewpan with /// p. 27 the stew-pan, let
  • 02166 p. 21 with forcemeat. {{c|To /// p. 29 and force-meat balls;
  • 02167 p. 23 powdered saltpetre, ¼ /// p. 24 some salt-petre and
  • 02168 p. 24 the all-spice (about /// p. 25 or allspice. Mode:
  • 02169 p. 24 more salt-petre (about /// p. 104 flank, saltpetre, three
  • 02170 p. 24 that salt-petre takes /// p. 104 and saltpetre. Pound
  • 02171 p. 24 sugar, salt-petre, etc., /// p. 111 in saltpetre and
  • 02172 p. 25 the bread-crumbs, thyme, /// p. 73 of breadcrumbs, one
  • 02173 p. 25 is salt-petre, as /// p. 118 of saltpetre in
  • 02174 p. 26 thyme, allspice, pepper, /// p. 26 thyme, all-spice, pepper,
  • 02175 p. 27 a stew-pan, let /// p. 45 a stewpan with
  • 02176 p. 27 the stew-pan one /// p. 51 a stewpan, and
  • 02177 p. 29 a stew-pan. Cut /// p. 51 a stewpan with
  • 02178 p. 30 a stew-pan, and /// p. 51 a stewpan with
  • 02179 p. 30 the stew-pan with /// p. 53 a stewpan a
  • 02180 p. 30 the stew-pan with /// p. 76 a stewpan with
  • 02181 p. 31 all house-wives to /// p. 55 Most housewives set
  • 02182 p. 31 their midday meal /// p. 155 ones mid-day rest.
  • 02183 p. 36 a stew-pan; add /// p. 87 enamel stewpan if
  • 02184 p. 36 a stew-pan with /// p. 102 a stewpan with
  • 02185 p. 36 a stew-pan with /// p. 102 the stewpan with
  • 02186 p. 36 of bread-crumbs and /// p. 73 cups breadcrumbs, one
  • 02187 p. 36 a stew-pan with /// p. 103 a stewpan with
  • 02188 p. 48 nutmeg, allspice. Mode: /// p. 93 oz. all-spice whole
  • 02189 p. 56 When luke-warm, bottle, /// p. 110 till lukewarm and
  • 02190 p. 58 of bi-carbonate of /// p. 98 of bicarbonate of
  • 02191 p. 82 anything nowadays, save /// p. 84 jam now-a-days does
  • 02192 p. 84 But, now-a-days it /// p. 207 stations nowadays they
  • 02193 p. 88 water overnight. In /// p. 92 leave over-night. Strain
  • 02194 p. 108 laundress now-a-days tells /// p. 215 cheaply nowadays that
  • 02195 p. 109 fresh quicklime in /// p. 287 lbs. quick-lime. Boil
  • 02196 p. 114 the white-wash according /// p. 191 than whitewash it
  • 02197 p. 114 the secondhand furniture /// p. 114 bought second-hand at
  • 02198 p. 115 or pen-knife, and /// p. 161 a penknife. Sometimes
  • 02199 p. 123 and store-room shelves, /// p. 192 or storeroom of
  • 02200 p. 124 to white-washed walls, /// p. 239 being whitewashed up
  • 02201 p. 124 a white-wash brush; /// p. 208 or whitewash brush,
  • 02202 p. 124 calico under-wear, use /// p. 151 flannel underwear all
  • 02203 p. 205 with weatherboards, but /// p. 208 for weather-boards, and
  • 02204 p. 210 rather drawing-room I /// p. 215 a drawingroom or
  • 02205 p. 258 Dont illuse the /// p. 275 or ill-use a

Australian legendary tales.djvu

  • 02206 p. 34 underground watercourse leading /// p. 121 a water-course. From
  • 02207 p. 114 a rain-maker, for /// p. 145 Wirreenun, rainmaker to
  • 02208 p. 134 little trap-door of /// p. 135 the trapdoor that
  • 02209 p. 149 Dinewan noonoo meer /// p. 149 gahraymo noo-noo, boollarh

Australian views of England.djvu

  • 02210 p. 43 until today, when /// p. 44 England to-day the

Authentic narrative of the proceedings of His Majesty's Squadron.pdf

  • 02211 p. 5 before sunset the /// p. 14 at sun-set, which

Autobiography (1874).djvu

  • 02212 p. 126 our text-book; my /// p. 321 superficial textbook, 122
  • 02213 p. 205 father’s co-operation as /// p. 269 direct cooperation with
  • 02214 p. 216 subsequent rewriting: and /// p. 228 complete re-writing of
  • 02215 p. 282 out oversights and /// p. 311 some, over-sights of

Autobiography of Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes.djvu

  • 02216 p. 9 horrendous hand-writing. Undoubtedly /// p. 9 and handwriting discouraged

Autobiography of William Love, P.C..pdf

  • 02217 p. 30 of every-day occurence—and /// p. 38 his everyday clothes

Autumn. From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu

  • 02218 p. 17 the hilltop, I /// p. 162 the hill-top or
  • 02219 p. 34 the river-side in /// p. 84 the riverside again,
  • 02220 p. 58 a woodpile. Not /// p. 151 the wood-pile or
  • 02221 p. 61 the river-side, or /// p. 89 the riverside. It
  • 02222 p. 96 A passerby might /// p. 317 mere passer-by, hence
  • 02223 p. 98 An arrow-head at /// p. 358 The arrowhead, too,
  • 02224 p. 139 encouraging, re-creating, would /// p. 162 wonderfully recreating to
  • 02225 p. 152 the hearth-side is /// p. 341 great hearthside, that
  • 02226 p. 156 old beanfield, I /// p. 302 the bean-field are
  • 02227 p. 170 great fishhawks (possibly /// p. 323 hawks, fish-hawks, perhaps,
  • 02228 p. 175 The snow-fleas, as /// p. 289 and snowfleas, and
  • 02229 p. 214 and spring-like verdure /// p. 333 and springlike morning.
  • 02230 p. 226 novel out-doors. I /// p. 391 fire outdoors amid
  • 02231 p. 342 slate-colored snowbirds with /// p. 380 Slate-colored snow-birds flit
  • 02232 p. 349 farm wood-lot. The /// p. 477 farm woodlot, 335.
  • 02233 p. 380 Wheelers wood-path to /// p. 413 the woodpath, have
  • 02234 p. 390 old beanfield at /// p. 420 my bean-field, the
  • 02235 p. 410 and frostbitten catnip, /// p. 427 now frost-bitten, the

Avesta, the Bible of Zoroaster.djvu

  • 02236 p. 11 of frag-ments from /// p. 12 interesting fragments might

Aviation Accident Report, American Export Airlines Flight 71.pdf

  • 02237 p. 4 usual preflight cockpit /// p. 14 his pre-flight cockpit

Aviation Accident Report, Western Air Lines Flight 1.pdf

  • 02238 p. 3 as co-pilot trainee /// p. 5 as copilot with

A voice from Harper's Ferry (1861).djvu

  • 02239 p. 28 the school-house, and /// p. 53 the schoolhouse, we
  • 02240 p. 36 His fire-arms were /// p. 41 with firearms, but
  • 02241 p. 38 the hill-sides, and /// p. 42 up hillsides and

A voice from the signal-box.djvu

  • 02242 p. 31 a break-down. Therefore /// p. 36 a breakdown or

Avon Fantasy Reader 10.djvu

  • 02243 p. 32 a beast-like figure /// p. 68 the beastlike men.
  • 02244 p. 40 Ek good-bye, and /// p. 110 "Well, goodbye, boys
  • 02245 p. 66 of to-day had /// p. 68 foodstuffs today. Be
  • 02246 p. 68 retreating beastmen and /// p. 68 the beast-men drew
  • 02247 p. 68 aborigine to-day. In /// p. 109 civilized today but
  • 02248 p. 83 The peg-leg that /// p. 83 the pegleg slightly.
  • 02249 p. 96 of coordinates. Suppose /// p. 108 of co-ordinates. Relativity,

Avon Fantasy Reader 11 (1949).pdf

  • 02250 p. 14 his wristwatch, and /// p. 17 his wrist-watch. "Half-past
  • 02251 p. 76 down; streetcars and /// p. 81 automobiles, street-cars, and
  • 02252 p. 76 run; powerhouses were /// p. 76 the power-houses had

A Voyage in Space (1913).djvu

  • 02253 p. 42 to halfway so /// p. 185 them half-way down
  • 02254 p. 52 prepared beforehand. There /// p. 143 difficult before-hand. If
  • 02255 p. 111 use nowadays are /// p. 205 smaller now-a-days than
  • 02256 p. 130 of motor-cars at /// p. 214 their motorcars to
  • 02257 p. 132 little eyepiece and /// p. 135 the eye-piece is
  • 02258 p. 145 a spectroheliograph, or /// p. 151 name—the spectro-heliograph: spectro
  • 02259 p. 260 the kinematograph, and /// p. 307 with kinemato-graph. The

A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions Vol 1.djvu

  • 02260 p. 70 rolling northwesterly swell /// p. 116 strong north-westerly breeze,
  • 02261 p. 80 steep north-eastern side /// p. 119 the northeastern or
  • 02262 p. 91 the north-western part /// p. 145 its northwestern coast,
  • 02263 p. 91 of greenstone. As /// p. 223 and green-stone, especially
  • 02264 p. 95 the topsails, and /// p. 404 our top-sails, and
  • 02265 p. 95 the foresail. They /// p. 176 the fore-sail up,
  • 02266 p. 97 the north-west of /// p. 247 the northwest corner
  • 02267 p. 114 floating sea-weed ([[w:Macrocystis /// p. 252 of seaweed were
  • 02268 p. 115 the south-eastward. Steering /// p. 325 the southeastward, and
  • 02269 p. 116 the north-westward, and /// p. 229 the northwestward of
  • 02270 p. 119 smaller north-eastern island /// p. 388 the northeastern limit
  • 02271 p. 123 the north-east part /// p. 378 the northeast, with
  • 02272 p. 123 a close-reefed main-topsail /// p. 130 under closereefed topsails,
  • 02273 p. 123 storm staysails, under /// p. 338 storm stay-sails, under
  • 02274 p. 124 the north-west, we /// p. 326 the northwest, to
  • 02275 p. 129 an ice-berg, being /// p. 179 small iceberg, seen
  • 02276 p. 130 the north-west, with /// p. 343 the northwest, sailing
  • 02277 p. 130 directly ahead of /// p. 211 directly a-head of
  • 02278 p. 139 the log-book of /// p. 377 the logbook of
  • 02279 p. 158 and seaweeds. "Of /// p. 227 and sea-weeds, &c.;
  • 02280 p. 163 small shell-fish that /// p. 293 several shellfish have
  • 02281 p. 175 the north-west of /// p. 379 the northwest. Early
  • 02282 p. 176 passed ahead, and /// p. 359 enough a-head before
  • 02283 p. 180 the south-west, raised /// p. 285 strong southwest gale,
  • 02284 p. 184 the south-west cape /// p. 420 the southwest, we
  • 02285 p. 199 the foundation-stone was /// p. 205 the foundationstone of
  • 02286 p. 211 the south-east, and /// p. 252 between southeast and
  • 02287 p. 229 cutting fire-wood found /// p. 232 procuring firewood, completing
  • 02288 p. 236 the north-east point /// p. 470 the northeast side.
  • 02289 p. 252 the south-west, so /// p. 470 rock, southwest side.
  • 02290 p. 254 frequent snow-showers. The /// p. 257 and snowshowers. We
  • 02291 p. 257 strong ice-blink in /// p. 322 strong iceblink of
  • 02292 p. 257 the masthead, from /// p. 262 the mast-head it
  • 02293 p. 263 the masthead; with /// p. 268 the mast-head. Our
  • 02294 p. 266 the south-east, towards /// p. 331 the southeast in
  • 02295 p. 267 the south-east water. /// p. 354 the southeast Cape
  • 02296 p. 276 this ice-bound coast /// p. 368 completely icebound with
  • 02297 p. 278 storm staysails; the /// p. 464 ||{{ts|lg}}|Storm stay-sails. |-

A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions Vol 2.djvu


A voyage to Abyssinia (Salt).djvu

  • 02300 p. 26 an extraordinary fatality, /// p. 324 whose extra-ordinary acquirements
  • 02301 p. 27 his supercargo, and /// p. 97 the super-cargo of
  • 02302 p. 35 after mid-day, coming /// p. 47 after midday in
  • 02303 p. 59 flamingoes, spoonbills, herons /// p. 154 flamingos, spoon-bills, gulls,
  • 02304 p. 104 we re-commenced our /// p. 229 of, recommenced their
  • 02305 p. 214 of presentiment that /// p. 256 of pre-sentiment came
  • 02306 p. 216 broad daylight. While /// p. 291 at day-light, he
  • 02307 p. 243 The subdivisions of /// p. 386 and sub-divisions, in
  • 02308 p. 271 a churchyard: Abba /// p. 273 the church-yard of
  • 02309 p. 306 till daylight, when /// p. 332 at day-light, and

A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 1.djvu

  • 02310 p. 15 a south-west gale. /// p. 93 at southwest. They
  • 02311 p. 15 the north-west entrance /// p. 79 the northwest coast
  • 02312 p. 22 The north-west side /// p. 87 the northwest coast
  • 02313 p. 34 the south-east trade /// p. 115 the southeast end
  • 02314 p. 39 at daylight of /// p. 65 At day-light they
  • 02315 p. 39 the north-east part /// p. 138 the northeast, from
  • 02316 p. 46 the time-keepers, 143° /// p. 46 by timekeepers 143°
  • 02317 p. 75 himself a-breast of /// p. 121 shore abreast, with
  • 02318 p. 93 closer abord than /// p. 133 close a-bord. At
  • 02319 p. 143 at daybreak of /// p. 145 At day-break

A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu

  • 02320 p. 33 Pacific seaboard to /// p. 335 their sea-board to
  • 02321 p. 228 the mountainsides so /// p. 294 The mountain-sides all
  • 02322 p. 231 grass-covered tableland, hedged /// p. 234 level table-land, with
  • 02323 p. 246 instructive sidelight on /// p. 391 interesting side-light is
  • 02324 p. 306 their coreligionists throughout /// p. 366 their co-religionists of
  • 02325 p. 329 point halfway between /// p. 329 point half-way between

A Wayfarer in China.djvu

  • 02326 p. 31 a round-about route. /// p. 52 country roundabout affords
  • 02327 p. 31 of waterproof canvas, /// p. 64 a water-proof top
  • 02328 p. 36 financiers; to-day railways /// p. 387 is today has
  • 02329 p. 37 without passports, and /// p. 38 of pass-ports was
  • 02330 p. 43 waved goodbye to /// p. 71 Stevenson good-bye, and
  • 02331 p. 45 the ferry-boat as /// p. 366 a ferryboat made
  • 02332 p. 54 own short-comings by /// p. 270 its shortcomings the
  • 02333 p. 59 Chinese place-names, are /// p. 401 in placenames, 31n.}}
  • 02334 p. 81 the inn-keeper, the /// p. 83 my innkeeper made
  • 02335 p. 90 the mountainside and /// p. 100 the mountain-side, by
  • 02336 p. 114 the mountain-side an /// p. 249 whole mountainside from
  • 02337 p. 127 the pack-road to /// p. 187 main packroad which
  • 02338 p. 127 while guardhouses dominated /// p. 129 the guard-houses looked
  • 02339 p. 134 and maize-fields, and /// p. 274 in maizefields which
  • 02340 p. 149 the chairbearers; but /// p. 199 the chair-bearers gathered
  • 02341 p. 164 solitary resthouse. The /// p. 225 a rest-house, knowing
  • 02342 p. 179 their hothouse climate /// p. 226 the hot-house temperature
  • 02343 p. 258 comfortable wu-pan, for /// p. 271 humble wupan again,

A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.djvu

  • 02344 p. 18 from south-west to /// p. 415 the southwest horizon.
  • 02345 p. 31 and button-woods in /// p. 158 some buttonwoods by
  • 02346 p. 43 on horse-back in /// p. 92 on horseback through
  • 02347 p. 48 the hill-side, a /// p. 379 every hillside, and
  • 02348 p. 49 before daylight, while /// p. 222 of day-light in
  • 02349 p. 53 from noontide or /// p. 229 the noon-tide weigh,<br
  • 02350 p. 55 a kingfisher or /// p. 156 a king-fisher or
  • 02351 p. 55 the hill-top, as /// p. 341 a hilltop you
  • 02352 p. 56 suitable background. They /// p. 183 a back-ground, where
  • 02353 p. 63 Indian corn-fields, and /// p. 191 the cornfields far
  • 02354 p. 71 the noon-day thoughts /// p. 315 insects noonday hum,—<br
  • 02355 p. 73 the kingfisher sat /// p. 258 the king-fisher and
  • 02356 p. 93 their arrowheads and /// p. 158 manufacture arrow-heads out
  • 02357 p. 104 was noon-day, accoutred /// p. 343 at noonday, and
  • 02358 p. 104 the live-long night, /// p. 218 the livelong day
  • 02359 p. 126 the sea-board, a /// p. 156 the seaboard, and
  • 02360 p. 130 the wayside at /// p. 196 the way-side, and
  • 02361 p. 161 the midsummer of /// p. 379 after mid-summer, when
  • 02362 p. 162 within ear-shot of /// p. 217 of earshot, if
  • 02363 p. 169 and godlike men /// p. 271 and god-like architecture,
  • 02364 p. 172 whose grandfather had, /// p. 231 and grand-father and
  • 02365 p. 180 few arrow-heads are /// p. 213 four arrowheads and
  • 02366 p. 196 the sea-board to /// p. 207 the seaboard, and
  • 02367 p. 204 the daybreak, for /// p. 359 before day-break, listening
  • 02368 p. 208 a water-fall are /// p. 359 incessant waterfall dashing
  • 02369 p. 209 a fountain-head of /// p. 290 its fountainhead in
  • 02370 p. 216 a land-mark for /// p. 322 a landmark to
  • 02371 p. 234 their busyness; as /// p. 386 mans busy-ness there
  • 02372 p. 256 twilight ante-diluvian age /// p. 278 one-winged antediluvian birds,
  • 02373 p. 267 many potholes here /// p. 268 these pot-holes at
  • 02374 p. 277 came along-side, we /// p. 278 close alongside, while

Awful phenomena of nature (2).pdf

  • 02375 p. 39 in fire-works, the /// p. 44 with fireworks and
  • 02376 p. 61 the main-maſt. The /// p. 69 the mainmaſt, the

Awful phenomena of nature -- burning mountains.pdf

  • 02377 p. 4 Gardens, vine-yards, and /// p. 18 fields, vineyards, and

Axiochus (Spenser, 1592).pdf

  • 02378 p. 36 the commonwealth) dyed /// p. 36 the common-wealth, and
  • 02379 p. 36 the commonwealth. As /// p. 38 the common-wealth, but

Babyhood of Wild Beasts.djvu

  • 02380 p. 17 little play-things that /// p. 63 loved playthings. I
  • 02381 p. 21 endurance, foresight, a /// p. 235 a fore-sight uncommon
  • 02382 p. 33 his forefeet, then /// p. 128 his fore-feet; and
  • 02383 p. 43 a nearby newspaper, /// p. 126 the near-by stream
  • 02384 p. 56 huge, horse-like nose /// p. 255 ears, horselike nose
  • 02385 p. 114 sharp lookout during /// p. 128 the look-out for
  • 02386 p. 127 his hind-quarters being /// p. 167 low hindquarters, stocky
  • 02387 p. 129 few grasshoppers. Papa /// p. 131 in grass-hoppers. Here
  • 02388 p. 131 his fore-paws at /// p. 159 his forepaws dexterously
  • 02389 p. 231 and post-like, and /// p. 233 and postlike legs

Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu

  • 02390 p. 13 an axeman | /// p. 37 an axe-man, Broad
  • 02391 p. 75 the sepy-rater ready. /// p. 119 buzzin sepyrater, Coinin

Back to the Republic.djvu

  • 02392 p. 11 world to-day are /// p. 23 of today making,
  • 02393 p. 35 England today is /// p. 69 of to-day. .
  • 02394 p. 36 though some-what muzzled, /// p. 80 been somewhat confused

Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu

  • 02395 p. 41 Towards tea-time the /// p. 151 right—about teatime last
  • 02396 p. 65 A taxi-cab drove /// p. 78 a taxicab and
  • 02397 p. 142 his eye-glasses again. /// p. 215 wore eyeglasses. Everything
  • 02398 p. 154 his pass-book and /// p. 154 that passbook when
  • 02399 p. 267 isnt businesslike. Well, /// p. 268 isnt business-like either.

Balkan Short Stories.djvu

  • 02400 p. 29 festival today! In /// p. 214 which to-day resound

Ballantyne--The Battery and the Boiler.djvu

  • 02401 p. 65 my note-book. What /// p. 109 the notebook, stopped
  • 02402 p. 91 the aftertank, over /// p. 94 the after-tank, ran

Ballinger Price--Fortune of the Indies.djvu

  • 02403 p. 20 the waterfront the /// p. 151 the water-front, and
  • 02404 p. 25 the down-stairs rooms /// p. 75 ran downstairs, holding
  • 02405 p. 31 the moon-sail, floating /// p. 31 no moonsail; few
  • 02406 p. 48 the school-room, but /// p. 54 the schoolroom, but
  • 02407 p. 58 and ship-owners looked /// p. 65 of shipowners and
  • 02408 p. 70 from shipboard, augmenting /// p. 163 on ship-board, he
  • 02409 p. 102 the court-yard, but /// p. 175 paved courtyard the
  • 02410 p. 104 a commonplace cart /// p. 118 hot, common-place figures
  • 02411 p. 115 heading down-stream, and /// p. 168 be downstream, and
  • 02412 p. 125 a semi-circle around /// p. 234 a semicircle around
  • 02413 p. 155 and child-like ignorance. /// p. 162 looked childlike and
  • 02414 p. 164 empty eyeholes. He /// p. 165 the eye-holes of
  • 02415 p. 185 the deck-house the /// p. 218 bamboo deckhouse; she

Ballinger Price--The Happy Venture.djvu

  • 02416 p. 51 old farm-house, from /// p. 188 empty farmhouse. He
  • 02417 p. 52 stone doorstep inviting /// p. 59 stone door-step, the
  • 02418 p. 71 the overgrown dooryard, /// p. 79 its over-grown beauty
  • 02419 p. 76 and candle-light wrought /// p. 104 the candlelight about
  • 02420 p. 77 and candle-light shone /// p. 115 the candlelight, she
  • 02421 p. 78 the door-stone; they /// p. 216 wide doorstone, and
  • 02422 p. 115 good candlelight on /// p. 146 of candle-light waking
  • 02423 p. 120 the moonlight, and /// p. 203 the moon-light, To-night

Ballinger Price--Us and the Bottle Man.djvu

  • 02424 p. 15 a shipwrecked mariner, /// p. 16 if ship-wrecked mariners
  • 02425 p. 19 the tinfoil that /// p. 20 the tin-foil into
  • 02426 p. 24 and seaweed and /// p. 127 wet sea-weed hanging
  • 02427 p. 24 was half-way down /// p. 28 was halfway over.

Balthasar Hübmaier.djvu

  • 02428 p. 29 and eye-witness, of /// p. 413 an eyewitness, {{DJVU
  • 02429 p. 78 chief market-place, where /// p. 84 the marketplace, before
  • 02430 p. 176 a milk-pail filled /// p. 210 a milkpail, according

Banking Act of 1933 (Federal Reserve Circular 1248).djvu

  • 02431 p. 3 the stockholders shall /// p. 43 A stock-holders, the
  • 02432 p. 23 any nonbanking corporation, /// p. 50 other non-banking institutions.

Banking Under Difficulties- Or Life On The Goldfields Of Victoria, New South Wales And New Zealand (1888).pdf

  • 02433 p. 4 the goldfields. The /// p. 41 the gold-fields than
  • 02434 p. 10 {{sc|Land}} ahead! The /// p. 152 £75 a-head, and
  • 02435 p. 16 the goldfield. A /// p. 85 a gold-field. John
  • 02436 p. 18 started, nightfall found /// p. 119 by night-fall fully
  • 02437 p. 18 a gum-tree. We /// p. 27 large gumtree near
  • 02438 p. 28 known nowadays, and /// p. 55 digging now-a-days is
  • 02439 p. 36 Executive recalled the /// p. 44 was re-called. On
  • 02440 p. 37 for twenty-four years; /// p. 38 for twentyfour hours,
  • 02441 p. 60 till mid-day, when /// p. 75 About midday we
  • 02442 p. 63 of saddle-bags, leaving /// p. 127 (my saddlebags being
  • 02443 p. 63 was oftentimes left /// p. 70 and often-times very
  • 02444 p. 64 by pack-horse. {{nop}} /// p. 97 a packhorse. Daly
  • 02445 p. 70 and often-times a /// p. 73 one oftentimes had
  • 02446 p. 74 the billiardroom, which /// p. 179 The billiard-room is
  • 02447 p. 76 the courthouse had /// p. 77 the court-house, &c.
  • 02448 p. 77 their pig-tails. The /// p. 88 the pigtails of
  • 02449 p. 78 the shantykeeper if /// p. 79 a shanty-keeper. Behind
  • 02450 p. 81 with good-will. Nothing /// p. 187 the goodwill and
  • 02451 p. 113 an eatinghouse, which /// p. 151 an eating-house close
  • 02452 p. 116 About midday they /// p. 164 the mid-day meal.
  • 02453 p. 117 with packhorses for /// p. 135 on pack-horses, the
  • 02454 p. 126 of drift-wood, so /// p. 185 of driftwood. Then

Bar-20 - Clarence Mulford.djvu

  • 02455 p. 16 Thompson wigwagged with /// p. 17 Thompson wig-wagged again
  • 02456 p. 19 got aplenty when /// p. 220 shore a-plenty of
  • 02457 p. 21 happy-go-lucky, dare-devil riders /// p. 41 of daredevil gun-fighters
  • 02458 p. 24 refractory six-shooter on /// p. 171 his sixshooter. "I
  • 02459 p. 37 the care-free as /// p. 41 always carefree and
  • 02460 p. 46 some slab-sided maverick /// p. 96 Yu slabsided doodle-bug,
  • 02461 p. 55 a near-by rock; /// p. 74 the nearby houses.
  • 02462 p. 67 toying absentmindedly at /// p. 144 procedure, absent-mindedly jabbed
  • 02463 p. 76 a cowpuncher, too! /// p. 82 astonished cow-puncher. "Im
  • 02464 p. 77 hot-foot get-a-way that /// p. 152 our get-away plumb
  • 02465 p. 81 a nearby door /// p. 115 a near-by stake
  • 02466 p. 90 it good-naturedly he /// p. 107 Red goodnaturedly. "Holy
  • 02467 p. 90 after to-morrow, if /// p. 124 by tomorrow. Yu
  • 02468 p. 92 seven cow-punchers sitting /// p. 153 angry cowpunchers rode
  • 02469 p. 93 whole cow-punchers a-pinin /// p. 179 pugnacious cowpunchers, all
  • 02470 p. 96 slabsided doodle-bug, yu!" /// p. 182 that doodlebug Billy
  • 02471 p. 99 a gunplay he /// p. 108 a gun-play when
  • 02472 p. 99 keno layout without /// p. 171 God-forsaken lay-out wont
  • 02473 p. 101 Hatless, neck-kerchief loose, /// p. 126 his neckkerchief, which
  • 02474 p. 102 and heart-felt /// p. 140 substituted heartfelt cursing,
  • 02475 p. 103 a buckskin bag /// p. 215 heavy buck-skin gloves,
  • 02476 p. 124 of sunup, an /// p. 167 between sun-up an
  • 02477 p. 138 That shorthorn yearling /// p. 152 that short-horn yearling.
  • 02478 p. 162 large ranch-house and /// p. 195 the ranchhouse of
  • 02479 p. 164 Rolling hoof-beats echoed /// p. 198 muffled hoofbeats of
  • 02480 p. 176 through cotton-wood groves /// p. 184 a cottonwood and

Barbour--Joan of the ilsand.djvu

  • 02481 p. 18 by guesswork he /// p. 91 largely guess-work in
  • 02482 p. 44 the north-east of /// p. 150 the northeast side
  • 02483 p. 74 dollars apiece in /// p. 117 dollars a-piece or
  • 02484 p. 82 a whaleboat drawn /// p. 83 the whale-boat, where
  • 02485 p. 106 in mid-air for /// p. 298 in midair, and
  • 02486 p. 135 the northwest of /// p. 191 extreme north-west of
  • 02487 p. 201 little warship airily. /// p. 272 a war-ship. There
  • 02488 p. 289 the starlit eyes, /// p. 303 the star-lit beach.

Barbour--Lost island.djvu

  • 02489 p. 76 the coast-line of /// p. 128 the coastline of
  • 02490 p. 116 the look-out one /// p. 188 the lookout was
  • 02491 p. 153 a hay-stack for /// p. 343 a haystack in
  • 02492 p. 188 was wide-awake, the /// p. 246 birds, wideawake tern,
  • 02493 p. 189 the ground-swell and /// p. 334 tremendous groundswell was
  • 02494 p. 247 innumerable run-ways but /// p. 249 various runways. "Lie
  • 02495 p. 269 the look-out post /// p. 375 the lookout for
  • 02496 p. 337 the look-out for /// p. 382 the lookout had
  • 02497 p. 337 the look-out for /// p. 396 a lookout for

Barchester Towers.djvu

  • 02498 p. 21 the out-going premier /// p. 23 the outgoing men
  • 02499 p. 24 the bed-room opened /// p. 26 bishops bedroom. He
  • 02500 p. 44 could out-manœuvre the /// p. 94 could outmanœuvre him.
  • 02501 p. 47 those gentlemanlike clerical /// p. 62 of gentleman-like curates
  • 02502 p. 51 own bedrooms. Nevertheless /// p. 55 the bed-rooms without
  • 02503 p. 51 the hearthrug, persuasive /// p. 349 the hearth-rug, and
  • 02504 p. 64 pinnacles half-way up /// p. 517 about halfway home,
  • 02505 p. 70 of every-day life! /// p. 337 easy everyday description.
  • 02506 p. 82 the court-yard since /// p. 224 the courtyard. Either
  • 02507 p. 92 soon re-appeared at /// p. 97 lady reappeared; and
  • 02508 p. 100 Grantlys bedroom, and /// p. 174 her bed-room with
  • 02509 p. 100 by candlelight; and /// p. 430 by candle-light they
  • 02510 p. 114 the fire-place. The /// p. 500 the fireplace and
  • 02511 p. 115 the hearthrug. "I /// p. 349 the hearth-rug with
  • 02512 p. 131 proper schoolmaster, my /// p. 314 a school-master gives
  • 02513 p. 136 the bedroom; "Arabin /// p. 203 his bed-room, he
  • 02514 p. 153 most commonplace realities /// p. 356 courteous common-place opposition.
  • 02515 p. 155 to re-adjust her /// p. 430 to readjust themselves.
  • 02516 p. 174 the keyhole during /// p. 174 a key-hole or
  • 02517 p. 206 her bedroom was /// p. 254 her bed-room; thought
  • 02518 p. 230 of one-sided introduction, /// p. 293 so onesided in
  • 02519 p. 235 away today, at /// p. 251 here to-day, because,
  • 02520 p. 281 a schoolboy. And /// p. 357 a school-boy? By
  • 02521 p. 284 the handwriting of /// p. 288 Slopes hand-writing, or
  • 02522 p. 306 a postchaise; but /// p. 489 a post-chaise with
  • 02523 p. 371 the court-yard /// p. 374 the courtyard till
  • 02524 p. 375 no everyday comer /// p. 398 the every-day Gordian

Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu

  • 02525 p. 11 up athirt the /// p. 51 crook a-thirt my
  • 02526 p. 11 up athirt the /// p. 52 crook a-thirt my
  • 02527 p. 21 the weather-beäten door,<br> /// p. 432 russle weatherbeäten spears,<br>
  • 02528 p. 22 zoo, avore the /// p. 216 clay, a-vore the
  • 02529 p. 22 dumb, athirt upon /// p. 147 stick a-thirt his
  • 02530 p. 26 the zaw-pit’s dousty /// p. 401 The zawpit’s timber-lwoaded
  • 02531 p. 27 The leäne-zide hedges, /// p. 236 the leänezide grass,<br>
  • 02532 p. 28 clim’ aloft, wi’ /// p. 361 zing a-loft, wi’
  • 02533 p. 29 moon a-risèn in /// p. 115 fleämes, arisèn up
  • 02534 p. 29 the milk-maïd o’ /// p. 404 the milkmaïd hung
  • 02535 p. 33 reach a-most over /// p. 86 up amost so
  • 02536 p. 33 road athirt the /// p. 232 sheäde a-thirt his
  • 02537 p. 34 western zun-light, we /// p. 164 the zunlight, an’
  • 02538 p. 36 is a-gone down /// p. 189 she’d agone an’
  • 02539 p. 41 the zunburnt downs /// p. 328 little zun-burnt hand,<br>
  • 02540 p. 42 gigglèn sweethearts meäde /// p. 156 their sweet-hearts happy
  • 02541 p. 67 an’ shirtsleeves white;<br> /// p. 124 new shirt-sleeves all
  • 02542 p. 69 get a-head. ’Tis /// p. 428 hill, ahead, wer
  • 02543 p. 74 the eegrass, green /// p. 84 young ee-grass, ankle-high,<br>
  • 02544 p. 74 the work-vo’k in /// p. 230 An’ workvo’k zing
  • 02545 p. 78 men abroad, should /// p. 320 blow, a-broad, O.
  • 02546 p. 81 little zummer-leäze do /// p. 92 &emsp;The zummerleäze ha’
  • 02547 p. 86 Grenley church-yard all /// p. 156 the churchyard, vlockèn
  • 02548 p. 90 the day-time where /// p. 455 peaceful daytime wer
  • 02549 p. 94 the work-vo’k had<br> /// p. 286 The workvo’k in
  • 02550 p. 96 a-plaÿèn blindman’s buff,<br> /// p. 122 at blind-man’s buff;<br>
  • 02551 p. 98 jist over-right the /// p. 147 Just overright theäse
  • 02552 p. 100 father in-doors, a-leinèn<br> /// p. 237 bide indoors, at
  • 02553 p. 101 thik a-vound, O,<br> /// p. 358 I’ve avound my
  • 02554 p. 102 you’ve a-voun’ me /// p. 302 you’ve avoun’ my
  • 02555 p. 104 womanhood a-gwaïn abrode:<br> /// p. 292 vo’k agwaïn athirt
  • 02556 p. 106 The downcast zunlight’s /// p. 364 wi’ down-cast head,<br>
  • 02557 p. 108 &emsp;The ee-grass up /// p. 178 Ov eegrass in
  • 02558 p. 119 Tup a-gwaïn to /// p. 325 breakfast-time, agwaïn abrode,<br>
  • 02559 p. 121 vield a-vroze so /// p. 225 &emsp;Wer avroze on
  • 02560 p. 127 now a-gone did /// p. 334 years agone, but
  • 02561 p. 136 at blind-man’s buff. /// p. 476 Davy, blindman’s buff.}}
  • 02562 p. 144 I’m a-gwaïn to /// p. 345 men agwaïn to
  • 02563 p. 146 much a-feär’d. If /// p. 151 bent afeär’d o’
  • 02564 p. 161 love anew, John,<br> /// p. 226 &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;That’s a-new on
  • 02565 p. 169 all a-gone vrom /// p. 390 time’s agone. There
  • 02566 p. 188 banks a-risèn steep;<br> /// p. 212 smoke, arisèn blue,<br>
  • 02567 p. 196 jist a-gone in /// p. 435 years agone. {{block
  • 02568 p. 203 ageän a-risèn cheärm<br> /// p. 213 bank, arisèn steeply,<br>
  • 02569 p. 204 then arose a /// p. 397 wer a-rose to
  • 02570 p. 210 Goodman’s eye-zight seäke;<br> /// p. 248 her eyezight dim;<br>
  • 02571 p. 232 light, a-risèn weak,<br> /// p. 262 there arisèn blue;<br>
  • 02572 p. 246 where zun-light shone<br> /// p. 267 &emsp;&emsp;Where zunlight smote<br>
  • 02573 p. 260 the noonday zun,<br> /// p. 383 in noon-day light,<br>
  • 02574 p. 274 the zunlight broke<br> /// p. 348 evenèn zun-light under
  • 02575 p. 276 aïr a-risèn keen;<br> /// p. 416 trees, arisèn tall,<br>
  • 02576 p. 279 vo’ks parkzide wall.<br> /// p. 429 Frampton’s park-zide row,
  • 02577 p. 283 flight, awhile agoo,<br> /// p. 436 here a-while. Do
  • 02578 p. 284 {{sc|When}} starbright maïdens /// p. 391 An’ star-bright snow
  • 02579 p. 286 the goo-coo’s zong,<br> /// p. 383 the goocoo’s vaïce
  • 02580 p. 295 woone a-rear’d in /// p. 369 walls arear’d vor
  • 02581 p. 315 An’ eastward bend /// p. 416 wer east-ward mound
  • 02582 p. 327 in eegrass new /// p. 392 An’ ee-grass do
  • 02583 p. 339 womèn a-fraïd o’ /// p. 472 she’s afraïd, a
  • 02584 p. 344 em over-right thik /// p. 356 nearly overright our
  • 02585 p. 362 The bright-shod veet /// p. 387 By brightshod veet,
  • 02586 p. 399 &emsp;’D a-wore the /// p. 406 hat’s awore so
  • 02587 p. 416 &emsp;On east-ward wall /// p. 419 our eastward zight,<br>

Baron Trump's marvellous underground journey.pdf

  • 02588 p. 13 are today well-known /// p. 37 hundred to-day. If
  • 02589 p. 28 in faraway lands, /// p. 29 in far-away corners
  • 02590 p. 37 their faraway homes /// p. 78 of far-away lands
  • 02591 p. 69 a heart-shaped opening /// p. 70 the heartshaped opening
  • 02592 p. 79 and group-wise, stood /// p. 189 and groupwise; and
  • 02593 p. 106 dire mis-fortune! O /// p. 161 terrible misfortune. Pouting
  • 02594 p. 117 their childlike surprise /// p. 150 me, child-like, waiting
  • 02595 p. 123 the far-away corners /// p. 246 the faraway look,
  • 02596 p. 141 and merry-making among /// p. 217 a merrymaking, Ill
  • 02597 p. 175 of snow-white fleece, /// p. 239 of snowwhite marble.
  • 02598 p. 176 his battleaxe in /// p. 177 his battle-axe of
  • 02599 p. 176 grand staircase with /// p. 219 the stair-case with

Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu

  • 02600 p. 28 until midnight. Come /// p. 55 forbidden mid-night feast?
  • 02601 p. 53 Joes room-mate. For /// p. 152 his roommate went
  • 02602 p. 57 new box-men. There /// p. 150 two boxmen. "You
  • 02603 p. 113 the look-out for /// p. 184 the lookout. One
  • 02604 p. 229 a look-out, and /// p. 241 a lookout, and


  • 02605 p. 4 are left-handed. Then /// p. 14 a lefthanded set.

Battle of Waterloo (5).pdf

  • 02606 p. 19 the farmhouse, which /// p. 19 ordinary farm-house

Bat Wing 1921.djvu

  • 02607 p. 37 here today, Colonel /// p. 69 hers, to-day, whenever
  • 02608 p. 46 and over-arched by /// p. 213 almost overarched by
  • 02609 p. 139 a corncob pipe, /// p. 142 the corn-cob upon
  • 02610 p. 284 to readjust my /// p. 313 to re-adjust the

Bayard Taylor - Joseph and His Friend.djvu

  • 02611 p. 15 experienced very much /// p. 99 gets v-e-r-y flat."
  • 02612 p. 17 invited today. I /// p. 87 expected to-day, he
  • 02613 p. 41 The farm-work was /// p. 41 longer,—the farmwork of
  • 02614 p. 43 old-fashioned dining-room, "we /// p. 135 the diningroom Mr.
  • 02615 p. 96 an arm-chair near /// p. 125 an armchair, with
  • 02616 p. 129 Joseph upstairs, and, /// p. 292 room up-stairs, hungering
  • 02617 p. 131 take to-day. If /// p. 134 house today, for
  • 02618 p. 196 rear bedroom might /// p. 263 her bed-room. Locking
  • 02619 p. 248 or rattle-snake oil," /// p. 259 and rattlesnake oil!
  • 02620 p. 273 wifes bed-room. The /// p. 312 your bedroom, Joseph,"
  • 02621 p. 275 her bed-room. I /// p. 321 her bedroom; heard
  • 02622 p. 306 Linthicums drugstore. The /// p. 328 Linthicums drug-store, No.

Beatrix Potter - The Tailor of Gloucester.djvu

  • 02623 p. 34 a teacup came /// p. 34 the tea-cup which

Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Benjamin Bunny.djvu

  • 02624 p. 20 replied–"The scarecrow in /// p. 31 the scare-crow. There

Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Two Bad Mice.djvu

  • 02625 p. 20 the fireplace, where /// p. 26 the fire-place. Tom
  • 02626 p. 26 the hearthrug. They /// p. 56 the hearth-rug. It

Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf

  • 02627 p. 4 weary, owre the /// p. 29 its ow-re true
  • 02628 p. 12 are nearhand fled, /// p. 13 I near-hand cowpit
  • 02629 p. 30 stay aback frae /// p. 33 a-wee a-back, :Was


  • 02630 p. 11 the sea-shore, gathering /// p. 54 the seashore in

Beauty and the Beast (James Lumsden and Son).djvu

  • 02631 p. 27 his bedside; he /// p. 39 her bed-side, she

Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu

  • 02632 p. 17 out to-day just /// p. 32 for today, Miller,"
  • 02633 p. 25 a genu-wine blood-and-thunder /// p. 130 no genuwine fisherman
  • 02634 p. 34 air-rides to-day. Im /// p. 105 her today. I
  • 02635 p. 36 little roughhouse, with /// p. 55 the rough-house. There
  • 02636 p. 42 an egg-shell landing /// p. 158 an eggshell landing
  • 02637 p. 42 of windblown sand /// p. 232 the wind-blown sand,
  • 02638 p. 44 the sea-plane. A /// p. 114 the seaplane.
  • 02639 p. 77 a-achin to-day sorter, /// p. 105 surf today, boy,
  • 02640 p. 82 along towards the /// p. 107 out to-wards that
  • 02641 p. 84 marshy shoreline. "All /// p. 175 the shore-line, vaguely
  • 02642 p. 110 the fish-nets, and /// p. 116 the fishnets had
  • 02643 p. 167 electric flash-light, then /// p. 169 the flashlight, made
  • 02644 p. 201 a searchlight flashed /// p. 203 a search-light flashed.
  • 02645 p. 215 "Not today or /// p. 258 showers to-day. Sing

Bedford-Jones--The Mardi Gras Mystery.djvu

  • 02646 p. 26 and merry-makers of /// p. 172 with merrymakers, who
  • 02647 p. 56 jewelled scarf-pins which /// p. 58 and scarfpins into
  • 02648 p. 56 and scarf-pins on /// p. 108 and scarfpins which
  • 02649 p. 178 the man-hunt. It /// p. 284 the manhunt had

Bedroom and Boudoir.djvu

  • 02650 p. 10 the bedroom. {{right|{{larger|{{sc|W. /// p. 16 a bed-room in
  • 02651 p. 16 few bed-rooms are /// p. 25 the bedrooms of
  • 02652 p. 17 and fireplace as /// p. 26 the fire-place as
  • 02653 p. 17 a fireplace in /// p. 28 and fire-place, but
  • 02654 p. 20 A bedroom of /// p. 23 a bed-room are
  • 02655 p. 24 creamy background and /// p. 76 a back-ground of
  • 02656 p. 26 and outside the /// p. 116 beat, out-side the
  • 02657 p. 26 the doorhandles and /// p. 38 the door-handles and
  • 02658 p. 30 bought now-a-days cheaply /// p. 106 and nowadays many
  • 02659 p. 44 and footboard insures /// p. 44 the foot-board has
  • 02660 p. 75 most fireplaces are /// p. 109 whether fire-places give
  • 02661 p. 79 place downstairs. Fig. /// p. 84 institute down-stairs, close

Bee-Culture Hopkins 2nd ed revised Dec 1907.pdf

  • 02662 p. 11 The comb-foundation obtained /// p. 32 of combfoundation in
  • 02663 p. 12 many beekeepers in /// p. 39 careless bee-keepers and
  • 02664 p. 14 average beekeeper to /// p. 43 the bee-keeper to

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Grove).djvu

  • 02665 p. 9 paper, some-times loose, /// p. 9 loose, sometimes sewed

Behemoth 1889.djvu

  • 02666 p. 13 author’s lifetime, which /// p. 209 his life-time name
  • 02667 p. 34 an arch-bishop, and /// p. 109 an archbishop, and

Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave and four years in the White House.djvu

  • 02668 p. 25 last goodby; and /// p. 53 you good-by when
  • 02669 p. 47 and dress-maker. The /// p. 225 former dressmaker, were
  • 02670 p. 52 a kind-hearted man, /// p. 227 were kindhearted, plain,
  • 02671 p. 70 finished to-night, and /// p. 173 ache tonight. I
  • 02672 p. 83 felt to-day; for /// p. 370 sad today, that
  • 02673 p. 85 oclock to-morrow morning, /// p. 322 Reading tomorrow evening.
  • 02674 p. 90 pearl ear-rings, pearl /// p. 313 the earrings, the
  • 02675 p. 91 starting down-stairs, Mrs. /// p. 126 her downstairs, and
  • 02676 p. 117 the dining-room waiters. /// p. 301 the diningroom alone,
  • 02677 p. 122 his overshoes and /// p. 205 Lincolns over-shoes, also
  • 02678 p. 138 husband to-morrow if /// p. 362 weeks tomorrow since
  • 02679 p. 291 in secondhand clothing, /// p. 297 to second-hand dealers,

Belfast shoemaker, or, Bold Irvine and Jane Wilson.pdf

  • 02680 p. 1 [[File:Belfast shoemaker, or, /// p. 2 bold shoe-maker, from

Ben-Hur a tale of the Christ.djvu

  • 02681 p. 22 The new-comer was /// p. 185 the newcomer, though
  • 02682 p. 36 water near-by the /// p. 504 is nearby to
  • 02683 p. 73 the passage-way. By /// p. 132 the passageway. The
  • 02684 p. 80 the house-tops, out /// p. 128 the housetops were
  • 02685 p. 100 suffering to-day by /// p. 299 ask today, Have
  • 02686 p. 109 till to-morrow, and /// p. 271 trial tomorrow; and
  • 02687 p. 198 his storehouse in /// p. 482 the store-house by
  • 02688 p. 298 an under-tunic, sleeveless, /// p. 391 an undertunic not
  • 02689 p. 326 The mid-day meal /// p. 554 in midday had
  • 02690 p. 335 the seashore with /// p. 523 the sea-shore after

Benois - The Russian School of Painting (1916).djvu

  • 02691 p. 13 principles: manysidedness and /// p. 22 of many-sidedness, tolerance,
  • 02692 p. 28 the common-place painting /// p. 85 a commonplace, worker.
  • 02693 p. 45 very hey-day of /// p. 85 very heyday of
  • 02694 p. 49 a self-portrait (in /// p. 254 - selfportrait 1901.jpeg|frameless|420px|center]]
  • 02695 p. 63 very common-place water-colour /// p. 86 dull, commonplace landscapes,
  • 02696 p. 75 cold, common-place, and, /// p. 140 of commonplace and
  • 02697 p. 123 a common-place, or, /// p. 247 from commonplace, everyday
  • 02698 p. 143 of everyday life; /// p. 150 the every-day life

Bentley- Trent's Last Case (Nelson, nd).djvu

  • 02699 p. 9 again to-day of /// p. 59 women today which
  • 02700 p. 71 physical breakdown, he /// p. 140 mind–a break-down from
  • 02701 p. 78 the mantelshelf, and /// p. 124 the mantel-shelf attracted
  • 02702 p. 81 and to-day, to /// p. 130 revolver today for
  • 02703 p. 121 inspector down-stairs heard /// p. 130 desk downstairs, and
  • 02704 p. 136 the footboard of /// p. 146 the foot-board. Ten
  • 02705 p. 190 two finger-prints that /// p. 190 Mandersons fingerprints are
  • 02706 p. 291 were cabmen or /// p. 291 that cab-men ought
  • 02707 p. 291 industrial brain-power of /// p. 301 his brainpower. In

Bess the gawkie (1).pdf

  • 02708 p. 5 {{reconstruct|Yet}} tomorrow should /// p. 6 {{em}}and to-morrow well

Best Russian Short Stories.djvu

  • 02709 p. 31 of banknotes and /// p. 47 of bank-notes and
  • 02710 p. 33 Hermanns hand-writing. "You /// p. 75 a handwriting by
  • 02711 p. 36 Voltaire armchair. Hermann /// p. 72 comfortable arm-chair with
  • 02712 p. 61 upon tiptoe, in /// p. 94 on tip-toe, smiling,
  • 02713 p. 87 his eyebrows, "that /// p. 229 bushy eye-brows and
  • 02714 p. 133 you bare-footed philosopher! /// p. 157 ran barefooted, plashing
  • 02715 p. 179 down, barefooted, and /// p. 193 A bare-footed unshaven
  • 02716 p. 195 other headgear gave /// p. 221 cotton head-gear, cowered

Betelguese, a trip through hell.djvu

  • 02717 p. 23 on wind-blown strands, /// p. 71 Tho windblown, thro

Betty Gordon at Boarding School.djvu

  • 02718 p. 45 a schoolroom. He /// p. 62 for school-room discipline
  • 02719 p. 88 a room-mate the /// p. 126 Louises roommate you
  • 02720 p. 214 case, ear-rings and /// p. 219 diamond earrings and

Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp.djvu


Betty Gordon in the Land of Oil.djvu

  • 02723 p. 18 the oil-field promoters /// p. 143 rickety oilfield wagon
  • 02724 p. 36 a brake-man warningly, /// p. 39 the brakeman who
  • 02725 p. 57 the grocery-man, hardly /// p. 57 the groceryman positively.

Betty Gordon in Washington.djvu

  • 02726 p. 13 a pitchfork in /// p. 21 his pitch-fork, Bob

Between Two Loves.djvu

  • 02727 p. 19 one down-stairs and /// p. 310 the downstairs rooms
  • 02728 p. 60 the moonlight. His /// p. 64 The moon-light fell
  • 02729 p. 64 a halfpenny from /// p. 263 a half-penny, though
  • 02730 p. 82 the house-keeper met /// p. 293 The housekeeper received
  • 02731 p. 82 first-rate house-keeper to /// p. 294 the housekeeper removed
  • 02732 p. 106 wilt surely get /// p. 262 lesson sure-ly, about
  • 02733 p. 169 the house-keeper, /// p. 295 nicer housekeeper, thou

Biagi - The Centaurians.djvu

  • 02734 p. 12 recollect very little /// p. 106 very, v-e-r-y doubtful.
  • 02735 p. 19 a life-time problem, /// p. 42 a lifetime over.
  • 02736 p. 26 an undercurrent of /// p. 39 an under-current which
  • 02737 p. 61 The ear-splitting shriek /// p. 86 continual earsplitting shriek
  • 02738 p. 74 forming alley-ways and /// p. 100 or alleyways. We
  • 02739 p. 75 a zig-zag course. /// p. 172 strange zigzag balconies
  • 02740 p. 103 the sea-gull family, /// p. 294 monster seagull. We
  • 02741 p. 112 and re-crossed with /// p. 147 and recrossed with
  • 02742 p. 124 answered good-naturedly and /// p. 303 yet goodnaturedly, against
  • 02743 p. 152 soon outdistanced the /// p. 294 soon out-distanced danger
  • 02744 p. 155 at day-break, according /// p. 159 at daybreak, all
  • 02745 p. 232 about sundown, but /// p. 275 till sun-down. The
  • 02746 p. 274 till daybreak. He /// p. 338 since day-break, had
  • 02747 p. 276 at sun-down. Friendly /// p. 279 at sundown. {{nop}}<section
  • 02748 p. 287 before sun-rise I /// p. 301 at sunrise. I

Bianca, or, The Young Spanish Maiden (Toru Dutt).djvu

  • 02749 p. 31 the drawingroom, chatting, /// p. 43 the drawing-room. Maggie

Biggers and Ritchie - Inside the Lines.djvu

  • 02750 p. 19 its mid-length. A /// p. 56 at midlength. Without
  • 02751 p. 23 the captain voiced /// p. 301 hurriedly—"the cap-tain will
  • 02752 p. 33 his wineglass on /// p. 38 her wine-glass while
  • 02753 p. 232 parade perfection, saluted /// p. 303 to per-fection. Since

Bill the minder.djvu

  • 02754 p. 30 so heartrending that, /// p. 228 low heart-rending moan
  • 02755 p. 48 broken-down henhouse. The /// p. 49 old hen-house to
  • 02756 p. 49 then honey-pots, and /// p. 52 and honeypots, we
  • 02757 p. 49 of cocoa-nut ice, /// p. 144 some cocoanut ice.
  • 02758 p. 51 the week-end with /// p. 66 delightful weekend trip.
  • 02759 p. 52 that tomorrow was /// p. 189 holiday to-morrow, and
  • 02760 p. 69 the top-gallant backstay, /// p. 71 the topgallant studding-sail
  • 02761 p. 73 great star-fish, determined /// p. 114 the starfish, and
  • 02762 p. 73 iron sauce-pan across /// p. 73 the saucepan, the
  • 02763 p. 74 the absentminded creature, /// p. 85 the absent-minded creature
  • 02764 p. 81 interesting, absentminded, and /// p. 122 the absent-minded old
  • 02765 p. 89 tastefully-decorated bedroom. One /// p. 251 state bed-room, and
  • 02766 p. 135 Sicilian char-woman, whose /// p. 139 Sicilian charwoman and
  • 02767 p. 136 Sicilian char-woman, on /// p. 166 perfected charwoman. Since

Biographical Memoir of Samuel George Morton - George Bacon Wood.djvu

  • 02768 p. 7 long cooperation, Dr. /// p. 13 hearty co-operation with

Biographies of Scientific Men.djvu

  • 02769 p. 33 et peutêtre de /// p. 33 sera peut-être pas
  • 02770 p. 81 of over-turning the /// p. 84 in overturning the

Biological Analogies in History.djvu

  • 02771 p. 19 sloths wellnigh as /// p. 46 of well-nigh inconceivable

Bird Children-Elizabeth Gordon.djvu

  • 02772 p. 14 delightful play-mates, that /// p. 14 little playmates of

Bird Haunts and Nature Memories - Thomas Coward (Warne, 1922).pdf

  • 02773 p. 40 The intertwisted, wide-spreading /// p. 129 stems inter-twisted in
  • 02774 p. 41 orange-billed oystercatcher eyed /// p. 78 The oyster-catcher, better
  • 02775 p. 47 the sandhills; where /// p. 233 his sand-hills. The
  • 02776 p. 51 Manx shearwater on /// p. 62 the shear-water colony,
  • 02777 p. 59 curlews, oyster-catchers, and /// p. 160 the oystercatchers at
  • 02778 p. 79 very wide-awake redshanks /// p. 159 and wideawake redshank
  • 02779 p. 80 the longshore man, /// p. 175 Lincolnshire long-shore names
  • 02780 p. 119 the long-eared, this /// p. 124 big-eyed, longeared bat
  • 02781 p. 133 a pole-trap, cruel, /// p. 227 deadly poletrap, a
  • 02782 p. 145 the woodpigeon coos /// p. 220 the wood-pigeon clatters
  • 02783 p. 171 old wildfowler, the /// p. 172 true wild-fowler, who
  • 02784 p. 232 great land-owner who /// p. 232 British landowner was,


  • 02785 p. 43 the sea-birds during /// p. 303 those seabirds, the
  • 02786 p. 67 I today visited /// p. 70 birds, to-day, there
  • 02787 p. 82 and razor-bills also /// p. 151 ourselves razorbills, and
  • 02788 p. 159 out to-day without /// p. 327 extraordinary today, but
  • 02789 p. 186 the seashore (as /// p. 248 and sea-shore bird


  • 02790 p. 29 unmistakable flycatcher actions /// p. 72 or fly-catcher, the
  • 02791 p. 118 the oyster-catcher. If /// p. 120 male oystercatcher when
  • 02792 p. 124 to sea-birds I /// p. 206 several seabirds, and


  • 02793 p. 33 a tumble-down village. /// p. 303 a tumbledown chimney
  • 02794 p. 63 Harvard football team, /// p. 95 with foot-ball desperation.
  • 02795 p. 104 of pin-stripe flannels /// p. 277 his pinstripe trousers
  • 02796 p. 132 the book-cases. The /// p. 180 his bookcases, opened
  • 02797 p. 164 by tomorrow or /// p. 212 or to-morrow, or
  • 02798 p. 194 gray greatcoat worn /// p. 197 his great-coat with

Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire (1899).djvu

  • 02799 p. 171 moment re-awakened the /// p. 440 and reawakened the

Black Beauty (1877).djvu

  • 02800 p. 16 on horse-back, some /// p. 114 on horseback with
  • 02801 p. 28 very ill-used before /// p. 69 has illused that
  • 02802 p. 30 or ill-used while /// p. 106 were illused or
  • 02803 p. 38 of horse-flesh. Horse-flesh! /// p. 177 as horseflesh could
  • 02804 p. 41 a high-mettled creature /// p. 77 are highmettled, it
  • 02805 p. 59 a high-bred sensitive /// p. 156 and highbred, but
  • 02806 p. 64 the toll-gate on /// p. 91 the tollgate had
  • 02807 p. 75 went downhill, nor /// p. 136 going down-hill, and
  • 02808 p. 75 the uphill was /// p. 140 smooth, up-hill or
  • 02809 p. 85 and kind-hearted too, /// p. 123 very kindhearted, and
  • 02810 p. 90 the toll-gate. John /// p. 129 the tollgate said
  • 02811 p. 90 then uphill, then /// p. 140 people up-hill? Walk!
  • 02812 p. 90 then downhill, till /// p. 140 or down-hill, it

Black book of conscience, or, God's great and high court of justice in the soul (2).pdf

  • 02813 p. 3 is like-wiſe ſet /// p. 3 So likewiſe, in
  • 02814 p. 3 So like-wiſe in /// p. 4 are likewiſe ſet
  • 02815 p. 17 ſins here-after; for /// p. 17 hells hereafter. Now

Black Jacob, a monument of grace.djvu

  • 02816 p. 8 saving mercy, while /// p. 40 spell—H-a-v-e m-e-r-c-y, &c.
  • 02817 p. 17 their cooperation, and /// p. 29 of co-operation in

Blackwood - The Empty House.djvu

  • 02818 p. 18 of extra-ordinary things. /// p. 35 An extraordinary something
  • 02819 p. 21 wide hall-way; on /// p. 103 little hallway with
  • 02820 p. 28 go downstairs again. /// p. 47 and down-stairs into
  • 02821 p. 35 not downstairs at /// p. 218 headlong down-stairs as
  • 02822 p. 63 my eyelids had /// p. 308 The eye-lids quivered,
  • 02823 p. 83 the skylight and /// p. 217 the sky-light. The
  • 02824 p. 110 stale oatcake, and /// p. 126 the oat-cake, all
  • 02825 p. 115 first tip-toed across /// p. 251 He tiptoed across
  • 02826 p. 219 the mantelpiece gave /// p. 272 the mantel-piece. To
  • 02827 p. 234 standing sideways so /// p. 304 lying side-ways across

Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Lamb, etc., being selections from the Remains of Henry Crabb Robinson.djvu

  • 02828 p. 42 a bed-room. Nothing /// p. 55 small bedroom, light

Blood examination.djvu

  • 02829 p. 18 or sub-tertian. In /// p. 32 revealed subtertian crescents

Blue Magic.djvu

  • 02830 p. 35 an in-vis-ible demon, /// p. 45 be invisible! Oh,
  • 02831 p. 38 so to-night with /// p. 145 But tonight he
  • 02832 p. 38 the porthole, and /// p. 40 the port-hole, but
  • 02833 p. 39 his porthole: :"Looming /// p. 55 the port-hole, was
  • 02834 p. 41 the porthole, he /// p. 66 the port-hole and
  • 02835 p. 46 and awe-struck. "Now /// p. 80 in awestruck tones.

B M Bower - Heritage of the Sioux.djvu

  • 02836 p. 45 away towards the /// p. 221 up to-wards camp,
  • 02837 p. 111 the noncommittal manner /// p. 236 waved non-committal adieu;
  • 02838 p. 128 bobbing hatcrown had /// p. 203 gray hat-crown came
  • 02839 p. 165 little camp-fire, leaned /// p. 206 little campfire, misfortune
  • 02840 p. 179 the south-east and /// p. 219 the southeast. After
  • 02841 p. 182 carrying horse-feed. We /// p. 225 precious horsefeed from
  • 02842 p. 204 brackish water-hole. Even /// p. 222 the waterhole. There,
  • 02843 p. 204 shallow water-hole where /// p. 224 the waterhole. The
  • 02844 p. 222 their campfire and /// p. 230 the camp-fire, and

BM Bower - Her Prairie Knight.djvu

  • 02845 p. 28 the hilltop. "No, /// p. 134 the hill-top, and
  • 02846 p. 37 upon tip-toes to /// p. 134 on tiptoes defiantly,
  • 02847 p. 123 range over-night. "Now, /// p. 307 stop overnight. Rowdy

Bobbsey Twins at Home.djvu

  • 02848 p. 180 first snow-storm of /// p. 230 the snowstorm, looking

Bobbsey Twins at School.djvu

  • 02849 p. 139 the post-office themselves. /// p. 140 the postoffice. "A
  • 02850 p. 153 wet ring-mark on /// p. 153 wet ringmark am
  • 02851 p. 189 odd homemade affair. /// p. 190 in home-made fashion,

Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge.djvu

  • 02852 p. 20 harness to-morrow, Freddie. /// p. 220 Lodge tomorrow, boys."
  • 02853 p. 31 something else occurred. /// p. 34 anyone els-e in
  • 02854 p. 102 "Now, good-bye. Go /// p. 125 Charley goodbye, and
  • 02855 p. 118 out to-day and /// p. 235 of today. The
  • 02856 p. 124 our iceboat, the /// p. 124 the ice-boat, Bert.
  • 02857 p. 125 the iceboat with /// p. 125 the ice-boat alone,"
  • 02858 p. 125 the ice-boat. "Do /// p. 130 the iceboat. But
  • 02859 p. 126 the ice-boat with /// p. 132 the iceboat. And
  • 02860 p. 127 the ice-boat started /// p. 153 the iceboat for
  • 02861 p. 128 or ice-boat up /// p. 177 the iceboat. {{nop}}

Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore.djvu

  • 02862 p. 34 along toward the /// p. 128 out to-ward the
  • 02863 p. 50 old stagecoach was. /// p. 51 the stage-coach started
  • 02864 p. 175 the store-room window /// p. 176 the storeroom, Bert

Bobbsey Twins in Washington.djvu


Bob Chester's Grit.djvu

  • 02866 p. 19 the ferry-boat from /// p. 69 a ferryboat at
  • 02867 p. 29 a goodsized bit /// p. 120 a good-sized city,
  • 02868 p. 106 In open-mouthed wonder, /// p. 173 gazed openmouthed toward
  • 02869 p. 176 two straightbacked chairs /// p. 176 the straight-backed chairs

Bohemian poems, ancient and modern (Lyra czecho-slovanska).djvu

  • 02870 p. 29 this home-thrust been /// p. 62 of homethrust lances<br
  • 02871 p. 30 some truehearted individuals /// p. 131 the true-hearted root
  • 02872 p. 132 modest snowdrop with /// p. 137 a snow-drop, early
  • 02873 p. 136 these snowdrops, frame /// p. 137 these snow-drops too

Boland v. Raffensperger (2020CV343018) (2020) Final Order.pdf

  • 02874 p. 4 identical post-election challenge /// p. 6 that postelection state-court

Book of Etiquette, Volume 2, by Lilian Eichler.djvu

  • 02875 p. 26 to everyone, especially /// p. 126 to every-one he
  • 02876 p. 30 at breakfast, luncheon /// p. 76 in break-fast cups,
  • 02877 p. 30 the afternoon. An /// p. 72 have after-noon engagements,

Book of health.pdf

  • 02878 p. 10 or grownup persons. /// p. 17 of grown-up persons;

Book of Ighan (1915).djvu

  • 02879 p. 17 the well-known books /// p. 144 the wellknown tradition,
  • 02880 p. 44 firm, wellfounded and /// p. 183 these well-founded traditions,
  • 02881 p. 62 pride, vain-glory and /// p. 150 and vainglory; attaching
  • 02882 p. 78 wonderful preexistent Life /// p. 154 provide pre-existent benefit.
  • 02883 p. 94 Mohammedic trumpet-sound of /// p. 94 the trumpetsound of
  • 02884 p. 101 His goodpleasure, disbelieving, /// p. 104 the good-pleasure of
  • 02885 p. 119 the bygone companions, /// p. 168 upon by-gone Prophets,

Book of knowledge (2).pdf

  • 02886 p. 15 one pennyworth of /// p. 21 two penny-worth of

Books and men.djvu

  • 02887 p. 12 of were-wolves; and /// p. 69 the werewolves to
  • 02888 p. 12 free-and-easy school-girl of /// p. 220 every schoolgirl knows.
  • 02889 p. 15 the key-note of /// p. 185 the keynote of
  • 02890 p. 16 a school-room, never /// p. 110 the schoolroom walls,
  • 02891 p. 37 or hot-house pressure. /// p. 127 sickly hothouse pressure
  • 02892 p. 70 A blood-thirsty idiot /// p. 233 word, bloodthirsty. The
  • 02893 p. 84 stomach, three-pence in /// p. 84 the threepence was
  • 02894 p. 89 those heart-breaking words /// p. 182 no heartbreaking limits
  • 02895 p. 110 whose shortcomings have /// p. 216 their short-comings. His
  • 02896 p. 167 Emersons lifelong, persistent, /// p. 229 the life-long lesson

Boots and Saddles.djvu

  • 02897 p. 23 cavalry head-quarters to /// p. 30 the headquarters detail,
  • 02898 p. 34 his re-assuring voice. /// p. 63 not reassuring. Fool-dog
  • 02899 p. 46 surgeon, quarter-master, and /// p. 111 the quartermaster and
  • 02900 p. 52 and headquarters detail /// p. 79 The head-quarters escort
  • 02901 p. 76 a framework of /// p. 114 a frame-work, and
  • 02902 p. 99 old ferryboat that /// p. 175 the ferry-boat was
  • 02903 p. 106 was sunburnt and /// p. 205 were sun-burnt, their
  • 02904 p. 114 The foot-lights in /// p. 263 the footlights. The
  • 02905 p. 149 a humdrum song /// p. 201 the hum-drum diversion
  • 02906 p. 180 the frame-work of /// p. 251 round framework of
  • 02907 p. 197 black semi-circle of /// p. 225 a semicircle about
  • 02908 p. 207 the daytime for /// p. 280 a day-time sortie
  • 02909 p. 257 ferocious wild-cat was /// p. 311 a wildcat I

Bound to Succeed.djvu

  • 02910 p. 11 your stepfather, I /// p. 202 Franks step-father died,
  • 02911 p. 67 rooms upstairs. Its /// p. 240 concern up-stairs. "Oh,
  • 02912 p. 98 railway timetable. "If /// p. 138 a time-table and

Boys Life of Booker T. Washington.djvu

  • 02913 p. 25 Washingtons stepfather had /// p. 27 his step-father to
  • 02914 p. 64 in school-houses and /// p. 106 building schoolhouses, and

Boys Life of Mark Twain.djvu

  • 02915 p. 17 as to-day have /// p. 104 notes today. The
  • 02916 p. 22 crowded household. They /// p. 258 Clemens house-hold during
  • 02917 p. 22 for play-mates, and /// p. 35 and playmates, it
  • 02918 p. 28 infected playmate. Some /// p. 228 old play-mate. The
  • 02919 p. 30 a bed-ridden old /// p. 180 now bedridden and
  • 02920 p. 38 the thunder-storm that /// p. 40 a thunderstorm was
  • 02921 p. 77 hours to-night. I /// p. 205 until tonight; go
  • 02922 p. 81 in wild-cat money—that /// p. 263 with wildcat speculation.
  • 02923 p. 95 the high-tide of /// p. 154 the hightide of
  • 02924 p. 97 the pilothouse. This /// p. 105 a pilot-house so
  • 02925 p. 107 or reread, the /// p. 354 recently re-read. To
  • 02926 p. 148 in midsummer he /// p. 327 in mid-summer, Clemens
  • 02927 p. 150 good storybook touch. /// p. 283 of story-book land.
  • 02928 p. 169 rooms upstairs in /// p. 368 get up-stairs for
  • 02929 p. 243 literal re-translation of /// p. 244 literal retranslation becomes,
  • 02930 p. 343 went upstairs now /// p. 399 him up-stairs to

Boys of Columbia High on the River.djvu

  • 02931 p. 15 floated downstream. That /// p. 199 it down-stream we
  • 02932 p. 15 the boathouse. Its /// p. 55 the boat-house and
  • 02933 p. 19 motor-boat up-stream as /// p. 143 fly upstream. "Did
  • 02934 p. 58 the boathouse down /// p. 110 the boat-house. And
  • 02935 p. 59 go downstream and /// p. 231 flying down-stream like
  • 02936 p. 70 the boathouse was /// p. 126 the boat-house. "Yes,
  • 02937 p. 71 The boathouse was /// p. 134 the boat-house with
  • 02938 p. 78 a mix-up, especially /// p. 219 the mixup occurred

Boys of the Fort.djvu

  • 02939 p. 9 of to-day, showing /// p. 218 duty today, captain?"
  • 02940 p. 81 of timber-land, and /// p. 175 of timberland. {{nop}}
  • 02941 p. 109 the mountain-side, and /// p. 129 the mountainside. The


  • 02942 p. 6 a quarter-wave plate /// p. 8 the quarterwave plate


  • 02943 p. 3 A time-rate much /// p. 3 a timerate much
  • 02944 p. 5 with double-refracting substances. /// p. 6 with doublerefracting media.

Braddon--The Trail of the Serpent.djvu

  • 02945 p. 221 the drawing-room of /// p. 233 Belgravian drawingroom, and

Brazilian tales.djvu

  • 02946 p. 47 So goodbye, my /// p. 85 her good-bye and

Brief historical relation of the life of Mr. John Livingston Minister of the Gospel.pdf

  • 02947 p. 9 my non-conformity; and /// p. 17 for nonconformity, but
  • 02948 p. 9 my non-conformity, he /// p. 17 that nonconformity would
  • 02949 p. 11 my life-time. Some /// p. 30 my lifetime except
  • 02950 p. 18 ſimple non-conformity, we /// p. 18 our nonconformity. Mr.
  • 02951 p. 39 averſe therefrom: my /// p. 65 and there-from had

Brief relation of the adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew (1).pdf

  • 02952 p. 23 a halfpenny, for /// p. 23 his half-penny to

Brief Sketch of Work of Matthew Fontaine Maury 1861-65.pdf

  • 02953 p. 11 the ebb-tide and /// p. 12 rapid ebbtide, while
  • 02954 p. 21 stunt smokestack, the /// p. 22 the smoke-stack and

Brinkley - Japan - Volume 1.djvu

  • 02955 p. 40 a warlike struggle; /// p. 106 the war-like lady
  • 02956 p. 61 the seaside folk, /// p. 255 the sea-side road,
  • 02957 p. 132 and sem-min (ignoble), /// p. 268 to semmin. They
  • 02958 p. 133 the sem-min, all /// p. 268 produce semmin; namely,
  • 02959 p. 133 "civilian" (hei-min) did /// p. 268 "commoners" (heimin) certainly
  • 02960 p. 182 of football, hawking /// p. 221 lotteries; foot-ball and

British hansard (1963) Malaysia bill.djvu

  • 02961 p. 7 Defence co-operation depends /// p. 30 reasonable cooperation and
  • 02962 p. 13 economically underdeveloped. There /// p. 27 somewhat under-developed peoples
  • 02963 p. 17 and inter-racial co-operation /// p. 19 of interracial friendship
  • 02964 p. 19 total over-all voting /// p. 40 an overall majority

British Weights and Measures - Superior to the Metric, by James W. Evans.djvu

  • 02965 p. 19 a worldwide calamity." /// p. 22 a world-wide effect.
  • 02966 p. 27 the subdivision of /// p. 29 the sub-division of
  • 02967 p. 27 the subdivision of /// p. 29 binary sub-division, and
  • 02968 p. 29 understand sub-division by /// p. 30 decimal subdivision, nor,
  • 02969 p. 29 binary sub-division is /// p. 30 duo-decimal subdivision, but
  • 02970 p. 29 "Binary sub-division must /// p. 30 binary subdivision is
  • 02971 p. 30 binary subdivisions are /// p. 39 and sub-divisions. The
  • 02972 p. 45 that sub-division of /// p. 57 of subdivision at


  • 02973 p. 29 years agone. Eh, /// p. 44 he’d a-gone off
  • 02974 p. 29 an’ cocksfoot, was /// p. 178 of cocks-foot grass
  • 02975 p. 32 a whaleboat up /// p. 49 beautiful whale-boat painted
  • 02976 p. 33 dungaree over-all. But /// p. 154 cotton overall, and
  • 02977 p. 50 hoisted head-sails, fore-sail /// p. 87 the headsails, then
  • 02978 p. 50 head-sails, fore-sail and /// p. 53 the foresail swung
  • 02979 p. 50 a storekeeper and /// p. 56 the store-keeper, who
  • 02980 p. 63 greatest good-will, apparently, /// p. 73 hearty goodwill; and
  • 02981 p. 79 the seaside turf, /// p. 159 of sea-side plants—lemon
  • 02982 p. 105 a heart-felt sigh /// p. 131 with heartfelt thankfulness—milking
  • 02983 p. 129 the summer-like sunshine. /// p. 138 this summerlike day

Browne - The Plain Sailing Cook Book.djvu

  • 02984 p. 64 two, lengthwise along /// p. 66 two, length-wise along
  • 02985 p. 153 cup luke-warm water /// p. 153 the lukewarm water

Brundtland Report.djvu

  • 02986 p. 11 greater co-operation among /// p. 18 of cooperation.
  • 02987 p. 12 of co-operation. These /// p. 20 international cooperation on
  • 02988 p. 13 global co-operation, I /// p. 25 international cooperation to

Buchan - The Thirty-Nine Steps (Grosset Dunlap, 1915).djvu

  • 02989 p. 19 rattled tonight. You /// p. 75 Not to-night,
  • 02990 p. 29 somebody to-morrow to /// p. 31 and tomorrow youll
  • 02991 p. 39 a table-cloth and /// p. 43 the tablecloth and
  • 02992 p. 40 the table-cloth. The /// p. 106 that tablecloth of
  • 02993 p. 68 an innkeeper would /// p. 122 literary inn-keeper, Sir
  • 02994 p. 89 me in-doors. He /// p. 116 Turnbull indoors, but
  • 02995 p. 104 and water-buttercups. Then /// p. 164 of water-butter-cups. A
  • 02996 p. 117 blood stockbroker, who /// p. 208 retired stock-broker, the
  • 02997 p. 143 the treetops; but /// p. 150 the tree-tops, and
  • 02998 p. 147 stone dovecot. If /// p. 147 the dove-cot and
  • 02999 p. 148 an oldfashioned swoon. /// p. 188 the old-fashioned kind,
  • 03000 p. 170 my door-step. I /// p. 189 the doorstep. I


  • 03001 p. 22 his toothpick backwards /// p. 135 the tooth-pick away.…You
  • 03002 p. 34 tea tomorrow afternoon? /// p. 60 after to-morrow. Going
  • 03003 p. 41 largely guesswork, and /// p. 65 wildest guess-work certainly—no
  • 03004 p. 104 London to-morrow. That /// p. 252 Then tomorrow, when
  • 03005 p. 131 unnecessary eyeglass, he /// p. 253 my eye-glass off.
  • 03006 p. 133 by headquarters known /// p. 212 inform head-quarters where
  • 03007 p. 165 his semi-conscious burden, /// p. 180 his semiconscious burden.


  • 03008 p. 1 and electro-dynamics require /// p. 12 modern electrodynamics to
  • 03009 p. 3 as electro-magnetic forces, /// p. 8 is electromagnetic but
  • 03010 p. 3 and inter-molecular forces.</p> /// p. 8 the intermolecular forces

Bunny Brown at Camp Rest-a-While.djvu

  • 03011 p. 14 early to-night, on /// p. 143 campfire tonight! Is
  • 03012 p. 33 around to-day to /// p. 54 tent today and
  • 03013 p. 139 making sharppointed sticks /// p. 139 the sharp-pointed sticks.
  • 03014 p. 198 the smoke-house, barking /// p. 199 my smokehouse. I
  • 03015 p. 211 a ground-hog, or /// p. 213 a groundhog in

Bunny Brown on Grandpa's Farm.djvu

  • 03016 p. 31 no comea down! /// p. 32 Jacko come-a down
  • 03017 p. 60 the bedroom, with /// p. 90 automobile bed-room, and

Bush Studies (1902).djvu

  • 03018 p. 30 small firestick he /// p. 116 a fire-stick. The
  • 03019 p. 46 a clothesline bridged /// p. 47 the clothes-line many
  • 03020 p. 50 forked propstick, she /// p. 158 the prop-stick, cut
  • 03021 p. 57 the sheepyard. His /// p. 63 the sheep-yard twice,
  • 03022 p. 166 the house-keeper said, /// p. 166 the housekeeper turned

Buttered Side Down.djvu

  • 03023 p. 12 clerked downtown on /// p. 168 wildly down-town for
  • 03024 p. 19 a pig-tail braid /// p. 182 own pigtail. Those
  • 03025 p. 21 my shirtwaists. You /// p. 192 lavender shirt-waists and
  • 03026 p. 28 his pocketbook was /// p. 158 her pocket-book, extracted
  • 03027 p. 33 around to-morrow morning," /// p. 38 down tomorrow mornin
  • 03028 p. 36 the tablecloth. His /// p. 76 the table-cloth with
  • 03029 p. 38 a bellboy lounged /// p. 156 lank bell-boy, in
  • 03030 p. 48 her ballroom slippers. /// p. 194 a ball-room is
  • 03031 p. 49 Sophys under-fed, girlish /// p. 54 old, underfed, overworked,
  • 03032 p. 52 his suitcase under /// p. 162 big suit-case and
  • 03033 p. 58 own wash-bowl in /// p. 115 little washbowl, while
  • 03034 p. 60 plain shirtwaist things, /// p. 70 tailored shirt-waist for
  • 03035 p. 69 Our grand-stand seats /// p. 81 the grandstand. He
  • 03036 p. 102 and business-like stare. /// p. 109 and businesslike way.
  • 03037 p. 167 cross-eyed, pockmarked girl /// p. 168 or pock-marked. She

CAB 2-3-1959-Buddy Hollys Crash.pdf

  • 03038 p. 1 a north-westerly direction. /// p. 2 a northwesterly direction.

CAB Accident Report, 1942 TWA DC-3 and Army C-53 mid-air collision.pdf

  • 03039 p. 12 the copilot, of /// p. 13 the co-pilot was

CAB Accident Report, 1945 Page Airways Accident.pdf

  • 03040 p. 2 the copilot asked /// p. 3 as co-pilot on

CAB Accident Report, 1965 Carmel mid-air collision.pdf

  • 03041 p. 2 a midair collision /// p. 18 Carmel mid-air collision.jpg|frameless|center|500px]]
  • 03042 p. 2 the up-slope effect /// p. 11 continuous upslope yaw
  • 03043 p. 16 The up-slope effect /// p. 17 apparent upslope condition

CAB Accident Report, American Airlines Flight 383.pdf

  • 03044 p. 11 of inflight pressure /// p. 13 All in-flight and
  • 03045 p. 12 any inflight separation /// p. 17 during in-flight rain
  • 03046 p. 15 A cross-hatched marking /// p. 23 a crosshatched band

CAB Accident Report, American Airlines Flight 9.pdf

  • 03047 p. 8 for take-off, and /// p. 13 after takeoff the

CAB Accident Report, Eastern Air Lines Flight 14.pdf

  • 03048 p. 6 his co-pilot, Mr. /// p. 6 The copilot, in
  • 03049 p. 7 three updrafts and /// p. 11 strong up-drafts and

CAB Accident Report, Eastern Air Lines Flight 5.pdf

  • 03050 p. 7 headed south-westerly and /// p. 11 a southwesterly direction.

CAB Accident Report, Eastern Air Lines Flight 663.pdf

  • 03051 p. 1 the aircraft was /// p. 4 heard air-craft engine

CAB Accident Report, Mid-Air Collision on 7 November 1959.pdf

  • 03052 p. 1 a north-easterly direction. /// p. 3 a northeasterly direction

CAB Accident Report, Pan American Flight 203.pdf

  • 03053 p. 6 the downwind end /// p. 10 a down-wind landing,

CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania Central Airlines Flight 19.pdf

  • 03054 p. 10 to take-off and /// p. 50 at takeoff, in
  • 03055 p. 10 the co-pilot indicated /// p. 54 the copilot stated
  • 03056 p. 41 be offset by /// p. 49 to off-set by
  • 03057 p. 47 apparent over-speeding of /// p. 51 by overspeeding of
  • 03058 p. 87 special subcommittee on /// p. 89 a sub-committee on

CAB Accident Report, Southeast Airlines Flight 308.pdf

  • 03059 p. 9 a groundspeed of /// p. 9 the ground-speed of

CAB Accident Report, United Airlines Flight 21.pdf

  • 03060 p. 47 the windmilling of /// p. 48 were wind-milling without

CAB Accident Report, Western Air Lines Flight 636.pdf

  • 03061 p. 2 a trans-bay clearance /// p. 3 of transbay traffic
  • 03062 p. 3 of transbay flights /// p. 4 a trans-bay clearance
  • 03063 p. 3 all transbay visual /// p. 5 operating trans-bay within
  • 03064 p. 3 a transbay visual /// p. 8 in trans-bay operations.

CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Allegheny Airlines Flight 371.pdf

  • 03065 p. 1 the fluxgate compass, /// p. 8 the flux-gate compass

CAB Aircraft Accident Report, American Airlines Flight 28.pdf

  • 03066 p. 4 as copilot. He /// p. 6 the co-pilot on

CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Panagra Flight 9.pdf

  • 03067 p. 8 to south-southwest, subsequent /// p. 8 the south-south-west wind

CAB Order 4076.pdf

  • 03068 p. 1 three nonstop notices /// p. 1 1945, non-stop services

Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu

  • 03069 p. 11 two tablespoons of /// p. 59 3 table-spoons of
  • 03070 p. 30 in sauce-pan. As /// p. 63 into saucepan, stir
  • 03071 p. 61 into sauce-pan. Boil /// p. 71 in saucepan, bring

Calcutta, Past and Present.djvu

  • 03072 p. 25 the fore-ground are /// p. 207 the foreground of
  • 03073 p. 31 their headquarters in /// p. 95 his head-quarters in
  • 03074 p. 35 his bodyguard of /// p. 95 his body-guard of
  • 03075 p. 53 The upkeep of /// p. 232 the up-keep of
  • 03076 p. 95 Suraj-ud-Dowlahs head-quarters, and /// p. 97 Suraj-ud-Dowlahs headquarters in
  • 03077 p. 129 of brick-layers and /// p. 129 thousand bricklayers formerly

California Highways and Public Works Journal Vols 8-9.djvu

  • 03078 p. 15 is overstressed by /// p. 15 an over-stressed travel
  • 03079 p. 25 from rain-fall on /// p. 34 of rainfall, into

Cambridge Medieval History Volume 3.pdf

  • 03080 p. 99 Pope re-crossed the /// p. 287 he recrossed the
  • 03081 p. 167 a highway robber. /// p. 397 that high-way south-eastwards
  • 03082 p. 204 his deathbed in /// p. 342 the death-bed. Then
  • 03083 p. 285 there reappeared, after /// p. 390 danger re-appeared as
  • 03084 p. 479 a courtyard surrounded /// p. 479 the court-yard and

Cameronian's vision.pdf

  • 03085 p. 2 the blood-thirsty underlings /// p. 8 the bloodthirsty Scot,<br

Canadian patent 142352.djvu

  • 03086 p. 6 its self-induction as /// p. 17 high selfinduction and
  • 03087 p. 6 the ground-plate E /// p. 12 through groundplate E

Canadian patent 33317.djvu

  • 03088 p. 3 an electro-motive force /// p. 5 The electromotive force
  • 03089 p. 5 the electromotive force /// p. 6 an electro-motive force
  • 03090 p. 9 the electromotive force /// p. 15 whereby electro-motive forces

Canadian Singers and Their Songs.djvu

  • 03091 p. 14 use to-day, but /// p. 145 sheaf today there
  • 03092 p. 45 golden bluebirds sing. /// p. 145 a blue-birds migrant
  • 03093 p. 45 The bluebirds sing—and /// p. 153 the blue-birds call,
  • 03094 p. 49 faint star-light were /// p. 97 though starlight, your

Can Germany Invade England?.djvu

  • 03095 p. 42 changing one-third of /// p. 106 only onethird of
  • 03096 p. 60 an oversea expedition, /// p. 73 our over-sea dominions.
  • 03097 p. 78 an over-sea /// p. 94 for oversea invasion
  • 03098 p. 98 in over-sea expeditions. /// p. 121 an oversea expedition
  • 03099 p. 98 The sea-transport in /// p. 107 with seatransport, we
  • 03100 p. 126 a landing-place for /// p. 158 on landingplace for
  • 03101 p. 131 suitable landingplaces exist, /// p. 139 six landing-places, nearly
  • 03102 p. 136 an over-sea expedition /// p. 143 an oversea expedition
  • 03103 p. 145 an oversea expedition /// p. 160 in over-sea expeditions,
  • 03104 p. 158 62; dock-yard statistics, /// p. 159 62; dockyard statistics,

Canterbury Papers.djvu

  • 03105 p. 31 and firewood from /// p. 39 as fire-wood by
  • 03106 p. 37 the sea-board, which /// p. 38 of seaboard of
  • 03107 p. 40 and school-master as /// p. 46 clergyman, schoolmaster, and


  • 03108 p. 3 strong key-word bullet /// p. 3 strong keyword bullet

Cape Cod (1865) Thoreau.djvu

  • 03109 p. 15 the sea-shore. I /// p. 72 that seashore where
  • 03110 p. 16 with north-east storms, /// p. 203 The northeast winds
  • 03111 p. 16 the fore-arm of /// p. 69 the forearm of
  • 03112 p. 17 away to-ward the /// p. 24 west, toward which
  • 03113 p. 18 green hill-side, a /// p. 97 the hillside, but,
  • 03114 p. 22 most, rock-weed, kelp, /// p. 74 for rockweed to
  • 03115 p. 24 paltry drift-wood and /// p. 68 this driftwood are
  • 03116 p. 32 the alms-house. However, /// p. 214 the almshouse. "O,
  • 03117 p. 33 The wind-mills on /// p. 141 The windmills were
  • 03118 p. 34 slighter wind-mills, were /// p. 195 picturesque-looking windmills of
  • 03119 p. 34 the roadside was /// p. 42 the road-side. The
  • 03120 p. 43 with blackfish. {{nop}} /// p. 89 of black-fish, kept
  • 03121 p. 44 the wind-mills or /// p. 216 idle windmills lined
  • 03122 p. 45 of wind-mill, which /// p. 136 distant windmill, or
  • 03123 p. 47 Our landlord in /// p. 72 is land-lord as
  • 03124 p. 47 Indian cornfields hereabouts, /// p. 200 into corn-fields in
  • 03125 p. 48 given today; indeed, /// p. 54 standing to-day, with
  • 03126 p. 51 the back-side of /// p. 74 the backside of
  • 03127 p. 54 the back-side of /// p. 218 whole backside of
  • 03128 p. 76 is weather-wise has /// p. 196 less weatherwise, and
  • 03129 p. 80 the sea-side, just /// p. 265 the seaside. Though
  • 03130 p. 104 wind, bare-headed, tripping /// p. 106 standing bareheaded under
  • 03131 p. 118 ocean side-walk, where /// p. 196 the sidewalk was
  • 03132 p. 133 shrub-oak, bayberry, beach-plum, /// p. 168 samphire, bay-berry, poverty-grass,
  • 03133 p. 138 whole hillside thus /// p. 190 distant hill-side field.
  • 03134 p. 149 whose white-washed tower /// p. 169 between whitewashed walls
  • 03135 p. 210 thousand codfish. Timothy /// p. 240 of cod-fish, for
  • 03136 p. 246 the backside. Further /// p. 252 the back-side? One
  • 03137 p. 261 the bowsprit straining /// p. 261 vessels bow-sprit, or

Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu

  • 03138 p. 35 all anti-scorbutics then /// p. 40 former antiscorbutics, and

Captain of the Polestar.djvu

  • 03139 p. 15 the fore-yard, the /// p. 73 the foreyard was
  • 03140 p. 26 the quarterdeck. The /// p. 65 the quarter-deck all
  • 03141 p. 30 the quarterdeck. I /// p. 69 the quarter-deck, though
  • 03142 p. 31 Fahrenheit to-day. There /// p. 80 rigging today, though
  • 03143 p. 32 the after-hold and /// p. 75 the afterhold to
  • 03144 p. 32 the quarterdeck. I /// p. 71 the quarter-deck. Whatever
  • 03145 p. 38 the quarterdeck like /// p. 82 the quarter-deck before
  • 03146 p. 44 an over-done hilarity, /// p. 305 and overdone disregard
  • 03147 p. 63 the midday tide, /// p. 136 at mid-day for
  • 03148 p. 63 wife awaiting me, /// p. 212 been a-waiting and
  • 03149 p. 75 our shorthanded crew /// p. 284 so short-handed that
  • 03150 p. 115 an armchair. "Never /// p. 221 my arm-chair, cocked
  • 03151 p. 124 were fisherfolk living /// p. 275 poor fisher-folk, who
  • 03152 p. 159 deck, awaiting their /// p. 212 carriage a-waiting at

Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu

  • 03153 p. 19 present widespread adoption /// p. 255 warrant wide-spread inoculation
  • 03154 p. 74 without inbreeding once. /// p. 186 not in-breeding, as
  • 03155 p. 84 wide over-hanging roof, /// p. 84 and overhanging most
  • 03156 p. 97 city backyard. It /// p. 205 small back-yard breeder,
  • 03157 p. 186 that inbreeding is /// p. 186 enough in-breeding to

Caroline Lockhart--The Fighting Shepherdess.djvu

  • 03158 p. 21 typical sheepherder in /// p. 124 the sheep-herder following.
  • 03159 p. 22 the sheepherder added, /// p. 236 locoed sheep-herder. Tell
  • 03160 p. 23 here to-night, Mister? /// p. 63 but tonight the
  • 03161 p. 23 another environ-ment. Before /// p. 98 an environment with
  • 03162 p. 23 an im-pulse prompted /// p. 112 first impulse was
  • 03163 p. 25 down cross-legged with /// p. 240 which, crosslegged on
  • 03164 p. 25 and gath-ered in /// p. 42 girl gathered up
  • 03165 p. 26 It pro-claimed this /// p. 141 which proclaimed another
  • 03166 p. 27 and re-lief. Then /// p. 60 and relief as
  • 03167 p. 27 of ex-haustion and /// p. 177 to exhaustion with
  • 03168 p. 31 a greasewood flat /// p. 32 the grease-wood flat
  • 03169 p. 31 a counter-irritant; at /// p. 227 of counterirritant to
  • 03170 p. 35 Major goodhumoredly. "My /// p. 273 him good-humoredly. "Tell
  • 03171 p. 46 Club to-night, Mr. /// p. 91 but tonight there
  • 03172 p. 52 Toomeys high-toned it /// p. 170 a hightoned dance
  • 03173 p. 53 best sheep-man in /// p. 334 the sheepman sneered,
  • 03174 p. 69 the saddle-horn. She /// p. 103 his saddlehorn, an
  • 03175 p. 71 there to-night I /// p. 96 but tonight it
  • 03176 p. 71 happened to-night. Isnt /// p. 224 bunk tonight {{c|208}}
  • 03177 p. 85 the eggbeater whirred. /// p. 85 The egg-beater stopped.
  • 03178 p. 85 The eggbeater whirred /// p. 86 The egg-beater went
  • 03179 p. 94 the bedground if /// p. 118 the bed-ground, and
  • 03180 p. 94 met today when /// p. 320 But to-day there
  • 03181 p. 103 and ear-laps, rode /// p. 117 with earlaps. Her
  • 03182 p. 117 and today she /// p. 335 doors to-day. I
  • 03183 p. 137 heard today, Abram?" /// p. 356 check to-day
  • 03184 p. 139 are pinheads in /// p. 302 these pin-heads something,"
  • 03185 p. 143 was panic-stricken at /// p. 188 and panicstricken as
  • 03186 p. 192 his fourhorse team /// p. 336 the four-horse team
  • 03187 p. 251 a bed-roll across /// p. 257 the bedroll from
  • 03188 p. 259 of saltpeter all /// p. 262 the salt-peter to
  • 03189 p. 261 weak to-night, and /// p. 381 me tonight
  • 03190 p. 338 the windswept plains /// p. 339 snow-bound, wind-swept, desolate,

Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu

  • 03191 p. 48 her shirt-waist parted /// p. 57 plain shirtwaist and
  • 03192 p. 66 you yellow-back bad /// p. 139 That yellowback cowpuncher
  • 03193 p. 89 hard-trodden door-yard. Nan /// p. 98 the dooryard where
  • 03194 p. 97 the wood-pile, scrambled /// p. 103 the woodpile before
  • 03195 p. 114 pompous school-master. She /// p. 126 the schoolmaster. Rosario
  • 03196 p. 118 his shortcomings, she /// p. 185 own short-comings. He
  • 03197 p. 125 the school-master, self-conscious /// p. 126 the schoolmaster knew
  • 03198 p. 167 the woodbox until /// p. 168 the wood-box. We
  • 03199 p. 167 the woodbox. "I /// p. 173 the wood-box, but
  • 03200 p. 170 his jack-knife between /// p. 273 a jackknife or
  • 03201 p. 192 them dog-gone cattle /// p. 248 a doggone pack-rat
  • 03202 p. 242 the courtroom and /// p. 245 the court-room. "Gennelmen"—the
  • 03203 p. 250 the courtroom snickered /// p. 251 the court-room, and

Carolyn Wells - Patty Fairfield.djvu

  • 03204 p. 52 the schoolroom, I /// p. 53 the school-room, it
  • 03205 p. 53 the schoolroom while /// p. 56 the school-room. Miss
  • 03206 p. 54 the schoolroom at /// p. 56 attractive-looking school-room. Miss
  • 03207 p. 57 real bug-bear to /// p. 193 a bugbear. Oh,
  • 03208 p. 111 well-filled book-cases, several /// p. 164 and bookcases, and
  • 03209 p. 208 Turkish bedroom slippers, /// p. 253 fathers bed-room. She

Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu

  • 03210 p. 55 the twofold object /// p. 132 this two-fold excavation,
  • 03211 p. 100 long-lost door-scraper! {{c|{{smaller|They /// p. 128 a doorscraper. Then,

Carroll - Tangled Tale.djvu

  • 03212 p. 53 pounds apiece; and /// p. 122 1,000l. a-piece. They
  • 03213 p. 138 foot-marks sure-ly. And /// p. 141 But surely the

Carter and Crime (Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter 1st debate)(Gerald Ford Library)(1554405).pdf

  • 03214 p. 6 of anti-trust laws /// p. 47 of antitrust laws

Cassells' Carpentry and Joinery.djvu

  • 03215 p. 17 mallets, screw-drivers, and /// p. 36 London screwdrivers have
  • 03216 p. 27 the floorboards nailed /// p. 58 the floor-boards should
  • 03217 p. 51 a pitchpine log /// p. 57 much, pitch-pine little.
  • 03218 p. 61 and matchboarding. Scarce /// p. 96 or match-boarding fixed
  • 03219 p. 87 of herringbone strutting /// p. 92 of herring-bone or

Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 1.djvu

  • 03220 p. 14 driving away the /// p. 358 him a-way on
  • 03221 p. 16 system pre-dominated in /// p. 50 race predominated. Their
  • 03222 p. 18 some extraordinary act /// p. 163 many extra-ordinary privileges,
  • 03223 p. 20 whose undisciplined ranks /// p. 606 the un-disciplined citizens,
  • 03224 p. 23 Cæsar everything; it /// p. 505 of every-thing except
  • 03225 p. 23 and warlike nation, /// p. 196 in war-like equipments
  • 03226 p. 37 the semi-circular head /// p. 84 the semicircular arch
  • 03227 p. 50 curious workmen; and /// p. 318 their work-men left
  • 03228 p. 55 standing god-father. This /// p. 82 stand godfather, nor
  • 03229 p. 55 from thenceforward the /// p. 408 who thence-forward, from
  • 03230 p. 58 nor archbishop could /// p. 187 the arch-bishop for
  • 03231 p. 58 the archbishop, who /// p. 203 the arch-bishop. Four
  • 03232 p. 58 the archbishop recommended /// p. 215 The arch-bishop executed
  • 03233 p. 60 be reformed till /// p. 547 speedily re-formed, and
  • 03234 p. 70 rode bareheaded through /// p. 385 kneel bare-headed and
  • 03235 p. 84 the archiepiscopal see /// p. 200 the archi-episcopal dignity,
  • 03236 p. 94 the gleemen, who /// p. 150 word, glee-men, or
  • 03237 p. 94 the gleemen seem /// p. 150 The glee-men were
  • 03238 p. 113 of gunpowder and /// p. 474 with gun-powder. "A
  • 03239 p. 121 of primo-geniture and /// p. 259 of primogeniture, Arthur,
  • 03240 p. 121 his deathbed commanded /// p. 178 his death-bed, had
  • 03241 p. 128 who re-took the /// p. 600 he retook Pontoise
  • 03242 p. 138 the good-will of /// p. 178 the goodwill and
  • 03243 p. 143 a crossbow himself, /// p. 158 the cross-bow, the
  • 03244 p. 150 the storehouse of /// p. 241 main store-house of
  • 03245 p. 152 its key-board, and /// p. 152 each keyboard. In
  • 03246 p. 152 was unquestionably the /// p. 610 having un-questionably a
  • 03247 p. 152 Saxon glee-men usually /// p. 485 and gleemen. Music
  • 03248 p. 163 the good-will of /// p. 198 the goodwill of
  • 03249 p. 169 the mal-administration of /// p. 467 for maladministration. Having,
  • 03250 p. 177 his good-will. Young /// p. 203 and goodwill. The
  • 03251 p. 181 and recrossed the /// p. 316 They re-crossed the
  • 03252 p. 181 The towns-people, however, /// p. 229 and townspeople to
  • 03253 p. 181 and battle-axe, he /// p. 547 his battleaxe, and
  • 03254 p. 182 the grand-daughter of /// p. 432 thus granddaughter to
  • 03255 p. 187 temporary outburst of /// p. 274 an out-burst of
  • 03256 p. 190 his headquarters. He /// p. 270 the head-quarters of
  • 03257 p. 191 his death-bed. That /// p. 215 the deathbed of
  • 03258 p. 199 his co-adjutors was /// p. 378 his coadjutors determined
  • 03259 p. 208 their battle-axes. It /// p. 625 swords, battleaxes, and
  • 03260 p. 214 at seaports where /// p. 468 the sea-ports to
  • 03261 p. 220 heights overlooking the /// p. 263 cliff over-looking the
  • 03262 p. 222 period, semicircular, and /// p. 311 Norman semi-circular arch
  • 03263 p. 223 of scale-work, arches, /// p. 224 the scalework surface
  • 03264 p. 232 fathers lifetime, when /// p. 500 the life-time of
  • 03265 p. 234 was pre-eminently a /// p. 514 and preeminently the
  • 03266 p. 236 formidable battle-axe which /// p. 547 his battleaxe he
  • 03267 p. 239 a body-guard of /// p. 632 a bodyguard of
  • 03268 p. 253 were retaken by /// p. 641 *{{bar|2}} re-taken by
  • 03269 p. 258 the back-ground of /// p. 603 the background as
  • 03270 p. 259 his death-bed, in /// p. 583 his deathbed to
  • 03271 p. 263 his grandmother, Eleanor /// p. 263 his grand-mother was
  • 03272 p. 270 the goodwill of /// p. 329 the good-will of
  • 03273 p. 277 his bedside, he /// p. 378 her bed-side, deemed
  • 03274 p. 277 their offspring exterminated /// p. 352 commonplace off-spring. In
  • 03275 p. 277 his head-quarters there, /// p. 307 his headquarters. The
  • 03276 p. 277 the farmhouses attached /// p. 551 dirty farm-houses and
  • 03277 p. 287 of counter-balancing the /// p. 348 a counterbalancing power
  • 03278 p. 292 the door-keepers, and /// p. 485 the doorkeepers, being
  • 03279 p. 292 the goodwill of /// p. 338 the good-will of
  • 03280 p. 318 The cross-bowmen, whose /// p. 391 Genoese crossbowmen. The
  • 03281 p. 324 his grand-daughter, who /// p. 437 the granddaughter of
  • 03282 p. 328 and far-seeing. He /// p. 606 active, farseeing, and
  • 03283 p. 337 The landowners and /// p. 438 the land-owners could
  • 03284 p. 352 or commonplace off-spring. /// p. 529 of common-place realities
  • 03285 p. 352 his death-bed he /// p. 605 his deathbed he
  • 03286 p. 358 Scotland, retake the /// p. 398 to re-take Calais
  • 03287 p. 376 these unlooked-for advantages, /// p. 538 an unlookedfor alliance.
  • 03288 p. 386 900 sheepskins /// p. 487 wool, sheep-skins, leather,
  • 03289 p. 395 His vanguard, commanded /// p. 407 his van-guard, sprang
  • 03290 p. 396 A thunder-storm, making /// p. 410 terrible thunderstorm by
  • 03291 p. 401 shirts, bare-headed and /// p. 602 walk bareheaded, and
  • 03292 p. 401 and bare-footed, carrying /// p. 546 them barefooted, and,
  • 03293 p. 415 used gunpowder, lately /// p. 474 III. gun-powder came
  • 03294 p. 433 zealous peace-maker; but /// p. 633 a peacemaker. Ho
  • 03295 p. 444 met bare-headed, and /// p. 613 came bareheaded to
  • 03296 p. 479 squares, quatre-foils, trefoils, /// p. 480 with quatrefoils. {{sc|Windows.}}
  • 03297 p. 480 the four-leaved flower /// p. 482 the fourleaved flower,
  • 03298 p. 510 the cloth-yard arrows /// p. 570 their clothyard shafts.
  • 03299 p. 546 within bowshot of /// p. 625 within bow-shot of
  • 03300 p. 562 their headquarters at /// p. 634 his head-quarters at
  • 03301 p. 563 Rouen, recrossed the /// p. 574 Cosne, re-crossed the
  • 03302 p. 581 Somerset, grand-daughter of /// p. 610 the granddaughter of
  • 03303 p. 592 combat re-commenced with /// p. 614 Parliament recommenced its

Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 2.djvu

  • 03304 p. 11 V., re-appeared, but /// p. 613 aristocracy, reappeared in
  • 03305 p. 11 surround herself with /// p. 622 queen her-self, as
  • 03306 p. 11 of statesmanlike talent, /// p. 601 serious statesman-like views
  • 03307 p. 12 national preeminence. We /// p. 12 a pre-eminence and
  • 03308 p. 16 and overbearing power /// p. 190 and over-bearing manner,
  • 03309 p. 16 way without any /// p. 242 reported with-out doors,"
  • 03310 p. 17 the archbishop, Edward /// p. 36 the arch-bishop, "be
  • 03311 p. 18 do everything possible /// p. 557 done every-thing in
  • 03312 p. 19 his battle-axe. At /// p. 619 the battleaxe changed
  • 03313 p. 23 emissaries everywhere; and, /// p. 254 had every-where fomented,
  • 03314 p. 28 his household. John /// p. 177 well-regulated house-hold. {{Dhr}}
  • 03315 p. 31 a body-guard of /// p. 171 kings bodyguard riding
  • 03316 p. 31 with battle-axes; when /// p. 81 and battleaxes, and
  • 03317 p. 35 his deathbed, had /// p. 133 his death-bed, summoned
  • 03318 p. 37 a playfellow. We /// p. 605 and play-fellow; together
  • 03319 p. 38 and barefooted, she /// p. 60 walked bare-footed to
  • 03320 p. 41 a fortnight after /// p. 323 a fort-night, might
  • 03321 p. 43 to re-appear in /// p. 160 and reappear on
  • 03322 p. 46 reads now-a-days like /// p. 612 because nowadays he
  • 03323 p. 50 his head-quarters at /// p. 157 The headquarters of
  • 03324 p. 55 forty-shilling freeholders in /// p. 480 and free-holders, so
  • 03325 p. 58 The gunpowder and /// p. 68 and gun-powder against
  • 03326 p. 58 his deathbed, was /// p. 139 his death-bed, left
  • 03327 p. 58 the commonwealth is /// p. 576 the common-wealth in
  • 03328 p. 60 was a-blaze with /// p. 259 soon ablaze, and
  • 03329 p. 68 all landowners were /// p. 332 the land-owners disregarded
  • 03330 p. 73 Chatfield manor-house in /// p. 613 and manorhouse, with
  • 03331 p. 76 arrows, crossbows, spears, /// p. 251 and cross-bows should
  • 03332 p. 77 however warlike they /// p. 103 and war-like monarch
  • 03333 p. 77 was re-gained by /// p. 346 again regained the
  • 03334 p. 80 tumbling piecemeal. The /// p. 145 them piece-meal. The
  • 03335 p. 88 but overruling expression /// p. 228 an over-ruling Providence,
  • 03336 p. 95 and co-adjutor. This /// p. 271 staunch coadjutor in
  • 03337 p. 97 the stepmother of /// p. 274 his step-mother, in
  • 03338 p. 100 the preeminent punishment /// p. 354 be pre-eminent, did
  • 03339 p. 101 best sea-ports in /// p. 513 in seaports lying
  • 03340 p. 108 be forth-coming to /// p. 433 be forthcoming, or
  • 03341 p. 113 and grand-daughter of /// p. 352 her granddaughter, Mary
  • 03342 p. 114 and overbearing commissioner /// p. 220 and over-bearing insolence.
  • 03343 p. 125 these bloodsuckers, every /// p. 575 such blood-suckers of
  • 03344 p. 126 by torch-light. He /// p. 163 by torchlight to
  • 03345 p. 136 the vain-glorious young /// p. 323 that vainglorious arrogance
  • 03346 p. 149 crimes, heartburnings, and /// p. 412 terrible heart-burnings and
  • 03347 p. 157 were afoot, and /// p. 373 was a-foot in
  • 03348 p. 182 the good-will and /// p. 205 the goodwill of
  • 03349 p. 186 Henrys good-will. The /// p. 300 hearty goodwill to
  • 03350 p. 208 a night-gown, and /// p. 329 his nightgown and
  • 03351 p. 210 the bedside, and /// p. 238 her bed-side, and
  • 03352 p. 215 a bedchamber. There /// p. 239 his bed-chamber. In
  • 03353 p. 227 the bedchamber to /// p. 266 the bed-chamber to
  • 03354 p. 230 the bloodthirsty tyrant /// p. 583 the blood-thirsty despotism
  • 03355 p. 242 her death-bed made /// p. 254 her deathbed; thus
  • 03356 p. 253 not over-look his /// p. 541 to overlook these
  • 03357 p. 258 shillings a-piece two /// p. 622 lengths apiece, set
  • 03358 p. 263 the safe-guards of /// p. 317 the safeguards of
  • 03359 p. 272 as bed-chamber women; /// p. 346 the bedchamber. Warwick,
  • 03360 p. 277 His step-mother, the /// p. 366 harsh stepmother and
  • 03361 p. 306 his bed-chamber, she /// p. 431 her bedchamber ladies,
  • 03362 p. 314 his deathbed. By /// p. 404 his death-bed, his
  • 03363 p. 315 kings deathbed, Henry /// p. 425 her death-bed she
  • 03364 p. 335 groat a-piece. At /// p. 622 shillings apiece, brought
  • 03365 p. 352 and smallpox. In /// p. 433 of small-pox, in
  • 03366 p. 361 the bed-chamber, and /// p. 437 the bedchamber. Confirming
  • 03367 p. 370 the bed-chamber, she /// p. 454 his bedchamber on
  • 03368 p. 373 to alight not /// p. 454 match a-light. The
  • 03369 p. 378 queens bed-chamber and /// p. 560 the bedchamber, and
  • 03370 p. 378 the gate-house, an /// p. 487 the gatehouse of
  • 03371 p. 378 the gate-house in /// p. 487 the gatehouse, of
  • 03372 p. 403 far a-head, were /// p. 500 passed ahead of
  • 03373 p. 425 of firearms. By /// p. 619 of fire-arms, it
  • 03374 p. 437 of good-will rather /// p. 440 queens goodwill, again
  • 03375 p. 447 become godmother, which /// p. 499 stand god-mother to
  • 03376 p. 454 his death-bed, confessing /// p. 562 his deathbed he
  • 03377 p. 534 their handkerchiefs in /// p. 633 their hand-kerchiefs over
  • 03378 p. 542 "with threescore sail, /// p. 633 forty, three-score, or
  • 03379 p. 545 the southwest, the /// p. 612 the south-west, leaving
  • 03380 p. 616 and pains-taking. His /// p. 635 more painstaking and
  • 03381 p. 617 in needle-work. You /// p. 622 curious needlework under
  • 03382 p. 619 in firearms, the /// p. 619 as fire-arms, but

Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 3.djvu

  • 03383 p. 11 represented himself as /// p. 30 flung him-self on
  • 03384 p. 12 of bloodshed, and /// p. 181 the blood-shed and
  • 03385 p. 17 own countrymen, Cecil /// p. 140 her country-men. This
  • 03386 p. 18 the archduke of /// p. 19 the arch-duke, these
  • 03387 p. 18 the archduke had /// p. 95 the arch-duke of
  • 03388 p. 19 Spain, notwithstanding the /// p. 139 stiffly, not-withstanding the
  • 03389 p. 22 the arch-priest went /// p. 28 the archpriest and
  • 03390 p. 22 and resolved to /// p. 506 was re-solved to
  • 03391 p. 24 coarsest brow-beating, exclaiming /// p. 511 in browbeating and
  • 03392 p. 25 and good-will amongst /// p. 119 the goodwill of
  • 03393 p. 26 the kingcraft on /// p. 106 of king-craft, and
  • 03394 p. 27 of kingcraft. There /// p. 108 of king-craft had
  • 03395 p. 30 The nonconformists complained /// p. 386 the non-conformists sought
  • 03396 p. 32 new archbishop, let /// p. 97 and arch-bishop Abbot
  • 03397 p. 32 the nonconformists, whether /// p. 563 the non-conformists rigorously
  • 03398 p. 34 The archbishop of /// p. 98 the arch-bishop, however,
  • 03399 p. 34 with gunpowder. The /// p. 37 of gun-powder from
  • 03400 p. 35 to co-operate but /// p. 55 to cooperate with
  • 03401 p. 35 the good-will of /// p. 157 not goodwill. So
  • 03402 p. 35 wood, gunpowder, and /// p. 58 the gun-powder plot.
  • 03403 p. 36 certainly, otherwise an /// p. 226 not other-wise than
  • 03404 p. 41 kings bed-chamber by /// p. 337 Johns bedchamber, where,
  • 03405 p. 54 The postponement of /// p. 468 the post-ponement of
  • 03406 p. 64 and schoolmaster. "The /// p. 528 and school-master amongst
  • 03407 p. 64 the bed-chamber, so /// p. 439 her bedchamber, as
  • 03408 p. 66 pounds apiece. Sir /// p. 178 pounds a-piece, and
  • 03409 p. 66 pounds apiece. But /// p. 184 pounds a-piece. He
  • 03410 p. 70 and pre-eminently handsome, /// p. 565 was preeminently sensitive
  • 03411 p. 76 were preeminent, and /// p. 448 were pre-eminent in
  • 03412 p. 77 the draw-bridge of /// p. 312 the drawbridge. He
  • 03413 p. 78 a free-born Scotsman, /// p. 202 reduce freeborn England
  • 03414 p. 80 as aforetime. These /// p. 127 as afore-time, but
  • 03415 p. 88 gigantic undertaking, but /// p. 374 formidable under-taking; for
  • 03416 p. 106 vehement outcries of /// p. 157 loud out-cries in
  • 03417 p. 108 with bed-chamber prayers. /// p. 449 the bedchamber, went
  • 03418 p. 109 was over-whelming, and /// p. 163 an overwhelming force
  • 03419 p. 119 to cooperate in /// p. 179 to co-operate with
  • 03420 p. 124 temporary over-flowing of /// p. 128 home overflowing with
  • 03421 p. 131 and seaports; but /// p. 139 different sea-ports to
  • 03422 p. 142 perpetual firebrands in /// p. 206 the fire-brands of
  • 03423 p. 143 walk a-foot, some /// p. 304 soon afoot in
  • 03424 p. 166 their goodwill. Clarendon /// p. 562 the good-will of
  • 03425 p. 168 far ahead of /// p. 347 far a-head of
  • 03426 p. 178 secure preeminence, he /// p. 277 of pre-eminence in
  • 03427 p. 179 this turn-coat lawyer, /// p. 508 wretched turncoat lawyer
  • 03428 p. 179 this ship-money, and /// p. 212 of shipmoney, and
  • 03429 p. 186 to over-awe its /// p. 196 and overawe if
  • 03430 p. 187 the anti-christian and /// p. 190 the antichristian tenets
  • 03431 p. 190 a watchword to /// p. 533 their watch-word, marched
  • 03432 p. 198 to overreach the /// p. 198 to over-reach were
  • 03433 p. 198 and outspoken in /// p. 241 this out-spoken paper
  • 03434 p. 202 in over-ruling; that /// p. 211 of overruling men
  • 03435 p. 205 the head-quarters of /// p. 281 the headquarters of
  • 03436 p. 209 and blood-hound of /// p. 212 the bloodhound of
  • 03437 p. 229 the ante-chamber, they /// p. 485 the antechamber whilst
  • 03438 p. 234 those roundhead dogs /// p. 248 regular round-head, but
  • 03439 p. 246 the roundheads astonished /// p. 248 the round-heads doing
  • 03440 p. 246 the roundheads, the /// p. 248 his round-heads; but
  • 03441 p. 248 her head-quarters at /// p. 292 the headquarters of
  • 03442 p. 252 the roundheads at /// p. 257 the round-heads. The
  • 03443 p. 265 and heart-burnings of /// p. 349 many heartburnings and
  • 03444 p. 269 his head-quarters at /// p. 292 its headquarters, St.
  • 03445 p. 270 his head-quarters at /// p. 293 his headquarters from
  • 03446 p. 283 the strong-holds and /// p. 516 other strongholds were
  • 03447 p. 294 his headquarters at /// p. 399 his head-quarters during
  • 03448 p. 295 His headquarters were /// p. 570 his head-quarters so
  • 03449 p. 295 the goodwill of /// p. 603 singular good-will, contentedness,
  • 03450 p. 298 of freeborn Englishmen. /// p. 323 with free-born John
  • 03451 p. 300 the waterside. Legge /// p. 569 the water-side, and
  • 03452 p. 300 the backstairs, and /// p. 575 the back-stairs which
  • 03453 p. 301 a stadtholder, as /// p. 566 the stadt-holder; that
  • 03454 p. 308 to headquarters at /// p. 577 the head-quarters of
  • 03455 p. 318 Tomlinson, bareheaded. The /// p. 330 cart, bare-headed, and
  • 03456 p. 326 into demigods, but /// p. 586 themselves demi-gods and
  • 03457 p. 340 ten fire-ships. It /// p. 457 of fireships: but
  • 03458 p. 372 her deathbed, and /// p. 373 his death-bed the
  • 03459 p. 390 of non-conformity; no /// p. 444 of nonconformity, but
  • 03460 p. 433 people, nowadays, cry /// p. 498 incredible now-a-days. But
  • 03461 p. 448 racks, thumbscrews, and /// p. 456 rack, thumb-screws, and
  • 03462 p. 448 and thumbscrews, their /// p. 516 imported thumb-screws from
  • 03463 p. 449 four fire-ships. On /// p. 468 two fireships, he
  • 03464 p. 462 much brow-beating, the /// p. 556 began browbeating the
  • 03465 p. 470 parliament reassembled on /// p. 577 officers re-assembled, and
  • 03466 p. 484 a householder, to /// p. 634 native, house-holder, sojourner,
  • 03467 p. 485 and ante-chamber; but /// p. 541 the antechamber, and
  • 03468 p. 517 jeering, brow-beating, and /// p. 589 not browbeating juries
  • 03469 p. 520 the backstairs by /// p. 576 the back-stairs. He
  • 03470 p. 539 most blackguard and /// p. 625 my black-guard make
  • 03471 p. 576 robbers, freebooters, and /// p. 628 of free-booters as
  • 03472 p. 628 and ironstone, abounding /// p. 636 of iron-stone, providing
  • 03473 p. 628 coal-works, iron-works, potteries, /// p. 636 not ironworks there;

Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 4.djvu

  • 03474 p. 13 the non-juring clergy /// p. 407 a nonjuring clergyman,
  • 03475 p. 16 the archbishop of /// p. 324 the arch-bishop of
  • 03476 p. 16 the archbishop of /// p. 600 Lamplugh, arch-bishop of
  • 03477 p. 18 the non-jurors, who /// p. 238 the nonjurors, the
  • 03478 p. 19 and non-jurors; but /// p. 408 and nonjurors, who
  • 03479 p. 21 the non-jurors; but /// p. 408 and nonjurors hastened
  • 03480 p. 25 their firearms, the /// p. 190 their fire-arms and
  • 03481 p. 32 the towns-people made /// p. 132 the townspeople, in
  • 03482 p. 41 the reform of /// p. 262 and re-form them;
  • 03483 p. 42 her death-bed Mary /// p. 174 his deathbed he
  • 03484 p. 46 his head-quarters at /// p. 222 his headquarters at
  • 03485 p. 48 and outbuildings burnt /// p. 113 destroyed out-buildings and
  • 03486 p. 51 up breast-works of /// p. 85 the breastworks, and
  • 03487 p. 55 and pre-eminence. In /// p. 157 proud preeminence in
  • 03488 p. 61 zealous non-juror himself, /// p. 236 prelatic nonjuror and
  • 03489 p. 64 to reconquer their /// p. 389 to re-conquer from
  • 03490 p. 73 the small-pox, and /// p. 96 frame—the smallpox. No
  • 03491 p. 73 their good-will. Unfortunately, /// p. 426 her goodwill. To
  • 03492 p. 75 this bloodthirsty traitor /// p. 77 and blood-thirsty wretch;
  • 03493 p. 79 the re-assembling of /// p. 167 its reassembling, secretary
  • 03494 p. 83 principal secretaryship. Trenchard /// p. 341 the secretary-ship of
  • 03495 p. 84 bomb-ketches, fire-ships, and /// p. 190 frigates, fireships, and
  • 03496 p. 90 was pre-eminently insulting /// p. 168 so preeminently in
  • 03497 p. 94 sails to-morrow with /// p. 358 revenge, tomorrow for
  • 03498 p. 96 it smallpox, and /// p. 425 the small-pox; and
  • 03499 p. 96 her bed-chamber, should /// p. 185 the bedchamber. In
  • 03500 p. 103 bombardment re-commenced on /// p. 590 they recommenced their
  • 03501 p. 107 a recoinage, and /// p. 121 the re-coinage, and
  • 03502 p. 114 queens bed-chamber, and /// p. 253 a bedchamber woman,
  • 03503 p. 124 often overridden by /// p. 598 easily over-ridden by
  • 03504 p. 138 She re-modelled the /// p. 562 afterwards remodelled and
  • 03505 p. 174 his deathbed he /// p. 316 her death-bed, nor
  • 03506 p. 180 their heartburnings of /// p. 234 those heart-burnings and
  • 03507 p. 181 the antechamber with /// p. 269 his ante-chamber. He
  • 03508 p. 181 benefits pre-eminently. Such /// p. 443 brought preeminently into
  • 03509 p. 185 country publichouse, which, /// p. 513 country public-house, and
  • 03510 p. 190 contend singlehanded with /// p. 398 bill single-handed. He
  • 03511 p. 191 frigates, fireships, and /// p. 388 with fire-ships, ketches,
  • 03512 p. 253 queens bedchamber. From /// p. 340 the bed-chamber for
  • 03513 p. 253 the bedchamber women. /// p. 340 the bed-chamber; and
  • 03514 p. 253 insatiable bedchamber woman, /// p. 340 the bed-chamber, and
  • 03515 p. 254 a bedchamber woman /// p. 425 his bed-chamber women,
  • 03516 p. 254 royal bedchamber, on /// p. 425 her bed-chamber woman,
  • 03517 p. 259 catholic landholders and /// p. 304 other land-holders, which
  • 03518 p. 269 to repurchase Lille /// p. 401 the re-purchase of
  • 03519 p. 282 Mashams lapdogs, or /// p. 633 and lap-dogs. They
  • 03520 p. 362 on a-head, and /// p. 513 kept ahead, and
  • 03521 p. 628 Long neck-cloths, of /// p. 629 lace neckcloths, square-toed,

Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 5.djvu

  • 03522 p. 23 the grand-son of /// p. 146 the grandson of
  • 03523 p. 134 with rifle-men, who /// p. 139 the riflemen in
  • 03524 p. 149 Arnold, nevertheless, managed /// p. 308 act, never-the-less, for
  • 03525 p. 154 British headquarters at /// p. 198 American head-quarters that
  • 03526 p. 200 great storehouses, governor /// p. 207 and store-houses valued

Castlemon--Joe Wayring at Home.djvu

  • 03527 p. 21 the store-keeper; and /// p. 27 The storekeeper laid
  • 03528 p. 36 prize lancewood bow /// p. 39 and lance-wood throughout."
  • 03529 p. 80 the up-set race /// p. 84 the upset race."
  • 03530 p. 80 must overturn his /// p. 189 cant over-turn it
  • 03531 p. 97 a horn-pipe in /// p. 133 a hornpipe. "Well,
  • 03532 p. 136 the sidewalk and /// p. 213 the side-walk. "Ill
  • 03533 p. 189 a grip-sack. It /// p. 263 a gripsack; but
  • 03534 p. 216 a look-out for /// p. 270 sharp lookout for
  • 03535 p. 348 the boat-hook and /// p. 363 the boathook. "Roy,
  • 03536 p. 23 as house-keeper ; /// p. 24 wonderful housekeeper on
  • 03537 p. 41 |title=The out-door world. /// p. 62 and outdoor life.
  • 03538 p. 43 and leg-end. |notes=A /// p. 89 The legend is
  • 03539 p. 54 other legends, with /// p. 54 England leg-ends and
  • 03540 p. 56 legends interwoven with /// p. 99 is inter-woven with
  • 03541 p. 65 language today than /// p. 96 of to-day. No
  • 03542 p. 68 showing praise-worthy discrimination.}} /// p. 147 is praiseworthy; it
  • 03543 p. 72 on out-door topics.}} /// p. 140 healthy outdoor experience
  • 03544 p. 89 and hair-breadth escapes, /// p. 100 his hairbreadth escapes;
  • 03545 p. 102 |notes=A lifelike picture /// p. 102 characters life-like and

Cathode Rays.pdf

  • 03546 p. 8 a bell-jar; the /// p. 13 the belljar was

Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu

  • 03547 p. 11 Church to-day, in /// p. 32 "Abbanstown," today, Adamstown;
  • 03548 p. 26 a motherhouse, a /// p. 38 the mother-house, with

Catriona (1893).djvu

  • 03549 p. 11 late re-appearance to /// p. 255 their reappearance from
  • 03550 p. 21 a great-coat. He /// p. 228 mans greatcoat, and
  • 03551 p. 21 their firelocks by /// p. 268 and fire-locks, and
  • 03552 p. 43 the braeside among /// p. 188 the brae-side. A
  • 03553 p. 66 or antechamber where /// p. 109 the ante-chamber, whence
  • 03554 p. 91 that women-folk are /// p. 259 ask womenfolk. Theyre
  • 03555 p. 131 the braeside. I /// p. 195 a brae-side betwixt
  • 03556 p. 135 honest countryfolk and /// p. 155 against country-folk; but
  • 03557 p. 143 big great-coat on /// p. 228 soutars greatcoat. Presently
  • 03558 p. 149 the goodwife of /// p. 150 the good-wife (as
  • 03559 p. 149 the ale-house was /// p. 250 the alehouse. This
  • 03560 p. 151 the good-wife was /// p. 152 the goodwife returned,
  • 03561 p. 157 the sandhills, where /// p. 158 the sand-hills to
  • 03562 p. 208 the by-going and /// p. 242 the bygoing, and

Celtic Fairy Tales.djvu

  • 03563 p. 15 Celtic folk-lore is /// p. 17 Celtic folklore. If
  • 03564 p. 17 of to-day, deserves /// p. 106 me today without
  • 03565 p. 62 hanged tomorrow? But /// p. 64 hanging to-morrow by
  • 03566 p. 70 hanged tomorrow, and /// p. 178 midday to-morrow she
  • 03567 p. 152 going tomorrow to /// p. 180 there to-morrow. She
  • 03568 p. 178 at midday to-morrow /// p. 245 About mid-day who
  • 03569 p. 183 the sea-shore, and /// p. 211 the seashore, that
  • 03570 p. 244 After midday when /// p. 253 about mid-day on

Chandler Harris--The chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann.djvu

  • 03571 p. 20 weekly newspaper in /// p. 281 the news-paper when
  • 03572 p. 51 of shinplasters out /// p. 173 er shin-plasters floatin
  • 03573 p. 56 the tree-tops in /// p. 164 the treetops and
  • 03574 p. 154 how men-folks does, /// p. 166 kinder menfolks what
  • 03575 p. 177 de shinplasters down /// p. 177 my shin-plasters up
  • 03576 p. 220 right down-town an /// p. 223 Vallie downtown ter-day.
  • 03577 p. 266 on up-town. "Ef /// p. 266 went uptown, but

Character of Renaissance Architecture.djvu

  • 03578 p. 15 2dot-1|The neo-classic ideas /// p. 230 of neoclassic details.
  • 03579 p. 15 followed—Further neo-classic innovations /// p. 306 Elizabethan neoclassic ornamentation,
  • 03580 p. 15 the freestanding column /// p. 60 a free-standing colonnade
  • 03581 p. 16 distorted neo-classic features—The /// p. 309 243; neoclassic orders
  • 03582 p. 16 with neo-classic elements—The /// p. 311 combining neoclassic style
  • 03583 p. 16 its neo-classic details—The /// p. 312 and neoclassic forms,
  • 03584 p. 17 and neo-classic details /// p. 313 but neoclassic forms
  • 03585 p. 17 Blois—The staircase tower /// p. 307 polygonal stair-case tower,
  • 03586 p. 18 of neo-classic details /// p. 313 distorted neoclassic details
  • 03587 p. 18 system—Its neo-classic details—St. /// p. 317 and neoclassic forms
  • 03588 p. 32 and shortsighted laudation /// p. 101 this short-sighted admiration
  • 03589 p. 69 a semicircular apse /// p. 229 Roman semi-circular form,
  • 03590 p. 73 but superimposed pilasters /// p. 160 by super-imposed orders
  • 03591 p. 81 with free-standing columns /// p. 315 small freestanding column
  • 03592 p. 262 with strap-work scrolls, /// p. 266 and strapwork ornamentation,

Charles Bradlaugh Humanity's Gain from Unbelief.djvu

  • 03593 p. 9 still slave-holding. For /// p. 11 on slaveholding. Northern

Charleston • Irwin Faris • (1941).pdf

  • 03594 p. 8 of gold-seekers left, /// p. 90 of goldseekers that
  • 03595 p. 13 Battery, rebuilt in /// p. 213 1888, re-built and
  • 03596 p. 20 of goldfields, but /// p. 144 the gold-fields of
  • 03597 p. 20 the firstcomers had /// p. 92 these first-comers as
  • 03598 p. 31 and tail-races, 307 /// p. 139 (from tailraces) that
  • 03599 p. 33 the townspeople were /// p. 255 the towns-people got
  • 03600 p. 34 the coal-mine are /// p. 222 A coalmine was
  • 03601 p. 34 a waterwheel plant /// p. 213 The water-wheel (claimed
  • 03602 p. 40 Charleston, sea-borne supplies /// p. 52 regular seaborne trade
  • 03603 p. 59 mile off-shore, off /// p. 126 lay offshore and
  • 03604 p. 64 with pack-horses from /// p. 90 carts, packhorses, riders
  • 03605 p. 64 Here ferryboats or /// p. 77 by ferry-boats after
  • 03606 p. 64 on pack-horses, while /// p. 181 on packhorses over
  • 03607 p. 66 on horse-back, but /// p. 112 on horseback, over
  • 03608 p. 66 on horse-back in /// p. 123 on horseback when
  • 03609 p. 69 a hotelkeeper at /// p. 199 a hotel-keeper who,
  • 03610 p. 70 of gold-bearing terraces. /// p. 198 in goldbearing land.
  • 03611 p. 71 Cook re-named it /// p. 127 was renamed Powellville
  • 03612 p. 76 by beach-combers, and /// p. 85 first beachcombers on
  • 03613 p. 77 and south-bound coaches /// p. 90 for southbound coaches
  • 03614 p. 80 on horse-back, having /// p. 171 on horseback, viz.,
  • 03615 p. 80 on horse-back, despite /// p. 182 on horseback from
  • 03616 p. 84 industrious, soberminded people /// p. 176 more sober-minded and
  • 03617 p. 87 Brown’s) “flycatching” tables /// p. 207 principal fly-catching stream
  • 03618 p. 90 for sea-borne supplies, /// p. 126 were seaborne; vessels
  • 03619 p. 93 pile logbridge built /// p. 102 unrailed log-bridge that
  • 03620 p. 104 the sea-borne traffic /// p. 223 for seaborne supplies
  • 03621 p. 107 the river-banks and /// p. 203 the riverbanks, and
  • 03622 p. 139 the water-courses (from /// p. 202 dead watercourses where,
  • 03623 p. 153 The gold-bearing mercury /// p. 202 the “goldbearing black
  • 03624 p. 199 athwart tailraces, behind /// p. 202 natural tail-races; some
  • 03625 p. 199 by ripple-bars on /// p. 202 natural ripplebars. In

Charles von Hügel (1903 memoir).djvu

  • 03626 p. 24 Radče|Radetzky]]s headquarters in /// p. 72 his head-quarters for
  • 03627 p. 42 the headquarters of /// p. 79 the head-quarters of


  • 03628 p. 12 routine, common-place worn /// p. 13 of commonplace, find,
  • 03629 p. 23 of out-door relief. /// p. 27 of outdoor relief,
  • 03630 p. 38 by eye-sight. With /// p. 63 and eyesight of
  • 03631 p. 63 perplexed, over-crowded Europe, /// p. 121 the overcrowded little

Chesterton - A Short History of England.djvu

  • 03632 p. 16 or brick-layer, has /// p. 109 single bricklayer or
  • 03633 p. 16 Victorian shopkeepers did /// p. 224 and shop-keepers; but
  • 03634 p. 18 a prehistoric tradition /// p. 42 is pre-historic. And
  • 03635 p. 66 a countryside. In /// p. 119 whole country-side. In
  • 03636 p. 118 been over-ruled, or /// p. 188 preachers overruled Leslie

Chesterton - Divorce versus Democracy.djvu

  • 03637 p. 11 a school-boy judges /// p. 11 another schoolboy is

Chesterton - The Club of Queer Trades.djvu

  • 03638 p. 46 with childlike delight, /// p. 51 a child-like laugh,
  • 03639 p. 90 some common-sense. What /// p. 165 perfect commonsense and

Chesterton - The Innocence of Father Brown.pdf

  • 03640 p. 54 and businesslike; for /// p. 168 more business-like assumed
  • 03641 p. 84 or anteroom in /// p. 150 commodious ante-room, of
  • 03642 p. 100 fifteen tonight, Ill /// p. 119 here to-night on
  • 03643 p. 107 times tonight. You /// p. 134 mean to-night. You
  • 03644 p. 115 neat manservant in /// p. 167 solitary man-servant, something
  • 03645 p. 115 the doorstep and /// p. 196 the door-step; and
  • 03646 p. 131 that midwinter, warm /// p. 313 of mid-winter one
  • 03647 p. 153 darkening window-pane. "Well," /// p. 174 the windowpane behind
  • 03648 p. 167 the country-side attested /// p. 312 tenanted countryside was
  • 03649 p. 355 the windowsill. Two /// p. 358 the window-sill, and,

Chesterton - The Man Who Was Thursday.djvu

  • 03650 p. 54 meeting to-night is /// p. 58 it tonight, though

Chesterton - The Wisdom of Father Brown.djvu

  • 03651 p. 24 her cheekbones had /// p. 161 the cheek-bones. His
  • 03652 p. 29 This wine-glass has /// p. 301 a wineglass were
  • 03653 p. 46 old jail-bird called /// p. 131 a jailbird should
  • 03654 p. 141 of moneylender, and /// p. 186 a money-lender: but
  • 03655 p. 154 darned table-cloth and /// p. 218 the tablecloth. He
  • 03656 p. 160 washing half-way up /// p. 296 sword halfway down?
  • 03657 p. 165 a wax-work instead /// p. 235 a waxwork when
  • 03658 p. 200 lady bare-headed, and /// p. 235 man, bareheaded, and
  • 03659 p. 208 it half-way down /// p. 322 was halfway towards
  • 03660 p. 221 that swordstick, Flambeau, /// p. 305 formidable sword-stick which
  • 03661 p. 235 the paste-board ham /// p. 305 with pasteboard sabres
  • 03662 p. 257 large dustbin. Round /// p. 277 the dust-bin, where

Chesterton - Twelve Types (Humphreys, 1902).djvu

  • 03663 p. 79 have over-strained themselves /// p. 114 it overstrained the
  • 03664 p. 127 a copybook hand /// p. 127 be copy-book sentiments.

Child-life in Japan and Japanese child stories (Ayrton, Matilida Chaplin. , 1901).djvu

  • 03665 p. 17 and goldfish, bridge /// p. 32 the gold-fish, with
  • 03666 p. 19 than snowballing they /// p. 65 than snow-balling, the
  • 03667 p. 19 a snowman with /// p. 80 boys snow-man is
  • 03668 p. 65 a snowman, with /// p. 80 the snow-man is

Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu

  • 03669 p. 32 more sunshine or /// p. 47 the sun-shine. Then
  • 03670 p. 37 and goldfish, destroy /// p. 110 the gold-fish were,

Chinese Fairy Book (Richard Wilhelm).djvu

  • 03671 p. 28 their courtyard door, /// p. 170 the court-yard was
  • 03672 p. 37 false bridegroom was /// p. 306 the bride-groom has
  • 03673 p. 42 was half-way up, /// p. 305 about halfway on
  • 03674 p. 63 my bodyguard in /// p. 215 his body-guard. All
  • 03675 p. 102 deep snow-fall had /// p. 295 great snowfall, and
  • 03676 p. 102 was well-nigh frozen. /// p. 176 and wellnigh put
  • 03677 p. 111 neck out-stretched and /// p. 205 feet outstretched. The
  • 03678 p. 123 The gate-keeper announced /// p. 341 The gatekeeper did
  • 03679 p. 128 early to-morrow morning." /// p. 132 me tomorrow by
  • 03680 p. 133 me to-day shall /// p. 202 you today because
  • 03681 p. 149 hundred servingmen. These /// p. 278 the serving-men whom
  • 03682 p. 175 and kettledrums sounded /// p. 315 and kettle-drums reechoed
  • 03683 p. 177 and kettledrums sounded /// p. 315 their kettle-drums were
  • 03684 p. 222 on look-out. Panther /// p. 300 the lookout, and

Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu

  • 03685 p. 14 the bedroom, it /// p. 211 a bed-room, it
  • 03686 p. 16 a fortune-teller to /// p. 199 rambling fortuneteller who
  • 03687 p. 21 of ear-rings is /// p. 29 chains, earrings etc.,
  • 03688 p. 21 at needle-work, wear /// p. 28 girls needlework and
  • 03689 p. 23 the fortune-teller announces /// p. 199 a fortuneteller who
  • 03690 p. 24 the nickname pei /// p. 108 the nick-name of
  • 03691 p. 27 A fortune-teller is /// p. 199 a fortuneteller who
  • 03692 p. 28 a lawsuit about /// p. 128 of law-suit documents.
  • 03693 p. 28 a fortune-teller to /// p. 199 female fortuneteller. {{nop}}<section
  • 03694 p. 29 and bridegroom, etc., /// p. 31 the bride-groom sacrifices
  • 03695 p. 38 the courtyard of /// p. 54 The court-yard of
  • 03696 p. 43 the new-comer may /// p. 114 The newcomer pays
  • 03697 p. 54 the countryside; the /// p. 79 the country-side and
  • 03698 p. 65 itinerant fortune-teller beats /// p. 201 the fortuneteller. The
  • 03699 p. 79 and wide-spread. The /// p. 154 the widespread use
  • 03700 p. 110 before midwinter, which /// p. 194 about mid-winter. On
  • 03701 p. 205 persons door-step is /// p. 215 the doorstep is

Chinese without a teacher - being a collection of easy and useful sentences.djvu

  • 03702 p. 23 li-la ma-yo? }} /// p. 26 {{lang|cmn-Latn|Waw mayo yü-sahn.}}

Choice collection of cookery receipts (2).pdf

  • 03703 p. 3 the outside, {{SIC|boil|broil}} /// p. 7 the out-side skin,

Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to saints and sinners.pdf

  • 03704 p. 14 Luke, x-vii. 4,5 /// p. 23 chap. xvii. If

Choice drop of honey from the rock, Christ, or A word of advice to saints and sinners.pdf

  • 03705 p. 2 my ſelf-righteouſneſs? Many /// p. 5 in ſelfrighteouſneſs: God

Christabel, Kubla Khan, The Pains of Sleep - Coleridge (1816).djvu

  • 03706 p. 17 all yesternight Of /// p. 74 But yester-night I

Christ a complete saviour (1).pdf

  • 03707 p. 4 The highprieſts were /// p. 13 thoſe high-prieſts. to

Christian Marriage.djvu

  • 03708 p. 41 allowed remarriage (Deut. /// p. 44 of re-marriage was

Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu

  • 03709 p. 20 and disease, Science /// p. 65 and dis-ease in
  • 03710 p. 62 would dishonor that /// p. 92 councils, dis-honor in

Christie - The Mysterious Affair at Styles.djvu

  • 03711 p. 18 Its simply bare-faced /// p. 27 They simp-ly are!
  • 03712 p. 21 for to-day. The /// p. 79 was today. Now,
  • 03713 p. 51 the mantelpiece, were /// p. 91 the mantel-piece, half
  • 03714 p. 52 the mantelpiece pointed /// p. 115 the mantel-piece. He
  • 03715 p. 69 the mantelpiece, where /// p. 115 the mantel-piece, were
  • 03716 p. 99 place tonight, I /// p. 281 be to-night instead
  • 03717 p. 118 so crestfallen and /// p. 171 and crest-fallen that
  • 03718 p. 146 The hand-writing is /// p. 288 Johns handwriting, which


  • 03719 p. 16 nothing wonderful can /// p. 182 unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!
  • 03720 p. 35 Marleys pigtail sticking /// p. 41 his pig-tail, usual
  • 03721 p. 36 room, bed-room, lumber-room. /// p. 89 own bedroom. He
  • 03722 p. 37 his night-cap; and /// p. 62 and nightcap; and
  • 03723 p. 108 his thread-bare clothes /// p. 153 a threadbare place.

Christ the saviour of the world (1).pdf

  • 03724 p. 21 and child-like affection /// p. 21 a childlike reverence

Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu

  • 03725 p. 10 entrance into office.<ref>Appended /// p. 105 went in-to Smythfelde,
  • 03726 p. 10 entrance into their /// p. 118 wenches in-to their
  • 03727 p. 10 entrance into office /// p. 122 and in-to Fanchersse
  • 03728 p. 10 entrance into office /// p. 127 put in-to the
  • 03729 p. 12 manuscript before us, /// p. 56 Callys be-fore Ester;
  • 03730 p. 12 occurred within the /// p. 100 gonnes with-in the
  • 03731 p. 14 years before the /// p. 103 stode be-fore hym
  • 03732 p. 14 city into his /// p. 136 removed in-to Wood-strete.
  • 03733 p. 14 not because they /// p. 116 for be-cause they
  • 03734 p. 18 having twenty-eight desks, /// p. 37 The twentyeight last
  • 03735 p. 20 declaryd unto us /// p. 105 London un-to Tyborne
  • 03736 p. 20 selffes unto the /// p. 108 London un-to Lambeth
  • 03737 p. 20 when, together with /// p. 56 dowghter to-gether; and
  • 03738 p. 21 and gravestones; the /// p. 25 seven-score grave-stones of
  • 03739 p. 22 Ewen within Newgate, /// p. 107 frayes with-in the
  • 03740 p. 22 church within Newgate, /// p. 107 woman with-in the
  • 03741 p. 22 inhabitants within the /// p. 116 not with-in Powlles
  • 03742 p. 22 lay within Newgate, /// p. 122 London with-in raylles
  • 03743 p. 22 being within the /// p. 122 was with-in the
  • 03744 p. 25 time before the /// p. 127 churchyerd be-fore sent
  • 03745 p. 28 preached before the /// p. 130 conventyd be-fore hys
  • 03746 p. 32 exact facsimile of /// p. 89 a fac-simile of
  • 03747 p. 42 brothar unto Rychard, /// p. 108 comyttyd un-to the
  • 03748 p. 42 daye unto our /// p. 109 agayne un-to the
  • 03749 p. 42 dyscencione betwene the /// p. 56 reformyd be-twene Yngland
  • 03750 p. 43 sonne unto kynge /// p. 112 corte un-to the
  • 03751 p. 46 sonne unto kyng /// p. 112 browte un-to Westmester
  • 03752 p. 46 and beheddyd them /// p. 49 was be-heddyd at
  • 03753 p. 47 weddyd unto the /// p. 112 Westmester un-to the
  • 03754 p. 48 Westmyster unto Yorke /// p. 116 soo un-to the
  • 03755 p. 49 Ravyns-spurre be-syde Welyngtone.<ref>An /// p. 64 felde besyde Leyceter,
  • 03756 p. 49 Busshe beheddyd at /// p. 49 was be-heddyd at
  • 03757 p. 49 was beheddyd at /// p. 50 and be-heddyd and
  • 03758 p. 50 Kerrelle.</ref> beheddyd. And /// p. 51 was be-heddyd in
  • 03759 p. 50 west unto the /// p. 116 so un-to the
  • 03760 p. 50 matter betwene Thomas /// p. 101 Exceter be-twene the
  • 03761 p. 52 York with-owte Tempull /// p. 66 church withowte the
  • 03762 p. 52 rose betwene Roberte /// p. 131 Wynchester, be-twene vj.
  • 03763 p. 53 London unto Sowthhamtone /// p. 118 tayed un-to yt
  • 03764 p. 53 daye unto the /// p. 119 Richemond un-to Westmyster,
  • 03765 p. 53 up unto the /// p. 119 dowter un-to lady
  • 03766 p. 55 and behedyd and /// p. 98 was be-hedyd at
  • 03767 p. 56 ware be-heddyd and /// p. 59 men beheddyd a
  • 03768 p. 57 unwyttynge unto the /// p. 119 not un-to here
  • 03769 p. 58 went unto crystcherche.<ref>The /// p. 121 goynge un-to the
  • 03770 p. 59 londe unto Populer, /// p. 122 restoryd un-to there
  • 03771 p. 59 pepulle unto Blackehethe, /// p. 122 removyd un-to Whythall
  • 03772 p. 59 contynually unto that /// p. 122 Whythall un-to Westmyster
  • 03773 p. 59 was be-heddyd one /// p. 65 was beheddyd sir
  • 03774 p. 59 Fench be-heddyd, and /// p. 66 was beheddyd at
  • 03775 p. 59 was be-heddyd; and /// p. 78 Fycher beheddyd at
  • 03776 p. 61 Oxenford be-heddyd and /// p. 78 was beheddyd at
  • 03777 p. 61 marryd unto Charles /// p. 123 watter un-to Westmyster
  • 03778 p. 61 both be-heddyd, and /// p. 78 47.</ref> beheddyd within
  • 03779 p. 61 sone be-heddyd, and /// p. 82 was beheddyd at
  • 03780 p. 61 Dennsher be-heddyd also. /// p. 114 ware beheddyd at
  • 03781 p. 61 Alford be-heddyd. <section /// p. 123 three beheddyd; and
  • 03782 p. 62 Worceter be-heddyd. And /// p. 128 was beheddyd wythin
  • 03783 p. 63 was be-heddyd at /// p. 128 and beheddyd at
  • 03784 p. 65 lorde be-heddyd. And /// p. 129 was beheddyd at
  • 03785 p. 65 made with-owte battelle. /// p. 102 one withowte Algate
  • 03786 p. 65 callynge hymselfe kynge /// p. 109 ter hym-selfe. Item
  • 03787 p. 67 removyd unto Westmyster /// p. 123 selfe un-to the
  • 03788 p. 68 rossette unto whytt /// p. 126 person un-to the
  • 03789 p. 68 marryd unto the /// p. 126 Foxe.</ref> un-to the
  • 03790 p. 68 church unto the /// p. 127 went un-to Kyngstone.
  • 03791 p. 70 gevyne unto theme /// p. 127 came un-to the
  • 03792 p. 70 dyd unto hys /// p. 127 soo un-to the
  • 03793 p. 71 went unto Westmyster. /// p. 128 commytted un-to the
  • 03794 p. 71 the church-yard with /// p. 80 Pardon churchyard on
  • 03795 p. 71 caryed unto Tyborne, /// p. 129 procession un-to Powlles
  • 03796 p. 71 belongynge unto the /// p. 131 departyd un-to Westmyster.
  • 03797 p. 71 them unto other /// p. 131 so un-to the
  • 03798 p. 72 submyttyd hymselfe and /// p. 116 servis hym-selfe, and
  • 03799 p. 72 commandement unto the /// p. 131 came un-to Powlles,
  • 03800 p. 73 at afternone. And /// p. 84 at after-none, and
  • 03801 p. 73 see unto Luter. /// p. 133 departyd un-to the
  • 03802 p. 73 daye unto vj. /// p. 133 cardnalle un-to the
  • 03803 p. 74 went unto the /// p. 134 send un-to Glociter,
  • 03804 p. 74 monday unto thursday, /// p. 134 more un-to other
  • 03805 p. 75 61.</ref> unto dyvers /// p. 135 [sacrament] un-to the
  • 03806 p. 76 it unto the /// p. 135 browte un-to Pow[lles,
  • 03807 p. 82 for counter-feiting the /// p. 82 for counterfeiting the
  • 03808 p. 92 was sometyme the /// p. 115 that some-tyme w[as]
  • 03809 p. 96 at afternone the /// p. 104 at after-none unto
  • 03810 p. 97 burnyd hymselfe, and /// p. 124 watter hym-selfe, and
  • 03811 p. 98 declaryd afterwarde. Item /// p. 118 mayer after-warde, &c.
  • 03812 p. 104 at after-none was /// p. 111 at afternone on
  • 03813 p. 108 at after-none tylle /// p. 112 at afternone, and
  • 03814 p. 112 at after-none. Item /// p. 119 same afternone from
  • 03815 p. 116 at after-none at /// p. 133 at afternone came
  • 03816 p. 143 Pauls church-yard. Stowe, /// p. 147 Pauls churchyard, man

Church and State under the Tudors.djvu

  • 03817 p. 43 the anti-papal legislation /// p. 45 of antipapal enactments

Church courts and church rates.djvu

  • 03818 p. 9 as churchwardens. The /// p. 18 the church-wardens shall

Cicero - de senectute (on old age) - Peabody 1884.djvu

  • 03819 p. 14 his life-way; decrease /// p. 99 my lifeway, nor

Cihm 06316.djvu

  • 03820 p. 13 her grand-son, her /// p. 20 her grandson. In


  • 03821 p. 20 her lifetime) show, /// p. 26 tho life-time of

Cihm 33811.djvu

  • 03822 p. 8 their life-time: otherwise, /// p. 15 whole lifetime it

Civil Aeronautics Board accident investigation report, National Airlines Flight 2511.pdf

  • 03823 p. 3 fuselage sidewall structure /// p. 3 right side-wall of
  • 03824 p. 5 affecting airworthiness were /// p. 5 for air-worthiness items

Civil Air Regulations - Part 40 (1942).pdf

  • 03825 p. 5 480 horsepower or /// p. 6 480 horse-power or

Civil War The 42nd Infantry Division of Bedford County Virginia.djvu

  • 03826 p. 8 a see-saw fight, /// p. 19 a seesaw battle

Clarence Mulford - Man from Bar-20.djvu

  • 03827 p. 19 an cowpunchers aint /// p. 174 husky cow-punchers, among
  • 03828 p. 20 a gunman, a /// p. 93 a gun-man, because
  • 03829 p. 21 an allfired pe-nurious /// p. 159 so all-fired set
  • 03830 p. 25 the door and /// p. 73 cottage do-o-r, <br>
  • 03831 p. 39 precarious footholds in /// p. 202 slight foot-holds and
  • 03832 p. 46 a gun-play theyll /// p. 65 of gunplay, and
  • 03833 p. 83 ends tonight; but /// p. 144 gone to-night; but,"
  • 03834 p. 87 easy-going, docile victim /// p. 144 plumb do-cile. Slong."
  • 03835 p. 119 hes hogtied, which /// p. 154 was hog-tied, branded,
  • 03836 p. 142 boys tonight, instead /// p. 288 there to-night, hobbled.
  • 03837 p. 147 my strychnine, but /// p. 152 there strych-nine that
  • 03838 p. 168 No tinhorn never /// p. 174 A tin-horn aint
  • 03839 p. 283 no female, are /// p. 300 no fe-male. It

Climatic Cycles and Tree-Growth - 1919.djvu

  • 03840 p. 7 the sunspot period /// p. 46 a sun-spot rhythm
  • 03841 p. 7 of sunspot period /// p. 130 triple sun-spot periods.
  • 03842 p. 8 the sunspot numbers, /// p. 131 double sun-spot rhythm
  • 03843 p. 19 with thunderstorms in /// p. 58 occasional thunder-storms whose
  • 03844 p. 22 and pinpricks placed /// p. 73 2 pin-pricks and
  • 03845 p. 57 the mill-site of /// p. 67 Comstock millsite, known
  • 03846 p. 78 a zigzag fold, /// p. 132 a zig-zag or
  • 03847 p. 103 in sub-tropical latitudes /// p. 126 characteristic subtropical torrential

Clotel (1853).djvu

  • 03848 p. 12 a steam-boat bound /// p. 18 the steamboat "Trenton."
  • 03849 p. 17 the slave-owner drives /// p. 59 the slaveowner speaks

C N and A M Williamson - The Lightning Conductor.djvu

  • 03850 p. 19 the sidewalk, and /// p. 170 narrow side-walk, and
  • 03851 p. 20 an anti-climax; but /// p. 232 an anticlimax in
  • 03852 p. 56 disfiguring sand-banks, as /// p. 171 among sandbanks to
  • 03853 p. 95 way down-stairs, and /// p. 121 went downstairs. The
  • 03854 p. 113 come down-stairs as /// p. 254 coming downstairs. I
  • 03855 p. 159 an over-worked heart; /// p. 186 He overworked himself
  • 03856 p. 177 help over-hearing what /// p. 219 help overhearing their
  • 03857 p. 263 these fairylike places /// p. 278 a fairy-like garden
  • 03858 p. 320 a sunstroke; besides, /// p. 321 a sun-stroke; still,

Coalman's courtship to a creelwife's daughter (1).pdf

  • 03859 p. 12 her{{illegible|r}} back-side first, /// p. 13 chapmans backside, and

Coalman's courtship to the creel-wife's daughter (1).pdf

  • 03860 p. 1 his sweet-heart, and /// p. 1 his sweetheart. How

Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology (1916).djvu

  • 03861 p. 24 a teno-synovitis. She /// p. 31 and tenosynovitis, which
  • 03862 p. 26 the above-mentioned twilight /// p. 198 the abovementioned interpolation,
  • 03863 p. 99 epileptic twilight-state, formerly /// p. 99 the twilightstate to

Collected Physical Papers.djvu

  • 03864 p. 7 The reaction of /// p. 149 the re-action is
  • 03865 p. 12 under sub-minimal stimulation—Opposite /// p. 13 under subminimal stimulation—Reversal
  • 03866 p. 13 of electromotive variation /// p. 272 of electro-motive variation,
  • 03867 p. 14 of sub-minimal stimulus—Maximum /// p. 333 a subminimal stimulus,
  • 03868 p. 15 of photosynthetic organ /// p. 19 of photo-synthetic organ
  • 03869 p. 24 and tin-foil pasted /// p. 125 and tinfoil. The
  • 03870 p. 24 for electro-magnetic radiation /// p. 360 the electromagnetic shutter,
  • 03871 p. 41 the infrared region /// p. 290 the infra-red, in
  • 03872 p. 52 of electro-magnetic action /// p. 361 an electromagnetic device
  • 03873 p. 79 by sun-light. It /// p. 89 with sunlight, or
  • 03874 p. 173 two sub-divisions, owing /// p. 246 two subdivisions, of
  • 03875 p. 189 by clock-work, and /// p. 299 a clockwork moves
  • 03876 p. 189 the clock-work. M, /// p. 328 by clockwork (fig.
  • 03877 p. 189 the clock-work governor. /// p. 328 A clockwork arrangement
  • 03878 p. 202 under sub-minimal stimulus. /// p. 412 a subminimal stimulus
  • 03879 p. 267 sudden breakdown at /// p. 407 of break-down and
  • 03880 p. 348 the photo-synthetic process /// p. 355 the photosynthetic activity.
  • 03881 p. 353 an electro-magnetic writer /// p. 412 by electromagnetic receivers
  • 03882 p. 353 W, electro-magnetic writer; /// p. 423 on electromagnetic receivers,
  • 03883 p. 390 the heart-beat. The /// p. 390 the heartbeat with

Collected poems of Flecker.djvu

  • 03884 p. 19 good businesslike official, /// p. 20 generally business-like and
  • 03885 p. 40 was honeysweet Nor /// p. 67 women honey-sweet. </poem>

Collected poems of Rupert Brooke.djvu

  • 03886 p. 31 no dawn-lit islands! /// p. 164 the dawnlit waters
  • 03887 p. 98 quivering lamplight fall<br /// p. 129 the lamp-light; the

Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu

  • 03888 p. 49 the seashore. What /// p. 146 the sea-shore to
  • 03889 p. 64 almost half-way when /// p. 77 reached halfway up
  • 03890 p. 71 a night-light in /// p. 177 little nightlight. Candlewick
  • 03891 p. 124 the seashore, and /// p. 213 the sea-shore. He
  • 03892 p. 124 the dog-collar he /// p. 226 a dogcollar round

Colymbia (1873).djvu

  • 03893 p. 12 of shipbuilding he /// p. 256 of ship-building knew
  • 03894 p. 13 about shipbuilding by /// p. 256 about ship-building, and
  • 03895 p. 42 a subaqueous life, /// p. 51 our sub-aqueous abode."
  • 03896 p. 47 beautiful seaweeds of /// p. 47 and sea-weeds, or
  • 03897 p. 48 and sea-weed being /// p. 205 of seaweed becoming
  • 03898 p. 54 his forefinger to /// p. 54 their fore-finger hither
  • 03899 p. 122 any seafowl that /// p. 248 of sea-fowl which
  • 03900 p. 231 grass-like seaweed that /// p. 248 decomposed sea-weed, the
  • 03901 p. 246 to revisit the /// p. 260 could re-visit those

Comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes (1).pdf

  • 03902 p. 3 lumping penny-worth o’ /// p. 6 my pennyworth, for
  • 03903 p. 5 a pirnwheel, a /// p. 12 and pirn-wheel, was
  • 03904 p. 18 in halfpence, and /// p. 18 the half-pence flew

Comical history of Simple John and his twelve misfortunes (4).pdf

  • 03905 p. 3 lumping penny-worth o /// p. 6 my pennyworth, for

Comical history of Simple John, and his twelve misfortunes.pdf

  • 03906 p. 3 lumping penny-worth o’ /// p. 6 my pennyworth, for

Comical sayings of Paddy from Cork (1).pdf

  • 03907 p. 5 take sixpence for /// p. 18 me six-pence a-day,
  • 03908 p. 9 of butter-milk and /// p. 13 good buttermilk and

Comical sayings of Pady from Cork (2).pdf

  • 03909 p. 10 my back-side, I /// p. 19 the backside of

Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (2).pdf

  • 03910 p. 10 an alehouse with /// p. 11 an ale-house, and

Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (6).pdf

  • 03911 p. 10 an alehouse with /// p. 11 an ale-house, and

Comic History of England.djvu

  • 03912 p. 24 the bare-footed Briton /// p. 121 a barefooted pilgrimage
  • 03913 p. 26 umbrellas, topcoats, and /// p. 26 no top-coats or
  • 03914 p. 102 privileges upstairs. The /// p. 103 window up-stairs, shed
  • 03915 p. 127 a tax-payer in /// p. 190 reluctant taxpayer, yet

(Commercial character) The Joseph Fisher lecture in commerce, delivered at the University of Adelaide (IA commercialcharac00jessrich).pdf

  • 03916 p. 30 gigantic co-operative industrial /// p. 30 for cooperative buying

Common sense - addressed to the inhabitants of America.djvu

  • 03917 p. 37 has with-held the /// p. 48 therefrom, withheld our
  • 03918 p. 21 unpublished, nondramatic textual /// p. 21 a non-dramatic radio

Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu

  • 03919 p. 48 deep stew-pan, or /// p. 52 clean stewpan, saucepan,
  • 03920 p. 49 Candied sweetmeats; either /// p. 263 ||Coloured sweet-meats in
  • 03921 p. 52 stewpan, saucepan, or /// p. 58 a sauce-pan with
  • 03922 p. 52 or gallypots with /// p. 67 or gally-pots (which
  • 03923 p. 56 a penknife, and /// p. 359 a pen-knife, and
  • 03924 p. 61 or stew-pan; cover /// p. 70 a stewpan of
  • 03925 p. 102 with rose-water, take /// p. 159 of rosewater, and
  • 03926 p. 143 them lengthways very /// p. 201 cut length-ways in
  • 03927 p. 162 a six-pence, but /// p. 352 a sixpence: cork
  • 03928 p. 163 presently; scurvygrass done /// p. 282 Take scurvy-grass, brook-lime,
  • 03929 p. 173 of rosewater, half /// p. 278 ordinary rose-water still;
  • 03930 p. 237 a pack-thread string, /// p. 367 with packthread close
  • 03931 p. 251 your gillyflowers, sprinkle /// p. 398 cloves, gilly-flowers, or
  • 03932 p. 252 of brimstone, mix /// p. 335 a brim-stone match,
  • 03933 p. 282 scurvy-grass, brook-lime, water-cresses, /// p. 294 yarrow, brooklime, water
  • 03934 p. 283 eyebright, brook-lime, and /// p. 295 of brooklime and
  • 03935 p. 284 fennel, horse-radish, and /// p. 295 fresh horseradish root
  • 03936 p. 341 refined salt-petre, half /// p. 372 of saltpetre, two

Complete history of the late Mexican war.djvu

  • 03937 p. 20 His headquarters were /// p. 94 the head-quarters of
  • 03938 p. 130 the customhouses to /// p. 130 maritime custom-houses, and

Compromises (Repplier).djvu

  • 03939 p. 100 A life-long intimacy /// p. 154 the lifelong habit
  • 03940 p. 113 the countryside, of /// p. 134 the country-side, and

Comus and other poems - Milton (1906).djvu

  • 03941 p. 12 legitimate offspring, so /// p. 18 fair off-spring nurst
  • 03942 p. 21 Of mid-night Torches /// p. 51 blackest midnight born,


  • 03943 p. 8 eastern nighthawk seems /// p. 9 a night-hawk that
  • 03944 p. 12 the blackpoll warblers /// p. 14 The black-poll warbler

Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 10.djvu

  • 03945 p. 86 a gun-boat or /// p. 86 a gunboat victoriously
  • 03946 p. 86 their flatboat ferries, /// p. 86 a flat-boat bridge,

Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 1.djvu

  • 03947 p. 506 from headquarters at /// p. 698 established head-quarters at

Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 2.djvu

  • 03948 p. 25 Union, northwest of /// p. 34 miles north-west of
  • 03949 p. 27 Central railroad from /// p. 340 the rail-road bridge.

Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3.djvu

  • 03950 p. 17 situated midway between /// p. 160 fell mid-way, pierced
  • 03951 p. 17 the southeast, she /// p. 445 leading south-east toward
  • 03952 p. 18 her northwestern border, /// p. 126 The north-western crest
  • 03953 p. 19 great limestone valley /// p. 251 most lime-stone regions,
  • 03954 p. 20 the southwestern portions, /// p. 244 the south-western end
  • 03955 p. 20 the northwestern, the /// p. 138 from north-western Virginia
  • 03956 p. 20 Trans-Appalachian coal-field to /// p. 145 Chesterfield coalfield, which
  • 03957 p. 21 the midland; limestones /// p. 228 of mid-land Virginia,
  • 03958 p. 25 the household and /// p. 25 the house-hold and
  • 03959 p. 25 its northeastern portion, /// p. 109 the north-eastern side
  • 03960 p. 29 famous battlefield of /// p. 321 Longstreets battle-field to
  • 03961 p. 31 and slaveholding was /// p. 53 or slave-holding States,
  • 03962 p. 33 ultra slave-holders of /// p. 35 384,884 slaveholders in
  • 03963 p. 58 at day-break of /// p. 59 after daybreak of
  • 03964 p. 58 on horse-back 34 /// p. 196 on horseback and
  • 03965 p. 60 the northeastern extension /// p. 199 vicinity, north-eastern Virginia
  • 03966 p. 62 his sharpshooters firing /// p. 322 of sharp-shooters covered
  • 03967 p. 63 command out-flanked on /// p. 136 enemy outflanked Richardson
  • 03968 p. 64 and counter-marched, finally /// p. 324 had countermarched, but
  • 03969 p. 65 then north-eastward and /// p. 229 extended northeastward along
  • 03970 p. 72 natural highways, until /// p. 199 of high-ways led
  • 03971 p. 82 and drill-master of /// p. 1223 a drillmaster, and
  • 03972 p. 124 which over-looked that /// p. 240 and overlooked the
  • 03973 p. 127 a counterstroke from /// p. 549 a counter-stroke, on
  • 03974 p. 128 hot midsummer day, /// p. 336 the mid-summer day
  • 03975 p. 130 the battlefield, but /// p. 336 his battle-field with
  • 03976 p. 153 a by-road to /// p. 541 a byroad, to
  • 03977 p. 170 have to-day brought /// p. 463 is today engaged
  • 03978 p. 173 for reorganization; Col. /// p. 1252 the re-organization of
  • 03979 p. 183 or block-house on /// p. 834 a blockhouse which
  • 03980 p. 202 Fairfax cross-roads, on /// p. 330 City crossroads, ordering
  • 03981 p. 219 his under-taking, Jackson /// p. 220 the undertaking, but
  • 03982 p. 237 occupy blockhouses at /// p. 522 well-constructed block-houses, one
  • 03983 p. 247 Jackson counter-marched to /// p. 439 and countermarched one
  • 03984 p. 253 his camp-fires and /// p. 1307 enemys campfires, and
  • 03985 p. 257 a by-road up /// p. 546 the byroad leading
  • 03986 p. 258 the block-house guarding /// p. 836 Federal blockhouse at
  • 03987 p. 258 after nightfall, attaching /// p. 294 until night-fall, keeping
  • 03988 p. 268 duty to-day, and /// p. 591 of today. In
  • 03989 p. 268 camp to-day, suspending /// p. 978 Co., today the
  • 03990 p. 355 his battleflags and /// p. 634 two battle-flags captured
  • 03991 p. 388 weeks to-day since /// p. 1195 South today. Resigning
  • 03992 p. 453 his on-rushing columns /// p. 547 the onrushing tide
  • 03993 p. 522 the block-houses and /// p. 523 the blockhouses at
  • 03994 p. 698 and granddaughter of /// p. 837 a grand-daughter of
  • 03995 p. 702 a vestry-man of /// p. 975 a vestryman of
  • 03996 p. 752 a brick-mason, in /// p. 889 a brickmason and
  • 03997 p. 788 in ante-bellum days. /// p. 1070 the antebellum days,
  • 03998 p. 789 fathers dry-goods establishment. /// p. 967 a drygoods salesman.
  • 03999 p. 795 an artillery-man, is /// p. 956 an artilleryman of
  • 04000 p. 1021 a seafaring career. /// p. 1286 the sea-faring people